Windows Analysis

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Some reasons why Microsoft is one of the most polluting companies:

- While their products are generally inferior to free software in most areas, their employees
are paid extremely high. You probably know Bill Gates. He is not the only one in the company
who makes a lot of money:
companies-in-2019-according-to-glassdoor.html These highest wages logically translate
into the most absurd overconsumption ever seen in humans. It is strange that the people
with the highest wages in the world have not even developed a product that has a reason to
exist. Linux and BSD are better operating systems than windows10 as they have better
performance, are more user-friendly to configure, more reliable, more stable, have better
privacy and are less susceptible to malware and viruses.

- Their software and operating system is generally less efficient than Linux. This translates
into massive amounts of energy wasted by every Windows user. Just look at how Libreoffice
has had Vulkan support for a while, while MS Office has no DX12 support. Compare the
performance of Blender in Windows and Linux. Also look at how Flight Simulator 2020 still
uses DX11, although DX12 can give much better 0.1% and 1% Low values. You would expect
Microsoft to make DX12 the standard as early as 2 years ago, but apparently giving
customers the best possible performance is not in line with their commercial interests.

- Collecting unseen amounts of privacy-violating telemetry data. This is all energy that is
not even wasted on a Linux or a BSD system. Moreover, this energy and costs are also
largely paid for by their customers. The collection of part of this telemetry data is not even
communicated to customers, this has been discovered by Dutch researchers. It was not
even in line with European legislation what Microsoft is doing.

- The company itself also has been drawing unlikely amounts of energy for years. Now they
try to have a green image through ofsetting and through green energy. But I will reveal to
you, windmills and solar energy are both anything but green. Solar energy produces absurd
amounts of waste that is difficult to recycle. Windmills use certain substances that are
present on Earth to a very limited extent. Unfortunately, carbon credits and carbon offsets
are the primary tools being used by national and international communities as a way to
reduce emissions on an industrial scale. The carbon credit/offset market is now well
established. Why have these markets taken off? The simple answer is that there is huge
amount of money to be made. However, these markets are simply the indulgence of
societies which want to carry on with business as usual. The consequences of business as
usual are ecological disaster. Offsets shift our moral responsibility to reduce, to someone
else: The concept of paying other people, in another corner of the world, to cut your
emissions instead of cutting your own is fundamentally flawed. As Keith Allott at WWF-UK
has said, the problem with carbon offsetting is that at best it robs Peter to pay Paul with no
net benefit for the planet.

By 2030, the company plans to save 1.7 terawatt-hours of energy and generate 400
gigawatt-hours of its energy needs from its own renewable resources. How Much Power is
1 Gigawatt? 3.125 Million Photovoltaic (PV) Panels And renewables are not always less
polluting then mature fossil fuel systems of equal energy. I think you will understand my

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