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What is the difference Factors that have increased

the obesity and overweight What is hypertension?

between overweight and
obesity? in Mexico Abnormally high
blood pressure.

"Obese" means a Bad nutrition, not

much higher amount doing exercise, the
Causes: Smoking, overweight,
of body fat than pandemic, genetics
lack of physical activity, too
"overweight." and bad habits
much salt, too much alcohol,
stress, older age, genetics,

What is underweight?

Having a weight that Symptoms: headaches,

is considered too nosebleed, fatigue, vision
low for good health. Some symptoms are problems, chest pain,
Urinate a lot, very difficulty breathing,irregular
thirsty, lose of weight , heartbeat.
What is diabetes? are very hungy, blurry

vision, dry skin

It increases risk of serious
It can be genetic or health problems, including
Diabetes is a disease largely diet-related
that occurs when heart attack and stroke.
and develops over

your blood sugar, is time

too high. Some consequences can
be heart disease,
stroke, kidney damage,
nerve damage

How are obesity/overweight
related to diabetes?
How are obesity/overweight
related to hypertension?
Greatly increases your risk of
developing type 2 diabetes.
Obesity might lead to The more excess weight you
hypertension by activating the have, the more resistant your
renin–angiotensin–aldosterone muscle and tissue cells become
system, by increasing to your own insulin hormone.
sympathetic activity, by
promoting insulin resistance
and leptin resistance.

NUTRITION PART 2 Remember, we all

If you think someone has an
eating disorder, express your
need to eat a
Inform yourself about concerns in a forthright, caring
balanced variety of
these issues manner. Gently but firmly
encourage the person to seek
trained professional help.
Choose to challenge
5 solutions in order to reduce the false belief that
thinness and weight Decide to avoid
these issues judging others and
loss are great
yourself on the basis of
body weight or shape


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