WorkSheet MRI

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1430-281: Physics for Medical Imaging

Worksheet #4:
Magnetism and MRI

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Question 1: Explain the main differences between MRI and conventional x-ray
radiography (at least three points).


Question 2: A particle carrying a 50-µC charge moves with velocity v = 2.0î m/s through
a uniform magnetic field B = (- 6.7j) T.

(a) What is the force on the particle?

(b) Form the dot products F ⋅ v and F ⋅ B to show explicitly that the force is perpendicular
to both v and B.

Note that the dot product (also called the scalar product) For two vectors is defined as:

a= ax I + ay j + az k

b = bx I + bx j + bx k

a . b = ax bx + ay by + cx cy

(c) If there is an electric field present, E = 3 N/C, along the – ve z-direction, what will be
the net force on the 50-µC charge? Note that Fnet= FB + FE


2   Physics for Medical Imaging, Worksheet #4 MRI Fall 17/18 | Applied Physics, College of Science, U o S

Question 3:

a) Calculate the Larmor frequencies for Hydrogen (γ = 42.6 (MHz)/T) for the
following field strengths: 1.2 T, 1.6T.
b) Using your result in part a), describe the significance of the Larmor Frequency in


Question 4: Describe the role of the gradient fields in MRI imaging.


3   Physics for Medical Imaging, Worksheet #4 MRI Fall 17/18 | Applied Physics, College of Science, U o S

Question 5: a) Use the following expressions for the relaxation times T1 and T2 to find and
define the physical meaning of both T1 and T2

" − %
M z = M 0 $$1− e ''
# &

" −t %
M xy = M 0 $$ e T2 ''
# &

c) Sketch (graph) the overall behavior of both T1 and T2.


4   Physics for Medical Imaging, Worksheet #4 MRI Fall 17/18 | Applied Physics, College of Science, U o S

Question 6: In MRI, the gradient fields are used to:

a) Maintain a uniform magmatic field in the field of view.

b) Eliminate magnetic perturbations in the magnetic field due to site location.
c) Shorten T1 to reduce the scan time.
d) Provide spatial localization.
e) Measure the proton spin.

Question 7: In MRI, the following two statements:

i. When placed in an external magnetic field protons move in a particular way

called precession?
ii. The Larmor equation indicates that precession frequency is proportional to
magnetic field strength?

a) Are both “true”

b) Are both “False”
c) While statement (i) is true, statement (ii) is false.
d) While statement (i) is false, statement (ii) is true.

Question 8: If you reduce the wavelength λ of a monochromatic EM wave on a string

by 1/2, what happens to the wave speed v and the wave frequency f?

a) v is doubled and f is doubled

b) v is doubled and f is unchanged
c) v is unchanged and f is halved
d) v is unchanged and f is doubled
e) v is halved and f is unchanged

Question 10: An MRI system creates an image when:

a) All the hydrogen atoms in your body line up, creating an outline.
b) Hydrogen atoms facing opposite directions cancel each other out,
c) Creating a reverse outline. The hydrogen atoms go back to their normal
d) Position, releasing energy

Question 11: The application of the RF pulse causes the protons to 'precess'. What does
this mean?

a) Its spins at a reduced velocity

b) It begins to spin in the opposite direction
c) It starts to rotate/wobble about it's axis
d) It spins on its axis
e) None of the above

5   Physics for Medical Imaging, Worksheet #4 MRI Fall 17/18 | Applied Physics, College of Science, U o S

Question 12: If the external magnetic field is 2.4 T, find the gradient fields needed to
examine the three regions (slices), independently.


6   Physics for Medical Imaging, Worksheet #4 MRI Fall 17/18 | Applied Physics, College of Science, U o S

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