Khóa học IELTS 0đ Unit 2 - TOURISM AND TRAVEL - IELTS Fighter

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IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


Lớp học 0đ Back-to-school Season

Thực hiện: IELTS Fighter - Chiến binh IELTS

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Bài 1: Điền một từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống.
a. alternative c. old-fashioned e. sufficient g. traditional
b. common d. reasonable f. suitable h. unique
The Grand Hotel was built in 1900 and has a(n) (1) _____________ style;
there is nothing like it in the local area. Although the interior design is (2)
_____________, the facilities are modern. The hotel has a conference
centre and meeting rooms so it is (3) _____________ for business

A(n) (4) _____________ option is the Hotel Royal, which is a(n) (5)
_____________ choice for tourists because the prices are (6)
_____________, and it is next to the beach. The hotel is not modern; in
fact it is quite (7) _____________ and in need of minor repair, but it is (8)
_____________ for a short break.

Bài 2: Phân biết các câu dưới đây, câu nào thể hiện sự thực (Fact),
câu nào thể hiện ý kiến (Opinion). Điền F bên cạnh câu thể hiện sự
thật và O bên cạnh câu thể hiện ý kiến.
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


1. The distance between Birmingham and Cheltenham is about 40 miles. ____

2. There are currently two areas with roadworks between Birmingham ____
and Cheltenham.
3. Cheltenham has music, literature and horseracing festivals, a historic ____
promenade and award-winning gardens. ____
4. Cheltenham is well worth a visit. ____
5. Birmingham is sometimes compared to Venice because of its many
canals. ____
6. You can't get from Birmingham to Cheltenham in less than half an
hour unless you break the speed limit. ____
7. Frankley service station, on the M5 near Birmingham, has shops that ____
provide good value for money. ____
8. The wet season is colder than the dry season.
9. The west coast has the best weather in December.
10. The new system will help scientists to hear whales.

Bài 3: Đọc các đoạn văn dưới đây , điền “YES” nếu các câu đưa ra
quan điểm dưới mỗi đoạn văn đúng và điền “NO” nếu người viết đưa
ra ý kiến ngược lại trong đoạn văn.
Britain never used to have armed police, but when major events are being
held, such as the recent London Olympics, there is a visible presence of
armed police in train stations. Do people using public transport feel
reassured when they see armed police? Possibly. But most of them,
especially visitors to the UK, may feel that there is something to worry
about, especially as they would expect British police not to be armed.
And if we think about it, the police, armed or not, cannot protect us from
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


bombers. But what the police can, and sometimes does do, is make
mistakes, and these are always worse when there are firearms involved.
So in the end, arming police may do more harm than good.
1. Most travellers feel protected when they see armed police in train
2. Even police with guns cannot protect us from bombers
3. The police might shoot somebody by accident
4. It is better not to have armed police in Britain
Instead of complaining about roadworks, the cost of petrol, the price of
cars, etc. we need to think about other options. And I don’t mean car
sharing or building more motorways. I say we try to save our
environment by campaigning for better bus and train networks and for
different types of transport, such as trams.
5. We should complain about car-related problems
6. The environment is not really in danger
7. Public transport needs to be improved
The rise in fuel prices is a very worrying trend. Here are just some
examples of the consequences.
Elderly people cannot afford to heat their houses, people lose their jobs
because they can no longer afford to commute to work, or because they
are made redundant from their jobs in transport-based businesses such as
airlines. Self-employed people often rely on their own transport for work,
e.g. delivery people, florists and taxi drivers, so they may be forced to
close their business. The prices of some food and raw materials also
increase as a direct result of the cost of oil, e.g. the prices of beef and
cotton. Against all of that, there is one possible advantage: car
manufacturers are employing more people to design fuel-efficient cars,
which will benefit the environment. But surely, this is not enough. What
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


we need is international cooperation and political goodwill, to reduce fuel

prices and/ or financially support those who are being affected.
8. We need to be concerned about the increase in the price of fuel
9. There are more problems caused by increasing fuel prices than the
ones mentioned in the passage
10. The price of beef is closely related to the price of oil
11. The rise of fuel prices is not a big problem as the environment is
benefitting from it
12. If we cannot lower the price of fuel then we need more money so that
people can cope with it
Bài 4: Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn YES/NO/NOT GIVEN cho các câu
ở dưới.
The US decision to drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in
1945 was meant to kick-start the Cold War rather than end the Second
World War, according to two nuclear historians who say they have new
evidence backing the controversial theory.
Causing a fission reaction in several kilograms of uranium and plutonium
and killing over 200,000 people 60 years ago was done more to impress
the Soviet Union than to cow Japan, they say. And the US President who
took the decision, Harry Truman, was culpable, they add.
“He knew he was beginning the process of annihilation of the species,”
says Peter Kuznick, the director of the Nuclear Studies Institute at
American University in Washington DC, US. “It was not just a war crime,
it was a crime against humanity”.
According to the official US version of history, an A-bomb was dropped
on Hiroshima on 6 August 1945, and another on Nagasaki three days later,
to force Japan to surrender. The destruction was necessary to bring a
rapid end to the war without the need a costly US invasion.
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


But this is disputed by Kuznick and Mark Selden, a historian from

Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, US. They are presenting their
evidence at a meeting in London on Thursday organized by Greenpeace
and others to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the bombings.
New studies of the US, Japanese and Soviet diplomatic archives suggest
that Truman’s main motive was to limit Soviet expansion in Asia,
Kuznick claims. Japan surrendered because the Soviet Union began an
invasion a few days after the Hiroshima bombing, not because of the
atomic bombs themselves, he says.
According to an account by Walter Brown, assistant to the US Secretary
of State James Byrnes, Truman agreed at a meeting three days before the
bomb was dropped on Hiroshima that Japan was “looking for peace”.
Truman was told by his army generals, Douglas Macarthur and Dwight
Eisenhower, and his naval chief of staff, William Leahy, that there was
no military need to use the bomb.
“Impressing Russia was more important than ending the war in Japan,”
says Selden. Truman was also worried that he would be accused of
wasting money on the Manhattan Project to build the first nuclear bombs,
if the bomb was not used, he adds.
Kuznick and Selden’s arguments, however, were dismissed as
“discredited” by Lawrence Freedman, a war expert from King’s College,
London, UK. He says that Truman’s decision to bomb Hiroshima was
“understandable in the circumstances”. Truman’s main aim had been to
end the war with Japan, Freedman says, but adds that with the wisdom of
hindsight, the bombing may not have been militarily justified. Some
people assumed that the US always had a “malicious and nasty motive”,
he says, “but it ain’t necessarily so.”
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


Read the following passage. Do the statements agree with the views of
the writer? Write:
YES if the statement agrees with the views of the writer
NO if the statement contradicts what the writer thinks
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to know what the writer's point of view
1. The two atomic bombs killed more than 200,000 people in Hiroshima
and Nagasaki.
2. Kuznick and Selden hold contradicting views over the issue of
Hiroshima bomb.
3. Kuznick and Selden work at the same university.
4. Japan is the only country that has been attacked with atomic bombs.
5. According to the American government, A-bombs were used to defeat
6. According to Kuznick, Japan surrendered because of the Russian army
rather than the A-bombs. 7. According to Water Brown, US army
generals were against the use of A-bombs.
8. Walter Brown was the Secretary of State when Truman was the
President of America.

Bài 1: Bạn có thể sử dụng nhiều động từ khác nhau để miêu tả sự
thay đổi trong các biểu đồ. Nối các đông từ thích hợp dưới đây để
miêu tả các loại đường trong các biểu đồ dưới đây.
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


to increase to fall to remain stable

to fluctuate To rise to decrease
to drop to go down to go up To
stay the same
1. ___________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________
Bài 2: Làm theo các yêu cầu sau.
A. Hoàn thành các câu miêu tả biểu đồ dưới đây bằng cách điền một
từ in đậm cho sẵn vào chỗ trống.
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


fluctuated rapid increase rose sharply

sharp drop

1. There was a ______________ in the number of holidays to France in

2. The number of travellers on long-haul flights ______________
between 2006 and 2012.
3. There was a ______________ in the amount of money spent on
holidays in August 2009.
4. The price of skiing holidays______________ in 2008.
B. Điền một liên từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống
1. There was a slight increase in holidays to France between
2006______________ 2007.
2. The number of long-haul flights fluctuated______________ four years.
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


3. The money spent on holidays remained stable______________ June

and July.
4. The price of skiing holidays rose slightly______________ 2005 to
Bài 3: Dựa vào những từ gợi ý sau, hãy viết thành các câu hoàn
1. Korea and Japan/ predict/ experience/ major/ increase/ their/
dependency ratios.
2. The chart/ show/ number/ people/ live/ cities/ three/ continent/ over/
three-year period/, as/ percentage/ of/ overall/ population.
3. In/ 2000, urban/ migration/ increase/ worldwide/, almost/ 50%/ the
world’s population/ live/ in cities.
4. In/ 1979, beef/ by/ far/ most/ popular/ food/, about/ 225 grams/
consume/ per/ person/ per/ week.
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


5. The/ most/ common/ reason/ learning/ French/ the/ lovely sound/
infinite/ variation/ of/ language/ itself, as/ 60%/ people/ agree.

Bài 1: nối từ với cách phiên âm tương ứng, sau đó luyện đọc các từ
đơn lẻ theo cặp
1. sightseeing A. /ˈkerfriː/ 9. money I. /ˈbækpækɪŋ /
2. nightlife B. /ˈfeɪvərɪt/ 10. carefree J. /ˈdredfl/
3. landed C. /ˈnaɪtlaɪf/ 11. decade K. /ˈdekeɪd/
4. architecture D. /ˈlændɪd/ 12. dreadful L. /ˌʌnfərˈɡetəbl/
5. impression E. /ˈsaɪtsiːɪŋ/ 13. unforgettable M. /ˈfæbjələs/
6. amazing F. /əˈmeɪzɪŋ/ 14. favourite N. /ˈmʌni//
7.tiring G. /ˈtaɪərɪŋ/ 15. backpacking O. /ɪmˈpreʃn/
8. lifetime H. /ˈɑːrkɪtektʃər/ 16. fabulous P. /ˈlaɪftaɪm/

Bài 2: Lập nhóm 2 người và thảo luận về chủ đề sau: “Tell about the
country that you want to travel to”.
Gợi ý: Lập dàn bài theo các gợi ý sau:
1. What is the name of the country that you want to come to?
2. Where is it located?
3. Does it have any interesting features about culture or food?
4. How do you feel about that country?
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


5. What will you do to realize your dream?

Bài 1: Đọc bài văn sau đây và khoanh tròn đáp án chính xác nhất cho
mỗi câu hỏi.
Winter driving
Winter is dangerous because it is so difficult to know what is going to
happen and accidents take place so easily. Fog can be waiting to meet you
over the top of a hill. Ice might be hiding beneath the melting snow,
waiting to send you off the road. The car coming towards you may
suddenly slide across the road.
Rule Number One for driving on icy roads is to drive smoothly. Uneven
movements can make a car suddenly very difficult to control. So every
time you either turn the wheel, touch the brakes or increase your speed,
you must be as gentle and slow as possible. Imagine you are driving with
a full cup of hot coffee on the seat next to you. Drive so that you
wouldn’t spill it.
Rule Number Two is to pay attention to what might happen. The more ice
there is, the further down the road you have to look. Test how long it
takes to stop by gently braking. Remember that you may be driving more
quickly than you think. In general, allow double your normal stopping
distance when the road is wet, three times this distance on snow, and even
more ice. Try to stay in control of your car at all times and you will avoid
1. What is the writer trying to do in the text?
A. complain about bad winter driving
B. warn people against driving in winter
C. advise people about safe driving in winter
2. Why would somebody read this text?
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


A. to find out about the weather

B. for information on driving lessons
C. to learn about better driving
3. What does the writer think?
A. People should avoid driving in the snow.
B. Drivers should expect problems in winter.
C. People drive too fast in winter.
4. Why does the writer talk about a cup of coffee?
A. to explain the importance of smooth movements
B. because he thinks refreshments are important for drivers
C. becaue he wants drivers to be more relaxed
5. Which traffic sign shows the main idea of the text?

Bài 2: Nối các cặp từ ngược nghĩa trong hai cột dưới đây
1 beautiful a traditional
2 comfortable b unfriendly
3 delicious c boring
4 exciting d horrible
5 friendly e disgusting
6 modern f e

Bài 3: Các câu dưới đây có câu đúng và có câu sai khi miêu tả biểu
đồ. Dựa vào biểu đồ, hãy xác định và điền T (true) nếu là câu đúng và
F (false) nếu là câu sai.
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


1. The graph shows the popularity of three different types of holiday from

1990 to 2020 in millions of travellers. ……T…..

2. City breaks increased gradually from 2 million travellers in 1990 to 3

million in 2010. _____

3. There was a slight increase in skiing holidays after 1990, then they

remained stable for about 5 years. _____

4. From 2010 to 2020 it is predicted that there will be a sharp rise in the

number of people who go on skiing holidays. _____

5. Beach holidays have decreased gradually from over 4 million to 3.5

million travelers. _____

6. From 2010 to 2020 there was a sharp drop in the number of people

who went on skiing holidays. _____

Bài 4: Chia động từ trong ngoặc trong đoạn văn sau đây. Dựa vào
biểu đồ để xác định thì phù hợp.
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


The graph (1)_____________(show) how many tourists (2)

_____________ (visit) three countries in the summer of 2009. Most
tourists (3) _____________ (go) to Singapore between June and
September. The number (4) _____________ (fluctuate) between 3.5 and
4.5 thousand. Fewer tourists (5) _____________ (travel) to Japan and
Thailand. The number of people who visited Thailand (6)
_____________ (drop) gradually from 2.5 thousand to about 1.8 from
June to August then (7) _____________ (rise) to 3 thousand in
September. We can (8) _____________ (see) that the trend for Japan was
similar. There was a sharp drop in tourists from June to July. The number
(9) _____________(remain stable) in August and then (10)
_____________ (increase) steadily in September.
1. Từ vựng miêu tả xu hướng (V - N)
● Rise - A rise
● Increase - An increase
Xu hướng tăng: ● Grow - A growth
● Climb - A climb
● Go up - An upward trend
Xu hướng giảm: ● Fall - A fall
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


● Decrease - A decrease
● Reduce - A reduction
● Decline - A decline
● Go down - A downward trend
● Drop - A drop
● Remain stable/ steady (v)
Xu hướng ổn định: ● Stabilize (v)- Stability (n)
● Stay stable/ unchanged (v)
● Fluctuate - A fluctuation
Xu hướng dao động:
● Be volatile - A volatility
● Hit the highest point (v)
Đạt mức cao nhất:
● Reach a peak (v)
Đạt mức thấp nhất: ● Hit the lowest point (v)

2. Từ vựng miêu tả tốc độ thay đổi (Adv - Adj).

● Dramatically - Dramatic: Tốc độ thay đổi mạnh, ấn tương
● Sharply - Sharp : Cực nhanh, rõ ràng
● Enormously - Enormous: Cực lớn
● Steeply - Steep: Tốc độ thay đổi lớn
● Substantially - Substantial: Đáng kể
● Considerably - Considerate: Tốc độ thay đổi nhiều
● Significantly - Significant: Nhiều
● Rapidly - Rapid: Nhanh
● Moderately - Moderate: Bình thường
● Gradually - Gradual: Tốc độ thay đổi từ từ
● Slightly - Slight: Nnhẹ, không đáng kể
● Marginally - Marginal: Tốc độ thay đổi chậm, nhỏ
Các cụm từ chỉ thời gian
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


● Over the 20 year period....: Trong khoảng thời gian (20 năm)
● From 1990 to 2000....: Từ năm (1999) đến năm (2000)
● Over the years...: Qua nhiều năm
● In the last 10 years...: Trong vòng (10) năm qua
● In the years after 1990...: Trong những năm (1999)
Go sightseeing (v): đi ngắm cảnh Carefree (adj): vô tư, thảnh thơi
Nightlife (n): cuộc sống về đêm Decade (n): thập kỉ
Land (v): hạ cánh Dreadful (adj): khủng khiếp
Architecture (n): kiến trúc Unforgettable (adj): không thể quên
Impression (n): sự ấn tượng Favourite (adj): yêu thích
Amazing (adj): tuyệt vời Lifetime (n): cả cuộc đời
Tiring (adj): mệt Fabulous (adj): tuyệt diệu
Backpack (n): ba lô

Đáp án:



1 h, 2 c/g, 3 f, 4 a, 5 b/f, 6 d, 7 c/g, 8 e/f





IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666









Paragraph 1

1 NO - people feel reassured... ? Possibly. But most of them, especially

visitors to the UK,

may feel that there Is something to worry about...

2 YES - the police, armed or not, cannot protect us from bombers

3 YES - ... police ... sometimes... make mistakes ... worse when there are
firearms Involved

4 YES - arming police may do more harm than good

Paragraph 2

5 NO - instead of complaining...

6 NO - try to save our environment

7 YES - try... campaigning for better bus and train networks and... trams

Paragraph 3

8 YES - the rise in fuel prices is a very worrying trend

IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


9 YES - Here are just some examples of the consequences

10 YES - The prices of food... also increase as a direct result of the cost
of oil, e.g.... beef

11 NO - it is true that the environment may benefit: there is one possible

advantage ... but...

surely, this is not enough11

12 YES - What we need is reduce fuel prices and/or financially

support those who are

being affected












1. [to increase], to rise, to go up

2. to fall, to decrease, to go down, to drop

IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


3. to remain stable, to stay the same

4. to fluctuate



1. rapid increase

2. fluctuated

3. sharp drop

4. rose sharply


1. And

2. For

3. Between, in

4. From


1. Korea and Japan are predicted to experience a major increase in their

dependency ratios.

2. The chart shows the number of people living in cities in three

continents over a three-year

period, as a percentage of the overall population.

3. In 2000, urban migration increased worldwide, with almost 50% of the

world’s population living

in cities.12
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


4. In 1979, beef was by far the most popular food, with about 225 grams
consumed per person per


5. The most common reason for learning French is the lovely sound and
infinite variation of the

language itself, as 60% of the people would agree.









1. d



2. f



IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666


1. T 2. T

3. F 4. F 5. T 6. F


1. shows; 2. visited; 3. went; 4. fluctuated; 5. traveled; 6. dropped; 7. rose;

8. see;

9. remained stable; 10. increased















IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666





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