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German and English

DaF Opening.................................................................................................................2

Training Concepts......................................................................................................2

Modules on levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 for all the university students....................2

DaF Opening
DaF Opening

Welcome to the Hochschule für Technik und WirtschaftDresden

University of Applied Sciences Dresden

and to the Zentrum für fachübergreifende Bildung (ZfB)

Centre of Interdisciplinary Education

Training Concepts
In our courses, we train all the four language skills: speaking, listening, reading and

During the course, students will practice grammar, vocabulary, interaction,

presentations and mediation, getting prepared for the daily activities

Modules on levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 for all the university students

*Should we explain that it is only one german couse that can be issued the ECTS

Teaching Team

Explanation about the OPAL procedure

Explanation of the firsts steps in OPAL:

- 1.1 Nutzerbedingungen – User conditions

- 1.2 Daten vergleichen – Compare, check

- 1.3 E-Mail Adresse – E-mail address

- 2.1 Kursangebote – Catalogue

- 2.2 HTW Dresden

- 2.3 Guide to German Language Course at HTWD (in OPAL)

DaF – 1st step: Reading the information on the Guide

All the necessary information about all offered german courses are inside this guide,
which is constantly evolving.

DaF – 2nd step: German placement test

By clicking on the Goethe Institut Link, you are going to be directionated to a

placement test, where you will assess your german level.

Convalidate the German placement test score

After finishing the test, a message will appear presenting to you your german score.
Please compare your score with the table below to identify your german level.

See all the available offers of german courses

Right below the score table, you can find the link for the german course registration,
as show below:

German Book

We have a few exemplars of german books available at the library, and we also sell it
here at HTW Bücherei WELCHE RAUM?

Book App

In order to perform the exercises, it is needed to download the respective app from
your german book. Here is how it works:

Insert video from the material


Please feel free to reach me or Rejane for any clarification regarding the procedure
or general questions

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

- There is a conflict of lectures between my regular classes and the german

course that I want to pursue, how can I proceed?

It is

- How many credits do I obtain when finishing the german course, is it


For the German course, 5 ECTS points are awarded after satisfactory completion
of the module, that is, completion of the exams with a sufficient score. The ECTS
points are not cummulative, but you can join as many german courses during your
studies here at HTW as you want.

- I did the A1 or A2 level a few years ago, which level should I start here at

Firstly we recommend that you take the german placement test, and if after thet
test you are not sure about your level, please feel free to join any german class that
you want as a guest student. Just come 5 minutes earlier and talk to the respective
professor and watch the class to see if it is suitable for you or not.

- Are the examinations too hard?

Not extremely hard, the main goal of the course is to encourage the german
fluency and not specifically as a mandatory lecture.

- Do I need to buy the book?

It is not mandatory, but very recommended. We know that the cost can be a
barrier for some students, so we made available at the library some books, but

having your own book where you can do exercises and bring with you to different
places enhance your german.

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