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Journal of Experimental Psychology

Vol. 59, No. 5, 1960


Keio University, Tokyo

The purpose of this study was to between these colors. Is it given by

make an experimental inquiry, by the the magnitude V(wi2)2 + (w26)2? In
use of the multidimensional scaling, the reports of the OSA subcommittee
into the possibility that differences (Newhall, 1940; Newhall, Nickerson,
perceived among colors would be & Judd, 1943) which examined the
adequately represented by distances spacing of Munsell colors in detail,
in a real Euclidean space. Here, by it was stated that no attempt was
color differences, not only ones slightly made to evolve a single scaling unit
above the difference limen but also for the entire solid, or to equate the
supraliminal ones of considerable de- scaling unit for hue, value, and
gree are to be understood. chroma. Hence, the relative ' size
As is well known, in the Munsell of these units, e.g., w\ and ro2, is not
system, a surface color is specified known, although several tentative
by a point in a solid in which cylin- definitions of the relative size have
drical coordinates represent, by defi- been made (Godlove, 1951). Fur-
nition, the principal attributes of thermore, it is not self-evident that
colors. Any horizontal section through the distance corresponding to the
the solid is denned as a plane of difference over more than one attri-
constant lightness (Munsell value), bute is Euclidean in nature and
while any vertical plane originating also that value and chroma, for
at the achromatic axis represents a example, are to be represented by
plane of constant hue, and a cylin- axes orthogonal to each other.
drical section concentric with the axis The Euclidean character of the
constitutes a surface of constant Munsell solid is tacitly assumed in
saturation (Munsell chroma). The various formulae to evaluate color
scaling units for the three attributes differences quantatively (Judd, 1952).
are defined so that equal distances on These formulae are regarded, in
each of the hue, chroma, and value general, as applicable only to differ-
scales would represent equal observed ences among more or less similar
visual intervals of that attribute. colors. That means only the differ-
Then, one question will arise. Sup- ences slightly above the limen have
pose that two colors are given which been taken into consideration when
are respectively 5R 6/2 and 5R 4/8 experiments were undertaken to test
in the Munsell notation. It is obvious the adequacy of the Euclidean model
that these colors differ by 2 units in the Munsell system. The same
in value and by 6 units in chroma. is true in experiments for developing
It is not clear, however, how to repre- a uniform tridimensional color scale.
sent the total impression of difference It has been of primary concern in
1 these experiments to examine whether
This research was supported by a grant colors are arranged in a tridimensional
from the Ministry of Education, Japan.
The authors are indebted to M. Matthewson array so that each color differs from
for her helpful advice concerning English. each of its nearest neighbors by

perceptually equal amounts. In short, however, might be qualitative as well

uniformity of the scale in the small as quantitative in nature. Employing
only has been the subject of the experi- the same nine colors as used by Tor-
ments, and little attention has been gerson, Indow and Shiose (1956)
paid to uniformity of the scale in constructed the individual multidi-
the large. mensional configuration of the colors
Torgerson (1952, 1958) developed for each of three 5s. The configura-
the method of multidimensional scal- tions obtained were in good agreement
ing and applied it to a set of nine with each other and also with the
Munsell colors all of the same red Munsell system. In this experiment,
hue (5R) but differing from each other the nine colors were of the same red
in value and chroma. For obtaining (5R) but varied in value and chroma,
comparative distances among these from 3 to 7 and 4 to 12 respectively.
colors the complete method of triads Variation in hue, from 6R to 6YR, was
was used in his experiment. The added to that in value and chroma
experiment was repeated by Messick in the experiment carried out by
(1954, 1956) with different procedures Shiose (1958). Tridimensional con-
for obtaining distances among colors figuration of the colors was success-
again varying in value and chroma fully constructed in agreement with
but kept roughly at 5R in hue. The the Munsell system though the range
results of the multidimensional map- of hue was rather restricted. In the
ping were much the same in both present experiment, 21 colors were
experiments and the configuration of used which varied in hue and chroma
colors agreed closely with the Munsell over the widest possible range. The
system. Richardson (1938) obtained lightness was kept constant at 5 in
essentially the same results, though Munsell value. As will be discussed
the procedures of multidimensional later, among the basic postulates of
mapping were simpler than those of the Munsell system the most ques-
Torgerson and Messick. It is to be tionable one may be that hue is
noted that color differences in the large represented by a radius vector and
play an important role in the multi- chroma by a concentric circle in a
dimensional scaling. Torgerson and Euclidean plane.
also Messick pooled the responses of
a number of 5s and obtained a com- METHOD
mon set of distances among colors to Apparatus and stimuli.—-A standard Color
which the multidimensional scaling i and 21 colors2 (j = 1, 2, . . ., 21) were
was applied. The close agreement of presented simultaneously on a rectangular
the final results with the Munsell board, 45 X 95 cm. Each of the 21 colors,
.7 X 1.0 cm., was pasted on a piece of thick
system would, therefore, hold only cardboard, 1.3 X 3.1 cm. The remaining
in the responses of 5s as a whole part of the card was covered with gray paper
but not necessarily in the responses (N 5). When the card was handled, the
of each S. It is open to question gray part was always picked up with a
especially because both methods of pincette which was covered by gray cloth.
The standard color was also pasted on a thick
scaling the distances presuppose het- cardboard, 1.0 cm. wide and 45 cm. long.
erogeneity within Ss. That is to say, This was always placed at the left side of the
the existence of individual differences board. The 5 was seated in front of a table
as to what 5s perceive between a pair on which was the board. Gray cloth was
of colors is requisite for the pro- 2
The colored papers were obtained from
cedures. Such individual differences, Murakami Color Research Laboratory.

VALUE 5 That means, 21 colors made a column next to

the standard Color i on its right side. The
same one as the standard was included among
the 21 colors. The S was told that this
duplicate of the standard would always be
present and that he should place it right
beside the standard. Then S was required
to move, one by one, each of the otherjf20
colors to the right in the row according to the
difference he observed between Color i and
Color j. For the purpose of furnishing 5
with a unit for moving the colors, a pair of
gray cards, either N 5.0 and N 5.5 or N 5.0
and N 4.5 were placed on the top of the board.
The interval between the cards (.7 X 1.0 cm.
each) was fixed at 3 cm. Should the differ-
ence between this pair of grays be repre-
sented by this distance (center to center),
how far should the Color j be moved to the
right to represent the difference between the
FIG. 1. Color stimuli in terms of Munsell Colors i and jl This was what S was in-
hue and chroma. Concentric circles denote structed to do (with full knowledge that
Chroma 2, 4, 6, and 8 respectively. Radius distances would be measured from center to
vectors are only for the sake of facilitating center in the strips), hence the method may
identification of colors. be called the multiple-ratio judgment. Usu-
ally, after having moved all the colors, 5
hung from the ceiling around the table. The made subsequent changes in the positions
same gray cloth was pasted on the board of the colors by surveying the configuration
to cover its entire surface. Three fluorescent of the colors made on the board as a whole.
20-w. daylight tubes (Toshiba FL-SDL) The final position of each color was thus
evenly illuminated the surface of the board found by a series of successive approxima-
to 500 lux. Since the spectral energy dis- tions. The same color as the standard was
tribution of this light source was known always placed by S at the left end of the row
and the spectral reflectances of the colored and from this point the placement were
papers were measured, it was possible to measured in centimeters. Occasionally 5
compute tristimulus values for the colors required to move a color beyond the right
under this illumination. The Munsell end of the board. A supplementary board
designations were obtained from the tristimu- was added in such cases. Each of the 21
lus values through "the table of ICI equiva- colors took the place of the standard i in turn.
lents of the recommended Munsell notation" The spatial order of the 21 colors in the
(Newhall et al., 1943). Colorimetric data column was randomized from trial to trial.
of the gray cloth were as follows; x = .305, Subjects.—Four 5s participated in the
y - .302, Y = 18.0, and 3.0P 4.8/1.0. A experiment. All were normal in color vision.
plot of the stimuli according to hue and Id is the senior E and had served also as S
chroma appears in Fig. 1 where radius in the previous experiment (Indow & Shiose,
vectors are introduced, just for the sake of 1956). On the other hand, K, O, and M had
convenience, to compare this configuration neither experience in an experiment of this
with those of the final results. In the Munsell kind nor special knowledge about the Munsell
system, for instance, 5Y is denned to repre- system. K and O were women students in
sent the yellow as a major hue. Nevertheless, the introductory psychology course and M
the Vector Y in Fig. 1 is not located at 5Y was a housewife. They found, however, no
but at approximately 7Y. The Munsell difficulty in converting the color differences
values of the stimuli were between 4.6 and into the spatial distances as required, after a
5.0. few trials. And they were so naive that no
Procedure.—On the gray board, a standard special emphasis was necessary to have them
Color i (45 cm. long, 1.0 cm. wide) was placed take an unanalytical attitude in observing
along the edge of the left side (45 cm.). the color differences. As each of the 21 colors
Parallel to the 95-cm.-long side, 21 rows were took the place of the standard i, one round
marked by gray threads on the board, and a consisted of 21 trials. Id repeated four
Color j was placed in each row at its left end. rounds of the trials and the other 5s two

rounds, respectively. In a sitting 10 to 14 us denote by 5,,- the color difference between

trials were run. i and j. Hence,
Scaling procedure of the differences.—The
first step of multidimensional scaling is to *««> = Suet [1]
obtain scale values for the distances between The suffix in the parenthesis should be under-
all pairs of stimuli. It is important, however, stood hereafter as indicating the unit in terms
that the subsequent multidimensional map- of which S is quantified as *. Let us arrange
ping is not independent of the nature of the Xijai in the form of the Matrix X. Then,
scale on which the distances are determined. taking arbitrarily kth row as a reference, let
The distances have to be determined, in the us consider the transformation
sense of Stevens (1951), on a ratio scale and
not on an interval scale, because the choice — no *i
of an arbitrary origin for the scale will affect
the dimensionality as well as the nature of where xaa,) means dy defined in terms of the
the space to account for these interstimulus unit of the kth row of X and by definition,
distances (Messick & Abelson, 1956; Torger-
son, 1952, 1958). For obtaining the dis-
tances, Torgerson (1952, 1958) employed the
complete method of triads, i.e., an extension Hence, remembering Sit = Ski, cu, will be
of the method of paired comparison, and given as follows,
Messick (1954) used the method of successive
intervals of a modified form. Either of the Xki(K>
methods yields only an interval scale. Hence, [3]
they had to convert the relative distances
thus obtained to the absolute ones by esti- where *w(t) denotes the ith element in the
mating the value of the additive constant. kth row and scit<o the kth element in the
To choose the correct additive constant is ith row of X. The transformation [_2~] will
not an easy task and its analytical solution be possible in as many ways as n, the number
is extremely tedious in computation (Messick of rows of X, Taking the average
& Abelson, 1956). In the previous experiment
Indow and Shiose (1956) had to arrive at the $if = - S *,•;(*)= *,•/(« ( - S Cilc) =Xij(i)Ci [4]
absolute distances with the help of the n k \n k '
estimated additive constant. Now this
difficulty can be overcome by using the
method of the present experiment, since and on account of Equation 3,
the color differences are obtainable from the
beginning on a ratio scale. [5]
As the result of the placement of a Color j et
by S, a spatial Distance xa is obtained which where e is the average of e,'s. From Equa-
should represent the observed difference tions 1, 4, and 5, we have
between the Color j and the standard Color i
in terms of an arbitrary Unit e,-. The dis- Xij ™ OijC [_O _|
tances xu (j = 1, 2, . . ., n) may be thought
of as being expressed by the same Unit ei and the whole observed color differences can
because they are determined at a trial as the be defined by a single common Unit e. Due
results of simultaneous comparisons with to random errors, £<,- will be somewhat differ-
each other. However, in general, the Unit ei ent from $ji. Hence, the mean of x^ and :£,-,-,
will not remain constant if the standard Color i.e., da, was used through the present study
i varies. Although a pair of grays are given as the value of Sa on the ratio scale.
as a guide for converting the color differences As stated previously, Id made four repeti-
into the spatial distances, as a matter of fact, tions on each of £,•,•(>•), and the remaining 5s
the proportional constant of the conversion made two repetitions. The average was
will be more or less affected by the total taken as the element of the Matrix X, and
relations between the standard Color i and da was obtained by the procedures described
the Color j (j = 1, 2 n). The differ- above for each S respectively.
ences, in general, may be relatively small with To see how small the discrepancy is in
a standard color and relatively large with general between £,-,• and #,-,• will serve as a
another. In other words, the proportionality criterion of consistency in the placements
will be kept constant among Xij's in so far as made by 5. The correlation coefficients
i is fixed, but not necessarily if i varies. Let between the two were .98 for Id, .89 for K,

.93 for O, and .85 for M. Besides, the plots will be considered as lying in a real Euclidean
of £ij with Sji showed in all cases that the space of r dimensions if B* is shown to be of
points plotted were scattered along the line rank r and to have no large negative latent
passing through the origin with the slope root.
of one. There was a high degree of consist- Two B*s were constructed for Id and for
ency in each 5 to express 8,7 as either xmo K, O, and M. In accordance with Equation
or #,•,()). The criterion tells us nothing, 7, B* was factored by the centroid method in
however, concerning whether the relation- the case of Id and by the multiple-group
ship between x and S is really as simple as method (Harman, 1954) in the other case.
given in Equation 1. Even if 5y is replaced Three factors were extracted in both cases.
by f(Sii), a function of &u, the whole pro- For the following reasons, however, the third
cedure of the scaling still holds and, instead factor could be discarded and we could con-
of Equation 6, f(Sa)e will be obtained as £«. clude that B* was of rank two, except for
In this case also the criterion will be met variable errors, for Id as well as for K, O,
since f($ij) is equal to f(Sji). It is a matter and M: (a) The second factor residuals all
of assumption that the observable x is put seemed sufficiently small; (6) The contribu-
in Equation 1 as proportional to the latent tion of the additional factor was relatively
variable 8. No empirical verification was small. The ratio S,'a2i3/Zi<z2,-i was .13 for Id
possible in making this assumption. and .17 for K, O, and M. (c) The criterion
The multidimensional scaling was applied for B* to be of rank two is given by Torgerson
to the data of Id and also to the pooled data as follows:
of K, O, and M. The rf«'s of the three 5s
were pooled as follows. In order to reconcile 2 S (&*«)« = ( S »»,-!)» + ( S atitf
the difference in the Unit e, the d./'s of each 5 i t i i
were plotted against the d,-/'s of Id and the + 2( S aao.ti)2 [8]
former were multiplied by a constant so that
the points plotted were scattered along the In the case of Id, 81.18 X 10' was obtained
line passing through the origin with the slope for the left-hand term and 76.70 X 10' for
of one. By taking the unit of the scale of the right. The coincidence seems close
Id as reference, the scales of all 5s were thus enough to discard the third factor, though
defined by a common standard. The con- it is a little worse than the coincidence in
verted dij's of the three 5s were averaged Torgerson's experiment (1958). The ratio
to give the Common Distance Matrix D. between the left- and the right-hand members
Multidimensional scaling.—Let i and k be of the equation was 1 to .944 in the former
alternative subscripts for stimuli (i, j =* 1, and 1 to .981 in the latter. For the data of
2 n) and let &,-,- be the scalar product K, O, and M, the criterion would be inappro-
of the vectors from an origin to Points i and j priate because of the method of factoring.
in a real Euclidean space of r dimensions. In order to apply the criterion, it is desirable
As suggested by Torgerson (1952, 1958), it that the a{p's in the equation be the results
is convenient to place the origin at the cen- of the method of principal axes or, at least,
troid of all of the stimuli. Let the scalar of the centroid method, (d) No particular
product thus defined be denoted by &*,-,•, relationship was found between an and the
then &*<,• can be derived from Matrix D by fluctuation of the stimuli in Munsell value.
the formulae given by Torgerson. Once
Matrix B*, whose elements are &*,,-, is ob-
tained, it becomes possible to determine the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
dimensionality of the space and to obtain
Oif, the projections of points on an arbitrary The configurations given by .4s are
set of orthogonal coordinate axes, because B* shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 where the
can be written as follows: coordinate axes are omitted. Instead,
B* = AA' [7]
radius vectors are drawn so as to run
through colors of the same hue and
where A = (aip) and p = 1, 2 r. A' a series of curves is also formed for
is the transposition of A. It is important chroma. Since the scale units have
to note that Equation 7 does not hold unless been equated as stated before, the
B* is positive semidefinite, that means, r
latent roots of B* have relatively large posi-
two configurations can be directly
tive values and the remaining roots vanish compared with each other.
except for errors. In other words, the colors It is interesting to observe that

hues are identified by the radius

vectors lying more or less in the
opposite direction to each other.
Except for B and PB in Fig. 3, the
order of hue is exactly what is ex-
pected. As to the spacing, however,
the disagreement with the Munsell
notation is conspicuous. Neverthe-
less, the patterns in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3
coincide closely with each other in
the interval from one hue to the next.
The exceptions are the position of G
between GY and BG, and the posi-
PB tions of PB and B between BG and
G P. Comparison with Fig. 1 shows
FlG. 2. Two-dimensional mapping of colors that the two spacings of hue obtained
for Subject Id. Equichroma curves and deviate more or less in the same way
radius vectors representing hue are formed from the Munsell notation. For
in accordance with the configuration ob- example, the interval between R and
tained. YR and also that between YR and
Y are too large and the interval be-
the colors of the same Munsell hue tween B and PB is too small in the
appear along the line segments in results of this study.
the order corresponding to their The equichroma curves in Fig. 2
chroma and, besides, all line segments and 3 were drawn so that, though
converge into a single point. Further- the interval between the neighboring
more, the pairs of the complementary curves may differ from hue to hue, the
interval on the same hue should be
the same irrespective of chroma. If
the series of curves in Fig. 2 and 3
YR are superimposed directly on each
other, they are in good agreement
in the region from RP through Y to
BG. On the contrary, in the region
of B and P the disagreement is marked.
The disagreement, however, is ap-
parently due to the discrepancy in
spacing of B and PB. There is no
difference between Fig. 2 and 3 of the
interval from one equichroma curve
to the next along each of these hues.
It might be well to consider whether
a set of concentric equichroma circles,
BG G as denned in the Munsell notation,
can also be fitted to the data. Except-
FIG. 3. Two-dimensional mapping of colors ing the region around RP, the fitting
for 5s K, 0, and M. Equichroma curves and
radius vectors representing hue are formed was not entirely impossible and a
in accordance with the configuration ob- plot of the chroma of the colors thus
tained. defined with the Munsell chroma of

S,o hold good, the difference perceived

between two colors not of the same hue,
gc say a and b, has to vary in a certain
manner, if the chroma of each color is
2« changed. Denoting by 6 the difference
between the two arguments correspond-
6 ing to Hues a and b and by pi and pa the
lengths of the two radius vectors repre-
o senting the chromas of the pair of colors,
5 4 the difference will be proportional to the
distance _
Vpi2 + p22 — 2p,p2 cos^ = A
Let us consider, then, a pair of colors
which are of Hues a and b respectively,
but the chroma of each color is n times
2 4 6 8 10 in magnitude that of the corresponding
I °
o MUNSELL CHROMA member of the former pair. By defini-
FIG. 4. Munsell chroma with chroma tion, the difference between the latter
defined in terms of concentric equichroma pair has to be proportional to the
circles fitted to the configurations in Fig. 2 distance
and 3. cos B = »A
That means, the difference between a
the stimuli is given in Fig. 4. The pair of colors has to increase n times if
both of the chromas of the members
root mean square of the discrepancies are increased n times. Otherwise, the
between the two kinds of chroma model will not hold good.
was 1.24. If the restriction that It must be remembered that the con-
equal intervals in Munsell chroma figuration under discussion is more than
should correspond to equal linear a mere schema, because the points are
extents irrespective of hue is with- located in such a way that the distances
drawn, obviously the goodness of fit between all pairs of the points are pro-
improves. When the chroma in portional to the observed differences
terms of the equichroma curves in between the corresponding colors, no
matter how large or small the differences
Fig. 2 and 3 was taken as the ordi- are. Let s^ denote the distance between
nate, the scatter of the points was so the Points i and j in the multidimen-
reduced that the root mean square of sional configuration. When the agree-
the discrepancies decreased to 7.6. ment between $<,-, i.e., the difference in
theory, and da, i.e., the observed differ-
Setting aside the question as to the ence scaled, was shown in terms of the
adequacy of the spacing of the Munsell correlation coefficient, r was .96 for Id.
colors, it is satisfactory to observe that The multidimensional mapping for K,
the colors varying in hue and chroma O, and M in Fig. 3 was made from the
were fitted by the configuration in two- pooled data. Nevertheless, using Sa de-
dimensional Euclidean space. If uni- termined from Fig. 3, r was .84 for K,
formity of the scale in the large is taken .88 for O, and .85 for M. No qualitative
into consideration, among the basic individual differences could be observed
postulates of the Munsell system the among 5s. However, the correlation
most questionable one will be that, of
the polar coordinate in a Euclidean plane coefficient will not be sufficient to tell
of constant lightness, hue is represented the exact relationship existing between
by the magnitude of the argument and Si, and dij. In the case of K, 0, and M,
chroma by the length of the radius as expected, the points plotted were
vector. In order that the model may scattered along the line passing the

value. Four 5s participated and the data

of the individual S (Id) and the pooled data
of the remaining 5s (K, O, and M) were
analyzed separately. In both cases, the two-
dimensional configuration obtained in a
Euclidean space reproduced with high fidelity
the structure inherent in the color differences
perceived by each 5. The colors of the same
Munsell hue appeared along a line segment
in the order corresponding to their chroma,
and all line segments converged into a single
point at the center. With one exception
(PB in K, 0, and M), the order of hue was
exactly as expected. Hence, it may be
concluded that one of the basic postulates
20 40 60 80 100 120
of the Munsell system was experimentally
confirmed even when color differences in the
S : SENSE DISTANCE IN THEORY large were taken into consideration. As to
the spacing of colors, however, the disagree-
FIG. 5. Relation of theoretical sense- ment with the Munsell notation was observed,
distances to scaled differences between all especially with respect to hue.
possible pairs of the colors. A third of all
the pairs drawn randomly are plotted. Re-
sult for Subject Id. Theoretical sense- REFERENCES
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