1323-Sharn Galifar Heist Conversion Guide v1.7

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A Conversion Guide for

Waterdeep: Dragon Heist™ to the

Eberron Campaign Setting for
DUNGEON & DRAGONS 5th edition
Version 1.7

Table of Contents

Introduction 1 App. A. Districts of Sharn……24

Main Adversaries…………………..…….2 App. B. Organizations and
Factions in Sharn………………………27
Organizations and Factions...3
APP. C. Character Conversion
Introduction and Chapter One Examples…………………………………………28
Characters and NPCs………………………………………4
Locations……………………………………………………….5 App. D. Non-Player
Chapter Two
Version 1.7
Characters and NPCs………………………………………6 Created by
Locations……………………………………………………….8 Collin D. Freeman

Chapter Three Interior Art

Characters and NPCs………………………………………9 All artwork presented in this conversion guide is
Locations……………………………………………………..10 provided by Wizards of the Coast from the DMs Guild
Creator Resource. Most illustrations are from the
Eberron Guild Creation Resources.
Chapter Four
Characters and NPCs……………………………………11
Location Spring…………………………………………...13
Location Summer………………………………………...13
Location Autumn…………………………………………14
Location Winter…………………………………………..14

Chapters Five, Six, Seven, and

Characters and NPCs……………………………………15
Characters, Monsters, and
Races by Alphabetical Order,
First Name…………………………………….17

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of
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All other original content material in this work is copyright (2020) by Collin D. Freeman and published under the community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild

In many instances within this conversion guide, more than one
This guide is intended for players of the DUNGEON & DRAGONS
option is provided for transposing a WDH character into a character
Roleplaying Game who want to play the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist™
associated with Sharn and the Eberron world. As is often the case
adventure published by Wizards of the Coast ® in the Eberron®
within the resource material, only the most basic information about a
campaign setting. This guide is not all encompassing, but in many
character is provided in the Eberron ‒ Sharn option (e.g., Lord Mayor
instances will offer more than one option for the Dungeon Master
Cathan ir’Demell [LN], Human, Noble). It is not the intent of this guide
(DM) to choose in transposing the settings, characters, and overall
to change all of the previously established game statistics or
flavor of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist (WDH) to the Eberron setting. Only
mechanics for any characters, whether official, or part of “homebrew”
the elements of the WDH adventure up through Chapter 8 have
player-created material. However, some conversions are offered as
possible alternatives in this guide — the Waterdeep city setting
possible Eberron ‒ Sharn 5th edition alternatives in Appendix C. In
material in the Volo’s Waterdeep Enchiridion™ is not addressed in this
addition, Appendix D offers up a few new possible alternative rule
conversion guide, owing to the nature of the two settings and
NPCs to use in your Eberron adventures. Any other character
previously published material for Sharn: City of Towers™. Due to the
conversions from a previous edition of DUNGEON & DRAGONS to 5th
detail of the two distinct settings, conversion from the Forgotten
edition rules, including changes in class, levels, etc. is at the sole
Realms to Eberron will likely require a fair amount of extra time for
discretion and responsibility of the DM.
the DM in making whatever choices he or she decides in order to
Also, be careful not to get confused with sound-similar names
implement the adventure in Eberron.
(e.g., Force Grey in the Forgotten Realms is not the same as The Gray
This conversion guide sets the WDH adventure in the Breland
Tide in Eberron). Oh, and in case you were wondering about the title
city of Sharn. From the beginning, the DM may choose a different city,
of this document, in Waterdeep, gold coins are referred to as
and even a different country, such as Karrlakton in Karrnath or
“dragons”; in Eberron, they are called “galifars". Dragons in Eberron
Fairhaven in Aundair. These choices may make relocation of
are platinum coins, which you are welcome to use as the heisted loot,
Waterdeep and the Dragon Heist adventure in the Forgotten Realms
but of course you will have increased the value of such a treasure by
to an Eberron setting easier or more difficult for the DM; as with
10-fold (i.e., instead of 500,000 gold pieces you will have increased
everything else in this guide, it is completely up to the DM to make
the value to 5,000,000 gp).
the choice.
All material presented in this conversion guide, including
The city of Sharn was chosen for this conversion for two
previously published material, books, names, races, locations, and
organizations, are subject to any and all rights of Wizards of the
1) Amount of resource material available Coast, and if used, are at the sole discretion of the DM and players.
2) Anticipated familiarity from DMs and players based on Also, the statistics for any characters converted to Eberron may
materials published by Wizards of the Coast for the Eberron simply be used from their original counterparts in the WDH book
campaign setting rather than creating or re-creating statistics for an alternative
character in Sharn or some other Eberron resource.
To begin, you will need a copy of the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Bottom line: It is entirely up to you. Use as much or as little of
adventure published by Wizards of the Coast. The DM will also need this guide as you like.
all of the core rulebooks associated with DUNGEON & DRAGONS 5th If you choose to use any of the conversions in this guide, I hope
edition, including the Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, and you find them helpful, but most importantly, I hope you have fun!
Dungeon Master’s Guide. It will also be immensely helpful for this May the dragon above be with you!
conversion guide if the DM has a copy of the Eberron resource book:
Sharn: City of Intrigue, published for DUNGEON & DRAGONS 3.5
edition by Wizards of the Coast or any similar resource from Wizards
of the Coast or the Dungeon Master’s Guild that offers a map of Sharn
(see Appendix A for a listing of the districts of Sharn and Appendix
B for a general list of organizations and factions in Sharn). Other
resource materials, such as The Wayfarer’s Guide to Eberron, Eberron:
Rise from the Last War, and previously printed materials concerning
the world of Eberron published by Wizards of the Coast (e.g., The
Player’s Guide to Eberron, Unearthed Arcana pertaining to Eberron,
The Explorer’s Guide to Eberron, etc.) will also be helpful to the DM in
order to become more familiar with the Eberron setting and the
options provided, as several of these resources were used in creating
the suggestions for this guide. Due to copyright and ownership of
such materials, items such as a map of Sharn are not available for use
in this conversion guide. If the DM does not already have these
resources or chooses not to purchase them, the information provided
here may still be useful, but could require further work on the part of
the DM to “fill in the gaps” in terms of playing the adventure.
Many of the characters, monsters, non-player characters, and
locations are given possible Eberron substitutes, starting at their first
mention in the WDH book by chapter/section, and not repeated later
in this guide (i.e., the initial conversions should serve to carry on
throughout the rest of the adventure). In addition, an alphabetical
listing of possible organizations/factions of Sharn are also provided
in Appendix B. Not all characters and locations from WDH will have
a conversion to a suggested Eberron substitute in this guide. If you do
not find a conversion alternative in this guide, it was considered
unnecessary or unimportant by this guide’s author and assumed the
information provided in WDH would be sufficient.

Waterdeep Dragon Heist Name: Name of character in the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist adventure.
Eberron: Name of characters in Eberron
AL: Alignment of the alternative character
Race: Race of the alternative character
Class: For single class characters, their class is listed with their class level. Multi-classed characters are listed according to each separate class and level, separated by a /. The DM is free to
use whatever player character or NPC classes seem suitable.
Affiliation: Organizations or individuals to which the character has a connection. When clear-cut, these have been listed in priority order (most important allegiance first).
Book Page: The primary listing for a character or location is in bold if there is more than one reference page for a resource.
Location: Place in Sharn where a location is found or the most likely place(s) a location would be found.
Key: 5 Nat=Five Nations; Art=artificer; Brd=bard; CE=chaotic evil; CG=chaotic good; Chmp=champion; Cmn=commoner; CN=chaotic neutral; CR=challenge rating; Dgmk=dragonmark(ed);
DWM=The Darkwood Mask by Jeff LaSala; ECS=Eberron Campaign Setting 3.5; Enc=enchanter; ERL=Eberron: Rising from the Last War; ExGE=Explorer’s Guide to Eberron; Ftr=fighter;
LG=lawful good; LE=lawful evil; LN=lawful neutral; MM=Monster Manuel; N=neutral; NG=neutral good; NE=neutral evil; Nec=necromancer; PGE=Player’s Guide to Eberron 3.5;
SoS=Secrets of Sarlona; Sharn=Sharn: City of Intrigue; Swb=swashbuckler; VGM=Volo’s Guide to Monsters; Vtn=veteran; WDH=Waterdeep: Dragon Heist; WGE=Wayfinder’s Guide to

Main Adversaries
Waterdeep: Eberron Eberron
Dragon Heist Option 1 Option 2
Name/AL Race Class Affiliation Book Name/AL Race Class Affiliation Book Recommendations
Page(s) Page(s)
WDH 220; Quoribred An aberrant dragonmark
SOS 151;
New leader of ExGE 123; beholder Dreaming leader of House
Xanathar Xaejil (LE) Beholder —
Daask Sharn 151

ECS 240;
Tarkanan is another
Sharn 175
MM 26 Appendix C) possibility.
WDH 193, The Dreaming Dark
Lord Victoro 218; would also make a good
Kielsten WDH 193, Victoro (LE)
Cult of the Sharn 92, choice. See the
and Lady Marquan (NE) Dwarf and 218; and Ammalia
Nobles Radiant Cult Human Nobles Dragon Below 98, 101, d’Deneith family in
Ammalia and Ammalia Human Sharn 47, (LE)
(Khyber) 102, 175; Sharn 114.
Cassalanter Marquan (NE) 176 ir’Cassalanter
ECS 70, 172,
Prince Kel would allow
Syrina for not needing a Hat of
see Gray Tide WDH 206; Master Deathsgate ExGE 74;
Jarlaxle Baenre Prince Kel (N) Changeling d’Lyrander Half-elf Disguise as Jarlaxle uses
Appendix C Principality PGE 98 thief Guild VGM 216
(CN) in WDH. Syrina is a
female alternative.
WDH 208; Use the character stats
ERL 145, 225; for Manshoon in WDH
WDH 208;
WGE 18, 50, 209 but possibly change
Order of the Manshoon ERL 68, 246;
Manshoon Manshoon (LE) Human Nec
Emerald Claw
Halfling Archmage Boromar Clan
Sharn 150;
his affiliation, name, and
Sharn 176; race.
MM 342
ECS 245;
VGM 217

Organizations and Factions (see Appendix B for more information about Organizations and Factions in Sharn)
Waterdeep: Eberron Eberron Comments/
Dragon Heist Option 1 Option 2 Recommendations
Name Name Race(s) Book/Pages Name Race(s) Book/Pages
Sharn 14, 92, 145; Another option would be
Any (mostly
Bregan D’aerthe Sailors/soldiers of the Gray Tide PGE 98 Deathsgate Adventuring Guild Any ERL 65, 158; House Tarkanan
WGE 138, 150
Sharn 130, 134; ERL
City Watch Sharn Watch Any — — —
256; WGE 134, 138
ECS 64; Sharn 20;
Mostly halflings and
Corellon’s Crown Healers Guild and Handlers Guild ERL 42, 43; — — —
WGE 98, 99
Sharn 92, 98, 101, Other choices would be the
Cult of Asmodeus Radiant Idol cult Any Sharn 47, 176, 180 Cult of the Dragon Below Any 102, 175; ERL 145; Blood of Vol or the
ECS 70, 172,230 Dreaming Dark.
ECS 198, 241; ECS 172, 246;
Emerald Enclave The Gatekeepers Any Sharn 42, 85; ERL 149, Wardens of the Wood Any ERL 149;
202; WGE 29 WGE 29
ECS 145; ERL 76, 181; Sharn 118, 139;
Force Gray/
Citadel Agents Any Sharn 112, 130, 138, Dark Lanterns Any ERL 76, 181;
Gray Hands
163 5 Nat 69; ECS 145
ECS 239; WRL 42;
Griffon Calvary House Vadalis Handler’s Guild Any (mostly humans) — — —
WGE 98
Guild of Chandlers Magewrights would be
House Cannith Tinkerers Guild Any ECS 232; — — —
and Lamplighters prevalent in this guild.
ECS 232; Sharn 87,88, ECS 235; Another option would be
Harpers House Deneith, Blademarks Any 114, 148; House Medani Warning Guild Any (mostly half-elves) ERL 40; the Shadow Network run by
ERL 173; WGE 138 WGE 96 House Thuranni.
ERL 187; WGE 18; Might also consider the
ERL 37, 45, 74, 102;
ECS 192, 212, 227; Wayfinder Foundation
Lord’s Alliance The Twelve Dragonmarked WGE 93, 97, 101, 111 The Aurum Any (mostly dwarves)
Sharn 40, 109, 118,
ECS 179, 245
ECS 209, 229;
Knights of Thrane,
Order of the Sharn 22, 24, 31, 46,
Cathedral of the Cleansing Flame Any (mostly human) — — —
Gauntlet 63, 82, 84, 105, 130;
(Silver Flame)
ERL 96, 166
Sharn 45
Steam and Steel Fabricator’s Guild Any — — —
ECS 232
ECS 64; ERL 41;
Tiger’s Eye Finder’s Guild Any — — —
WGE 97
Waterdeep Wazoo Sharn Inquisitive Any Sharn 17, 22, 69 — — —
Sharn 14, 33, 57, 59, ECS 195, 222, 240; You could consider House
61, 63, 97, 101, 102, Sharn 109, 114, 121, Tarkanan and making the
Xanathar Guild Daask Monsters 119, 151; Dreaming Dark Inspired, Quori 175; “guild” aberrant
ERL 71, 179, 249; WGE ERL 138, 196; dragonmarked persons
24, 145, 167 WGE 18, 56, 63
Sharn 14, 57, 59, 61‒ Sharn 72, 73, 88, 90, Another possibility would be
66, 97, 108, 111, 125, 93, 176; the Deathsgate Adventurer’s
Zhentarim Boromar Clan Mostly Halflings 150; ERL 179; 249; Order of the Emerald Claw Any (mostly human) ECS 244; guild (Sharn 14, 92, 145)
WGE 24, 79, 144, 146, ERL 145, 225;
149, 167 WGE 18, 50, 168

Introduction and Chapter One
Characters and NPCs
Eberron Eberron
Waterdeep: Option 1 Option 2 Comments/
Dragon Heist Book
Book Page(s) Recommendations
Name Name/AL Race Class Affiliation(s) Name/AL Race Class Affiliation(s) Page(s)
House Another choice is Keslo
Sharn 52, 53; House
Hascal see Ghallanda, Eranna ERL 168, 240; d’Challanda (N) Halfling and
Durnan Halfling ERL 240; Halfling Cmn Ghallanda,
d’Ghallanda (NG) Appendix C The Drunken d’Ghallanda (NG) WGE 149 Ghallanda Hall (Sharn 60)
WGE 151 Ghallanda Hall
ERL 17; The Changeling Gang of 5 is
Bonnie Bonnie (N) Changeling Cmn WGE 60; — — — — — a substitute for the
gang of 5
WDH 20, 221 doppelganger gang.
WDH 20, 195; WDH 20, 195;
Mattrim “3 Mattrim Mereg Citadel Elite, Mattrim Mereg Warning Guild,
Human Brd Sharn 163; Half-elf Brd ERL 40;
Strings” Mereg (LG) King’s Citadel (LG) House Medani
ERL 76, 181 WGE 96
WDH 20, 205; WDH 20, 205;
Jalester Jalester See WDH Wayfinder Jalester See WDH
Human ECS 247; Human King’s Citadel ERL 76, 181;
Silvermane Silvermane (LG) 205 Foundation Silvermane (LG) 205
ERL 68 Sharn 139
ECS 232;
WDH 20, 210; Sharn 87,88,
Meloon Meloon See WDH Meloon See WDH
Human Dark Lanterns Sharn 118, 139; Human Blademarks 114, 148;
Wardragon Wardragon (NE) 210 Wardragon (NE) 210
ERL 76, 181 ERL 173;
WGE 138
WDH 20; Obaya could be from
ECS 35, 69; Q’barra or Xen’drick.
Obaya Uday Obaya Uday (NG) Human Priest Kol Korran — — — — —
ERL 141, 165;
WGE 32, 134
WDH 20; WDH 20; Another possibility is to
Yagra Stonefist Sharn 150; Deathsgate Sharn 14, 92, make Yagra another race
Yagra Stonefist Half-orc Thug Boromar Clan Yagra Stonefist (N) Half-orc Thug
(N) ERL 68, 246; Guild 145; and loosely associated with
WGE 79, 144 ERL 65, 158 the Emerald Claw.
ERL 290; Another possibility is a
ECS 281; see vrock (see MM 64).
Troll Dolgaunt (LE) Dolgaunt — Khyber Bearded devil (LE) Bearded devil — Khyber MM 68
alternate in
Appendix D
WDH 218; You could just change
Volocamp Acquisitions
Shellek (NE) Changeling Noble ExGE 57; — — — — — Volo’s name to something
Geddarm Directorate
ERL 17; WGE 60 else.
A simple name change
Sharn 111, 112; Lord Mayor Sharn 38,
Dagult Dagult ir’Nelview 60 Families of City Council of would work. You could just
Human See WDH ERL 154; Cathan Human Noble 112;
Neverember (NG) Sharn Sharn add ir’ to the last name for
WGE 141 ir’Demell (LN) MM 348
any noble.
Renaer would be the son of
whoever you chose Dagult
Renaer Renaer ir’Nelview 60 Families of Renaer ir’Demell 60 Families of Sharn 111
Human See WDH Sharn 111, 112 Human See WDH to be, but regardless, he
Neverember (CG) Sharn (CG) Sharn
would be affiliated with the
60 families of Sharn.

Eberron Eberron
Waterdeep: Option 1 Option 2 Comments/
Dragon Heist Book
Book Page(s) Recommendations
Name Name/AL Race Class Affiliation(s) Name/AL Race Class Affiliation(s) Page(s)
Sharn 47, 48, Your choices for Dagult and
Laeral Lord Mayor Sharn 38, 112;
108, 111; Renaer may dictate who
Silverhand, Cathan ir’Demell Human Noble City Council ERL 156; Sava Kharisa (NG) Human Mage City Council
ERL 156; fills this role.
Open Lord (LN) MM 348
MM 347
VGM 125; ECS 240, 290; Other possibilities here
Sadran d’Deneith see The Dreaming
Nihiloor Xor’chylic (LE) Mind-flayer Psion Droaam, Daask ECS 167; Human Inspired Sharn 64, could be a medusa or a
(LE) Appendix C Dark
MM 222 114, 120, 175 night hag.
MM 350; Duergar are not likely to be
ECS 240, 290; anywhere near Sharn in
MM 163; Inspired Agents The Dreaming
Duergar Gnoll (CE) Gnoll — Daask Human/Inspired Thug Sharn 175; Eberron. Shifters as thugs
Sharn 151 (LE) Dark
ERL 137; would also work for Daask.
WGE 54
Another possibility is to
Halflings and Sharn 103;
Wererats The Rats (CE) Thugs The Rats — — — — — make wererats part of The
gnomes MM 350
Rat gang in the Sharn Cogs.

Introduction and Chapter One

Eberron Eberron Comments/
Option 1 Option 2 Recommendations
Dragon Heist
Name Name Location Page(s) Name Location Page(s)
Sharn 13, 14, 52, You could have the Portal be a
Clifftop, 92; Callastan, true portal to Khyber, the
Yawning Portal The Drunken Dragon The Anvil WGE 149
Upper Dura ERL 168; WGE Lower Dura underworld of Eberron.
Highwater, Sharn 55; Skysedge Park, Sharn 42;
Phaulkonmere Pegasus Spire The Gatehouse
Upper Dura ERL 168 Upper Central Plateau ERL 161
This tavern could be placed in
Dragoneyes Deathsgate, Sharn 93;
Skewered Dragon Skewered Dragon Sharn 14, 96, 97 Redblades any lower or possibly middle
Lower Tavick’s Landing Middle Tavick’s Landing ERL 174
ward that has taverns.
This shop should be next to
Dragoneyes Deathsgate,
Xoblob’s Shop Xoblob’s Shop Sharn 14, 96, 97 Xoblob’s Shop Sharn 93 where you place the Skewered
Lower Tavick’s Landing Middle Tavick’s Landing
Sharn 11, 99,
The Sewers The Sewers The Sewers 111; — — —
ERL 178
Khyber’s Gate, Sharn 101;
Spouting Fish Shamukaar — — —
Upper Cogs ERL 178

Chapter Two
Characters and NPCs
Eberron Eberron
Waterdeep: Option 1 Option 2 Comments/
Dragon Heist Book
Book Page(s) Recommendations
Name Name/AL Race Class Affiliation Page(s) Name/AL Race Class Affiliation
VGM 210; Drow would be extremely
Gray Tide Sharn 14, 92, unlikely outside of Xen’drik.
See WGE 43; Deathsgate Deathsgate
Drow Gunslingers Wandslingers or Changeling Gray Tide Any Archer 145; Could also use Gray Tide
Appendix C PGE 98 Archers (CE) Guild
Archers (CN) ERL 65, 158; Archers (see Appendix C).
WGE 138, 150 Gunpowder use is up to you.
Haftak ir’Clarn Haftak’s Books
Gaxly Rudderbust Human Cmn Sharn 69 — — — — —
(NG) and Binding
Nar’l goes from being a drow
WDH 211; Deathsgate WDH 211;
to another race based on
Nar’l Xibrinas Nar’l Xibrinas Changeling Mage Gray Tide/Daask ERL 17, 317; Narl Brinas Kalashtar Mage Guild/The ERL 29, 317;
what you substitute for the
WGE 60 Dreaming Dark WGE 62
Bregan D’aerthe.
WDH 15, 35;
Mellanor The Mellanor Wardens of the WDH 15, 35;
Mellanor Fellbranch Half-elf Druid Sharn 42, 85; Half-elf Druid
Fellbranch (N) Gatekeepers Fellbranch (N) Wood ECS 246
ECS 241
Jeryth Phaulkon Disembodied The WDH 15, 36; Jeryth Disembodied Wardens of the WDH 15, 36;
Jeryth Phaulkon Demigod Demigod
(N) voice Gatekeepers ECS 241 Phaulkon (N) voice Wood ECS 246
Sir Ambrose Church of the Sharn 105; Gaia is female; use knight
Gaia Sotharr (LG) Human Knight — — — — — stats just like Ambrose.
Everdawn Silver Flame MM 347
Dragons are somewhat
different in Eberron. You may
Zelifarn, young want to pick another
Zelifarn (LG) Ki-rin — — VGM 163 Marid (CN) Genie — — MM 142
bronze dragon creature. These 2 are
suggestions based on the
location in WDH.
WDH 217; You could also use Vajra
VGM 213;
King’s Citadel, Sharn 118. Safahr’s stat block from WDH
Lieutenant Zaira Sharn 140; Vajra Safahr
Vajra Safahr Half-elf Enc The King’s Human See WDH Dark Lanterns 139; for Lt. Zaira Dane.
Dane (LG) 5 Nat 51, 72; (LN)
Wands 5 Nat 69;
ERL 76, 181
ERL 76, 181
Depending on who you
Remallia Blademarks or
60 Families of Sharn 86; substitute for the Harpers,
Remallia Haventree Celyria ir’Tain (N) Half-elf Noble d’Haventree Half-elf See WDH Warning Guild, WDH 214
Sharn MM 348 that may help you decide
(LG) House Medani
who Remallia is in Eberron.
Rancid Beetle Appendix C; Roach Thrall Appendix C;
Carrion Crawler Undead — — Aberration — —
Zombie (N) Sharn 183 (NE) Sharn 183
WDH 38; Dreaming WDH 38; If you use Daask, Harko could
Orc War The Dreaming
Harko Swornhold Harko (NE) Orc Daask MM 246; Harko (CE) Inspired Dark Spy ECS 240, 290; be just about any humanoid
Chief Dark
Sharn 151 (Appendix C) Sharn 175 race, but typically monstrous.
ERL 52, 320; If you choose the 2nd option,
Esloon Bezant The Closed Esloon Bezant House Sharn 14, 45, Esloon will have an aberrant
Esloon Bezant Human Mage Sharn 146 Human Asn
(LE) Circle (LE) Tarkanan 61, 68, 154; dragonmark.

Eberron Eberron
Waterdeep: Option 1 Option 2 Comments/
Dragon Heist Book
Book Page(s) Recommendations
Name Name/AL Race Class Affiliation Page(s) Name/AL Race Class Affiliation
Cathedral of the
Savra Belabranta MM 347; Kaira Faine Church of the MM 348;
Savra Belabranta Human Knight Cleansing Flame Half-elf Priest
(NG) Sharn 31, 46 (LG) Silver Flame Sharn 84
(Silver Flame)
You could also trade some of
Order of the WDH 39;
Flying Snake Bat Bat — — — — — — the flying snakes in WDH for
Emerald Claw MM 318
giant bats.
Davil Starsong Bandit Davil Starsong Bandit Order of the Other possible affiliations
Davil Starsong Any Boromar Clan WDH 40, 199 Any WDH 40, 199
(N) Captain (N) Captain Emerald Claw include the Deathsgate guild.
WDH 40, 199,
Tashlyn Yafeera Order of the
Tashlyn Yafeera Human Chmp 200 — — — — —
(N) Emerald Claw
Sharn 176
Ulkoria MM 342; Ulkoria Sharn 53, 102, Another possibility is the
Ulkoria The King’s The Esoteric
Stonemarrow Dwarf Archmage Sharn 140; Stonemarrow Dwarf Archmage 146, 147; Guild of Starlight and
Stonemarrow Wands Order
(NG) ERL 181 (NG) ERL 158 Shadow.
ERL 290; For the Summer adventure
ECS 281; see Appropriate path, it is better to keep
Spined Devils Dolgaunt (LE) Dolgaunt — Khyber Cult Fanatic Any Cult fanatic MM 345
alternate in cult them as spined devils.
Appendix D
Sharn 92, 98,
Gysheer Omfreys WDH 39; Gysheer Cult of the 101, 102, 175;
Gysheer Omfreys Human Cult Fanatic Radiant Cult Human Cult Fanatic
(LE) Sharn 47, 176 Omfreys (LE) Dragon Below ECS 70, 172,
Ziki is from the Murder in
Oakbridge adventure in
ERL 17, 317;
Aldem Dungeon magazine issue 129,
WGE 60;
see ir’Shorem (The Human or MM 343; 2005. Aldem is mentioned in
Soluun Xibrindas Ziki (CN) Changeling — Dungeon Asn —
Appendix C Torchfire Half-elf DWM 16 the book The Darkwood
#129 “Murder
Wraith; NE) Mask as a serial killer
in Oakbridge”
captured by inquisitive
Soneste Otänsin.
Esvele Rosznar (the Esvele ir’Rosznar The Black 60 Families of The Black 60 Families of WDH 40, 196;
Human WDH 40, 196 Cyra ir’Tain (N) Half-elf
Black Viper) (CN) Viper Sharn Viper Sharn Sharn 86

Chapter Two

Waterdeep: Eberron Eberron

Option 1 Option 2 Comments/
Dragon Heist
Name Name Location Page(s) Name Location Page(s)
Other possible locations
Myshan Gardens, Sharn 48; Platinate, Sharn 67; include Dalan’s Refuge or
Troll Skull Manor Troll Skull Manor Troll Skull Manor
Lower Central Plateau ERL 165 Upper Menthis Plateau ERL 169 Sunrise in Upper Tavick’s
Other possible locations
North Towers, Sharn 48; Seventh Tower, Sharn 67; include Silvergate or
Corellon’s Crown Galifar’s Crown Galifar’s Crown
Lower Central Plateau ERL 165 Upper Menthis Plateau ERL 169 Twelve Pillars in Upper
Tavick’s Landing
Mount Brey is a self-
created suggestion. If
First Tower Breland, near Sharn ECS 147 Mount Brey Cliffs beyond Sharn — chosen, place it on the
cliffs outside of Sharn
before the King’s Forest.
Sharn 53, 102,
The Citadel, Ambassador Towers, Sharn 42;
Blackstaff Tower The Esoteric Order of Aureon Clifftop, Dura 146, 147;
Andith Tower Middle Central Plateau ERL 165, 166
ERL 167, 168
Skysedge Park, Sharn 41, 138–
God Catcher Statue The Iron Guardian statue — — —
Upper Central Plateau 140
Emerald Enclave Guardians of the Wood Forgelight Towers, Lower The Gatekeepers Tavick’s Market, Middle Emerald Enclave
Sharn 78 Sharn 95
compound compound Menthis Plateau compound Tavick’s Landing compound
Sharn’s Welcome, Dragoneyes,
Muleskull Tavern Muleskull Tavern Sharn 50 Muleskull Tavern Sharn 97
Cliffside Lower Tavick’s Landing

Chapter Three
Characters and NPCs

Waterdeep: Eberron Eberron

Option 1 Option 2 Comments/
Dragon Heist
Book Page(s) Book Page(s) Recommendations
Name Name/AL Race Class Affiliation Name/AL Race Class Affiliation
MM 348; Lords of Dust, M 348; Possibly Yalah Hazal recently
Yalah Gralhund Yalah Hazal (NE) Human Noble Blood of Vol Alais ir’Lanter (LE) Half-elf Noble married Orond?
Sharn 93 Aundair Sharn 116
Helais is said to be the twin
MM 342 Lords of Dust,
Helais ir’Lanter MM 348; brother of Alais, but you
Orond Gralhund Lan Hazal (LN) Human Acolyte Blood of Vol Sharn 93, 94; Half-elf Noble Royal Eyes of
(LE) Sharn 116, 118 could change the character’s
ECS 228; Aundair
sex and relation.
MM350; Another alternative would be
Sharn 130, 134; making Cromley a House
Saeth Cromley Saeth Cromley Sharn 139;
Saeth Cromley Human Vtn Sharn Watch ERL 180, 256; Human Vtn King’s Swords Deneith Sentinel Marshal.
(LG) (LG) 5 Nat 61, 71;
WGE 135, 138-
ERL 181
140, 144, 148
WDH 195; Could also make him a
WDH 195;
Sharn 130, 134; Sentinel Marshal.
Barnabas Barnabas Sharn 140;
Barnabas Blastwind Human Mage Sharn Watch WGE 131-135, Human Mage King’s Wands Recommend using the
Blastwind (LG) Blastwind (LG) 5 Nat 61, 71;
138-140, 144, character stats in WDH.
ERL 181
Making Valetta an artificer
ERL 54; and member of House
Valetta d’Cannith Sharn 99, 100, Cannith seemed natural.
Valetta Human Art House Cannith — — — — —
(N) 112, 162;
ECS 231

MM 343; Shadow Could also have Urstul be

MM 343;
Order of the Sharn 72, 73, Network of hired by the Boromar Clan or
Urstul Floxin Urstul Floxin (LE) Human Asn Urstul Floxin (LE) Elf Asn Sharn 14, 150
Emerald Claw 88, 90, 93, 176; House from House Tarkanan.
ECS 245 Thuranni
MM 345;
MM 345
See WDH 52;
Hurv Taldred Hurv Taldred (LE) Human? Blood of Vol WDH 52; Hurv Taldred (LE) Human? Cult fanatic Lords of Dust
Appendix C Sharn 46, 101,
ECS 228;
102, 116, 175

Chapter Three

Waterdeep: Eberron Eberron

Option 1 Option 2 Comments/
Dragon Heist
Name Name Location Page(s) Name Location Page(s)
Other locations of Onatar
temples in Sharn include
Sovereign Towers,
Grayflood, Redstone,
Sharn 99, 100,
Dava Gate, ECS 69; Hareth’s Folly, Den’ iyas,
Temple of Gond Onatar temple House Cannith Ashblack, Upper Cogs 112, 162;
Middle Central Plateau Sharn 44 Cassan Bridge, Shae Lias,
ECS 231
High Hope, North Market,
Copper Arch, Ashblack, and
Blackbones (The Pool of
Onatar’s Tears)
Graywall, Ambassador Towers,
Gralhund Villa House of Hazal Sharn 93 Aundairian Embassy Sharn 42, 116
Middle Tavick’s Landing Middle Central Plateau
Sharn 50; Sharn 51;
Dock Ward Grayflood Cliffside Ship’s Towers Cliffside
ERL 176 ERL 176

Chapter Four
Characters and NPCs
Eberron Eberron
Waterdeep: Option 1 Option 2 Comments/
Dragon Heist Book
Book Page(s) Recommendations
Name Name/AL Race Class Affiliation(s) Page(s) Name/AL Race Class Affiliation(s)

MM 350; Most any lower CR
MM 156; Inspired Agents ECS 240, 290; monster race or type will
Kobolds Goblins (CE) Goblins — Daask Inspired Thug Dreaming Dark
Sharn 151 (LE) ERL 137, 294; do.
WGE 54
ERL 17, 317;
Doppelganger Changeling (NE) Changeling — Cult — — — — —
WGE 60
ERL 317; Possibly use the Daelkyr
Cult MM 345; Cult of the
Bearded devil Cult Fanatic (LE) Any Radiant cult Cult Fanatic (LE) Changeling Cult Fanatic Sharn 175; from Xoriat as an
Fanatic Sharn 47, 176 Dragon Below
ECS 230 affiliation.
MM 351; MM 344;
Emerald Claw Order of the ECS 245; Boromar bandit Bandit Sharn 150;
Bugbears (mostly Vtn Halflings Boromar Clan
veteran (LE) Emerald Claw ERL 225; captains (CE) Captains ERL 68, 246;
WGE 18, 168 WGE 79, 144
MM 166;
Ott Steeltoes Ott Steeltoes Goblin — Daask Parmelk Inspired — Dreaming Dark ECS 240, 290
Sharn 151
See Appendix See an example in
Grinda Garloth Grinda Garloth Any Art — C; — — — — — Appendix C, also the WGE
ERL 54 and ERL artificer rules.

Street Chase No new characters or races — see previous chapters; no suggestions

Mausoleum No new characters or races — see previous chapters; no suggestions

Rooftop Chase
Vevette Order of the VGM 217; Vevette VGM 217;
Vevette Blackwater Human Swb Halfling Swb Boromar Clan
Blackwater (CE) Emerald Claw WDH 72, 216 Blackwater (CE) WDH 72, 216
Amath Sercent Order of the MM 348; Amath Sercent MM348;
Amath Sercent Human Priest Halfling Priest Boromar Clan
(LE) Emerald Claw WDH 76 (LE) WDH 76
Old Tower No new characters or races – see previous chapters; no suggestions

MM 345; Suggest only using Billan
Clerk Billan Tosh (LN) Dwarf Cmn The Aurum Sharn 91; — — — — — for the Autumn adventure
ERL 187 path.
Umbero MM 348;
Umbero Zastro Half-elf Noble Sharn government — — — — —
ir’Zastro (LN) WDH 82

Eberron Eberron
Waterdeep: Option 1 Option 2 Comments/
Dragon Heist Book
Book Page(s) Recommendations
Name Name/AL Race Class Affiliation(s) Page(s) Name/AL Race Class Affiliation(s)

Cellar Complex
Duergar are not likely to be
MM 350;
Xanathar Guild MM 163; Inspired Agents anywhere near Sharn in
Gnoll (CE) Gnoll — Daask Inspired Thug Dreaming Dark ECS 240, 290;
Roster: Duergar Sharn 151 (LE) Eberron. Shifters as thugs
Sharn 175
would also work for Daask.
Xanathar Guild
Gnoll Pack Lord MM 164; Korgstrod Dreaming ECS 240; see
Roster: Korgstrod Gnoll — Daask Inspired Dreaming Dark
(CE) Sharn 151 Uxgulm Dark Spy Appendix C
Xanathar Guild: For the Daask variant, you
Pantopicus Apprentice VGM 209; Apprentice ERL 294;
pantopicus Goblin Daask Inspired Kalashtar Dreaming Dark could also use kobolds
goblins (CE) wizards MM 165 wizards VGM 209
dwarves instead of goblins.
Converted Windmill
Boldrei or Dol Arrah would
Vhaspar MM 348;
Vhaspar Holmdreg Human Priest Sovereign Host — — — — — be a reasonable specific
Holmdreg (LG) ECS 69
deity for this priest.
Vault of Dragons
Aurinax presents the
biggest challenge for DMs,
given the role of dragons
in Eberron is different from
the Forgotten Realms (see
ECS 304 and WGE Chpt 1).
Radiant idols are typically
Aurinax Aurinax (LN) Radiant Idol — — Sharn 180 Aurinax (LG) Deva Angel — — MM 15, 16
LE alignment but could be
LN. Other possibilities to
consider are an Undying
Councilor (ECS 301) or a
dragon of a chromatic
color that is LG to throw
off the party (see ECS 304).

Chapter Four
Location Spring
Eberron: Spring
Waterdeep: Dragon Option 1 Comments/
Heist Name Recommendations
Name Location Page(s)
Sharn 50;
1. Mistshore Grayflood Cliffside
ERL 164, 176
2. Mausoleum: City of Sharn 103–105;
Mausoleum City of the Dead
the Dead ERL 177
High Walls, Sharn 98;
3. Converted Windmill Converted Windmill
Lower Tavick’s Landing ERL 177
Callastan, Sharn 48, 102;
4. Cellar Complex Cellar Complex
Lower Dura ERL 162
Fallen, Sharn 62;
5. Street Chase Street Chase
Lower Dura ERL 162
Fallen, Sharn 32, 62;
6. Old Tower Glass Tower remnant
Lower Dura ERL 162
Fallen, Sharn 32, 62;
7. Alley Alley
Lower Dura ERL 162
8. The Pink Flumph Dragoneyes, Sharn 97; The Pink Flumph could be a burlesque
The Pink Flumph Theater
Theater Lower Tavick’s Landing ERL 164 house in Dragoneyes
Bring House Kundarak into this location
9. Vault of Dragons: Blackbones, Sharn 100;
Vault of Dragons with perhaps their house emblem and
Dwarven names Upper Cogs ERL 164

Location Summer
Eberron: Spring
Waterdeep: Dragon Option 1 Comments/
Heist Name Recommendations
Name Location Page(s)
1. Mausoleum: City of Sharn 103–105;
Mausoleum City of the Dead
the Dead ERL 177
In this adventure path, you might want to
Gate of Gold, Sharn 63;
2. Converted Windmill Converted Windmill stick with using spined devils for the chase.
Lower Dura ERL 162
They could fly to upper parts of Sharn.
Have the flying creatures fly up to Hareth’s
Hareth’s Folly, Sharn 58;
3. Rooftop Chase Rooftop Chase Folly, making it more difficult to follow
Middle Dura ERL 162
Hareth’s Folly, Sharn 58;
4. Alley Alley
Middle Dura ERL 162
The Bazaar, Sharn 57;
5. Street Chase Street Chase
Middle Dura ERL 162
The Bazaar, Sharn 57, 102;
6. Cellar Complex Cellar Complex
Middle Dura ERL 162
Black Arch, Sharn 96; In this adventure path, you may want to
7. Courthouse City Watch Courthouse
Lower Tavick’s Landing ERL 164 just stick with the NPCs presented in WDH
Fallen, Sharn 32, 62;
8. Old Tower Glass Tower remnant
Lower Dura ERL 162
Bring House Kundarak into this location
9. Vault of Dragons: Ashblack, Sharn 99;
Vault of Dragons with perhaps their house emblem and
Dwarven names Upper Cogs ERL 164

Location Autumn
Eberron: Spring
Waterdeep: Dragon Option 1 Comments/
Heist Name Recommendations
Name Location Page(s)
Tradefair, Sharn 47;
1. Alley Alley
Middle Central Plateau ERL 161
Khyber’s Gate, Sharn 100–101;
2. Cellar Complex Cellar Complex
The Upper Cogs ERL 164
3. The Seven Masks Torchfire, Sharn 78;
Ten Torches Theater
Theater Lower Menthis Plateau ERL 163
Twelve Pillars, Sharn 91; This is the location where Billan Tosh
4. Courthouse Twelve Pillars Courthouse
Upper Tavick’s Landing ERL 164 serves as clerk.
Fallen, Sharn 32, 62;
5. Old Tower Glass Tower remnant
Lower Dura ERL 162
Fallen, Sharn 32, 62; The chase could move from Fallen to Ship’s
6. Rooftop Chase Rooftop Chase
Lower Dura ERL 162 Towers
Sharn 51;
7. Mistshore Ship’s Towers Cliffside
ERL 164, 176
High Walls, Sharn 98;
8. Converted Windmill Converted Windmill
Lower Tavick’s Landing ERL 164
Bring House Kundarak into this location
9.Vault of Dragons: Blackbones, Sharn 100;
Vault of Dragons with perhaps their house emblem and
Dwarven names Upper Cogs ERL 164

Location Winter
Eberron: Spring
Waterdeep: Dragon Option 1 Comments/
Heist Name Recommendations
Name Location Page(s)
High Walls, Sharn 98;
1. Converted Windmill Converted Windmill
Lower Tavick’s Landing ERL 164
North Towers,
2. Alley Alley Sharn 49
Lower Central Plateau
North Towers, The chase should continue over to
3. Rooftop Chase Rooftop Chase Sharn 49
Lower Central Plateau Boldrei’s Hearth district
4. The Brizzenbright Boldrei’s Hearth, Sharn 47;
The Brizzenbright Theater
Theater Lower Central Plateau ERL 163
Boldrei’s Hearth, Sharn 47;
5. Street Chase Street Chase
Lower Central Plateau ERL 163
Sharn 51;
6. Mistshore Ship’s Towers Cliffside
ERL 164, 176
Fallen, Sharn 32, 62;
7. Old Tower Glass Tower remnant
Lower Dura ERL 162
8. Mausoleum: City of Sharn 103–105;
Mausoleum City of the Dead
the Dead ERL 177
Bring House Kundarak into this location
9.Vault of Dragons: Sharn 103–105;
Vault of Dragons City of the Dead with perhaps their house emblem and
Dwarven names ERL 177

Chapters Five, Six, Seven, and Eight
Characters and NPCs
Eberron Eberron
Waterdeep: Option 1 Option 2 Comments/
Dragon Heist Book Book Recommendations
Name Name/AL Race Class Affiliation(s) Page(s) Name/AL Race Class Affiliation(s) Page(s)
Spring Madness
Bandit ERL 17, 317; Raelyn Bandit Deathsgate
Raelyn Auvryndar Raelyn (N) Changeling Gray Tide Human MM 344
Captain MM 344 Auvryndar (NE) Captain Guild
ERL 17, 317; Zaibon Kyszalt Deathsgate
Zaibon Kyszalt Zaibon (N) Changeling Bandit Gray Tide Human Bandit MM 343
MM 343 (NE) Guild
Hell of a Summer
ERL 17, 317; ERL 17, 317;
Willifort Cult Willifort Crowelle Cult of the
Willifort Crowelle Changeling Radiant Idol cult MM 345; Changeling Cult Fanatic MM 345;
Crowelle (NE) Fanatic (NE) Dragon Below
Sharn 47; Sharn 175
ERL 35; ERL 35; WGE Use nimblewright stats in
Cult of the
Dancing Construct Warforged (N) Warforged — Radiant Idol cult WGE 67; Warforged (N) Warforged — 67; WDH 212; WDH Appendix C
Dragon Below
WDH 212 Sharn 175
Maestro’s Fall
MM 347;
Any Deathsgate Sharn 92;
Drow Mage Mage (N) Changeling Mage Gray Tide ERL 317; Mage (NE) Mage
humanoid Guild MM 347
PGE 98
MM 344; Changelings could be
Drow Elite Bandit Captains Bandit Bandit Captains Any Bandit Deathsgate Sharn 92;
Changeling Gray Tide ERL 317; transformed into humans,
Warriors (N) Captain (CE) humanoid Captain Guild MM 344
PGE 98 half-elves, etc.
MM 343; Changelings could be
Any Deathsgate Sharn 92;
Drow Bandits (N) Changeling Bandit Gray Tide ERL 317; Bandits (CE) Bandit transformed into humans,
humanoid Guild MM 343
PGE 98 half-elves, etc.
ERL 35; Use nimblewright stats in
Nimblewright Warforged (N) Warforged — Gray Tide WGE 67; — — — — — WDH Appendix C
WDH 212
Gnomes make great
ERL 54; artificers. Make them
Gnome engineers Artificers (NG) Gnome Art Gray Tide — — — — —
Sharn 173 somewhere between level
Winter Wizardry
MM 348;
Corylus ir’Thann 60 Families of MM 348;
Corylus Thann Human Noble Sharn 111, Sorik Sensos (LN) Half-elf Noble City Council
(LE) Sharn Sharn 108
MM 348;
Jelenn 60 Families of Savia Potellas MM348;
Jelenn Urmbrusk Human Noble Sharn 111, Human Noble City Council
ir’Urmbrusk (N) Sharn (NE) Sharn 108

Chapters Five, Six, Seven, and Eight

Waterdeep: Eberron Eberron

Option 1 Option 2 Comments/
Dragon Heist
Name Name Location Page(s) Name Location Page(s)
Sharn 102; Sharn 11,
Xanathar’s Lair Xaejil’s Lair The Sewers Xendrun’s Lair The Depths
ERL 178 103
The House Deneith enclave
in Copper Arch is another
Boldrei’s Hearth, Sharn 47; Mithral Tower, Sharn 40;
Cassalanter Villa Marquan’s Rooms for Let Cassalanter Villa possibility. Any upper level
Lower Central Plateau ERL 161 Upper Central Plateau ERL 165
residence area in Sharn will
Temple of Asmodeus Zotharr shrine Marquan’s Rooms for Let Sharn 47 Dreaming Dark shrine House Deneith enclave Sharn 88
Grayflood, Sharn 50; Precarious, Sharn 64;
Dock Ward Grayflood Precarious
Cliffside ERL 164, 176 Lower Dura ERL 162
ECS 25, 184;
Luskan Lhazaar Principalities Lhazaar Principalities — — —
PGE 98
Instead of smokepowder
you could use +1 arrows,
bolts, bullets, or use an
Magic ammunition Ship’s lower hold WDH 140 Magic wands Ship’s lower hold WDH 140 assortment of wands that
cast evocation cantrips or
1st level spells like ray of
frost, eldritch blast, etc.
Broken Arch, Sharn 58; Oldkeep, Sharn 64;
Kolat Towers Kolat Towers Kolat Towers
Middle Dura ERL 162 Lower Dura ERL 162

Characters, Monsters, and Races by Alphabetical Order, First Name
Eberron Eberron
Waterdeep: Option 1 Option 2 Comments/
Dragon Heist
Book Recommendations
Name Name/AL Race Class Affiliation Book Page(s) Name/AL Race Class Affiliation
Sir Ambrose Gaia Sotharr Church of the Sharn 105; Gaia is female; use knight
Human Knight — — — — — stats just like Ambrose.
Everdawn (LG) Silver Flame MM 347
Amath Sercent Order of the MM 348; Amath Sercent MM348;
Amath Sercent Human Priest Halfling Priest Boromar Clan
(LE) Emerald Claw WDH 76 (LE) WDH 76
Aurinax presents the biggest
challenge for DMs, given the
role of dragons in Eberron is
different from the Forgotten
Realms (see ECS 304 and
WGE Chpt 1). Radiant idols
are typically LE alignment but
Aurinax Aurinax (LN) Radiant Idol — — Sharn 180 Aurinax (LG) Deva Angel — — MM 15, 16
could be LN. Other
possibilities to consider are
an Undying Councilor (ECS
301) or a dragon of a
chromatic color that is LG to
throw off the party (see ECS
WDH 195; Could also make him a
WDH 195;
Sharn 130, 134; Sentinel Marshal.
Barnabas Barnabas Barnabas Sharn 140;
Human Mage Sharn Watch WGE 131-135, Human Mage King’s Wands Recommend using the
Blastwind Blastwind (LG) Blastwind (LG) 5 Nat 61, 71;
138-140, 144, character stats in WDH.
ERL 181
ERL 317; Possibly use the Daelkyr
Cult Fanatic MM 345; Cult Fanatic Cult of the
Bearded devil Any Cult Fanatic Radiant cult Changeling Cult Fanatic Sharn 175; from Xoriat as an affiliation.
(LE) Sharn 47, 176 (LE) Dragon Below
ECS 230
ERL 17; The Changeling Gang of 5 is a
Bonnie Bonnie (N) Changeling Cmn WGE 60; — — — — — substitute for the
gang of 5
WDH 20, 221 doppelganger gang.
MM 351; MM 344;
Any Boromar
Emerald Claw Order of the ECS 245; Bandit Sharn 150;
Bugbears (mostly Vtn bandit captains Halflings Boromar Clan
veteran (LE) Emerald Claw ERL 225; Captains ERL 68, 246;
human) (CE)
WGE 18, 168 WGE 79, 144
Rancid Beetle Appendix C; Roach Thrall Appendix C;
Carrion Crawler Undead — — Aberration — —
Zombie (N) Sharn 183 (NE) Sharn 183
MM 345; Suggest only using Billan for
Billan Tosh
Clerk Dwarf Cmn The Aurum Sharn 91; — — — — — the Autumn adventure path.
ERL 187
Corylus 60 Families MM 348; Sharn Sorik Sensos MM 348;
Corylus Thann Human Noble Half-elf Noble City Council
ir’Thann (LE) of Sharn 111, 112 (LN) Sharn 108

Eberron Eberron
Waterdeep: Option 1 Option 2 Comments/
Dragon Heist
Book Recommendations
Name Name/AL Race Class Affiliation Book Page(s) Name/AL Race Class Affiliation
A simple name change would
Dagult Sharn 111, 112; Lord Mayor Sharn 38,
Dagult 60 Families City Council of work. You could just add ir’
ir’Nelview Human See WDH ERL 154; Cathan Human Noble 112;
Neverember of Sharn Sharn to the last name for any
(NG) WGE 141 ir’Demell (LN) MM 348
ERL 35; ERL 35; WGE Use nimblewright stats in
Dancing Radiant Idol Cult of the
Warforged (N) Warforged — WGE 67; Warforged (N) Warforged — 67; WDH 212; WDH Appendix C
Construct cult Dragon Below
WDH 212 Sharn 175
Davil Starsong Bandit Order of the Davil Starsong Bandit Other possible affiliations
Davil Starsong Any WDH 40, 199 Any Boromar Clan WDH 40, 199
(N) Captain Emerald Claw (N) Captain include the Deathsgate guild.
Changeling ERL 17, 317;
Doppelganger Changeling — Cult — — — — —
(NE) WGE 60
MM 343; Changelings could be
Deathsgate Sharn 92;
Drow Bandits (N) Changeling Bandit Gray Tide ERL 317; Bandits (CE) Any humanoid Bandit transformed into humans,
Guild MM 343
PGE 98 half-elves, etc.
MM 344; Changelings could be
Drow Elite Bandit Bandit Bandit Captains Bandit Deathsgate Sharn 92;
Changeling Gray Tide ERL 317; Any humanoid transformed into humans,
Warriors Captains (N) Captain (CE) Captain Guild MM 344
PGE 98 half-elves, etc.
VGM 210; Drow would be extremely
Gray Tide
Sharn 14, 92, unlikely outside of Xen’drik.
Drow Wandslingers See WGE 43; Deathsgate Deathsgate
Changeling Gray Tide Any Archer 145; Could also use Gray Tide
Gunslingers or Archers Appendix C PGE 98 Archers (CE) Guild
ERL 65, 158; Archers (see Appendix C).
WGE 138, 150 Gunpowder use is up to you.
MM 347;
Deathsgate Sharn 92;
Drow Mage Mage (N) Changeling Mage Gray Tide ERL 317; Mage (NE) Any humanoid Mage
Guild MM 347
PGE 98
MM 350; Duergar are not likely to be
ECS 240, 290; anywhere near Sharn in
MM 163; Inspired Agents The Dreaming
Duergar Gnoll (CE) Gnoll — Daask Human/Inspired Thug Sharn 175; Eberron. Shifters as thugs
Sharn 151 (LE) Dark
ERL 137; WGE would also work for Daask.
House Another choice is Keslo
Hascal Sharn 52, 53; Eranna House
see Ghallanda, ERL 168, 240; d’Challanda (N) Halfling and
Durnan d’Ghallanda Halfling ERL 240; d’Ghallanda Halfling Cmn Ghallanda,
Appendix C The Drunken WGE 149 Ghallanda Hall (Sharn 60)
(NG) WGE 151 (NG) Ghallanda Hall
ERL 52, 320; If you choose the 2nd option,
Esloon Bezant The Closed Esloon Bezant House Sharn 14, 45, Esloon will have an aberrant
Esloon Bezant Human Mage Sharn 146 Human Asn
(LE) Circle (LE) Tarkanan 61, 68, 154; dragonmark.

Esvele Rosznar Esvele The Black 60 Families The Black 60 Families of WDH 40, 196;
Human WDH 40, 196 Cyra ir’Tain (N) Half-elf
(the Black Viper) ir’Rosznar (CN) Viper of Sharn Viper Sharn Sharn 86
You could also trade some of
Order of the WDH 39;
Flying Snake Bat Bat — — — — — — the flying snakes in WDH for
Emerald Claw MM 318
giant bats.

Eberron Eberron
Waterdeep: Option 1 Option 2 Comments/
Dragon Heist
Book Recommendations
Name Name/AL Race Class Affiliation Book Page(s) Name/AL Race Class Affiliation
Gaxly Haftak ir’Clarn
Human Cmn Books and Sharn 69 — — — — —
Rudderbust (NG)
Gnomes make great
Gnome ERL 54; artificers. Make them
Artificers (NG) Gnome Art Gray Tide — — — — —
engineers Sharn 173 somewhere between level
See an example in Appendix
See Appendix C;
Grinda Garloth Grinda Garloth Any Art — — — — — — C, also the WGE and ERL
ERL 54
artificer rules.
Sharn 92, 98,
Gysheer Gysheer WDH 39; Sharn Gysheer Cult of the 101, 102, 175;
Human Cult Fanatic Radiant Cult Human Cult Fanatic
Omfreys Omfreys (LE) 47, 176 Omfreys (LE) Dragon Below ECS 70, 172,
Dreaming If you use Daask, Harko could
WDH 38; WDH 38;
Harko Orc War Dark Spy The Dreaming be just about any humanoid
Harko (NE) Orc Daask MM 246; Harko (CE) Inspired ECS 240, 290;
Swornhold Chief (Appendix Dark race, but typically
Sharn 151 Sharn 175
C) monstrous.
MM 345;
MM 345
Hurv Taldred See Hurv Taldred WDH 52;
Hurv Taldred Human? Blood of Vol WDH 52; Human? Cult fanatic Lords of Dust
(LE) Appendix C (LE) Sharn 46, 101,
ECS 228;
102, 116, 175
Jalester WDH 20, 205; Jalester WDH 20, 205;
Jalester See WDH Wayfinder See WDH
Silvermane Human ECS 247; Silvermane Human King’s Citadel ERL 76, 181;
Silvermane 205 Foundation 205
(LG) ERL 68 (LG) Sharn 139
Prince Kel would allow for
see Gray Tide WDH 206; Deathsgate ExGE 74; not needing a Hat of Disguise
Jarlaxle Baenre Prince Kel (N) Changeling d’Lyrander Half-elf Master thief
Appendix C Principality PGE 98 Guild VGM 216 as Jarlaxle uses in WDH.
Syrina is a female alternative.
60 Families MM 348; Savia Potellas MM348;
Jelenn Urmbrusk ir’Urmbrusk Human Noble Human Noble City Council
of Sharn Sharn 111, 112 (NE) Sharn 108
Jeryth Disembodied The WDH 15, 36; Jeryth Disembodied Wardens of WDH 15, 36;
Jeryth Phaulkon Demigod Demigod
Phaulkon (N) voice Gatekeepers ECS 241 Phaulkon (N) voice the Wood ECS 246
MM 350; Most any lower CR monster
MM 156; Inspired Agents Dreaming ECS 240, 290; race or type will do.
Kobolds Goblins (CE) Goblins — Daask Inspired Thug
Sharn 151 (LE) Dark ERL 137, 294;
WGE 54
Korgstrod Gnoll Pack MM 164; Korgstrod Dreaming Dreaming ECS 240; see
Gnoll — Daask Inspired
Uxgulm Lord (CE) Sharn 151 Uxgulm Dark Spy Dark Appendix C
Laeral Lord Mayor Sharn 38, 112; Sharn 47, 48, Your choices for Dagult and
Sava Kharisa
Silverhand, Cathan Human Noble City Council ERL 156; Human Mage City Council 108, 111; ERL Renaer may dictate who fills
Open Lord ir’Demell (LN) MM 348 156; MM 347 this role.

Eberron Eberron
Waterdeep: Option 1 Option 2 Comments/
Dragon Heist
Book Recommendations
Name Name/AL Race Class Affiliation Book Page(s) Name/AL Race Class Affiliation
WDH 208; Use the character stats for
ERL 145, 225; Manshoon in WDH 209 but
WDH 208;
WGE 18, 50, possibly change his
Manshoon Order of the ERL 68, 246;
Manshoon Human Nec 168; Manshoon (NE) Halfling Archmage Boromar Clan affiliation, name, and race.
(LE) Emerald Claw Sharn 150;
Sharn 176;
MM 342
ECS 245;
VGM 217
WDH 20, 195; Warning WDH 20, 195;
Mattrim “3 Mattrim Citadel Elite, Mattrim Mereg
Human Brd Sharn 163; Half-elf Brd Guild, House ERL 40;
Strings” Mereg Mereg (LG) King’s Citadel (LG)
ERL 76, 181 Medani WGE 96
WDH 15, 35;
Mellanor Mellanor The Mellanor Wardens of WDH 15, 35;
Half-elf Druid Sharn 42, 85 Half-elf Druid
Fellbranch Fellbranch (N) Gatekeepers Fellbranch (N) the Wood ECS 246
ECS 241
ECS 232;
Meloon WDH 20, 210; Meloon Sharn 87,88,
Meloon See WDH Dark See WDH
Wardragon Human Sharn 118, 139; Wardragon Human Blademarks 114, 148;
Wardragon 210 Lanterns 210
(NE) ERL 76, 181 (NE) ERL 173; WGE
Deathsgate Nar’l goes from being a drow
WDH 211; WDH 211;
Gray Guild/The to another race based on
Nar’l Xibrinas Nar’l Xibrinas Changeling Mage ERL 17, 317; Narl Brinas Kalashtar Mage ERL 29, 317;
Tide/Daask Dreaming what you substitute for the
WGE 60 WGE 62
Dark Bregan D’aerthe.
VGM 125; ECS 240, 290; Other possibilities here could
Droaam, Sadran see The Dreaming
Nihiloor Xor’chylic (LE) Mind-flayer Psion ECS 167; Human Inspired Sharn 64, 114, be a medusa or a night hag.
Daask d’Deneith (LE) Appendix C Dark
MM 222 120, 175
Sharn 93, 94; Hazal family, Sharn 116, Warforged seem the obvious
Hazal family,
ECS 228; Lords of Dust, 118; alternative. Class, level, and
Warforged Blood of Vol; Warforged
Nimblewright Warforged — ERL 17; Warforged — Deathsgate ERL 17; subrace are at DM’s
(N) Gray Tide Envoy (N)
WGE 67; guild WGE 67; discretion, or just use the
WDH 212 (Autumn) WDH 212 nimblewright stats in WDH.
WDH 20; Obaya could be from Q’barra
Obaya Uday ECS 35, 69; or Xen’drick.
Obaya Uday Human Priest Kol Korran — — — — —
(NG) ERL 141, 165;
WGE 32, 134
Helais is said to be the twin
MM 342 Lords of Dust, MM 348;
Helais brother of Alais, but you
Orond Gralhund Lan Hazal (LN) Human Acolyte Blood of Vol Sharn 93, 94; Half-elf Noble Royal Eyes of Sharn 116,
ir’Lanter (LE) could change the character’s
ECS 228; Aundair 118
sex and relation.
MM 166; Dreaming
Ott Steeltoes Ott Steeltoes Goblin — Daask Parmelk Inspired — ECS 240, 290
Sharn 151 Dark
For the Daask variant, you
Pantopicus Pantopicus Apprentice VGM 209; Apprentice Dreaming ERL 294;
Goblin Daask Inspired Kalashtar could also use kobolds
dwarves goblins (CE) wizards MM 165 wizards Dark VGM 209
instead of goblins.
Raelyn Bandit ERL 17, 317; Bandit Deathsgate
Raelyn (N) Changeling Gray Tide Auvryndar Human MM 344
Auvryndar Captain MM 344 Captain Guild

Eberron Eberron
Waterdeep: Option 1 Option 2 Comments/
Dragon Heist
Book Recommendations
Name Name/AL Race Class Affiliation Book Page(s) Name/AL Race Class Affiliation
Sentinel Depending on who you
Remalla Marshals or substitute for the Harpers,
Remallia Celyria ir’Tain 60 Families Sharn 86;
Half-elf Noble d’Haventree Half-elf See WDH Warning WDH 214 that may help you decide
Haventree (N) of Sharn MM 348
(LG) Guild, House who Remallia is in Eberron.
Renaer would be the son of
Renaer whomever you chose Dagult
Renaer 60 Families Renaer 60 Families of
ir’Nelview Human See WDH Sharn 111, 112 Human See WDH Sharn 112 to be, but regardless, he
Neverember of Sharn ir’Demell (CG) Sharn
(CG) would be affiliated with the
60 families of Sharn.
MM350; Another alternative would be
Sharn 130, 134; making Cromley a House
Saeth Saeth Sharn 139;
Saeth Cromley Human Vtn Sharn Watch ERL 180, 256; Human Vtn King’s Swords Deneith Sentinel Marshal.
Cromley (LG) Cromley (LG) 5 Nat 61, 71;
WGE 135, 138-
ERL 181
140, 144, 148
Cathedral of
the Cleansing MM 347; Kaira Faine Church of the MM 348;
Savra Belabranta Belabranta Human Knight Half-elf Priest
Flame (Silver Sharn 31, 46 (LG) Silver Flame Sharn 84
Ziki is from the Murder in
Oakbridge adventure in
ERL 17, 317;
Aldem Dungeon magazine issue
WGE 60;
see ir’Shorem Human or Half- MM 343; 129, 2005. Aldem is
Soluun Xibrindas Ziki (CN) Changeling — Dungeon #129 Asn —
Appendix C (The Torchfire elf DWM 16 mentioned in the book The
“Murder in
Wraith; NE) Darkwood Mask as a serial
killer captured by inquisitive
Soneste Otänsin.
ERL 290; For the Summer adventure
ECS 281; see Appropriate path, it is better to keep
Spined Devils Dolgaunt (LE) Dolgaunt — Khyber Cult Fanatic Any Cult fanatic MM 345
alternate in cult them as spined devils.
Appendix D
WDH 40, 199,
Tashlyn Order of the
Tashlyn Yafeera Human Chmp 200 — — — — —
Yafeera (N) Emerald Claw
Sharn 176
ERL 290; Another possibility is a vrock
ECS 281; see Bearded devil (see MM 64).
Troll Dolgaunt (LE) Dolgaunt — Khyber Bearded devil — Khyber MM 68
alternate in (LE)
Appendix D
Ulkoria MM 342; Ulkoria Sharn 53, 102, Another possibility is the
Ulkoria The King’s The Esoteric
Stonemarrow Dwarf Archmage Sharn 140; Stonemarrow Dwarf Archmage 146, 147; Guild of Starlight and
Stonemarrow Wands Order
(NG) ERL 181 (NG) ERL 158 Shadow.
Umbero Sharn MM 348;
Umbero Zastro Half-elf Noble — — — — —
ir’Zastro (LN) government WDH 82
MM 343; Shadow Could also have Urstul be
MM 343;
Urstul Floxin Order of the Sharn 72, 73, 88, Urstul Floxin Network of hired by the Boromar Clan or
Urstul Floxin Human Asn Elf Asn Sharn 14, 150
(LE) Emerald Claw 90, 93, 176; (LE) House from House Tarkanan.
ECS 245 Thuranni

Eberron Eberron
Waterdeep: Option 1 Option 2 Comments/
Dragon Heist
Book Recommendations
Name Name/AL Race Class Affiliation Book Page(s) Name/AL Race Class Affiliation
WDH 217; You could also use Vajra
VGM 213;
Lieutenant King’s Sharn 118. Safahr’s stat block from WDH
Sharn 140; Vajra Safahr
Vajra Safahr Zaira Dane Half-elf Enc Citadel, The Human See WDH Dark Lanterns 139; for Lt. Zaira Dane.
5 Nat 51, 72; (LN)
(LG) King’s Wands 5 Nat 69;
ERL 76, 181
ERL 76, 181
ERL 54; Making Valetta an artificer
Valetta House Sharn 99, 100, and member of House
Valetta Human Art — — — — —
d’Cannith (N) Cannith 112, 162; Cannith seemed natural.
ECS 231
Vevette Order of the Vevette
Blackwater Human Swb WDH 72, 216 Halfling Swb Boromar Clan WDH 72, 216
Blackwater Emerald Claw Blackwater (CE)
Boldrei or Dol Arrah would
Vhaspar Vhaspar Sovereign MM 348;
Human Priest — — — — — be a reasonable specific deity
Holmdreg Holmdreg (LG) Host ECS 69
for this priest.
WDH 1943, The Dreaming Dark would
Kielsten Victoro (LE) 218; also make a good choice.
Lord Victoro and Cult of the
Marquan (NE) Dwarf and WDH 193, 218; and Ammalia Sharn 92, 98, See the d’Deneith family in
Lady Ammalia Nobles Radiant Cult Human Nobles Dragon Below
and Ammalia Human Sharn 47, 176 (LE) 101, 102, 175; Sharn 114.
Cassalanter (Khyber)
Marquan (NE) ir’Cassalanter ECS 70, 172,
WDH 218; You could just change Volo’s
Volocamp Acquisitions
Shellek (NE) Changeling Noble ExGE 57; — — — — — name to something else.
Geddarm Directorate
ERL 17; WGE 60
Another possibility is to
Halflings and Sharn 103;
Wererats The Rats (CE) Thugs The Rats — — — — — make wererats part of The
gnomes MM 350
Rat gang in the Sharn Cogs.
ERL 17, 317; ERL 17, 317;
Willifort Willifort Radiant Idol Willifort Cult of the
Changeling Cult Fanatic MM 345; Changeling Cult Fanatic MM 345;
Crowelle Crowelle (NE) cult Crowelle (NE) Dragon Below
Sharn 47; Sharn 175
WDH 220; An aberrant dragonmark
Quoribred SOS 151; ECS
New leader ExGE 123; Dreaming leader of House Tarkanan is
Xanathar Xaejil (LE) Beholder — Xendrun beholder (see — 240;
of Daask Sharn 151 Dark another possibility
Appendix C) Sharn 175
MM 26
WDH 20; WDH 20; Another possibility is to
Yagra Sharn 150; Yagra Stonefist Deathsgate Sharn 14, 92, make Yagra another race and
Yagra Stonefist Half-orc Thug Boromar Clan Half-orc Thug
Stonefist (N) ERL 68, 246; (N) Guild 145; loosely associated with the
WGE 79, 144 ERL 65, 158 Emerald Claw.
Yalah Hazal MM 348; Alais ir’Lanter Lords of Dust, M 348; Possibly Yalah Hazal recently
Yalah Gralhund Human Noble Blood of Vol Half-elf Noble married Orond?
(NE) Sharn 93 (LE) Aundair Sharn 116
ERL 17, 317; Zaibon Kyszalt Deathsgate
Zaibon Kyszalt Zaibon (N) Changeling Bandit Gray Tide Human Bandit MM 343
MM 343 (NE) Guild

Eberron Eberron
Waterdeep: Option 1 Option 2 Comments/
Dragon Heist
Book Recommendations
Name Name/AL Race Class Affiliation Book Page(s) Name/AL Race Class Affiliation
Dragons are somewhat
different in Eberron. You
Zelifarn, young may want to pick another
Zelifarn (LG) Ki-rin — — VGM 163 Marid (CN) Genie — — MM 142
bronze dragon creature. These 2 are
suggestions based on the
location in WDH.

Appendix A. Districts of Sharn
Sharn, also known as the City of Towers due to the vertical
environment, is situated on top of a manifest zone near the
Tavick’s Landing
mouth of the Dagger River in southern Breland. Sharn is both a Upper Tavick’s Landing
horizontal and vertical metropolis, divided by the nature of its
location into 5 distinct plateau regions: Northedge on the north; Copper Arch
Tavick’s Landing on the east; Dura on the west; Menthis Plateau Type: Professional, middle class
and Central Plateau in the center. In addition, the district of Dalan’s Refuge
Skyway hovers above the city, the Cliffside district is built into Type: Residential, upper class
the riverside cliffs, and delving further underground below the
Ocean’s View
main city regions are the sewers and the Cogs. Beyond the cliffs
outside the city lies the City of the Dead. Sharn is essentially laid Type: Residential, upper class
out such that persons and places of higher socio-economic strata Pinnacle
are usually found in the higher sections of the city, and as one Type: Temple ward, middle class
moves down from Skyway to the Upper City, Middle City, Lower Silvergate
City, and the Cogs, so does the social standing of the
Type: Shops, upper class
neighborhoods and their occupants. Below is a listing and brief
description of the different regions and districts of Sharn. All Sunrise
information in this appendix may be found in further detail in Type: Residential, middle class
Sharn: City of Towers published by and under copyright of Twelve Pillars
Wizards of the Coast. The Wayfinder’s Guide to Eberron for D&D Type: Professional, middle class
5th edition also has some information regarding Sharn, but in less
detail. Middle Tavick’s Landing
Northedge Type: Tavern district, lower class
Upper Northedge Dancing Shadows
Shae Lias Type: Inn district, lower class
Type: Elf neighborhood, upper class Deathsgate
Crystal Bridge Type: Adventurer’s ward, lower class
Type: Residential, upper class Graywall
Oak Towers Type: Residential (Karrn), middle class
Type: Residential, upper class Kenton
Type: Multi-family dwellings, lower class
Middle Northedge Little Barrington
Holdfast Type: Residential, middle class
Type: Dwarf neighborhood, middle class Tavick’s Market
High Hope Type: Marketplace, middle class
Type: Temple ward, middle class
Oakbridge Lower Tavick’s Landing
Type: Residential, middle class Black Arch
Type: Garrison, middle class
Lower Northedge Cogsgate
North Market Type: Warehouse district, lower class
Type: Marketplace, middle class Dragoneyes
Stoneyard Type: Red light district, lower class
Type: Multi-family dwellings, lower class High Walls
Longstairs Type; Refugee ghetto, lower class]
Type: Multi-family dwellings, lower class Terminus
Type: Caravan district, lower class
Wroann’s Gate
Type: Caravan district, lower class

Dura Menthis Plateau
Upper Dura Upper Menthis Plateau
Clifftop Den’iyas
Type: Adventurer’s district, lower class Type: Gnome neighborhood, middle class
Daggerwatch Ivy Towers
Type: Garrison, middle class Type: Residential, middle class
Highhold Platinate
Type: Dwarf neighborhood, middle class Type: Residential, upper class
Highwater Seventh Tower
Type: Residential, middle class Type: Shops, upper class
Hope’s Peak University District
Type: Temple ward, middle class Type: Higher learning, upper class
Type: Multi-family dwellings, lower class
Middle Menthis Plateau
Redstone Cassan Bridge
Type: Shops, middle class Type: Shops, middle class
Middle Dura Type: Magic district, upper class
The Bazaar Little Plains
Type: Marketplace and shops, lower class Type: Halfling encampment, middle class
Broken Arch Smoky Towers
Type: Residential, middle class Type: Theater district, lower middle class
Hareth’s Folly Warden Towers
Type: Tavern district, lower class Type: Garrison, middle class
Type: Multi-family dwellings, lower class
Lower Menthis Plateau
Stormhold Center Bridge
Type: Residential, middle class Type: Residential, lower middle class

Tumbledown Downstairs
Type: Tenement district, lower class Type: Tavern district, lower class

Underlook Firelight
Type: Inn district, lower class Type: Red light district, lower class
Forgelight Towers
Lower Dura Type: Residential, middle class
Callestan Torchfire
Type: Inn district, lower class Type: Theater district, lower class
Type: Slum, lower class Central Plateau
Gate of Gold Upper Central Plateau
Type: Tenement district, lower class
Highest Towers
Malleon’s Gate Type: Civic district, upper class
Type: Goblinoid slum, lower class
Old Keep Type: Financial district, upper class
Type: Multi-family dwellings, lower class
Precarious Type: Financial district, upper class
Type: Warehouse district, lower class
Mithral Tower
The Stores Type: Residential, upper class
Type: Warehouse district, lower class
Platinum Heights
Type: Shops, upper class
Skysedge Park
Type: Park district, upper class

Middle Central Plateau The Cogs
Ambassador Towers
Type: Embassy district, upper class The Upper Cogs
Dava Gate Ashblack
Type: Professional, middle class Type: Industry district, lower class
Dragon Towers Blackbones
Type: Guildhall ward, middle class Type: Industry district, lower class
Sovereign Towers Khyber’s Gate
Type: Temple ward, middle class Type: Undercity, lower class
Sword Point
Below The Cogs lie The Sewers and The Depths of
Type: Garrison, middle class
Type: Marketplace, middle class
City of the Dead
Lower Central Plateau
Dragon Crypts
Boldrei’s Hearth
Type: Necropolis, lower class
Type: Inn district, lower middle class
Halden’s Tomb
Granite Halls
Type: Necropolis, lower class
Type: Shops, middle class
Myshan Gardens
Type: Residential, middle class
North Towers
Type: Shops, middle class
Ollandra’s Kitchen
Type: Tavern district, lower middle class
Vallia Towers
Type: Residential, middle class

Type: Exclusive sky district, upper class
Type: Exclusive sky district, upper class

Type: Waterfront district, lower class
Mud Caves
Type: Shantytown, lower class
Sharn’s Welcome’
Type: Red light district, lower class
Ship’s Towers
Type: Waterfront district, lower class

Appendix B. Organizations and Factions in Sharn
Name Race(s) Book/ Page(s)
The Aurum Any (mostly dwarves) ERL 187; WGE 18; ECS 192, 212, 227; Sharn 40, 109, 118, 175
Boromar Clan Any (mostly halflings) ERL 68, 246; WGE 24, 79, 144, 146, 149, 167; Sharn 14, 57, 59, 61, 64‒66, 97, 108, 111, 125, 150
Clifftop Adventuring Guild Any ERL 65, 158; WGE 150; Sharn 14, 52, 145
Circle of Song Any (mostly bards) ERL 158; WGE 153; Sharn 69, 145
Cult of the Dragon Below Any ERL 188; WGE 18, 52; Sharn 92, 98, 101, 102, 175; ECS 70, 172, 230
Daask Any (mostly monsters) ERL 71, 179, 249; WGE 24, 140, 145, 167; Sharn 14, 33, 57, 59, 61, 63, 97, 99, 101, 102, 119, 151
Dark Lanterns Any ERL 76, 181; Sharn 118. 139; 5 Nat 69; ECS 145
Deathsgate Explorer’s Guild Any ERL 65, 158; WGE 150; Sharn 14, 92, 145
The Dreaming Dark ERL 196; WGE 18, 56, 63, 168; Sharn 109, 114, 121, 175; ECS 195, 222, 240
The Esoteric Order Wizards and sorcerers only ERL 158; Sharn 53, 102, 146, 147
The Gatekeepers Any ERL 149, 202; WGE 29, 34, 86, 97; ECS 198, 241; Sharn 42, 85
The Guild of Starlight and Shadows Magic-users only ERL 159; Sharn 92, 102, 146, 147
House Tarkanan Aberrant dragonmarked humanoids ERL 52, 253; WGE 24, 111, 140, 145, 146, 170; Sharn 14, 45, 61, 68, 154
The King’s Citadel/Citadel Agents Any ERL 76, 181; WGE 134; ECS 145; Sharn 112, 130, 139, 163
Knights of Thrane, Any (mostly human) ERL 96, 166; WGE 124, 134; Sharn 22, 24, 31, 46, 63, 82, 84, 105, 130; ECS 209, 229
Cathedral of the Cleansing Flame (Silver Flame)
Order of the Emerald Claw Any (mostly human) ERL 145, 225; WGE 18, 50, 168; Sharn 72, 73, 88, 90, 93, 176; ECS 180, 244
Radiant Idol Cult Any Sharn 47, 176, 180
The Wayfinder Foundation Any ERL 68; ECS 247; Sharn 17, 19, 40
The Tyrants Changeling or Doppleganger ERL 254; WGE 146, 149, 171; Sharn 4, 61, 62, 97, 109, 118, 155
Dragonmark House Guilds
Banking Guild and Warding Guild, House Kundarak Any (mostly dwarves) ERL 51; WGE 108; Sharn 65, 97, 114, 169; ECS 234
Blademarks, Defender’s Guild, Sentinel Marshals Any ERL 58, 164, 174; WGE 104, 138; Sharn 87, 88, 92, 97, 98, 114 , 130, 148, 169; ECS 232
House Deneith
Courier’s Guild, House Orien Any ERL 46; 3WGE 102; Sharn 13, 96, 98; ECS 235
Entertainer’s Guild, House Phiarlan Any ERL 49; WGE 105; Sharn 118; ECS 236
Finder’s Guild, House Tharashk Any ERL 41; WGE 97; ECS 64; Sharn 19, 20, 53, 119
Handler’s Guild, House Vadalis Any ERL 42; WGE 98; ECS 239; Sharn 39, 55, 98
Healers Guild, House Jorasco Mostly halflings and humans ERL 43; WGE 99; ECS 64; Sharn 20, 92
Hosteler’s Guild, House Ghallanda Any (mostly halflings) ERL 44; WGE 35, 79, 100, 135; Sharn 53, 61, 85
Raincaller’s Guild and Windwright’s, House Lyrander Any ERL 50; WGE 106; Sharn 45, 98; ECS 235
Shadow Network, House Thuranni Elves (occasionally other races) ERL 49; WGE 105; Sharn 118; ECS 238
Speakers Guild and Notaries Guild, House Sivis Any (mostly gnomes) ERL 47; WGE 103: Sharn 13, 22, 53, 92, 96, 98, 115, 158, 169; ECS 237
Tinker’s Guild and Fabricator’s, House Cannith Any ERL 45; WGE 101; Sharn 45, 99, 100, 112 , 162; ECS 22, 144, 231
Warning Guild, House Medani Any ERL 40; WGE 96; ECS 235; Sharn 28

Appendix C. Character Conversion Examples
Dreaming Dark Spy (Tsucora)
Medium humanoid (human, quori), lawful evil

Armor Class 12 ()
Hit Points 27 (6d8)
Speed 30 ft


10 (+0) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 17 (+3) 16 (+3)

Saving Throws Dex + 5, Con +3

Skills Deception +5, Insight +6, Investigation +5, Perception +7,
Persuasion +6, Sleight of Hand +4, Stealth +4
Senses passive Perception 17
Languages Common, Quori, Riedran, Telepathy 120 ft
Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Shared Mind. The Dreaming Dark spy’s mind cannot be read. The
Tsucora spy also has advantage on saving throws against charm,
suggestion, and fear.
Cunning Action. On each turn, the Dreaming Dark spy can use a
bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action
Innate Spellcasting (Psionics). The Dreaming Dark spy can cast the
following spells without any components (Charisma spell save DC
1/day each: Charm person, cure wounds (self only), inflict
wounds (27 [5d10] psychic damage), mage armor (self only)
Inspired. The Dreaming Dark spy has advantage on all Intelligence
and Charisma saving throws.
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The Dreaming Dark spy can deal an extra 7
(2d6) damage when it hits a target with a weapon attack and has
advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of
an ally that isn’t incapacitated and the Inspired Spy does not have
disadvantage on the attack roll.

Multiattack. The Dreaming Dark spy can make two melee attacks.
Shortsword Melee Weapon Attack. +4 to hit, reach 5-ft., one target.
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack. +4 to hit, range 30/120 ft.,
one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Gray Tide Wandslinger Gray Tide Archer
Medium humanoid (changeling), chaotic neutral Medium humanoid (changeling), chaotic neutral

Armor Class 14 (studded leather) Armor Class 16 (studded leather)

Hit Points 68 (13d8) Hit Points 85 (10d8+30)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 11 (+0) 19 (+4) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 12 (+1)

Saving Throws Dex +4, Wis +5, Cha +8 Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +5, Cha +3
Skills Acrobatics +4, Deception + 8, Intimidation +8 Skills Acrobatics +6, Deception + 3, Perception +5
Senses Passive Perception 11 Senses Passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Elvish, Aquan Languages Common, Elvish, Aquan
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Wandslinger. The Gray Tide wandslinger carries a wand or similar Archer’s Eye (3/Day). As a bonus action, the Gray Tide archer can
magic focus that can cast the following cantrips: firebolt, ray of frost. add 1d10 to its next attack or damage roll with a longbow or
It can also cast magic missile as a 1st level spell from the wand once shortbow.
before needing to recharge the focus, which requires a long rest Change Appearance. As a Changeling, the Gray Tide archer can
without using the wand. Charisma is its spell casting ability (spell change his/her appearance as an action.
save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). Unsettling Visage. As a Changeling, reverting to natural form as an
Change Appearance. As a Changeling, the wandslinger can change action can cause 1 creature the Gray Tide archer can see within 30-
its appearance as an action. ft. to have disadvantage on its next attack roll. A short or long rest is
Unsettling Visage. As a Changeling, reverting to natural form as an needed before this ability can be used again.
action can cause 1 creature the wandslinger can see within 30-ft. to
have disadvantage on its next attack roll. A short or long rest is ACTIONS
needed before this ability can be used again. Multiattack. The Gray Tide archer makes two attacks with its
ACTIONS Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target.
Multiattack. The Gray Tide wandslinger makes two attacks with its Hit 7 (1d6+4) piercing damage.
scimitar. Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 100/600 ft., one
Wand casting. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit; cantrips (at will): target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) piercing damage.
firebolt, ray of frost. 1st level (1 slot): magic missile
Scimitar Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
5 (1d6+2) slashing damage.

Grinda Garloth Alchemical Homunculus
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic neutral Tiny construct, neutral

Armor Class 14 (chain shirt) Armor Class 13 (natural armor)

Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20) Hit Points 14 (1 + 3 + 10)
Speed 30 ft Speed 20 ft., fly 30 ft.

9 (-1) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 4 (-3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 7 (-2)

Saving Throws Con +6, Int +7 Saving Throw Dex +6

Skills Arcana +7, History +7, Investigation +7 Skills Perception +6, Stealth +6
Senses passive Perception 11 Damage Immunities poison
Languages Common, Dwarvish, Halfling, Undercommon Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages Common, Dwarvish, Halfling, Undercommon
Special Equipment. Grinda possesses an apparatus of Kwalish, a
replicated wand of detect magic, a bag of holding, and a replicated Evasion. If the homunculus is subject to a Dexterity saving throw to
alchemy jug. take half damage, it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on a
saving throw of half damage if it fails.
Alchemical Homunculus Servant. Grinda possesses a special
homunculus, which she crafted to look like a seagull, formed from Might of the Master. Grinda’s alchemical homunculus has a +2
alchemical substances. See Alchemical Homunculus for more details. bonus added to its saving throw, skills, to hit, and Acidic Spittle
Alchemical Savant. Whenever Grinda casts a spell using alchemist’s
supplies as her focus, she gains a +3 bonus to the spells’ healing or
to damage if the damage is acid, fire, necrotic, or poison. ACTIONS (REQUIRES GRINDA’S BONUS ACTION)
Infuse Item. Grinda can imbue nonmagical items with one of the Acidic Spittle. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 30 ft., one
following 6 infusions: boots of the winding path, enhanced weapon, target you can see. Hit: 1d4 + 4 acid damage.
homunculus servant, replicate: bag of holding, replicate: wand of
magic detection, replicate: alchemy jug. REACTIONS
Restorative Reagent – Lesser Restoration. Grinda can cast lesser
Channel Magic. The homunculus can deliver a spell cast by Grinda as
restoration provided she uses alchemist’s supplies as her spell focus.
a ranged touch attack as long as it is within 120 feet of Grinda.
She can do this 3 times, after which she must take a long rest to
regain this ability.
Spellcasting. Grinda is a 10-th level Artificer (alchemist) spellcaster
and her spellcasting ability is Intelligence (DC 15, +7 to hit with spell
Cantrips (at will): firebolt, mage hand, mending
1st-level: (4 slots): alarm, grease, identify, purify food and drink, ray
of sickness, sanctuary
2nd-level (3 slots): arcane lock, heat metal, Melf’s acid arrow, web
3rd-level (2 slots): gaseous form, glyph of warding, water breathing

Arcane Armament. Grinda can Attack twice on her turn, provided
the first attack is made with a magic weapon.

Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5-ft., one target. Hit:
2 (1d6) bludgeoning damage.

Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 30/120 ft.,

one target. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) piercing damage.

Hascal d’Ghallanda
Small humanoid (halfling), neutral good

Armor Class 14 (padded armor)

Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18)
Speed 25 ft


12 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 15 (+2)

Saving Throws Dex +7, Cha +6

Skills Acrobatics +7, Arcana +9, Athletics +8, Insight +9, Perception
+9, Persuasion +6, Performance +10, Sleight of Hand
+7, Thieves’ tools +7.
Senses passive Perception 19
Languages Common, Halfling, Gnomish, Thieves’ cant
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Cunning Action. On each of his turns, Hascal can use a bonus action
to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.
Dragonmark (Hospitality). Hascal bears the Mark of Hospitality
which grants him the following traits:
• Innkeeper’s Charms. Hascal can cast friends and prestidigitation
with Charisma as his spellcasting ability (DC 14).
• Ever Hospitable. When making a Charisma (Persuasion) check or
an ability check involving brewer’s supplies or cook’s utensils,
Hascal can add a 1d4 Intuition die to the number rolled on the
ability check.
Inspiration. Hascal can grant one 1d8 die of inspiration to one
creature within 60 ft. who can hear him. Once within 10 min., that
creature may roll the die and add it to one ability check, attack roll,
or saving throw. He can do this 2 times after which Hascal must take
a short or long rest to regain this ability.
Sneak Attack. Hascal can deal an extra 2d6 damage to one creature
with an attack if he has advantage on the attack roll when using a
finesse or ranged weapon. He does not need advantage if another
enemy of the target creature is within 5ft of it, that enemy isn’t
incapacitated, and Hascal does not have disadvantage on the attack
Spellcasting. Hascal is a 6-th level spellcaster and his spellcasting
ability is Charisma (DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks).
Cantrips (at will): friends, light, mage hand, message, prestidigitation
1st-level: (4 slots): charm person, comprehend languages, cure
wounds, unseen servant
2nd-level (3 slots): calm emotions, detect thoughts, silence
3rd-level (3 slots): dispel magic, glyph of warding, hypnotic pattern

Multiattack. Hascal makes three attacks with his longsword or three
attacks with his daggers.
Longsword. Melee Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5-ft., one target. Hit: 5
(1d8+1) slashing damage.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5-ft. or range
20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4+3) piercing damage.

Hurv Taldred
Medium humanoid (human), lawful evil

Armor Class 12 (leather armor)

Hit Points 42 (7d8 + 7)
Speed 30 ft


14 (+2) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 9 (-1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)

Saving Throws Wis +6, Cha +3

Skills Animal Handling +6, Deception +6, Religion +5
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Abyssal, Draconic, Infernal, Undercommon
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Aberrant Dragonmark. Hurv can cast the following sorcerer spells:

Cantrip (at will): light
1st level (1 slot): false life.
Dark Devotion. Hurv has advantage on saving throws against being
charmed or frightened.
Sneak Attack. Hurv can deal an extra 3 (1d6) damage to one
creature with an attack if he has advantage on the attack roll when
using a finesse or ranged weapon. He does not need advantage if
another enemy of the target creature is within 5ft of it, that enemy
isn’t incapacitated, and Hurv does not have disadvantage on the
attack roll.
Spellcasting. Hurv is a 5th level spellcaster and his spellcasting
ability is Wisdom (DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks).
Cantrips (at will): greenflame blade, mending, resistance, sacred
flame, spare the dying, thaumaturgy
1st-level: (4 slots): command, inflict wounds, ray of sickness, shield of
2nd-level (3 slots): hold person, ray of enfeeblement, spiritual
3rd-level (2 slots): animate dead, vampiric touch
Touch of Death (1/rest). When a creature is hit with a melee attack,
Hurv can deal an extra 15 points of necrotic damage.

Multiattack. Hurv makes two attacks with his daggers which are
magical and have the vicious property.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5-ft. or range
20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4+2) piercing damage.
Vicious: roll a 20 on the attack roll, critical deals an extra 2d6

Prince Kel Unsettling Visage. When a creature Kel can see makes an attack roll,
he can decide to impose disadvantage on the roll before knowing
Medium humanoid (shapechanger, changeling), Neutral the result. Using this trait reveals Kel is a shapechanger to any
creature within 30 ft. who can see him. He can’t use this trait again
Armor Class 19 (leather armor +3) until he finishes a short or long rest.
Hit Points 117 (19d8 + 38)
Speed 30 ft ACTIONS
Multiattack. Kel makes three attacks with his +3 rapier or two
attacks with daggers created by his bracer of flying daggers.
12 (+1) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 18 (+4)
+3 Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack. +14 to hit, reach 5-ft., one target.
Saving Throws Dex +11, Int +8, Wis +6 Hit: 12 (1d8 + 8) piercing damage.
Skills Acrobatics +11, Arcana +8, Athletics +7, Deception +16,
Flying Dagger. Ranged Weapon Attack. +11 to hit, range 20/60 ft.,
Perception +12, Persuasion +10, Sleight of Hand +11, Stealth +17,
one target. Hit: 7 (1d4 + 5) piercing damage.
Thieves’ tools +17.
Senses passive Perception 22 REACTIONS
Languages Common, Dwarvish, Gnomish, Thieves’ cant
Uncanny Dodge. Kel only takes half damage from attacks as long as
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP)
he can see the attacker.
Special Equipment. Kel wears +3 leather armor, a bracer of flying
daggers (see WDH Appendix A), and a cloak of invisibility. He wields
a +3 rapier, carries a portable hole, a ring of truth telling, and a wand
of web.
Blindsense. If Kel is able to hear, he is aware of the location of any
hidden or invisible creature within 10 ft.
Change Appearance. As an action, Kel can transform his appearance
or revert to his natural form. He can’t take on the appearance of a
creature he has never seen. He keeps his own statistics and does not
take on the other character’s statistics when he takes their form.
Cunning Action. Kel can take a bonus action in combat to Dash,
Disengage, or Hide only.
Elusive. No attack roll has advantage on Kel while he is not
Evasion. If Kel is subject to attack that allows him to make a
Dexterity saving throw to only take half damage, he instead takes no
damage if he succeeds on the saving throw and only half damage if
he fails. He can’t use this trait if he is incapacitated.
Fancy Footwork. During Kel’s turn, when making a melee attack
against an opponent, that opponent can’t make opportunity attacks
against Kel for the rest of Kel’s turn.
Magic Initiate. Kel has an innate spellcasting ability, which is based
on his Charisma (spell save DC 18). He can cast the following Bard
Cantrips: Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation
1st-level: Faerie Fire
Master Duelist. If Kel misses an attack roll, he can roll again with
advantage. He can’t use this ability again until he finishes a short or
long rest.
Rakish Audacity. In addition to +4 on Kel’s initiative rolls, he is not
required to have advantage when using his Sneak Attack and no
other ally is within 5 feet of the targeted creature.
Slippery Mind. Kel has proficiency on Wisdom saving throws.
Sneak Attack (1/turn). Kel deals an extra 30 (10d6) points of
damage when he hits a target with a weapon attack.

Roach Thrall Rancid Beetle Zombie
Medium aberration, neutral evil Medium undead, neutral

Armor Class 16 Armor Class 11

Hit Points 33 (7d8+7) Hit Points 85 (10d8+30)
Speed 30 ft (bipedal) 40 ft. (as insect) Speed 20 ft

14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 4 (-3) 9 (-1) 1 (-5)

Saving Throws Str +5, Dex +6 Saving Throws Str +7, Con +8
Skills Athletics +5 Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 Languages understands the language it knew in life but can’t speak
Languages Common Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Animated Swarm. The zombie is animated by a swarm of rancid
Humanoid Host. The roach thrall’s humanoid host body has 12 hit beetles. It is under the control of the swarm that created it. The
points. If the host body is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, the roach zombie can't regain hit points or gain temporary hit points.
thrall will emerge from its host body as an action. Beetle Rot. A target creature infected with beetle rot must
Humanoid Skin. While the roach thrall is inside its humanoid host, it immediately make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take 7 (2d6)
has advantage on Deception skill rolls. points of necrotic damage. The target creature makes this saving
Limited Flight. The roach thrall can use its wings to glide through the throw at the start of each of its turns until it is either cured by magic
air but it cannot gain altitude. It falls 10 ft. per round and flies at a or it dies.
speed of 30 ft. Chitin Skin. As the beetle swarm grows in the corpse, the skin
hardens, making it more resilient than dead tissue.
ACTIONS Create Spawn. A creature killed by a rancid beetle zombie or that
Multiattack. The Roach Thrall makes four claw attacks or two claw dies while infected with beetle rot becomes a rancid beetle zombie
attacks and one bite attack. in 1d4 rounds.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 Damage Resistances. Necrotic, poison.
(2d10+2) piercing damage Conditioned Immunities. Charm, fear, petrification, paralysis,
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 poison, stunned.
(2d6+2) slashing damage.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 12
(3d6+2) bludgeoning damage. The target must succeed on a DC 13
Constitution saving throw or take 7 (2d6) necrotic damage and
become infected with beetle rot.

Sadran d’Deneith
Medium humanoid (human, quori), Lawful evil

Armor Class 17 (splint)

Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20)
Speed 30 ft


16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)

Saving Throws Str +7, Dex + 5, Con +6

Skills Athletics +7, Deception +7, Insight +4, Perception +5.
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Quori, Telepathy 120 ft
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Special Equipment. Sadran wields a +1 longsword

Shared Mind. Sadran’s mind cannot be read. He also has advantage
on saving throws against charm, suggestion, and fear.
Reap Fear. When Sadran makes a critical hit on a frightened
creature or reduces a frightened creature to 0 hit points, he gains 10
temporary hit points.
Innate Spellcasting (Psionics). Sadran can cast the following spells
without any components (Charisma spell save DC 15):
1/day each: dream (self only), enhanced ability (self only), fear,
inflict wounds (27 [5d10] psychic damage)
Inspired. Sadran has advantage on all Intelligence and Charisma
saving throws.
Mark of the Sentinel:
Sentinel’s Intuition. Roll one Intuition die (1d4) when rolling for
Initiative or when making a Wisdom (Perception) check to notice a
Sentinel’s Shield. Sadran can cast the blade ward cantrip, and the
shield spell once, which is regained after taking a short or long rest.
Vigilant Guardian. As an action, Sadran can designate an ally he can
see as his ward. He then has advantage on Wisdom (Insight) and
Wisdom (Perception) checks made to spot threats to spot threats to
his ward.

Multiattack. Sadran makes two attacks with his +1 longsword or two
attacks with his shortsword, or 1 attack each with his longsword and

+1 Longsword Melee Weapon Attack. +6 to hit, reach 5-ft., one

target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage, or 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing
damage if used with both hands.

Shortsword Melee Weapon Attack. +5 to hit, reach 5-ft., one target.

Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.

Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack. +3 to hit, range 100/400

ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d10 + 1) piercing damage.

Xendrun 5. Enervation Ray. The targeted creature must make a DC 16
Constitution saving throw, taking 36 (8d8) necrotic damage on
Large aberration (Quoribred), Lawful evil a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
6. Telekinetic Ray. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) DC 16 Strength saving throw or the beholder moves it up to 30
Hit Points 180 (19d10 + 76) feet in any direction. It is restrained by the ray’s telekinetic grip
Speed 0 ft., fly 20 ft. (hover) until the start of Xendrun’s next turn or until he is
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA If the target is an object weighing 300 pounds or less that
10 (0) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) isn’t being worn or carried, it is moved up to 30 feet in any
direction. Xendrun can also exert fine control on objects with
Saving Throws Int +8, Wis +7, Cha +8 this ray, such as manipulating a simple tool or opening a door.
Skills Perception +12 7. Sleep Ray. The targeted creature must succeed on a DC 16
Condition Immunities: prone Wisdom saving throw or fall asleep and remain unconscious for
Senses Darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 22 1 minute. The target awakens if it takes damage or another
Languages Deep Speech, Undercommon creature takes an action to wake it. This ray has no effect on
Challenge 14 (11,500 XP) constructs and undead.
8. Petrification Ray. The targeted creature must make a DC 16
Antimagic Cone. Xendrun’s central eye creates an area of antimagic, Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature begins to
as in the antimagic field spell, in a 150-foot cone. At the start of each turn to stone and is restrained. It must repeat the saving throw
of turn, Xendrun decides which way the cone faces and whether the at the end of its next turn. On a success, the effect ends. On a
cone is active. The area works against Xendrun’s own eye rays. failure, the creature is petrified until freed by the greater
restoration spell or other magic.
Closed Mind. Xendrun’s mind cannot be read. He has advantage on
9. Disintegration Ray. If the target is a creature, it must succeed
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saves. He also is immune to
on a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw or take 45 (10d8) force
charm, dream, suggestion, and fear spells.
damage. If this damage reduces the creature to 0 hit points, its
Damage Resistances. Acid, cold, fire, electricity, psychic body becomes a pile of fine gray dust.
If the target is a Large or smaller nonmagical object or
ACTIONS creation of magical force, it is disintegrated without a saving
throw. If the target is a Huge or larger object or creation of
Disruptive Bite. Melee Weapon Attack. +5 to hit, reach 5-ft., one
magical force, this ray disintegrates a 10-foot cube of it.
target. Hit: 14 (4d6) piercing damage. In addition, if bitten, the
10. Death Ray. The targeted creature must succeed on a DC 16
target creature must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw.
Dexterity saving throw or take 55 (10d10) necrotic damage. The
If the saving throw fails, the bitten creature is unable to use spells
target dies if the ray reduces it to 0 hit points.
psionic powers, or abilities for 1 round.

Eye Rays. Xendrun shoots three of the following eye rays at random LEGENDARY ACTIONS
(reroll duplicates), choosing one to three targets he can see within Xendrun can take 3 legendary actions, using one random eye ray. It
120 feet: can take only one legendary action at a time and only at the end of
another creature’s turn. Xendrun regains spent legendary actions at
1. Charm Ray. The targeted creature must succeed on a DC 16
the end of his turn.
Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by Xendrun for 1 hour, or
until Xendrun harms the creature.
2. Paralyzing Ray. The targeted creature must succeed on a DC 16
Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The
target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
3. Fear Ray. The targeted creature must succeed on a DC 16
Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. The target
can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
ending the effect on itself on a success.
4. Slowing Ray. The targeted creature must succeed on a DC 16
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the target’s speed is
halved for 1 minute. In addition, the creature can’t take
reactions, and it can take either an action or a bonus action on
its turn, not both. The creature can repeat the saving throw at
the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a

Medium humanoid (shapechanger, changeling), Chaotic Neutral

Armor Class 16 (studded leather armor)

Hit Points 48 (8d8 + 8)
Speed 30 ft


10 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Dex +6, Int +5, Cha +2

Skills Athletics +6, Deception +8, History +5, Intimidation +5,
Investigation +5, Perception +2, Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +9,
Thieves’ tools +9.
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Undercommon, Thieves’ cant
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Special Equipment. Ziki wields an Icy Blade dagger that deals an

extra 1-2 (1d4/2) points of cold damage to any target it hits.
Assassinate: Ziki has advantage on attacks against any creature that
hasn’t taken a turn yet in combat and hits against surprised
creatures are critical hits.
Change Appearance. As an action, Ziki can transform her
appearance or revert to her natural form. She can’t take on the
appearance of a creature she has never seen. She keeps her own
statistics and does not take on the other character’s statistics when
she takes their form.
Cunning Action. Ziki can take a bonus action in combat to Dash,
Disengage, or Hide only.
Evasion. If Ziki is subject to an attack that allows her to make a
Dexterity saving throw to only take half damage, she instead takes
no damage if she succeeds on the saving throw and only half
damage if she fails. She can’t use this trait if she is incapacitated.
Sneak Attack (1/turn). Ziki deals an extra 12 (4d6) points of damage
when she hits a target with a weapon attack.
Unsettling Visage. When a creature Ziki can see makes an attack
roll, she can decide to impose disadvantage on the roll before
knowing the result. Using this trait reveals Ziki is a shapechanger to
any creature within 30 ft. who can see her. She can’t use this trait
again until she finishes a short or long rest.

Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack. +6 to hit, range 30/120 ft.,
one target. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) piercing damage

Icy Blade Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack. +6 to hit, reach 5-ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage + 1-2 (1d4/2) cold damage.

Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack. +6 to hit, reach 5-ft., one target. Hit:
7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.

Uncanny Dodge. Kel only takes half damage from attacks as long as
he can see the attacker.

Appendix D. Non-Player Characters
These are some alternative suggestions to the Dolgaunt and Magewright rules found on page 42 in the Wayfinder’s Guide to Eberron.

Medium aberration, lawful evil

Armor Class 16
Hit Points 38 (7d8+7)
Speed 40 ft


14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)

Saving Throws Str +2, Dex +3

Skills Acrobatics + 5, Stealth +5, Intimidation +2
Senses blindsight 120 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive
Perception 12
Languages Common, Abyssal
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Slow Fall. The dolgaunt can use its reaction when falling to reduce
any falling damage by 20 points.
Unarmored Defense. While wearing no armor and wielding no
shield, this creature’s AC includes its Wisdom modifier.

Multiattack. The dolgaunt makes three unarmed strikes or one
unarmed strike and two tentacle attacks.
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a
creature, the dolgaunt can choose one of the following additional
• The target must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or
drop one item it is holding (dolgaunt’s choice).
• The target must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or be
knocked prone.
• The target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or
be stunned until the end of the dolgaunt’s next turn.
Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it
must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or its hit point
maximum is reduced by 2 points; if the dolgaunt is below its
maximum hit points, it recovers the same amount of damage
inflicted by its tentacle attack during the same turn.

Deflect Missile. In response to being hit by a ranged weapon attack,
the dolgaunt deflects the missile. The damage it takes from the
attack is reduced by 1d10+2. If the damage is reduced to 0, the
dolgaunt catches the missile if it’s small enough to hold in one hand
and the dolgaunt has a free hand.

Master Magewright
Magewright Master magewrights are magical artisans who have increased
Magewrights are spellcasters who make their living creating their knowledge of magical crafting to a greater level. They often
mundane items, many of which involve spells. They are part of supervise and have reporting to them several magewrights who
the working class who keep the wheels of industry turning and may also be apprentices who themselves hope to become master
make everyday life more manageable. Magewrights in House magewrights. Master magewrights seldom leave their workshop
Cannith make their living by crafting and selling every-day and except for instances in which the magewright’s expertise may not
common magic items. be sufficient to complete the requested or purchased task.

Magewrights in Society Master Magewright

Most magewrights are members of the guilds run by the Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
dragonmarked houses, particularly House Cannith’s Tinkers
Guild and Fabricators Guild. Magewrights are more likely to be
found in towns and cities. Magewrights are typically unknown Armor Class 10
among more rural and remote areas. The Augury shop in the Hit Points 45 (10d8)
Clifftop ward of Upper Dura is one location in the city of Sharn Speed 30 ft
that houses several magewrights and a master magewright,
Kestia (female elf Master Magewright; WGE 151), who specialize STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
in divination magic. 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

Skills Arcana +6, Investigation +4, Artisan tools (any three) + 4
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
Senses passive Perception 11
Languages any two languages
Armor Class 10 Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Hit Points 22 (5d8)
Speed 30 ft Spellcasting. The master magewright is a 10th-level spellcaster. Its
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (DC 15). The magewright has the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA following wizard spells prepared:
10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) Cantrips (at will): light, mage hand, mending, message
1st-level (4 slots): alarm, detect magic, floating disk, unseen servant
Skills Arcana +4, Investigation +2, Artisan tools (any two) + 2 2nd-level (3 slots): continual flame, knock, locate object
Senses passive Perception 11
3rd-level (3 slots): clairvoyance, dispel magic, remove curse
Languages any two languages
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) 4th-level (3 slots): arcane eye, fabricate, mordenkainen’s faithful

Spellcasting. The magewright is a 5th-level spellcaster. Its 5th-level (2 slots): animate objects, creation
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (DC 12). The magewright has the
following wizard spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): light, mage hand, mending, message
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5-ft., one target.
1st-level (3 slots): alarm, detect magic, floating disk, unseen servant Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.
2nd-level (3 slots): continual flame, knock, locate object
3rd-level (2 slots): dispel magic, remove curse

Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5-ft., one target.
Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.


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