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# Question Question Type Question


1 the oldest formal school of thought which began a Multiple Choice 45%
2 This Theory means “one best way” to do a job. Multiple Choice 40%
3 According to him, Authority is the power to hold p Multiple Choice 37%
4 He consider as the father of Scientific Managemen Multiple Choice 72%
5 One of the principles of Administrative Management Multiple Choice 56%
6 A principle of Administrative management that Emp Multiple Choice 67%
7 A principle that Work allocation should be by speci Multiple Choice 59%
8 The Father of Modern Management Multiple Choice 18%
9 Related to organization system is defined as –“An Multiple Choice 48%
10 The _____________ - means that an organization s Multiple Choice 54%

View Player Data

Grace Mariel Richelle
Average Time
per Question Correct Incorrect Unattempted Celestial Geliane Amarillo
(Grace Mariel (Geliane ) (Richelle
Celestial) Amarillo)

01:40 17 14 6 Classical Appro Classical Appro Classical Appro

01:27 15 15 7 Scientific Mana Scientific Mana Scientific Mana

02:03 14 17 6 Max Webber Max Webber Henry Fayol

00:49 27 3 7 Max Webber Fredrick Taylor Fredrick Taylor

00:56 21 8 8 Authority Authority Authority

59:54 25 7 5 Discipline Discipline Discipline

01:31 22 9 6 Division of Wor Disicpline Division of Wor

01:02 7 23 7 Fredrick Fayol Henry Fayol Henry Fayol

02:57 18 12 7 System approacSystem approacSystem approac

01:30 20 12 5 Esprit de Corps Esprit de Corps Esprit de Corps

13:49 186 120 64 90 % 80 % 80 %

View Time Data View Summary

Annika Antolin Earl jay Adrian Kyle Chariz Joy
DIVINA* (Annika dedace (Earl Yumul (Adrian Espino (Chariz Lara Aneeza ablaza*
(DIVINA* ) (Lara Aneeza) (jameth
Antolin) jay dedace) Kyle Yumul) Joy Espino)
Classical Appro Classical Appro Modern ManageClassical Appro Classical Appro Classical Appro Modern Manage
Scientific Mana Administrative Scientific Mana Administrative Scientific Mana Scientific Mana Scientific Mana
Henry Fayol Max Webber Max Webber Max Webber Max Webber Max Webber Max Webber
Fredrick Taylor Fredrick Taylor Fredrick Taylor Fredrick Taylor Fredrick Taylor Fredrick Taylor Fredrick Taylor
Authority Authority Authority Division of Wor Authority Authority Authority
Discipline Discipline Discipline Discipline Discipline Discipline Discipline
Division of Wor Division of Wor Division of Wor Division of Wor Stability Division of Wor Stability
Henry Fayol Henry Fayol Henry Fayol Henry Fayol Henry Fayol Henry Fayol Henry Fayol
System approacSystem approacSystem approacSystem approacBehavioral apprOperational Ap System approac
Esprit de Corps Esprit de Corps Esprit de Corps Esprit de Corps Esprit de Corps Human RelationEsprit de Corps

80 % 80 % 80 % 70 % 70 % 70 % 70 %
Samantha Stephanie
Allian Legolas Lanuza Nicole Anne D.
karl richter
aleia* (aleia* ) Arnaldo (Allian kylamae Quinzon Nicerio blones (karl DIVINA
Legolas (Lanuza (Samantha (Stephanie (DIVINA )
richter blones)
Arnaldo) kylamae) Nicole Anne D.
Quinzon) Nicerio)
Classical Appro Scientific Mana Administrative Classical Appro Classical Appro Scientific Mana Classical Appro
Behavioral apprbureaucratic m Administrative Scientific Mana Administrative Scientific Mana Scientific Mana
Henry Fayol Henry Fayol Max Webber Henry Fayol Max Webber Max Webber Henry Fayol
Fredrick Taylor Fredrick Taylor Fredrick Taylor Fredrick Taylor Fredrick Taylor Fredrick Taylor Fredrick Taylor
Authority Authority Interest Stability Authority Division of Work
Discipline Unity of commaDiscipline Discipline Discipline Discipline Discipline
Division of Wor Division of Wor Division of Wor Division of Wor Stability Interest
Henry Fayol Fredrick Fayol Henry Fayol Fredrick Fayol Henry Fayol Henry Fayol Fredrick Fayol
System approacSystem approacSystem approacBehavioral apprOperational Ap System approacSystem approac
Esprit de Corps Esprit de Corps Esprit de Corps Scientific Man Esprit de Corps Esprit de Corps Classical Appro

70 % 60 % 60 % 60 % 60 % 60 % 60 %
Flores ,
Janille T. Jasmine ERICK O
Rhazelle Cathlyn lozano
Carlene (Flores Realubit Suzzeine Bautista Michelinn (Cathlyn GAUDARIO*
(Janille T. (Suzzeine ) (Jasmine (Michelinn ) (ERICK O
, Rhazelle lozano)
Realubit) Bautista) GAUDARIO*)
Modern ManageClassical Appro Classical Appro Classical Appro Modern ManageClassical Appro Administrative
Administrative Scientific Mana Behavioral apprScientific Mana Administrative Behavioral apprAdministrative
Max Webber Henry Fayol Henry Fayol Henry Fayol Henry Fayol Abraham MasloHenry Fayol
Fredrick Taylor Fredrick Taylor Fredrick Taylor Fredrick Taylor Fredrick Taylor Fredrick Taylor Fredrick Taylor
Stability Division of Wor Authority Authority Authority Authority
Discipline Discipline Discipline Centarilzation Discipline Discipline Centarilzation
Division of Wor Interest Division of Wor Division of Wor Division of Wor Division of Wor Division of Wor
Fredrick Fayol Henry Fayol Fredrick Fayol Henry Fayol Henry Fayol Henry Fayol Fredrick Fayol
System approacSystem approacOperational Ap Scientific Man System approach System approac
Classical Appro Esprit de Corps Classical Appro Esprit de Corps Esprit de Corps Esprit de Corps Scientific Man

60 % 60 % 60 % 60 % 60 % 50 % 50 %
Suzanne Moyo jameth ablaza Grace Celestial Kyla Mae
(Sophia (jameth Adriel (Adriel ) aleia (aleia ) Cerilo (Grace Lanuza (Kyla
Suzanne ablaza) Celestial) Mae Lanuza)
Scientific Mana Modern ManageClassical Appro Scientific Mana Modern ManageScientific Managment
Administrative Scientific Mana Behavioral approach Scientific Mana Behavioral approach
Max Webber Henry Fayol Max Webber Henry Fayol Henry Fayol Henry Fayol
Fredrick Taylor Fredrick Taylor Max Webber Mr. and Mrs. GiFredrick Taylor
Authority Authority Stability Authority Authority Authority
Unity of commaDiscipline Discipline Discipline Centarilzation Unity of commaDiscipline
Division of Wor Stability Division of Wor Division of Wor Division of Wor Division of Wor Interest
Henry Fayol Henry Fayol Henry Fayol Henry Fayol Abraham Maslow
System approacOperational Ap Behavioral approach Scientific Man Operational Ap Scientific Man
Classical Appro Scientific Man Human RelationEsprit de Corps Scientific Man Human RelationEsprit de Corps

50 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 30 % 30 % 20 %
Flores ,
Adriel ERICK O Rhazelle
bayaborda Karl (Karl ) GAUDARIO Carlene* Ken (Ken ) (Annika
(Adriel (ERICK O (Flores ,
bayaborda) GAUDARIO) Rhazelle
Modern Management Theory
Behavioral approach
Henry Fayol
Fredrick Taylor
Division of Work
Henry Fayol
Operational Approach
Human Relations

10 % 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Rank First Name Last Name Attempt # Accuracy Score

1 Grace Mariel Celestial 10 90 % 5400

2 Geliane 10 80 % 4800
3 Richelle Amarillo 10 80 % 4800
4 DIVINA* 10 80 % 4800
5 Annika Antolin 10 80 % 4800
6 Earl jay dedace 10 80 % 4800
7 Adrian Kyle Yumul 10 70 % 4200
8 Chariz Joy Espino 10 70 % 4200
9 Lara Aneeza 10 70 % 4200
10 jameth ablaza* 10 70 % 4200
11 aleia* 10 70 % 4200
12 Allian Legolas Arnaldo 10 60 % 3800
13 Lanuza kylamae 10 60 % 3600
14 Samantha Nicole Quinzon 10 60 % 3600
15 Stephanie Anne D. Nicerio 10 60 % 3600
16 karl richter blones 10 60 % 3600
17 DIVINA 8 60 % 3600
18 Flores , Rhazelle Carlene 10 60 % 3600
19 Janille T. Realubit 10 60 % 3600
20 Suzzeine 10 60 % 3600
21 Jasmine Bautista 10 60 % 3600
22 Michelinn 10 60 % 3600
23 Cathlyn lozano 8 50 % 3000
24 ERICK O GAUDARIO* 10 50 % 3000
25 Sophia Suzanne Moyo 10 50 % 3000
26 jameth ablaza 10 40 % 2400
27 Adriel 10 40 % 2400
28 aleia 6 40 % 2400
29 Samantha Cerilo 10 30 % 1800
30 Grace Celestial 10 30 % 1800
31 Kyla Mae Lanuza 4 20 % 1200
32 Adriel bayaborda 10 10 % 600
33 Karl 0 0% 0
35 Flores , Rhazelle Carlene* 0 0% 0
36 Ken 0 0% 0
37 Annika Antolin 0 0% 0
Correct Incorrect Unattempted Total Time Taken Started At

9 1 0 05:21 Wed 12 Oct 2022,03:08 PM

8 2 0 14:31 Wed 12 Oct 2022,02:56 PM
8 2 0 26:10 Wed 12 Oct 2022,02:56 PM
8 2 0 07:09 Wed 12 Oct 2022,03:10 PM
8 2 0 24:17 Wed 12 Oct 2022,02:56 PM
8 2 0 08:33 Wed 12 Oct 2022,02:56 PM
7 3 0 12:12 Wed 12 Oct 2022,02:56 PM
7 3 0 24:05 Wed 12 Oct 2022,02:56 PM
7 3 0 25:35 Wed 12 Oct 2022,02:56 PM
7 3 0 07:04 Wed 12 Oct 2022,03:17 PM
7 3 0 10:14 Wed 12 Oct 2022,03:07 PM
6 4 0 16:08 Wed 12 Oct 2022,02:56 PM
6 4 0 19:10 Wed 12 Oct 2022,02:56 PM
6 4 0 12:31 Wed 12 Oct 2022,02:56 PM
6 4 0 11:38 Wed 12 Oct 2022,02:56 PM
6 4 0 11:35 Wed 12 Oct 2022,02:56 PM
6 2 2 11:10 Wed 12 Oct 2022,02:56 PM
6 4 0 08:05 Wed 12 Oct 2022,02:56 PM
6 4 0 27:09 Wed 12 Oct 2022,02:56 PM
6 4 0 16:54 Wed 12 Oct 2022,02:56 PM
6 4 0 25:01 Wed 12 Oct 2022,02:56 PM
6 4 0 15:40 Wed 12 Oct 2022,02:56 PM
5 3 2 11:32 Wed 12 Oct 2022,02:56 PM
5 5 0 06:18 Wed 12 Oct 2022,02:58 PM
5 5 0 17:25 Wed 12 Oct 2022,02:56 PM
4 6 0 18:22 Wed 12 Oct 2022,02:56 PM
4 6 0 11:57 Wed 12 Oct 2022,03:07 PM
4 2 4 04:13 Wed 12 Oct 2022,02:56 PM
3 7 0 23:48 Wed 12 Oct 2022,02:56 PM
3 7 0 04:30 Wed 12 Oct 2022,02:56 PM
2 2 6 02:33 Wed 12 Oct 2022,03:18 PM
1 9 0 08:02 Wed 12 Oct 2022,02:56 PM
0 0 0 00:00 Wed 12 Oct 2022,02:56 PM
0 0 0 00:00 Wed 12 Oct 2022,02:56 PM
0 0 0 00:00 Wed 12 Oct 2022,03:11 PM
0 0 0 00:00 Wed 12 Oct 2022,02:56 PM
0 0 0 00:00 Wed 12 Oct 2022,03:25 PM

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# Question Question Type Question

1 the oldest formal school of thought which began a Multiple Choice 45%
2 This Theory means “one best way” to do a job. Multiple Choice 40%
3 According to him, Authority is the power to hold p Multiple Choice 37%
4 He consider as the father of Scientific Managemen Multiple Choice 72%
5 One of the principles of Administrative Management Multiple Choice 56%
6 A principle of Administrative management that Emp Multiple Choice 67%
7 A principle that Work allocation should be by speci Multiple Choice 59%
8 The Father of Modern Management Multiple Choice 18%
9 Related to organization system is defined as –“An Multiple Choice 48%
10 The _____________ - means that an organization s Multiple Choice 54%
Average Time
per Question Grace Mariel Geliane Richelle DIVINA* Annika Antolin Earl jay
Celestial Amarillo dedace

1:40 00:29 01:42 07:47 00:21 00:32 00:28

1:27 00:47 01:56 00:21 00:51 03:08 00:43
2:03 00:42 01:16 06:50 00:33 02:24 01:19
0:49 01:12 00:57 00:32 00:44 00:12 00:43
0:56 00:30 03:26 00:20 00:11 00:53 00:31
-1:54 00:30 01:14 01:48 00:05 00:09 00:39
1:31 00:18 00:13 02:42 01:09 00:14 01:18
1:02 00:13 01:42 02:12 00:12 01:46 00:11
2:57 00:11 00:17 02:45 02:18 11:36 01:16
1:30 00:29 01:48 00:53 00:45 03:23 01:25
13:49 05:21 14:31 26:10 07:09 24:17 08:33
Adrian Kyle Chariz Joy Lara Aneeza jameth aleia* Allian Legolas Lanuza
Yumul Espino ablaza* Arnaldo kylamae

02:27 01:03 01:32 00:14 02:19 02:30 05:27

00:58 01:47 04:03 00:32 00:29 02:20 02:17
01:20 04:13 00:54 00:11 00:15 01:54 02:48
01:24 00:38 00:40 00:26 00:08 00:57 00:47
00:36 00:25 00:57 00:40 00:07 01:37 00:52
01:01 01:57 00:42 00:08 01:33 02:24 00:08
02:16 03:13 02:37 02:15 01:14 02:18 01:32
00:21 01:33 02:46 01:25 01:21 01:39 00:19
00:47 07:53 08:56 00:14 02:04 00:13 02:20
01:02 01:23 02:28 00:59 00:44 00:16 02:40
12:12 24:05 25:35 07:04 10:14 16:08 19:10
Samantha Stephanie Flores ,
Nicole Anne D. karl richter DIVINA Rhazelle Janille T. Suzzeine
blones Realubit
Quinzon Nicerio Carlene

01:42 02:16 00:32 00:55 00:51 00:43 00:55

00:32 02:13 05:32 00:32 00:51 01:51 00:11
01:10 01:02 00:11 00:29 00:20 00:43 00:32
01:16 01:28 00:24 00:44 01:26 02:32 00:31
00:04 00:17 00:29 - 01:03 03:13 01:52
00:49 00:11 00:17 01:24 00:43 01:01 02:47
00:42 02:32 00:51 - 00:14 01:58 02:03
01:06 00:06 01:20 00:38 00:04 00:14 00:49
04:46 01:23 01:12 03:35 01:18 12:38 03:54
00:24 00:10 00:47 02:53 01:15 02:16 03:20
12:31 11:38 11:35 11:10 08:05 27:09 16:54
Jasmine Michelinn Cathlyn lozano ERICK O Sophia jameth ablaza Adriel
Bautista GAUDARIO* Suzanne Moyo

02:05 00:54 00:59 00:03 02:53 01:59 00:48

00:31 05:43 01:41 00:07 00:26 00:54 00:20
13:16 03:36 02:59 02:26 01:53 02:35 01:26
00:25 00:06 01:29 00:04 00:35 01:07 01:22
02:10 00:16 - 00:25 00:38 00:16 02:12
00:19 00:04 00:42 00:02 00:35 00:09 00:42
05:10 00:04 00:32 02:18 01:56 01:33 00:58
00:41 00:06 00:49 00:06 04:51 00:18 00:29
00:11 04:48 - 00:38 00:59 03:42 01:16
00:13 00:03 02:21 00:09 02:39 05:49 02:24
25:01 15:40 11:32 06:18 17:25 18:22 11:57
aleia Samantha Grace Celestial Kyla Mae Adriel Karl ERICK O
Cerilo Lanuza bayaborda GAUDARIO

00:22 04:51 00:31 - 01:19 - -

- 00:22 00:35 - 01:01 - -
03:14 02:32 00:07 - 00:08 - -
- 00:52 00:12 - 00:28 - -
00:05 02:03 00:48 - 00:14 - -
00:22 00:54 00:22 00:42 00:32 - -
00:04 02:40 00:13 00:39 01:06 - -
- 01:24 00:51 - 01:20 - -
- 04:08 00:28 01:05 01:27 - -
00:06 04:02 00:23 00:07 00:27 - -
04:13 23:48 04:30 02:33 08:02 - -
Flores ,
Rhazelle Ken Annika

- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
Name Value
Game Started On Wed 12 Oct 2022,02:56 PM
Game Type Live Quiz
Participants 37
Total Attempts 37
Class Accuracy 50%
Game Ends On Wed 12 Oct 2022,03:30 PM

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