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Type of headaches:
 Migraine headache: pain is localized on one side of the head, usually accompanied with
nausea, light sensitivity, and visual changes.
 Tension headache: pressure like pain in the front and back of the head, like wearing a
 Hypnic headache: resemble cluster headaches, but occurs every night at the same time
and usually come with a runny nose
 Cluster headache: pain is in the eye region and one sided, causes enlarged pupils.
2. Kidney Health
How to keep your kidneys healthy?
 Keep a healthy diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
 Exercise regularly and stay hydrated.
 Keep a healthy weight.
 Manage other risk factors such as diabetes, heart diseases and hypertension.
3. Caffeine
Caffeine is a drug that is present in coffee, tea, energy drinks and others.
It stimulates the brain activity and the immune system causing the following symptoms:
 Increased heart rate.
 Increased energy.
 Increased mental alertness.
When used excessively it causes:
 Dehydration.
 Anxiety and restlessness.
 Palpitations.
 Hand tremors.
 Sleeplessness.
4. Lumbar Puncture
Definition: it is a procedure done through inserting a needle in the lumbar area of the
vertebra to draw a sample of the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF)
Why is it used?
 To diagnose some infections and neurological conditions.
 To measure the pressure of the CSF.
 To deliver treatments such as chemotherapy, and anesthetics.

5. Anticoagulants:
These are blood-thinning medications that are used to prevent blood clots and in people with
high risk for strokes, heart attacks, and deep vein thrombosis.
Some anticoagulants: warfarin, aspirin, Plavix.
Make sure to inform your physician that you are taking these medications when you are going to
have invasive procedures such as endoscopy, dental work…

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