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Classroom Management Key Components

Area #1: Procedures/Structures/Routines

● Beginning Routine/Start of Class
○ For a beginning routine/at the start of class, learners will line up outside the
classroom door. I will greet all learners, and they will enter the classroom
quietly. I will have the bell-ringer displayed on the board in the front of the
room, and learners will understand the expectations which will be: enter
quietly, choose a wise spot, and get started on the bell-ringer. The
bell-ringers will be worked on independently.
● Quiet/Attention Signals
○ “1, 2, 3, Eyes on Me” & Clap 5 times and learners repeat the clap,
● Physical Transitions (groups, pairs, labs, activities, carpet)
○ “When I say go, (...) I will count down from 5 and when I get to zero you will
be where you need to be with your voices off and eyes on me.”
● Dismissal or Lining Up
○ Lining Up Procedural Lesson Plan
● Non-Verbal Cues (visuals, hand gestures, music)
○ Use cues like smiles, thumbs up, shaking head “yes”, etc to praise students
for correct behaviors, participation, volunteering, etc, or to reassure them and
encourage them. Use simple cues like shaking head “no”, raising eyebrows,
giving a “one minute” finger signal, etc to redirect students, give directives,
● Giving Directions
○ Prior to having students begin their work, I will give clear directions and ask if
anyone has questions before having students begin their work.
● Checking for Understanding
1. Signal it:
■ Thumbs up: I understand _____ and can explain it in my own words.
■ Wave hand: I’m not completely sure about _____ and doubt I could
explain it.
■ Thumbs down: I don’t yet understand _____ and cannot explain it.
2. Identify the error & fix it, True/False, Agree/Disagree/, draw a picture to show
● Holding Ground/No Arguing
○ If learners want to argue, I will either not engage, or tell them that if they are
unhappy with something they can stay after class and discuss it with me, but
they will not waste their classmates' learning time.
○ If this doesn’t work, I will go through my classroom management tiered
hierarchy implementing actions I would take for behaviors in the classroom.
● Raising Hands to Speak
○ Praise those who raise their hands; ex: “Thank you … for raising your hand”
○ Tell learners I would love to hear what they have to say if they would raise
your hand.
○ Have them practice - if they blurt out, I will reinforce the expectation, have
them raise their hands, I will call on them and then they can have their turn to

Area #2: Engagement & Participation

● Variety (three or more activities per hour)
○ Paired & Group Discussions, movement - to and from desks & carpet, games
(kahoot, blooket, etc…)
● Collaboration (Students Talking/Peer Discussions)
○ Separate groups teach the class, use real world problems
● Movement (two or more times per hour)
○ We will move to the carpet and back to desks, have flexible seating options,
as well as a small table learners can sit at if they choose to do so.
● Total Participation (all students think, write, share, or answer simultaneously)
○ “Think-Time,” whiteboard answers
● Rigor (higher order thinking and tasks required)
○ Building strong relationships, differentiating for students, provide choice and
relevant assignments, maintaining high expectations, etc…
● Instruction (explain, model, guided practice, independent practice)
○ I do, We do, You do
○ Active practice for all students, ask questions, communicate learning goals,
provide well-paced lessons
● Questioning/Probing
○ State questions with precision, state whole-group questions, use appropriate
wait time, use pre-planned and emerging questions, avoid questions that can
be answered with “yes” or “no”, require an extended response, etc…
● Group Work (roles and productivity)
○ Every learner has a role. I will ensure each learner is being productive by
walking around, discussing with groups and checking for learner
understanding through discussions as well as what I am observing in each
■ Is each student participating? Do each of them have an assigned role?

Area #3: Rapport/Connection

● Teacher Warmth/Friendliness/Approachability
○ Greeting learners at the door, “open-door” policy, asking students to share
about happenings, events, etc…
● Teacher Enthusiasm/Energy/Excitement/Joy
○ Tone of voice, body language, and eye-contact with students. Be excited &
show your happiness, be playful, joke around, don’t take everything seriously
● Teacher Humor/Laughter
○ Make lessons interactive, play games, have fun, do a daily joke, laugh with
the students, etc…
● Teacher Knowledge of individual students’ interests
○ Connecting lessons with students’ interests, asking learners about their
interests, asking about their lives outside of school, etc…
● Teacher Respect and Appreciation for students
○ Have a positive attitude, make learning fun, show an interest in students'
lives outside of school, treat them with respect, ask about their lives outside
of school, etc…
● Teacher Encouragement of students
○ Provide verbal praise when students make progress, recognize students for
their accomplishments, use positive body language, create a positive
learning experience for my learners, etc…
● Teacher sensitivity to student cultures and backgrounds
○ Always being aware of the learners I come in contact with daily,
understanding their needs/learning styles, as well as

Area #4: Behavior Intervention/Consequences

● Regular use of gentle redirects (proximity, warnings, the look)
● Consequences are reasonable and equitable
● Consequences are given as choices (you have a choice right now...)
● Teacher uses soft eyes, soft voice during conflicts
● Teacher is firm, but also calm and compassionate (doesn’t yell or intimidate)
● Consistent follow through with consequences once they are earned (doesn’t make
the same request over and over)
● Arguments/debates are delayed, done in private
● Progression up hierarchy is swift but fair

Classroom Rules & Tiered Hierarchy

© 2016 Conscious Teaching | | 21 Crest Rd, Fairfax CA 94930 |


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