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Unit 1: Revision basic English and classroom English



I hereby declare that, from now on, I will always capitalise ‘I’ and I will accept the
consequences when I fail to do this.
The teacher will deduct half a point each time I don’t write ‘I’ in a capital letter on tests,
tasks, … and I will not complain.

Table of contents

1. Nice to meet you! 2

2. Adjectives/ personality traits/ appearance 3

3. Classroom English. 6

4. Let’s talk about numbers. 10

5. Let’s party like it’s your birthday! 11

6. Revision of the tenses: present simple - irregular verbs. 12

7. It’s all relative(s)! 14

8. Revision of the tenses: present simple - regular verbs 16

9. Revision of the tenses: present continuous. 19

10. Pronouns: personal and possessive 21

11. Irregular verbs list 23

1. Nice to meet you!

SPEA: fill in the grid and present your answers to class.

Phrases that you can use: Draw your pretty face here:

● Hello, I am… / Hello, my name is…

● I live in…
● I am… years old.

● I have got …. brothers / sisters.

● I can speak … languages. The languages I speak
are …
● I have got…. / I haven’t got any pets. I have got a
(dog, cat, horse…)

● My hobby is… / I like to …

● My personality traits in three words:

2. What about English?

First impressions

● What do you (dis)like about the English course?

I like the subject English because:



I don’t like the subject English because:



● Those good ‘old’ English teachers….

What do you expect of your English teacher?



2. Vocabulary adjectives: appearance & personality traits
1. Look at the pictures.
a. Use the lists below the grid to describe the appearance of the celebrity.
b. There are three personality traits already given. Find the odd one out!


careless - sporty - mature



shy - opinionated - stuck-up



spoiled - handsome - manipulative



ambitious - humble - narcissistic



athletic - dark - sincere


Personality traits:
New word Meaning New word Meaning

ambitious ambitieus sporty sportief

attractive aantrekkelijk athletic atletisch

bossy bazig handy handig

bright intelligent, slim warm zachtaardig, vriendelijk, warm

clumsy onhandig sincere oprecht

confident zelfzeker narcissistic narcistisch

depressed depressief pessimistic pessimistisch

easy-going meegaand optimistic optimistisch

extroverted extravert cold onvriendelijk, kil, koud

gifted getalenteerd insensitive ongevoelig, zonder gevoel

gullible goedgelovig arrogant arrogant

handsome knap (man) awkward ongemakkelijk

independent onafhankelijk brave moedig

introverted introvert careless zorgeloos

naive naïef, goedgelovig dark donker

manipulative manipulatief, eager gretig


pushy opdringerig generous genereus, vrijgevig

sensitive gevoelig humble nederig

shy verlegen judgmental veroordelend

spoiled verwend open-minded ruimdenkend

stuck-up verwaand loyal loyaal

talented getalenteerd responsible verantwoordelijk

unlucky pech hebben mature volwassen

timid verlegen stubborn koppig

opinionated eigenwijs witty ad rem

posh chic, klassevol wicked slecht

2. Now it’s your turn!

a. Have a look at your neighbour.
b. Describe his/her/their appearance and personality in about 5
sentences. MIND: Don’t always start with the same subject.

3. Classroom English

My week
Complete your diary. You can choose from the following words:

weekdays: Saturday - Tuesday - Friday - Monday - Wednesday - Thursday - Sunday

subjects: geography - maths - Dutch - English - French - Latin - physics - chemistry - biology -
art class - physical education (P.E.) - religious education (R.E.) - ICT - behavioural sciences -
cultural studies - economics - social studies

1 / /

2 / /

3 / /

4 / /

5 / /

6 / /

7 / /

Common classroom phrases

When in class, we only use the English language to ask questions or to explain things.
Look at the sentences below and their translation.
Everything is mixed up, combine them correctly. The first answer is already given.

*If you want to ask a question you usually start with ‘Excuse me, Miss/Sir, ....’

Goedemorgen, goedemiddag, D May/Can I close the curtains?

goedenavond! A

Sorry dat ik te laat ben. Ik ben te Could I please talk to you after
laat omdat …. B class?

Ik ben mijn boek vergeten. Ik heb Can I borrow a pen/pencil/… from

mijn boek niet bij me. C my neighbour/classmate?

Op welke bladzijde zijn we? Good morning, good afternoon,

D good evening!

Mag ik u alstublieft na de les even When is the task due?

spreken? E When do I need to hand in the

Mag ik een pen/potlood/… lenen Sorry that I am late. I am late

van mijn buur/mijn klasgenoot? F because … the bus was late / I
overslept / the bus never showed
up, I missed my tram…

Kan u dat alstublieft nog eens Can you come over, please? Can
herhalen? G you help me, please?

Mag ik het raam openen, alstublieft? Can I solve the exercise? Can I
H answer the question?

Zou u een beetje luider kunnen I forgot my book. I haven’t got my

spreken alstublieft? I book with me.

Zou ik naar de WC mogen May/Can I turn off the

alstublieft? J lights/switch on the lights?

Kan u even komen? Kan u mij Could you repeat that, please?
helpen? K Could you say that once more?

Ik begrijp dit niet. Could you speak up, please?


Sorry meneer/mevrouw, ik weet (het Sorry miss/sir, I do not know (the

antwoord) niet. M answer).

Hoe zeg je ‘ananas’ in het Engels? I am cold. Can you close the
N window, please?

Hoe laat is het? What time is it?

Gaat u een test afnemen over dit I don’t understand this.

onderwerp? P

Komt dit op de test? Will this be on the test?


Ik voel me niet goed. Mag ik even I don’t feel so well. May/Can I go

naar buiten gaan? R outside?

Ik heb het koud. Kan u het raam What page are we on?
sluiten, a.u.b.? S

Wanneer mag ik de Are you going to/Will you test this

remediëringslessen volgen? T subject matter?

Mag ik dit in de vuilnisbak gooien? Do we need to write this down?

U Do we need to know this?

Tegen wanneer moeten we de taak When can I join the remedial

maken/inleveren? V classes?

Mag ik het licht Could I use/go to the toilet/loo,

uitschakelen/aansteken? W please?

Moeten we dit neerschrijven? May/Can I throw this in the bin?

Moeten we dit kennen? X

Mag ik de gordijnen dichtdoen? How do you say ‘ananas’ in

Y English?

Mag ik de oefening oplossen? Mag Can I open the window, please?

ik de vraag beantwoorden?

Any other useful phrases you’d like to know?

In Dutch In English

Common classroom vocabulary

a) Place the words from the grid in the correct boxes around the picture of a

desk - chair - blackboard / whiteboard - computer - beamer - teacher’s desk- map -

lamp- cupboard- projection screen - the heating

b) Number the items in the picture. Work in pairs.

c) Highlight the items not shown. Do you know what they are?
1 a pair of scissors
2 a stapler
3 a punch
4 a pen
5 (a piece of) chalk
6 a pencil
7 a colour pencil
8 an eraser - a rubber
9 a sharpener
10 a calculator
11 a ruler
12 a pair of compasses
13 a geometric triangle
14 a rucksack - a school bag - a backpack
15 a correction tape
16 a highlighter
17 a marker
18 a glue stick
19 sticky notes

4. Let’s talk about numbers.

Complete the grid with these missing numbers:

fourteen - eighteen - eleven - fifteen - twelve - thirteen

one two three four five

1 2 3 4 5

six seven eight nine ten

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15

sixteen seventeen nineteen

16 17 18 19 20

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred

500 1000 1500 100 000 1 000 000

five hundred one thousand one thousand one hundred one million
five hundred thousand

Other numbers? Combine!

21 twenty-one
38 thirty-eight
142 one hundred and forty-two

Let’s practise:

a) Listen to the teacher. Write down the correct numbers.

________ _________ _________ _______________ __________________

b) Ask for your neighbour’s telephone number and write it down:


5. Let’s party like it’s your birthday!
Do you know the twelve months? Write them down in the calendar next to the number of
the month.

Write down your birthday: _______________________________

Write down your mother’s birthday: _______________________________

Write down your father’s birthday: _______________________________

Write down one of your sibling’s birthday: _______________________________

Write down your neighbour’s birthday: ______________________________

6. Revision of the tenses: present simple - irregular verbs

1. Read the text.

Hello! My name is Mimi. I am a student at MLA High


I’m fourteen years old and I like school very much. My

teachers are very friendly and I like them a lot.

My favourite subject is English. I don’t like maths. I’ve

got many friends at school, but Ann is my best friend and my desk mate.

My school is big. It has got many classrooms, a library, a cafeteria, a gym and
a big playground. We haven’t got a park or trees, unfortunately. During the
breaks I play basketball with my friends.

In the afternoon I usually go to the library. There, they’ve got a lot of books
that I like to read.

a. Which subject does Mimi like? ________________________________

b. Which subject doesn’t Mimi like? ________________________________

c. What’s your favourite subject (besides English)? ________________________

d. What’s your least favourite subject? ________________________

2. Mark all the verbs in the text.

3. Which verbs are used more than once in the text? Name them:

_________________, _________________ and _________________

Mind: _________________ and _________________ are irregular verbs in the present

simple. They are used very frequently in the English language. You will also need
them for the next tenses. Make sure you know them by heart!

4. Complete the grid of the verb ‘to be’:
Pronouns Affirmative Affirmative Negative Negative Questions Short
full form short form full form short form answers
1 p.s. I -

2 p.s. You -

3 p.s. He
1 p.p. We

2 p.p. You

3 p.p. They

5. Complete the grid of the verb ‘to have got’:

Pronouns Affirmative Affirmative Negative Negative Questions Short

full form short form full form short form answers
1 p.s. I

2 p.s. You

3 p.s. He
1 p.p. We +

2 p.p. You +

3 p.p. They +

‘to have got’ is used to express possession and to describe people.
e.g. I have got 99 problems.
e.g. She has got fair hair.

‘to have’ is frequently used as an auxiliary (=hulpwerkwoord).

e.g. I have worked in a restaurant before.
When ‘to have’ is used on its own, it has got as slight difference
e.g. I usually have (=to eat) French fries when I go to McDonald’s.

7. It’s all relative(s)!
The possessive case is used to show ownership (= possession). We use an apostrophe +
‘s’ to do this. Look at the examples. Can you figure out the rule of use?

● the car of Mannan = Mannan's car

● the website of Lynne = Lynne’s website

● clothes for men = men’s clothes

● milk of sheep = sheep’s milk

● the boat of the sailors = the sailors’ boat

● the room of the girls = the girls' room

● the book of James = James’ book

To form the possessive, add ……………………….. + ………………………………
If the noun is plural you do the same, BUT if the noun is plural and already ends in ‘s’, just
add ……………………….. after the ‘s’.
For names ending in s, you just add an apostrophe. When pronouncing a possessive
name, we add the sound /z/ to the end of the name.

1. Use the family tree of the Kardashians (a famous American family) to complete
the sentences about Kim’s family.

2. Vocabulary

Basic Extended

● Father: a male parent ● Cousins: two people who share at

● Mother: a female parent least one grandparent in common,
● Son: a male child of the parent(s) but none of the same parents.
● Daughter: a female child of the ● Grandchildren
parent(s) ● Grandson: a child's son
● Brother: a male sibling ● Granddaughter: a child’s daughter
● Sister: a female sibling ● Uncle: parent's brother, or male
● Husband: a male spouse spouse of parent's sibling
● Wife: a female spouse ● Aunt: parent's sister, or female
● Grandparents spouse of parent's sibling
● Grandfather: the father of a parent ● Nephew: sibling (=brother or
● Grandmother: the mother of a sister)'s son, or spouse's sibling's
parent son
● Niece: sibling's daughter, or
spouse's sibling’s daughter

3. Elliptic use
a) Have a look at the following sentences:
Mason, Penelope and Reign are Scott and Kourtney’s children, not Kim and Kanye’s children.
Mason, Penelope and Reign are Scott and Kourtney’s children, not Kim and Kanye’s.

Which word has been left out in the second sentence? children .
Why is it left out? It’s already been used // Avoid repetition.

b) Highlight the words that are repeated. Rewrite the following sentences by
using the possessive.
Reign is Scott’s son, but Saint is Kanye’s son.
Stassie is Kylie’s best friend and Hailey is Kendall’s best friend.
North West’s dog is Sushi, Caitlyn’s dog is Bertha.
Kylie and Stassie Hailey and Kendall Caitlyn and Bertha

8. Revision of the tenses: present simple - regular verbs
Formation of the present simple
Let’s conjugate (=vervoegen) the verb ‘to run’.

Pronouns Affirmative Negative Yes/No- questions Short answers.

1 p.s. I Do I run? +

2 p.s. You run +


3 p.s. He +
She -

1 p.p. We +

2 p.p. You +

3 p.p. They don’t run +


Mind! In the negative and interrogative form we use the auxiliary verb ‘to do’ and this is the
only verb we conjugate. The main verb becomes a bare infinitive.

How do I form the affirmative? How do I form the negative?

Subject + inf -to Subject +........................... + ………………………...

→ mind: 3rd p.s.: → mind: 3rd p.s.:

Subject +........................... Subject +........................... + ……………………….

How do I form questions? e.g. Elizabeth dances a lot in Merksem.

*The yes/no-question: Does she dance every Saturday in Merksem?

→ TO DO.. + Subject + INF -to (+rest)?

* Question word questions (QWQ): Where does she dance a lot ?

→ +................... +..................+ .Subject +...........................(+rest)?

EXCEPTION: When what and who is the subject or part of the subject, we do not use
the auxiliary. We use the word order: subject + verb.

Who dances in Merksem every Saturday? Elizabeth

What scares the children? The clown

Use of the present simple

When do we use this tense?

Look at the given examples and find the rule for each one.

1. ..........................................................................................................

e.g. I always get up at 7 o’clock. / I play tennis every Saturday./ I often watch a

2. ..........................................................................................................

e.g. Water boils at 100 degrees.

3. ..........................................................................................................

e.g. The train leaves at 9.00 am. / The exam starts at 8.25 am.

TIP! You can recognise the present simple tense easily by searching for ‘time
markers’. In the present simple we use: always, usually, often, never, ...

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs between brackets.
Use the grid to derive (=afleiden) the special spelling rules. There are a few special

In the present simple, the verb changes only in the third person singular (he, she, it, a person, a thing),
where it gets the suffix -s or -es.
to run → Emily runs
to catch → Sam catches butterflies

The -es suffix is used when the verb ends in the letters s, sh, ch, x or z.
to miss → she misses
to fix → he fixes

If the verb ends in -o, we add -es

to go → she goes
to do → it does

If the verb ends in a consonant + y, we remove the y and + ies in the third person.
to try → he tries
to study → she studies

BUT if the verb ends in a vowel + y, we simply add -s

to buy → she buys
to play→ she plays

4. Form correct sentences with the given words. Mind the word order.
Have a look at the grid.

Subject Adv. of Verb Object Adv. of Place Adv. of Time


I usually cook fried rice at home.

She never drives her car on the road in the morning

My mother – French – to speak – often – at home.


To sit – every evening – he – in the same chair.


tennis – Ann and John – during the weekends – to play – sometimes.


8. Your identity kit

a. Fill in the form with information about yourself.

9. Revision of the tenses: present continuous


● Affirmative: Subject + (to be) + ING-form

● Negative: Subject +(to be) + not + ING-form

● Yes/No-Question: (to be) . + Subject + ING-form

● QW-Questions: QW.. + (to be) + Subject. +ING-form


a) We use the present continuous to express the idea that

something is (not) happening now, at this very moment.
● Mr. Adriaensen is working on his computer now.
● Ms. Sinnaeve and Ms. Chan are not eating together.
● Are you sleeping during my class?

b) In English, “now” can mean: this second, today, this month,

this year, this century ...
e.g. While having dinner, you mention these things:

● I am studying to become a doctor.

● I am not reading any books right now.
● Are you working on a group project at school?

c) The present continuous with words such as “always” or

“constantly” expresses the idea that something is irritating or
shocking often happens.
● My pupils are always talking. I wish they could shut up!
● I don’t like my little brother because he is always running around.
● I am studying to become a doctor.


a) Form affirmative (=positive) sentences. Have a look at the grid if you

need help with your word order.

Subject Aux. verb Ing-form Object Adv. of Place Adv. of Time

TO BE of main verb

Mr. Adriaensen is having a coffee in a bistro at the moment.

Manasseh and are laughing at the during the

Mattias playground break.

TIP! You can recognise the present continuous tense easily by searching for
‘time markers’. In the present continuous we use:

b) Present simple or present continuous?

1. Every Monday, Lynn (to ride) her bike to football


2. Usually, Maryam (to work) at home, but today she

(to study) French at school. That is why she is in the
computer room.

3. Shhhhh! Be quiet! Leila (to sleep) .

4. Don't forget to take your umbrella, Dhzem. It (to rain) now.

5. Zen hates living in Antwerp because it (to rain, always) .

10. Pronouns

Pronouns (=voornaamwoorden) replace nouns (=zelfstandige

e.g. The dog is called Max. He is very playful.
noun pronoun
e.g. My mother bought a cake. We ate it in the afternoon.
noun pronoun

We use pronouns a lot when we form sentences. Especially when we want to replace the
nouns, to avoid repetition.

1.Personal pronouns
At this moment you need to know two types of pronouns: subject and object pronouns.
Personal pronouns as subject Personal pronouns as object (voorwerp)

Ik bel hem op.

Hij werkt hard. Ik gaf hem een cadeau.
hij = het onderwerp van de zin
hij = doet de actie Hem =Het voorwerp in de zin.
Het kan een lijdend voorwerp of
meewerkend voorwerp zijn.
Hem = doet de actie niet
English: English
He works hard. I called him.
I gave him a present.

a) Complete the grid:


1st pers. singular I

2nd pers. singular

3rd pers. singular him, her, it

1st pers. plural

2nd pers. plural you

3rd pers. plural them

2. Possessive pronouns

→ Also check the ‘genitive’ (number 7 in this bundle) to express possession.


11. Simple past – list with irregular verbs (unit 2!)

infinitive past simple past participle translation

to awake awoke awoken ontwaken

to be was/were been zijn, worden

to bear bore borne verdragen

to beat beat beaten (ver)slaan

to become became become worden

to bend bent bent buigen

to bet bet bet wedden

to bite bit bitten bijten

to bleed bled bled bloeden

to blow blew blown blazen, waaien

to break broke broken breken

to bring brought brought brengen

to build built built bouwen

to burn burnt/burned burnt/burned (ver)branden

to buy bought bought kopen

to catch caught caught vangen

to choose chose chosen kiezen

to come came come komen

to cost cost cost kosten

to cut cut cut snijden, knippen

to deal dealt dealt zaken doen, (uit)delen

to dig dug dug graven

to do did done doen

to draw drew drawn tekenen

to dream dreamt dreamt dromen

to drink drank drunk drinken

to drive drove driven rijden (auto)

to eat ate eaten eten

to fall fell fallen vallen

to feed fed fed voeden, voeren

to feel felt felt (zich) voelen

to fight fought fought vechten

to find found found vinden

to fly flew flown vliegen

to forbid forbade forbidden verbieden

to forget forgot forgotten vergeten

to forgive forgave forgiven vergeven

to freeze froze frozen (be)vriezen

to get got got krijgen, worden

to give gave given geven

to go went gone gaan

to grow grew grown groeien, worden

to hang hung hung (op)hangen)

to have had had hebben

to hear heard heard horen

to hide hid hidden (zich) verbergen

to hit hit hit slaan, raken

to hold held held (vast)houden

to hurt hurt hurt pijn doen

to keep kept kept houden, bewaren

to know knew known weten, kennen

to lay laid laid leggen

to lead led led leiden

to learn learnt/learned learnt/learned leren

to leave left left verlaten/vertrekken

to lie lay lain liggen

to lie lied lied liegen

to lose lost lost verliezen

to make made made maken

to mean meant meant bedoelen, betekenen

to meet met met ontmoeten

to mow mowed mown maaien

to pay paid paid betalen

to put put put zetten, leggen

to quit quit quit ophouden

to read read read lezen

to ride rode ridden rijden (fietsen/paard)

to ring rang rung bellen

to rise rose risen opstaan, stijgen

to run ran run rennen, runnen

to say said said zeggen

to see saw seen zien

to sell sold sold verkopen

to send sent sent (ver)zenden, (ver)sturen

to set set set zetten, instellen

to shake shook shaken schudden

to shoot shot shot schieten

to show showed shown tonen, laten zien

to shut shut shut sluiten

to sing sang sung zingen

to sit sat sat zitten

to sleep slept slept slapen

to smell smelt smelt ruiken

to speak spoke spoken spreken

to spend spent spent doorbrengen, uitgeven

to stand stood stood staan

to steal stole stolen stelen

to stick stuck stuck plakken

to swear swore sworn zweren, vloeken

to swim swam swum zwemmen

to take took taken nemen, brengen

to teach taught taught onderwijzen

to tear tore torn scheuren

to tell told told zeggen, vertellen

to think thought thought denken

to throw threw thrown gooien

to understand understood understood begrijpen, verstaan

to wake woke woken ontwaken

to wear wore worn dragen (kleding)

to win won won winnen

to write wrote written schrijven


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