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Alpha pup The coolest kid on the block

alien Foreign, strange

Advertising campaign A set of advertisements that focus in a single
coolness an aesthetic of attitude, behavior, appearance,
and style that is generally admired
marketing the process of getting people interested in a
product or service
enthusiastic having or showing great interest or excitement
a radio transmitter equipment used for broadcasting television or
radio programmes
publicist a person responsible for publicizing a product,
person, or company
straightaway immediately
manufacturer a person or company that makes goods for sale
brainstorming group discussion to produce ideas or solve
designer a person who plans how something will look
marketer a person or company that advertises or promotes
customer a person who buys goods or sevices
consumer a person who buys goods or services for their
own use
advertisement a public notice
propaganda the spreading of information in support of a
commercial a television or radio advertisement
announcement a public notification or declaration
publicity a public message whose purpose is to let people
know about something
advertising a marketing tactic involving paying for space to
promote a product, service, or cause
marketing department department which promotes your business and
drives sales of its products or services
selling department the department of a company that is responsible
for selling its products.
advertising agency a company that produces advertisements
launch noun the time when a new product or service becomes
launch verb to release, to make a product available
campaign an organized course of actions to achieve a goal
promotion an attempt to make a product or event popular
discount a reduction in the usual price for something
rebate a partial refund of the original price of the
logo a symbol or design that represents a company,
organization, or product
brand a type of product manufactured by a particular
company under a particular name
appearance the way that someone or something looks
catalogue a book containing a list of things that you can
buy, use, etc.
compact smaller than most similar things
padnúť vhod to come in handy for
wide selection a lot of different things to choose from
sample a representative part or a single item from a
larger group
perfect+ peposition for
convenient- preposition for
ideal- preposition as
useful- preposition for
two verbs- preposition to
briefcase a flat rectangular bag
penknife a small pocketknife usually with only one blade
microwave a small oven that cooks or heats food very
dishwasher .a machine for washing dishes automatically.
A laptop computer  a small, portable personal compute
bargain an advantageous purchase
cashier a person handling payments and receipts in a
shop, bank, or business.
change the money returned after paying for something
with more money than it costs
debit card a payment card that can be used in place of cash
to make purchases
exchange a product replace it with another product
fitting room a room for trying clothes before buying.
purchase buy
receipt a written acknowledgment of having received
shoplift steal in a store
shopping cart a large container on wheels used for carrying
goods in a huge store
store hours the time when the store is open
window shopping to visit a store to look at items without the
intention of buying anything
sale a period during which a shop sells goods at
reduced prices.
cash money in coins or note
Predložka pred cash In cash
cheque a written order directing a bank to pay out
money to someone
budget  a spending plan based on income and expenses
checkout A  place for paying in large shops
queue  a waiting line 
Art gallery a place where works of art are shown and can be
Ice rink indoor surface of ice for skating on.
library A building containing books and other materials
for reading and study
museum  a building where objects of historical, scientific,
or artistic interest are kept
Sports centre a building where you can play different sports
Further Education college education below degree level for people above
school age
selection a group of things of a particular type
control influence or authority over something
price the amount of money for which something is
handy convenient to handle or use
Come across Find by chance
patent Right to sell or make something
Catch on Become popular
fad A temporary popular trend
Showcase Demonstrate the good qualities of something

ploy Ťah, trik, tactic

catchy Easy to remember
brainchild Good idea
pass overtake
Cheque preposition B By cheque
Sales preposition B in
Budget verb plan how you will spend money.
Budget verb preposition A for
Discount preposition A on
Floor preposition B On (the first floor)
Leisure time Free time, time when you are free from work
seem appear
shelf a flat piece of wood, metal, or glass which is
attached to a wall
magazine A printed periodical publication that includes
photographs and articles. 
clear easy to perceive
librarian a person in charge of a library
borrow take and use with the intention of returning it.
trolley a small cart on wheels that you use to carry
slide a structure with a smooth sloping surface for
children to slide down.
fountain a decorative structure that shoots streams of
water into the air
sure certain
legible Čitateľný, able to be read easily
illegible unable to be read easily
unbelievable unlikely to be true
understandable normal and reasonable for a particular situation
unpronnounceable Too difficult to say
separable able to be pulled apart from each other
unbreakable impossible to break
visible Able to be seen
Unforgivable not excusable
audible able to be heard
inexplainable Unaccountable, difficult or impossible to
changeable liable to change, variable
invisible Unable to be seen
portable able to be easily carried or moved
inaudible unable to be heard
washable able to be washed without being damaged
unbearable so extreme you cannot deal with it
memorable likely to be remembered 
necessary being essential
reliable Able to be trusted
unnecessary Not needed
unhabitable Not fit for people to live in

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