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04 TRIBMUVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Level “BE Full Marks 80 Examination Control Division Programme BCE, 8ME,8GF Pas Marks 32 | 2074 Ashwin | Year /Part _ Time 3 hrs Subject: Fundamental of Thermodynamics and Feat Transier (tats402) Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable Attempt All questions The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks Necessare figures and tables are attached herewith, Assume suitable data if necessary. A845 Define thermodynamic equilibrium. Explain reversible and irreversible processes with reference nature of intermediate states, a Define intemal energy, potential. energy, kinetic energy and total energy of a thermodynamic. system. Also differentiate between microscopic potential energy and -macroscopic potential energy. 14] 3. Define saturation pressure, saturation temperature and critical point, Write down the effect of pressure on a) Specific volume of a saturated liquid (¥)) b) Specific volume ofa saturated vapor (V,) ©) Change in specific yolumne dite to evaporation (Vi) 14] 4. State and explain conservation of encrgy for a control volume, (6) 5. Differentiate between thermal and mechanieal irreversbilties. Explain why most of the ‘eal processes are irreversible, Also explain how they can be assumed to be reversible (6) 6. Explain with the help of neat diagrams the various processes of any Rankine cycle and derive an expression for its efficiency. (6) 7. Derive an expression with appropriate diagram for conduction heat transfer through a composite eylinder tube consisting of three layers of different materials, [61 8. A piston eylinder has a diameter of 0.1 m. With an outside atmospheric pressure of 100 ‘kPa, determine the piston mass that will create an inside pressure of 500 kPa, What would be the new pressure if the piston mass is halves, [Take g~ 9.81 m/s!) 16] %. ‘Steam is contained in a closed rigid container. Initially the pressure and temperature of the steam are 1500 kPa and 250°C, respectively. The temperature drops as.a result of heat transfer to the surroundings, Determine the pressure at which condensation first occurs ‘and the fraction of the total mass that gas been condensed when the temperature reaches TOONC. What percentage of the volume is occupied by saturated liquid atthe final stale? [8) 10, piston cylinder devices shown in figure below contains water initially at 105°C with quality 10%. Heat is added to the system until it becomes saturated vapor. It takes Pressure of 1000 kPa to lift the piston fiom the siops. Sketch the P-v, T-v diagram and determine (8) a} The mass of water in system b) The total work transfer ne 2 Ke water at 100°C is mixed with 4 kg of water at 20°C in an isolated system. Calculate the net change in entropy due wo the mixing process. [Take specific heat of water ©= 4.18 KK] An ideal Brayton cycle has pressure ratio of 10, The temperature of ait at compressor and purine inlets are 300K and 1200K respectively. Determine its thermal efficieney and ane Rim diameter $0 m long pipe carying steam is covered with 40 mm thick of high Aamperature insulation (k = 0.1 W/m) and 30 mm thick of low temperature insulation & «(005 Wim). The inner end outer surfaces of the insulating layer are at 400°C sed 40°C respectively, Determine: a) The rate of heat loss from the pipe, +) The temperature atthe interface of two insulating layer. [} [8] lo) 04 —_TRIBHUVANUKIVERSITY {Exam INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING — | Level Examination Control Division | Programme BCE,BME,BGE Pass Marks 32 | 2074 Chaitra - Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer (E402) Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicabie. Attempt AU questions. The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks scessary tables are werewith. Assume suitable data if necessary. BAR SS State and explain Zeroth law of thermodynamics. Also write down its application. i Compare heat and work with suitable examples. Prove that work is « path function. (4) Define pure substance: Explain why quality is necessary to define the state of a two phase mixture, ul 4, Differentiate between steady state work applications and steady state flow applications. Write down the function of turbine and nozzel, Derive governing equations for thei when they operate under steady state condition. (6) 5, State second law of thermodynamics for an isolated system and define entropy generation, Differentiate between reversible and irreversible processes with reference to entropy. (6) 6. Explain the working of simple vapor compression refrigeration cycle with corresponding process in P-h and T-s diagram, 161 7. Derive an expression for steady state heat transfor through a composite cylinder consisting three different materials, 6 8. Air (0.01 kg) is contained in a piston eylinder device restrained by a linear spring (= 500 kN/im) as shown in figure below. Spring initially touches the piston but exerts no force on it. Determine the temperature at which piston leaves the stops i supplied 10 the system. [Take R= 287I/kg. K, Puoy = 100 kPa and g 9, 10. A piston cylinder device shown in figure below contains water initially at a pressure of 125 KPa with a quality of 50%. Heat is added fo the system unl it reaches to a final temperature of 800°C. It takes a pressure of 600 kPa to lift the piston from the stops. Sketch the process on P-V and T-V diagrams and determine: (8) i) The mass of HO in the system and ii) The total work transfer Q A piston cylinder device shown in figure below contains 3.06 kg of air initially ot 2 ‘emperature of 34°C. Heat is supplied to the system until it reached to a final temperature of 950°C and a final pressure of 5 MPa. Sketch the process on P-V and T-V diagrams and determine the total work trattsfer and total heat transfer. [Take R = 287U/kgK and & = T1SkgK] (8) A piston cylinder device shown in figure below contains 1.5 kg of water initially at 100 pa with L0% of quality. The mass of the piston is such that a pressure of 400 kps is required to tft the piston. Heat is added to the system from a source at 500°C unti its ‘temperature reaches 400°C. Sketch the process on p-V and T-V diagrams and determine the total entropy generation during the proves. [8] 12. The compression ratio of an air standard Otto cycle is 8. At the beginning of the compression process, the pressure and temperature of air are 100 kPa and 20°C respectively. The heat added per kg of air during the eycle is 2000 kU/kg. Determine: 4) The pressure and temperature at the end of each process of he cycle ii) The thermal efficiency iii) The mean effective pressure [Take R= 287 Skg.k and cy = 718 J/kg ky 13. A gas turbine blade is modeled as a flat plate. The thermal conductivity of the blade materials is 1SWimK and its thickness is 1.Smm, The upper surface of the blade is exposed fo hot gases at 1000°C and the lower surface is cooled by ait bled of the compressor. ‘The heat transfer coefficients al the upper and lower surfaces of the blade are 2500W/m’K and 1500 W/m’K respectively. Under steady state conditions, the temperature, at the upper surface of the blade is measured as 850°C, determine the temperature of the coolant air. (8) 16) STITUTE OF ENGINEERING [Level Fall Examination Control Division | Programme BCE, OIE, BOF | Pass Marks 2073 Chaitra (Year Part_ (T/T Time Sasa] | 0 TRIBAUVAN UNIVERSITY indamental of Themodynamics and Heat Transfer (ME) Subject: ‘Candidates are required to give theit answers in their own words as far as practicable, Attempt AU questions The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks Necessary ables are attached herewith Assume suitable data if necessary. Define macroscopic and microscopic viewpoint as applied to the stuly of ‘hermodynamis. Also list their features. Define stored encrgy and transient eneray. Als lst their features, Define quality. Explain why it is necessary to define the state of two phase mixture. Also derive an expression for specific volume oi'a two-phase mixture, Differentiate between steady state and unsteady state control volume. Derive mass and ‘energy conservation equation for a process in which gas is deing supplied to a rigid cylinder. ‘Write dawn the similarities and differences between heat pump and reftigerator. Explain hhow first and second laws ean be applied to analyze the performance of a heat pump. ‘Sketch ideal Vapour compression refrigeration eyele and explain the processes on P-h and ‘ts diagram, Also write an expression for theoretical COP of the eycle used as heat pump Differentiate berween free and forved convection with examples. Write down the ‘expressions for thermal resistance fora planc wall, « hollow eylinder and conveotive layer of fluid. ‘The device shown in figure below has a fee moving piston between the two chambers. ‘The initia! total volumes of A and B are equal with vA = 100 m'/kg and vB = $0 m'/ke. If the piston is moved so that x is one-fourth ofthe entre length, determine the final specific volumes of chambers A. and B. A piston eyclinder arrangement shown in figure below contains 1 kg of water initially at a pressure of 1 MPa and a terpsrature of 500°C. The water is cooled unlit is completely converted into saturated Tiquid, It requires a pressure of 400 kPa to support the piston. Sketch the process on P-v and T-v diagrams and determine the total work iransfer. (Refet the attached table for the properties of water) 4 4} 14] [6] {6 [61 {6} {6} (8) 10, Steam at 0.4 MPa and 200°C enters into an adiabatic nozzle with a velocity of 50 m/s and Teaves the nozzle at 0.1 MPa and with « velocity of 75 mvs. Determine a) The exit temperature of the steam, b) The ratio of inlet diameter to the exit diameter. (Refer the attached table for the properties of steam) 11. Work output of an ideal engine is 4 times the heat rejected by it. Determine its efficiency. Ifthe sink temperature increases by 300°C, its efficiency reduces to 60%. Determine its, source and sink temperatures, 12. An air standard Otto cycle has @ compression ratio of 10. At the beginning of the ‘compression stroke, the pressure and temperature are 100 kPa and 20°C respectively. The peak temperature during the eyele is 2000 K. Determine, 1) The pressure and temperature at the end of each process of the cycle b) The thermal efficiency (Take Cv = 718 Wkgk, y~ 1.4) 13. A thick walled tube of stainless steel (k= 19 W/m®C) with 2 em inside diameter and 4 em cuter diameter is covered with a 3 cm layer of asbestos insulation (k= 0.2 Wim°C), Ifthe inside and outside wall temperature of the pipe is maintained at 600°C and 100°C. ‘Calculate the heat loss per meter of length. Also calculate the tube-insulation interface temperature 18] (] {8] to 04 ‘TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY, Fram. INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING = Tevel BE Examination Control Division Programme | 5, BME, BE 2073 Shrawan Part | ‘Subject: - Fundamental of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer (M1402) ¥ Candidates are requized to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. ¥ Attempt All questions. Y. The figures in he margin indicate Full Marks ¥ Necessary tables are attached herewith, f Y Assume suitable data if necessary. 1. Define thermodynamic property. Differentiate between siaiefinction and path fonction with examples. 1} 2. Define total energy. Differentiate between stored energy and transient energy with ‘examples. { ia] 3. Define quality and write why itis necessary. Sketch saturation curve on P-V dingram and also show constant quality lines. ro 4. Differentiate between steady state work application and unsteady state low applications. Derive mass conservation and energy conservation equations for a process ia which ans contained in rigid cylincer is being consumed during eooking. [a 5. Define Entropy. Derive an expression for change in Entropy for reversible heat transfer and reversible work transfer process. (6 6. Differemiate between gas and vapor eyeles. Sketch P-V and T-S diagrams and layout for Brayton and Rankine cycle. 6 7. Write down expressions for thetmal resistance for a plane wall and a eonveetive Mid layer. Use them to derive overall eat transfer coctficicnt for a plane subjected convection ‘on both sides, 16 8. An oxygen eylinder having « voluune of 10 m' initially contains 5 ke of oxygen Determine the specific volume of oxygen in the cylinder initislly. During certain process 3 kg of oxygen is consumed, Determine the final specific volume of oxygen in the cylinder, Also sketch the amount of oxygen that has been consumed versus the specific ‘ohime of the remaining in the eylinder. @ 9. A piston cylinder device shown in Figure P.9 contains 2 ke of water initially at a pressure of 00 kPa with a quality of 20 %. The water is heated until it becomes a saturated vapor. The volume of the system when the piston i at the upper stops is 0.4 m’. Sketch the process on P- Vand T- diggrams and determine: 8] (a) the final pressure, and (0) the total work transfer. [Refer she artacked cables for the properties of steam) Figure P.9) 10, Air enters a nozsle steal at 300 kPa, 127°C and with a velocity of 40 m/s and leaves at 4100-kPa and with a velocity of 200 m/s. The heat loss from the nozzle surface is 20 Kf /keg of tho air, The inlet avex ofthe nozzle is 100 cm?. Determine: fat (@) the exit temperature ofthe sir, and {b) the exit area ofthe nozale. [Take R = 287 J/kgK and ¢p = 1005 J/kaK] 11. A camot engine operates between bxo reservoirs at temperature TL and TH. The work ‘output of the engine is 0.6 times the heat rejected. The difference in temperdfure berween the sourees and the sink is 200°C. Calculate the thermal efficieney, source temperature ‘and the sink temperature. (8) 12. Am ideal gas turbine eyele has a pressure ratio of 10. The minimum and maximum temperatures are 300 K and 1500 K respectively. Determine: (8) i). The net work per kg of air ‘The thermal efficiency of the cycle and i) Compare both of these for 2 cycle with ideal compressor ‘and turbine. [Take y=1.4 and ep= 1005 Vek} 13. A steel pipe having an outside diameter of 2 cm is to be covered with two layers of insulation, each having thickness of 1m. The average conductivity of one materi is $ times that of the other. Assumins thatthe inner and outer surface teroperature of the ‘composite insulation are fixed, calculate by what percentage the heat transfer will be reduced when the better insulating material is nearer to the pipe than it is away from the pipe. 6 (GBT roperties of SATURATED WATER ~ Pressure Table rT 6 ~ ye yf OS ure "|e wag hg akg the | ge 70 Toe Oza THae Fis po! AIS ‘Ouotior 031 nts 17) 613 gori0s 02015 vees2 25099 | e842 20758 496 | ogorion 02717 02m ers 25724 | 69738 20660 rer79 | ont 92s4e * 0.2sss 1865.8 25746 | 70959 20556 noninis 02393 vise3 astoa | 72123 2007.7 . oe roneewvesr (Ea NT eT INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TFuMarbs [80 | Examination Control Division | Frogramme | 88 2 272 Kartik Toit [Tt a Si Candidates ae requted to give their answers in their own words a far as practicable. Attempt All question’. ‘The figures in the margin indicate Full Macks, Necessary tables are attached herewith, ‘Assuine suitable data if necessary. ject ~ Fundamentals of Thermodynamics ‘and Heat Transfer (MB402) 1. Explain different types of thermodynamic systems with examples, roy 2, ifterentiate between heat transfer and work transfer. Derive the mathematical expression for work transfer for an ideal gas undergoing isothermal process. a 5, Define quality and moisture content. Derive an expression for speific volume of a 180 phase mixture in terms of quality. ) { 4. Diffeeatite between stcady state work applications and steady state flow applications ‘ ‘with examples, Also write the functions and governing equations for an adiabatic turbine and adiabatic nozzle. 1G) 5. Define heat engine and heat pump. Explain how first law and second law of Jpermodynamies ean be applied to analyze the performance ofa heat pump. 6 6, Sketch an ideal otto eyele on P-y and T-s diagram. Derive the expression for compression ratio interms of eylinder dimension. 1 1. Derive an expression for overall heat transfer coefficient for hollow eylinder subjected to convection medium on both sides. : @ 8. Three pressure gauges. are counected to a container consisting of two compartments o | Shown in figure below. Ifthe local barometer reads 760 mm of Hig and pressure gauges ney read 250 kPa and 150 kPa respectively. Determine the absolute pressure in each | partment and reading of pressure gauge C. [Take fg ~ 13600, kg/m’ and | 81 ms"] (a 9. A rigid vessel having 2 volume of 0.4 m? contains 2.0 kg of liquid water and water vapor ‘mixture in equilibrium at a pressure of 250 kPa. Calculate: (8) i) The volume and mass of Tiquid i) The volume and mass of vapour iif) Temperatore iv) Enthalpy | 43) Bit is heated until its pressure reached to 350 kPa, what wil be its quality? | [Refer the attached table for properties of water] 10, Air enters a compressor operating at steady state at 100 kPa, 300 K end leaves at 1000, kPa, 400 K. The volumetric flow rate of air at the exit is 1.5 m/min. The work consumed by te compressor is 250 1) per kg of air. Neglecting the effects of potential and Kinetic fenergy, determine the eat transfer rate, in kW. [Take R = 287 kek and C= 1005 keK) (8) 11. A heat pump heats a house inthe winter and then revorses to cool it in the summer. The {oom temperature should be 22°C in the winter and 26°C in the summer. Heat transfer yough the walls nd osilings is estimated to be 3000 JM per degree temperatre difference between the inside and outside. 18] j) Determine the power required to run it in the winter which fen the outside temperature deerease to 0°C. 4i) Ifthe unit is rum by the same power as calulate in G throughout the year determine the maximum outside summer temperatuie for which the house can be maintained ot 26°C 12, Airenters the compressor ofan ideal Brayton cycle at 100 kPa, 290 K with 2 volumetric flow rate of 4 m/s. The pressure ratio for cycle is 10 and the maximum temperature during the oycle is 1500 K. Determine: 18] i) The thermal efficiency of the cycle “The fraetion of work outpur tht is consumed by the eompressor and ) The net power output [Take Cp = 1005 Wkg.K, ¥~ 14] 15. A2m long sel plate (k= 50 Wim) is well insulated on its sides, while its left section is maintained at 120°C and ‘the right section is exposed to ambicat.air at 40°C. Under steady site conditions, a thermocouple inserted at the middle of the plate gives a temperature of 100°C. Determine lie value of convection heat transfer coefficient for convection heat transfer between the right section ofthe plate and ai. i een. t rg_eike Why | ime keg [Lime WRK ee Bnis7 ais BErs|f IT199 2KsA BY cous TEE nas27 21784 2672|| 20930 7953 20246) Gar 10 Horns 21080 29723 ]} 04 a2 20054 268047 ers 28 3133 S164 23185 25364 foyer T9888 Hae) Se 30: 4 eee we eihg _mteg "wl SS aan] orem ams eso 3 Gite oom sam Sz $3 ramol[oon asa ase om ges_ Sn fon m2 32408) sana eae Grey 139s 9s 1080 nasé 2e7sal] 1327 ose 73889 dooios 16m? rermi|f aiygs a0471 23061 412.06 zaisa]] 13069 6076 73845, ocoioss 14747 Larsal) 442s a06s9 2sisz]f ate ss asesff asnar S910 Taxa Goon aaa sisal corse 262 204]] Lose 574 7 mada | [estan 2ae3 sang asst. sht66 27470 aay asnja|| 94a. 007 Ff 1Ss0eSse6e™ OM ao: zsxis|[.st0ss 2912 209] ‘ssvr2 wo “Sos ose || iika ayaa “athe | rs aes 70809 i si908 aie ‘30a 15 56[f omi07 \ Senet 216.7 7253 somo 69m 25 163iff osoi0% not i973 self 57339 21886, 720 Sons ist 380. 13899]] ono Staso tats anal] staat 273] 2724 on) oer cs 384 375_141.33| oootes. 5 9s 99177, y————$—_—_— of TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING | Examination Control Division | Programme | 9¢é, 0, BGE_| Paso Marks [32 | 2072 Chaitra (Year/Pant [1/1 ‘Ttime [Sirs Subject: - Fundamental of Thermodynamies and Heat Transfer (E402) Y Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far a8 practicable. ~ Attempt All questions. The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks, ¥ 7 Necessary tables are attached herewith. ‘Assume suitable data if necessary: 4, Sketch P-V, T-V and P-T diagrams for an ideal gas undergoing a i) Constant volume cooling process i) Constant temperature heat rejection process 2. Differentiate between heat transfer und work transfer. Derive the mathematical expression. for work transfer for an isobaric process. i) Define pure substance. State two property rules and give examples. (ay 4, Write down general mass conservation and energy conservation equations for a contro! volume, Also reduce them for a control volume operating under unsteady state condition. [6] 5. Define reftigerator and its COP. Explain how first law and second law of ‘thermodynamics can be applied to analyze the performance of the refrigerator. [ray 6. Differentiate between power eycle end refrigeration cyclc. Sketch P-V and T-$ diagram for ideal otto and ideal diesel cycles. Also write down the expressions for their efficiencies. a 71, Write down the expression for thermal resistance for a hollow cylinder and connective fluid layer. Use them to derive overall heat transfer cocflicient for a hallow cylinder subjected to convection of both sides. {61 PA piston-cylinder device shown in Figure P.8 contains 0.05 m? of a gas initially at 200 ‘kPa, At this state, a linear spring that has a spring constant of 150 kN/m is touching the piston but exerting no force omit, Now best is transferred to the gas, causing the piston to rise and to compress the spring until the volume inside the cylinder triples. If the cross- sectional area of the piston is 0.25 m?, determine the final pressure inside the cylinder. 6 (92 gi container witha volume of 0.170 u 12, 13. initially illed with steam at 200 kPa, 300°C. This cooked to 90°C. (a) At what temperature does a phase change start to occur? (b) Whats the final pressure? (0) What mss fraction of the water is Liquid inthe final state? [Refer the attached fables for the properties of steam e trogen (5 kg) is contained in a piston cylinder deviee shown in Figure .10intally ota preseure of 600 kPa and a temperature of 127C. There sa heat transfer tothe ystem util the temperature reaches to 527°C . It takes a pressure of 1500 kPa to lift the piston. Sketch the process on PV and 7 —V diagrams and determine the total work and heat transfes in the provess. [Take R= 297 J/kgK and cy = 743 J/kg) © a, igre 20 ‘A heat pump having a COP of 5 maintains « building at a temperature of 24°C by supplying heat ata rate of 72000 KiJh when the surrounding is at 0°C. The heat pump runs 12 hrs in a day and the electricity costs Rs 10/Kwh. 2) Determine the actual and minimum theoretical cost per day- 1b} Compare the actual operating cost wih the eost of direct electric resistance heating ‘The pressure and temperature at the end of suction stroke are 100 kPa and! 27°C reopestively. Maximum temperature during the cyele is 1600°C and the compression ratio is 16, Determine: ji) The percentage of stroke at which eut-off takes place ii) The temperature at the end of the expansion stroke and fii) The thermal efficiency (Take 7= 1.4 and R = 287 Wkg.K} ‘The heat flux at the surface of an electrical heater is 3500 Wim’, The heater surface temperature is 120°C when it is cooled by ait at 50°C. What is the average convective heat transfer coefficient? What will be the heater temperature be if the power is reduced so that heat flux is 2500 Wim"? (8) (81 {4 | tome iRAay| 5 Examixzation Control Division 2971 Sbarvan (MELT) sag practicable, Attempt all ouestions. the margin indicate Full Marks - = Necessary figures are attacked herewith, Assume suitable clara if necessary Differentiate between the microscopic” and macroscopic view point in themodynémaies with exemple. “ (4 2. Define energy and powet.. Differentiate between stored and: transient energy with examples. 4 3. Define nsistur a et oe or Da expression for specific volume of.2 ‘two phase (liquid and vapor) mixture in terms of quality. fe 4. Differentiate between steady state work application’ and steady'state flow application. Write down mass and energy conservation equation of stcady state process, Reduce them for anozleandacondenser, (6) i S{Explain eatropy. Derive the relations for eattopy for an ideal ges and an incompressi>te t swe stance. — 4 | “6. “Sketch Rankine eycle on P-y and T-s diagram using dry saturated stream and obtain en i expression for the Rankine eycle efficiency, iG | 7. Define thermai resistance. Derive sn expression for heat transfer though composite plane t veal of tree different layers of different materials using electric analogues approach. 6] S.A piston cylinder amangement shown in figure below has c-oss sectional area of 0.01m2 and a piston. mess of 80 ke If the atmospheric pressure is 1 bar, what should be the gas pressure to Lf the piston? If $0 kg miass is added hove the piston, what would be the new pressure? (1 9. A piston cylinder device with « nes MPa and 500°C with the initial voi System now c ‘Latil the pre-cure reaches LOGO KP system pressure is 300 KPa. Sk. ch the process on P-v d FO, th ic volume and che sota! wo ble fo: 10, ermine die eit velocity and ext area othe dow sate is 4 hays. Tees R 12, A perfect g2s flows through e nozze! whe:e tt 2 “Ente inlet crntitions are 22 bar, SOC an¢ ppands in a reversible adiaber\ vs at the exit the pressure is 2 bar, 290 ie K + ema T= 135. _A house is to be maintained «25°C in summer as well as winter. For this purpose, itis Domposed to use a reversibie device asa cefrigecator in summer and a heat pump in winter. “Bihe ambient tempereture is 40° in summer and 3°c in winter. The energy losses 25 heat Som the roof and the walls are estimsted 25 5 kw per degree Celsius tempecature between “Ce room and the ambient conditions. Calculate the power required to operate the device Lmsummer end winte:, 8] At the beginning of a compression stoke of an air diandard Diesel cycle faving a ‘Sampression ratio of 16 the temperature is 300 K and the pressure is 1000 kpa, if GE ratio for the eycle is 2 Detxmine: a ro a) The pressure and temperature at the end of each process of the cycle }) The thermal efficiency and. . <<) The inean effective pressure Elake R =267 J/kgk and Y= 1.4] ts -A gas turbine blade is modeled as a flat plate. the therna! conductivity of the blade mesatcrial is 15Wmk and its thickness is 1.5 mm. The upper surface of the blade is ecxjvsed to hot gases at 1OWPC eci the lower surface is cooled by air bled of the compressor. The heat transfer casfiicionts at upper and lower surfaces of the blade are 2500 Wim?K and 1500 Wés"K respectively. Linder steady state conditions, the Taempeature at upper surface of the blade is measured as 850°C, determine the tempecatuce of the coolant ait. “ies ase! | ein Spee Peamiae our | rmenr ree sire | oonirz oxses | ra. isd DOB WORT. onss2 z oes . . . eo) runmuvaxunversry (iam INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING [Level Examination Control Division | Programme 2071 Chaitra | Year /Part indamentals of Thermodynamics and'Heat Candidates are required to give theit answers in their own words as far as practicable, Attempt All questions ‘The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks, / ‘Necessary tables are attached herewit Assume suitable data if necessary. SOVNA State and explain zeroth law of thermodynamics. Write down its application. ro} 2. Differentiate between stored energy and transient eneray with examples. (41 3. Define saturation pressure and saturation temperature. Explain why quality is necessary for a Tiguid vopor mixture, a 4. Derive general mass conservation and enérgy conservation equations for a control volume. [6] 5. Define entropy and isentropic process. Derive detail mathematical expression for entropy relation for an idgal ga in terms of pressure and temperature. (61 6. Sketch the Rafikines cycie on p-v and Tes diagrams and derive an expression for its efficiency. (61 7. Derive the expression for overall heat transfer coefficient for composite plane wall consisting of two layers and subjected convective medium on both sides. @ 8. At the inlet and exhaust of s turbine the absolute steam pressure are 6000 kPa and 4.0 em of He, respectively. Barometric pressure is 75 cm of Hg. Calculate the guage pressure for the centering steam and the vacuum gauge pressure: for the exhaust steam. (P.,™ 13600 kg/m? and = 9.81 mis?) 16) 9. A piston cylinder arrangement showin in figure below contains water initially ot Py = 100 kPa, x; = 0.8 and V, = 0.01 m?. When the system is heated, it encounters a linear spring (k= 100 kNim). At this state volume is 0.015 m?, The heating continues till its pressure is 200 kPa. Ifthe diameter of the piston is 0.15 m, determine: 18] a) The final temperature and b) The total work transfer 10. Air enters into a turbine at 2 MPa, 400°C and with a velocity of 200 m/s and exits from the turbine at 100 kPa and 100°C with a velocity of 80 mvs. The power output of the turbine is 800 KW when the mass flow rate of air is 4.5 kp/s. Determine the rate of heat loss from the turbine surface, inlet and exit diameters. [Take Cp = 1005 J/kg, k and R = 287 Jkg.h] (8) NILA piston cylinder device shown in figure below contains 1.5 kg.of water initially at 100 kPa with 10% of quality. The mass of the piston is such that a pressure of 400 kPa is required 10 Iift the piston. Heat is added to the system from a source at 300°C until its temperature reaches 400°C. Determine the total entropy generation during the process, 8] 12. A power plant-operating on an ideal Brayton cycle delivers a power output of 80 MW.The minimum and maximam temperatures during cycle are 300 K and 1500 K respectively. The pressure at the inlet and exit are 100 kPa and 1400 kPa respectively: (8) j) Determine the thermal efficiency of the eyele ii) Determine the power output from the turbine and iii) What fraction of the turbine power output is required to drive the compressor? [Take p= 1005 Jack, y= 1.4] 13.A 40 m long steel pipe (k = $0 WimK) having an inside diameter 80 mm and outside diameter 120 mm is covered with two layers of insulation, The layer in contact with pipe is 30 mm thick asbestos (k = 0.15 W/mK) and the layer next to itis 20 mm thick magnesia ik = 0.1 Wink). The heat transfer coafficients for the inside and outside surfaces are 240 Wiin?K and 10 Wim°K respectively. Ifthe temperature of the steaun inside the pipe is {400°C and the ambient air temperature is 25°C. Determine: (61 |) The inside overall heat transfer coefficient U,, ji) The outside overall heat transfer coefficient Us, iii) The heat transfer rate using U,, and iv) The heat transfer rate using Us a Re PR | i Py odal [LIBRARY | oe TRIEMUVAN UNivERSTrY ESR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING [Level E [FultMarigy 80 Examination Control Division | programme 205 2ME pass aarte 32 y BRAGA 8GE 2070 Ashad Subject: - Fundamental of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer (ME. Candidates are required to give their Attempt All questions The figures in the margin indicate Full Maris Necessary figures are attached herewith. Assume suitable data if necessary. answers in their own words as far 2s practicable. State and explain equality of temperature, Also state zeroth lnw of thermodynamics. Derive an expression for worl transfer for any process on a piston eylindes Reduce it to get the expression for work transfer during 2 poly:ropic process. Define puse substance, State and explain "state postulate”. Differentiate betweea steady stare work applications and steady state flow appiications. Write down the functions of a thermal twbine and nozzle. Also derive gove equations for them when they operate under steady state condition, State the entropy change statement entropy generation. for a contro}-volume and derive an expreccion for ire Sketch an ideal Oto eycic on P-v and T-s diagram terms compression ratio Also, derive an expression for its expression for averali heat transfer coeiticient for a composite pizn2 wall ‘consisting of two layers and subjected to convective modium on both sides. Air (0.0L kg) is contained in a piston cylinder device restained ty a linear spr (50% kNfm) as shown in figure beiow. Sprit tially touches the piston bet exerts no on it, Heat is added to the systear until the piston is displaced upward by 80 mm. at which piston leave [Take R= 287 I’kg. K, Pam b) The final pressur Time Shr. fy 4] (4) le 9. A piston cylinder device with a Linear spcing initially contains « Mpa and 500°C with the initial volume being 0.1 m°, as in figure cools until the pressure reaches 1000 kpa. If the piston is at pressure is 300 Kpa. Sketch the process on P-v diagrem and dete the final temperature and volume and the total wort transfer. [Ret properties of steam] 10. Air lows at rate of 1.2 kg/s through @ compressor, entering at velocity of 60 m/s and Jcaving at 500 kpa, 150°C, with a velocity « hé compressor to the surrounding is estimated to be 20 /kg required to dsive the compressor and diameters of inlet [Take R = 287i/kgK and c, = 1005 kak), 11. A figid vessel consists of 0.4 kg of hydrogen initially et 200 transferred io the system ftom a reservoir at 60) K until its temp Determine the heat transfer, the change in entropy of hydrogen ane + prodused. (Fake ey= 10.183 J/kg). ‘Aq ideal gas turbine €yéle produces 15 MW of power output. The Compression inlet are 100 kpaland 17°C. The pressure rat added per ke of air per cycle is 900 Ki/Kg, De-ermine: (a) ESic maximum temperature during the eycle and (c) Mess fiow sate of &p = 1005 JKe.k) 13. A furnace wall 300 mm thick is made up of az inne: layer covered with « layer of insulation (k = 0.2 Wm). The inner si 1300°C and the outer surface is at 30°C. Under steady st a) Hest loss per unit area of the wall and b) The thickness of each layer Examination Controi Division _ Progra: INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Level 2070 Chaitra Year! Pi Subject: - Fundamental of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer (ME402) KR, Cendidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Attempt AUl questions. The figures in the margin indicate Fuil Marks. Necessary tables.are attached herewith. ‘Assume suitable data if necessary. Explain the difference between path function and point fimetion with example. Define neat transfer and work transfer. Also mention similarities and differences between heat and work. Define pure substance. Explain why property table’ und charts are necessary. Difterential between steady state and unsteady state analysis.:Write down general mass conservanign and energy conservation equation for a steady state process and reduce then for an adiabatic turbine. Define isentropic Derive isentropic relations for an ideal ges and an incompressible s Sketch the eyele on P-v and -s diagrams and derive an expression for is efficiency in tems of compression ratio and cut~ jerive expressions for inside and outside overall heat transfer co-efficient for a hollow ‘yinder subjected to convection medium en both sides, 4] 4 i] aE 0. Air flows at a raw of 1.2 ko/s through a compressor, entering at 100 kPa, 25°C, wi velocity of 60 m/s and leaving at 500 kPa, 150°C, with a velocity of 120 m/s. Heat ios the compressor to the suxounding is estimated to be 20 ki/ke. Calculate the po required to drive the compressor and diameter of inlet and exhaust pipes. [Take R= J/ gk and ¢, = 1005 Vkek} Am air condition wnat having COP 50% of the theoretical maximum meintains a house texnperaure of 20°C by cooling it again the surrounding temperanire. The house g Exaergy at a rate of 18 KW per degree temperature difference, For a maximum work i of 18 Kw, detemine the maximum surrounding temperamure for which it prov stxfficient cooling ‘The compression tic of an air standard Otto cycle is 8. At the beginning of cOmpression process, the pressure and temperance of air are 100 kPa and 2) respectively. The teat added per kg air during the oycle is 2000 Wiig. Decemnine pressure and tempearure at the ead of each process of the eyeie, the thermal efficie asad the mean effecive pressure, [Take R = 287 Jks.k and ¥ = 1.4] A. steel pipe having an outside diameter of 2 em is to be covered with two layer: inssulations, each having a thickness of | em. The average conductivity of one mates 5 times that of the other, Assuming that the inner and outer surface temperature of composite insulation are fixed. caiculate by what percentige the heat transfer will recfuced when the beter insulating materials is nearer to the pipe than it is away from pipe. LIBRARY | Examination Control Division-| Programme | BCE,BME Pas Marks | 32 2069 Ashad = Year/Part [1/1 Time 3 hrs, ‘Subject: - Fundamental of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer (ME 402) Y Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Attempt All questions. Y The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks v ssarv Tables are attached herewi ‘Assume suitable data if necessary. Define these terms: (a) Quasi-equilibrium process (b) Am open system (© Thermodynamic equilibrium (é) Intensive property. 2. ‘Define stored and transient energies with exansples. 3. Define the tems saturated vapor, superheated vapor and critical point. Also derive an nression for specific volume of a two phase mixture in terms of quality. =. Derive unceody siaie energy equation for an open system, Apply this equation to derive governing equations forthe discharge of a gas from a cylinder. 5. State and explain Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statement of second law of thermodynamics. Also prove their equivalence, 6. Sketch the Brayton cycle on P-V and, T-s diagrams and derive an expression for its efficiency in terms of pressure ratio, Derive an expression for inside overall heat transfer coefficient for a hollow cylinder subjected to convection on both sides. s is connected w a eoil spring, which exerts « force eee 10 displacement from its ‘equilibrium position. The gas is heated until the volume is doubied at which pressure is SUOKPa Determine the work dons by the ges. Take atmospheric pressure qual to 100KPa. 8. Apiston ey pressure of 4¢ jet arrangement shown in figure blow contains 0.5kg of water initially at 2 OKPa with a quality of 50%. The system is heated to a position where the locked, and then cooled til! it becomes a saturated vapor at a temperature of 60°C. Sketch the process on P-v and T-v diagrams and determine total work fransfer 1) (22 G3) {8} 16 Steam enters 2 turbine operating at steady sate wilh a mass Cow rale of 4600kgR, The ftrbine develops @ power output of 1OO0KW. At the inlet, the pressure is 6000kPa, the femperature is 400°C, and the velocity is i0mis. At the exit, the pressure is 100kPa, the guality is 0.9, and the velocity is SOmY/s. Calculate the rate of heat transfer besween the farbine and surroundings in kW? (Refer the atached table for properties of steam} (a) TL. A heat engine working on Camot cycle converts one-fifth of the heat input into work. ‘When the temperature of the sink is reduced by 80°C, the efficiency gets doubled Make calculations for the temperature of source and sink. a 12. Determine the efficiency of an ideal Rankine cycle operating between boiler pressure of LOMPe and condenser pressure of 6KPa, Steam leaves the boiler as saturated vapor, (8) 13, An exterior wall of « house may be approximated by a. 10cm layer of common, brick [e0.7Wim°C) followed by a layer of « 3.8em layer of cement plaster (k=.48Wim°C| ‘Winat thickness of loosely packed rock-wool insulation [-0.06SW/m°C] should be aided reduce the heat loss (or gain) through the wall by 80 percent?” [a od 04 veg) INSTT 3 = Ye iG Exam| inktet eet baision 2065 Chaitra Tim Subject: - Fundamental of Thermodynamics and Heat Transier (M5402) ¥ Candidates are required to give theis answers in their ovm wotds as far as practicable, YY. Attemot All questions, Y The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks, VY Necessary tables are attached herewith. Y Assume suitable data if necessary. ‘Write features of a thermodynamic property. Also differentiate between state function and path function with examples. Differentiate between heat and work, Refine compressed liquid, degree of superbeat, moisture content and saturated vapor, Define cyclic process State and explaix first law of thermodynamics for a contro! mass undergoing a cyclic process. 5. Explain the directional feature of the natural process with any one example, State the second of thermodynamics for an isolated system. Also explain the entropy genemaiion Siewa Fev and Ts diagram for a/Brayton eyele. Also derive_an expression for its efficiency im terms of pressure ra:io, rive expressions for inside overall beat transfer coefficient and outside overcil heat ‘wansfer coefficient for a hollow tube subjected to convection medium on its both inner and outer sucface. The Pisin of @ vertical Pistop cylinder device containing as gas has 2 Mass of $0 ky and ‘cross sectional area of 0.02m", 2. Determine the pressure inside the cylinder During some proress. heat is lost by the scoreases 10%" of the ini Potm = 100 KPa aad ¢= 9.81 Mis") 5. A piston oylinder device shown in figure P.9 contains 0.3 Kg of ¢ mixture of saturated quid water and saturated water vapor at ¢ teraperature of 50°C and a volume of O.03m° ‘The mass of the piston resting on the stops is 50 Ke and the cross sectional area of the piston is 12.2625 em”. The atmospheric pressure is 100 kPa. Heat is transferred until it becomes saturated vapor. Sketch the process on P-v and T-v diagrams and determine: a5 to the surroundings and it's volume spfinal pressure, [Take ‘The final pressure, and The total work transfer. [Take g = 9.8 ms] fRefer attached table 4 steam] the properties of (4 [4] {6] {9) is} (4 {6 10. 1 Air flows at a rate of 1.2 k; ‘riocity of 120 mis and teaving at 100 Epa, 25°C; with velocity of 60 mls, Hear lostzby tte turbine tothe sumounding is found to be 20 kifkg. Calealate the power developed by ite turbine and diameter of inlet and enhast pipes. [Take R © 287 kek, end Cp= 100 Sik A heat Pump faving COP of 5 maintains a building at a temperntre of 24°C by Supplying heat at arate of 72000KI'b, when the surroundings is at 9°C. The heat Pumes, ‘rm 12 hours in a day and the electricity costs Rs 10/Kwh, ') Determine tie actual end minimum theoretical cost per day #9) Compare the actual operating cost withthe cost of tirect electric ressunce heating Seam at 2 MPa, 350°C is expanded in a steam turbine working on a Rankine cycle 0 8 KPa. Determine the net work A 22s turbine blade is modeled as a fla plate. The thermal conductivity of the blade mswoial is 15 Wk and its thickness is 1.5 mm, The upper surface of the blade ns re + surfaces ofthe blade are 2500 Wim’k and 1300 Wim'k respectively, Under steady state conditions, the Emperature, at the upper surface of the blade is measured. as: 850°C: determine the temperature of the coolant air, . ‘rough a turbine entering at 500 kpa_150°C;- witha (8) [8] (8) {6 ce > TRUVAN UNIVERSITY [aa ‘Bigs Majeh Laer) << UIROPENONEERNG © [Lew alt Marks Examination Contro! Division Programme Sci Pass M 2068 Sbrawan Year [Part 7171 Tine ‘undamentals of Thermodynamics and Heat Transter ce required 10 amt All questions. ie answers in theic own words as far as practicab ‘essary tables are attach, e suitable data if Highlight assuoptions of aic standard cycle, Derive the thermal efficiency of two stck= Spark lpnition (SI) Engine Define a polytropie process, Sketch polytropie processes si common P-V diagram, Derive an expression for work tran Draw saturation euve of water using)isobar lines, Differentiate ehweem. enmpressed Tiguid and Saturated Tiquid as yell as saturate! vapor and superheated vapor, n= 6,1, 14nd ona for 2 polytrapic proces Derive general eneray equation for an epen system and modify it for steady sat, s:eay flow operation, ine isentropie process, Derive isentropic relations for an ideal gas relationship Reiween rate of heit transfer and-thermal resistance positewall having three layers Denve af expression for ove: beat transfer coe’ consisting of three layers wath. convection on bot sides, A gas is contained in a piston eylinder device at 101.325 KPa, 200°C and 0.425m* 2. in igure below. AL iais state, 4 linear spring with a pring constant of 219 X/t= 1s cnushing the pision but exerts no foreg on t, The cross sectional area of THe piso is 1.279 a, Heat is transferred to the 283, causing it to expand until is valine oles ermine a) The Gnal pressure ty The rato of faction of work done agsinst the spring and toral work done ©) The total heat transfer dunng the proce Akko, show she process on a PLY and TV diagrams, (Take R Cyt TBs) & = 287N/kgK and tl isl | | | 9. The mass rate of flow into a turbine i 43.51W. The following data are Pressure is 1.5 | inlet Conditions Exit Conditions kkeis, and the heat transfer from the tusbing is own for the steam entering and leaving the tusbine (8) 20MPa | O.1MPa (Temperature 330°C | [Quality 100% [Nelosity Sims, Looms | | Flevation above reference plane ‘6m 3m. | Determine the power output of the turbine and exit area of outlet pipe. [Refer the attached tahle for properties of steam] ae —SOLUTIONS— 04 TRIGITIVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE. OF ENGINEERING Examination Control Division 2068 Chaitra ‘Subject: - Fundamental of Thermodynamics and Heat Candidates are required to Attempt All questions. ‘The figures ithe margin indicate Full Marks Necessary Tables are attached herewith ‘Assume suitable data if necessary ive their answers in their own words as far as practicable. KS KAS So Differentiate between the microscopic and macroscopic view point in thermodynamics ‘with suitable examples. - 2. Define intemal energy. Derive an expression for displacement work ‘wansfer for 2 polytropic process. ‘ s : 3. State two property rule for a state, Explain the importance of graphical and tubuler data presentation. 4, ‘Derive a general expression for enerey conservation for a control volume and reduce it for steady state condition, 5. Differentiate between heat engine and refrigerator. Also explain the factors used for theix performance evaluation. 6. Explain the working principle of the Rankine eyele with the. corresponding process on P-Vand T-Sdingrams —e , que 7. a) Derive an expres consisting of two b) Define terms black body and gray body. for steady state heat transfer through a composite cylinder f,/2-iton ender arangement Inde wth ina sping as. show in figure below has W cross sectional area of 0.01m”, comtains.gas piston mass of 80kg, Initially spring touches the piston bint exerts no pressure on it. Jem is supplied to the-system until its volume doubles, Determine the final pressure. [Take g = 9.81mvs’, outside atmospheric pressure = 1ODKPe, spring consi, K = SOKN/m, initial volume ~ 0.06m of ens} —> < GAS. ae Dy {4} {5} (61 16} {6}. W Py (61 : ee “oO “afb vig» oa 0a} cnn 20 fis ed wae pe ‘mixture in equilibrium at a pressure of 250kPa. Calculate: a) The volume and mass of liquid . O) The volume and-mass of vapor 3) Temperature 3 Eniaipy ‘Refer he attaced table for properties of ses) ‘A piston cylinder device shown in figure below contains 2kg of water initially at saturated liquid stare of MPa. There is heat transfer to the system until it hits the stops at which tame its volume is 0.3m’. There is further heat transfer 10 the device until water is completely vaporized. Sketch the process on Pv and T-v (pressure - specific volume) un mins of steam, (Refer the aac le far propitiesofstam,, sprees of ar ids si anda Brayton eyele at 100K, 200 with a Ssetrh thé proces on 7 aT cinrams. [Refer the alached cable fr popes fsa] Wan agi (al () 8) i

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