Narrative Report Kite Flying Event

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On the 28th of May 2022, held the fundraising event titled, KALIPAYAN: TARA
MAGBULIG KAG MAGKALIPAY. The event comprises of Color Fun Run, Kite Flying
Event, exciting booths, and a talent show.


 To showcase how artistic all local and aspiring Romblomanon artists through kite
 To embrace, to look back and relive the history of kite flying in the society.


In the past years we have been living dependent to technologies such as, phones,
television, tablets and other gadgets. Just by only trying to imagine without those gadgets are
kind of hard for us to live our daily lives. Continues to having dependent with technologies made
us forget some of the recreational activities we usually do in the past. For instance; we walked in
order to go to school in the past but now we always want to commute, we jog outside and feel
the sun while exercising but now we tend to use treadmill indoor, and finally we like to have
outdoor activities in the past rather to play with our phones. For example, we like to play tags,
running and jumping outside and also we enjoy kite flying.

But for the past years those activities were hard to do because of the current situation the
world faces. The world now suffers to Covi-19 and making the people forced to be at home and
separated with each other weather it was their friends and families. Thinking about the hardships
and problem we face, this pandemic is the worst. The first and 2nd year of the crisis was too harsh
and very dangerous but now we slowly can see hope of healing. We now feel and experience the
slowly and slight relief that the world would be back to normal again. That activity we paused
and not experienced in pandemic is now moderately possible and it was a good thing to start the
new normal era.

JCI Romblon Capital set an event a fundraising event to generate fund and also showcase
and relive the history of kite flying in the community. Through this event we will be able to
experience and still continue to pursue recreational activity such as the kite flying even in this
time of pandemic. The event was held on May 28 2022 at Romblon National High School
grounds. The kite flying event is a competition and was participated by twenty-four contestants
and the winners will have the following awards; the special awards consists of the Biggest kite
which will get a cash prize of 800 pesos, most unique with 700 cash prize and most colorful to
win 700 pesos and all of them takes home a medal and a certificate. While the major awards will
have the following prizes; the 2nd runner up will take home a medal, certificate and 1000 pesos,
1st runner will be given a medal, a certificate and 2000 pesos, and the champion brings home a
medal, certificate and 3000 pesos.

There were casualties that happened but it ended successfully. In the special awards the
winner for the biggest was awarded to Natz Riva, the most unique kite goes to Peter Fabellon,
and the winner of the most colorful kite is Dennis Fabellon. While the major award winners are;
for the 2nd runner up goes to Aimer Ray Riva, the 1st runner up winner was Natz Riva, and the
Champion was awarded to Dennis Fabellon. After the awarding ceremony, most of the
contestants wish that this event will happen every year and make it as an annual celebration.


The event was not perfectly executed but ended successfully. There were casualties and
problems that we encounter during the event. First, the day of the contest, one of the contestants
suggested to schedule the contest mid of March which is true for that time is windy. We actually
first scheduled our event in those time postponed because of many problems. Second, the
preparation of letters must be done as soon as possible for by the next weeks to come we will just
have to follow up. Third, we should have made a detailed checklist for we can follow and know
what we need and the activities we need to do. Next, we should have used the time we have very
well and not slack off. Last, we should have been vocal, we should have asked for help within
the members and delegate task to them to make the event easier to manage rather than working
with ourselves.

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