Lecture 4

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Lecture 4

Transformative governance and

policy frames
Sustainability in Engineering Management – EM854


Transformation Change

Policy Frames
Contents Transformative Governance
on Energy Transition

© Dr. Shahbaz Abbas

Transformative Change

 Indirect drivers
 Demographics and sociocultural

 Economic and technological

 Institutions and governance

 Conflicts and epidemics

© Dr. Shahbaz Abbas

Transformative Change

 Sustainability Challenges
 Land and sea-use change

 Exploitation of organisms

 Climate Change

 Pollution

 Invasive alien species

© Dr. Shahbaz Abbas

Policy Frames

 Integrative

 Inclusive

 Adaptive

 Pluralist

© Dr. Shahbaz Abbas

Policy Frames

 Integrative
 Use governance policy mixes across scales and across sectors by using
Nexus approaches, multilevel governance, environmental policy, and
integration and mainstreaming where we can integrate sustainable to
conscience into different sectors
 Those with vested interest in unsustainable practices will need to sacrifice

© Dr. Shahbaz Abbas

Policy Frames

 Inclusive
 Enabling a wide range of rights holders, mortgage holders, and
stakeholders to participate in decision-making to capture
diverse values, enhance capacity, promote accountability.
 Aims to empower those whose interests are currently not being
met. Use deliberative approaches such as citizen juries,
participatory action research, co-production, co-learning.
Basically, in general, tools for dialogue and collaboration.

© Dr. Shahbaz Abbas

Policy Frames

 Adaptive
A process to enhance resilience that uses continuous opportunities
for iterative learning, adjusting responses to uncertainty, and
complexity over time.
 Key elements of this process include management with feedback
loops, network policy actors, nested scales, institutional and
stakeholder diversity.
 Local communities living by nature

© Dr. Shahbaz Abbas

Policy Frames

 Pluralist
 Aims to rethink values (socio-cultural) for enabling transformation.
This can be done by recognizing the multiple legitimate ways of
knowing, valuing, representing nature-society relations. This means
including broader set of information and indicators, including those
that reflect other use on nature, well-being, and prosperity

© Dr. Shahbaz Abbas

Transformative governance on energy
transition – Map Policy Frames

 What type of renewable energy is possible within this area?

 Can we also reduce energy consumption so we don't have to build such grand scale
 Implementation of energy transition by engaging with different worldview holders. If
you think of building a hydro-power, then it's good to consult communities around it.
 Can we use these rivers for hydropower?
 Do they have sacred meanings?
 Are they cultural heritage?
 Addressing these issues before implementation will also have to avoid conflicts, loss of time,
and resources.

© Dr. Shahbaz Abbas

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