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Critical thinking is the analysis of available facts, evidence, observations, and arguments to form a

judgment. The subject is complex; several different definitions exist, which generally include the
rational, sceptical, and unbiased analysis or evaluation of factual evidence. Critical thinking is
selfdirected, self-disciplined, self-monitored, and self-corrective thinking.

Critical thinking is an ability to analyse information and experiences in an objective manner. It helps
to recognise and assess the factors that influence attitudes and behaviour. Critical thinking involves
logical thinking, reasoning, comparison, classification, cause/effect and planning. It consists of
mental process of analysing and evaluating. Critical thinking is also about attitudes: Open
mindedness, flexibility, persistence, interpersonal sensitivity and intercultural sensitivity

Assessment Activity- 9 Radha was very proud of her father. He was a senior bureaucrat in the state
and he was invited to every major functions in Radha’s school and colleges. She used to feel like a
star on such occasions. She boasted about her father in her friends’ circle. It was not without reason
as her father himself used to tell her his stories of honesty, integrity in administration from his
personal experiences. Radha was a brilliant student in her studies. She had many friends and some
enemies too. Ramya was one of those enemies who was jealous of Radha and she constantly
searched for an opportunity to hurt Radha with her acerbic taunts. Most of the times Radha avoided
encountering Ramya inside the college campus. When Radha was in her final year of graduation, just
before her final exams, her father was arrested on charges of corruption and was sent to jail. This
became a major news in the state and severely affected Radha mentally. She did not want to write
her exams as she felt embarrassed to go to college. But her friends and mother convinced her to give
exams as it was very important for her future. As soon as Radha entered college, Ramya met her and
started talking sarcastically about Radha’s father that how an honest father got arrested and how
Radha had come to write exams in spite of a major crisis in her family. Ramya wryly asked Radha if
her father had gone to jail to deliver lecture about honesty and integrity. One of Radha’s close
friends slapped Ramya there itself. Radha was hurt by Ramya’s comments and not able to control
her emotions she rushed out of college crying loudly. That day she did not give her exam. Next day
she committed suicide at her home. In the above example, Radha, Ramya and Radha’s friend who
slapped Ramya all have displayed different shades of low emotional intelligence.

Answer the following

1. Analyse how Ramya would have behaved if she had possessed high emotional intelligence?

2. Analyse how Radha would have behaved if she had possessed high emotional intelligence?

Vishnu did not have to study much during high school in order to make good grades. When he
started college, he was overwhelmed by the amount of work his instructors were assigning. He
knows that he is not doing his best, but he can’t motivate himself to excel. He is passing all his
classes now, but the weeks ahead are full of tests and projects. Vishnu has started to worry that he
may flunk out. He is a first-generation college student, and his parents have sacrificed so much for
him to further his education. They were so proud when he started college. He knows they will be
devastated if he fails. Vishnu is too embarrassed to even talk about his struggles with his parents or
friends. In addition to his academic worries, Vishnu is also concerned about his finances. He had to
cut back his work hours in order to attend class. He would like to earn more money so that he can
pay for all his expenses so as not to burden his family. What advice would you give Vishnu to help
him regain his motivation and finish the semester strong?

1. Analyse the case study and identify the biggest problem or challenge confronting Vishnu.

2. Find out the three possible solutions to solve this problem

Discuss the desired outcome for the Vishnu and how will Vishnu’s situation improve if he follows
your suggestions?

Q3. Satish is a junior manager in a manufacturing company. His manager recently retired. His former
manager recommended Satish for a management training program to position Satish for succession.
Satish did not get the promotion because he failed his management training. He is very bitter at the
lost opportunity and complains to his co-workers that he did not get the promotion because of
them, accusing them of overloading him with work, leaving him with no time to study. Satish also
complains to his wife that if she had taken on more responsibilities, he would not have failed his
management training. At family gatherings he complains that it is things like these that made him fail
and loose a promotion. He is also jealous of his new manager for getting the promotion ahead of
him. He complains that if he had not been sabotaged by others the job would have been his. Satish
complains continuously and still is complaining 1 year on after the incident.


1. Identify the emotional intelligence issues in this case?

2. Is Satish responding to his failure in an emotionally intelligent way? If not how could he respond

Why Motivation is so important in the success of an organisation?

List three examples from which you may be motived?

Write a paragraph about your favourite Motivator preferably either from the fields of Personality
Development or Spiritual or Industries Sports. Note the key skills in him or her.

State the activities of good leadership? List six key skills a Leader must possess as per your

What is team work and team building?

List the key steps to build and maintain a strong, cohesive and effective team?

List six key skills to be necessary for a good team building as per your understanding.

What is the key difference between problem solving and decision making?

Why the problem solving and decision making skills are so important for a manager?

Write the techniques involved in improving the problem solving and decision making processes?

List six key skills to be possessed by an employee / employer working in an organisation in problem
solving and decision making process as per your understanding.

1. In a rainy day at late night, you are driving a car which suddenly breaks down. You

have no knowledge of repairing and unable to make a call as your mobile is out of

charging. The nearest town is around 10 km away and no one is found to help. How

do you feel and what do you do?

a) I got angry and kick the car. I want to sleep in the car. In the morning, I wait till

another vehicle appears on the road and ask the persons in that vehicle for help.

b) I feel unhappy and anxious. I sleep in the car. In the morning, I wait and hope that

someone will come to help me.

c) I frustrated and behaves like a mad person. I think that all are happening to me only in

this night. I realise that travelling in remote places in the night is not preferable. I

stepdown from the car and wait for any vehicles to past me. I then ask for a ride into

the town or ask if I can use their phone to ring my family members for the support.

d) l feel annoyed, but I try to work out a solution. I will start walking towards the town

as it will take to me a few hours to walk 10 km. In the town, I can find a way to

contact my family members for the support.

e) I keep calm and get the car manual out to see if any repair work I will do. I also keep
an eye on the road for the movement of any vehicles. If anyone stops, I will ask them

for repairing my car or to ring my family to support. If they cannot help, I will wait

with the car till the morning, then walk into the nearest town for repairing the car.

2. Some money kept in the room is stolen and the boss is looking for everyone to help

in sorting the problem. What would you do in this situation?

a) I sit normally and leave the problem to my boss for sorting.

b) I stay quiet as I haven’t enough money to contribute.

c) I express my opinion depending on my position in the team.

d) I encourage my teammates to think of the team but not their individual needs.

e) I behaves as a leader and bring everyone together to find a solution.

3. It is more important to separate the facts from assumptions or opinions while

defining a problem. Imagine you are providing services to the customers in your

city. One day, a regular customer cancels his service order. Your boss wants to

know the reason. How will you tackle the situation?

a) I show my unwillingness to talk with the customer. I told my boss that they are not


b) I would not ask the customer directly. But, I approach his friends or neighbours to

know the reason.

c) I send SMS to the customer what the problem with the service but I would not expect

a response.

d) I would contact the customer by phone and ask if there is any problem in our services.

If so, I would try to find out the solution and satisfy them.

e) I would go physically to talk with the customer. I told him that he is one of our

favourite customer and we felt sorry for cancelling his order. I would very much

concerned to provide the service to him by resolving the problem he faced in that


4. You are facing a problem that is not so easy to express. How would you feel and act

in that situation?

a) I felt angry and I simply ignore the problem.

b) I would feel worried. I would not confident to express the problem do nothing and

hope things will sort themselves out.

c) I would feel concerned. If the problems is caused by me, I would probably try and sort

it out. If it’s not my problem to sort, I would tell someone else about it.

d) I would feel responsible and feel like I should do something about it. I would try and

solve the problem with the help of my friends.

e) I would feel interested. I really like to solve problems; it gives me a real sense of


5. Imagine you are appointed as in- charge for organising a felicitation function in

your organisation. The manager comes into the function hall and expresses his

dissatisfaction on the decorations and wants them changed right away. You have

two hours left before the guests arrive. How will act in this situation?

a) Ignore the manager words. You think It is too late to make any changes.

b) I get upset and try to explain the efforts I put for the decoration. Still, I would like to

sort out his request but there is not enough time left to change as per his wish.

c) I feel a mix of frustration and worry. I do what I can in the remaining two hours to

make the decoration a little more attractive.

d) I consult with my experienced staff for sorting out a solution. I then give instructions

to the rest of the team for making alternations.

e) I call the whole team involved in the decoration of the hall to a 10 minutes meeting to

ascertain the possible ideas. We pick one right decision, then I get everyone to make

the changes as quickly as possible.

6. How would you describe your approach to solving problems?

a) I will simply ignore the problem.

b) I worry about the problems because I am not enough confident in solving them. I

mostly believing that problems will sort themselves out or someone will come to sort

my problems.

c) What may be complicated or big the problem is, I have an OK approach.

d) I usually think through problems before acting. I could get better at brainstorming

more options so I can find smarter solutions.

e) I approach problems carefully and with a well-thought out plan. I am quite creative

with ideas and options, and I am reasonably confident at being able to select the best

idea and act on it.

7. Do you take responsibility for problems that you’ve made?

a) Not at all. If anyone take responsibility, that is fine for me.

b) Not really. I don’t like the weight of responsibility. I feel crushed by it.

c) I guess so. I will reluctantly take responsibility if I created the problem. So I am

always keen to share the responsibility.

d) Yes. I am happy to own up and accept the consequences.

e) Yes. I am pretty good at accepting responsibility for the problem and for coming up

with a solution.

8. Sometimes decisions are not easy to make. For instance, After Sunday you are

feeling too tired to go to work on Monday morning. You know this will pressures on

your workmates to make up for your absence and also lower your pay than normal

because you already used all your leaves. Do you go for work or stay at home?

a) I do what is best for me. I would to look after myself as nobody with me.

b) I argue with myself. I know what the right thing to do is, but I would probably stay in

bed and spend the day feeling guilty for letting other people down.

c) If the workmates are closer to me, I would probably make the effort to get up and go

for work. If not, I would stay in bed and face the consequences.

d) I drag myself out of bed and go in to work and do the work slowly for the day.

e) I go for work living my values and caring for my family is important.

9. Being impulsive means jumping into things without knowing the possible

consequences. . How good are you at thinking through consequences before you act.

a) Thinking? I prefer to act first then deal with the consequences later.

b) Not so great. I get nervous when making decisions.

c) Depends. I try to think before I act. I would probably react without thinking it through


d) Pretty good. I mostly think before I act.

e) I am not interested in the above choices.

10. Being able to ask for advice is a critical skill, both in life and at work. How good are

you at asking for advice?

a) Terrible. I do not like advices from others.

b) Not great. I am a little bit shy to ask advices.

c) OK. Depends on the relationship I have with the person I would take the advices.

d) Pretty good. Even though It is not something I enjoy, still I will take it if necessary.

e) I am absolutely fine with asking for advice. It also shows that I’m interested in doing

a good job.

What is meant by Organizational Skills?

List out various Organization skills required in work space

“You have a three-gallon bucket and a five-gallon bucket. How do

you measure out exactly four gallons?”

ossible solution:  Fill the three-gallon jug and pour contents

into the five-gallon jug. Then, fill the three-gallon jug again and
use it to continue filling the five-gallon jug. This will take two
gallons out of the three-gallon jug. Now, dump all of the
contents out of the five-gallon jug. Pour the one gallon that is
left in the three-gallon jug into the five-gallon jug, and then fill
the three-gallon jug again and pour it into the five-gallon jug.
This will give you four gallons.
 There are three boxes. One box is labeled BANANAS, another is
labeled STRAWBERRIES and the last is labeled MIXED. All the boxes
are labeled incorrectly. You’re only allowed to reach into one box
and take out one piece of fruit.  Without looking into the box, how
will you fix the labels? 

Possible solution: Open the box labeled MIXED first. You pull

out a strawberry.  All of the boxes are labeled wrong, so we
know that this box only has strawberries. Move the
STRAWBERRIES label to this box. The box labeled BANANAS
must be mislabeled. It cannot be strawberries, so it must be
MIXED. Move the MIXED label to this box. The last box contains
only bananas. 
Why do they make manhole covers round?

Possible answers: This question has several answers including:  


 Round covers can’t fall into a round hole.

 Round covers can be rolled if they need to be moved.
 Round covers won’t damage the tires of cars that may pass over them.
 Round covers can be easily placed, fitted and aligned. 

You’re standing outside a room with no windows. The room has

three light bulbs and three switches outside the room. Each switch
controls one of the light bulbs. You may only enter the room one
time. How can you find out what switch goes to each light bulb? 

Possible solution: To find out what switch goes to what light bulb, you could
turn on the first switch and wait five minutes. After five minutes have passed,
turn off the first switch and turn on the second switch. Look for the warm light
bulb when you walk back into the room. The light that’s on goes to the second
switch, the warm light bulb goes to the first switch and the last light bulb goes
to the third switch.
Many years ago a famous British shoe company sent two of its salesmen to Africa to investigate and
report back on the market potential. The first salesman made a thorough survey and reported back:
“There is no potential here - nobody wears shoes.”The second salesman too investigated and
submitted his report: “There is massive potential here - nobody wears shoes.” a) What was the task
given to the two salesmen?
______________________________________________________________ b) What was the
observation of the first salesman?

What are the two kinds of perspectives that you find?

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