2.6. Note-Taking When Taking A Lecture, Conference, Congress, Symposium

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What’s 5G?
Is the 5th generation of Wireless communication technologies and
devices internet, that uses devices such as your mobile phone to
allow conection to the network anywhere. it's the evolution of the KEY
current 4G/LTE. e.g: Example

1.- Bandwidth 100 times greater than current technology (LTE). e.g
watch an 8k video in real time through the internet.
2.-Greater concurrency capacity of simultaneously connected
3.- The speed in the network will be increased
Besides …
With the 5G network, we can download a movie to our smartphone in
less that three seconds: our car will be able to detect and navigate
automatically, avoiding obstacles on the road, complex surgical
procedures would be abled to perform by physicians using robots
remotely: cities will have the possibility to collect information in real
A report on the future!

New technology, which has been leaked in recent days on internet platforms
It has been developed in Russian territory as a war technology Project,
appeared to be only real, as a new reality.
After on this….
The Russian government community decided to reveal details after the KEY
pressure excerted by the U.N.
U.N: United
Declaration of the President Nations
“After the 2nd wave of the virus that devastated our world, in 2021 we cannot
expose our men to the new threat. Soldiers have families, we want them to
return to home”
Images filtered

Current war between the U.S. and the Russian giant

It has been taken as a new step in the planning was done by the military
ministry as a war to reduce the cost invested in war.
The armor was designed to harness the strength of a common human, that is, it
can be pilot by a half-trained soldier without problems. The price has been
evaluated by experts, the price was calculated at 250 thousands dolars.
What it is?
Antivirus is a program that helps protect your computer from most
viruses, worms, Trojans, and other unwanted invaders that can
infect your computer.

Antispyware Antispam Firewall

Eliminate the Remove all binds of Provides set limits
possibility of hackers spam messages from from where they can KEY
accessing the system. platforms detc and stop viruses
Detc: Detect

Aly: Analysis
Block access to pop-up
Detc components
windows on the
identified as malwares

According to it’s function

Immunizers Search for the
Detect and aly virus or
possible failures computer worm
and deleted

The function is
They execute
to carry out
programs in the
preventive aly
and detect

Best Antivirus
*Windows Defender *Panda Free
*Avast Free *AVG Free
In this time
The administration of the “links” for to classes is a problem by

But the organization are possible by this application


Detc: Detect

Aly: Analysis
Just need
Take the code of classroom and this application allows reserve the
date by the teacher and indicate at the students.

Makes it easier to take classes

This app facilitates the organization of classes
Color Sensor
What is it?
Made eally for graphic design work. Where the device
Helps you to know the colors of the objects.
eally: Especially
How does it work?
You only turn on the device, place it on the object you want to
know its color. Ready show the results.

The results
Red Color name
% Code HSL
225 225 255 Code RGB
# Hexadecimal
The new food app
A team of experts developed a new app, they is thinking
About implementing zero waste culture

ORDER The user will be able
TIPS It will show kitchen RECIPES It will show easy to order food with H.S and
tips and sugg for cooking kitchen recipes zero waste

Zero Waste. Great Idea!

We carry the food on our containers and we collect them next day
And they washing the dishes . Sugg:

Why choose Delicious? H.S: Home

-Friendly to the environment Service
-Forget about washing the dishes
-H.S and it is delicious
What it is?
Is a program to design presentations or expot with exclusive animations that
generate a visual effect for your audience, also work to create infographics
and many more designs.

Cost: -Basic expot:
Products: Prezi -Individual -Student expositions
videos, Prezi design & Educator -

Templates Animations Download

Rooting with fungal effect based on Yucca schidigera extract
Rootca is a product that is directly focused on the Agricultural industry,
specifically Vegetable and fruit farmers

Vegetable biostimulant is understood to be that “substance capable of
improving the use of nutrients by plants, reducing the negative effect
of environmental stress conditions, increasing their tolerance to diseases
or influencing some important aspect for productivity” rhizop:
Yucca schidigera extract
Yucca schidigera extract has a high content of steroidal saponins
(natural surfactants), and when added to the soil it has the ability to act on
root cells, increasing the absorption of water and nutrients, Improves
the penetration of water and fertilizers especially in compact or alkaline soils,
in addition to stimulating the development of microorganisms in the rhizop.

How does it work ROOTCA?

Efficient promoter of the harmonic development of the complete root
system including primary roots, all degrees of laterals and absorbent hairs,
while protecting them by isolating them from the salts of the soil solution.

5 Benefits, 1 Product
-Emission of new roots in a short time
-Provides organic material of excellent quality to promote microbial growth
and condition the rhizosphere
-Reduce the saline effect on the roots
-Control over nematodes
-Fungicidal and bactericidal effect
What is it?
Is an app that allows monitoring of S.A. of the students, and also parents or tutors
for to be aware of what happens to their child at schoold, this gives parents the
opp to motivate their children to study.
Scolae aims to improve student achievement through the support of

How does it work?

Scolae have 2 types of users: -Parent user/tutors user and -Teacher user
Parent/tutors user: KEY
-View school hours (classrooms, name of teachers, class hours)
-Notices about meeting, suspensions, schools events S.A: School
-Entry and out times Activities
-Grades of each of the student’s subjects Opp:
-Tasks assigned to the student and the delivery status Opportunity
-Teacher’s observations and teacher job profile.
Teacher user:
-Assign grades
-View student information profile
-Assign student observations
-Post notices
-Publish the status of student assignments
-View the student’s parent inormation
-Post class schedule.

Scolae will be sold to the institutions

The app will be distributed by institutions to parents and teachers, all the data
entered will be stored on the scolae servers. In the sam way the information will
be available at all times.
The app can be accessed using a username and password that will be registered
when users register in the application.
Software quality testing
Not functional:Type of test
They are used to identify possible implementation failures
This test is applied to evaluate the quality directly from the source code
and not from the project in general.
They are applied directly to the code during the testing phase in the software life Approx:
cycle. approximately
Reliability Security Maintainability eq: equal

• Lint code that could • Possible • Lint code that might

have different vulnerabilities are be more difficult to
behaviors than marked update than it
expected should

Coverage Duplicity Size

• It is a technique to • Similar or eq code • That the size of each

ensure that your snippets that could file/component is
test, your code you be shortened (one adequate (500 Lc
excercised when solution is to use approx)
running the test functions)

Advantages/ Disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages
-It ensures that the code is -Although they are called software
maintainable and that it does not quality test, they do not ensure the
end up being “illegible” quality of the project itself (QA) just
-Allows us to locate redundant code the code
that can be removed -SonarQube, has a datebase of
-Locate possible logical errors codesmells and typical
-Locate complex code that could be programming errors that derect if
simplified any life of code may be cause a
-Review possible execution flows. problem that may make the code
Programming Tips

Problems with any programming languaje

The data can be saved by application in addition to photos of the code

The tips can be sorted by language in addition to the type of tips

Beta part
You can be the first to try this app
With this application you will be able to remember important parts of the
App: Application
programming that can also be useful in your daily life
VR Glasses
Virtual Reality
This could be the alternative to escape from this world with use
of technology.

Parallel Universe
The technology has become a great ally during the pandemic
and Is that in addition to facilitating work and remote comunication
It also offers entert alternatives that could undoubtedly help many KEY
to overcome the blockade generated V.R: Virtual
to combat the actuality. Reality

The VR Glases
It is a gadget that consists of immersing yourself in a M.E through Multidimension
technology. With a headset and a motion sensor, VR devices will al experience
be able to look and walk around a virtual space as if you were
Abstract: Abst
really there.

Declaration Rosselyn Barroyeta, Google AR & VR Project Manager

“With VR and RA, classroom space is no longer a limit for teachers.
VR allows you to explore the world virtually, while AR brings abst
Concepts to life. That allows teachers to guide students through
Collections of 360 scenes and 3D objects, pointing out interesting
Sites and artifacts along the way

Walks and experiences with aumented reality

They were designed so that people can escape to an alternative
World, with a virtual simulation created with the graphics closest
To reality, where you can play or perform activities within this world.

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