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Possible exam questions:

1. What is the di erence between bond of good behavior and bond to

keep the peace?

2. When is civil interdiction imposed? what are the e ects? (art 34 — not
sure double check lang lol)

3. Has death penalty under the RPC been abolished?

4. How do you understand subsidiary penalty?

5. Can there be a complex crime in culpa? can we apply article 48 of the

RPC? (No kuno — only applicable to intentional penalties? not sure lol)

6. What is a continuous crime and what is a continuing crime? How do

you distinguish one from another?

7. What is an indeterminate sentence law? How do you understand it,

who are the disquali ed o enders (section 2) and what is the purpose
of this law?

8. How is criminal liability extinguished: a) Totally b) Partially

9. Under Article 98, what is meant by special time allowance?

10. Who are considered as: (a) Principles (b) Accomplices (c) Accessories
(check Art. 17-19) *Take note the SC held that participation of look out/
bantay is ACCESSORY lol ok

11. Can a person be convicted as an accessory under Article 19 and the

same time ln sdknlakjr nalipat ko basta ang gin assignment ya sang
last hehe

12. Who are exempted from criminal liability? (art 20)

13. Memorize Art 24

14. Know the penalties of principles and accessories

15. What penalties are considered both as principle and accessory

penalties? (perpetual or temporary ABSOLUTE/SPECIAL
disquali cation

16. What penalty under the RPC is useless? bond to keep the peace
except in cases of VAWCY

17. What is meant by community service? RA 1113621??? double check

lang lol

18. What is the di erence of presidential pardon and pardon by the

o ended party?

19. What are….??? ambot basta sa Art. 38 hahaha

20. What is meant by subsidiary penalty? Art. 39

21. What are the kinds of complex crime? Penalties invoked in complex
crime? Art 48* important

22. *take note: last paragraph of art 62

23. What is meant by the three fold rule? Art 70

24. What is meant by distierro and when is the penalty imposed

25. What is meant by prescription of crime (found in art 90)

26. What is meant by prescription of penalties (found in art 92)

Article 79-86 wala na KUNO

91 - no need

95-98 wala na

100 - take note

101 - disregard

102 - take it up kuno ambot

104 - emphasize (????)

105-109 - just read

passing score 60 shet

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