Rangarajan Committee Report

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Rangarajan Committee Report focused attention on the new poverty

lines that it has recommended, this

on Poverty Measurement commentary provides a critical review of

the methodology that the Committee has
adopted, pointing out areas of strengths
Another Lost Opportunity and weaknesses. Poverty enumeration
has always been a sensitive issue in India,
especially because to many people enu-
Ranjan Ray, Kompal Sinha meration is (wrongly) identified with
targeting. Though the government always
This is a critical assessment of the 1 Introduction tries to deflect adverse reaction to new

Rangarajan Expert Committee on he recent “Report of the Expert poverty lines by stressing that they will
Group to Review the Methodolo- not be used for targeting and in defining
poverty measurement. While
gy for Measurement of Poverty” a below the poverty line (BPL) house-
much of the media coverage has has put the spotlight back on an issue hold, that raises the obvious question:
focused on the poverty lines which grabs media headlines periodi- why then have such expert committees
recommended by the Committee, cally as one “expert committee” after at all, since it is now well accepted that,
another releases a new set of poverty lines given a set of expenditure-based and
this article evaluates the
in India. The latest such committee, the one dimensional poverty lines, poverty
methodology adopted and Expert Group to Review the Methodo- rates (but not poverty numbers) have
discusses some wider issues that logy for Measurement of Poverty, also been declining in India.
were flagged in the terms of known as the Rangarajan Expert Com- The exclusive focus on the set of
mittee (after its chairman the economist poverty lines proposed by these expert
reference set for this Committee.
C Rangarajan), was set up as a knee-jerk committees, and the media coverage of
It argues that the Committee reaction to the adverse publicity gener- the Rangarajan Committee report is
missed an opportunity to mark a ated by its predecessor, namely, the no different, is a pity because the
significant departure from Tendulkar Expert Committee which pro- reports raise a wider set of methodo-
posed a new methodology for poverty logical and data issues that need careful
previous approaches (especially
measurement that yielded a set of rural scrutiny. This article tries to steer
in widening the measure of and urban poverty lines that was the debate in such a direction. As we
poverty) and provides illustrative deemed to be too low. argue below, the Rangarajan Committee
empirical evidence in support of The Tendulkar Committee’s recommen- lost an opportunity to mark a significant
dations would probably have been con- departure from the previous approach-
this assertion.
signed to history without much fanfare es and ended up with a report that is
but for an overzealous Planning Com- “more of the same” with some tinkering
mission which made an affidavit to the at the edges but with no real advance-
Supreme Court in September 2011 that ment. This is all the more disappointing
stated that households with per capita since the terms of reference (ToR) for
consumption of more than Rs 32 in urban this committee were wide ranging
areas and Rs 26 in rural will not be treated and provided considerable scope for
as poor. Such a claim was bound to be significant methodological advances in
controversial since, to many people, this poverty measurement.
suggested restricting the subsidies such
as the public distribution system (PDS) 2 Background
offered to households below these lines. The history of expert groups on poverty
In a panic reaction to the media frenzy measurement can be traced back to 1962
that followed, the Planning Commission when a working group was set up by the
constituted yet another expert committee Planning Commission to devise a metho-
in May 2012, to revisit the issue of poverty dology of poverty estimation. This was
Ranjan Ray (Ranjan.ray@monash.edu) is at the measurement. After missing a few dead- followed by the setting up of a task
Economics Department, and Kompal Sinha lines, the Rangarajan Committee has force in 1977 under the chairmanship of
(Kompal.sinha@monash.edu) is at the Centre finally submitted its report. Y K Alagh. This committee provided for
for Health Economics, both at Monash While much of the media coverage on the first time poverty lines anchored
University, Melbourne, Australia.
the Rangarajan Committee’s report has to minimum nutritional requirements,
Economic & Political Weekly EPW August 9, 2014 vol xlix no 32 43

namely, 2,400 daily kcals in rural areas India today, some in the NSS itself. While “(c) To recommend how the estimates,
and 2,100 daily kcals in urban areas. debate rages between economists as to as evolved above, should be linked to
This was a modification of the results of which is the “correct” approach, the rates eligibility and entitlements for schemes
Dandekar and Rath who in 1971 formed of stunted and wasted children in India and programmes under the Government
the view, based on National Sample refused to show much improvements of India.”
Survey (NSS) data from 1960-61, that the unlike in other Asian countries such as The Rangarajan Committee’s response
minimum calorie requirements were China and Vietnam (Ray and Sinha 2014). to each of these has been disappointing.
2,250 daily kcals in both rural and urban The next expert committee, set up With reference to (a), there was a real
areas and could be achieved by house- under the chairmanship of S Tendulkar, opportunity to widen the concept of
holds with annual per capita expendi- submitted its report in 2009. The poverty to embrace multidimensional
ture of Rs 170.80 in rural and Rs 271.60 Tendulkar Committee is significant in at deprivation (MDD) and poverty follow-
in urban areas. least two respects, both of which marked ing the work of Amartya Sen and Maha-
The next committee, the first of three retrograde movements from the work of bub-ul-Haq in setting up the Human De-
“expert committees”, was set up under the previous task force expert committees. velopment Index (HDI) and, more re-
the chairmanship of D T Lakdawala and It delinked poverty lines from calorie cently, the work of Chakravarty and
it submitted its report in 1993. While requirements disowning the body of work D’Ambrosio (2006) in defining MDD and
sticking to the idea of poverty lines that can be traced back to Dandekar and that of Alkire and Foster (2011) in defin-
based on minimum nutritional require- Rath, and even earlier. Moreover, it ing multidimensional poverty (MDP).
ments, this committee suggested that abandoned the practice of using two As the papers by Jayaraj and Subra-
state-specific poverty lines should be separate poverty line baskets for deriv- manian (2010) and Ray and Sinha (2014)
constructed and these should be updated ing rural and urban poverty lines. It showed, both these measures can be read-
using the Consumer Price Index of used the all-India urban poverty line ily implemented for India using available
Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) in urban basket to derive state-level rural and ur- data from the NSS and the National Fami-
areas and Consumer Price Index of Agri- ban poverty lines. The methodology ly Health Survey (NFHS). The summary
cultural Labour (CPI-AL) in rural areas. adopted by the Tendulkar Expert Com- dismissal of this approach by the Ranga-
There was no attempt to take note of mittee constituted another radical depar- rajan Committee on the ground that
changing food preferences nor whether ture in that it started with an “acceptable” “the deployment of criteria other than
the updated poverty lines were sufficient all-India urban poverty rate of 25.7% consumption expenditure in the meas-
to buy the originally specified calorie re- in 2004-05 and worked backwards in urement of poverty raises several issues
quirements in the rural and urban areas. specifying poverty lines that generated regarding measurement and aggregation
Consequently, large divergences such a poverty rate. This is the very (that) render such exercises impractical”
opened up between the poverty rates reverse of the universal practice of first is unacceptable when papers such as the
calculated by “direct” method on the ba- specifying poverty lines and then work- ones mentioned above provide a frame-
sis of actual calorie intakes vis-à-vis the ing out the poverty rates. It is against work to confront such aggregation issues
minimum requirements, and the “indi- this background that the latest expert and move the literature forward.
rect” method based on per capita expendi- committee was set up under the chair- At a time when the Human Develop-
tures vis-à-vis the periodically updated manship of C Rangarajan a few years ment Reports (HDR s) from the 2010 HDR
poverty lines (see, for example, Patnaik after the Tendulkar Committee submit- onwards routinely provide estimates of
2004; Ray and Lancaster 2005; Ray ted its report. MDP, it is strange that the Rangarajan
2007). Consequently, while the former, Committee is still stuck within the age-
referred to as “prevalence of undernour- 3 Terms of Reference old boundary of churning out expenditure-
ishment” (POU) rates increased, the lat- and Methodology based poverty rates. Moreover, such an
ter (the expenditure-based poverty rates The ToR for the Rangarajan Committee assertion by the Rangarajan Committee
(POV)) declined. provided room for a serious rethink of overlooks the fact that aggregation
As Ray (2007) documented, for exam- the concept of poverty in India. issues arise in the case of expenditure-
ple, a significant percentage of house- Some of the significant elements of based poverty rates as well, but no one
holds above the expenditure-based pov- the TOR were: suggests that we should stop using total
erty line was unable to meet the mini- “(a) To….examine whether the poverty expenditure-based poverty lines. For
mum calorie requirements. This called line should be fixed solely in terms of a example, a person well above the pov-
into question the practice of defining a consumption basket or whether other erty line for non-food items may be well
“poor household” solely on the basis of criteria are also relevant… below that of the food poverty line
its per capita monthly expenditure vis- “(b) To examine the issue of divergence making that individual highly “food
à-vis a poverty line expenditure cut off between the consumption estimates insecure” but “non-food secure”. The
without considering the household’s based on the NSSO methodology and Rangarajan Committee had the oppor-
access to a wide set of dimensions on those emerging from the National tunity to embrace both concepts of
which there is information available in Accounts aggregates, and poverty into a comprehensive measure,
44 August 9, 2014 vol xlix no 32 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

especially given India’s unique data poverty line calculations on non-food Methodology: The poverty line proposed
base provided by the NSS and NFHS, but items, as per the Rangarajan Commit- by the Rangarajan Committee has three
it failed to do so. tee’s methodology, are based on the NSS components: (a) the food poverty line that
ToR (a) also raises the issue whether reported median household spending on is based on the “average” requirements of
the absolute view of poverty that has clothing, rent, conveyance and educa- calories, fat and protein, (b) normative
underlined all poverty line specifica- tion expenses, this is likely to have con- requirements of the basic non-food
tions in India is relevant in a country tributed to an underestimate of the expenses of clothing, housing, mobility
which has seen a huge increase in minimum spending requirements on and education based on the median frac-
inequality in the decade of the 1990s such items. While pro rata adjustment tile values, and (c) observed other non-
and beyond. One can argue that we of the NSS data is no satisfactory an- food expenses of the “fractile classes
should be moving towards a relative swer, ignoring the issue altogether that meet the nutrition requirements”.
view of poverty where the minimum is much worse. The Rangarajan Com- The restoration of the link of the
requirements increase with the rising mittee lost the opportunity to propose poverty line with calorie norms marks a
affluence of the middle and higher a sensible compromise to resolve this positive move forward, though no justi-
expenditure classes. The Rangarajan issue that has acquired considerable fication has been provided for sharply
Committee does make a positive contri- significance. Instead, the Committee uses reducing the rural daily calorie require-
bution by anchoring the minimum a little known and little used data set ment from 2,400 kcals to 2,155 kcals.
requirements in clothing, rent, convey- collected by the Centre for Monitoring The suggestion that the calorie require-
ance and education expenses at the me- Indian Economy, and an odd concept ment has come down sharply due to life-
dian fractile in a significant departure of a “poor” household (one that is unable style changes has been denied by Sen
from previous practice. to save), to benchmark the poverty (2005) who argues that “although it is
ToR (b), namely, the inconsistency figures obtained using their recom- true that both the population structure
between survey data and macro aggre- mended methodology. and the intensity of labour effort have
gates has been a significant issue in most The issue of moving beyond poverty changed for the population as a whole,
countries, more so in India where the enumeration to anti-poverty targeting there is no evidence to show that such is
NSS mean consumption levels have been is also quite significant and underlines the case for the population around the
well below that from the National (c) in the ToR mentioned above. ToR poverty line” (p 4612). Since Ray (2007)
Accounts Statistics (NAS) with the diver- (c) is related to ToR (a) since it invites a has shown that many of those not meet-
gence growing over time. While the widening of the investigation to non- ing their daily calorie requirements in
earlier Planning Commission practice of money metric measures such as access rural India are quite close to the 2,400
adjusting the NSS consumption distribu- to a wide range of dimensions. The ques- kcal level, the lowering of the calorie
tion pro rata by the difference between tion of who among the conventionally requirements by around 10% may have
the NSS and NAS lacked any scientific basis, counted poor should be eligible for treat- led to a significant understatement of
following the Lakdawala Committee’s ment as BPL households for inclusion in poverty.
recommendations in March 1997 this the PDS is a live issue and has already
practice was discontinued and replaced generated a significant literature (see, Micronutrients
by an equally non-defensible strategy of for example, Mishra and Ray 2013; It is also not clear either why the Com-
ignoring the discrepancy altogether. Alkire and Seth 2013). The study by mittee ignored micronutrient require-
While the NSS is a rich source of infor- Alkire and Seth (2013), for example, ments especially, because in India iron
mation for poverty analysis, an uncriti- proposes “a methodology to target multi- deficiency is a significant cause for anae-
cal acceptance of this data that has been dimensionally poor households, and mia and maternal ill health. The report’s
adopted by all the past three expert com- how to update that targeting exercise claim that nutritional deficiency has no
mittees, including the Rangarajan Com- periodically”. That paper is particularly effect on a child’s health is contradicted
mittee, is difficult to justify. The results significant since it “compares the fit by Indian evidence provided in Maitra,
of Banerjee and Pikety (2005)1 based on between a benchmark measure of multi- Rammohan, Robitaille and Ray (2013).
individual tax return data suggest, for dimensional poverty and several plausible A policy implication of the results in this
example, that the large rise in the top targeting methods to determine which study is the need to provide mothers
incomes in India during the 1990s, follow- method(s) approximate it – as well as with young children extra dietary as-
ing liberalisation, may explain a signi- related measures – most closely”. In sistance to prevent their ill health from
ficant part of the difference between the refusing to widen the definition of being transmitted to their offsprings, an
NSS and NAS data sets. If, as this implies, poverty to include multidimensional aspect that needs to be recognised in the
the NSS is understating or totally missing poverty, the Rangarajan Committee poverty line calculations. Another im-
the expenditures of the top 1%, then the missed the opportunity to make a real plication is the need to draw separate
true “median household” is richer than contribution to a serious practical issue poverty lines for families differing in
the one that is picked up from the on moving from enumeration to identi- size and composition, as they do in the
observed NSS distribution. Since the fication and targeting. United States. For example, smaller
Economic & Political Weekly EPW August 9, 2014 vol xlix no 32 45
Figure 1: NSS 61 and NFHS-3 Graphs for Rural and Urban Combined




400 800 1,200 1,600 400 800 1,200 1,600

Monthly per capita expenditure (Rs) Monthly per capita expenditure (Rs)
Source: Mishra and Ray (2013).

families, such as female headed house- variable that needs to be “instrumented” the deprivation measure, π(α), against
holds, do not enjoy the benefits of econ- by variables that net out the choice aspects state per capita household expenditure2
omies of scale that are experienced by of an observed unit value. Majumder, (obtained from the NSS) at α values of
the larger households. The Rangarajan Ray and Sinha (2012, 2014) have proposed 1 and 3. A higher α denotes a greater
Committee ignores the issue altogether. a methodology for adjusting the raw focus on the more deprived households.
The Committee’s selection of a house- unit values before using them to con- The figure allows comparison between
hold from the all-India distribution of struct spatial price indices in India that the graphs for NSS, 61st round and
households that just meets the three could prove useful in poverty calcula- NFHS-3. The graphs confirm the nega-
nutritional norms and then use that tions. We provide below evidence that tive relationship for both data sets and
household’s expenditure as the food shows that the adjustment to unit values for both α values – in other words,
poverty line ignores the large variation significantly affects the poverty lines. expenditure poverty and MDD both
in dietary habits within India (Ray 2007). The Rangarajan Committee uses the decline as one moves from the poorer to
It would have been more realistic to Fisher index to aggregate the item-wise the more affluent states. Three interest-
follow this procedure for each state price indices to an overall price index. ing features are worth noting. First, the
and each region (rural, urban) and fix The Fisher price index that is the square downward sloping graphs seem to flat-
the poverty line state-wise rather than root of the Laspeyres and Paasche price ten out at some point which suggests
derive the state poverty lines from indices is inferior to the utility-based that relying solely on overall economic
the cost of buying the all-India basket “exact price indices” that allows greater prosperity will not drive poverty or
of items. role to substitution between items than deprivation to zero or to negligible
Another positive aspect of this com- is allowed by the fi xed weight price values – more interventionist policy and
mittee’s methodology is the use of unit indices. As Majumder, Ray and Sinha direct anti-poverty and anti-deprivation
values from the NSS expenditure and (2012) have shown, India now has a suf- measures need to be implemented.
quantity figures to construct spatial ficiently long time series of NSS surveys Second, as we increase α, that is, if we
price indices that are then used to derive to permit the use of demand estimation consider the more deprived households,
state-level poverty lines from the all-India based on unit values that could be used economic progress leads to a faster
poverty lines. These are preferable to in constructing realistic “true cost of decline in the NFHS-based deprivation by
the price indices (CPI-AL, CPI-IW) used living indices”. nudging them from “severely deprived”
previously. These aggregate price indices to “moderately deprived” group of
do not reflect the true prices paid by the 4 Some Relevant households.3 Third, in case of the poorer
poor and are inappropriate in poverty Empirical Evidence states, the gap between NFHS-based
calculations. The report does not clarify, This section provides empirical evidence
however, which unit value for each item that substantiates some of the points
is used as there is a distribution of unit made above. The most significant is the Style Sheet for Authors
values, one for each household, tracking need to revisit the issue of poverty taking While preparing their articles for submission,
the expenditure distribution. Moreover, a wider view of poverty using multi- contributors are requested to follow EPW’s
almost certainly, the raw unit values dimensional deprivation and comparing style sheet.
have been employed rather than adjust- it with conventional expenditure-based The style sheet is posted on EPW’s web site at
ing them for quality and household com- poverty, as laid out in the ToR of the http://www.epw.in/terms-policy/style-sheet.
position effects. This will bias down- Rangarajan Committee. html
wards the unit values for the poor since Figure 1, from Mishra and Ray (2013), It will help immensely for faster processing and
they often report cheaper prices because compares the conventional NSS-based error-free editing if writers follow the guidelines
they only have access to qualitatively expenditure poverty rates with the NFHS- in the style sheet, especially with regard to
poorer items. In the econometric termi- based MDD rates by plotting the con- citation and preparation of references.
nology, unit value is an “endogenous” ventional headcount poverty rate and
46 August 9, 2014 vol xlix no 32 EPW Economic & Political Weekly
Figure 2: Expenditure Poverty versus Multidimensional Poverty provided in Figure 2 “ultra-poor” households defined on $2
(3 dimensions) Rural and Urban Combined
which compares the and $1.25 a day, respectively, at 2005 PPP
conventional, expend- but is based this time on a wider set of
iture-based, and one information involving both money met-
dimensional poverty ric and access variables unlike the tradi-
rates with the MDD tional distinction. The graph shows that
rates following Chakra- the gap increases with state affluence. In

Expenditure poverty fit

varty and D’Ambrosio other words, the need to take a wider
(2006) and Jayaraj view of deprivation than is considered in
and Subramanian the Rangarajan Committee and those
.1 MDD - 3D fit
(2010). The latter con- before it actually becomes more impor-
sidered three dimen- tant, not less, in the more affluent states.
1,000 1500
1,500 2000
2,000 2500
2,500 3000
Monthly per capita expenditure (Rs)
sions: expenditure- If the assessment of how a country is
MDD - (Expenditure, Cooking, Head literacy) based poverty status performing in meeting the minimum
Single dimension (Expenditure poverty)
of the household, lit- requirements of its population is the
Source: Authors' calculations based on NSS 66 round.
eracy status of the main driving force behind poverty
deprivation and NSS-based deprivation household head, and access to clean measurement, then both these figures
is much larger for higher values of α but cooking fuel, and is similar in spirit to point to the need to supplement tradi-
the gap declines much faster for the the HDI. The former is therefore a subset tional expenditure information with
higher α value as we move from the of the latter. Both sets of calculations that on the household’s access to a wide
poorer to the more affluent states. The are based on information contained in range of dimensions.
last feature is not surprising since the NSS 66th round. The graphs plot the One of the positive aspects of the
health deprivation, which drives the relation between the alternative con- Rangarajan Committee’s methodology
wedge between the NSS and the NFHS cepts of poverty and per capita state is the use of unit values obtained from
deprivation rates, especially for the more monthly expenditure. Similar to Figure 1, the NSS reports to construct spatial
deprived households, matters much less there is a negative relationship between prices needed to construct state-level
in case of the more affluent states. a state’s affluence and its expenditure poverty lines. There is, however, no
These graphs confirm that the con- poverty/MDD. The latter can be viewed information on how, if at all, the unit
ventional expenditure poverty measure as measuring the deprivation of the values were adjusted to take account
using NSS expenditures understate the households who are both below the con- of quality and demographic effects.
true extent of deprivation prevailing at ventional poverty line and are denied Table 1 provides evidence on this by
a given time. access to education and clean cooking comparing based on NSS 66th round
Further insight into the wider per- fuel. The distinction is analogous to data the state-level poverty lines for 15
spective on poverty measurement is that drawn between the “poor” and major states between that in Table 4.5 of
the Rangarajan Committee report (pre-
Table 1: Comparison of State Poverty Lines between Unadjusted and Adjusted Unit Values for
NSS 66th Round sumably based on unadjusted unit values)
State Rangarajan Committee Table 4.5 from Report Spatial (MRS* method) Laspeyres Index and that implied by the adjusted unit
(Unadjusted unit values) (Adjusted unit values)
values following the Laspeyres price
Rural Urban Rural Urban
index-based procedure outlined in
Andhra Pradesh 832.27 1,258.29 861.11 1,313.54
Assam 840.47 1,232.2 879.67 1,280.43
Majumder, Ray and Sinha (2012, 2104).
Bihar 818.77 1,032.82 788.48 1,178.75 The latter takes as the starting point the
Gujarat 859.35 1,244.8 774.76 1,191.76 all-India poverty lines reported in the
Haryana 879.65 1,275.45 759.42 1,124.37 Rangarajan Committee report, so both
Karnataka 680.81 1,145.52 773.95 1,201.22 sets have the same all-India poverty line
Kerala 803.06 1,139.81 945.85 1,200.03 and are therefore directly comparable.
Madhya Pradesh 772.29 1,153.59 728.76 1,075.89 Clearly, the adjustment does make a dif-
Maharashtra 829.29 1,331.33 883.71 1,384.47 ference to the state poverty lines, more
Odisha 715.56 1,030.67 739.25 1,145.65 for some states, less for others, and this
Punjab 888.08 1,230.66 819.15 1,190.58 will have a significant impact on the
Rajasthan 864.49 1,186.74 776.37 1,116.09 poverty rates reported in the report.
Tamil Nadu 785.66 1,179.8 819.15 1,179.94
Uttar Pradesh 768.65 1,130.76 782.02 1,101.90 5 Concluding Remarks
West Bengal 767.20 1,162.06 791.71 1,221.32
The Rangarajan Committee on poverty
15 States 807.04 1,182.3 807.04 1,182.30
measurement has several positive fea-
All-India 801 1,198 801 1,198
tures such as the return to the calorie
* MRS: Majumder, Ray and Sinha (2014).
Source: Authors’ calculations based on NSS 66th round. norm, the anchoring of the non-food
Economic & Political Weekly EPW August 9, 2014 vol xlix no 32 47

requirements to a normative basket based characterised the working of successive Malnourished Indian Children: Is There a
Link?”, Food Policy, 38, 70-81.
on the median non-food expenditures expert committees.
Majumder, A, R Ray and K Sinha (2012): “The
and the use of unit values from house- Calculation of Rural Urban Food Price Differ-
hold expenditure unit records instead Notes entials from Unit Values in Household
Expenditure Surveys: A New Procedure
of the conventional aggregate price 1 We are grateful to Gaurav Datt for drawing this and Comparison with Existing Methods”,
study to our attention.
indices used previously. However, it American Journal of Agricultural Economics,
2 For the purpose of these graphs, we have 94(5): 1218-35.
missed the opportunity to go beyond the pooled the rural and urban data and treated – (2014): “Spatial Comparisons of Prices and Ex-
expenditure-based poverty rates and the rural and urban areas of the state as penditure in a Heterogeneous Country: Meth-
separate points, giving us a scatter of 30 points
examine the possibility of a wider multi- odology with Application to India”, forthcoming
for each data set.
in Macro­economic Dynamics.
dimensional view of deprivation. The TOR 3 Since the decline is much less rapid for the
NSS, this suggests that the improvement in the Mishra, A and R Ray (2013): “Multi-Dimensional
of this committee was wide ranging and deprivation occurs mainly because of the Deprivation in India during and after the
health-based deprivation dimensions. Reforms: Do the Household Expenditure and
invited such an investigation. Its sum- the Family Health Surveys Present Consistent
mary dismissal of the multidimensional Evidence?”, Social Indicators Research, 110:
References 791- 818.
approach is a disappointment, especi­
Patnaik, U (2004): “The Republic of Hunger”,
ally when there has been significant Alkire, S and J Foster (2011): “Counting and Multi- Safdar Hashmi Memorial Lecture, New Delhi.
dimensional Poverty Measurement”, Journal of
methodological advancement in the Ray, R (2007): “Analysis of Changes in Food
Public Economics, 95, 476-87. Consumption and Their Implications for Food
area. Unfortunately, we will have to wait Alkire, S and S Seth (2013): “Selecting a Targeting Security and Under Nourishment”, Develop-
for the next expert committee to ques- Method to Identify BPL Households in India”, ment and Change, 38(2): 321-43.
tion and examine the concept of an Social Indicators Research, 112(2): 417-46. Ray, R and G Lancaster (2005): “On Setting the
Banerjee, A and T Pikety (2005): “Top Indian Poverty Line Based on Estimated Nutrient
absolute and one-dimensional view of Incomes, 1922-2000”, World Bank Economic Prices: Condition of Socially Disadvantaged
poverty that has dominated the poverty Review, 19(1): 1-19. Groups during the Reform Period”, Economic &
Political Weekly, 30(1): 46-56.
measurement literature in India. The Chakravarty, S and C D’Ambrosio (2006): “The
Ray, R and K Sinha (2014): “Multidimensional
Measurement of Social Exclusion”, Review of
same comment applies to the Rangarajan Income and Wealth, 52, 377-98.
Deprivation in China, India and Vietnam: A
Committee’s failure to recognise the Comparative Study on Micro Data”, forthcom-
Jayaraj, D and S Subramanian (2010): “A Chakravarty- ing in Journal of Human Development and
large increase in inequality in India D’Ambrosio View of Multidimensional Depriva- Capabilities.
tion: Some Estimates for India”, Economic &
during the 1990s and beyond that Sen, P (2005): “Of Calories and Things: Reflections
Political Weekly, XLV, pp 53-65. on Nutritional Norms, Poverty Lines and Con-
should have encouraged a rethink of the Maitra, P, A Rammohan, R Ray and M C Robitaille sumption Behaviour in India”, Economic &
“absolute” view of poverty that has (2013): “Food Consumption Patterns and Political Weekly, 46(43): 4611-18.

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2014 emergent research areas and post-Mandal innovations in caste studies.
Authors: Satish Deshpande • Irawati Karve • M N Srinivas • Dipankar Gupta • André Béteille • Rajni Kothari • Kumkum Roy • Sukhadeo Thorat
• Katherine S Newman • Marc Galanter • Sundar Sarukkai • Gopal Guru • D L Sheth • Anand Chakravarti • Carol Upadhya • Ashwini Deshpande
• Meena Gopal • Baldev Raj Nayar • Gail Omvedt • Mohan Ram • I P Desai • K Balagopal • Sudha Pai • Anand Teltumbde • Surinder S Jodhka
• Ghanshyam Shah • Susie Tharu • M Madhava Prasad • Rekha Pappu • K Satyanarayana • Padmanabh Samarendra • Mary E John • Uma Chakravarti
• Prem Chowdhry • V Geetha • Sharmila Rege • S Anandhi • J Jeyaranjan • Rajan Krishnan • Rekha Raj • Kancha Ilaiah • Aditya Nigam • M S S Pandian

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48 August 9, 2014  vol xlix no 32   EPW   Economic & Political Weekly

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