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SIB:Challis McWilliams Page 1

Statement of Informed Beliefs

Challis McWIlliams

College of Western Idaho

EDUC 220: Diversity in Schools

Professor Tau

November 18, 2022

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As an educator, you have numerous duties and obligations. Within my Statement of

Informed Beliefs, I will go over my philosophy of teaching as well as go into detail pertaining to

the type of teacher I am and will be. In believing that all students can learn, all teachers have

expectations to build a strong platform for which to help their students find the greatest success

all while creating a curriculum for all.

All Students Can Learn

Each and every student is born into this world ready to learn and gain the socialization to

become a successful person in this society. Each and every child has that same right to receive

the best education they can. The parents are the first teachers of a child, building that bond of

learning and achieving success in their daily trials. As the child grows, they may enter a

preschool or non-parental childcare, followed by a more traditional education once they are of

age. As this child grows, the parents and other educators in their life are responsible for

supporting their learning and encouraging a love of discovery and understanding.

Every child has the determination to learn with the proper support and guidance. When

two children come from diverse backgrounds, that does not change their strive to learn. It does

not make one have a better ability to learn. However, it might change the WAY that they learn,

which in turn means that their teachers will need to adjust to their learning style for the best

support and success. Every child is different. They each have a different family, upbringing,

interests, and things they prefer more than others. All of these can influence the learning style of

a particular student.

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As an educator, it is my job to make sure that each and every child that walks into my

classroom, no matter their differences, receives the best education that I can offer. I will be their

number one supporter and will always set the best example while encouraging my class to find

joy in learning. I will expect our class to be kind to one another, be supportive of one another,

and always be ready to help one another. My classroom will work as a team together to solve

problems and find answers. As their teacher, I will pledge a democratic classroom where I

provide guidance while my classroom collaborates as a whole while always providing inclusion

to all students.

To say that every student can learn, you would also need to say that you can support

every child to learn, even if they have a disability. There are numerous ways that a child who is

having difficulty with developmental success can be assisted and helped despite their

impairment. The most crucial step to providing the correct support would first be recognizing

and assessing a child who might be struggling. There are multiple resources for the teacher and

opportunities to find help outside the classroom to ensure each student has the best advantage.

As a teacher, I understand that trust is one of the most principal factors that helps to build

a strong relationship between a teacher and a student. I will build a trusting relationship with

each of my students as I get to know them individually. I will make sure that I am aware of their

different learning styles as well as what might lead them towards the success they are looking

for. I will set the expectations of kindness, respect and understanding while constantly

communicating with my class so that we can all achieve cooperative success together.

Teacher’s Expectations

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The expectations a teacher sets within her classroom can affect how the students learn by

either encouraging them to work hard and strive to learn more, or it can lead them to become

complacent, unable to find the love of learning. The teacher is the overall socializing agent in

their classroom in every aspect. The classroom management is important, even down to

arranging the room, planning activities, and organizing group tasks. The attitude that the teacher

creates about learning in their classroom can have a lasting effect on the students and their love

of learning. The teacher's job is to set boundaries and build a sturdy foundation for cooperation

and understanding. The success of the classroom and the students is based on the teacher.

As a teacher I will make sure to encourage creativity and working hard while also being

supportive of each of my students. I will never shut down a student’s curiosity and will only help

them to discover the answers they are searching for. I will help my students to expand their

minds, creativity, and understanding and encourage them to never be afraid of asking questions.

To help a student find the wonder in the world around them helps them to understand and

connect more to this world and those that live here with us.

I will create expectations pertaining to kindness and respect for one another. I will

encourage my students to work together to help one another out, while showing kindness and

understanding to each of their peers. I will set a good example while also being a mentor within

my classroom. Those in need of help in any way will receive it. It is my job to use everyday

opportunities to teach about the world, encourage questions and trying new things.

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I hope to be the teacher that my students look up to and leave my class being the best that they

can be. I will encourage them to set goals for themselves, in their daily lives as well as their

educational future. Creating educational goals are especially important for both teachers and

students. To set an educational goal for oneself means that you will strive to achieve that goal,

pushing yourself further along your educational path. Teachers can set a good example of

furthering their education with their students by helping them set goals for themselves and

communicate about their own goals within their teaching career.

Student’s Social Ecology Theory

There are many contributing factors that can adjust the social ecology of a student, from

their family, their neighbors, their community, and especially their peers as they proceed through

school. It is important to connect a student’s learning to their social ecology because it can

provide benefits to their educational success. When you incorporate things from the child’s life

outside of school, such as their family cultures, community, or media, it can be added to tie a

lesson together and make it more meaningful for the student. These different mesosystems play

an incredibly significant role in a student’s educational success.

There are many support networks that can help a student throughout their educational

journey. Families are some of the largest supporters and are the first real teachers of every

student. Their families can help understand certain qualities of a student. The culture a student

has come from can impact how they learn and interact with their peers. Sociologist Melvin

Kohn believes that even the specific social class that you grow up in can greatly affect your

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values and behavior, showing that your family dynamics as well as culture and class do influence

children greatly, creating classism in the background of their lives. A child’s background and

culture is a large part of the structure of their daily lives and influences them in many ways.

Due to the influences that our family and community have on us before we even enter the

education system shows that a child’s culture is the backbone of their social ecology, with many

different families living in the diverse ways with even more diverse beliefs and values. It is

important to make sure that each student’s cultural background is celebrated and shared to make

them feel connected and appreciated. Communities also have a lot to teach a child, such as how

to support one another and how to work together as a team for the greater good. There are also

preventative social services within the community such as parks and a multitude of after school

activities to benefit a child with working parents while making the child feel more connected to

making good decisions for the community.

Cultural Diversity Instruction

There are many different cultures around the world, and as more families move, teachers

will begin to have classrooms filled with culturally unique children. Each child is different, and

their culture may be as well. Researchers Hillard, Park & Tharp believe that children develop

their learning and cognitive styles based on the socialization that they will receive within their

families and peer groups. As a teacher, I will need to make sure that I am supporting the different

learning styles that come through my classroom. I will also ensure that my classroom instruction

is culturally diverse and supportive of all my students.

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As an educator, it is important to incorporate your student’s cultural and ethnic

background into your classroom and lessons. Doing so will show them that they are accepted for

who they are and supported by those around them. You can incorporate games, art activities and

even stories pertaining to different ethnic backgrounds. The families of your students would be

great ones to go to for more information or ideas to help support your culturally diverse

instruction. Including this differentiated instruction will help the children to respect other

cultures and learn about new ways of thinking or believing.

When students move with their families to new parts of the world, they might be

influenced by those outside of their family to learn the new culture and conform to those ways.

Cultural Assimilation is where a minority group takes on the cultural lifestyles of the majority,

conforming to their ways and beginning to resemble them rather than their own cultural

backgrounds. Cultural pluralism is when a minority group lives beside the majority yet still

holds on to their cultural values and customs at the same time. The values and customs that a

child may have is part of what makes them unique. I will create a classroom of cultural

pluralism, where everyone is accepted, and their culture and background are respected and even

invited to be shared in. Creating a culturally diverse instruction within lessons will help to open

the eyes of the other students to new ways of seeing or living. It will help them to better

understand their culturally diverse peers and where they come from while learning to accept their


To ignore the cultural background of a student would be the same as taking a part of their

identity. It is the job of the teacher to accept and support all differences while also showing their

peers to do the same. Setting a good example of acceptance is important.

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Curriculum for all learners

With the knowledge that there are so many different children out there, with diverse

backgrounds and different learning styles, it is important as an educator that you understand

those differences and create a learning environment that works for each and every student in your

classroom. I will adjust my planning, delivery and assessments as needed for each student. I will

understand that some children may need more help than others or would benefit from more

challenging activities. I will understand the support out there and use it to help me ensure that my

students are successful and learn the love of learning. As the teacher, it is my job to adjust my

lessons to fit the needs of my students individually as well as a class as a whole.

It is important that all teachers know how to include a child with disabilities or

impairments into their lessons and activities. If there is technology needed to assist a student or

a unique way to do the activity. I will make sure that that is in place to help. Adjusting activities

for those who might require different tools is important in creating a curriculum for the multitude

of different learners. A balance between teacher-directed and learner-directed will open the

doors to multiple opportunities to explore the lessons. Curriculum for all learners begins with the

acceptance of every learner along with the readiness to support them, encourage them, and

provide them with the best education that you can. The school should work as a team for all

students along with the families of the students and the community to create the greatest learning

environment for all.

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When making sure that my classroom is showing success, I will have assessments to help

assist me in noticing the changes in the student’s understanding. Assessments are important

because they can help the teacher understand if the instruction is being delivered and received so

that the children gain and retain the information. If you find that many of your students are not

successfully retaining the information, you might have to change the way you present the lesson

or incorporate a different activity. Assessments will also allow you to see those that might be

struggling as well as the areas in which they might need more assistance.

Another reason assessment of your student’s understand is important because it allows for

the teacher to communicate what they have found with other staff members or family members.

If a child is struggling with reading and you are noticing that there has not been much

improvement in the past couple of months, you can use your assessments to bring attention to the

reading specialist and have them help if necessary. It is important to track the progress of your

students to guarantee they are finding success or receiving the help that they might need.

Each child that enters my classroom will be supported and encouraged. I will pay close

attention to where they are having difficulty finding success. I will challenge them to not give up,

but to go above and beyond. I will spread love, kindness, acceptance and understanding while

setting the same expectations for them. I will make sure that every student in my classroom is

never afraid to ask for help but encouraged to ask questions.

In conclusion, every child can learn. As a teacher I will be a supporter and an encourager.

I will provide guidance and set a good example to ensure a democratic cooperative environment

for my students to flourish in. I will make sure that every child in my classroom knows that I

care for them and support their creativity. I will pay attention to all my learners and their unique

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learning styles to help to create the best path for their success. For I will not succeed if they do

not succeed.

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Melvin Kohn - The Effects of Social Class on Parental Values and Practices

Kohn, M., Scotch, N., & Glick, I. (1979, January 01). The effects of social class on parental

values and practices. Retrieved November 16, 2022, from


(Hilliard, 1992; C. C. Park, 2001; Tharp, 1989) - Behavioral style, culture and

teaching and learning. Apa PsycNet. (n.d.). Retrieved November 16, 2022, from https://

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