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COURSE TITTLE: Islamic Studies


SUBMITTED TO: Ms. Anam Sultana

SUBMITTED BY: Daud bin Nasar


SUBMISSION DATE: November 6, 2022

From the standpoint of Surah Al-Baqarah, discuss the concept of undoubted faith as a characteristic
of successful people? Explain with the help of examples.

Surah Al Baqarah
Al-Baqarah ("The Heifer" or "The Cow") is the second and longest Surah of the Quran.

This is Madani Surah. Although the main part of this Surah was revealed during the first two years
of the Holy Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) life in Al-Madinah is followed by Makki Surah Al-
Fatihah, which ended with the prayer:

"Show us the straight way." It begins with the answer to that prayer, "This is the Book (that)

The surah covers a wide range of topics, including a considerable amount of law, and retells the
stories of Adam, Ibrahim and Musa. The main theme is guidance: urging the pagans and the Jews
of Medina to embrace Islam, and warning them and the hypocrites of the fate of God that visited
upon those who disobeyed his call in the past.

Characteristics of Successful People

The Quran is the only book in this world that is free of errors and also the only book that can guide
us to Allah, because guidance is the most precious blessing of Allah. Allah has mentioned five
characteristics of successful people in the first five verses of Surah Al-Baqarah. It is said that
people who achieve all five characteristics, will be the most accomplished and successful people
as mentioned in Quran:

“These depend on guidance from their Lord. These are the successful”. [Surah Al-Baqarah

Allah has elevated these people higher in this world and in the Hereafter. Allah will provide them
with sustenance in the world from those sources which they would never have imagined of them.
In the end, Allah will be sufficient for them. Here we will explain Undoubted Faith as a major
characteristic of successful people from the stand point of Surah Al-Baqarah. (1)

Undoubted Faith
One of the most important characteristics mentioned in the verses of Surah Al-Baqarah is
Undoubted Faith. There are three steps of undoubted faith. These steps are given as

Ilm-Ul-yaqeen : Faith gained by knowledge of something.

Ain-Ul-yaqeen : Faith gained by seeing something.

Haq-Ul-yaqeen : Faith gained by experience of something.

A Muslim must believe in these facts without ever seeing God or Muhammad. Faith is the basic
characteristic of a Muslim. Muslims must also recognize all the prophets that God has ever sent to
guide mankind. Allah says in Quran:

“Who believe in the Unseen, and establish worship, and spend of that We have bestowed upon
them”. [Surah Al-Baqarah 2:3].

Ilm-Ul-yaqeen (the knowledge of certainty)

The first kind of yaqeen is observed under the name of "Ilm-ul-yaqeen" which means certainty is
the result of information. At this level, object of certainty is knowledge just as the goal of
knowledge is certainty. Both together are uniquely in the soul, so that certainty is the first stage of
spiritual life and the last stage of speculative experience. This particular degree of mystical belief
is the result of divine theophanies operating at the level of existence and also the result of
theophanies of the lights of nature at the Gnostic level.

Allah states in Quran:

“Nay! If you only knew with knowledge of certainty” [Surah At-Takathur 102:5].

Ain-Ul-yaqeen (the vision of certainty)

The second type of yaqeen is Ain-ul-yaqeen, that is, certainty as a result of contemplation and
vision. At this level, the object of certainty is present before the Gnostic and is not merely a
speculative concept. Here knowledge becomes what is called "knowledge by presence" and this is
the second aspect of certainty in the spiritual path and in the liberating experience. With this kind
of knowledge, the person of the Way is distinguished from philosophers and learned people. This
particular degree of spiritual certainty is the result of divine theophanies of attributes on the level
of existence. Allah states in Quran:

“Then you shall most certainly see it with certainty of sight”. [Surah At-Takathur 102:7].

This means that after you can see it by your own eyes you may convinced of what you were being
warned concerning within the world.

Haq-Ul-yaqeen (the final level of certainty gained through experience)

And the third type of yaqeen is called Haq-ul-yaqeen, that is, certainty as the ultimate truth. Here,
certainty has a special color: it is the fruit of an all-embracing experience, because the object of
certainty is identical with the one who experiences it, knowledge is transformed into real
experience, and current experience into knowledge. At this stage, in fact, knowledge is not limited
to the intellect, nor to the vision of the one who contemplates it, it becomes one with the human
being. This is the final stage of yaqeen, the apotheosis of the spiritual and intellectual journey.
Allah says in Quran:

“Indeed, this is the true certainty”. [Surah Al-Waqia 56:95].

We should have a strong faith that none of the rewards and social control mentioned in the verses
of religious writing is denied because it is a dead certainty that has no room for doubt and

Example defining undoubted faith as a major characteristic of successful people

Example of all three steps of undoubted faith is as follows,

➢ If someone tells you there is fire on a mountain, you may believe it. This is Ilm-Ul-yaqeen.
➢ But seeing the scene with your own eyes will strengthen your faith. This is Ain-Ul-yaqeen.
➢ If you go to the place of a fire and feel the heat and burning of the fire, its flames, burnt
dust, burnt trees or the place and other loses, it will strengthen your belief to the limit
because you have experienced it. This Haq-Ul-yaqeen. (1)

Therefore, Allah (SWT) has mentioned in the Qur'an, people will attain Haq-Ul-yaqeen in the
Hereafter. It is also mentioned that the remembrance of the hereafter changes human behavior
faster than anything else. The Faith that we are responsible for our actions and imagining the
suffering of fire helps us change our hostile behavior. When we have yaqeen (faith) in the
hereafter, our attitude and behavior will change automatically.

Another example of Undoubted Faith is Quran itself,

Through the Knowledge of Quran, we have yaqeen on day of Resurrection. (Ilm-Ul-yaqeen).

And when we will experience this on the day of judgement it will transform into the Supreme
Truth (Haq-Ul-yaqeen). (1)

Allah (SWT) has given us two faiths in this world, Ilm-ul-yaqeen and Haq-ul-yaqeen. The Quran
is Ilm-ul-yaqeen, we have no doubt about it, while the disbelievers desire Ayn al Yaqeen, they
want to see everything with their eyes before they accept it and believe. Certainty is mentioned
twenty-seven times in the Quran. The Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon
him, and by extension his followers, are urged in the Quran to

“Worship your Lord until what is certain (al-yaqeen) comes to you.” (Quran 15 :99)

What is certain, in this verse, indicates two things,

❖ The first hint is death. Death is the ultimate answer to what it means to be human. For no
matter what we build and what we do, we all have to deal with death in general and
individually we all die. The primary purpose, therefore, is to be consistent believers and

hold fast to your principles, your practices, and your beliefs throughout your encounters
with the death of others and until we die ourselves. (2)
❖ The second hint in the verse is certainty itself. This means that the role of continuous ritual
worship in Islam on a daily basis is to facilitate and strengthen certainty in all its forms.
First, we need to learn how to perform ritual worship, what affirms it, what cancels it, how
we can improve the quality of our ritual performance, and so on. We must also learn about
whom we worship and why; what exactly distinguishes God from the world and what does
the last revelation say about all this. This allows one level of certainty. Then we must
practice what we learn and witness others practicing it. This will lead to witnessing a certain
level of belief in ourselves and others that will also inspire us and thus allow us to be
confident in witnessing spectacular events. (2)

1. edubirdie. undoubted-faith-in-allah. n.d. <

2. IslamHashtag. out-of-the-3-which-type-of-yaqeen-do-you-have/. n.d.


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