A Review of The Biogas Industry in China

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Energy Policy 39 (2011) 6073–6081

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A review of the biogas industry in China

Xinyuan Jiang a,n, Sven G. Sommer b, Knud V. Christensen b
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha, Hunan province 410004, PR China
Institute of Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology and Environmental Technology, Faculty of Engineering, University of Southern Denmark, Niels Bohrs Alle 1,
DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark

a r t i c l e i n f o abstract

Article history: This article presents an overview of the development and future perspectives of the Chinese biogas
Received 9 March 2011 industry. The development of the industry has the potential to improve the rural environment and
Accepted 5 July 2011 produce significant amounts of sustainable energy for China. Barriers to the development are the
Available online 28 July 2011
relatively weak environmental policies, imperfect financial policies and lack of long-term follow-up
Keywords: services. The rapid economic development of China has also seen a development in the scales of biogas
China plants constructed. Although the technology has been improved, this review has identified problems in
Sustainable development the construction and operation of Chinese biogas plants, particularly in the efficiency of household
Biogas systems. All levels of China’s government acknowledge this and recent biogas projects have more focus
on quality and less on the quantity. The intention is to gradually introduce stricter environmental
policies, to provide better service systems, improve the financial policies that support the construction
and follow-up service of biogas projects, promote the use of standardized engineering equipment and
materials and standards for plant construction and production. This will promote the development of
biogas projects at various scales further, and reduce the dependency on fossil fuels and emissions of
greenhouse gases.
& 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction The consumption of fossil fuels produces serious pollution and

global warming. Reducing the dependency on fossil fuels through the
China is the world’s largest developing country with a population development of sustainable energy sources is therefore a prerequisite
numbering over 1.3 billion people. Its rapid economic growth has led for the sustainable economic development of China. The sustainable
to rapidly increasing energy consumption. Since 2002 China has been technologies include wind power, solar energy and bioenergy. This
the world’s second largest energy user, only exceeded by the United paper looks more closely at the biogas aspect of bioenergy.
States (National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2010). In 2009 crude oil There are large biomass resources in China, not least crop
consumption reached 388 million t, of which over 50% was imported straw, forest residue, livestock and poultry manure and various
and China’s primary energy consumption reached more than 3 kinds of municipal and industrial organic wastes and wastewater
billion t of standard coal equivalent (tce), with non-fossil fuels, (Ma et al., 2010a). In 2007 China produced about 600 million t of
including renewable accounting for only 9.9% (National Bureau of crop straw, of which rice straw, corn stalks and wheat straw
Statistics of China, 2010). A recent report has forecast China to accounted for 79.5% (Zhang et al., 2009; Table 1). Historically,
become the world’s largest energy consumer soon (IEA Energy rural households have used straw as their prime source of energy,
Statistics, 2010). If China’s energy consumption continues to increase animal feed and fertilizer (Hu, 2008). However, the structure of
at an average annual growth rate of 8.9%, then China’s total energy rural energy consumption in China is gradually changing, and
consumption will reach nearly 8 billion tce in 2020 and account for commercial energy companies increasingly supply the energy in
more than half of the world’s total energy consumption. Even if China rural areas (Pachauri and Jiang, 2008). The utilization of crop
were able to reduce its energy consumption by 20% per unit GDP straw as fuel has therefore decreased significantly, to the extent
every five years, as is government policy, China’s energy consumption that the straw is burned in the field after harvest and the heat is
would still account for more than 30% of the world’s energy not utilized by rural households. This is not only a waste of the
consumption after 2020 (Zhou, 2010). biomass resource, it also leads to net emissions of CO2 and other
hazardous gases and particles that pollute the air and cause global
warming (Zhang et al., 2009).
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ86 731 85623309; fax: þ 86 731 85623303. The livestock production sector in China is at all scales moving
E-mail address: jxycsfu@126.com (X. Jiang). towards larger and more specialized production units so manure

0301-4215/$ - see front matter & 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
6074 X. Jiang et al. / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 6073–6081

Table 1 bioenergy technology in China (Wu et al., 2009). In this paper we

Main crop straw resources in China in 2007 (Zhang et al., 2009). review the status of household biogas production and the devel-
opment of medium and large-scale biogas plants. We discuss how
Type Crop yield Straw:Grain Straw yield
(  106 t) ratio (  106 t) this may be affected by urbanization and the development of
larger and specialized agricultural production units and support-
Grain ing policies.
Rice 186.0 1.0 186.0
Wheat 109.3 1.0 109.3
Corn 152.3 2.0 304.6
Legume 17.2 1.5 25.8
2. Urban and rural development
Tuber 28.1 1.0 28.1
Others 8.7 1.5 13.0 2.1. Urbanization and regional differences
Oil plant
Peanut 13.0 2.0 26.1 China is the largest and fastest developing country in the
Rapeseed 10.6 2.0 21.1 world. It has also become the world number one manufacturing
Sesame 0.6 2.0 1.1 hub with many large companies outsourcing their production
Others 1.5 2.0 3.1
to China.
Bast fibre plant 0.7 2 1.5 The economic development and industrialization hasten the
Cotton 7.6 3 22.9 urbanization of China and this process has increased rapidly since
the economic reform and opening of the country in 1980. As an
Sugar cane 113.0 0.1 11.3 average for the different regions, the percentage of the population
Sweet beet 8.9 0.1 0.9 living in urban areas in China was 19.4% in 1980 and 45.7% in
Total 657.5 754.7 2008 (Fig. 1; Li and Xu, 2008). According to a forecast from the
United Nations, in 2010 an average 47.8% of the population will
be living in urban areas. Urbanization is projected to be 68.7% in
2030 and 85.7% in 2050 (Fang, 2009). An important problem
related to urbanization is that there are obvious differences in the
Table 2
Livestock and poultry manure resources in China in 2007 (Zhang et al., 2009). urbanization between West and East China, i.e. the average
proportion of the population living in the eastern cities in 2006
Animal Breeding Manure Breeding Excretion was 54.6%, in central cities 40.4% and western cities 35.7%. The
Species quantity discharge cycle (day) (  106 t) difference is due to large differences in economic development.
(  106) rates
Especially coastal areas with a developed economy have more
Cattle 139.4 8.2 t/a 365 1143.4 concentrated urban populations (Long et al., 2009).
Pig (sale) 680.5 5.3 kg/d 300 1052.0
Pig (stock) 494.4 5.3 kg/d 365 956.4
2.2. Urban waste problems
Chicken 7318.5 0.10 kg/d 55 402.5
Sheep 369.0 0.87 t/a 365 321.0
House 7.2 5.9 t/a 365 42.4 The industrialization and urbanization create pressure on the
Donkey/Mule 730.6/345.1 5.0 t/a 365 53.8 environment of cities. In China the environmental problems are
Total 3971.6 extra large because management and treatment of waste, sewage
and emissions to the atmosphere do not keep pace with changes
driven by economic growth and urbanization. Pollution from
quantities increase, and in 2007 the amount of livestock and coal-burning for household energy is no longer a big problem in
poultry manure produced reached about 3.9 billion t (Table 2). larger cities where natural gas and liquefied gas have substituted
Manure management systems, including storage and processing, coal in most households. In these cities households produce large
are often inadequate, and most farms do not take appropriate amounts of vegetable waste and this waste is not efficiently
measures to prevent pollution. Inappropriate management of collected. The amount of waste is larger than in industrialized
livestock and poultry manure is, therefore, a serious threat to countries because preprocessed vegetables with less wastage are
soil, water, air and livestock and poultry (Zheng et al., 2005). not widely used in larger cities in China. For example, in Beijing,
Generation of biogas from the anaerobic digestion of biomass households at present produce 18,400 t of waste every day, 60% of
is a technology that can produce sustainable energy and also
reduce the environmental risks associated with manure and 90
waste management. Biogas is produced by bacterial conversion
Proportion of the population livin

80 Development
of organic matter under anaerobic conditions and is a mixture of
70 1949-2008
carbon dioxide (CO2) and the flammable gas methane (CH4). It is
in urban areas [%]

UN future
considered a kind of efficient and renewable energy after cleaning 60
sulphur through physical, chemical and biological methods such 50
as absorption, adsorption and bioreactor (Lastella et al., 2002;
Syed et al., 2006), which can be used to cook, heat, light and
generate power and can thus reduce the dependency on fossil 30
fuels and curtail greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The slurry and 20
residues from the biogas process can be used as an organic
fertilizer to replace the use of chemical fertilizer on the farm
(Hu, 2008; Gao et al., 2006; Zhou and Lin, 2004; Liu et al., 2008; 0
1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 2040 2060
Chen, 1997; Wang et al., 2007b). Anaerobic digestion processes
produce a higher biogas yield when run on a mixture of animal Year
manure and vegetable/crop waste rather than animal manure Fig. 1. Proportion of the population living in urban areas in PR China (Li and Xu,
alone, and biogas production is considered the most suitable 2008; Fang, 2009).
X. Jiang et al. / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 6073–6081 6075

which is vegetable-based food waste. As poor people’s environ-

mental awareness, low waste management level of City health
authority and small investment from government, most of the
organic waste was not classified and was deposited in landfill,
which occupies large tracts of land, and as pollution control
measures for these are absent or inadequate, this leads to
pollution through leaching, runoff and greenhouse gas emissions
(Dong and Zhang, 2009). The deposition of organic waste is also a
huge waste of biomass resources that could instead be recycled
and used for bioenergy production. At present, although many
local governments have been aware of the value of organic waste
deposited in landfill as biogas, for the huge investment, only in
some big cities, there are some projects in use for the landfill
biogas recovery and utilization.
In recent years, waste incineration plants have been built to
generate power in some large cities such as Beijing, Shanghai,
Shenzhen and Guangzhou. However, the building of waste incin-
eration plants is usually opposed by local residents as they worry
about the gas emissions from wet unsorted waste containing
pollutants such as dioxins and object to the odour from garbage Fig. 2. Population percentage at different educational levels in PR China (National
(Mao et al., 2010). According to China’s 2009 city statistics Bureau of Statistics of China, 2008).
(Disposal Committee of Urban Domestic Refuse of CAEPI, 2010),
for 655 of China’s cities there were 407 landfill sites for municipal
solid waste by the end of 2008, which received 81.7% of the total lucrative jobs in cities. As a consequence of the young people
waste generated, there were 74 waste incineration plants receiv- leaving farms, it is expected that land will become available in the
ing 15.2% of the waste, and 23 composting plants receiving 1.7%. future, and that the number of medium and large-scale farms will
So there is a large amount of organic waste that could be used for increase. These farms will focus on production of cereals, vege-
anaerobic fermentation to produce biogas and organic fertilizer. tables and breeding of livestock and poultry and are expected to
develop rapidly in rural areas (Liu, 2009). Ownership of these
2.3. Scales of agricultural development farms may be both by commercial enterprises and individuals.

In the early 1980s, China’s government initiated an economic 2.4. Educational levels in urban and rural areas
reform, which changed agriculture from collective land owner-
ship to individual household production systems. Every house- With the development of China’s economy and implementation
hold unit now owns a certain area of land and some livestock. In of a compulsory education policy, more and more people are gaining
consequence, the efficiency of production on the farms has grown, a higher education with universities and colleges having increased
agricultural productivity has increased, and the rural economy student numbers significantly since 1999. The percentage of people
strengthened. attending higher secondary education and tertiary education in
After China joined the WTO and opened to the world, the China is increasing year on year (Fig. 2). This educational betterment
individual small-scale household production system in China was increases environmental awareness and provides large numbers of
influenced greatly by the globalizing economy and agricultural people who are technically skilled and can contribute to the
industrialization of large-scale of family farm system abroad, and development of multi-scale biogas plants (Fig. 2). The children of
the price of agricultural products in China was suppressed by that the rural population are also better educated, but most of the
of international agricultural products, so the income of small- educated people move to the cities, leaving a rural population with
scale farmers cannot follow the increasing national economy, and a relatively low educational level and poor professional and techni-
cannot support their family if only depending on the agricultural cal qualifications (Du et al., 2005). This has created a situation where
producing. Some farmers, therefore, have had to move to cities to skilled manpower is available, but not in the regions where it is
find jobs, i.e. migration workers. Other farmers work in nearby most needed.
cities during the less labour-intensive seasons and work on the
farm only during the harvest season. Another change is that most
of the former smallholder breeding of livestock and poultry has 3. Government policies relating to biogas production
almost disappeared, which has led to a significant reduction in
organic fertilizer production, the large-scale use of chemical Biomass is a widely available energy resource in China and the
fertilizers and pesticides, and soil degradation and compaction central government strongly supports the development and
(National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2009). application of biomass energy, including biogas, bioethanol,
As the income of small-scale production decreased, some biodiesel, biomass electricity and biomass briquettes for heating
farmers started to expand their farms by renting farmland from and cooking. To this end, it has formulated a series of policies and
households that no longer were farming. The large farms could programmes to promote the development of energy from biomass
rent land through the land-stock cooperative system etc., with the (Zhang et al., 2009).
support of the local governments (Xie, 2009). The number of large
farms in China is still relatively low, because land belonging to 3.1. Energy policies
elderly farmers is often not available for renting, as these farmers
depend on their land to provide them with an income, as there is In 1986, the China National Economic Committee issued the
no pension. ‘‘Circular on Improving Rural Energy Development’’, which was the
Most of the young generations do not wish to become farmers, first policy paper on renewable energy development that promul-
because their higher education enables them to apply for more gated the importance of bioenergy. Since the ‘‘Eighth Five-Year Plan’’
6076 X. Jiang et al. / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 6073–6081

(1991–1995) China’s government has regarded renewable energy as construction projects (Ministry of Environmental Protection of
an important strategic measure for its ‘‘Agenda 21’’ vision and China, 2010).
included this in all the national economic development programmes In order to control the pollution from livestock and poultry
and goals. In 1995, China’s government approved the ‘‘1996–2010 production facilities, the following measures have been estab-
New Energy and Renewable Energy Development Programme’’, lished and implemented (Ministry of Environmental Protection of
which provided a strong impetus for the development of renewable China, 2010): ‘‘Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Livestock and
energy (Zhao and Fan, 2010). Poultry Breeding’’ (GB18569-2001), ‘‘Management Approach for
China’s government issued the ‘‘Renewable Energy Law’’ in Pollution Prevention of Livestock and Poultry Farms’’ (2001),
2005, which came into force on 1 January 2006 (Central People’s ‘‘Criteria for evaluating the environmental quality of the livestock
Government of the People’s Republic of China, 2005), and and poultry farm’’ (GB/T19525.2-2004) and ‘‘Technical Specifica-
‘‘Renewable Energy Prices and Cost-sharing Management Trial tions for Pollution Treatment Projects of Livestock and Poultry
Procedures’’ were issued to encourage the various domestic Farms’’ (HJ497-2009). The construction of medium and large-
enterprises to become involved in the renewable energy devel- scale livestock and poultry farms also comes under the ‘‘Environ-
opment. The law stated that the price of power generated by mental Impact Assessment System’’ and the ‘‘Three Simultaneous
biomass should be decided by the central government and it set Systems’’.
the subsidy standard of power at 0.25 CNY (Abbreviation of All of these regulations recognize biogas technology as an
Chinese Yuan, and a dollar equivalent to 8.07 CNY at Jan 1, environmentally friendly measure that, in addition to energy
2006 and 6.62 CNY at Jan 1, 2011, and same below; Bank of China, production, may contribute to a more efficient and safe recycling
2006, 2011) per kWh on the basis of desulphurized coal electricity of manure to fields or fish ponds (Chen et al., 2010).
price transferred into national grid (National Development
and Reform Committee of China, 2006b). On 7 February 2006, 3.3. Economic policies
the National Development and Reform Committee issued the
‘‘Regulations Related to Renewable Energy Power Generation’’ as Since the beginning of the 1970s the Chinese government has
the supporting regulations for the ‘‘Renewable Energy Law’’ and supported construction of biogas digesters on livestock farms. The
the ‘‘Renewable Energy Prices and Cost-sharing Management Trial support from the government includes energy loans with an
Procedures’’, which clearly regulated the approval and manage- interest-free system aimed at large and medium-scale biogas
ment methods of renewable energy power generation projects. It plant projects, solar energy utilization and wind power genera-
also provided guidance for implementation of standards for tion technology (Gao et al., 2006).
enterprises entering the renewable energy industry and encour- Since the ‘‘Rural Ecological Enrichment Project’’ was proposed
aged domestic enterprises to become involved in the develop- by the Ministry of Agriculture, biogas construction projects have
ment of renewable energy (National Development and Reform been implemented all over the country at the beginning of this
Committee of China, 2006a). In 2007, China’s Government century. The government has also encouraged the development of
published the ‘‘Medium and Long-term Development Program environmentally friendly energy and engineering technologies,
for Renewable Energy’’, and on 1 April 2010, the revised ‘‘Renew- which include biogas digesters (Zhou and Lin, 2004). The central
able Energy Law’’ became effective, which stipulated that the government has given high priority to the rural biogas sector. The
State would implement a fully supported system for the power support is given through rural small-scale, public, infrastructure
generated by renewable energy (National People’s Congress of the projects and rural basic construction projects, particularly since
People’s Republic of China, 2009). the implementation of the ‘‘National Debt Project for Rural Biogas
Thus beyond doubt renewable energy, including biogas is Construction’’ in 2003 (Ministry of Agriculture and National
highly prioritized in China. Development and Reform Commission of China, 2004). From
2003 to the end of 2009, the total investment from the central
government to the rural biogas industry reached over 19.0 billion
3.2. Environmental policies CNY (Table 3), of which about 82% went to the construction of
household biogas digesters, about 10% went to the construction of
Since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China and medium and large-scale biogas plants, and about 8% financed
the reforms and opening of the country’s economy in the 1980s, service systems. According to the ‘‘Management Approach of
the government has issued a number of environmental laws, National Debt Project for the Rural Biogas Construction (Trial)’’
regulations and standards to support environmental protection (Ministry of Agriculture and National Development and Reform
and to develop bioenergy production. The most important Commission of China, 2004), the subsidy from Central Govern-
include: ‘‘Environmental Protection Law’’, ‘‘Water Pollution ment is from 800 CNY to 1200 CNY per 8 m3 of household biogas
Prevention Law’’, ‘‘Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Law’’, ‘‘Inte- digester at different areas and 20,000 CNY per 100 m3 of large and
grated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants’’ (GB16297-1996), medium-scale biogas digester for the building materials including
‘‘Standards for Irrigation Water Quality’’ (GB5084-92), ‘‘Quality cement, river sand, pebble and bricks, wages for the technicians
Standard for Ground Water’’(GB/T14848-93) and ‘‘Environmental and key equipments, including biogas stove and accessories,
Quality Standards for Surface Water’’ (GB3838-2002). In order to while the domestic users paid for the remaining costs. This
further push environmental protection, China has established the investment during the first 10 years of the 21st century resulted
‘‘Environmental Impact Assessment System’’ and the ‘‘Three in the largest ever annual growth of the biogas sector in China
Simultaneous Systems’’, which means that the factory and its (Cao, 2009). In 2010, the revised ‘‘Renewable Energy Law’’
facilities to treat wastes should be designed, constructed and established the renewable energy development fund which
opened at the same time to facilitate environmental management
of construction projects through the ‘‘Environmental Impact Table 3
Assessment Law’’ and ‘‘Environmental Protection Management Investment from China’s government in the biogas industry from 2003 to 2009.
Regulations for Construction Projects’’. These stipulate that
construction projects must undergo an environmental impact Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total

assessment, and the environmental protection facilities must be Investment (billion CNY) 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.5 2.5 6.0 5.0 19.0
designed, constructed and implemented at the same time as the
X. Jiang et al. / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 6073–6081 6077

consists of State special fund and additional renewable energy farm size is about 2–10 Mu, and the main crop is rice as the
surcharge 0.002 CNY per kWh in the sale price of power. This fund rainfall is adequate (Chen, 2003). In North China, crop biomass
provides financial support to the power-generating plants production per household is a significant source of energy, while
through the provision of a premium price for the power originat- this is not the case in South China.
ing from renewable energy production (NPC of P.R.C, 2009). In the past 40 years, the biogas technology for smallholders in
In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and global rural areas has improved significantly, and many standardized
warming, the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) was estab- and efficient biogas digesters for smallholders have been devel-
lished through the ‘‘United Nations Framework Convention on oped and have replaced the Water-pressure Digester, which
Climate Change’’ and the ‘‘Kyoto Protocol’’. Through the CDM, dominated the market in the mid-20th century. Examples of
developing countries can receive advanced technologies and new designs are the Hydraulic Cylinder Digester, Separated
funds from developed countries to implement projects to reduce Floating Bell-Type Digester, Meandering Stream Fabric Digester,
greenhouse gas emissions (Liu, 2010). In 2006, 135 CDM projects Prefabricated Block Digester, and Spheroidal Digester (Zhang
had been approved by the Chinese government. The CDM projects et al., 2009; Wang et al., 2007a). The objective is not only to
include wind power, small hydropower stations, industrial energy provide energy, but also to use the biogas technology in sustain-
savings, biogas power generation, etc. Local governments and able agricultural systems for recycling the biomass, such as the
enterprises are increasingly interested in implementing CDM, and integrated pig–biogas–vegetable systems in North China (Qi et al.,
many provinces have established CDM Service Offices to promote 2005) and livestock–biogas–fruit systems in South China (Chen,
the cooperation between Chinese enterprises and developed 1997). The pig, cattle and poultry manure, human sewage, in
countries to develop CDM projects. As a consequence, the total combination with crop straw, fruit or vegetable residues are used
number of CDM projects approved by the Chinese government as raw material in the bio-digester, which typically has a volume
reached 2685 on 7 September 2010, (National Development and of 8–10 m3 and produces between 0.1 and 0.3 m3 gases per m3 of
Reform Commission of China, 2010). The implementation of CDM digester volume per day (Qi, 2003).
projects in China has helped many enterprises to obtain advanced With smallholder farming gradually decreasing and larger-
renewable energy technologies, including biogas technology, with scale farms becoming more common, arable farms now measure
the purpose of reducing GHG emission. from tens to thousands of Mu, livestock farms stock from tens to
thousands of pigs or cattle, and poultry farms from thousands to
hundred thousands of chickens (Yao et al., 2002). The medium
and large-scale livestock and poultry farms are mainly located in
4. Adjusting biogas development scales to local requirements
the eastern coastal regions and in the regions surrounding the big
cities (Gerber et al., 2005), such as Shandong, Guangdong, Hunan,
4.1. Changing scales
Henan and Hubei provinces. Many of these are located in
residential areas and close to water sources so the discharge of
Biogas production from anaerobic bio-digesters has been
waste can cause huge environmental pressure on the environ-
widely adopted in China for many years. Development and
ment (Chen et al., 2003). At the same time, large-scale livestock
construction of Chinese household biogas digesters began in the
farms necessitate to growing their own large amounts of crops
1970s and these small rural biogas digesters have dominated in
and vegetables as feed besides transporting in vegetables and
China. The digesters were designed to use biomass from house-
grain, and large-scale production of crops and vegetables neces-
hold sizes from four to eight persons and a farm production of
sitates large amounts of organic fertilizers. Medium and large-
two to ten pigs or cattle. By the end of 2009, there were over
scale biogas plants may solve some of the problems related to the
30.5 million household biogas digesters in China and the total
recycling of manure to the fields (Hjorth et al., 2009).
biogas yield was 12.4 billion m3 in 2009, which is equivalent to
The process of developing household biogas digesters has built
19.0 million t of standard coal (tce) (Fig. 3; Liu et al., 2008; Rural
up the expertise in building the digesters, and in the management
Energy Industry Association of China, 2009).
and services for biogas projects, also in cooperation with experts
In North China, family farm sizes range between 10 and 30 Mu
from countries with advanced technology for large-scale biogas
(15 Chinese Mu equals 1 ha) and the main crops in these drier
production such as Denmark, Germany and Sweden (Wang et al.,
regions are maize, wheat and cotton, while in South China, the
2009). All these factors have supported the development and
construction of medium and large-scale biogas plants in China. In
recent years, at the same time the number of household-size
biogas digesters is gradually increasing, the number of medium
and large-scale biogas plants is rising rapidly. China had 748 large
and medium size biogas plants in 1998 (Wang et al., 2009), but by
the end of 2009, there were 56,856 of medium and large-scale
biogas plants that annually produced 0.92 billion m3 biogas (Rural
Energy Industry Association of China, 2009). Of these, 322 large-
scale biogas plants with total digester volume over 500 m3 were
fed industrial organic waste, and agricultural waste was used for
3717 large-scale biogas plants, 18,853 medium-scale biogas
plants with total digester volume between 50 and 500 m3 and
33,964 small-scale biogas plants with total digester volume
between 20 and 50 m3 (Table 4; Tu and Wu, 2010).

4.2. Advantages and problems with household biogas digesters

The biogas production using agricultural waste has many

Fig. 3. The development in the number of rural household biogas digesters from benefits in addition to energy production for heating, cooking
1991 to 2009. and lighting. These include using the biogas digestate as an
6078 X. Jiang et al. / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 6073–6081

Table 4 income in breeding, moving to cities to find other jobs, natural

Number of biogas plants by the end of 2009 in China (Tu and Wu, 2010). disasters such as earthquake, flood, etc. Therefore, some users
have given up the operation of their bio-digesters.
Scale of Large-scale biogas Medium- Small-scale Total
biogas plants scale biogas biogas plants A further reason for the low production is the size of the
plants plants digester. The size ensures a biogas production that fulfils the
needs of the household. The digester is therefore very small and
Type of Industrial Agricultural Agricultural Agricultural the method of biogas production is simple with low efficiency.
waste organic waste waste waste
This leads to a low rate of mechanization, and an unpleasant
environment for managing the digester. Neither have many
Number 322 3717 18,853 33,964 56,856 biogas producers access to technologies for managing and recy-
cling the digestate to fields. The biogas production may therefore
cause odour emissions, eutrophication of surface water and
organic fertilizer for the plant production, cleaner sanitation and pollution of groundwater (Ma et al., 2010b).
less disease, less dung/odour giving a healthier living environ- Finally, the farmers managing household biogas digesters do
ment, reduced indoor air pollution in kitchen, improved toilets, not have access to follow-up financial support, or consultants that
reduced the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) in waste streams, can contribute to monitoring the digester and provide technical
less use of chemical fertilizer and pesticides, reducing the use service (Zhang et al., 2006). The lack of assistance leads to poor
of fossil fuels, greenhouse gas emissions, etc. (Sommer and maintenance and operation of the biogas plants.
Norddahl, 2008; Hu, 2008; Gao et al., 2006; Zhou and Lin, 2004;
Liu et al., 2008; Chen, 1997; Wang et al., 2007b). 4.3. Advantages of medium and large-scale biogas plants
However, some of the household bio-digesters built since the
1970s with support from China’s central and local governments Recent surveys have shown that medium and large-scale
are not operating. This is particularly the case with biogas biogas plants give more benefits to the user and society than
digesters constructed before the 1990s (Zhang et al., 2007; Hu, household biogas digesters (Wang et al., 2009).
2008; Chen et al., 2010; Ma et al., 2010b). Medium and large-scale biogas plants can treat the large
The reasons why the household biogas production did not live amounts of manure produced by large-scale livestock and poultry
up to expectations are related to problems with the technology, farms and also municipal and industrial organic waste streams.
maintenance, technical support for the biogas digester owners, The large digesters provide large amounts of renewable energy to
who are poor smallholders (Han et al., 2008). More specifically, society and due to the larger size of the plant there may be
there is lack of high-efficiency technologies for smallholder biogas technology and management skills available to ensure an efficient
digesters in cold regions (Shi et al., 2009). In these regions the distribution of the digestate to neighbouring farmers, who can use
biogas production rate is low during winter when the farmers this high-value organic fertilizer to meet crop needs. The cost per
have a large need of energy (Ferrer et al., 2009). The household unit of gas produced is also reduced due to the economies of scale
biogas digester in rural China is a concrete construction that can be made.
submerged in the soil to ensure a constant temperature, but The construction and operation of medium and large-scale
without any technologies to adjust the operating temperature and biogas plants can benefit from the use of advanced biogas produc-
to mix the digestate. The temperature of these biogas digesters is tion technologies, such as heat extraction (Lu et al., 2010) or power
close to the ambient air temperature, which leads to low biogas generation, which increases the financial return from the plant
production efficiency. The minimum temperature for biogas (Lu et al., 2010; Chen, 1997).
production is around 10 1C, with the rate of production increasing The construction of medium and large-scale biogas plants
with increased temperature (Lindorfer et al., 2008). In conse- benefits from the use of standardized and advanced engineering
quence, the household biogas production is low and unstable in equipment and materials such as heaters, stirrers, monitors and
North China as the daily mean temperature is between 10 and fibre reinforced plastic (FRP). They facilitate rapid construction
15 1C, and the yearly window with higher temperatures where and technological support and maintenance and therefore a high
the level of biogas production is acceptable is about 5–8 months. and constant biogas yield. These plants have better facilities to
In central China, the suitable time window for biogas production manage the incoming and treated biomass, i.e. storage and
is about 7–9 months. Only in southern China is the biogas treatment of manure and digestate. These plants can therefore
production from unheated digesters adequate for 10–12 months contribute to a sustainable reduction of pollution and fertilizer
a year (Ma, 2003). use (Michel et al., 2010). The higher degree of mechanization
Farmers having little knowledge of and training in household reduces the labour input and also improves the working environ-
biogas production is another reason for low production. Most ment and health of the workers operating the plants due to lower
farmers in rural China have little formal education, and most of odour emissions.
them have no access to information about environmental protec- Finally, the operation and management of medium and large-
tion, agroecology and biogas energy. Thus these farmers are more scale biogas plants can create jobs. Employment of skilled
interested in the short-term costs and benefits and they are not technicians and workers is a prerequisite for running the biogas
interested in a long-term investment like a biogas plant. Some plants with advanced fermentation technologies.
farmers have constructed the biogas digesters with financial
subsidies from central and local governments, which are equiva-
lent to 40–60% of the total construction costs. The majority of 5. Development and future perspectives of the biogas
these farmers have not received adequate support and training in industry
managing the digesters, they are not introduced to safety proce-
dures, management of the digesters and they are not familiar The population density in China is high, and there are large
with the construction of the system (Zhang et al., 2007). Thus, economic and natural differences between the western and the
rural biogas efficiency and profits are relatively low and fatal eastern provinces. With the development of China’s economy,
accidents have happened when cleaning the digester. In addition, there is increasing concern about environmental problems and
some users maybe give up the breeding of livestock for their low the shortage of energy resources (Tao and Xue, 2008). The
X. Jiang et al. / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 6073–6081 6079

development and utilization of more advanced renewable and The authors recommend that there is a need of models to
energy-saving technologies are a must if China’s economic devel- assess and control biogas production in unheated biogas digesters
opment is to be sustainable. Facing the problems of traditional in China, which produce fluctuating rates of biogas due to
household biogas digesters, China’s national and local leaders are variation in temperature and sometimes no biogas due to low
taking more active measures to promote the development of temperatures, and these models have been studied for many
modern biogas plants and increase the biogas production effi- years in Europe (Gebremedhin et al., 2004, 2005; Sommer and
ciency besides inspiring the development of household biogas Norddahl, 2008; Wu and Bibeau, 2006). The benefits of heating
digesters continually and the reparation of waste digesters. may be offset by the increasing complexity of the plant, and
On the policy front the Chinese government has decided to increased production and heating will require energy. The models
impose strict and detailed policies for environmental protection and need to assess and analyse the relationship between biogas yields,
renewable energy. The ‘‘Renewable Energy law’’ from 2006 was heating costs and heat loss at varying temperatures from low
revised in 2010, and the Central government decided with this law ambient to 50–60 1C, so the economically optimal designs for
to provide regulations, procedures and subsidies to promote renew- biogas plants can be determined and the effect of changes in
able energy production. The revised regulations focus on medium temperature in unheated plant predicted (Lindorfer et al., 2008).
and large-scale livestock and poultry breeding farms, which – Scientific and technological support should be strengthened to
according to the new directives – have to fulfil the requirements solve the technical bottlenecks in the current development of
of the ‘‘Environmental Impact Assessment System’’ and the ‘‘Three biogas (Ma, 2003; Ward et al., 2008; Tu and Wu, 2010). The small
Simultaneous Systems’’. Before 2010 only industrial construction biogas digesters suitable for small farms and households still
projects were required to fulfil these requirements. dominate in China. Therefore, the information obtained from
More active financial policies for bioenergy are gradually being running models that simulate the effect of very low and variable
implemented in China. In the past, financial support was provided temperatures can be used as the basis for designing biogas
for the construction of biogas plants, but this did not include digesters with simple heating and stirring, which will be efficient
support and service to maintain the plants. The biogas production in regions with cold winters. In these areas biogas production
therefore often became inefficient with time and biogas plants rates can be increased and stabilized using biogas digesters
were closed down. To prevent this, the central government has heated by solar power, heat exchange or using some of the biogas
decided to use some of their financial incentives to the sector to produced for heating (Shi et al., 2009).
support the provision of monitoring and consultancy by local The authors recommend that the local governments in China
authorities and commercial enterprises (Cao, 2009). may support biogas production by appropriate pricing systems
Local governments focus on improving the rural biogas service aimed at either gate fees or payment for inputs to and outputs of
systems, continuously introducing incentive policies to encourage the biogas digester using appropriate price estimation for the
the setup of various service systems for biogas production. These input raw materials that include manure, crop straw, industrial
must be tailored to a market economy and meet the needs of organic waste, municipal organic waste, etc., and the end biogas
users. Many local service and consultancy organizations have products comprising biogas and organic fertilizer. The price
been created, which will contribute to the efficient operation of structure must be based on easily measured properties, for
biogas projects (Lin et al., 2009). example the biogas production potential, the methane content
As previously mentioned, construction and monitoring has of the biogas and the carbon and nitrogen contents of the manure.
been made easier by introducing standardized engineering equip- The price setting must encourage the cooperation between the
ment and materials in the construction of biogas projects and the users of biogas plants, farmers, enterprises and urban sanitation
management of biogas production. The fibre reinforced plastic authorities and promote the development of medium and large-
(FRP) and modified plastic and other new materials have gradu- scale biogas plants further.
ally found their way into the construction of biogas digesters and The authors think that new and stricter regulations should be
plants, while drainage facilities for biogas slurry and residue have established to support the development of renewable energy and
also been widely implemented. This is partially through the reduce pollution from livestock and poultry farms. For example,
biogas standardization initiative that is an integral part of biogas plants and farms should have sufficient manure storage
national and agricultural standardization work. In 2009, 31 biogas capacity to meet local agricultural requirements and protect the
construction standards had been published and implemented by environment under the regulations in Europe (Schröder and
the Chinese government (Li et al., 2005), 21 covering rural Neeteson, 2008; Sonneveld et al., 2008), while in China there
household biogas digesters and 10 for large and medium-scale are no regulations like above to restrict the farms and biogas
biogas projects. digesters at present.
In recent years biogas power generation plants have been con- The authors recommend that the financial subsidies for biogas
structed and put into operation. Most of the mature domestic biogas production should be changed from only supporting the
power-generating plants produce between 24 and 600 kW, but construction of biogas projects to supporting the end use of
there is a large market for power-generating plants below 20 kW biogas products and the services from technicians and profes-
(Ding, 2007). The power generated from small and medium-scale sional companies in whole China, which has been explored in
biogas power plants can provide energy for internal use on farms and some areas (Fang, 2010). This will greatly promote the production
enterprises, while the power generated from large-scale biogas power efficiency of biogas, the production of organic fertilizer, timely
generation plants can be transferred into the national grid. The largest technical service, etc.
Chinese poultry breeding plant Minhe Animal Husbandry Co. Ltd. in The authors also recommend that service systems for biogas
the Shandong province produces about 500 t of chicken manure per production should be further improved. Long-term, prompt and
day. This manure is fermented in a biogas power generation plant efficient follow-up services are the key to the stable operation and
constructed in November 2009, and the power generated transferred efficient production of biogas plants. Such services have been
to the national network. The expected annual power production is started up, and some places actively explore various service
more than 20,000 MWh (Zhang and Ju, 2009). mechanisms to improve the service (Ge and Yang, 2010), but this
With the afore-mentioned challenges facing the biogas industry, is by no means yet a standard procedure in China. The national
certain areas of biogas production will need boosting to support the authority should summarize the experiences gained so far and
development of a sustainable biogas industry in China. promote the best-working model to encourage the establishment
6080 X. Jiang et al. / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 6073–6081

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