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Additional Notes:

LEVOCARDIA- heart is situated on the left ESOPHAGUS

DEXTROCARDIA- heart abnormally situated on the
Congenital Diseases:
 Esophageal Atresia
o Absent or poorly developed
Esophagograpy/Barium Swallow / Cardiac Series
- radiographic contrast study of the esophagus Discussion:
The segment of the esophagus is represented
UGIS- (Upper Gastrointestinal Series) by a thin, non-canalized cord with upper blind
radiographic contrast study of the mouth to the pouch connecting with the pharynx and lower
duodenum pouch leading to the stomach

SIS- (Small Intestinal Series); radiographic contrast

study of duodenum, jejunum, ileum. *Insert the
 TEF (Tracheoesophageal fistula)
catheter to the mouth reach it up to the distal part of
o Failure of the esophagus to
the stomach where you inject the dye; directly to the
develop completely separate from
the trachea
Barium Enema- radiographic contrast study large Discussion:
intestine or colon; catch most especially colonic Fistula- Any abnormal connection between
polyps. two organs or cavities.
Radiographic App. Of Polyps and other o Types:
lesions/tumor- filling defects  Congenital
 Acquired- cause by chronic
Hematuria- blood in the urine CAUSE BY 3 ETIOLOGIES:
Hematochezia- fresh blood in the feces
Melena- old blood in the stool 3. TRAUMA

Cause of dental carries  4 Types of TEF:
- Acid of the mouth that reacts to the food o Type 1 -Esophagus are not
we eat. connected to the trachea; second
Panoramic view- x-ray view; all teeth are seen. most common
o Type 2 - The upper portion is
connected to the trachea
 Gingivitis o Type 3 - The lower portion is
o Inflammation of the gums connected to the trachea; most
o Gingiva refers to gums common
o Type 4 - Both the upper and lower
 Cold sores (Singaw) type is connected to trachea
o Fever blisters o H type - Trachea and esophagus
o Painful, because the virus attacks are intact with a single fistula
the nervous system connecting them at any level from
o Cause by herpes cricoid cartilage to the tracheal
– Inflammation of a tongue
o Inflammation of the esophagus STOMACH

 Gastroesophageal reflux  Gastroenteritis

o Return/ reverberation of gastric o Inflammation of the stomach and
contents into the esophagus intestines
o Layer affected is the mucosa
 Esophageal Diverticula
o Wall out pouching  Gastritis
o Inflammation of the stomach
 Esophageal varices o Diagnosis: Upper GI series with
o Dilated veins in the wall of the barium sulfate, it will coat the
esophagus due to increased mucosa. The findings will be
pressure in the PVS (portal venous thickened rugal folds.
 Peptic ulcer disease (PUD)
 Hiatal Hernia o Group of inflammatory process
involving the stomach and
Discussion: duodenum.
Hernia- is abnormal protrusion of organs due
to opening or wall weakness. Discussion:
Type of Hiatal Hernia; Common Study- UGIS
o Sliding- the upper portion of the Gastroscopy- Advance Study
stomach is protruding on the thoracic
 Complications of PUD:
o Hemorrhage - if the ulceration has
o Phalaesophageal Fistula- proximal
reached your blood vessels
portion of the stomach goes side by
 Symptoms:
side to the esophagus.
 Hematemesis - vomiting of
 Gastric outlet obstruction
Opening in the diaphragm where your organs
 Perforation
could pass through (like for example the
o Duodenal ulcer- Most common
manifestation of PUD
o Common on the first part of
 Achalasia
duodenum; also called duodenal
o abnormality dilation of esophagus
o Functional obstruction of distal
esophagus with dilated proximal
o Gastric ulcer
 Most common in the lesser
curvature of the stomach
 Foreign Bodies
 Can be benign or malignant
o swallowed
 Benign gastric ulcer -
o Take a radiograph to detect
radation of the fugal folds
whatever was accidentally
extend into the edge of the
o ex. Fish bone, food that wasn't
 Malignant gastric ulcer -
chewed very well, etc.
irregular folds merge into
polypoid tissue around the
 Crohns' disease/ Regional Enteritis  Intussusception
o Chronic inflammatory disorder of o Telescoping of one part of
a known cause usually involving intestinal tract into another. Major
the terminal ileum and the x-ray cause of bowel obstruction in
appearance with contrast children;
o Thickened and distorted mucosal
folds Discussion:
 Happen in the Sigmoid colon
Discussion:  Barium Enema; also therapeutic
Often differentiated to Ulcerative Colitis
 Volvulus
 Small bowel obstruction: o Bowel posting; twisting of the
o -UP TO 3CM bowel
o large bowel obstruction – up to 6 Discussion:
cm  Happen in the Sigmoid colon
Discussion:  Coffee-bean sign
1. Adhesions-Caused by previous  Appendicitis
surgery o Inflammation of the appendix
2. Peritonitis -Inflammation of the o most common disease in the acute
peritoneal lining abdomen
3. Hernias - Organ protrusion in a Discussion:
weakened or defective wall  appendicolith- stones in the appendix;
(4) forms of hernias: cause of appendicitis
a) Inguinal  Ultrasound; best is CT scan
b) Femoral
c) Umbilical  Tumors/Neoplasm
d) Incisional o Colon cancer -Common area of the
Luminal occlusion -Examples of luminal cancer is the rectum and sigmoid.
occlusion: a. Benign
b. Malignant
 Intestinal Illeus
o Air-filled Bowels that are more  Hemorrhoid's
than their diameter; Dilatation of o Dilated veins in the anal portion
the bowel o g.e almuranas
Discussion: o Causes of hemorrhoid's:
 Chronic constipation
 Also called a dynamic ileus or paralytic
 Pelvic tumor
 Pregnant uterus

In gastric Obstruction- we can see multiple ACCESSORY ORGANS
air-fluid level. Cannot label or diagnose just LIVER
by x-rays whether it’s an intestinal
obstruction. Need follow-up  HEPATITIS
o inflammation of liver
o most prevalent inflammatory disease
of liver
 Tumors; HEPATOMA
 benign
 Malignant

o Chronic destruction of liver cells and
o The normal liver tissue is replaced by
fibrous connective tissue.
o Detected by ultrasound not by x-rays

 having stones in the
o IVP- (Intravenous Pyelography)-
2 major types of gallstones:
radiographic contrast study of the
a) Cholesterol stones
urinary system; introduction of the
b) Pigment stones
contrast material via the vein
o RP- (Retrograde Pyelography)-
insert catheter from urethra to the
 can be seen in ultrasound and in CT scan o Cystography- radiographic contrast
 CHRONIC & ACUTE PANCREATITIS study of the urinary bladder;
 PANCREAS TUMOR introduction of the contrast material
via urethral catheter.
o Presence of free air in the peritoneal PARTS:
cavity presenting with abdominal pain  2 kidney
and tenderness.  2 ureter
 1 urinary bladder
 Urethra- the opening of the UB
 Trigone- floor of the urinary bladder
 UVJ- Uterovesical Junction; insertion of
the distal catheter into the urinary
Urinary System bladder.


 Renal Agenesis - Absence of one


 Renal Hypoplasia - Underdeveloped


 Supernumerary Kidney - More than

Two Kidneys

 Ectopic Kidney
o The Kidney's in an abnormal
location In Males, there's an additional cause of
o Most common in the Pelvis or obstruction in the Urinary Tract:
Pelvic area
Enlargement of the Prostate Gland
 Horseshoe Kidney "Remember, the Urethra passes through the
o Abnormal fusion of either the Prostate Gland. When the Prostate Gland is
Upper or Lower poles enlarged,this will impinge or constrict the
o Most common type of Fusion Prostatic Urethra, causing obstruction."
 Renal Cysts –
Duplication: o Simple or Complex
 Bifid Pelvis - two pelvis in one Kidney o Polycystic Kidney Disease
 Double Ureter - On one side of the Multiple cysts in the Kidney
 Ureterocele – distal portion of the o Renal Cell Carcinoma or
ureter goes inside the urinary bladder. Hypernephroma -The most common
Herniation of the Distal Ureter into the tumor in adults
Urinary Bladder.
o Wilm's Tumor or Nephroblastoma -
 Nephritis - Inflammation of the The most common highly malignant
Kidneys abdominal tumor in infants and
o Glomerulonephritis- children
inflammation of the glomeruli
o Pyelonephritis- inflammation of o Neuroblastoma - The second most
the pelvis common malignancy in children

 Cystitis - Inflammation of the Urinary o Bladder Cancer - Tumor in the Urinary

Bladder bladder
In Ultrasound: Thickened Wall o Symptom: Painless
 Stones:
o Urolithiasis- Presence stones in  Renal Failure – Failure of the Kidney.
any part of the Urinary System – Rapid deterioration of Kidney function
o Nephrolithiasis -Kidney stones resulting to retention of waste products.
o Ureterolithiasis -Stones in the
Ureter  Bladder Diverticulum - Wall
o Cystolithiasis - Stones in the outpouching
Urinary Bladder
 Exstrophy – abnormal urinary bladder
Urinary Tract Obstruction outside the abdomen.
4 Common Causes of Obstruction
1. Stones  Uremia - Presence of excessive
2. Stenosis amounts of urine waste products (Urea
3. Stricture and Nitrogen)
4. Tumor
 Azotemia - Condition where you have
elevated BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen)
and Creatinine

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