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IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


Lớp học 0đ Back-to-school Season

Thực hiện: IELTS Fighter - Chiến binh IELTS

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Bài 1: Cho dạng đúng của các từ trong ngoặc sau đây để hoàn thành
các câu.

1. I find it so frustrating that __________________ (POLITICS) never

give a straight answer when they are being interviewed on TV. After all,
we voted for them and they should be answerable to us.

2. I don’t want to go out with John again. He’s always asking

__________________ (PHILOSOPHY) questions and making me think
about the meaning of life. I would rather just talk about what happened
during the day.

3. While __________________ (STATISTICS) can be useful, people

can always manipulate numbers to suit their needs.

4. __________________ (PHYSICAL) is the study of the nature of

matter and energy.
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


5. I bought my friend a new telescope for her birthday. She loves looking
at the stars; she is an amateur __________________ (ASTRONOMY).

Bài 2: Tìm 6 lỗi sai trong các từ được gạch chân và sửa lại cho đúng
trong đoạn văn dưới đây.
If you send your child to a boarding school you can be look at fees of
almost £8,000 per term. Eton will charge £7,896 a term from September -
a raise of 5.8% on last year's fees. Winchester's fees have gone up 5%
from £7,657 to £7,833 a term. Days school are cheaper, but even these
are charging a average of £2,796 a term - £8,388 a year.

If you have a baby this year and plan to send him or her to a private day
school for secondary education, it sets you back about £150,000,
according to an independent adviser.

If your child is starting senior school this September, the school fees
between 11 and 18 total an average of £75,500, assuming the fees rises by
7% a year.

1. 4.

2. 5.

3. 6.

Bài 3: Đọc đoạn văn sau và đoán nghĩa các từ được in nghiêng dựa
vào văn cảnh (không sử dụng từ điển)
A grandmother has set up her own school to cater for her autistic
grandson. Joshua, 7, was unable to cope at the local school and his
parents were struggling to get his needs met.
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


‘I used to take Joshua to his mainstream school,' says his mother. 'He
would literally (1) howl all the way down the very long drive. I used to
feel like a monster.'

She took Joshua out of the school on the advice of his teachers, but (2) hit
a brick wall with the local education authority, who wanted to place him
in a school for 90 children with a huge range of learning difficulties —
contrary to the modern expertise on (3) autism, which recommends
specialist care in small units.

Now, Joshua is (4) flourishing in a small school for autistic youngsters.

'It is costing us £15,000 a year but it’s worth it to see Joshua making
progress. He is a different child.'

The special needs school recently passed its first inspection from the
Office for Standards in Education with a (5) glowing report. Despite this,
the education authority has refused to pay for Joshua’s education there.

Receiving a diagnosis of a learning disability is a terrible blow to families,

and the (6) realization that you face years of fighting to (7) obtain the
education that will help your child is (8) devastating. Many parents
cannot face the (9) struggle and many children are denied the chance to
improve their quality of life.

1. howl
a. cry loudly to express pain or unhappiness
b. sing loudly
c. run quickly
2. hit a brick wall
a. have an accident
b. agree about most things
c. be unable to make progress
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


3. autism
a. a type of mental condition, present from early childhood
b. a type of cold or flu
c. a mental illness characterized by a refusal to eat
4. A flourishing
a. flowering
b. developing rapidly and successfully
c. studying
5. glowing
a. satisfactory
b. expressing approval
c. with an intense colour and shine
6. realization
a. a large animal
b. fakery
c. an act of becoming fully aware of something as a fact
7. obtain
a. get something by making an effort
b. attract something
c. fight for something
8. devastating
a. difficult in the beginning
b. not pleasant
c. causing shock or distress
a. to try very hard
b. A very difficult task
c. a very easy duty
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


Bài 4: Đọc đoạn text sau và chọn đáp án đúng cho các câu dưới đây.
You’re 16 and finally you can leave school! By now, you’re probably
sick of teachers, desks, tests and exams. But don’t just run for the exit.
You need to think carefully about what to do next.
If you want a professional career, you will need to go to university and
get a degree. To do that, you need to stay at high school for another two
years. But you needn’t stay at the same place. There are several options
in the district of Northacre.

St. Leopold’s School has the best pass rate of all the high schools in the
district. It offers a wide range of subjects in the humanities and
sciences. St Leopold’s is, of course, a private school, so may be too
expensive for you. But don’t worry, there are several other options if you
want to follow the academic route. Knowle Grammar School is a state
school, so there are no fees, and it has excellent tuition and facilities. It is
a boys’ school from the ages of 11-16, but from 16-18 it is co-educational.
But it is selective, so you’ll have to pass an exam to get in. If you’re
interested in going into Business, check out Wyle River Academy. This
school specialises in subjects like Business Studies, Management and
Economics. If you prefer the arts, look at the courses on offer at
Northacre College. Here you can study woodwork, art, textiles and
much more. Northacre College also offers a wide range of vocational
qualifications. You can do a 1-year certificate or a 2-year diploma in
subjects like electrics, plumbing, roofing and hairdressing. If you’d
prefer to work outdoors, look at Milldown College, where there are
courses in Farm Mechanics, Land Management, Animal Management and
much more.
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


A final option is to get an apprenticeship with a local or national

company. You will get on-the-job training, gain certificates or diplomas
and start earning straight away. But be warned - places are
limited! Find out more at the Jobs Fair on 26th May at Northacre

1. The aim of the article is to…

A. advise young people about how to get to university.
B. tell young people about the options available.
C. advise young people to stay in education.
2. The article advises reader who want a professional career to…
A. go to university immediately.
B. stay at the same school for two more years.
B. go to high school for two more years, then get a degree.
3. St Leopold’s is the best school for…
A. good exam results.
B. humanities and sciences.
C. facilities.
4. You can only attend St Leopold’s school if you…
A. pay tuition fees.
B. pass an exam.
C. study both humanities and sciences.
5. You can only attend Knowle Grammar School if you…
A. pass an exam.
B. are a boy.
C. can afford the tuition fees.
6. Anna wants to work with horses. Where is the best place for her to
A. Wyle River Academy
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


B. Northacre College
C. Milldown College
7. Harry wants to be a builder. Where is the best place for him to
A. Wyle River Academy
B. Northacre College
C. Milldown College
8. Kevin wants to be a fashion designer. Where is the best place for
him to study?
A. Wyle River Academy
B. Northacre College
C. Milldown College
9. Caroline wants to run her own company. Where is the best place
for him to study?
A. Wyle River Academy
B. Northacre College
C. Milldown College
10 What is the problem with apprenticeships?
A. There are few available.
B. They are expensive.
C. They don’t give you any qualifications.
Dựa vào biểu đồ và gợi ý sau đây, hãy viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh.
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


The bar chart below shows the percentage of Australian men and
women in different age groups who did regular physical activity in

1. The chart/ compare/ the/ proportion/ Australian/ male/ female/ six/ ag/e
category/ who/ physically/ active/ on/ regular/ basis/ year 2010.



2. Roughly/ speaking/, close/ to/ half/ Australian adult/ some/ kind/ of/
routine/ physical/ activity/ in 2010.
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666




3. Middle/ age/ female/ the most/ physically/ active/, proportionally/,

while/ male/ age/ 35 to 44/ did/ least/ physical/ activity.



4. In/ youngest/ age/ category/ (15 to 24), almost/ 53%/ Australian/ men/
but/ only/ 47.7%/ women did/ regular/ physical activity/ 2010.



5. However/, between/ age/ of 25/ and/ 44, men/ much less/ active/
average/ women.



6. In fact/, in/ the/ 35/ to/ 44/ age/ group, a/ mere/ 39.5% of/ male/ did/
form/ regular exercise/, compare/ 52.5% of/ females.
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666




7. Between/ ages/ 45/ 64, the/ figure/ male/ physical/ activity/ rose/
around 45%/, while/ proportion/ active females/ remain/ around/ 8%
higher, at 53%.



8. Finally/, the/ percentage/ of Australian women/ and/ men/ age/ 65/

over/ exercise/ regular/ were/ almost identical/, approximately/ 47%.



USEFUL GRAMMAR: dạng so sánh ngang bằng, so sánh hơn và

hơn nhất thường được sử dụng trong IELTS Writing task 1
Cách sử dụng :
1. So sánh hơn:
- more/fewer/less + noun + than
Overall, more students sat examinations in science-related subjects
than in arts-related subjects.
- adjectives of one syllable: -er + than
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


A higher percentage of students gained top marks in Mathematics

than in Chemistry.
- more/less + adjective of two or more syllables + than
Science-related subjects were more popular than arts-related
2. So sánh hơn nhất
Có thể sử dụng dạng so sánh hơn nhất để so sánh 1 đối tượng với
những đối tượng còn lại trong nhóm
- the most/least + adjective
The most popular subject was Mathematics.
- adjectives of more than one syllable: -est
The highest percentage of students gaining top marks was in
3. So sánh ngang bằng: sử dụng so sánh ngang bằng để thể hiện sự
giống nhau giữa 2 đối tượng
- as + adjective + as
Art and Design was nearly as popular as Chemistry.
Bài 1: Hoàn thành các phần trả lời của các thí sinh dưới đây.
a. an office job d. long hours g. retired
b. earn e. own boss h. sacked
c. job satisfaction f. redundant i. self-employed

Julia: I'm (1) _________. I give art classes, mainly to (2) _________
people. I may not (3) _________ a great deal but I get an immense
amount of (4) _________because I see people who have barely held a
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


brush before gain in confidence and learn new skills. I don't think I could
cope with having (5) _________ - the monotony would drive me mad.

People in offices seem to work (6) ……………, and there's always the
risk of being made (7) _________ or getting (8) _________. Nobody can
fire me because I'm my (9) _________.


j breadwinner n part-time q work
k career-minded o Responsible r wage
l get home late p stay-at-home mum s workaholic
m overtime

Peter: I'm a water engineer. In my current job, I'm (10) _________ for
designing flood defence systems and monitoring flood levels. I must
admit that I'm a bit of a(n) (11) _________I'm constantly doing (12)
_________ - unpaid, I should add - and so I generally (13) _________I
would definitely say I live to work, not work to live. Years ago, I did a lot
of (14) _________, advising people in developing countries on installing
water supplies. However, since I've now settled down and am the main
(15) _________ I feel I have to earn a decent (16) _________ My wife
works (17) _________ but she only went back to work last month. Before
that, she was a(n) (18) _________. I think she enjoyed looking after the
kids but she's always been quite (19) _________ so she didn't want to
stay a housewife forever.

Bài 2: Luyện nói về chủ đề sau: “The importance of tertiary


IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


Bài 1: Hoàn thành các câu sau với dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc.
1. _____________ is on the rise again. The queues outside the job centre
just get longer and longer. (EMPLOY)
2. I have to make a _____________ in front of about 200 people
tomorrow. I'm so nervous. (PRESENT)
3. I think I'm due for a _____________ soon because I've been in my
current role for nearly four years now and I always get good feedback.
4. We have _____________ every six months, where we discuss with
our boss how we've been doing and set our goals for the next six
months. (APPRAISE)
5. Vast numbers of workers are being _____________ at the moment -
business is not what it used to be. (LAY OFF)
6. I fear finding staff with adequate levels of experience may prove
_____________. (PROBLEM)
7. My _____________ include filing and answering the phone.
8. Teaching is apparently one of the most _____________ jobs there is.
And, if I think how naughty my friends and I used to be at school, I'm
not surprised! (STRESS)
9. I work in a bank so I'm used to _____________ with customers.
10. My colleague was given the job of team leader, which is strange as
she is by far the most _____________ member of staff. She's only
nineteen, after all. (EXPERIENCE)
Bài 2: Đọc bài văn sau đây và chọn tiêu đề phù hợp cho mỗi đoạn.
Tiêu đề
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


i. A business coveted by commercial

ii. Value brought by accurate forecasts
iii. Improved weather forecasts
iv. Little profit made from a profitable
v. How people avoid complying with the
vi. A profitable market

It never rains
A. Weather forecasts on Hurricane Floyd, which has just hit North
Carolina, persuaded state governors along the southeastern seaboard to
urge more than 2 million people to evacuate inland. Since 1854, when
state-sponsored meteorology was born, weather forecasting has always
been recognized as a valuable business – one dollar invested in
meteorology is said to yield about $15 in terms of casualties avoided,
harvests saved and so on. But now that the Internet has made selling
weather information so easy, the market is being fought over as never
B. Weather forecasts have become much more accurate over the past 20
years. Today’s three-day forecasts are as good as one-day forecasts were
in 1981. Ten-day forecasts are fast becoming the standard.
C. The more accurate the forecasts, the more they are worth. Sales of iced
tea multiply by five each time the thermometer rises above 15°C. With a
three-day forecasts, retailers can send their orders to their sunniest outlets
and soft-drinks companies can adjust their rate of production. Movie
audiences, medicine consumption and toll receipts all vary according to
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


the sky. In winter, power companies can save up to $100,000 a day if

they know in advance how high users will turn up their heating.
D. Throughout most of its history, weather forecasting has been done by
national governments, although, since any rain forecast for London
incorporates data collected from as far away as Fiji, they have to
cooperate. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO), part of the
United Nations, organizes the free exchange of data among 185 member
states. But the more accurate – and therefore valuable – the weather
forecasts become, the more commercial companies want to get into the
Bài 3: Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở đoạn văn sau đây.
Fast readers are alert, active, and efficient readers. Vast researchers as
well as records (1) (keep) ______________ by speed-reading teachers
prove the faster, the better understanding the readers will develop. On the
other hand, slow readers (2) (tend) ______________ to be passive and
unskilled. Their comprehension or understanding (3) (be)
______________ often low because they work too far below their
potential to remain alert and interested. As a result, their minds (4)
(wander) ______________.
Research and the records of hundreds of teachers show that anyone with
average intelligence (and good sight) can read and understand simple
material at 800 – 1,200 words per minute. The brain can absorb more
rapidly than one can send materials to it. A habit of lazy, passive reading
(5) (produce) ______________ slow readers. Eye muscles will respond
to training. One needs a mental “set” to absorb materials quickly.
Bài 4: Dựa vào những phiên âm sau đây, hãy viết từ hoàn chỉnh và
chính xác. Sau đó đọc lại các từ này một cách chính xác nhất.
1. /əˈdɪʃ.ən.əl/ ________________________
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


2. /ˈtuː.t̬ɚ/ ________________________
3. /ˈriː.sɜːtʃ/________________________
4. /fʊlˈfɪl.mənt/________________________
5. /ˈsek.ʃən/________________________
job satisfaction (n): hài lòng với công sack (n): sa thải ( dùng trong văn nói)
redundant (adj): thừa own boss (n): tự làm chủ
self-employed tự kiếm ăn tự lập earn money (v): kiếm tiền
breadwinner (n): trụ cột retire (v): nghỉ hưu
part-time (adj): bán thời gian an office job (n): công việc văn
volunteer work (n): công việc tình stay-at-home mum (n): bà mẹ nội
nguyện trợ
Career-minded tập trung sự nghiệp overtime (n): làm ngoài giờ
Be responsible chịu trách nhiệm workaholic (n): người tham công
for = be in charge tiếc việc
of (adj)
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


Đáp án (làm xong bài hãy check nha)

politicians – philosophical – statistics – physics – astronomer
If you send your child to a boarding school you can be looking at fees of
almost £8,000 per term. Eton will charge £7,896 a term from
September - a rise of 5.8% on last year's fees. Winchester's fees have
gone up 5% from £7,657 to £7,833 a term. Day schools are cheaper, but
even these are charging an average of £2,796 a term - £8,388 a year.

If you have a baby this year and plan to send him or her to a private day
school for secondary education, it will set you back about £150,000,
according to an independent adviser.

If your child is starting senior school this September, the school fees
between 11 and 18 will total an average of £75,500, assuming the fees
rise by 7% a year.
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


1. B 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. A
1. The chart compares the proportions of Australian males and females in
six age categories who were physically active on a regular basis in the
year 2010.2. Roughly speaking, close to half of Australian adults did
some kind of routine physical activity in 2010.
3. Middle aged females were the most physically active, proportionally,
while males aged 35 to 44 did the least physical activity.
4. In the youngest age category (15 to 24), almost 53% of Australian men
but only 47.7% of women did regular physical activity in 2010.
5. However, between the ages of 25 and 44, men were much less active
on average than women.
6. In fact, in the 35 to 44 age group, a mere 39.5% of males did some
form of regular exercise, compared to 52.5% of females.
7. Between the ages of 45 and 64, the figure for male physical activity
rose to around 45%, while the proportion of active females remained
around 8% higher, at 53%.
8. Finally, the percentages of Australian women and men aged 65 and
over who exercised regularly were almost identical, at approximately
1i, 2 g, 3b, 4c , 5a, 6d, 7f, 8h, 9e lOo, 11s, 12m, 131, 14q, 15j, 16r 17n,
18p, 19k
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


unemployment; presentation; promotion; appraisal; laid off; problematic;
responsibility; stressful; dealing; experienced
A. vi; B. iii; C. ii; D. i
kept – tend – is – wander – has produced
additional – tutor – research – fulfilment – section

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