Lecture 1

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Lecture { ( Introduction INTRODUCTION 1.1 Why study FLUID MECHANICS? Fluid mechanics is highly relevant to our daily life. We live in the world full of fluids! Fluid mechanics covers many areas such as meteorology, oceanography, aerodynamics, biomechanics, hydraulics, mechanical engineering, civil en- gineering, naval architecture engineering, and etc It does not only explain scientific phenomena but also leads industrial applications. 1.2. What is a fluid? The main difference between fluid and solid is their behaviour when shear forces acting on them. A certain amount of displacement is found when a shear force is applied to a solid element. The displacement disappears as the shear force is released froin the solid element. A fluid deforms continuously under the application of a shear force. Liquids and gases are both regarded as fluids. 1.3. Approaches to study Fluid Mechanics * Analytical Methods ¢ Experiments * Computations 1.3.1 Analytical Methods Using advanced mathematics, we can solve governing equations of fluid motions and obtain specific solutions for various flow problems. For ex- ample: pipe flows, 1.3.2 Expenmental Fluid Mechanics This approach utilities facilities to measure considered flow fields or uses various visualization methods to visualize flow pattern. For example: LDA (Laser Doppler Anemometer), hot wire, wind-tunnel test. 1.3.3 Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD) For most of flow problems, we cannnot obtain an analytical solution. Hence, we can adopt numerical methods to solve governing equations, The results are so-called numerical solutions. On the other hands, costs of experiments become very expensive. Numerical solutions proides an al- ternative approach to observe flow fields without built-up a real flow field, For example: finite volume method, finite element method. 2 1.4 Fluid as a continuum The concept of a continuum is the basis of classic fluid mechanics. The continuum assumption is valid in treating the behaviour of fluids under normal conditions. However, it breaks down whenever the mean free path of the magnitude as the smallest characteristic dimension of the problem. In a problem such as rare fied gas flow (e.g. as encountered in flights into the upper reaches of the atmosphere), we must abandon the concept of a continuum in favor of the microscopic and statistical points of view. As a consequence of the continuum, each fluid property is assumed to have a definite value at every point in space. Thus fluid properties such as density, temperature, velocity, and so on, are considered to be continuous functions of position and time. There exists a nondimensional number which is utilizd to judge whether +4. INTRODUCTION DISCRETE PARTICLE OR| MOLECULAR MODEL ‘conTINUUM MODEL, ‘OLLISIONLESS BOLTZMANN EQUATION BOLTZMAI )LTZMANN EQUATI OL TZ MAN BULERIAVER-STOKES EQS. | EQUATIONS > Iyviscin LIMIT CONSERVATION EQUATIONS DONOT FROM A ‘CLOSED SET oor ar 1 10 10 7” ——>00 FREE-MOLECULE LOCAL KNUDSEN NUMBER utr Figure 1.[: Knusden number and continuum. fluids are continuous or not. Its definition is é Kn=7 where @ is the free mean path of a fluid molecule and L is the smallest characteristic length of a flow field. Kn is the so-called Knusen number. — Continvenn Flor? _ slip fle _Tromsition Flow — free mateole” Flos Kn< 13° w Umu, oP w ~ By indsde — pgAzAsAncos 6 = —ppArdsAn Oz cos 8 = On and then aP ae _ On 9G This is the Euler equation across a streamline. If the Euler equation is multiplied by dn and integrated along the normal direction, it will become : ~ fae fogis= fon It is the Bernoulli equation along the normal direction of a stream. Example: Determine the pressure variation along the streamline from A oO B =~ us u(I+% ) Figure [fo 2-D flow past a circle point A to point B. Ea Solution: From the Bernoulli equation along a streamline, dP — pgdz = pudu | Since point A and B are at the horizontal streamline, dz = 0 Hence —dP = pudu . In additions, 0 0 | dP= | pudu. A A We know that du = wa*(-3)2~*dx As a result, zi Po- Pa = 9 fw (14! P i > _ 8 \ & £ " 3 Se aR + 2 = 3 Uo = nS (x4 The x-coordinate of point B is -a, so 1 up 1 2 340 — Py =—put (1—— ) — po“ (14 = Pa Pan -wi( tgs) -o 3 (1455) Stagnation Pressure and Dynamic Pressure Consider fluids flow toward a horizontal plate far upstream. Fluids moves at Ugo and pressure is P,, upstream. Because fluids cannot pass through a 46. INTRODUCATION TO FLUID MOTION II 7) P NO stagnation point Ry OO Y |stagnation streamline Figure f-{J Stagnation point plate, fluids must flow along the plate. Subsequently we can find a point where fluids are at rest. This is the so-called stagnation point. Further- more, we can find a stagnation steamline which leads to the stagnation point. Owing to no variation of altitude in the whole flow, pressure and velocity are considered in the Bernoulli equation. If we apply the Bernoulli equation along the stagnation line, we will find where FP is called the stagnation pressure or total pressure, P,, is called the static pressure, and “% is called dynamic pressure which is distincted from the pressure due to hydrostatic pressure, Px, Pressure coefficient is defined as P-P. u ae lt 2PUco too p= Ps. Its means the ratio of pressure difference to inertia force. At a stagnation point, C, = 1, that means all of kinetic energy is transfered to pressure energy. C, is zero far upstream. It means no kinetic energy is transfered P Pp to pressure energy. 1F

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