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CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 39 (2022) 91–103

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Performance analysis of an adaptive cooling system with primary

and secondary heat paths for linear direct drives in machine tools ]]

Eckart Uhlmann a,b, Sebastian Salein a,
Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management (IWF), TU Berlin, Germany
Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology IPK in Berlin, Germany

a r t i cl e i nfo a bstr ac t

Available online 30 July 2022 Machine tools subjected to high demands regarding productivity and accuracy are faced with the challenge
that thermal losses influencing the accuracy negatively. Due to high requirements regarding thermal sta-
Keywords: bility of precision related machine tool components, the focused linear direct drives (LDD) must be tem-
Adaptive-cooling system with thermoelectric pered by active cooling systems. In machine tools, a sufficient cooling capacity is available, but the cooling is
insufficiently adjusted to the process and the individual demand of the heat-inducing as well as precision
Modelling of thermoelectric cooling systems
related components. With the intention to achieve a demand-oriented cooling, the use of thermoelectricity
Cooling systems for linear direct drives
Thermoelectricity in machine tools in machine tools is one research objective at the Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management (IWF).
Inspired by the concept of thermoelectric self-cooling (TSC)-systems for electronic devices, an Adaptive
Cooling (AC)-system with thermoelectric generators (TEG) for LDD in machine tools is developed and ex-
perimentally investigated. In order to enhance the performance of AC-systems, in this research a reduction
of the global thermal resistance is focused. A promising approach to achieve this goal is the division of the
induced heat flow into a primary and a secondary heat path. For a model-based performance analysis of this
approach, a system simulation is presented. To acquire experimental data for model validation, a test bench
of the AC-system with primary as well as primary and secondary heat path is put into operation. The
comparison of simulative and experimental determined data indicates a predominantly high model pre-
diction accuracy. As a result, the implementation of a secondary heat path enables a reduction of the
temperature on the upper surface of the heat source by 24.6% and thus a decrease of the global thermal
resistance by 38.1%. Compared to the initial state of the AC-system only with primary heat path, the achieved
thermal stability in the precision related machine tool component as well as the self-starting capability is
© 2022 CIRP.

Introduction increase productivity is the use of linear direct drives (LDD), which
allow higher acceleration a, feed rate vf and thus rapid positioning
The economic efficiency of a production system is influenced by compared to conventional ball screw drives [3,4]. During the con-
the performance of used machine tools regarding productivity, version of consumed electrical energy Eel by LDD into mechanical
working accuracy, environmental behaviour as well as reliability [1]. energy Emech, electrical power loss ΔPJ in form of heat flow rates Q̇ ind
Increasing productivity and accuracy are therefore the classical de- are induced into the adjacent machine tool components. Without
velopment goals of machine tool building. Due to changed legal the use of countermeasures, a temporary and locally changing
restrictions regarding eco-design measures, rising energy costs as temperature distribution results. This leads to thermo-elastic de-
well as an increasing awareness of sustainable manufacturing, the formations of precision related machine tool components, which
energy and resource efficiency is being considered as further cri- directly influence the position of the Tool Centre Point (TCP), and
terion during machine tool development [1]. Productivity, accuracy therefore the working accuracy of the considered machine tool [5]. A
as well as energy consumption of machine tools cannot be con- significant proportion of workpiece errors are caused by thermally
sidered independently from each other [2]. A common approach to induced displacements δ of the TCP [6]. The arrangement of the
primary part as the significant heat source of LDD close to precision
related machine tool components requires an active cooling to dis-

Correspondence to: Sulzaer Str. 19, 14199 Berlin, Germany. sipate induced heat flow rates Q̇ ind [3]. The results of research ac-
E-mail addresses:, (S. Salein). tivities in the field of energy consumption of fluidic systems in
1755-5817/© 2022 CIRP.
E. Uhlmann and S. Salein CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 39 (2022) 91–103

Fig. 1. Thermoelectric self-cooling (TSC)-system for electronic devices with an additional secondary heat path to reduce the global thermal resistance Rgl; conceptual drawing
according to Kiflemariam et al. [17].

machine tools show that sufficient cooling capacity PC is available, TEG as a function of the induced heat flow rate Q̇ ind. Thus, tem-
but the cooling is insufficiently adjusted to the process and to the perature regulations by a closed-loop control are not intended [14].
individual demand of the machine tool components [5]. Therefore, it
is proposed to use speed-controlled pumps to provide a demand-
oriented and individual volumetric flow rate V̇ of the coolant for Reduction of the global thermal resistance
each component to be cooled [7]. This volume flow controlled of thermoelectric self-cooling systems
cooling system is a promising approach to reduce the required pump
power [7]. With the intention to achieve a demand-oriented cooling, The temperatures in a component to be cooled are determined by
the use of thermoelectricity in machine tools is one research ob- the global thermal resistance Rgl of the cooling system. Therefore,
jective at the INSTITUTE FOR MACHINE TOOLS AND FACTORY MANAGEMENT (IWF). this parameter is crucial for evaluating of the cooling system per-
This approach offers potentials to achieve a high thermal stability of formance. The direct placement of TEG to a heat source creates a
precision-related machine tool components with reduced energy TSC-system with a single thermal path [11]. Experimental analyses
requirements for cooling. In this context, thermal stability is defined of a TSC-system with heat pipes and finned heat sink by Martinez
as the capability of a system to maintain a steady-state temperature et al. [16] show that the TEG-arrangement with thermal resistance
ϑB with minor deviation Δϑ even under varying induced heat flow RTEG is accounting for around 60% of the global thermal resistance Rgl
rates Q̇ ind [6]. Increasing or adapting the heat dissipation or heat [16]. As a promising solution approach to reduce the global thermal
input by demand-oriented cooling is one possibility to raise thermal resistance Rgl, the use of thermal bridges with high thermal con-
stability of machine tools. ductivity λ in thermal parallel connection to TEG was investigated
[13,16,17]. In TSC-systems including thermal bridges, only a part of
State of the art the induced heat flow rate Q̇ ind is crossing the TEG-arrangement. The
main proportion is removed by thermal bridges with low thermal
Thermoelectric self-cooling systems for electronic devices resistance R directly to a secondary and geometrically separated heat
sink. Thus, a secondary heat path is formed. By this measure the
The preliminary work for this research is represented by so- temperature difference TEG-hot/cold side Δϑh–c is reduced, which
called thermoelectric self-cooling (TSC)-systems. These were devel- results conceptually in a decreased recuperated electrical power Pel
oped and investigated for energy self-sufficient cooling of electronic at the same induced heat flow rate Q̇ ind. For the experimental ana-
devices. As key components, a TSC-system includes thermoelectric lysis of this concept, Kiflemariam et al. [17] used a test bench with a
generators (TEG) arranged in a thermal parallel connection between heat source, a heat spreader and six TEG positioned in a rectangular
a heat source and a heat sink. Due to the TEG thermal conduction arrangement, Fig. 1 [17]. Three separate finned heat sinks are in-
resistance RTEG, a temperature difference TEG-hot/cold side Δϑh–c, stalled on the cold side of TEG, in which an energy self-sufficiently
arise as the heat flow rate Q̇ TEG passes the TEG-arrangement. Based operated fan generates forced convection. The presented design
on the thermoelectric SEEBECK-effect, TEG are capable to convert parts includes a primary and a secondary heat path, Fig. 1 [17].
of the induced heat flow rate Q̇ ind into electrical energy E [8]. By With the intention of conducting comparable studies, two con-
integrating electrical consumers such as a water pump and a fan into figurations of the TSC-system have been investigated by Kiflemariam
the electrical circuit, an electrical power Pel is recuperated. Thus, et al. [17]. First, TEG are placed in both primary and secondary heat
these electrical consumers are self-sufficiently operated. The oper- paths. Thus, six modules are electrically connected in series (Case A).
ability of TSC-systems for electronic devices has been demonstrated Second, the two TEG below the middle finned heat sink are replaced
manifold using finned heatsinks with fans [9–13]. Furthermore, by an aluminium block as a thermal bridge of the same size with
several investigations have shown that also TSC-systems with water high thermal conductivity λ (Case B). The remaining four TEG below
cooled microchannel heat sinks are operational [9,14,15]. TSC-sys- the outer finned heat sinks are unchanged compared to Case A. The
tems feature adaptive characteristics, because the thermal convec- experimental results reveal that the integration of thermal bridges
tion resistances Rh and thus the global thermal resistance Rgl of the reduces the global thermal resistance Rgl [17]. Despite the fact that
system is load-dependently adjusted. Using the example of water- the recuperated electrical power Pel and thus the rotational speed n
cooled TCS-systems, the thermal convection resistance Rcool be- of the fan is decreased in Case B compared to Case A, a reduction r of
tween the cold plate and the coolant is determined based on the the temperature difference Δϑde between the device temperature ϑde
flow velocity respectively the volumetric flow rate V̇ inside the and the environment temperature ϑa is determined to r(Δϑde) ≈ 11 K
cooling channels. The volumetric flow rate V̇ is self-regulated and ≙ 12.1% [17]. This offers potentials to improve the operability of the
demand-oriented supplied by the electrical power Pel recuperated by electronic devices to be cooled.

E. Uhlmann and S. Salein CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 39 (2022) 91–103

Fig. 2. Design of an Adaptive Cooling (AC)-system with thermoelectric generators (TEG).

arrangement by screws embedded in the connection plate. Four

spacers are used to maintain the position of the primary part pre-
cisely and to transfer the occurring shear forces FS via frictional
connections, even at high accelerations a of the linear axis. Due to
the direct connection to the machine tool slide with its high de-
mands regarding thermal stability, the connection plate is defined as
the precision-related component of the assembly. In order to force a
highest possible proportion of the induced heat flow rate Q̇ ind
through the TEG-arrangement into the water cooled cold plate,
thermal insulators manufactured of duroplast HP 2061 are inserted
and provide a high thermal resistance Rhp to the connection plate,
Fig. 2. To avoid thermally induced displacements δ of the machine
Fig. 3. Prototypical integration of the AC-system with TEG into the machine tool de- tool, the AC-system with TEG focuses on maintaining a thermal
monstrator with linear direct drives (LDD) [18]. steady state in the precision related connection plate. The proto-
typical realisation of the AC-system as well as the integration into the
Adaptive cooling systems with integrated thermoelectric generators for feed unit of the machine tool demonstrator has been implemented.
linear direct drives in machine tools In the course of experimental investigations, three operating
modes of the AC-system were studied. These are described in detail
Considering the above-mentioned preliminary research activities below.
in the field of TSC-systems for electronic devices, the approach has
been extended by Uhlmann et al. [18–22] to enable a thermoelec- 1. A reference operating mode without active cooling, in which the
trically assisted cooling for LDD in machine tools. Due to the high AC-system was turned off, Fig. 4.
demands regarding thermal stability of precision-related machine 2. A non-energy self-sufficient operation mode in which a com-
tool components, an energy self-sufficient operation of the cooling pressor cooling unit, Typ Chilly 15, marketed by Himmelwerk
system is not suitable for all intended machining processes. As op- GmbH, Tübingen, Germany, was additionally used and powered
posed to TSC-systems, the following presented set-up is therefore with an externally supplied energy Eext, Fig. 4.
termed Adaptive Cooling (AC)-system with TEG. Considering the re- 3. An energy self-sufficient operation mode, in which the cooling
quired thermal connection and given restrictions regarding me- capacity PC was completely generated by using recuperated
chanical properties of TEG, a concept to integrate TEG into a feed electrical power Pel from TEG, Fig. 4.
unit with LDD has been developed, Fig. 2 [18,19]. Allowing for ex-
perimental analyses of the AC-system as well as proving its feasibility In the second and third operation mode, the recuperated elec-
even under changing thermal loads, a self-designed machine tool trical power Pel was directly fed to an electrical parallel circuit,
was selected as demonstrator. consisting of a gear pump, Typ P123001, marketed by Thermalforce
The considered X-axis is equipped with a LDD of the type Al2830, GmbH, Berlin, Germany, within a water cooling circuit and a fan, Typ
marketed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Verl, Germany, without 4412, manufactured by EBM-papst mulfingen GmbH, Mulfingen,
integrated cooling system. The designed AC-system with TEG is Germany, of a self-designed adiabatic air cooling unit, Fig. 4.
placed on the upper surface of the primary part of the LDD, Fig. 2. Therefore, the coolant was taken load-dependently and self-regu-
The heat sink of the AC-system with TEG is designed as a water lated from a temperature-controlled reservoir by the named gear
cooled cold plate, manufactured of aluminium alloy type EN AW- pump. Both electrical consumers of the AC-system were self-suffi-
5083. Aiming for recuperation of an electric power Pel, TEG are ciently supplied by TEG. In the third operation mode, the coolant
placed in a gap between the primary part and the water cooled cold inlet temperature ϑin was completely determined by the adiabatic
plate. Consequently, a temperature difference TEG-hot/cold side air cooling unit. Due to the limited amount of recuperated electrical
Δϑh–c arises during operation of the LDD. The recuperated electrical power Pel, the adiabatic air cooling unit with fan was not capable of
power Pel is given as a function of the applied temperature difference providing coolant with a constant inlet temperature ϑin upstream of
TEG-hot/cold side Δϑh–c and corresponds to the difference between the AC-system. In order to meet this demand for performance ana-
the absorbed heat flow rate Q̇ abs,h and the emitted heat flow rate lyses of the AC-system, the named compressor cooling unit with a
Q̇ emi,c on the hot and cold side of TEG, Fig. 2. To reduce the thermal two-point controller was additionally used, Fig. 4. This allowed a
contact resistances Rcont, the heat sink is pressed onto the TEG- closed-loop control of the coolant inlet temperature ϑin to a defined

E. Uhlmann and S. Salein CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 39 (2022) 91–103

Fig. 4. Starting processes of the AC-system in three operating modes by an induced heat flow rate Q̇ ind ≈ 700 W: (a) Temperatures on top of the primary part ϑpp and inlet
temperatures of the coolant ϑin; (b) Temperatures inside the precision related connection plate ϑcp; (c) Volumetric flow rate V̇ of the coolant and recuperated electrical power Pel.

setpoint of ϑin = 22 °C with a hysteresis H = 1.4 K, Fig. 4(a). Due to the significantly decreased compared to the reference operating mode,
additional use of a compressor cooling unit, the fan of the adiabatic Fig. 4(b). Responsible for this improved thermal behaviour are the
air cooling unit was rotating during the second operating mode integrated TEG of the AC-system, which recuperate sufficient elec-
without cooling function. trical power Pel at the time t ≥ 200 s and supply the water pump as
The experimental results show that the use of an AC-system with well as the parallel-connected fan of the adiabatic air cooling unit
TEG in both operating modes ensures maintaining a permissible electrically, Fig. 4(c). Due to adaptive system characteristics of an AC-
motor core temperature of ϑM = 100 °C and thus enables an unrest- system the volumetric flow rate V̇ inside the water cooled cold plate
ricted usability of LDA, Fig. 4(a) [18]. Compared to the reference is self-regulated by the recuperated electrical power Pel, Fig. 4(c).
mode, the energy self-sufficient operation shows a significant re- During varying induced heat flow rates Q̇ ind an adaptive adjustment
duction of the temperature on top of the primary part ϑpp at the time of volumetric flow rate V̇ is observed [18,20].
of t = 1350 s as well as a significantly reduced temperature rise Δϑpp Compared to a conventional cooling system for LDD with a cold
(t) in any time interval Δt, Fig. 4(a). Furthermore, the temperature plate screwed on top of the primary part, the AC-system has an in-
rise in the precision related connection plate Δϑcp(t) could be creased global thermal resistance Rgl. This is because a significant

E. Uhlmann and S. Salein CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 39 (2022) 91–103

Fig. 5. Concept for implementation of a primary and secondary heat path in an AC-system with TEG.

portion of the induced heat flow rate Q̇ ind is forced through the forced convection in the cooling channels, Fig. 6. Thus, the primary
additionally added thermal resistance RTEG of the TEG-arrangement. heat path is formed. After that, the outlets of the water cooled cold
Consequently, a high temperature on top of the primary part ϑpp and plate are connected to the inputs of the cooling channels inside
thus a negative influence regarding operability as well as thermal spacers. Each two of them are arranged in fluidic series connection,
stability result. Based on the presented state of the art, the ob- Fig. 6. In order to maximise the amount of recuperated electrical
jective of this research is to reduce the global thermal resistance power Pel, this sequence is essential to reach high temperature dif-
Rgl of AC-systems. ferences TEG hot/cold side Δϑh–c.
For experimental analyses of this concept, as well as for valida-
Design tion of the derived models, a test bench of the AC-system has been
put into operation. The primary part of LDD was therefore replaced
As solution approach to reduce the global thermal resistance Rgl, by a heating plate with cartridge heaters, which are operated by an
the concept of a TSC-system with primary and secondary heat path adjustable power supply. The test bench enables the imitation of the
is applied to the already existing design of the AC-systems, Fig. 5. induced heat flow rates Q̇ ind, previously measured in the machine
Each heat path requires a thermally independent heat sink. Other- tool demonstrator, Fig. 3. Thus, the acquisition of relevant data is
wise no sufficient temperature difference TEG-hot/cold side Δϑh–c possible without axis movement and under controlled boundary
arises at the TEG-arrangement to supply the electrical consumers of conditions.
the AC-system. The solution approach is represented by adding
cooling channels to the spacers presented in Fig. 5. This enables a Modelling
circulation of coolant through the spacers during operation of the
AC-system. Consequently, the spacers act as additional heatsinks With the objective of simulation-based analyses of the thermo-
with direct connection to the heat source, and have therefore a electric behaviour and further optimisation of AC-systems, a pre-
double function, Fig. 5. viously by Uhlmann et al. [19] presented simulation model is applied
A detailed view inside the studied AC-system with primary and to the new design shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 with primary and
secondary heat path is given by Fig. 6. Compared to previous in- secondary heat path. The already existing model architecture is
vestigations by Uhlmann et al. [18,19] the cooling geometry of the based on a thermal resistance network and has been implemented
water cooled cold plate was unchanged, Fig. 6. as a system simulation in MATLAB/Simulink, MathWorks, Natick,
The sequence of the coolant flow through the heat sinks influ- USA, Fig. 7. Supported by block libraries of the Simscape-toolbox, the
ences the performance of the AC-system. First, the coolant is fed into model is composed of the physical domains thermal, thermal-liquid,
the water cooled cold plate and absorbs the heat flow rates Q̇ pri by and electrical, which are in permanent interaction. The thermal

Fig. 6. Design of the cooling geometries inside the heat sinks of the AC-system with primary and secondary heat path.

E. Uhlmann and S. Salein CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 39 (2022) 91–103

Fig. 7. Thermal resistance network for model-based analyses of the AC-system with divided heat paths.

system behaviour is derived by a mesh of representative nodes, each analyses of the AC-system with primary and secondary heat path, the
one connected to the surrounding nodes by a thermal resistance R described modelling enables a comparison with simulative data. Due
and endowed with a thermal capacity C, Fig. 7. to the mentioned model simplification, the location specific heat-up
As a model simplification, the AC-system is considered symme- of coolant is calculated with a significant error e. This is due to the
trical to the centre line, Fig. 7. Therefore, the thermal conduction coolant flow through the spacers in series connection, which
resistances of the connection plate Rcp, the thermal insulators Rinsu, changes from the left to the right side of the assembly, Fig. 6. As a
the spacers Rsp, the heating plate Rhp and the thermal convection consequence, the major error e between experimentally and simu-
resistances Rcool of the not shown right side, are mirrored to form latively determined data is expected at the temperature below the
merged substitute thermal resistors. In addition, the installed 19 TEG spacer ϑsp,h.
are combined to a substitute component. Thereby, temperature
differences Δϑ between different TEG and increasing cooling water Performance analysis
temperatures ϑcool within cooling channels are neglected. The tem-
perature rise of coolant Δϑcool at the outlets of each heat sink is In order to analyse the thermoelectric system behaviour, the
determined using Simscape-toolbox. In conclusion, the model is described test bench has been used to collect experimental data. To
capable of simulating both, steady and transient states of the AC- compare and evaluate the influence of different TEG-types, two se-
system. Therefore, all system-determining temperatures, open-cir- parate measurement series were conducted. The used TEG-types
cuit voltage UOC, load voltage UL, load current I, recuperated elec- were preselected on basis of their thermoelectric characteristics
trical power Pel, volumetric flow rate V,̇ and all heat flow rates by stated by the manufacturers. First, TEG1-40-40-10/100, marketed by
Peltier (Q̇ P)- and Joule-effect Q̇ J are calculated. A more detailed de- Eureca Messtechnik GmbH, Cologne, Germany, which has already
scription of the modelling is given by Uhlmann et al. [19]. The been applied by Uhlmann et al. [19,20] in previous investigations.
comparison of simulative and experimental data of the AC-system Due to the number of thermocouples inside, this TEG-type is here-
with primary heat path has shown a high model prediction accuracy inafter uniformly termed TEG199. Second, TGM-287-1.0-1.5, pro-
for steady state as well as transient conditions [19]. duced by Kryotherm, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, which was chosen for
To predict the thermoelectric behaviour of the AC-system with the first time to be integrated into the AC-system. This TEG-type is
primary and secondary heat path, the model is enhanced by cooling hereinafter uniformly termed TEG 287. Both TEG-types have a square
channels with forced convection in the spacers, Fig. 7. The convec- base area with an edge length sl = 40 mm. The deviating thickness st
tion thermal resistance between spacers and coolant Rcool,sp is cal- = 3.2 mm of TEG199 and st = 3.8 mm for TEG287 is compensated by
culated based on cross section area Acr of the cooling channels and an adjustable position of the water cooled cold plate inside the as-
the convective heat transfer coefficient h, which is given for a de- sembly. After completion of a first series of measurements, the re-
fined Nusselt number Nu. Due to the partially curved cooling chan- placement of all integrated TEG199 with TEG287 was realised. In
nels as well as the rectangular cross section area Acr, the flow is order to achieve a high prediction accuracy of the derived model, the
considered laminar up to a Reynold number Re ≤ 1000. The values of thermoelectric characteristics of both TEG-types have been experi-
Nusselt number Nu for laminar flow Re ≤ 1000, transitional flow mentally determined. The measured values of these thermoelectric
1000 < Re < 5000 and turbulent flow Re ≤ 5000 are determined as a performance parameters are given in Table 1 at a mean temperature
function of the volumetric flow rate V.̇ In addition to experimental between TEG-hot and cold side ϑm = 40 °C.

Table 1
Experimentally determined performance parameters of used TEG-types.

Given values for ϑm = 40 °C Seebeck coefficient α in V/K Electrical internal resistance Ri in Ω Thermal resistance of one TEG RTEG,m in K/W

TEG199 0.092(ϑm) 1.64(ϑm) 0.57; as a constant

TEG287 0.103(ϑm) 6.30(ϑm) 1.36; as a constant

E. Uhlmann and S. Salein CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 39 (2022) 91–103

Table 2
Realised electrical circuits to ensure an effective operation of TEG.

Electrical load resistance RL in Realised electrical circuit of the TEG-arrangement Electrical internal resistance of the TEG-
Ω arrangement Ri,a in Ω

AC-system Pump motor:RL = 130 Ω (P) Electrical series circuit consisting of 18 TEG199 Ri,a ≈ 30 Ω (ϑm)
with TEG199; Fan motor: RL = 47 Ω (P)
exp. and simulated Parallel connection: RL,a≈ 35 Ω
AC-system with TEG287 and old Old pump motor: RL = 130 Ω Electrical parallel circuit consisting of two arrays, Ri,a ≈ 28 Ω (ϑm)
pump ; only simulated (P) each one with nine series-connected TEG287
Fan motor: RL = 47 Ω (P)
Parallel connection: RL,a≈ 35 Ω
Ri,a ≈ 13 Ω
AC-system New pump motor: R = 44 Ω (P) Electrical parallel circuit consisting of three arrays, (ϑm)
with TEG287 Fan motor: R =47 Ω (P) each one with six series-connected TEG287
and new pump; exp. and Parallel connection: RL,a≈ 23 Ω
simulated (P)

Aiming for an efficient operation of TEG, the matching of elec- Impact of a secondary heat path on the performance of AC-systems
trical load resistances RL to the electrical internal resistance of the
TEG-arrangement Ri,a represents a fundamental design rule of For comparative analyses of the AC-system with primary as well
thermoelectric systems. If both parameters have the same amount, as primary and secondary heat path, several starting processes are
so-called matched load is reached. Then the recuperated electrical studied. During the entire experimental investigations presented
power Pel is maximised, which is shown by Eq. (1). in chapter 5, the AC-system is running in the described non-en-
ergy self-sufficient operation mode, in which a compressor cooling
Uoc2·RL unit is additionally used and powered with an externally supplied
Pel =
(RL +Ri,a)2 (1)) energy Eext. The induced heat flow rates Q̇ ind were varied between a
full-load operation with an amount of Q̇ ind = 1060 W (Fig. 9) in a first
where: Pel – Recuperated electrical power in W, UOC – Open-circuit measurement series and a partial-load operation with an amount of
voltage in V, RL – Electrical load resistance in Ω, Ri,a – Electrical in- Q̇ ind = 400 W (Fig. 10) in a second measurement series. The column
ternal resistance of the TEG-arrangement in Ω. (a) of both figures displays experimentally and simulatively de-
To maximise the recuperated electrical power Pel the TEG-ar- termined data of the AC-system with primary heat path, which have
rangement of the investigated AC-system should be always con- already been presented by Uhlmann et al. [19]. The column (b)
nected to an electrical load resistance RL a bit higher than its contains data of the AC-system with primary and secondary heat
electrical internal resistance Ri,a. The experimental and simulative path, which are contrasted as the novelty of this research with
analyses are carried out using the electrical consumers and circuits the results of the preliminary investigations. A detailed analysis of
shown in Table 2. Due to a defect of the water pump motor, the the thermoelectric behaviour of both AC-systems is done in three
experimental analysis of the AC-system with TEG287 had to be steps along lines 1–3 of Fig. 9 and Fig. 10.
conducted with a new motor with changed load resistance RL. To As a conclusion of the first measurement series at full-load
assess the influence of this change regarding comparability between operation, it is revealed that the AC-system with primary and sec-
both measurement series, a simulation of the TEG287 performance ondary heat paths shows predominantly advantages compared to
combined with the old water pump motor was also carried out. the AC-system with primary heat paths. Based on a comparison of
Referring to the described design rule, the bold marked values in experimentally and simulatively determined data, a high prediction
Table 2 show that in each configuration the load resistances RL,a have accuracy of the derived model is revealed. Following, a detailed
higher amounts than the internal resistances Ri,a. presentation of the acquired data is given, Fig. 9.
To compare and evaluate the AC-system with primary as well as Firstly, the comparison begins with the two plots in Fig 9-1. The
primary and secondary heat path, the following output parameters temperature under the spacer ϑsp,pri shows the highest determined
are defined: temperature TEG-hot side ϑh, temperature difference values, and allows therefore an evaluation regarding operability and
TEG-hot/cold side Δϑh–c, temperature under the spacer ϑsp, re- a detrimental overheating of the primary part, Fig. 9-1. In the AC-
cuperated electrical power Pel, volumetric flow rate V̇ , temperature system with primary heat paths the temperatures ϑsp,pri rise with the
on the upper surface of the connection plate ϑcp, temperature dif- time t and reach a thermal steady state at the time t ≥ 1400 s with an
ference outlet/inlet Δϑout–in. These parameters are of main relevance absolute temperature of ϑsp,pri = 67.0 °C, Fig. 9-1 (a). In the AC-system
for the performance and operability of the AC-system. The positions with primary and secondary heat path, a temperature under the
of the installed thermocouples are shown in Fig. 8. spacer ϑsp,sec = 48.3 °C is measured after reaching the thermal steady
state, Fig. 9-1 (b). The comparison of both configurations of the AC-
system reveals a reduction rpri/sec(ϑsp) = 18.7 K ≙ 27.9% at the time of
t ≥ 1400 s. The maximum error e between measured and simulated
values is e(ϑsp,sec) = 3.8 K ≙ 7.9% at the time of t ≥ 1400 s, Fig. 9-1 (b).
This error is explainable due to the model simplification based on
mirroring, described in Section 3. Due to coolant flow through the
spacers with a direct connection to the heating plate, the tempera-
ture under the spacer ϑsp,sec as well as the temperature TEG-hot side
ϑh,sec are close to each other, Fig. 9-1 (b). Both, the reduction r of
temperature under the spacer ϑsp,sec and a more homogeneous
Fig. 8. Positions of the installed thermocouples for temperature measurement. temperature profile inside the primary part has advantages

E. Uhlmann and S. Salein CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 39 (2022) 91–103

Fig. 9. Comparison of experimentally and simulatively determined data during starting processes of the AC-system with induced heat flow rates Q̇ ind = 1060 W: (a) AC-system
with primary heat path; (b) AC-system with primary as well as primary and secondary heat path.

regarding the operability of the LDD as well as the thermal stability path shows a significant reduction of recuperated electrical power
of the presented machine tool demonstrator. By comparing experi- rpri/sec(Pel) = 5.9 W ≙ 68.1%, and therefore a significant reduction of
mental data of the temperature differences TEG-hot/cold side Δϑh–c, volumetric flow rate rpri/sec(V̇ ) = 0.7 l/min ≙ 39.0%, Fig. 9-2 (b). Both
a significant reduction rpri/sec(Δϑh–c) = 10.5 K ≙ 44.6% is found for the due to a decreased temperature difference TEG-hot/cold side
AC-system with primary and secondary heat path, Fig. 9-1. This is Δϑh–c,sec, Fig. 9-1 (b). This distinction is considered as a dis-
explainable due to a decreased amount of heat flow rate Q̇ pri crossing advantage of the AC-system with primary and secondary heat path.
the TEG-arrangement compared to the AC-system with primary heat Optimisation measures using TEG287 are discussed in the next
path. The temperature difference between TEG-hot/cold side Δϑh–c section to overcome this disadvantage. With exception of a sig-
determines the amount of recuperated electrical power Pel and thus nificant deviation again shortly after start, the maximum error e
the operability of water pump and fan as electrical consumers. between measured and simulated values of recuperated electrical
Secondly, the comparison continues with the two plots in Fig. 9- power e(Pel,sec) as well as error of volumetric flow rate e(V̇ sec) are
2. In comparison, the AC-system with primary and secondary heat found to be negligibly small, Fig. 9-2 (b).Therefore, the derived

E. Uhlmann and S. Salein CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 39 (2022) 91–103

Fig. 10. Comparison of experimentally and simulatively determined data during starting processes of the AC-system with induced heat flow rates Q̇ ind = 400 W: (a) AC-system with
primary heat path; (b) AC-system with primary as well as primary and secondary heat path.

model is capable to calculate both parameters with high prediction Thirdly, the first measurement series is concluded with the two
accuracy. Due to the direct dependence between temperature dif- diagrams in Fig. 9-3. The adaptively adjusted volumetric flow rate V̇
ference Δϑh – c and recuperated electrical power Pel, an adaptive influences the temperature difference outlet/inlet Δϑout–in, which is
adjustment of the volumetric flow rate V̇ is found for both config- experimentally determined to an amount of Δϑout–in,pri = 7.8 K for the
urations of the AC-systems, Fig. 9-2. The experimentally and simu- AC-system with primary heat path, Fig. 9-3 (a). Compared to the AC-
latively determined data show that both configurations adaptively system with primary and secondary heat path, an increase ipri/sec
regulate the volumetric flow rate V̇ as a function of the induced heat (Δϑout–in) = 5.7 K ≙ 42.2% at the time t ≥ 425 s is measured, Fig. 9-3
flow rate Q̇ ind without closed-loop control. Thus, the thermal con- (a). This is due to a significantly lower amount of volumetric flow
vection resistance Rcool between the cold plate and the coolant re- rate V̇ pri through the cooling channels of the AC-system with primary
spectively the global thermal resistance Rgl of the AC-system is load- and secondary heat path, Fig. 9-2 (b). Regarding the temperature
dependently and demand-oriented adjusted. difference outlet/inlet Δϑout–in, a high correspondence between

E. Uhlmann and S. Salein CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 39 (2022) 91–103

Table 3
Simulated parameters of the AC-system with TEG287: (a) Using the new pump motor with load resistance RL = 44 Ω; (b) Using the old pump motor with RL = 130 Ω, which was
installed during all analyses with TEG199.

Temp.TEG hot side Temp. diff. TEG-hot/cold Temp. spacer Volumetric flow Electrical power Temp. connection plate Temp. diff. outlet/inlet
ϑh,sec in °C side Δϑh–c,sec in K ϑsp,sec in °C rate Pel,sec in W ϑcp,sec in °C Δϑout–in, in °C
V̇ sec in l/min

a) 37.1 10.1 35.3 0.76 0.47 25.0 6.76

b) 36.8 10.1 34.9 0.79 0.42 24.9 6.54

experimental and simulated values is found, Fig. 9-3 (b). The last recuperated electrical power Pel remains at an amount of Pel,sec
studied parameter is the temperature on the upper surface of the = 0.07 W, at which the water pump is not starting in the AC-system
connection plate ϑcp. Due to the direct connection to the machine with primary and secondary heat path, Fig. 10-2 (b). This is ex-
tool slide, this parameter is of main interest to assess the cooling plainable due to a higher pressure drop Δpsec caused by added
performance of the AC-system. Increasing temperature of the con- cooling channels inside spacers, compared to the AC-system with
necting plate ϑcp with thermally induced deformations could cause primary heat path. The simulative results of the AC-system with
negative influences on the working accuracy of the machine tool primary and secondary heat path show that the heat-up continues
demonstrator. An idealised thermal behaviour of the assembly in- steadily and no self-starting of the AC-system is expected, Fig. 10-1/2
cludes a constant temperature of the connection plate ϑcp(t) over (b). To prevent an overheating, a start impulse with an electrical
time t, also during varying induced heat flow rates Q̇ ind. Neither the power P = 2.1 W is given manually at the time t = 652 s by using an
AC-system with primary heat path investigated by Uhlmann et al. external power supply, Fig. 10-2 (b). Due to the not operating water
[19] nor conventional cooling systems with an attached water cooled pump at the time t < 652 s, the heated coolant is abruptly pumped
cold plate or an integrated cooling geometry in the primary part are out of the cooling channels and leads to a rapid rise of the tem-
capable to meet this goal perfectly. Therefore, a reduction of devia- perature difference outlet/inlet Δϑout-in,sec, Fig. 10-3 (b). In ac-
tions from the thermal steady state are considered positive. The cordance to a self-starting process, at the time between
temperature ϑcp is experimentally determined to an amount of ϑcp 652 s < t ≤ 1700 s the volumetric flow rate V̇ is self-regulated by the
= 36.2 °C at the time of t = 1700 s for the AC-system with primary heat adaptive system characteristics without closed-loop control, Fig. 10-
path, Fig. 9-3 (a). At this time the temperatures ϑcp has not reached 2 (b). After an evidently required start impulse, the AC-system
thermal steady state. Compared to the AC-system with primary and reaches a thermal steady state, Fig. 10 (b). With exception of the
secondary heat path, an reduction rpri/sec(ϑcp) = 5.5 K ≙ 15.2% is temperature difference outlet/inlet Δϑout–in,sec, the amounts of all
measured, which is assessed as positive, Fig. 9-3. Regarding the parameters are below those of the AC-system with primary
temperature ϑcp, major deviations of the model-based data are heat path.
found, Fig. 9-3 (b). The maximum error e between measured and
simulated values is e(ϑcp) = 4,0 K ≙ 13.0% at the time t = 1700 s for the Impact of increased thermal resistance of TEG
AC-system with primary and secondary heat path, Fig. 9-3 (b). This on the performance of AC-systems
poor prediction accuracy is explainable due to the chosen modelling
method using a thermal resistance network, which is incapable of In order to enable a self-starting process of the AC-system with
simulating temperature gradients Δϑ within one component. Due to primary and secondary heat path, even with low induced heat flow
the large surfaces to the environment, this effects the connection rates Q̇ ind, increasing the recuperated electrical power Pel is a pro-
plate particularly noticeably. mising approach. To achieve this, both the usage of TEG with a high
In the second measurement series at partial-load operation, Seebeck coefficient α as well as an increase of the temperature dif-
the induced heat flow rate Q̇ ind was adjusted, while all other ference TEG-hot/cold side Δϑh–c is feasible.
boundary conditions were kept constant, Fig. 10. As a conclusion, it In a third measurement series, TEG287 are therefore used,
is revealed that the AC-system with primary and secondary heat whose performance parameters are shown in Table 1. TEG287
paths is incapable of performing a self-starting process. After an combines an slightly enhanced Seebeck coefficient α as well as an
externally given start impulse, the water pump and the fan operate significant increased thermal resistance RTEG,m, compared to the al-
self-sufficiently based on adaptive system characteristics. The low- ready used TEG199, Table 1. Before conducting a comparative ana-
ered temperature under the spacer ϑsp,sec as well as the decreased lysis of the AC-system with both TEG-types, it is essential to assess
temperature on the upper surface of the connection plate ϑcp, the influence of the changed water pump motor regarding the
compared to the AC-system with primary heat path, are considered thermoelectric behaviour. The replacement was unavoidable due to
again as an advantage of the AC-system with primary and secondary a defect of the motor with a load resistance RL = 130 Ω, used for all
heat path. Following, a detailed presentation of the acquired data is already presented experimental investigations with TEG199. To
given, Fig. 10. identify a possible influence of a reduced motor load resistance RL
Compared to results at full-load operation in Fig. 9, a similar = 44 Ω, simulations with both motors was conducted. The simula-
transient thermoelectric system behaviour by starting the AC-system tively determined data of the relevant parameters are displayed in
with primary heat path is found, Fig. 10-1 (a). As expected, all stu- Table 3 at the time of t = 1700 s. Both simulations were carried out
died parameters show decreased amounts after reaching the for the AC-system with primary and secondary heat path.
thermal steady state, Fig. 10-1 (a). In contrast, the simulated and As a result, the deviations between the simulated parameters are
experimentally determined data of the AC-system with primary and found to be negligibly small, Table 3. Therefore, the influence of the
secondary heat path shows a completely different thermoelectric changed water pump motor with deviating load resistances RL re-
system behaviour, Fig. 10-1 (b). At the time of t ≤ 651 s the tem- garding the thermoelectric behaviour of the AC-system is assessed as
perature under the spacer ϑsp,sec as well as the temperature TEG-hot marginal. Thus, an analysis of experimentally determined data of the
side ϑh,sec rise continuously, Fig. 10-1 (b). However, after a short AC-system with TEG287 and new pump motor compared to the al-
increase of the temperature difference TEG-hot/cold side Δϑh–c, it ready presented results is possible.
stabilises at a value of Δϑh–c,sec = 2.5 K. Even so, the temperature For comparative analyses of the AC-system with primary and
TEG-hot side ϑh,sec keeps rising continuously. Consequently, the secondary heat path and using TEG 287, in the third measurement

E. Uhlmann and S. Salein CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 39 (2022) 91–103

Fig. 11. Comparison of experimentally and simulatively determined data during starting processes of the AC-system with primary as well as primary and secondary heat path: (a)
Induced heat flow rate Q̇ ind = 1060 W; (b) Induced heat flow rate Q̇ ind = 400 W.

series starting processes at full-load operation and partial-load op- modified model shows significant deviations by calculating some
eration are studied, Fig. 11. The amounts of induced heat flow rates parameters. However, the model is capable of simulating the tran-
Q̇ ind remain unchanged compared to Section 5.1. In opposite to the sient thermoelectric behaviour sufficiently to carry out further
already discussed Fig. 9 and Fig. 10, in Fig. 11 (a) and Fig. 11 (b) the model-based investigations to optimise AC-systems.
resulting data of the AC-system with primary and secondary heat
path are shown. Quantification of the global thermal resistance
As a conclusion of the third measurement series, it is revealed
that the integration of TEG287 with high thermal resistance RTEG,m In order to compare the performance of different configurations
shows advantages at partial-load operation to realise a self-starting of the AC-system, the global thermal resistance Rgl between the heat
process, compared to results with TEG199. The thermal behaviour of source and the inlet of coolant is considered. As a representing
the precision related connection plate is assessed as comparable temperature of the heat source a mean temperature between mea-
between the results with TEG287 and TEG199. Using TEG287, the sured values of temperature TEG-hot side ϑh,sec and temperature

E. Uhlmann and S. Salein CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 39 (2022) 91–103

Table 4
Comparison of temperatures after reaching the thermal steady state and calculated values of the global thermal resistance Rgl at an induced heat flow rate Q̇ ind = 1060 W.

TEG-type 199 199 287

Configuration of heat path Primary Primary and secondary Primary and secondary
Mean temperature ϑme in °C 63.2 47.6 52.5
between ϑh,sec and ϑsp,sec
Reduction r(ϑme) related to – 24.6% 16.9%
TEG 199 with primary heat path
Inlet Temp. ϑin in °C 22.2
Global thermal 0.0387 0.0239 0.0286
resistance Rgl in K/W
Reduction r(Rgl) related to – 38.1% 26.1%
TEG 199 with primary heat path

Fig. 12. Visualisation of a revealed optimisation problem regarding an identification of optimised area ratios.

under the spacer ϑsp,sec is determined. To calculate the global regarding the thermoelectric behaviour of AC-systems. The pre-
thermal resistance Rgl Eq. (2) is used. selected TEG and the defined area ratio ATEG/Atb are representing
probably not the optimal solution for the given boundary conditions.
me – in
Rgl = Therefore, the following research question emerges as a result of this
Q ind (2)) study:
where: Rgl – Global thermal resistance in K/W, ϑme – Mean tem- In order to achieve an optimal performance of the AC-system,
perature between temperature TEG-hot side ϑh,sec and temperature which area ratio ATEG/Atb as well as which thermoelectric char-
under the spacer ϑsp,sec in °C, ϑin – Coolant inlet temperature in °C. acteristics of TEG should be chosen for various boundary conditions?
Based on the experimentally determined temperatures of the AC- The resulting optimisation problem is visualised in Fig. 12. Due to
system with primary heat path, a global thermal resistance Rgl the adaptive system characteristics, the identification of such sweet
= 0.0387 K/W is calculated. The results show that this amount is spots requires the presented and now validated model. Further re-
reduced by 38.1% if a secondary heat path is implemented to the AC- search activities to analyse the effects of various area ratios ATEG/Atb
system with TEG199, Table 4. When using TEG287 a reduction of and thermoelectric characteristics of TEG are intended.
26.1% compared to the initial configuration with TEG199 is de-
termined. This is assessed as a disadvantage when using TEG287, Summary
because the reduction of the global thermal resistance Rgl represents
the objective of the analysed optimisation measures. Due to cap- The use of thermoelectricity for demand-oriented cooling of
ability to perform a self-starting process even at low induced heat heat-inducing as well as precision related components of machine
flow rates Q̇ ind, this configuration is focused for further research tools is a promising solution approach. In preliminary research ac-
activities in the field of AC-systems with TEG for machine tools. tivities, an Adaptive Cooling (AC)-system for machine tools with linear
direct drives (LDD) has been developed, which uses thermoelectric
Identification of further optimisation potentials generators (TEG) to recuperate parts of the crossing heat flow rate
into electrical energy. The recuperated power Pel is directly fed to a
The presented investigations were conducted based on an al- pump of the water cooling circuit, which self-sufficiently operates a
ready existing and unchangeable geometry of the AC-system. The decentralised cooling system with demand-oriented volumetric flow
area ratio ATEG/Atb between the area covered with thermal bridges rates V̇ of the coolant. Due to the additional thermal resistance RTEG
Atb and the area covered with TEG ATEG was defined considering of TEG in the heat path between the primary part of the LDD as heat
several geometric restrictions caused by the integrated LDA. In ad- source and a water cooled cold plate, the AC-system shows a high
dition, the used TEG-types were preselected based on thermoelectric global thermal resistance Rgl. The objective of this research is to
characteristics given by the manufacturers. The results show that reduce the global thermal resistance Rgl of the AC-system by di-
these preliminary decisions already yield some advantages viding the induced heat flow rate Q̇ ind into a primary and a

E. Uhlmann and S. Salein CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 39 (2022) 91–103

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The authors declare that they have no known competing fi-
nancial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
to influence the work reported in this paper.


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