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Jalaena Salonga

News report
- It can be found in the newspaper, tv, or radio which aims to inform the readers of
what is happening in the world around them.

- Refers to formal address or discourse delivered to an audience

- Educate the audience on a particular topic

Panel discussion
- Live or virtual discussion about a specific topic amongst a selected
group or panelists who share differing perspectives

❖ Moderator
- a leader who tries to make the flow of actions to go smoothly
- announces the topic and introduces the panel members

❖ Panelists
- Guests of the given topic.
- Answer questions from the moderator

Use information from news reports, speeches, informative, talks, panel

discussions, etc. in everyday conversations and exchanges
Textual aids
- Help in understanding a text
- There are several kinds of textual aids, two of which are titles and advance

Titles, headings, subheadings

- Highlight key ideas in a reading text
- This makes the text easier to read

The bible as literature

Biblical genres

Literary Qualities
Writing style
Use of literary devices
Subjects and themes

Advance organizers
- Serve as a plan of things to be learned prior to reading
- Allow the readers to anticipate the context of the text and to
recall information he or she is already familiar with
- Define the purpose for the reader

- Either informal or formal
- An informal definition consists of a word or a phrase, often a synonym,
- A formal definition consists of a sentence that explains the meaning of a
word or concept with more informative details
Declarative sentence
- Narrates something
- Makes a statement
- Ends with period

Imperative sentence
- Express command or request
- Invitation, warning, or instruction
- They don't have a subject; instead, a directive is given to an implied second

Exclamatory sentence
- Express sudden or strong emotions
- Ends with an exclamation mark !

Interrogative sentence
- Asks a question
- Ends with a question mark

Rhetorical questions
- Do not necessitate answers
- Engage the main subject in the text
- Achieve a strong dramatic effect

Voices of the verb

- Refers to the relationship between the subject and the action

- The Voice of the verb can either be active or passive

Active voice
- Subject performs the action

Passive voice
- What is done to someone or something
- Subject is being acted upon

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