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IN finance EMI is an equated monthly instalment is a set monthy

paaymentt provided by a borrower to a creditor on a set day each

month . It is apply to both interest and principal each month .

CIVIL SCORE is a three digit numeric summary of your credit history

.This is derived using the credit history which is found in the credit
information report .


provides us the the calculated detail of the emi installments and
check our civil score for loan purpose .it is a software which provide
us the complete and structured loan repayment plan instalment
wise by checking our civil score .

1.1 Purpose

The pupose of this document is to build an loan emi and civil

score calculator to ease the customer in borrowing loan .

1.2 Scope

The purpose of the loan emi and civil score calculator is to ease the
customer and to create a convenient and ease to use application
for customers ,trying to taking loan . The system is based on the
relational database with its loan management and civil score
functions .We will have many installments plans supporting many
banks and plans . Above all, we hope to provide a comfortable user
experience along with best interest plans
1.3 Definations

EMI – Equated monthly Instalment

CIBIL – Credit Information Bureau India Limited


2.1 Product Prospective

Loan detail

It includes the loan amount and the bank from which the money is
to be borrowed and the interest at which the bank provide the
loan, tennure for the repayments

Customer Description

It includes customer details , the name of the customer ,address of

the customer , phone number of the customer and it has also been
addresses whether the customer had any previos loan or not etc/

Cibil Report

A good CIBIL Score is a score between 700 to 900 ,which means the
borrower has a high chance of getting higher loan amount at a low
interest .Having a good cibil score means the customer is
creditworthy and lender will approve loan application quickly.
Emi description

It provides us the amount detail which is to be provided by the

borrower to the lender at the given date. The emi is calculated on
the basis of loan amount and the tennure and at particular interest
rate .

2.1.1 System Interface

Log in details

Username ……………………

Password ……………………


Emi Calculator

Loan Amount ………………..

Interest percent …..

Period years…….months

EMI …………………..


Cibil Score Calculator

Username …………

Date of Birth …………..

PAN Card number …………

Cibil Score …..

2.1.2 Hardware Requirements

* Processor :

* Motherboard :

* RAM :

* Hard disk Drive:

* Monitor :

* Keyboard :

* Mouse :

2.1.3 Software Requirements :

* front End : HTML5,CSS3,Bootstrap

* Back End : PHP,MYSQL

* Control End :Angular java script

2.1.4 Android tools :

Android Emulator


Android Studio

2.1.4 HP Tools

Android Emulator
Users of the system should be able to retrieve the best emi plans
between given multiple banks or sources from the database .The
best possible plan from any particular source should be exploding
for the customer .The user or customer should be able to do the
following functions .

 Monthly Interest rate

 Interest component of the emi
 Principal components of the EMI
 Principal outstanding at the end of the month
 Emi amount
 How will interest rate movements affect the customer
 Alternatively ,if loan interest rate hiked ,what would happen

3.1 Administrative functions and characterstics

What the functions ,system holds from the administration should
be there for the user and user should aware of these with ease

Administration should have the power to add more functionalities

and add some new features as hike interest and add some more
emi plans and provide cibil report in more structured way .

 Update emi
 Update cibil score
 Emi interest rate
 Tennure of the repayment
3.2 System Product feature
3.2.1 Emi calculation
Here the calculation of the emi is done on the following formula

 Formula for EMI calculation is –

 P x R x (1+R)^N/[(1+R)^N-1] where
 P=Principal Loan amount
 N=Loan tennure in months
 R= Monthly interest rate
 R=Annual rate of interest /12/100

3.2.2 Cibil Report

Here the cibil report is generated

CIBIL Score is made up of four factors and each of them have a


Factors Weightage

Payment history 30%

Credit Exposure 25%
Credit type and duration 25%
Others 20%
4.0 Functionl Requirements

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