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Table of Contents
Foreword 1-2

Financial services 3-10

Banking & Finance

Retail & Customer Support 11-15

Customer Service

Supply Chain & Engineering 16-25

Supply Chain & Logistics

Information Technology 26-29

Corporate Support 30-34

Human Resources

Sales & Marketing 35-43


Education 44-46

Future of Work 47-48

The Covid 19 pandemic continues to impact organizations in Hong candidates, especially in technology, e-commerce and the digital
Kong bringing many challenges including fluctuating unemployment marketing space. It is vital that employers develop better attraction
rates and immigration issues. Both issues are impacting the strategies overall but especially when securing senior-level
employment outlook in 2021/2022. The catering sector, travel and employees. This includes clearer career development, more
hospitality sectors together with the retail sector have been hit the competitive remuneration and benefits packages.
hardest with the ongoing pandemic.
Looking towards 2022 as Hong Kong's overall economy shows signs
Embracing the new normal after the pandemic of steady recovery, it is expected that there will also be more job
One change that came with the pandemic is remote working. Most openings in the digital service industries. Digital marketing, data
organizations have implemented work-from-home policies. While analytics, UX/UI, software development in tech sectors are
some have resumed standard working arrangements, many expanding. Opportunities in business development, wealth planning
organizations are now adopting flexible working arrangements management and customer service sectors are also experiencing a
permanently. candidate shortage.

Hybrid working patterns, on-job training, career development and We at Adecco emphasize the future of work. With the pandemic
wellbeing benefits offered by organizations are now key factors being situation improving the economy is recovering again. Our team at
considered by job seekers. Some companies are also introducing an Adecco supports employers and job seekers in taking up new
agile working model into their operations and company culture with a challenges and embracing the future.
strong focus on the wellbeing of employees.
We look forward to a better, more prosperous 2022.
Fast-growing industries blooming in 2022
With a new wave of immigration emerging talents with experience in
management and leadership roles are moving to other countries. As a
result, the job market has a strong demand for senior-level

隨著疫情對本港機構的影響持續,社會需要面對不同挑戰,包括失 見,企業需要為僱員制定更清晰的晉升階梯、更具競爭力的薪酬和
業率上升和新一波移民潮興起等問題;預期上述因素帶來的影響將 福利待遇,以提升企業對相關人才的吸引力。
和酒店業、以及零售業繼續被不明朗的氣氛籠罩,經營環境將最為 展望2022年,香港整體經濟有望逐步復甦,屆時將促使數碼服務
受壓。 行業出現更多職位空缺,尤其對電子營銷、數據分析、UX/UI、軟
迎接疫情後的新常態 務發展、財富規劃及管理,以及客戶服務相關行業,亦有機會面
疫情不僅影響市況,亦帶來一種嶄新工作方式的興起—遠程工作。 對人才短缺的問題。
著疫情逐漸緩和,儘管部份公司已陸續回復正常的工作安排,但仍 Adecco 一直致力探索工作的更多新可能。展望未來,社會將逐漸
有為數不少的企業趁勢轉型,為員工落實更彈性的工作安排。 走出疫情、實現復甦;而我們團隊亦將繼續與不同企業、不同行
會考慮薪酬、職級等基本因素,亦愈來愈重視企業是否具備混合工 祝願各位有最美好的2022年。


Financial Services

As the pandemic gradually subsides, the accounting seekers’ work experience and expect the job
industry has begun its recovery. However, seekers to be passionate about work and show
competition remains fierce in the job market. agility in completing tasks. Additionally, employers
Despite having favorable education backgrounds, expect job seekers to be prepared to tackle a
many graduates in the industry would still need to variety of tasks. On the other hand, due to the
take up entry-level positions with a relatively lower surge in emigration and relocation headquarters,
salary to gain work experience for future some firms would require new hires to work
professional qualifications. overseas or go on frequent business trips. These
requirements have become more undesirable to
Capital Flow Impacted by Pandemic; most job seekers who are more attracted to local
Resignations Become Major Challenge positions, except for those who are planning to
Throughout the pandemic, employers often find emigrate. Hence, there is fierce competition among
themselves coping with the challenges of job seekers.
maintaining their core businesses. Approximately
70% of clients reported that the pandemic Improved Salary and Benefits Provided by
impacted their firms’ capital flow, bringing more Employers
challenges for them when supporting their In 2021, some employers focus more on reviewing
businesses. Some firms have relocated their the improvements for employees’ benefits, such as
headquarters from Hong Kong and explored an increase in the number of annual leaves. In terms
alternative locations for their headquarters, leaving of salary, job switching candidates could see a 3 to
only 1-2 staff members in the Hong Kong-based 4 thousand-dollar increase in their salary, with only
support team for the work of each department. a few being offered a pay raise of more than
Moreover, as there is an uptick of emigration, $5000. Despite the favorable salary and benefits
vacancies at the senior level will become available in this year, job seekers are advised to remain cautious
some firms. when deciding whether to switch jobs, as the
industry still faces an uncertain outlook, as well as
Fierce Competition in Job Seeking, with Demand the stability that comes with the job.
Rising amid Mass Emigrations
In terms of the recruitment market, as the pandemic Trend of Digitalization: Skills Wanted in the Job
is in retreat, the job market sees a brighter outlook Market during the Pandemic
with fierce competition. Compared to the Looking into the future, repetitive work and tedious
recruitment market before the pandemic, work such as data entry will gradually be digitalized
employers were more cautious about hiring, and be processed with ease. As a result, the
resulting in a relatively longer recruitment process demand for entry-level workers will slowly
in 2021. As a result, job seekers are encouraged to decrease. In the past year, a considerable number
show their excellence in all aspects in order to fit the of larger firms have extensively digitalized their
employers’ expectations. Apart from that, business management, with routine tasks shifted to
employers now pay extra attention to the job the Southeast Asian labor market, which has a

lower cost of labor. Locally, these firms would 處事靈活變通。當然,求職者還要有心理準備應
concentrate their resources on recruitment for 付多樣化的工作,才達到僱主的目標。此外,移
senior positions. Therefore, job seekers are advised 民潮出現及總部遷移,部分工作仍需要求職者到
to not only obtain professional financial services or 海外工作或頻繁的商務旅行,除了一些有意移民
accounting licenses but also further their studies in 的求職者會考慮外,大部分求職者都比從前更為
digital technologies, as these skills would help them 卻步,更傾向尋找本地職位,故此求職競爭比以
fit into larger accounting firms. 往激烈。

It is expected that in the next year, financial analyst 僱主願提供更好工作福利及薪酬待遇

positions will be in shortage. Meanwhile, positions 本年度部分僱主亦著手優化員工工作福利,例如
for financial auditing roles remain in demand, with 將年假數目提升。至於薪酬方面,轉工的求職者
some employers hoping job seekers could have 仍可有大約三千元到四千元的薪金增長,只有少
human resources management skills as well, in 數有機會多於五千元。雖然本年度薪酬待遇理
order to oversee all aspects of the work required. 想,不過建議求職員在市場發展不明朗的形勢
但就業市場中競爭仍然激烈,不少初入行的會計 電子化已成趨勢 疫市轉工求職技能
人員,縱使有著優厚學歷,仍須以較低的薪金接 展望行業,基本業務工作如數據輸入等將逐步電
任初級職位,以獲取考取專業資格的入場券。 子化,往後更輕鬆處理,而未來對初級員工的需
疫情影響資金流動 離職為一大挑戰 已加強電子化管理業務,並將日常執行工作轉移
受疫情影響僱主面對最大的挑戰源自於他們的核 至生產成本相對低的東南亞市場,從而將資金集
心業務。近七成客戶表示疫情突襲,影響公司營 中運用於招聘本地高級職位。因此建議各個求職
運資金及流動性。部分公司選擇將總部遷離香 者除了投考財務專業牌照或會計師牌,亦需要修
港,而香港的支援團隊可能僅餘一至兩人頂替整 讀一些數碼性相關的課程增值自己,未來將更容
個部門工作。加上移民潮出現,部分公司的高級 易融入大規模的會計公司。
求職競爭仍激烈 移民潮亦帶來新職位需求 理不同的財務分析。同時,金融審計的工作需求
招聘方面,隨疫情漸緩和,就業市場變得樂觀但 仍然很大,甚至希望部分求職者同時擁有人力資
同時競爭亦激烈。在過去一年,僱主在招聘上比 源管理能力,能負責全面完成工作。

Financial Services
besides salary and benefits, job seekers can also
Banking & Finance consider the opportunity to gain experience
working at Mainland-based companies and
銀行及金融服務業 understand the corporate culture. As the Greater
Bay Area continues its development and more
Mainland-based companies enter the market,
launching projects with mainland-based entities
will be a significant trend among banks.
In the past year, the banking and financial services
industry has been in a gradual recovery. Due to the
Salary and Benefits Adjustments in 2021
continuous development of the Greater Bay Area,
In the past year, the salary increase remains stable
a significant number of Mainland-based companies
for new hires and existing employees. It is worth
have entered the local market, joining Hong
noting that an employee might see a 10-15%
Kong-based and foreign companies. Moreover, as
salary increase if they switch companies within the
numerous local banks and companies have
same industry, especially to a Chinese bank. On the
launched collaborations and investment plans with
other hand, the pay raise for employees staying in
mainland-based companies, recruitment in Chinese
the same company remains at 3-7%. Due to the
companies has become very active. Nonetheless, as
pandemic, employers are more conservative in
a result of the past social unrest and ongoing
setting the entry-level salary for fresh graduates
pandemic, foreign companies have been
this year, as it returns to its level in 2019.
re-evaluating Hong Kong’s status as an Asia-Pacific
Nonetheless, overall benefits have improved
financial center. Hence, recruitment plans have
compared to previous years. For instance, in the
been rather conservative. As the economy is
past year, employees enjoyed more days off, wider
expected to gradually recover in 2022, it is hopeful
medical insurance coverage, and even a sustained
that foreign companies would relaunch recruitment
policy of flexible work arrangement. All in all, the
in Hong Kong and the job market would be more
employees’ salary and benefits in the past year still
fall within the expectation.
Challenges during the Pandemic
Virtual Banks Drive Industry to New Directions
Compared to the year before, the industry has
Virtual banks are expected to continue their stable
taken a longer time to recruit new employees last
development in the future. As virtual banks operate
year. With a pessimistic outlook for the economy,
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, fewer clerical
banks have been more cautious in screening the
positions are available compared to traditional
candidates’ backgrounds. Therefore, after
banks. However, they require substantial
accepting the offer, candidates might have to wait
manpower on legal and compliance work and
up to one to two months before they are asked to
oversight to ensure compliance under the SFC. It is
report to work. As a result, some candidates would
expected there will be more vacancies for
also opt for other opportunities during the waiting
compliance services. Apart from that, as virtual
period, which led to increased uncertainty in the
banks do not have many human touch elements,
recruitment process.
they pay more attention to how providing excellent
customer services and user experience can
Job Seekers’ Considerations
integrate with their products. It is foreseeable that
In mid-2021, recruitment plans were reinitiated to
the industry will develop with an emphasis on
replenish the industry with manpower lost during
customer service in virtual banks.
mass layoffs. As a result, more job vacancies have
emerged in the market. When applyg for positions,

Popular Job Positions in 2022
With the ongoing development of virtual and 2021薪酬及福利調整
electronic banks comes the rising popularity in legal 過去一年,求職者或僱員的加酬幅度仍然保持。
and oversight positions in the industry to ensure 求職者若跳槽至其他銀行,尤其中資銀行,薪酬
compliance of transactions under the Securities and 一般會獲10-15%的增幅;至於在原公司獲升職加
Futures Commission. Moreover, e-banks operations 薪,則保持在3-7%。然而,鑑於疫情影響,今年
have also driven recruitment for business analyst 度應屆畢業生的起薪點會較為保守,起薪點回調
positions, especially in the field of information 至2019水平。雖然如此,整體福利與過去相比卻
technology, in order to understand and strategize 較好,例如過去一年僱員的假期增多,醫療保險
the company’s directions in a digitalized market. 較為全面,甚至部分公司持續實施彈性上班時
With the emphasis on customer service in the 間,故整體而言,僱員在過去一年薪酬和福利都
banking and financial services industry and the 乎合預期。
emergence of virtual banks, employers have been
keen on offering job openings for customer service 虛擬銀行帶動行內新發展動向
roles. Looking back in 2021, positions in virtual 展望未來,虛擬銀行仍然穩步發展。由於虛擬銀
banks have been popular among job seekers, as 行是二十四小時運作,較傳統銀行而言,文書類
numerous mid-level and senior-level employees 型職位相對較少。但同時需要大量法規及監管的
have switched to virtual banking companies in the 工作,以確保符合證監會的要求。此外,虛擬銀
past year. In the future, competition in terms of 行較為着重電子技術以及運用數碼市場作推廣,
recruitment will remain fierce between virtual banks 加上虛擬銀行沒有實體分店,故此較為着重顧客
and brick-and-mortar banks. 服務以及顧客使用體驗。展望未來行來會更為着
復,因應大灣區的持續發展,市場上除了港資、 2022年熱門職位
外資企業外,更加入相當多的中資企業。此外, 隨着虛擬銀行以及電子銀行業務的發展,行內有
不少的本地銀行或企業也在內部推行與內地企業 關法規及監管等職位越來越搶手,以確保交易是
合作的項目及投資計劃,變相中資企業的招聘工 符合證監會條例。此外,電子銀行業務也帶動業
作非常活躍;反之,由於在過去的社會事件及疫 務分析等職位,尤其是資訊科技方面,以了解及
情影響,外資將重新審視香港作為亞太區金融樞 規劃公司在數碼化市場下的發展方向。銀行及金
紐的位置,因此招聘計劃相對保守。然而,展望 融業十分着重顧客服務體驗,加上虛擬銀行的出
2021年經濟逐步恢復,有望外資公司下半年仍會 現,2021年顧客服務等職位也深受僱主歡迎。回
重新開展招聘。 望2021年,虛擬銀行的職位相當熱門,過去一年
疫情下的挑戰 望未來虛擬銀行及傳統銀行在招聘上仍然會存在
過去一年,行內的招聘時間普遍延長,主要因為 競爭。


金融服務 Financial Services
會計 Accounting

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

會計經理 財務與會計學位 8+ 40,000 50,000

Accounting Manager Degree in Finance
and Accounting

資深會計師 學士學位 5+ 35,000 40,000

Chief Accountant Bachelor degree

資深會計師 會計學學位 5+ 30,000 35,000

Senior Accountant Degree in Accounting

成本會計師 會計學學位 3-5 25,000 35,000

Cost Accountant Degree in Accounting

會計人員 會計學學位 3-5 25,000 35,000

Accountant Degree in Accounting

會計助理 會計學學位 2-4 19,000 25,000

Assistant Accountant Degree in Accounting

資深帳務員 會計學學位 1-2 17,000 20,000

Senior Account Clerk Degree in Accounting

帳務員/ 帳務助理 會計學學位 <1 14,000 16,000

Account Clerk/Assistant Degree in Accounting

審計 Audit

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

審計長 CIA證照、主修會計 10+ 80,000 120,000

Head of Audit 與財務
CIA license, major in
Accounting and

內部審計經理 CIA證照、主修會計 8+ 45,000 65,000

Internal Audit Manager 與財務
CIA license, major in
Accounting and

內部審計師 CIA證照、主修會計 5-7 28,000 40,000

Internal Auditor 與財務
CIA license, major in
Accounting and

審計副理 CIA證照、主修會計 5+ 30,000 45,000

Assistant Audit Manager 與財務
CIA license, major in
Accounting and

審計主管 CIA證照、主修會計 4-5 28,000 35,000

Audit Supervisor 與財務
CIA license, major in
Accounting and

資深審計師 CIA證照、主修會計 3-5 22,000 30,000

Senior Auditor 與財務
CIA license, major in
Accounting and

初級審計員 主修會計與財務 1-2 14,000 20,000

Audit Junior Major in Accounting
and Finance

查帳員 主修會計與財務 <1 13,000 16,000

Audit Clerk Major in Accounting
and Finance
金融服務 Financial Services
財務 Finance

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

財務長 財務或會計企業管理 5-20 60,000 80,000

Financial Controller 碩士
MBA Degree in
Finance and

財務暨行政經理 財務與會計學位 5-10 40,000 50,000

Finance & Admin Manager Degree in Finance
and Accounting

財務經理 財務或會計企業管理 5-10 40,000 50,000

Finance Manager 碩士
MBA Degree in
Finance and

財務分析師 財務與會計學位 3-6 35,000 40,000

Financial Analyst Degree in Finance
and Accounting

財務助理 財務與會計學位 2-3 19,000 23,000

Finance Assistant Degree in Finance
and Accounting

財務暨行政辦事員 財務與會計學位 1-5 17,000 19,000

Finance & Admin Clerk Degree in Finance
and Accounting

財務管理培訓生 財務與會計學位 <1 15,000 18,000

Financial Management Trainee Degree in Finance
and Accounting

稅務 Tax

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

稅務長 財務與會計學位 8+ 80,000 120,000

Head of Tax Degree in Finance
and Accounting

稅務經理 財務與會計學位 5+ 45,000 65,000

Tax Manager Degree in Finance
and Accounting

資深稅務會計 財務與會計學位 3-5 28,000 35,000

Senior Tax Accountant Degree in Finance
and Accounting

稅務會計 財務與會計學位 2-4 20,000 28,000

Tax Accountant Degree in Finance
and Accounting

稅務助理 財務與會計學位 1-2 15,000 20,000

Tax Assistant Degree in Finance
and Accounting
證券 Securities

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

結算部經理 學士學位 8+ 45,000 60,000

Settlement Manager Bachelor degree

結算部專員 學士學位 3-5 25,000 35,000

Settlement Officer Bachelor degree

交易支援助理 學士學位 1+ 24,000 35,000

Dealing/Trade Support Assistant Bachelor degree

結算部辦事員 學士學位 1-2 15,000 20,000

Settlement Clerk Bachelor degree
金融服務 Financial Services
財務 Treasury

條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

財務長 財務與會計學位 5+ 75,000 100,000

Head of Treasury Degree in Finance
and Accounting

財務經理 財務與會計學位 5+ 40,000 65,000

Treasury Manager Degree in Finance
and Accounting

資深財務專員 財務與會計學位 3-5 35,000 45,000

Senior Treasury Degree in Finance
and Accounting

財務會計 財務與會計學位 2-4 28,000 35,000

Treasury Accountant Degree in Finance
and Accounting

財務專員 財務與會計學位 2-4 18,000 25,000

Treasury Officer Degree in Finance
and Accounting

財務辦事員 財務與會計學位 <1 15,000 18,000

Treasury Clerk Degree in Finance
and Accounting

消費金融 Consumer Banking

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

分行經理 商業學士 10+ 48,000 70,000

Branch Manager Bachelor degree in

營運經理 學士學位 6+ 40,000 80,000

Operations Manager Bachelor degree

營運副理 學士學位 4+ 30,000 40,000

Assistant Operations Manager Bachelor degree

客戶關係經理 學士學位 3+ 25,000 55,000

Customer Relationship Manager Bachelor degree

營運主管 學士學位 3+ 16,000 25,000

Operation Supervisor Bachelor degree

櫃面服務員 商業學士 1-3 16,000 20,000

Bank Teller Bachelor degree in

中檯專員 學士學位 1-3 16,000 25,000

Middle Office Officer Bachelor degree

客服專員 學士學位 1-2 15,000 18,000

Customer Service Representative Bachelor degree

金融辦事員 學士學位 1-3 14,000 17,000

Banking Clerk Bachelor degree

金融服務 Financial Services
企業金融 Corporate Banking

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

資深客戶關係經理 學士學位 7+ 70,000 100,000

Sr. Relationship Manager Bachelor degree

客戶關係經理 學士學位 3+ 35,000 78,000

Relationship Manager Bachelor degree

金融同業業務經理 學士學位 5+ 40,000 60,000

FI Sales Bachelor degree

交易支援主任 學士學位 4+ 38,000 55,000

Middle Office / Bachelor degree
Trade Support Officer

股票研究員 學士學位 1-3 35,000 65,000

Equity Researcher Bachelor degree

轉讓登記代理人 學士學位 3+ 20,000 65,000

Transfer Agent Bachelor degree

托管人 學士學位 3+ 20,000 65,000

Custody Bachelor degree

監察&信用分析 Compliance & Credit Analysis

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

信用風險經理 財務/ 會計學士 7-10 90,000 120,000

Credit Risk Manager Bachelor degree in
Finance / accounting

法規事務經理 金融/法律學位 5+ 50,000 90,000

Compliance Manager Degree in Finance or

信用審核/核准經理 財務/ 會計學士 10+ 45,000 60,000

Credit Approval Manager Bachelor degree in
Finance / accounting

反洗黑錢專員 金融/法律學位 3+ 30,000 65,000

AML officer Degree in Finance or

法規事務專員 金融/法律學位 2-4 25,000 50,000

Compliance Officer Degree in Finance or

信用核證專員 財務/ 會計學士 8+ 25,000 40,000

Credit Approval Officer Bachelor degree in
Finance / accounting

信貸分析師/專員 財務/ 會計學士 6+ 22,000 40,000

Credit Analyst/Officer Bachelor degree in
Finance / accounting

KYC 專員 金融/法律學位 1-3 15,000 22,000

KYC Officer Degree in Finance or

資深信貸/信用辦事員 財務/ 會計學士 1-3 15,000 25,000

Senior Credit/Loans Clerk Bachelor degree in
Finance / accounting

Retail & Customer Support
only receive a basic salary, which triggered a
Retail turnover of entry-level employees seeking a career
change in insurance, real estate and e-commerce
零售 sectors. Some have decided to work part-time or
become a slasher, in exchange for more flexible
working hours and lower stress.

At the beginning of the pandemic, there was an

The retail sector in Hong Kong has taken a big hit
outflow of frontline sales representatives.
from the pandemic. Despite the slow recovery, the
Employers struggle to hire as the situation becomes
sales are still far from what it was before the
more stable. A sizable amount of job vacancies
pandemic. Tourists from Mainland China and
arises in the market since employers and job
overseas are significantly fewer than before. The
seekers expect differently. Most employers prefer
primary customer base has, therefore, shifted to
candidates with more experience, making it even
local customers. The purchasing power of tourists is
more difficult for newly graduates to land a job. On
higher, in which significant sales growth can only
the other hand, job seekers expect flexible working
be reflected after border reopening. In addition,
arrangements with a decent benefits package.
people might find luxury brands and luxury malls
Both employers and job seekers will need to strike a
less appealing, which results in a sales downturn for
balance in order to cope with the situation.
luxury brands. On the contrary, some mid-range
brands with affordable prices emerged during this
Raising standards for job requirements
On account of the pandemic, retail stores raise their
expectations for candidates when they are hiring, in
Social media and e-commerce as a trend
hope of finding the right candidates who could
With retail sales plummeting, more retail stores
meet their requirements, especially if they could
have set up their e-commerce platforms. From
bring new customer bases for their business. With
focusing on branding, retail store websites have
more new blood in the industry, employers’ will
transformed into e-commerce and online stores in
raise their standards. If the sales representatives
order to boost their sales revenue. Customers can
could proactively look for a new customer base, it
make purchases online without stepping foot
would be one of the key factors that employers
outside. Moreover, through utilising various social
look for.
media platforms, frontline sales representatives are
able to engage with their customers and deliver the
Employers in large enterprises expect their
latest promotional information, to retain certain
employees to have experience in customer
sales performance. As a result, the retail sector has
relationship management. Therefore, they would
opened up a new group of customers. Compared
also consider whether the candidates have working
to physical stores with a traditional customer base,
experience in social media management and
e-commerce helps the brand gain exposure to a
e-commerce experience in other regions, as well as
younger generation.
excellent communication skills. Interviewees pointed
out that if candidates could showcase their
Slighter salary increment than before
achievements in boosting sales growth in their past
The overall sales turnover is significantly impacted
working experience, it would leave a better
by the pandemic. Since part of the salary is
impression and have a higher chance of success in
composed of sales commission, the downturn in
the hiring process.
business and salary freeze have resulted in cutting
down salaries of sales representatives. Some could

Frontline staff in demand in the next quarter 另一邊廂,求職者又希望於低壓力且獲得合理價
With the last quarter being the peak season every 錢並可彈性工作。若要解決人手短缺問題,必須
year, it is hoped to bring in sales growth for the 雙方互相協調。
retail sector this year. Coping with understaffing in
the retail industry, frontline sales representatives 聘請要求提高
will demand, especially the senior level. Employers 本年度受疫情影響,各零售商店在聘請員工時,
would still prefer hiring full-time employees to cope 都對銷售求職者的表現要求有所提高。相比以往
with the peak season. However, after getting 只要應徵者表現理想,符合公司基本要求,都能
through the pandemic, some employees consider 成功取錄。如今公司的財政預算相當嚴謹,僱主
the commission-based salary scheme is not 期盼在求職者中選出表現較突出的銷售員,盼望
substantial for living, and would consider switching 銷售員能為公司帶來新客源,以協助公司提高營
their career path or working on a part-time basis. In 業額。若銷售員能主動尋求客源,將會是僱主在
order to retain and secure talents, employers could 未來招聘中著重的主要因素。
consider raising the basic salary.
本港零售業受疫情的持續影響,生意額雖見好轉 方面有相關的經驗。僱主會考慮求職者有否在網
但仍未能達到疫情前水平。來自世界各地及內地 絡管理、第三方平台經營及其他地區的營銷平台
的遊客人數數目較往年少,主要客源轉移於本地 具有相關經驗。受訪者指出,假設求職者在過往
客,而本地客的消費水平未必及遊客高,估計要 的工作經驗中,能有效提升銷售率,僱主會對其
於通關後才會有明顯的銷售增長。加上疫情期間 更有信心,自然而言,這類經驗者的求職成功機
不少大型商場人流大不如前,奢侈品營業額仍然 會率會較高。
社交媒體及網上購物成趨勢 溝通語言。故此,求職者的語言能力亦為重要。
面對零售營業額大幅下降的嚴峻情況,不少零售 隨着人流下降,商店不可再依賴門市的營業額。
商店開設網絡平台。過往零售網頁主要以推廣品 因此,公司將增添後勤人員以協助網頁平台的操
牌為主,現則成為行業銷售的主要渠道。不少商 作及管理,若擁有亞太區的購物平台操作經驗,
店為增加銷售額,於公司網頁增設購物平台,讓 並精通當地語言,這將是後勤人員的一個大優
顧客不用出門,都可以透過網上進行購物。此 勢。
接觸,讓顧客緊貼最新商品訊息,維持客源。零 展望下一季度 前線員工最搶手
售行業可謂開拓了新的客源,實體店舖主要服務 據業界人士指出,每年度第四季都是消費旺季,
較傳統的客源,而網上渠道則有助品牌年青化, 寄望本年度同樣會為低迷的零售市場帶來銷售
兩者相輔相成。 增長,因此在面對人手短缺情況下,以前線銷售
加薪幅度比以往低 位。僱主仍比較傾向僱用全職員工以應對消費旺
受疫情影響,整體零售商店營業額仍受打擊。由 季。但由於部分僱員經歷疫情後,認為行業依賴
於營業員部份薪酬來自佣金,生意不景氣及凍薪 佣金的支薪方式不夠穩定,而紛紛轉行或轉至兼
政策直接導致總薪酬下降,部分行業人士只能領 職,因此僱主若考慮將底薪提高,將有效留住人
取底薪,同時亦引發初級員工的離職潮,紛紛轉 才。


Retail & Customer Support
In terms of salary, as the demand for telephone
Customer Support customer service had seen a reduction, some of
these roles have been shifted to Southeast Asian
顧客服務 countries. Although the employment numbers in
such roles in Hong Kong have decreased with less
competition, employers are not inclined to increase
the headcount. Therefore, employers are not
actively considering a pay raise for these roles.
In the past year, the customer services sector took a
In contrast, due to the slow movement on the
major blow from the pandemic, which substantially
promotion pathway within the industry, the
impacted customer service talents from all sectors,
number of vacancies in some roles at customer
some of whom were furloughed or even laid off. For
service kiosks in shopping malls has increased,
instance, the demand for aviation services plum-
resulting in a high turnover rate. As promotions
meted after countries around the world put strict
among these roles are highly dependent on work
border entry restrictions in place. As a result, flights
experience, when faced with an uncertain outlook
were drastically cut and customer service talents in
of the industry, most workers would switch to
the local aviation industry faced a sharp decrease in
clerical, retail, secretarial or receptionist roles
workload, with some being laid off. On the other
instead. Only a small fraction of these employees
hand, demand for customer service roles on online
would remain in the same position for more than
platforms, such as take-out delivery and online
2-3 years.
shopping, had considerably increased. With recent
local consumption mostly shifted onto electronic
Skill Requirements for Employees
platforms, corporations are keen on recruiting
Facing the shifting circumstances and challenges, it
customer service talents to fulfill tasks such as
is essential for employees to upskill and equip
answering enquiries.
themselves to become more competitive in the job
market. For instance, on top of offering solutions to
Possible Future Retreat in Online Shopping
customers, telephone customer service talents
When the pandemic subsides and the economy
might also be asked to help with cross-selling, in
recovers in the future, citizens will have a higher
order to boost the company’s business. KPI mecha-
incentive to purchase goods and services offline. As
nisms are introduced to customer service experts in
the demand for online customer service shifts back
larger corporations. In doing so, their work perfor-
to brick-and-mortar stores, it is expected that the
mance such as call efficiency, sales services and
demand for frontline customer service staff will
promotional services are monitored by the service
increase. However, some job seekers in customer
platform. Employers not only expect the fulfillment
service would still wish to shift from frontline
of the KPI requirements, but also a proactive work
positions to online positions, as customer service
work at the frontlines and on online platforms are
vastly different. On the other hand, employees who
Emerging Vacancies in the Future
provided online customer services in the past might
In 2022, the number of vacancies in customer
encounter difficulties when transiting to traditional
service for shopping malls will remain high. Fresh
customer service roles, as the expertise of the two
graduates wishing to join the industry would have a
are distinct. Since the skill sets of traditional and
high chance of being employed. In the meantime, as
online customer service differ, it would be difficult for
the market gradually overcomes the impact
online customer service talents to transition to
brought by the pandemic, the aviation industry will
traditional customer service role.
revive with a vast number of vacancies available in
Salary Remains Stable with Increase in Vacancies

mid- or late-2021. In addition, it is expected that 之下,僱主亦無意欲添加人手,故此僱主亦不會
numerous vacancies will become available on some 主動考慮增加薪酬。
online platforms, as aviation workers-turned
customer service talents return to their original roles 反而一些在禮賓部或商場的顧客服務部職位空缺
in the aviation or tourism industries. 上升,主要因行業的晉升速度較慢導致人才流
New Trend of Brand Image Improvement with 定,加上行業發展前景不明朗,不少人會轉行改
Artificial Intelligence Customer Service 做文書處理、零售行業、秘書、接待員等,只有
In recent years, businesses in Hong Kong have 少部份人能於同一職位做超過兩至三年。
started pulling more resources into retaining local
and foreign customers, with some luxurious brands 僱員的技能需求
attempting to build a reputable brand image. As a 在外在環境改變及挑戰之下,員工需要學習新技
result, the industry will seek professionals with 能或提高現有技能以增加自身競爭力。以電話客
reception experience, in order to offer an excellent 戶服務員工作為例,服務員透過電話解決顧客需
customer experience. In the meantime, employers 要外,僱主期盼員工亦能同時透過電話進行銷售
are willing to invest more resources into the recent- 服務,以幫助業務擴展。而外賣平台等客服,要
ly popularized artificial intelligence and chatbot 求員工有流暢的語言能力外,亦能應付到客人的
services. Employers explain that technological 投訴處理。此外,一些大型企業的客戶服務員,
development of this kind could enhance customer 更需按績效指標工作,由致電效率、銷售服務至
experience by delegating time-consuming and 推廣服務,都可透過顧客服務員的服務平台作監
repetitive tasks to artificial intelligence, allowing 督。僱主希望員工除做到績效要求外,更需抱有
employees in the industry to focus on more impor- 進取的工作態度。
tant tasks.
過去一年,客戶服務行業受到嚴重的打擊,本港 展望2022年,商場的顧客服務空缺依然會高企,
不少行業的客戶服務員深受影響,員工面臨無薪 畢業生如有意投身皆容易受聘。同時市場逐漸消
假或被裁員。以航空業為例,各國實行嚴謹的入 化疫情帶來的影響,航空業逐步復甦,預計今年
境限制,使全球的航空業需求大減,本港航空業 中後期會開放大量空缺。另外,部分網上平台預
因大規模減少航班營運,使一班客戶服務員工作 計會有出現大量職位空缺,主要因由航空業轉自
量驟減,面臨裁員。相反,市場對網上客戶服務 客戶服務的人才會回流到航空或旅遊業。
增。近期本港消費轉至電子平台上,因此企業積 優化品牌形象 人工智能客戶服務為新趨勢
極招聘顧客服務員來提供顧客查詢服務等需要。 隨着近年香港商家開始擺放更多心力穩固本地或
未來網上購物或會減退 行業期望回復平穩發展 行業亦會較需求一些有款待經驗的專才,以提供
展望未來疫情過去和經濟復甦下,市民外出購物 良好的顧客體驗。同時地,僱主亦願意投放更多
和消費活動將會有所增加,網上購物平台的顧客 資源在現在流行的人工智能和聊天機器人服務
服務需求將回歸傳統實體店面的顧客服務需求, 上,僱主亦解釋此類發展能完善顧客體驗,把比
期望將來前線的客戶服務人員的需求將會增加。 較費時和重覆性的工作轉到人工智能上處理,使
不過仍有部分求職者希望由前線客服轉型到網上 到行業專才可專心在其他更重要的工作。

客戶服務薪酬平穩 部分客戶服務職位空缺上升

零售和顧客服務 Retail & Customer Support
零售 Retail

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

品牌經理 學士或以上,具商業 10+ 40,000 70,000

Brand Manager 碩士學位者優
Bachelor or above;
prefer MBA

零售營運經理 學士或以上 10+ 35,000 70,000

Retail Operations Manager Bachelor or above

店面經理 專科或以上 8+ 30,000 55,000

Shop/Store Manager College or above

營運副理 專科或以上 4-6+ 25,000 40,000

Assistant Operations Manager College or above

櫃檯經理 高中或以上 4+ 25,000 40,000

Counter Manager High school or above

店長 高中或以上 2-4 20,000 30,000

Shop/Store Supervisor High school or above

品牌專員 專科或以上 1-2 15,000 25,000

Brand Executive College or above

門市銷售員 高中或以上 1-2 10,000 23,000

Sales Representative High school or above

美容顧問 高中或以上 1-2 10,000 18,000

Beauty Advisor High school or above

客戶服務 Customer Support

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

客服經理 大專院校 8+ 30,500 55,500

Customer Service Manager Degree

客服主任 大專院校 5+ 20,500 35,500

Customer Service Supervisor Degree

客服專員 大專院校 3-5 18,000 26,000

Customer Service Specialist Degree

客服專員 大專院校 3-5 16,000 22,000

Customer Service Executive Degree

客服助理 大專院校 1 13,000 16,000

Customer Service Assistant Degree

Supply Chain, Logistics & Engineering

Supply Chain & Logistics


At the beginning of the pandemic, the demand for level for the position to $23,000 to $25,000.
ocean freight increased after the suspension of Despite the increased demand for frontline
flights. In the meantime, since the industry has been workforce, employers are still more inclined
facing the issue of an aging workforce, the demand towards hiring under contracts, in order to reduce
for frontline hires has increased. Recently, due to operating costs.
the relief of the pandemic and the development of
e-commerce, the demand for air freight services Employers’ Hiring Decisions and Recruitment
offered by multinational courier companies has Preferences
drastically increased. Consequently, the demand for While looking for the right candidates, corporates
staffing at the warehouses has increased. value professional candidates equipped with unique
knowledge and skills in the trade, as well as those
Challenges Job Seekers Face amid Economic who can handle tasks for multiple roles. Amid the
Instability and Pandemic pandemic, employers have had more options
Employers have raised their expectations towards during recruitment due to mass layoffs, the
job seekers this year compared to the last. applicants are not limited to university graduates
Currently, employers expect job seekers to have a each year, but also job switchers. As employers
variety of skill sets. On the other hand, since the keep a conservative outlook of the industry, they
pandemic has affected numerous industries, the are less likely to invest more in recruitment, which
supply chain industry has seen a surge in job hinders the progress of recruitment.
seekers from other industries. As a result, job
seekers would have to compete with people from For various parts of the supply chain, such as
various backgrounds. Meanwhile, some mid-level purchasing, management and transportation,
workers laid off during the pandemic are having excellent communication skills are expected of
difficulty maintaining their salaries at around candidates. In the meantime, job seekers should be
$27,000 to $35,000. For these positions, equipped with basic knowledge and practical skills
employers have reduced the pay to around for the industry, in order to facilitate communication
$20,000 when hiring new support staff. between different sectors.

Salaries and Benefits Adjusted As external circumstances change, the gap

Previously, frontline warehouse workers with 3-5 between the employers’ and employees’ salary
years of work experience would earn a monthly expectations has widened. Employers now focus
salary of around $19,000 to $23,000. With the less on job seekers’ prior experience, but instead on
economy impacted by the pandemic in the past their work and language abilities. They are more
year, the salaries for those workers have been inclined to hire for entry-level positions and are
reduced to around $16,000 to $18,000. Employers willing to nurture the entry-level employees to be
also used to invest $26,000 to $28,000 per month promoted in the future, as there are similarities in
for data analysts. Despite data analytic talents the line of work between management level and
being in demand, there is a fall in average salary entry-level positions. This has also become one of

the employers’ strategies to tackle an experience 薪金待遇有所調整
but the aging workforce that lacks the flexibility to 以往具3-5年經驗的倉庫前線同事薪金約$19,000
adapt to changes. Hiring for entry-level positions 至$23,000,過去一年經濟大受影響,僱員則減
can lower the cost for human resources and bring 薪至$16,000至$18,000。此外,以往僱主傾向以
new ideas into the company. Hence, other than for $26,000至$28,000聘請數據分析職位,現時則願
data analysis and quality control positions where 意預留約$23,000到$25,000招聘人手。此外,
relevant experience is equivalent, employers are 即使前線工作需求比以往多,僱主仍然傾向以合
willing to provide training to entry-level workers. 約形式聘請人手,以減少營運成本。

New Development Directions of the Industry 僱主的人才選擇與招聘意向

Within the industry, demand for business expansion 僱主在招聘中較為看重在行內有獨特範疇知識技
and key account management positions has 能的專業人才,及一些能兼顧多職的通才。 疫情
increased, as the industry tries to attract relevant 下不少人被原有公司遣散,加上每年皆有畢業生
professionals to help grow the client base. Also, 因素,及其他求職者會轉工,僱主聘請時的選擇
candidates with experience in e-commerce, 眾多,加上僱主對前景保持審慎,普遍不願意增
automation and systemization have more 加招聘經費,也局限了招聘過程的進展。
advantages during the recruitment process.
Moreover, multinational corporations are in need of 供應鏈的不同工作範疇裏,如採購、管理、運輸
data analysis and demand planning professionals. 等業務,均強調應徵者的話說話技巧及溝通能
Therefore, when attending job interviews, 力,同時求職者應具行內基礎的應用知識及執行
candidates are advised to share with employers 能力,以應付與不同界別之間的溝通。
their vision of the industry’s development and the
ability to make mid- and long-term plans, besides 由於外在條件的改變,僱主與僱員在薪金的期望
the ability to handle routine tasks. Currently, around 有明顯的落差,僱主相對不會過於要求求職者具
70% of the vacancies in the job market require such 有相關經驗,相反看重他們的工作能力及語言能
corporate planning skills. 力。僱主傾向聘請初級職位,主要因為管理級別
疫情初期因航班停飛,船運數量大幅上升,加上 業中開始出現老化,部份具有豐富經驗的員工未
員工年齡老化的問題,市場上對前線職位需求增 能接受改變。反之,聘用初級員工可以節省人事
加。隨著疫情緩和,且電子商貿愈甚發達,大型 成本,亦為公司帶來新景氣。因此,除了數據分
速遞公司的空運需求亦大幅提升,倉庫人員的需 析及質量控制的員工需具有相關經驗外,僱主普
求也相應增加。 遍願意提供培訓給新入行員工。

經濟不穩定及疫情肆虐下求職者面對的挑戰 行業未來發展新動向
僱主對求職者的要求比往年提高,僱主更著重求職 行業趨勢方面,整個行業對於業務拓展及關鍵客
者工作能力,以及期望求職者有多種技能。另一方 戶管理的職位上需求增加,以吸納更多相關人才
面,疫情影響各個行業,有大量外行人入行,應徵 協助公司發掘不同客源。再者,具有電子商貿、
者需要與不同背景的人一同競爭職位。 而部分中層 自動化、系統化的經驗的求職者較受歡迎。此
員工作在疫情下被公司裁員後,薪金未能保持以往 外,大型企業均需要數據分析、需求計劃等職位
$27,000至$35,000,對於類近職位,僱主一般會 的人才,建議求職者在面試期間,除向僱主展示
下調至約$20,000聘請支援同事。 自己的日常工作能力外,亦可展示出對行業有前

Supply Chain, Logistics & Engineering


Due to the mandatory quarantine arrangement Passive salary increment for job seekers
under the pandemic, employees are unable to While the pandemic did not impact much on the
travel at will as before. In general, companies now salary level in the engineering sector, the salary
hire local talents for temporary positions, gradually increments are significantly steady compared to
relying more on them to maintain their previous other sectors. Job seekers are more passive in
working standards. In the middle of 2021, salary increments. In 2021, job seekers are not
companies have begun to resume hiring positions aggressive when it comes to salary increments.
that require traveling to and from Mainland China. Compared to the past where candidates expected
Employers also adjust working arrangements in a 20% salary increment when they switched their
response to the pandemic, including allowing jobs, a 5-10% salary increase is adequate for them
employees to stay in Mainland China for a more nowadays. However, as the local infrastructure
extended period after their quarantine. projects are ongoing, the demand for engineering
talents remains high in the market. It is expected
Change in the working arrangement under the that salary increments will increase steadily in
pandemic 2022.

In terms of recruitment, working arrangements for Increased demand for engineering talents
many local companies have changed. They rely Construction projects are in the works for the
more on digital platforms for communications. In coming 10 years. Most of the projects are also
the past, employees were required to work backed by the government, and some come from
between China and Hong Kong. However, due to commercial projects. There is an increase in
the pandemic, traveling between China and Hong demands for job openings in handypersons for
Kong was more difficult. This leads to shifting interior decoration and construction sites.
conversations from face-to-face to video Therefore, the salary increments are still relatively
conferences and phone calls. While employees can growing. However, it is not compulsory for
only work in Hong Kong at the moment, this leads employees to upskill themselves. With more
to a reforming of working arrangements for some engineering projects in progress, job openings
companies, where employees can oversee the continue to arise. Employers are more willing to hire
operations through video conference and phone candidates with less experience. It is expected that
calls, and are not required to travel to Mainland employers will devote more experience to recruit
China frequently. This kind of working arrangement talents in the future.
is expected to continue after the border reopening
in the future. Some companies also consider hiring New engineering roles in 2022
local talents in Mainland China to minimize such Foreseeing 2022, the job openings in the
business impact and raise the efficiency of business engineering sector will focus on civil engineering,
operations. electrical engineering and mechanical engineering.
The demand for local talents will soar for related
positions. The top 3 most in-demand positions

include site engineers in the construction industry, 人才需求有增無減
mechanical engineering positions in factories in 過去一年建築工程項目持續進行,而大部分工程
Mainland China or Vietnam, and electrical 亦獲政府撥款開展,尤其裝修公司或地盤崗位的
engineering talents in the development of new 職位需求增加,故此薪金升幅仍相對較高。不過
products. 就僱員而言,市場對僱員技能增值的需求不大,
疫情下由於強制隔離的安排,僱員未能一如以往 主變得樂意聘請非專才的求職者,例如僱主過往
隨意出入境,普遍企業出現「臨時人才在地 期望求職者有相關工程範疇的工作經驗,現時卻
化」,企業逐漸傾向依賴本地人才以維持以往的 願意接受經驗較淺的求職者,預計未來僱主亦會
工作水準。 在年中,企業開始恢復聘請需要往返 投放更多資源進行招聘。
整,安排員工接受隔離後,長期留守在內地 2022年工種需求
工作。 2022年的工種需求以土木工程為重,電機工程及
疫情下工作模式轉變 中需求最大的三大職位包括建築業的地盤工程
在招聘方面,本地企業的工作模式轉換,使用電 師、內地或越南等工廠的機械工程職位、研發新
子通訊工具的溝通模式已成新常態。以往本地員 產品的電機工程人才。


供應鏈技術 Supply Chain & Logistics
採購 Merchandising

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

採購經理 大專院校/文憑 8-10+ 32,000 55,000

Procurement/Merchandising / Degree/ Diploma
Purchasing Manager

資深採購主管 大專院校/文憑 6-8 26,000 32,000

Procurement/Merchandising / Degree/ Diploma
Purchasing Supervisor

採購專員 大專院校/文憑 3-6 18,000 27,000

Sourcing / Procurement / Degree/ Diploma
Merchandising / Purchasing

採購 大專院校/文憑 1-3 14,000 19,000

Sourcing / Procurement/ Degree/ Diploma
Merchandising / Purchasing

運送 / 物流 Shipping / Logistics

條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

職位 Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

運送/ 物流經理 大專院校/文憑 8+ 28,000 38,000

Shipping / Logistics Manager Degree/ Diploma

船務主任 大專院校/文憑 5-8 22,000 28,000

Logistics / Shipping Supervisor Degree/ Diploma

物流分析員 大專院校/文憑 3-6 21,000 27,000

Logistics Analyst Degree/ Diploma

物流人員 大專院校/文憑 2-4 16,000 23,000

Logistics Officer Degree/ Diploma

船務人員 大專院校/文憑 2-4 14,000 19,000

Shipping Officer Degree/ Diploma

銷售助理 大專院校/文憑 2-4 14,000 18,000

Sales Coordinator Degree/ Diploma

貨運代理 Freight Forwarding

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

貨運代理銷售經理 大專院校/文憑 8+ 30,000 60,000

Freight Forwarding Sales Degree/ Diploma

貨運代理客戶業務員 大專院校/文憑 4-7 19,000 30,000

Freight Forwarding Account Degree/ Diploma

貨運客服專員 大專院校/文憑 3-5 15,000 19,000

Freight Forwarding Customer Degree/ Diploma
Service Officer

貨運營運助理 大專院校/文憑 1-3 14,000 18,000

Freight Forwarder Operation Degree/ Diploma

供應鏈技術 Supply Chain & Logistics
品質控管 Quality Control

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

品管經理 大專院校/文憑 10+ 42,000 60,000

Quality Control Manager Degree/ Diploma

助理品管經理 大專院校/文憑 5-8 30,000 42,000

Assistant QC Manager Degree/ Diploma

品管專員 大專院校/文憑 3-5 18,000 26,000

Quality Control Specialist Degree/ Diploma

供應鏈 Supply Chain

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

供應鍊經理 大專院校/文憑 8-10+ 38,000 65,000

Supply Chain Manager Degree/ Diploma

供應鍊專員 大專院校/文憑 5-8+ 28,000 34,000

Supply Chain Specialist Degree/ Diploma

供應鏈分析員 大專院校/文憑 5+ 22,000 32,000

Supply Chain Analyst Degree/ Diploma

供應鍊規劃 / 需求規劃人員 大專院校/文憑 3-6 22,000 28,000

Supply Chain Planner / Demand Degree/ Diploma

供應鍊助理 大專院校/文憑 2-5 17,000 26,000

Supply Chain Coordinator Degree/ Diploma

倉儲 Warehouse

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

配送中心經理 大專院校/文憑 8+ 36,000 45,000

Distribution Center Manager Degree/ Diploma

倉儲經理 大專院校/文憑 6-8 25,000 36,000

Warehouse Manager Degree/ Diploma

倉儲主管 文憑 3-5 18,000 24,000

Warehouse Supervisor Diploma

倉儲專員 文憑 1-3 13,000 17,000

Warehouse Coordinator Diploma

供應鏈技術 Supply Chain & Logistics
能源/節能 Energy

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

業務主管/ 總經理 電子工程、機械工程 15+ 70,000 140,000

Country Sales Head/ 或企業管理碩士
General Manager BS/MS/PhD - EE,

發電廠專案服務經理 電子工程、機械工程 10+ 54,500 94,500

Power Plant Project Manager 或土木工程
ME, Civil Engineering


職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

製造總部主管 電子工程、工業工 8+ 44,000 66,100

Head of Production 程、機械工程

業務開發部主管 電子工程、工業工 8+ 52,000 80,000

Head of Sales 程、機械工程

研發部主管 電子工程、工業工 8+ 55,000 88,000

Head of R&D 程、機械工程

化學應用 Chemical Application

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

量測檢管/專案經理 電子工程、機械工 7+ 25,000 40,000

MCS Manager/Project Manager 程、企業管理碩士

產品經理 化學,化學工程和 7+ 28,000 42,000

Product Manager 材料科學
Engineering and
Material Science

業務副總經理 化學,化學工程和 15+ 60,000 120,000

Vice President of Sales 材料科學
Engineering and
Material Science

業務經理/協理 化學,化學工程和 5+ 25,000 50,000

Sales Manager/Director 材料科學
Engineering and
Material Science

供應鏈技術 Supply Chain & Logistics
LED產業 LED Supplier

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

供應商開發工程師 機械工程、電子工程 5+ 22,000 30,000

LED Supplier Development ME, EE

供應商品質工程師 機械工程、電子工程 5+ 16,000 27,000

LED Supplier Quality Engineer ME,EE

技術支援工程師 電子工程、工業工程 3+ 16,000 27,000

LED Field Application EE, Industrial
Engineer Engineering

業務工程師 電子工程、工業工程 5+ 16,000 27,000

LED Sales Engineer EE, Industrial

技術銷售經理 機械工程、電子工程 8+ 32,000 54,000

LED Technical Sales Manager ME,EE


職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

採購主管 電子工程、工業工 8+ 39,000 77,000

Head of Procurement 程、機械工程

品保主管 電子工程、工業工 8+ 39,000 77,000

Head of Quality 程、機械工程

業務主管 電子工程、工業工 10+ 42,000 60,000

Semiconductor Equipment 程、機械工程、企
Sales Head 業管理碩士

自動化產業 Automation Field

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

業務經理 電子工程、工業工 8+ 37,000 50,000

Business Manager 程、企業管理碩士
EE, Industrial
Engineering, MBA

業務工程師 電子工程、工業工 3+ 21,000 26,000

Sales Engineer 程、機械工程

製程優化主管 電子工程、工業工 8+ 31,500 37,000

Head of Process Optimization 程、機械工程

應用工程師 電子工程、 3+ 21,000 26,000

Application Engineer 機械工程

供應鏈技術 Supply Chain & Logistics

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

區域業務工程師/業務經理 電子工程、工業工 3+ 35,000 60,000

Regional Sales Engineer / 程、機械工程
Manager BS/MS/PhD - EE,

業務工程師 電子工程、 3+ 22,000 28,000

Local Sales Engineer 機械工程

應用工程師 電子工程、 3+ 19,000 23,000

Application Engineer 機械工程
製造業 Industrial Manufacturing

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

廠長/總經理 工程相關科系 8+ 50,000 120,000

General Manager Engineering related

製造工程部門管理階層 工程相關科系 7+ 37,000 47,000

Production Engineering Engineering related
Management Level

品管部門管理階層 工程相關科系 7+ 34,000 44,000

Quality Control Management Level Engineering related

製造部門管理階層 工程相關科系 7+ 29,000 42,000

Manufacturing Management Level Engineering related

智慧型手持式裝置領域 Smart Handheld Device Solution

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

產品行銷經理/總監 電子工程+企業管理 7+ 30,000 45,000

Product Marketing Manager/ 碩士
Director EE+MBA

業務經理/總監 電子工程、電腦科 8+ 30,000 45,000

Sales Manager/Director 學、電腦工程
EE, Computer
Science, Computer

資深工程師 電子工程、電腦科 5+ 35,000 45,000

Team Lead/Sr. Engineer 學、電腦工程
EE, Computer
Science, Computer

專案經理 電子工程、電腦科 3+ 30,000 40,000

Program/Project Manager 學、電腦工程
EE, Computer
Science, Computer

大型公共建設 Transportation/ Construction

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

專案經理 電子工程、機械工程 5+ 50,000 130,000

Transportation/ 或土木工程
Construction Project BS/MS/PhD - EE,
Manager ME, Civil Engineering

專案工程師 電子工程、機械工程 3-6+ 33,000 45,000

Transportation/ 或土木工程
Construction Project Engineer BS/MS/PhD - EE,
ME, Civil Engineering 24
供應鏈技術 Supply Chain & Logistics

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

事業部負責人 / 總經理 電子工程、企業管 12+ 50,000 70,000

Business Unit Head / 理碩士
General Manager EE, MBA

資深設計經理 電子工程、物理、 12+ 50,000 55,000

Sr. Design Manager 化學、材料科學、
EE, Physics,
Chemical, Material
Science, IE

營運總監 電子工程、機械工 10+ 44,000 66,000

Components Operation VP or 程、工業工程
Director EE, ME, IE

業務經理 / 總監 電子工程、工程相 5+ 28,000 66,000

Components Sales Manger / 關科系
Director / VP EE or engineering

資深採購經理 電子工程、工程相 7+ 33,000 44,000

Components Sr. Procurement 關科系
Manager EE or engineering

資深採購工程師 / 經理 電子工程、工程相 5+ 28,000 33,000

Sr. Components Sourcing 關科系
Engineering Manager EE or engineering

資深應用工程師 電子工程、電腦科 1+ 17,000 28,000

Sr. Components FAE 學、電腦工程
EE, Computer
Science, Computer

應用工程師 電子工程、電腦科
Components Application 學、電腦工程 1+ 12,000 17,000
Engineer EE, Computer
Science, Computer

資深設計工程師 電子工程、物理、
Sr. Designer 化學、材料科學、
工業工程 3+ 40,000 45,000
EE, Physics,
Chemical, Material
Science, IE

生產製造工程師 電子工程、物理、
Manufacturing Process Engineer 化學、材料科學、
工業工程 3+ 18,000 26,000
EE, Physics,
Chemical, Material
Science, IE

製造 / 品質工程師 電子工程、物理、
Process Quality Engineer 化學、材料科學、
工業工程 3+ 31,500 55,000
EE, Physics,
Chemical, Material
Science, IE

Information Technology
Information Technology
Recruiting skillful and experienced talents is a tertiary education institutions in Hong Kong are still
challenge to the information technology sector. The in advantage. Apart from that, companies also
main reason for this is the high demand for talents value the scale of projects that candidates
in Hong Kong and around the world, which results participated in, especially development projects
in continuous competition within the industry, requiring a high degree of accuracy, such as
escalating the difficulty for recruitment. A recent development of large-scale railway transportation
survey has found that recent graduates have systems. For information technology talents,
received several job offers after graduation, not to continual studies and maintaining competitiveness
mention senior-level talents with years of are essential in order to adapt to the
experience. It shows that the mobility within the ever-changing industry. They should also obtain
information technology recruitment market will last various certificates to improve their skill sets in
for 5-10 more years. different professional fields and keep abreast of the
latest technology trends.
Blooming industry development
The information technology industry is in need of Pursuing accomplishment beyond salary
skillful talents. Most companies are willing to provide In addition to salary and benefits, job seekers in the
a more competitive salary package to recruit information technology sector generally value the
talents. Headhunting and recruitment agencies are challenges within their position. If the project
hired for the recruitment process, showing that requires starting from scratch and exploring new
companies are now more willing to invest resources aspects instead of maintaining existing programs, it
in recruitment to acquire job seekers. The job would be an attractive factor for talents. Under the
options in the information technology sector are pandemic, the development of the information
diverse, with blooming development in fintech, technology sector continues to advance further
blockchain, artificial intelligence, data analysis and while the demand for talents rises unabated. As a
cryptocurrencies. In the next 5 years, it is result, more companies are willing to hire talents by
foreseeable that the most in-demand job options contracts with 6 to 24 months in general.
will be software developers, cloud technical
engineers and cyber security engineers. 資訊科技行業在過往一年面對的挑戰是難以招聘
Candidates with more experience are expected to 具備技術的人才,主因是本地對於資訊科技人才
be more aggressive in salary and benefits. With 的需求仍然很大,以致企業與企業之間不斷競
more job options in the market, there has been a 爭,大大增加了招聘難度。最近調查發現,剛投
15-20% salary increment for job switching, even 入職場的畢業生皆有數個取錄通知,更遑論具豐
20-50% growth in salary is common. 富經驗的資深人才,可見資訊科技的人力市場的
Upskilling for job seekers
Companies value their academic background and 行業發展蓬勃
performance, especially when it comes to recruiting 由於行業對於人才求賢若渴,所以大多數企業都
recent graduates. Graduates from the top-tier 願意付出比市場薪金水平高作為招攬人才,更有



薪金以外 追求成就感

資訊科技 Information Technology

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

資訊長 理科/資訊相關碩士/ 10+ 150,000 300,000

Chief Information Officer (CIO) 企業管理碩士/博士

資訊技術協理 理科/資訊相關學士/ 8+ 120,000 180,000

IT Director / VP 碩士/博士學位

資訊技術經理 / 資訊管理經理 大專院校/文憑 5+ 65,000 90,000

IT / MIS Manager Degree/ Diploma

亞太區域業務經理/協理 大專院校/文憑 8+ 80,000 170,000

Regional Sales Manager / Director Degree/ Diploma

業務開發經理/協理 大專院校以上 6+ 55,000 100,000

Business Development Manager/ Degree above

業務經理 / 協理 大專院校/文憑 10+ 55,000 100,000

Sales Manager / Director Degree/ Diploma

客戶關係經理 大專院校以上 5+ 45,000 85,000

Account / Client Manager Degree above

產品經理 大專院校以上 5+ 45,000 65,000

Product Manager Degree above

解決方案專案經理 大專院校以上 5+ 45,000 100,000

Solution Program / Project Manager Degree above

解決方案經理 大專院校以上 5+ 40,000 80,000

Solution Implementation Manager Degree above

網路管理部經理 大專院校以上 6+ 50,000 110,000

Architect/Infrastructure Manager Degree above

系統分析師 大專院校以上 3+ 35,000 60,000

System Analyst Degree above

軟體經理 大專院校以上 1-3 40,000 75,000

Software Manager Degree above

軟體/平台架構師 大專院校以上 1-3 75,000 120,000

Software Architect Degree above

後端開發人員 大專院校以上 1-3 25,000 55,000

Backend Developer Degree above

前端開發人員 大專院校以上 1-3 25,000 45,000

Frontend Developer Degree above

資訊科技 Information Technology

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

行動工程師 大專院校以上 1-3 25,000 55,000

Mobile Developer Degree above

軟體自動化測試工程師 大專院校以上 1-3 30,000 40,000

SQA Engineer (Automation) Degree above

UI/UX 設計師 大專院校以上 1-3 20,000 35,000

UI/UX Designer Degree above

網絡工程師 / 系統工程師 大專院校以上 1-3 40,000 80,000

Network Engineer / System Engineer Degree above

網絡 / 系統管理人員 大專院校以上 1-3 30,000 55,000

Network / System Adminitrator Degree above

運維工程師 大專院校以上 1-3 30,000 70,000

DevOps Engineer Degree above

客服工程師 大專院校/文憑 2+ 15,000 32,000

Helpdesk Support Engineer Degree/ Diploma

技術諮詢人員 / 顧問 大專院校以上 2+ 25,000 80,000

Technical Consultant Degree above

技術支援人員 大專院校/文憑 2+ 25,000 40,000

Technical Support Engineer Degree/ Diploma

資料庫管理師 大專院校/文憑 2-8   35,000 70,000

Database Administrator Degree/ Diploma

網站管理員 大專院校/文憑 2+ 20,000 40,000

Web Master Degree/ Diploma

設計人員 大專院校/文憑 2+ 30,000 50,000

Web Designer Degree/ Diploma

網站開發人員 大專院校/文憑 2+ 30,000 60,000

Web Developer Degree/ Diploma

資料科學家 大專院校/文憑 1-3 40,000 65,000

Data Scientist Degree/ Diploma

資料工程師 大專院校/文憑 1-3 40,000 60,000

Data Engineer Degree/ Diploma

資料分析師 大專院校/文憑 1-3 35,000 60,000

Data Analyst Degree/ Diploma

雲端工程師 大專院校/文憑 1-3 32,000 80,000

Cloud Engineer Degree/ Diploma

Corporate Support

Despite the gradual recovery of the job market and hiring candidates who are more energetic with the
economy in Hong Kong in the ongoing pandemic, ability to handle a variety of tasks.
corporations remain cautious about hiring
administrative staff and job seekers. Nonetheless, Salary Increment Stabilise and Steady
job vacancies have emerged in some parts of the Compared to positions in other sectors such as
market due to the recent uptick of emigration. retail, employers often invest fewer resources into
administrative positions. Due to the pandemic,
Recruitment Plans Remain Flexible employers are even more conservative when
As the economy adjusts itself throughout the setting the salary for entry-level administrative
pandemic, the instability of the corporate market roles. In the past year, the salary increase was
has caused a decrease in job switches among the around 3 to 5 percent, which was just enough to
employed. Moreover, since the number of positions catch up with the inflation.
in the administration sector is often lower than the
other sectors, the job market in the administration Advice to Job Seekers in 2022
sector is considered less active with fewer openings Due to the pandemic, “Working from Home” had
in 2021. become a norm. Candidates should enhance their
ability in using various online media or information
Demand for Human Resources technologies, such as online video conferences.
The recruitment process had undergone a relatively Despite the ongoing outbreak, the scope of work in
radical change amid the pandemic. Due to the administration roles remains the same. Besides
uncertain prospect of the economy last year and administrative tasks, employees in these roles
the new norm of working from home, a hiring would have to manage workplaces. This shows the
freeze has been placed upon numerous positions. rising expectations from employers to
During the gradual recovery of the economy, the administrative staff members who would be
employers’ demand towards administrative staff required to take up various tasks. Some employers
has been restored to its former level. Nonetheless, might expect employers to have skills and
to maintain companies’ financial stability, employers experience in reception, accounting, human
would now prefer converting permanent resources management and relevant laws. Hence,
administrative positions to contract positions, as a job seekers looking to work in administrative roles
way to ensure the company’s financial capacity to are advised to further their studies in relevant fields.
take the blow from the pandemic. Additionally, in
the past year, employers are more inclined towards 本港就業市場在疫情影響下,社會經濟雖然逐步
hiring employees with less experience and the 回復,不過企業對招聘行政人員及求職者仍然持
ability to handle work at reception as well. Since 保守態度。然而,近期在移民潮的帶動,市場上
employers expect new hires to have a higher ability 出現部分空缺。
to adapt to the flexible work arrangements
throughout the pandemic, employers would prefer





Corporate Support
Human Resources

Despite the challenges brought by the pandemic scheme of sales representatives is becoming more
2021, the demand for job seekers in the HR sector complex. Calculating salary and benefits require
has seen positive impacts in order to cope with the talents who are very familiar with
economic challenges. However, despite the need to commission-based salary schemes. Therefore,
maintain revenue and reduce costs, employers are employers of such companies are leaning to invest
still yearning for talents with considerable more resources in hiring experts in human
experience. resources management.

Attracting talents with diverse skill sets HR Business Partner as the new driving force in
Foreseeing the future of recruitment in the HR the sector
sector, SME employers tend to look for talents with In the last decade, positions in HR business partners
all-rounded skill sets. In 2021, due to the change in have been in demand. Employers are more willing
the scope of work of human resources talents, SME to invest in hiring and consulting experts to assist in
employers expect their HR talents to not only career developments for management and
tackle human resources-related tasks, such as executive-level staff, as well as in training and skill
recruitment, salary and benefits etc but also take developments. This helps with improving corporate
care of the company’s administrative work. The human resources management and the
main reason that takes into account is that SMEs development of the business as a whole. Looking to
pay more attention to cash flow, especially after the future of HR, in response to the rise of HR
the pandemic. Employers anticipate they can cope business partners and the high demand for
with the challenging economic climates brought by all-around talents, it is recommended that job
the pandemic while managing their costs. seekers could gain experience in various fields in
human resources and equip themselves as an
On the other hand, employers, especially for all-around talent in HR.
enterprises, still tend to hire talents with diverse skill
sets. After the pandemic, management of Substantial salary increment in the HR sector
companies and the HR team has focused more on In terms of salary increment, there has been an
enhancing the welfare of employees. Since human annual increase in the HR sector with minimal effect
resources job duties often deal with the company’s by the pandemic. Some job seekers can strive for a
data, salary and benefits and welfare of employees, 20% increase in salary increment. Meanwhile,
employers would divide human resources demand for HR talents arises under the pandemic.
management into various teams to operate, so that Employers are in need of hiring experienced HR
HR talents will have more work-life balance. Hence, experts to handle personnel management.
they prefer talents with ample experience in specific However, it could be a challenge for employers to
fields. Take retail companies as an example, some recruit staff with suitable experience and skillsets.
retail companies have implemented a change in This results in great demand for mid-level HR
their salary schemes after the pandemic. The salary

talents with extensive experience. Mid-level 人力資源業務合作夥伴作為業界未來新動力
candidates who have experience as directors or 過去八至十年內,行內的人力資源業務合作夥伴
managers in HR generally get a 15-20% salary 等職位越來越渴市,企業僱主傾向願意投資更多
increment. 聘請或諮詢專家協助公司高層及經理在員工發
本年度業界受疫情影響,整體市場上對求職者的 來,因應人力資源業務合作夥伴興起,以及僱主
需求有所改變,以應對疫情反覆所帶來的經濟挑 對全面型人才的需求高企,建議求職者未來可以
戰。然而,儘管在疫情下需要開源節流,但僱主 嘗試人力資源中不同範疇的工作,獲取經驗,成
仍然十分渴求有相當經驗的人才。 為全面型人才。

吸納不同人才 薪酬仍有大幅度增長
展望在未來的招聘中,中小企僱主希望尋找「全 薪酬方面,基本每年有所升幅,未見疫情令薪酬
面型」的人才。在過去一年,從事人力資源的僱 出現驟降跡象,甚至部分求職者仍然能夠爭取
員之工作範疇有改變的趨勢下,中小企業的僱主 20%的增幅。同時地,在疫情下公司的內需不跌
期望僱員或求職者除了處理人力資源的工作,如 反升,加上僱主往往傾向聘請具相當經驗的人力
招聘、薪資福利等,仍會希望他們能兼顧公司的 資源人士處理各人事工作,而市場上未必容易找
人事行政工作。主要原因為疫情下中小企業較為 到符合僱主需求的求職者,使具經驗的中層職位
看重資金流動,僱主期望能控制成本下應對疫情 非常渴市,曾任主任或經理等職位中層求職者在
隨時帶來的經濟危機。 市場上一般可以獲得15至20%的增幅。


企業支援 Corporate Support
行政 Administrative

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

行政總監 學士或以上 10+ 50,000 80,000

Director of Administration Bachelor or above

行政經理 學士或以上 8-10 35,000 55,000

Administrative Manager Bachelor or above

辦公室經理 學士或以上 4-8 30,000 40,000

Office Manager Bachelor or above

行政主任 學士或以上 3-6 16,000 25,000

Administrative Officer Bachelor or above

法律秘書 學士或以上 1-5 22,000 40,000

Legal Secretary Bachelor or above

行政助理 學士或以上 2-10 20,000 40,000

Executive Assistant/ Bachelor or above
Personal Assistant

秘書 學士或文憑 1-5 18,000 40,000

Secretary Diploma / Degree

接待員 學士或文憑 1-5 15,000 30,000

Receptionist Diploma / Degree

行政助理 學士或文憑 0-3 14,000 22,000

Admin Assistant Diploma / Degree

文員 學士或文憑 0-2 13,000 18,000

Clerk Diploma / Degree

人力資源 Human Resources

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

區域人力資源總監 學士或以上 15 80,000 130,000

Regional HR Director Bachelor or above

人力資源總監 學士或以上 10 60,000 85,000

HR Director Bachelor or above

人力資源經理 學士或以上 6-8 35,000 55,000

HR Manager Bachelor or above

助理人力資源經理 學士或以上 5-8 28,000 40,000

Assistant HR Manager Bachelor or above

薪酬及福利經理 學士或以上 5-8 35,000 55,000

Compensation and Bachelor or above
Benefits Manager

人力資源主任 學士或以上 3-5 17,500 28,000

HR Executive Bachelor or above

薪資主任 學士或以上 1-2 25,000 35,000

Payroll Executive Bachelor or above

學習與發展專員 學士或以上 1-3 25,000 40,000

Learning and Development Bachelor or above

人才招募專員 學士或以上 1-4 25,000 40,000

Talent Acquisition Specialist Bachelor or above

人力資源及行政助理 大專院校/文憑 0-1 15,000 18,000

Human Resource and Degree/ Diploma
Admin Assistant

Sales & Marketing

Digitalization has become one of the major trends affected by the pandemic. While the situation is
under the pandemic. On one hand, e-commerce gradually recovering, employers are more cautious
has become more mature; on the other hand, most when it comes to recruiting new talents. Employers
meetings have shifted to online. This allows are more vigilant when screening candidate profiles
businesses to get a better understanding of their and they tend to expect more from job seekers.
customer journey more efficiently with the help of Candidates with less experience will be expected to
digitized shopping experience in online stores. At show more initiative and showcase their relevant
the same time, customer relationship management experience at school. As for job seekers with more
(CRM) also plays an important role in the sales experience, employers would review whether they
process, including providing sentiment analysis, have relevant knowledge of the products and their
automated ticketing, customer support automation understanding of the target customer group, as
and user behavior tracking to help you determine well as growing their business. In addition,
problems and quickly address them with your employers also expect talents to have experience in
customers. With the help of CRM, businesses can various digital marketing tools and even a fixed
understand more about their customer data for customer base.
marketing purposes, as well as more opportunities
for collaborations. This big data helps businesses In the past, businesses would hope talents to focus
understand customer needs from various on sales performance. However, nowadays,
perspectives, fostering better connections with companies also expect their employees to play a
customers. By establishing healthy relationships significant role in sales follow-up, and upskills their
between businesses and users, it helps with techniques by polishing account servicing skills. This
improving customer retention since CRM provides helps leave a good impression on customers and
insights on customer experience and helps would come back for repurchase in the future,
businesses improve in customer retention. fostering long-term development for business.

Job opportunities in the future Challenges in various positions

The recruitment market in the sales sector began Employers are more aware when hiring mid-level
more active in late 2021. More opportunities are in and upper-level employees. In the beginning of the
the market for junior and mid-level positions and pandemic, many companies have paused their
relatively fewer for management-level talents. recruitment process or laid-off employees, resulting
Foreseeing 2022, it is expected that there will be in fewer job opportunities and an increase in job
more vacancies for positions related to seekers. In addition, with e-commerce becoming a
e-commerce. Job seekers with relevant experience new trend, middle to senior-level job seekers with
in online sales are more likely to get interview less experience in e-commerce would face
opportunities. challenges in looking for job opportunities.
Overviewing the job market in 2021, there is a 20%
Employers looking for employees to enhance increase in job vacancies. Some employers tend to
customer experience recruit junior-level candidates for replacement.
Sales performance for lots of businesses was Meanwhile, experts at the management-level

generally have lower mobility in the job market. 是否具備相關的產品知識及對目標客群的理解程
Employers expect their staff to show great 度,此外,亦期望此類求職者對不同銷售渠道有
knowledge in sales and excellent performance. 一定的了解,甚至有固定客源。
They prefer promoting suitable talents internally
rather than looking for new candidates. 另一方面,僱員亦應多增加自己的銷售技能,包
Change in salary increment scheme 負責銷售服務工作,但現在公司也希望員工能做
In terms of pay structure, contrary to getting a 到銷售跟進的角色,從而為顧客留下好印象,增
monthly base salary with commission, employers 加他們的回頭率,有助公司長遠發展。
are modifying their sales commission structure to a
higher base salary, and offer year-end bonuses to 不同職位所面臨的就業挑戰
motivate employees and attract new candidates. 僱主在聘請中高層員工的態度較為保守。在疫情
Base salary with HK$15,000 in the past can get a 初期,不少公司停止招聘活動或遣散員工,使整
salary increment to HK$20,000. Since more recent 體職位空缺比較少,但同時競爭增加。另外,因
graduates are more inclined to work for higher 電子化的趨勢下,部分中高級求職者由於缺乏電
base salaries, base salaries for some entry-level 子銷售的相關經驗或知識,使競爭力下降。同時
positions can reach up to HK$18,000 that comes 受移民潮影響,市場出現近約 20%的職位空缺,
with quarterly or annual bonuses. 部份僱主轉為改聘初級員工代替。同時,具行政
Future directions for employers and job seekers 上僱主期望確保此類員工能具備豐富的行業知識
Consultants suggest employers can adjust their 及優秀的工作表現,故公司會傾向內部晉升適合
requirements for recruiting talents. With diverse 人才。
sales channels emerging, businesses are suggested
to adjust to the trend and transform accordingly. 加薪制度改變
Apart from considering whether the candidates 在薪酬方面,僱主傾向將薪酬制度由以往每月底
have connections to the target customer base or 薪加佣金,變成直接提高底薪,再於季尾或年尾
comprehensive industry knowledge, employers can 出一次性的花紅獎金,以鼓勵員工及吸引新人加
also evaluate job seekers in their skill sets, including 入。以往只有$15000底薪的職位,有機會提升至
sales performance on social media. Job seekers can $20000底薪。由於近年畢業生都比較傾向底薪較
also develop their skills in e-commerce and make 高的工作,因此部分工作底薪可加至於一般文書
good use of online resources for better sales 職位相近,起薪點約為$18000,而每月佣金則變
performance. 成季度或年度獎金。

受疫情影響下,電子化成為大趨勢,一方面網上 展望未來僱主及僱員可考慮的方向
銷售已日漸成熟,另一方面大部分會議已轉為網 建議僱主可以適當調整僱用人才的角度及要求。
上會議,亦有公司特意開設手機應用程式供客人 由於現時銷售途徑眾多,面對面的銷售非單一生
了解更多自己的產品及服務。同時客戶關係管理 意來源,僱主除了考慮應徵者是否有特定客群的
在銷售過程亦扮演重要角度,除了能與客戶保持 人脈或行業知識外,亦可了解求職者個人投巧,
聯繫,亦有利於市場營銷部門了解客戶的數據, 如社交媒體上有良好銷售表現。亦建議僱員亦能
增加互相合作的機會。這些大數據能有效幫助各 多角度發展自己的技能,發展更多電子銷售的技
部門了解客戶需求,從而訂立良好的客戶關係, 巧,善用網上資源去增加銷售。


僱主招聘要求嚴謹 僱員宜提升顧客服務質素

Sales & Marketing

With the internet growing and evolving rapidly, the Slow increase in salary increment due to the
marketing industry has shifted its development in the economic climate
digital world. Talents in digital marketing and data The overall pay level has not changed much in 2021.
analysis are in demand in the market. Nevertheless, The average raise when switching jobs is between a
both employers and employees are now having 10% to 15% increase in salary. However, employers
more faith in the future of the industry. With the are more cautious when hiring, especially when they
industry growing steadily, employers expect more expect the candidates to be skillful in data analysis or
from the candidates during the hiring process, which digital marketing. The market is undoubtedly in
also impacts the opportunities for job seekers. demand for digital marketing talents. Forecasting
2022, the positions in digital marketing will be more
Shortfall in experienced staff and limited options diverse than before, including dividing e-commerce
in the market and brand marketing into various scopes. Meanwhile,
Looking into 2022, understaffing might still be an it is expected that digital marketing will be
issue that employers need to cope with. In addition dominating the industry within the next 3-5 years.
to lower budgets for staffing and higher hiring Once the market is in full bloom, it can help promote
standards, a new wave of immigration has hit Hong businesses to the APAC region and global
Kong, leading to a significant outflow of senior staff development.
in the market. Apart from that, the younger
generation expects more from a job, and they Online marketing becoming the trend with
accept job offers only if their expectations are met. In digitalisation
the traditional marketing industry, career options are With technologies evolving and growing, more
obviously fewer than in the past, and it is even more companies are developing e-commerce to expand
difficult for experienced conventional marketers. their online business. In recent years, different
With the digital marketing trend continuing to industries have gradually digitised into the online
prevail, employers require experienced marketers to world. Marketing has transformed from traditional
be familiar with digital marketing tools. Therefore, platforms to digital marketing. The 3 key aspects
even for experienced conventional marketers, the include: e-commerce, digital marketing and social
salary and position might not be as competitive media.
compared to the digital marketers. For job seekers,
developing a skill set in digital marketing becomes Digital marketing and data analysis dominating
more prominent for career advancement, including the industry in the future
taking courses and gaining more experiences in Converting models into digital marketing has
online marketing, which will be an advantage for prompted employers to set higher expectations for
them when developing their career path in the their employees’ skill sets and career development.
digital marketing sector. Nonetheless, it is suggested Despite attracting a group of experienced
to adjust their requirements and expectations professionals, new blood, and even talents from the
accordingly when looking for new opportunities. traditional advertising industry during the
recruitment process, it is not an easy task to pick the
right candidate among the job seekers. In addition to

the relevant experience, candidates are expected to 場營銷人員更是困難。由於數碼營銷將主導市場,
meet specific requirements and get along with the 大部份僱主會要求較資深的員工熟悉數碼營銷的工
company’s culture. Therefore, many companies 具。過去一年,如消費品行業中,聘請數碼營運人
emphasize on the candidates’ expertise in 士的比例增至九成。僱主期望員工具備使用媒體網
professional skill sets, especially related to digital 絡的技能,並按照品牌形象制定數碼營銷策略,將
marketing, during the recruitment process. All 線上客源帶到實體商店,多元化推動公司業務發
suitable candidates are screened carefully, 展。因此,對比傳統營銷工作,市場推廣更注重數
prolonging the hiring process. 碼營銷的人才需求。雖然市場上亦需要少部分傳統
Compared to traditional marketing, the marketing 的角色。展望將來,即是在傳統行銷行業較有經驗
industry focuses more on digital marketing talents. 的求職者,公司未必能給予符合他們期望的薪酬謝
For instance, hiring digital marketers in the consumer 待遇與及職位安排。故建議求職者可以向數碼營銷
goods industry has expanded to 90%. Marketers are 方面發展,例如就讀相關進修課程,累積更多網上
required to attain experience in technical digital 銷售的經驗,以便日後在行業的發展。同時亦應適
marketing skills with diverse promotional campaigns 當調整自己的要求,適時降低薪酬或職位要求。
to assist the company’s business development,
including planning marketing strategies in 經濟環境影響 薪酬增幅有限
accordance with the brand image, working with 2021年的整體僱員薪酬水平並未有太大的變化。
different KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders), and converting 普遍轉工亦可以有10至15%薪酬增幅,但僱主在
online customer traffic to their brick-and-mortar 聘用新人時,期望他們能在數據分析或數碼營銷上
stores. With digital marketing becoming the main 有一定的能力,可見市場對這類人才的需求仍然高
trend in the industry, conventional marketing and 企。預計2022年,數碼營銷的職位分工會較以往
event marketing industries would become a more 更仔細,例如是將網上銷售及品牌推廣分拆成不同
niche market than before. It is recommended that 的專業。同時可見,未來三至五年,市場主要由數
conventional marketing and event marketing talents 碼營銷主導,並逐步將更多的生意推動至亞太地區
could equip skill sets in digital marketing to embrace 以及全球化發展。
the new challenges ahead.
行業發展數碼化 網上營銷成趨勢
With such trends in the market, it is expected that 隨着科技發展一日千里,越來越多公司發展電子商
industries like Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) 貿以擴大其網絡業務。近年可見不同行業的發展亦
and retails will call for more digital marketing talents 逐步趨向數碼化,市場推廣由傳統平台轉化成數碼
with data analytics skills. Their primary duty will be 營運的平台上。當中可包含三大元素:電子商貿、
assisting business development through data 網絡營銷及社交媒體。透過以上元素將市場推廣的
analysis. This involves managing and monitoring big 工作擴大,突破傳統營銷的推廣方法。
data, including revenue from promotional
campaigns, advertisement click-through rates, 網絡行銷、數據分析將主導行業
exposures on social media. Therefore, it is 隨著這趨勢,預計一些行業如快速消費品(Fast
recommended that job seekers improve their skills in Moving Consumer Goods,簡稱FMCG) 和零售業
these areas, such as using Google Analytics and 等對具有分析技能的市場營銷人才的需求將出現增
digital marketing and communication tools. 長,他們主要幫助僱主通過數據分析來推動業務發
隨著網絡發展一日千里,市場營銷行業主要偏向線 告點擊率、社交媒體曝光率等,建議求職者提高這
上發展,故市場上對精通數碼營銷和數據分析的人 些領域的技能。

資深人才短缺 市場職位選擇較少

Sales & Marketing

The ongoing pandemic has accelerated the skills and knowledge, which frontline retail sales
development of e-commerce in Hong Kong. In representatives might lack. Most of the successful
response to the trend of online shopping, more examples would be middle-level to senior
companies have actively explored the online employees with prior experience in management,
market, driving the market eager for talents in who have more strategic planning skills in running
e-commerce. While job seekers can explore more e-commerce.
job opportunities in the market, companies are also
securing talents with various benefits. Meanwhile, Corporate benefits to attract job seekers
for job seekers who are interested in working in In view of the market’s demand for e-commerce
e-commerce, they need to work hard to equip talents has soared, job seekers have more
themselves with related skills in order to meet the bargaining power when negotiating. When it
job requirements. comes to retaining talents, companies generally
provide an average of 15% salary increments last
In needs of talents year. Apart from salary increment, the
Companies are paying more attention to sustainability of the company would also be taken
e-commerce development, and they have invested into consideration when considering retaining their
more resources in talent recruitment. One of the current position. Nevertheless, working in a
prerequisites would be on-job experiences in multinational corporation is more appealing than
e-commerce, including developing e-commerce working in a local company, especially for its career
strategies, formulating digital marketing campaigns, development and prospects. If given opportunities
optimizing online traffic and funnels, as well as to work with different e-commerce platforms, such
operating and maintaining e-commerce platforms, as T-Mall and HKTV Mall, employees would
and expanding new O2O sales opportunities. Since recognize the long term development of the
the industry is relatively new, the prospects for company and take it as a motivation for the
entry-level employees and management are employees to grow further with the company.
flourishing, especially for operation, sales, and
digital marketing. Companies also are in need of Changes in talent acquisition plans
talents, especially for middle-level management Flexible working arrangement has become one of
since the talents in this industry are inadequate. the new normal after the pandemic. Companies
Having forward-thinking creativity, experts in talent have made changes when it comes to managing
acquisitions explain that having experience in their employees, including working from home
managing a team and e-commerce job experience policies. Apart from that, more resources have been
would be great advantages for job seekers. put forward to developing e-commerce, driving
competition between brick-and-mortar stores and
In the past, many frontline retail sales online stores. Like other retail stores, e-commerce
representatives tried developing their careers in stores are assessed by their sales performance.
e-commerce, but there were not many successful However, unlike frontline sales representatives’
cases. After all, e-commerce involves professional commission-based salary scheme, e-commerce
teams do not include commission, but the

performance of employees will be reflected in their 企業優勢 吸引求職者
year-end performance bonus. 因為市場對電子商貿的人才需求大增,亦令僱員
Equip and embrace the new era 在過去一年都提供大約15%的薪金加幅。除薪金
Consultants explain having related certificates is not 因素以外,企業的可持續發展也是僱員決定是否
the primmest requirement. The main aspect that 留任的關鍵因素。此外,跨國企業的吸引力固然
employers would take into consideration would be 比起本地企業的大,其中較佳的晉升階梯及發展
related job experience in e-commerce. The only 空間對僱員有一定的吸引力。再者若然企業能與
way to gain experience is by operating different 不同網上銷售平台合作,例如天貓及HKTV Mall,
e-commerce platforms and acquiring 使僱員感受公司的長遠發展潛力,將會是員工繼
industry-related knowledge. Developing a business 續為企業效力的一大關鍵。
mindset and being able to come up with various
strategies to boost sales performance would be 招聘計劃改變
great advantages when looking for opportunities in 彈性工作是疫情的新常態之一,不少企業在員工
the e-commerce industry. On that account, digital 管理上也有所改變,安排員工在家完成工作的工
marketing is also considered as a great starting 作安排。而資源亦轉向電子商貿,讓實體店舖與
point for e-commerce. 網上市場出現競爭,網上市場就如另一間店舖,
2021年疫情持續,促使本地電子商貿加速發展, 的佣金制度,網上銷售不存在佣金,但員工的表
行業越趨成熟。因應消費者減少出外購買的趨 現仍然會在花紅當中反映。
子商貿的人才求賢若渴。求職者選擇眾多,同時 裝備自己 適應時代
企業亦致力以不同方式保留人才,同時大量有意 人力資源顧問表示相關證書並不最重要,最重要
入行的求職者亦努力裝備自己,以切合行業 的是先參與行業有關的工作,累積實戰經驗,多
要求。 接觸不同的網上平台,掌握行業資訊及趨勢才是
人才需求 業思維,能提供各樣的辦法提高銷售額,所以網
企業越來越重視電子商貿的發展,紛紛集中資源 上營銷是其中一個求職者的入門渠道之一。


銷售與市場營銷 Sales & Marketing
銷售 Sales

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

業務總監 碩士學歷 10+ 65,000 150,000

Head of Sales Master

區業務經理 學士或以上 10+ 50,000 80,000

Area Sales Manager Bachelor or above

業務/銷售通路區經理 學士或以上 8+ 40,000 60,000

Sales/Channel Sales Manager Bachelor or above

業務經理 學士或以上 5+ 35,000 55,000

Sales Manager Bachelor or above

業務發展經理 學士或以上 5+ 35,000 55,000

Business Development Manager Bachelor or above

策略 / 主要客戶業務經理 學士或以上 5+ 40,000 55,000

Strategic/Major Account Manager Bachelor or above

業務副理 學士或以上 3-5 28,000 35,000

Assistant Sales Manager Bachelor or above

資深業務專員 專科或以上 2-4 18,000 25,000

Senior Sales Executive College or above

業務專員 專科或以上 1-2 12,000 22,000

Sales Executive College or above

業務聯絡專員 專科或以上 1-2 12,000 16,000

Sales Co-coordinator College or above

業務助理 專科或以上 1-2 9,000 12,000

Sales Assistant College or above

促銷人員 高中或以上 <1 9,000 12,000

Promoter High school or above

電話行銷人員 高中或以上 <1 9,000 12,000

Telemarketer High school or above

廣告 Advertising

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

創意總監 學士或以上 8+ 55,000 80,000

Creative Director Bachelor or above

業務總監 / 資深客戶經理 學士或以上 6+ 40,000 80,000

Account Director Bachelor or above

業務經理 / 客戶經理 學士或以上 4+ 30,000 45,000

Account Manager Bachelor or above

廣告投放專員 學士或以上 4+ 24,000 30,000

Media Buyer Bachelor or above

業務副理/客戶副理 學士或以上 3+ 20,000 30,000

Assistant Account Manager Bachelor or above

平面設計師 學士或以上 2-4 15,000 25,000

Graphic Designer Bachelor or above

業務主任/客戶主任 學士或以上 1-2 13,000 18,000

Account Executive Bachelor or above

製作專員 學士或以上 2-4 15,000 20,000

Production Executive Bachelor or above

初級平面設計師 學士或以上 1-2 11,000 14,000

Junior Graphic Designer Bachelor or above

製作助理 學士或以上 1-2 10,000 13,000

Production Assistant Bachelor or above

銷售與市場營銷 Sales & Marketing
公關 Public Relations

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

企業行銷傳播經理 學士或以上 5-10 35,000 65,000

Corporate Communication Manager Bachelor or above

公關經理 學士或以上 5+ 35,000 60,000

PR Manager Bachelor or above

公關專員 學士或以上 3-5 20,000 30,000

PR Specialist Bachelor or above

公關專員 / 代表 學士或以上 3-5 16,000 25,000

PR Officer / Representative Bachelor or above

公關助理 學士或以上 1-2 13,000 16,000

PR Assistant Bachelor or above

市場營銷 Marketing

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

市場營銷總監 商業管理碩士 10+ 60,000 120,000

Head of Marketing MBA

市場營銷經理 學士或以上 8+ 35,000 65,000

Marketing Manager Bachelor or above

產品市場營銷經理 學士或以上 3-5 30,000 50,000

Product Marketing Manager Bachelor or above

市場營銷副理 學士或以上 6+ 28,000 50,000

Assistant Marketing Manager Bachelor or above

社群行銷經理 學士或以上 4+ 25,000 30,000

Community/Social Media Manager Bachelor or above

資深市場營銷人員 學士或以上 2-3 25,000 28,000

Senior Marketing Executive Bachelor or above

資料庫市場營銷人員 學士或以上 2-3 22,000 30,000

Database Marketing/CRM Bachelor or above

社群行銷人員 學士或以上 2+ 18,000 22,000

Community/Social Media Executive Bachelor or above

網站市場營銷人員 學士或以上 2-3 15,000 23,000

Internet Marketing Executive Bachelor or above

活動市場營銷人員 學士或以上 2-3 15,000 20,000

Event Marketing Executive Bachelor or above

市場營銷人員 學士或以上 1-2 14,000 20,000

Marketing Executive Bachelor or above

市場營銷研究員 學士或以上 0-2 13,000 16,000

Market Researcher Bachelor or above

市場營銷助理 學士或以上 0-2 12,000 14,000

Marketing Assistant Bachelor or above

電話行銷員 學士或以上 <1 13,000 30,000

Telemarketer Bachelor or above

銷售與市場營銷 Sales & Marketing
電子商貿 E-commerce

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

數碼平台總監 學士或以上 10+ 70,000 110,000

Digital Platform Director Bachelor or above

電子商貿和數碼項目經理 學士或以上 7+ 30,000 60,000

E-commerce & Digital Project Bachelor or above

電子商貿和數碼市場營銷經理 學士或以上 7+ 40,000 60,000

E-Commerce Marketing Manager / Bachelor or above
Digital Marketing Manager

電子商貿運營經理 學士或以上 7+ 40,000 60,000

E-commerce Operation Manager Bachelor or above

電子商貿銷售經理 學士或以上 7+ 40,000 60,000

E-commerce Sales & Partnership Bachelor or above

電子商貿運營專員 學士或以上 2+ 20,000 30,000

E-Commerce Operation Specialist Bachelor or above

電子商貿和數碼市場營銷人員 學士或以上 2+ 20,000 30,000

E-Commerce Marketing Executive / Bachelor or above
Digital Marketing Executive

UX / UI設計師 學士或以上 1-4 20,000 30,000

UX / UI Designer Bachelor or above

編輯/ 文案專員 學士或以上 1-4 20,000 30,000

Online Editorial & Copywriting Bachelor or above

數據分析專員 學士或以上 1-4 20,000 60,000

Data Analytics Specialist / Business Bachelor or above

As the pandemic eases in 2021, the education class resuming arrangements under the pandemic,
sector is gradually recovering from the hit last year the job openings remain in recruiting mid-level
while adapting to the impact of the pandemic. With talents to replace more senior-level experts. In
students switching from traditional learning to addition, junior and mid-level employees are more
online learning, platforms and tools for digital adaptive when it comes to using digital applications
learning are in high demand to cope with the needs. and tools. While the class arrangements are still
Apart from that, with the new wave of immigration uncertain, some nurseries and kindergartens find it
emerging, more parents are planning overseas challenging to stabilize their income back to their
study for their children, tripling the demand for pre-pandemic level. Therefore, employers prefer
positions and companies for overseas education hiring junior or mid-level talents with less
consultations. The integrated digitalization for experience in order to minimize costs, as well as to
education and overseas studies has brought new cope with the needs of digital learning.
opportunities to the education sector. Employers
tend to hire for positions that were lost in the past Salary increment differs from other sectors
year. With more opportunities surfacing, it drives In 2021, the demand for recruitment in the
more job openings. The overall salary of the education sector rises. Salary increment maintains
education sector has shown a rising trend. with 10-15% growth. Unlike other sales-related
positions, overseas education consultants share a
Shifting job requirements different salary scheme. Under the impact of the
Looking forward to 2022, the market of the pandemic, both the employers and employees
education sector is improving steadily. In response choose a more conservative salary distribution and
to the increasing demand for overseas education, tend to increase the basic salary. In comparison, the
employers of education consultation companies commission rate is relatively lower than sales
tend to hire more talents for overseas studies positions in other industries.
consultations and onboarding agents. However, the
threshold for job requirements does not show signs Development trend in the future of education
of declining due to the increase in demand for job sector
openings. Employers are more likely to recruit Foreseeing the future of the education sector,
experienced candidates. Employers continue to digital learning and course development will be the
focus more on the candidates’ professional skills drive for the industry. In 2022, when digital learning
and academic background, and even more on the becomes the new normal, teachers, students and
candidates’ digital skills and professional trainers adapt to digital platforms and replace
qualifications. Job seekers with less experience are traditional face-to-face learning. This includes
suggested to apply for more professional courses in utilizing softwares like Zoom, Microsoft Teams,
digital applications, and obtain relevant skill sets to Google Meets for meetings and classes, reading
enhance their competitiveness. and learning in online libraries, and promoting
school administration using online platforms.
As for schools, due to the continuous changes in Furthermore, following the development of digital
learning, it is believed that more e-learning

resources will emerge in the future, with more 而在學校方面,因疫情下復課安排仍持續變動,
professional training courses on e-learning and 招聘的需求仍然需求傾向聘請中層員工以取代較
information technologies in the market. This 為資深的僱員。由於年齡的因素,初級或中級員
demonstrates the education industry is welcoming 工普遍較為掌握到電子數碼工具的運用,而加上
a new era of digitalisation, bringing in new job 復課安排仍然不穩定,部分幼兒教育機構的資金
opportunities and skill sets for talents. 收入較難回復疫情前的水平,故此此類僱主反而
Apart from that, in line with the diversified 招聘開支。
development of courses, there are more job
openings for course design development in the 薪酬增幅及結構有別其他業界
education industry. A significant number of 2021年教育界別的招聘需求提升,薪酬增長普遍
educational institutions are now providing 維持在10至15的百分比增長。而海外升學顧問相
curriculum design services and learning resources 關的職位就別於其他銷售職位,在疫情的影響下,
for schools. Students, hence, can benefit from 僱主及僱員選擇保守的薪酬分佈,傾向提升底薪收
getting in touch with learning materials other than 入,而佣金收入較其他銷售類行業類職位少。
the conventional courses. For teachers, there are
also various training courses, including 未來的發展趨勢
programming courses that enable teachers to bring 展望未來,數碼電子化以及課程設計開發將會是
programming knowledge to their work and 教育行業的新動力。過去一年在電子學習的新常
promote STEM education for their students. Overall, 態下,不論教師、學生甚至教育培訓人員都轉為
information technology and course development 接受和運用電子平台取代傳統面授模式,例如透
have become new trends in the education sector. 過ZOOM、Microsoft Teams、Google Meet等上課
2021年在疫情緩和的情況下,本港教育行業與去 電子平台推動學校行政,如電子通告等。因應數
年相比有逐漸復甦的跡象。過往一年,教育業逐 碼電子化的發展,相信未來將會有更多電子學習
漸適應及消化疫情帶來的影響,不少學生需要轉 資源的出現,市場亦出現不少電子學習工具使用
為透過視訊學習,為行業注入電子及數碼學習的 或資訊科技等的專業培訓課程,可見電子化在教
新需求;同時地,加上移民潮的帶動下,不少家 育行業已形成新趨勢。
問這類型公司及職位的需求。綜合數碼化及海外 此外,配合教育課程的多元化發展,使教育行業
升學為行業帶來新的機遇,不少僱主傾向聘請過 出現課程設計開發者等相關職位或企業。為數不
去一年流失的職位,加上新機遇帶來更多的就業 少的校外機構為學校提供設計課程的服務,以及
需求,使教育業整體的薪金有微微上升的趨勢。 提供不同學習資源,使學生能夠接觸傳統課程以
招聘需求改變 訓的課程出現,例如教授編程的技能,使教師將
展望2022年,教育行業市場經濟會逐步回復。因 編程知識帶回學校,推動學生學習STEM教育等。
應海外升學的需求增加,不少教育顧問相關企業 整體而言,資訊科技以及開發課程已為教育行業
的僱主傾向聘請更多銷售人員及顧問。不過招聘 的新趨勢。

教育 Education

職位 條件要求 所需年資 Monthly Salary in HKD (月薪/港幣)

Position Qualification Experience 最低工資 Min. 最高工資 Max.

教授 碩士或博士學位 10 + 90,000 120,000

Professor Master or Doctoral

學校校長 校長認證課程 8-10 75,000 110,000

Principal Certification
Course for

學校教師 碩士學位 5+ 35,000 65,000

Teacher PGCE / PGDE /
Master Degree

招生經理 學士或以上 5-7 40,000 60,000

Admissions Manager Bachelor or above

中心經理 學士或以上 5+ 28,000 40,000

Tutorial Center / Campus Manager Bachelor or above

課程編制主任 學士或以上 3-5 35,000 55,000

Head of Curriculum Development Bachelor or above

補習社導師 學士或以上 3-5 28,000 35,000

Native English Teacher at Tutorial Bachelor or above

研究員 學士或以上 3-5 20,000 40,000

Researcher Bachelor or above

翻譯員/編寫人 學士或以上 2-4 18,000 30,000

Translator/ Copywriter Bachelor or above

升學顧問 學士或以上 1-3 17,000 25,000

Education Consultant Bachelor or above

教學助理 學士或以上 1-3 16,000 18,000

Teaching Assistant Bachelor or above

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• Communicate Better
o React quickly and communicate by email, the built-in
We would like to introduce three cutting-edge technologies
chat box or the mobile app.
to accelerate your customer experience

• Save Time

Adecco Workforce o Centralize everything related to personnel
management and planning: a user-friendly, complete
Your 24/7 automated and intelligent solution.
rostering system
• Work Safely and without Difficulty
o Receive all software updates automatically and free of
Adecco Workforce Boost Your Business charge. No more security concerns or back-up of your
You would like to have a free hand to be able to focus on
your core business, but your staff schedule and everything • Stay in Control
that goes with it waste a considerable amount of time? Then o Access the schedule and pool of collaborators at any
you need Adecco Workforce urgently! time, in any place.

One Online Tool for Everything

Career Assistant
Staff planning is a complex activity, especially if you work
with flexible hours or temporary workers: candidates to
evaluate, schedules to establish, payroll to be carried out
2 24/7 connect with our AI
recruitment chatbots
each month... Adecco has the solution for you. From now on,
we can help to plan your staff efficiently and in a targeted Career Assistant enables recruiters and clients reaching
way thanks to Adecco Workforce! thousands of talents simultaneously; automating manual
Adecco Workforce Recruitment Connect
Uncover your candidates’ talents in the smart interview
Your 24/7 automated rostering system

Career Assistant
24/7 connect with our AI recruitment chatbots

and time-consuming tasks, while actively engaging our bring together our capabilities required to outperform in a
candidates and associates. digital world. We know what works the best for you.

• Profile refresh • Seamless video interview experience

o Refresh profiles of passive candidate in our application o It is easy to share recorded video interview with your
tracking system by collecting personal information entire team to obtain their feedback saving both you
needed for sourcing efforts and overall data value. and them time in the recruiting process.
Checking availability and candidate openness for job
offering. • Recruitment status update candidates
o Rate and comment on interviews to streamline your
• Candidate qualification evaluation process.
o Provide direct job offering to selected candidates
through message outreach, screening and scheduling • No more interview scheduling
those who qualify. o Provide candidates with the ultimate flexibility to
answer your questions on their own time in a
• Scheduling pre-recorded video interview.
o Allow recruiters to schedule 1:1 or M:N interviews with
candidates using Career Assistant as mediator and • Great candidate experience
having the interview scheduled in their Outlook o Integrating your company core values and cultures
calendar. into your interview process

• Open campaigns
o Provides user a link and a QR code for Candidate
Qualification type of campaign. This link can be shared Leading the future of
and used to run a bot conversation.
work with the best HR
Recruitment Connect automation solutions
3 Uncover your candidates’
talents in the smart interview Drop us an email at
Adecco Recruitment connect brings together an integration to learn how we can fortify your HR function.
of digital experience and human touch for our clients to
provide a seamless but personalized digital experience from
candidates screening, ranking the candidate pipelines, auto For more information about any of our services,
scheduling the live or recorded interviews and provide the please visit us at
ompetency-based assessment recruitment reports. We

Hong Kong 香港




The information provided in this guide represents averages salaries derived from positions that Adecco recruited from 2019-2020. The salaries exclude
over time payment, commissions, allowances and bonuses. Salaries are based on the salaries of local citizens in Hong Kong.

The salary guide is representative of data that Adecco has collected and complied from clients and candidates in Hong Kong.
The information should only be used as a guideline and should not be reproduced without written prior permission of Adecco.

The materials and information provided by the Adecco on this guide is for reference only. Adecco shall not be liable for any losses, damages, costs or
expenses howsoever caused, arising directly or indirectly from the use of or inability to use this guide or use of or reliance upon any information or
material provided on this guide or otherwise in connection with any representation, statement or information on or contained on this guide.

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