Dream Analysis

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My dream journal

Contents Page

Introduction………………………………………………………… 2

Spider………………………………………………………………... 3

Nuclear war…………………………………………………………. 4

Droning into water…………………………………………………. 6


My dream journal

Brief Introduction

I've enjoyed dreaming forever. Actually, it might be my favorite pastime. One thing that
frustrates me is how small I can remember of my dreams.

In words, often putting a dream feels like I have come back to Stone Age from the future
and try to tell the other people what I saw.

However, I consider the dream reminder to be worthwhile - first of all, it could help bring
together my conscious and subconscious mind which is a very useful aim.

1: Spider

I have seen one demon that appeared during sleep and was trying to squash me, I found this
demon on top of me. That moment was totally unbearable. I was dreaming this morning. I was
on my bed and I turned to face the hanging sheet in front of our closet. On the opposite (closet)
side, there was a giant insect that resembled a crab moving across the sheet. like a large, short-
legged, pasty white spider. Since it was on the other side of the sheet, I sprang up and walked
over to look at it. It moved closer to the top of the sheet as I watched. It was abhorrent. Normally
I don't kill spiders, but there was something about this one that compelled me to do it.

When I moved the sheet over, it wasn't there. When it dawned to me that what I thought I saw
might not have truly been there, I was so terrified that it could bite me in an unexpected way
because I wasn't wearing my contacts, and it's quite unlikely that I lost the insect with my
impaired vision. I thought it must have been a hallucination after being startled by it for a while,
but when I tried to fall asleep again, I shuffled over to the flip side of the mattress.

Feelings associated: afraid, terrified, anxious, and tensed

Theme: threatening, tactile illusion, anxious,

Dream Analysis: According to different dream interpretations the spider are commonly
considered as mesh of lies, or when trust is being confronted, and something is worrying and the
feeling of being stuck. I can suggest that sensation could be imprisoned in life by something
unseen because spiders lack skeletons and bones. This could be a problem at work, concerns

about money or other aspects of my life, or fears I tend to develop after being betrayed by loved
ones. One other interpretation could be a perceived threat, Fear, or anxiety feeling like someone
in real-life has the intent to scare, intimidate, or harass the dreamer.


I am also scare of insects whenever even I see it live. It makes me panic when it flies or hide
from eyes. It may be reason so my thoughts and feelings come in shape of dream. Because most
of the time I get encountered with spiders and scares about even when I rethink about or
hallucinates about even nothing is around me. Dreaming of spiders in the current pandemic of
coronavirus is common. The spider is often seen as a symbol of worry, fear, and can be a
representation of the virus and how this can affect. This could naturally be the reason of
dreaming of spiders.

2: Nuclear war

One fine midnight of winter, I saw nuclear attack on my country state. I just woke up (in dream)
from sleep and sees cries and smokes from my window so far, it was frightening situation just
like seeing your death in front of you and you know how to react or to save yourself or loved
ones. Those small children playing in ground, women working in house, people roaming around
streets all of sudden I saw Missiles were on their way. All of us fled the town and rushed away.
All huddle inside a big, deserted structure with a single incandescent light hanging overhead. The
lightbulb abruptly sparked and went out. I was aware that it was being created by an EMP from a

nearby bomb blast, and I knew that the blast wave was about to hit while the energy was still
lancing through me.

Feelings associated: Frightened. Nervous. Distressed. Terrified. Apprehensive. Anxious.

Theme: devastation, destruction, damage, ruin, demolition

Dream Analysis:

Nuclear attack or war may express uncontrolled life situations, emotional breakdowns. It could
represent power or uncontrollable authority, or something that can easily or quickly spiral out of
control. Hopelessness in this situation could be seen as a result of a lack of diplomatic or social
skills, anger, hostility, and self-righteousness, inability to see things from multiple perspectives
Fear-based reactionism, or compassionless conduct.

It may represent own intrinsic conflict, or an attempt to comprehend two contrasting points of
view. Take a glance for parallels in your life (including media) such as a disagreement, a battle
of wills, aggression, or an attack. It could also indicate terrible mood swings due to different bad
experiences. It may also indicate devastating feelings, conflicts in my relationships, financial
downs. It may also tell about repressed thoughts, feelings, angers, and frustrations that come in
form of devastations of surrounding.


I've had a nuclear dream before. Perhaps it's because I've read a lot about nuclear weapon
innovation, defensive performance, and political systems in the recent past. Any kind of blast
could be associated with my suppressed emotions or fear of something difficult to accept (as
there are a lot of things we suppress it by consciously or unconsciously.

3: Drowning into water

Dream:I've had enough dreams about the waves and that road in the early morning hours that I'd
swear it happened if I didn't know it couldn't. But this time, I had been in my mansion (on Ocean
View), on the second floor, where there was supposed to be a big picture glass facing the beach .
The waves continued to rise until I noticed a massive one approaching, bigger than the house. I
was afraid it was going to smash through the window, so I tried to steer everyone aside from it.
However, the window survived intact as the wave began rolling over the mansion.

However, at point I decided to save myself. I was all alone. Another wave swept me down the
street. I grabbed a gate and clung to it for dear life in order to avoid being caught out to ocean.
Then I awoke, panting and out of breath.

Feelings Associated: Scared, Worried, Troubled, Alarmed, Fearful, Restless.

Dream Analysis: Sinking symbolizes overwhelming real-life scenarios, feelings of despair or

disillusionment, or something feeling out of control, or a fear of such things. Based on the
circumstances, water could have a wide range of meanings. Apparently, it may depict your
satisfaction or thirst. Water takes on the definite shape, needing the ability to modify or cater.
Water's iniquitousness or potential to have far-reaching impacts as it innately streams and
propagates into its environment Water that is flowing or changing shape could indeed undergo
changes, transition, either forward or movement in the dreamer's daily existence outside of the
dreamer's control.

Self –analysis

Drowning in water is biggest fear of everybody, sometimes our life routines like I am drowning
in workloads, deadlines, and the general external stressors that invariably make life interesting
and stressful. I’ve fear of water (kind of phobic) in real life whenever I see water it panics me.

so much focus has been placed on my workload,, so having drowning dream may be because I
am anxious about my or someone else’s health, or fear of completing work on time. The dream
may be highlighting my anxiety and fear of death, or about pandemic or my work loads.



The Curious Dreamer [Recommended as on par with Dreammoods] Journeyintodreams.com


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