STP Part 3 2

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STP Part 3

Meghan Barrett
Performing and Assessment
Date of lesson: 11/2

Lesson #3- Performing

Have students perform or play recording

After each performance, have class give feedback (for assessment purposes).
If there is only one group, reflect on the process together

Assessment/Reflection to look like

Group Observed:

Three things I enjoyed about the performance


One thing I would have done differently


One question I have



Students will demonstrate their ability to:

Perform through the sharing of their covers. Students can elect to share a recording or to
perform live for the class. Students will also assess their own creations, as well as other groups.

Group discussion

Assessment form to follow along and guide discussion (pasted above)

Class Groupings: Circle all that apply:

Full Group
Small Group(s)
The assessment used was discussion based to encourage collaboration in responses
and to continue the creation as a team, rather than independently. This was very useful for the
younger students who needed to talk through their responses before giving a solid answer. The
older groups appreciated this form of assessment because it allowed for learning based off of
their peers' answers and to understand how the project went for others.

On the first day of the project, I laid my expectations for the students. The object was for
them to learn how to arrange a cover of a song using instruments they do not typically use in
band. All students were understanding of the expectations and met them by the final day of the
project. Students were able to create their own arrangements and perform for each other. This
can be seen in the example video. The students also completed the verbal assessment showing
that there was growth through the project.

Student Assessment
Student names omitted
Ensemble: Orchestra
Group Observed: Self

Three things I enjoyed about the performance

1. Exploring other instruments
2. Creative outlet, creating music in a different way
3. Working together in a smaller group, having your own contribution

One thing I would have done differently

1. Used a metronomic device to stay together

One question I have

1. How would you do something like this by yourself

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