Council Application Responses PART ONE

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Do you support the right

Do you support legisla on to protect and provide equal rights Do you support expanded access to
First and to collec ve bargaining Do you support a woman's right to Do you support measures designed to ensure food, Do you support Do you support paying
for all individuals regardless of gender, race, age, religion, childcare, dependent care programs,
Last Name for public + private reproduc ve choice? healthcare, and housing security for everyone? Right-to-Work legisla on? everyone a living wage?
ethnic origin, disability, sexual orienta on, or gender iden ty? and early childhood educa on?
William Yes; Collec ve Bargaining Yes; Every person deserves to live their life in a way that is Yes; Our children and their early Yes; A woman's healthcare choices are Yes; We are only as strong as the most vulnerable No; Right to Work Yes; As a society, we need to
Froehle is at the center of a fair unique to them as a human being. Hate has no home in my educa on are cri cal to the future of between her and her medical care among us. What does it say about us as a society if we legisla on is a tricky play move past wage
and just society for all home. this great city. providers. allow men, women, and children to starve, live on the on words that convinces suppression, especially for
workers. streets and possibly die from preventable diseases? the public that workers do jobs that typically are paid
not deserve benefits such less than a living wage. All
as health insurance and work has dignity, and we
re rement security. need to start paying our
workers accordingly.
Caleb Yes; I believe that workers' Yes; As a mixed race member of the LGBTQ+ community myself, I Yes; I am totally in favor of expanding Yes; A woman's right to choose is a Yes; Food deserts are all too common in America. The No; Right-to-work laws do Yes; Everyone should be
Price rights are an essen al part stand along side and stand up for everyone no ma er their access to early childhood educa on, fundamental human right alongside the City of Cincinna even has food deserts such as in the not work to protect earning an equal living wage
of what makes the gender, race, religion, ethnic origin, disability, sexual orienta on, expanded access to childcare, and basis for a ci zen's right to privacy. The Walnut Hills area where the nearest grocery store is all workers and instead take especially to keep up with
American Dream come or gender iden ty. Human rights and human decency are dependent care programs. This city has choice of whether to carry a child to term the way over in Corryville. I will support any measure away their rights. rising infla on. Wages have
true. With the ability to impera ve to a func oning society and without proper a record of a high infant mortality rate should be between a woman and her that aims to provide food, affordable housing, and Right-to-work laws favor stayed stagnant in this
give the power back to the protec ons for these individuals, their rights as humans become and I want to change that. Cincinna doctor. The government should not have a healthcare for everyone. This city needs more large corpora ons and country since the Reagan
worker, this empowers infringed upon. As someone who gets this struggle for equality, I Public Schools alongside the Cincinna say in this ma er as this is a very private low-income residen al housing. Certain areas of the take the power of being Administra on. Ci es such
employees to work with will do everything that I can to protect the rights of those that Public Health Department should and emo onal ma er. city have seen rent skyrocket as availability of able to form a labor union as San Francisco, New York,
management to create a are most at-risk in the city and work to provide equal rights for provide childcare programs and early affordable housing becomes scarce. It is the city's away from the worker. and Chicago have taken the
be er work environment. all groups in our city. childhood educa on to families in responsibility to help the effort to return affordable With right-to-work, lead to provide a living wage
Collec ve bargaining is need. Any legisla on brought forward housing back to certain areas of the city. I am also in collec ve bargaining for to everyone and Cincinna
good for everyone as it that would expand these programs, favor of providing equal access to healthcare for any higher wages, benefits, should join in. Ohio's
allows for the possibility would have my full support. Cincinna an that needs it. We have health clinics in and working condi ons minimum wage jumps to
of fair and equal wages the city but people are o en hesitant to go. We need goes away. $10.10 in January 2023. This
which are essen al to a to reassure people that their healthcare needs will be is not enough for today's
high standard of living. sa sfied as everyone deserves this basic human right. standard of living. People
have to struggle to work two
jobs just to keep food on the
table. I support legisla on to
raise the city's minimum
wage and to encourage
corpora ons and other
businesses to pay everyone
an equal living wage.
Antonio Yes; I support Unions Yes; Our Cons tu on starts off with "We the People." our Yes; Our children are the future. People Yes; I believe that women should have full Yes; Since I was a child, I've always known deep in my No; I believe in Unions and Yes; No one should work
M. because it gives working elected officials must work every day to ensure that when think America needs to show its autonomy over their bodies and as a male, heart that in America, the most powerful na on on the power that they hold. eight hours a day, five days a
Sanders Jr. women and men the right people read "We the People..." they know it means everyone, strength through our Military, but it the only bills (pertaining to reproduc ve earth, no one, not a single soul should unwillingly go We need to do everything week, and not be able to
to come together and regardless of Race, Creed, Sex, and sexual orienta on. It's just needs to be with our educa on system. freedoms) I would support are ones that hungry. That's why when I am on Council I will work we can to ensure people provide for themselves and
fight for be er pay, and that simple. I don't want to be a Council member for just a We need to invest in Cincinna 's youth, empower women to have just that. with food banks to ensure they have the foundings have a choice. their families. As the cost of
be er working condi ons. certain group of people, but for all Cincinna ans. building off of Greg Landsman's and the ability to con nue to provide safe, good, and living con nues to rise and
So much of what we know Preschool promise, working with our most importantly healthy foods for all in need. reach record levels, the
as normal today is State Board of Educa on to improve minimal wage needs to do
because of UNIONS! The our State's educa on curriculum, and that also.
weekends, safe work increasing the number of childcare
condi ons, a minimal centers.
wage, and so much more.
And when I am on Council
I will work day and night
to protect unions.
Do you support the right
Do you support legisla on to protect and provide equal rights Do you support expanded access to
First and to collec ve bargaining Do you support a woman's right to Do you support measures designed to ensure food, Do you support Do you support paying
for all individuals regardless of gender, race, age, religion, childcare, dependent care programs,
Last Name for public + private reproduc ve choice? healthcare, and housing security for everyone? Right-to-Work legisla on? everyone a living wage?
ethnic origin, disability, sexual orienta on, or gender iden ty? and early childhood educa on?
Adam Yes; Free country. If Yes; This shouldn't even be a ques on. I was raised in the city, Yes; I know people who struggle with Yes; There is a lot of gray area in this Yes; I have personally supplied affordable housing Yes; I believe this is s ll Yes; Unfortunately there will
Koehler people want to join a went to some of the most diverse schools and had business daycare. My wife owns a business and ques on. I believe abor on shouldn't be through HUD for over 20 years. I have seen the ups free country and people be bad actors who
union then more power to interac ons with very group you can imagine. I have personally her best employee has three kids with the only "choice". I support reproduc ve and downs of the program and worked with tenants should have the choice to manipulate and take
them. Do I always agree been witness to how different perspec ves add value to no support from the fathers. She is educa on, science (not poli cal rhetoric) on many of their issues. I most likely understand join or not join a union. advantage of workers. This
with union tac cs, no. everything we do. o en absent from work because of and the civil rights of that unborn human affordable housing concerns more deeply than anyone Forcing people to do cannot happen in our city. I
Historically have they inadequate childcare issues that arise. I being. I also support organiza ons that applying for this posi on. The company I founded and anything, especially fully support helping
been an important part of am a HUGE supporter of helping can help that mother make more informed sold was in the real estate space and with that, I have barring them from work working live a dignified life
the rise of the American struggling parents with what they need decisions about the life of her child. And built many rela onships with people who can actually because they don't want that includes being
worker, absolutely. I am a to get to work. I also strongly support most of all I support helping teach people make affordable housing possible for our ci zens (not to join a union seems compensated fairly. As
capitalist and a strong educa on and educa onal op ons. I to be er their lives financially so they can just discuss the issue and make it a poli cal talking un-American. someone who was raised in
supporter of the free would not have reached the level of support a family.80% of wealthy people point). a single mother household
market. I also believe in success I have if it wasn't for going to grew up poor, not middle class, poor! In in poverty I personally feel
the freedom of people to SCPA. That is a fact. This is a personal my opinion we are killing off the next pain when hearing some of
choose what they want for thing for me and I will fight for young business leaders, job creators and financial the stories that s ll exist.
their own lives. If people people and parent on this one. supporters of our community when we A er an en re life of living
feel they need union should be helping to nurture the talent around poverty and trying
representa on then the that child posseses. my best to personally
market will decide if those intervene I am s ll shocked
organiza on are necessary at the dispari es we face.
over me. Not only do I mentor young
people, sit on boards of
schools and run a podcast
dedicated to helping people
start their own businesses
but I also run a co-working
space giving folks a place to
do business in a professional
manner.I am an
entrepreneur, self-made
mul millionaire and know
what it takes to get out of
poverty because I've done it.
I've also helped others do it.
There is absolutely no
reason our ci zens should
be taken advantage of and
work at jobs that keep them
in a cycle of poverty.If I am
selected I will dedicate
myself to using my posi on
to be ering the lives of
every Cincinna worker. The
be er they do, the be er
the city does.
Do you support the right
Do you support legisla on to protect and provide equal rights Do you support expanded access to
First and to collec ve bargaining Do you support a woman's right to Do you support measures designed to ensure food, Do you support Do you support paying
for all individuals regardless of gender, race, age, religion, childcare, dependent care programs,
Last Name for public + private reproduc ve choice? healthcare, and housing security for everyone? Right-to-Work legisla on? everyone a living wage?
ethnic origin, disability, sexual orienta on, or gender iden ty? and early childhood educa on?
Ryan Yes; I support collec ve Yes; Across all socie es and all religions, you can find some Yes; If we believe that children are the Yes; There is no ques on that decisions Yes; Again, I believe that people are what make a No; Although I believe that Yes; There is no such thing
Mahoney bargaining for all workers varia on of "the golden rule" to "treat others as you would want future, and that the American worker is regarding reproduc ve health should be community. Thus, we should take care of all our fellow choice is a key proponent as a pointless job. Over the
because labor is the to be treated." We are all human beings, and are deserving of the backbone of our na on, then we only between the individual and whoever ci zens in the best way that we can. Food, housing of personal liberty, outside past three years we have
backbone of our society love and respect regardless of background, orienta on, gender, must be in favor of expanding access to they choose to confide in. The only and healthcare are neccesi es that many of our fellow of providing the choice to seen the impacts of losing
and our economy. As a race or circumstance. I believe all legisla on should in some way these programs. Giving kids a head concern the state should take in regards to ci zens either have zero or limited access to. If the be a member of a union, key personnel from all
society we should take be er the lives of the people subject to it, and any legisla on start in development and educa on is reproduc ve health is to properly fund ability is there to provide measures to ease the Right-to-Work legisla on sectors of the workforce.
care of one another, and that does not support ALL PEOPLE regardless of their iden fiers nothing but a posi ve investment. facili es to properly take care of burden of those most in need in our community and o en serves only to Once again, people are the
want the best for one is poor legisla on. Establishing the building blocks of individuals for whatever choice they make. we choose to not act, then we are ac vely choosing to undermine the collec ve greatest asset of any
another. We should all educa on early on will not only help harm our neighbors. power of working people. I community, and taking care
support the rights of our them as they enter K-12, but it will give like to assume the best of of our people is not just the
fellow countrymen to them confidence and increase social everyone, but far too o en economically sound thing to
collec vely bargain for the skills as they will be around other large businesses take do, but the moral thing to
wages, rights and children in the same age range. advantage of the workers do. If you work a 40 hour
protec ons that all Addi onally, to the many working who spent a majority of work week, then there is no
workers deserve. parents, and single parents who are their lives making that reason that your pay should
Economically speaking, dependent on the availability and business rich. All workers be anything below the cost
people are and will always affordability of these resources, deserve a living wage, of living. I would support
be the greatest asset to expanding these programs would allow proper protec ons, and any legisla on or measures
our economy. Thus, we them to either con nue to work, or go respect for the labor they to push for all full- me
should treat our greatest to school, or handle issues pertaining produce. Right-to-Work workers to be paid a living
assets with respect and to self and home life. This would allow legisla on undermines wage.
care, due to their impact these individuals to be er their that.
on our city and country as situa on economically, or personally,
a whole. and ul mately that is not only a benefit
to the individual, but the community in
the long term.
Dadrien Yes I do! As being a former Yes I do! personally. I have family and friends that are apart of Yes; Yes, And I would love for Cincinna Yes; What ever that woman does with her YES I do. What I'm about to say I know because I Yes; Follow me here. I am a Yes; YES! I believe paying
Washingto postal worker I the L.G.B.T.Q.I.A community, Plus me as an African American to introduce educa on of technology in body is between her and god, NOT HER IN personally experience it. I believe all children has union guy (former postal everyone a living wage, I
n understand the power of gowning up in Evanston in the late 80's early 90's my grandfather elementary class (coding, blockchain THE GOVERNMENT (State or Local). As my dreams but it's hard concentrate in school when your worker) and I know first would even love to see if
collec ve bargaining Sidney Washington and my elders told me and show me why and etc) I believe and the technology faith has it. GOD makes NO mistakes! So belly is growling. it's hard to concentrate in school if hand the benefits of there was some way metro
empower individuals to civil rights so important at all. and what it can do to bring up lower when man feel like that have to make a you worry you might not have a roof over your head. having a union. But if the bus could give discounts
stand as one. and I makes income families, I have ideas for a law about abor on, then to me that's man And I know people far on hard mes, we all have. So individual don't want join working parents and kids I
the corpora ons pay there volunteer community daycare for telling GOD he made a mistake and that being there to help up our brothers and sisters in need then they should NOT believe that would give
fare share. low-come working parents are when man needs to correct it! GOD DOES NOT is a must! receive any benefits that them more sense of
they need a break. Childcare and MAKE MISTAKES! comes with being an union encouragement. Plus every
childhood educa on is must! I believe employee. li le counts.
the sooner you introduce a child to
educa on you are introducing that
child an pathway to there dream.
Quen n Yes; Chosen this answer Yes; Everybody is human and everyone have equal rights to Yes; People need somewhere to take Yes; They should be able to make the Yes; That basic things for people to live. Yes; People have a choice Yes; It’s a give a take on both
Taylor because it give the people fairness. they children while they at work. decision of they choice. to pay for they union. ends. It’s go cost the
and the workplace a voice. government more money to
It make them feel like they support the living wage.
important at the job they
are doing and make a
change in there
Dean Yes; I think it keeps all the Yes; I do, because I feel everyone deserves an equal opportunity. Yes; Yes, because we need to increase Yes; Women have the right to do what Yes; I do as long as the need is truly necessary. Yes; There should be a free Yes; I do, as long as long as
Kaplan minori es and all of the work force and provide equal they wish with their own bodies. It is not work space. If people are they are doing the job they
society on a level playing support for everyone. The early be governments involvement. not doing the job they were hired to do and have
field. development is the strongest base for a were hired to do, then the ability to support
child's educa on and development. they should be able to be themselves.
replaced by an individual
who is willing to do the
Do you support the right
Do you support legisla on to protect and provide equal rights Do you support expanded access to
First and to collec ve bargaining Do you support a woman's right to Do you support measures designed to ensure food, Do you support Do you support paying
for all individuals regardless of gender, race, age, religion, childcare, dependent care programs,
Last Name for public + private reproduc ve choice? healthcare, and housing security for everyone? Right-to-Work legisla on? everyone a living wage?
ethnic origin, disability, sexual orienta on, or gender iden ty? and early childhood educa on?
Sco Yes; Equality in the Yes; Protec ng individual rights is not just a core element of our Yes; Robust social programs form the Yes; Reproduc ve care is health care. Yes; Educa on is the backbone of a social society, and No; To be clear, I'm in favor Yes; I support ensuring that
Hand workplace grows when democracy, but a fundamental part of humanity. The priviledge body of a just society, and educa on is Health care includes a person's choice. access to human needs are the limbs that balance the of workers having a choice the minimum wage exceeds
workers have the ability to I've personally benefited from requires me to help fight for the backbone. In addi on to childcare democracy. Ensuring that all residents have access to of whether to join and the living wage calculated
voice concerns, nego ate, equality for everyone else. I pushed for and am proud that my and preschool, I support investment in basic necessi es helps build a be er city. Public support a union. I am not for geographic regions. In
and demand change to company was the first private business to aquire Gold-level public schools, trade schools, and housing is a key element to building a be er urban in favor of legisla on that Hamilton County, a single
improve their lives and cer fica on in the Ellequate (formerly Queen City Cer fied) for community colleges. society, that I don't believe the US does enough for, makes it harder for adult needs over $15/hr to
working condi ons. workplace equity. which is genera ng a con nual housing and workers to form unions meet basic needs. The living
Workers at all scales of affordability crisis that affects many other aspects of and bargain for be er wage for families can be far
organiza ons deserve the life. wages and condi ons. And above that, and I support
right to be heard and I disagree with laws measures to increase the
share in the wealth intended to make it easier financial security of all
generated by their labor. for corpora ons to workers.
dismantles unions or the
bargaining power of
Victor Yes; Collec ve bargaining Yes; There are so many benefits to protect equal rights. Here are Yes; We need to con nue to fight for Yes; Very simply put it’s her body, her Yes; These are basic human rights and necessi es. We Yes; I call this a win-win Yes; So many mes I’ve
Phillips is a way to solve many some just to name a few- heal i their communi es, be er wages, this effort. Many working Americans choice. The government shouldn’t put have a duty to each other ensure our neighbors are scenario. Right-to-work witness the working class
workplace problems. reduces poverty, improves quality of educa on, and it challenges are challenged with their career and restric ons on choices with one’s body. not going without these basic necessi es. Food banks improves economic growth struggling to pay bills. A
Addi onally it’s one best any jus ce system in place that exhibits par ality. juggling parental responsibili es. Many should con nue to be accessible and available, along and allow workplaces to livable wage is a great start
means for raising wages in jobs are not your tradi onal 9-5 which with affordable healthcare for everyone. remain compe ve in a but we also have to focus on
our city and country. makes it challenging for parents during global economy. Both affordable housing as well. A
Through collec ve the school year and over the summer companies and employees livable wage must make
bargaining, working break months. Resources and funds to benefit from a be er sense, and factor the cost of
people in unions have alleviate some of the childcare burden economy, as wages and housing.
higher wages, be er is paramount. corporate earnings
benefits and safer increase.
Elizabeth Yes; Collec ve bargaining Yes; We need to protect people with needs. For example a YesWe live in a society that requires Yes; People need to care for each others Yes; We all need housing, health care and food. No; If you’re in a union you No; Everyone should be paid
David makes a be er work disabled person can’t go places unless there are paved side two incomes to live. The children and needs. Empathy. should pay for collec ve the same for the same work.
place. Safety of the walks and ramps. All people are Gods children. We all deserve elderly need are care and a en on bargaining costs. If you opt
workers are a priority. Fair equal protec on and treatment. since the families need to work to out you should opt out
wages, bonuses, holiday s, survival. union benefits that are
security ,condi ons, policy go en by the collec ve
and safety are in the bargaining agreement.
hands of the workers
instead of the government
or boss. This leads to
improve work places and
protects the rights of
William Yes; It sounds like the right Yes; I know the laws!!!!! Yes We must take care of our young!!!! Yes; If they want an abor on let them Yes; Common Sense!!! Yes; It's the law!!! Yes; It is the only fair thing
Fleaher thing to do. have it. to do!!!!!!!!!!
Jenelle M. Yes; Workers deserve the Yes; All are equal and ought to be protected from any and all Yes; It is essen al to invest in our Yes; A woman ought to have the 'say so' Yes; Measures should stay in tact to ensure such Yes; The employee ought Yes; With the cost of
Sampson right to collec vely types of discrimina on. youth. The youth are whom will be the when it comes to her as an individual. To stability so that those most in need of necessi es are to be given the everyday essen als
bargain. future lawmakers. They ought to not be take this right away is dictatorship. too given an opportunity at survival. opportunity to decide if con nuously on the rise, a
deprived of such programming. they shall join a union or living wage should be a
not. They ought to be standard. A employee ought
allowed to bargain for to have their means met as
compe ve pay, more well as the ability to incur
benefits, and be er savings.
opportuni es ensuring a
more fulfilling life.
Do you support the right
Do you support legisla on to protect and provide equal rights Do you support expanded access to
First and to collec ve bargaining Do you support a woman's right to Do you support measures designed to ensure food, Do you support Do you support paying
for all individuals regardless of gender, race, age, religion, childcare, dependent care programs,
Last Name for public + private reproduc ve choice? healthcare, and housing security for everyone? Right-to-Work legisla on? everyone a living wage?
ethnic origin, disability, sexual orienta on, or gender iden ty? and early childhood educa on?
Andrew Yes; Absolutely, collec ve Yes; Yes, I support legisla on to protect and provide equal rights Yes; Yes, I support expanded access to Yes; What is my stance on abor on? I am Yes; Food - Yes.Healthcare - Iffy... I am for private Yes; Cri cs argue that Yes; Yes, an income level
Kennedy bargaining is a great way for all individuals regardless of gender, race, age, religion, ethnic childcare, dependent care programs, Pro-Choice. Providing birth control, sex health care for now. However, I could change my right-to-work laws weaken that allows individuals or
to solve many workplace origin, disability, sexual orienta on, or gender iden ty. I am also and early childhood educa on. No educa on and more social services will opinion if presented with facts that we will not union power and benefit families to afford adequate
problems. It is also the for freedom of religion as well as freedom from religion. I am an brainer. help reduce the number of abor ons. Only bankrupt our na on over this. I am skep cal about corpora ons. However, no shelter, food, and other
best means for raising atheist. However, tomorrow I could become a Chris an, become at the moment of birth should the child how much this will cost us all. How are we going to one should be forced to necessi es is a must.
wages in America. Indeed, Jewish, become Muslim, or any other religion or make up my receive the full protec on of the state. pay for it?Housing security - Yes! Plus, we tax religious join a union. Unions do a
through collec ve own. It is a beau ful thing. However, some mes, under the Before that moment, I believe the fetus’s organiza ons to make it happen. Yes! I’ve men oned lot of good. But give
bargaining, working guise of "religious freedom" some religions violate basic human survival is en rely reliant on its mother’s this before when I’ve talked about our city's affordable workers the choice of
people in unions have rights. Let’s talk about circumcision, for example. Should boys decisions, her will to carry the child, and housing problem. I believe it is me for an enormous whether or not to join a
higher wages, be er and girls under 18 years old be protected from the irreversible nature taking its course. It should be societal shi to take place. But to start this shi , union.
benefits and safer life decision of circumcision from parents, religious leaders, en rely the mother’s choice to carry a elec ons at the local level need to reflect the people’s
workplaces. hospitals, and doctors? Yes. They should absolutely be baby to full term. Ci zenship should only will and resolve for posi ve major changes. And this is
protected. While it is somewhat socially acceptable today under begin at birth. However, I fully respect all why I have decided to apply this new tone to
the guise of religious freedom, circumcision is actually an views on this topic and will con nue to everything else I’ve said and laid out as my vision for
appalling human rights viola on and should be considered infant listen to all opposing viewpoints to Cincinna over this past year or so and over the
torture and genital mu la on. When a child is born, that child confirm or adjust my opinion. Just a quick course current campaign for city council in 2023. I
should be protected by the state from unnecessary surgeries on point on ci zenship - Sec on 1 of the 14th want to support the re-examina on of tax exemp ons
their genitals like circumcision. Parents, doctors, religious amendment states that persons born here for religions across our city and all of the US. For these
enthusiasts, and hospitals who do this to innocent children or naturalized are U.S. ci zens. By those changes to take place, it will need to be done at state
should be held accountable and punished by a law here in criteria, the unborn cannot be U.S. and federal level. However, I will be a voice for these
Cincinna and beyond. We need to take steps to protect the ci zens.*Furthermore, on this special changes. Exemp ons from property taxes, for
defenseless children being subjected to this barbaric child abuse topic, I like these thoughts and opinions example, represent an enormous benefit to religions
and disturbing nonsense. If religious dogmas are finding their from Pastor David Barnhart:a. “The that we ALL pay for — the total value of all property
way into our laws nowadays and striping women of their right to unborn” are a convenient group of people owned by religious groups in Cincinna and
have an abor on, well then, the gloves are off. We need to fight to advocate for. They never make throughout Hamilton county for that ma er, easily
back, and we need to fight back hard. Outlawing circumcision is demands of you; they are morally runs into the tens of millions of dollars. And for the
one way to do this. I will work with religious leaders, parents, uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, United States as a whole it easily runs into the tens of
hospitals, and doctors in the medical community to unify and addicted, or the chronically poor; they billions. This creates a problem, because these tax
educate people on the issue of circumcision. I understand the don’t resent your condescension or exemp ons amount to a substan al gi of money to
profound religious and cultural norms these changes will complain that you are not poli cally religions at, again, the expense of someone. The
challenge, and I will do it anyway because it is the right thing to correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you taxpayers… YOU. For every dollar which the
do. A law, making circumcision illegal, needs to put in place. It is to ques on patriarchy; unlike orphans, government cannot collect on religious property, it
long overdue. Now is the me to challenge. How appalling they don’t need money, educa on, or must make up for by collec ng it from its ci zens… As
would it be for parents of a certain religion or cult to say they childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all a consequence, all ci zens are forced to indirectly
need to chop off their baby’s ears because a “super-en ty” told that racial, cultural, and religious baggage support religious organiza ons, even those of us that
them to do it? Or, because that is just their par cular culture’s that you dislike; they allow you to feel recognize the crookedness of them. Every me you
tradi on? It would be very ridiculous and appalling to chop off good about yourself without any work at pass a religious property, know that YOU are paying
ears. Circumcision is equally if not more so ridiculous and crea ng or maintaining rela onships; and for it, not them. And I think that’s bull. This is a
appalling. Circumcision is terrible and NEEDS to be stopped. when they are born, you can forget about viola on of our cons tu on’s establishment clause
Many refuse to confront religion’s abuses on this topic locally them, because they cease to be unborn. because it directly aids religion. We need reexamine
and na onally because of their bias for religion and their fear or You can love the unborn and advocate for exemp ng religious organiza ons from taxes as a
doing what is right. I am personally proud to stand with the them without substan ally challenging society. That real and difficult conversa on needs to
people who are part of the group: “Jews Against Circumcision” your own wealth, power, or privilege, begin now. And when our society finally decides it is
like Michael Wa s, Jerrold Greenberg, David Azoulay, and more. without re-imagining social structures, me to tax the religions, and the three branches of
We can speak out against religion and the ac ons they take and apologizing, or making repara ons to our government reflect that in their decisions too,
s ll love the religious people who do these terrible things. I am anyone. They are, in short, the perfect these religious organiza ons should then feel proud
6% Ashkenazi Jewish. It’s in my blood. However, I was raised people to love if you want to claim you that they are actually helping society out with their
Chris an. Now, I am proudly non-religious. I speak out against love Jesus, but actually dislike people who tax dollars. These are tax dollars that can go to help fix
religions. It is ok to do so and should be encouraged, especially breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? our affordable housing problem for example, help aid
in a free society like we have here in the United States of The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the more youth programs, and care more for our elderly.
America. It is also more than ok to speak out against me or groups that are specifically men oned in Religions can look at paying taxes as a real act of
anything I say. I welcome it and encourage it too. Bring it on. I the Bible? They all get thrown under the kindness. We cannot keep taxing our businesses and
am excited for the opportunity to devote my life in whatever bus for the unborn." -Methodist Pastor ci zens into oblivion when there is so much wealth
way I can to stand against all this religious nonsense that is out David BarnhartI love this quote. Yes, by a being tricked out of people by religions. Religions, who
there and make Cincinna a be er place for people to live, work religious person. Go Pastor David. We are using make-believe spirituality as a guise for a
and play. Making a law against Circumcision is one way to do agree here. business of conning Cincinna ans and the rest of the
this. I don't want power. I could care less about leadership. What American people. I think they should be taxed much
do I want then? I WANT CHANGE!!! Please work with me and like casinos. Religions and casinos offer similar highs to
let's make this happen! Call me any me to have a personal its users. Separa on of church and state would be
conversa on. I have spoken to many of you in the past about fantas c. But let’s stop pretending there is any kind of
how much we love our city and the people in it. separa on here. They want to influence laws, (like
abor on etc.) they can pay taxes. And, I think, a lot of
Do you support the right
Do you support legisla on to protect and provide equal rights Do you support expanded access to
First and to collec ve bargaining Do you support a woman's right to Do you support measures designed to ensure food, Do you support Do you support paying
for all individuals regardless of gender, race, age, religion, childcare, dependent care programs,
Last Name for public + private reproduc ve choice? healthcare, and housing security for everyone? Right-to-Work legisla on? everyone a living wage?
ethnic origin, disability, sexual orienta on, or gender iden ty? and early childhood educa on?
Jeffrey Yes; Every worker should Yes; Who you are, what you are, or what your preferences are Yes; Child care is very expensive. Even Yes; Un l except are made for rape, incest Yes; We have so many who care no longer provide Yes; Every individual No; I believe this may
Jenkins have a right to collec ve should not determine what your right are. All Americans should those who work daily and contribute to and a mother's life I will be pro choice. these, who have contributed or no longer can who should have that right to bankrupt the economy. I
bargaining to modify or have equal right reguardless. society and economy can't afford child deserve these things. work as an American need to know more about
inlmproving their sta ce care for 2 or more kids. This is a must. ci zen. Non ci zens is this. At this point no.
or bargaining power. something that should be
Gavi Yes; I strongly support the Yes; Our country was founded on the idea that everyone would Yes; Public educa on is the great Yes; I believe in the fundamental human Yes; We live in the most affluent society in history. No No; Right-to-work is Yes; It’s about the dignity of
Begtrup fundamental right of have a chance to meet their greatest poten al. Yet while equalizer, the onramp to the American right of women to make their own one should be in want of basic necessi es.How can designed to undercut work. If you work a job, you
workers to organize and to discrimina on based on religion and creed was baked into the Dream. Yet not all kids show up to decisions. I have been a stalwart champion Cincinna be a great city if we have families on the unions, encourage should be able to provide
nego ate contracts. First Amendment, it would take centuries to address racial and school ready to learn, se ng them at a for reproduc ve rights, which is why my street? How can we be a great society if our people freeriding, and hurt for yourself and your family.
Collec ve bargaining sex discrimina on, and we s ll have a ways to go to fulfill the disadvantage that tracks through their last campaign was endorsed by Pro-Choice die from preventable disease?It was one of the workers. It limits the You should be able to live
protects the rights and promise of the Founders.Discrimina on has no place in our life.Meanwhile, quality childcare is so Ohio.Before Roe was overturned, I wrote highlights of my career to work in the U.S. House of power of workers and the the American dream by
working standards of society, and protec ons must stay current with the mes.This expensive it some mes makes an op-ed in the Cincinna Enquirer Representa ves when we passed the Affordable Care ability of unions to mee ng your poten al,
workers. Only when isn’t just about legal implica ons and employment, it’s about employment impossible for parents. warning that if overturned abor on rights Act. But comba ng poverty and inequality is a nego ate with employers. living be er than your
workers join together can saving lives. The a acks on the LGBTQ community in par cular Our kids suffer, our economy suffers, would fall to the states and State Houses systemic problem that must be addressed by every These laws hurt workers parents, and doing right by
they address the inherent are having a disastrous effect here in Ohio.Most recently the and our careers suffer when society would ma er more than ever. level of government and society. Cincinna is in some and their families your family. Yet how can we
power imbalance of Ohio legislature has focused its malice on trans kids, seeking to doesn’t help families.I have been an h ps://www.cincinna .com/story/opinion ways a leader in this without public health clinics and regardless of union achieve the American dream
employment.Unions built ostracize them from their sports teams and deny them medical advocate for universal Pre-K and the /2022/05/17/opinion-finding-empathy-diff our support of social services, and I am glad to see the membership.I strongly when the cost of living
the American Middle Class care.I know these kids. The 10-year-old trans girl on my Preschool Promise, and I believe we icult-abor on-debate/9700562002/When hard work of CM Harris and others address housing oppose so-called outpaces wages?In order for
and have been daughter’s volleyball team who just wants to play with her must look for ways to go beyond to Dobbs overturned Roe, I called for an Ohio affordability. I look forward to being a part of the “right-to-work” laws. Cincinna to be the greatest
responsible for many of friends. My 9th-grader’s close friend, a trans boy who tried to support parents and kids and make cons tu onal amendment to codify rights solu on from within the city government. city in which to live, work,
the protec ons and much take his own life last year. They need support, not Cincinna the best place to raise a to abor on and reproduc ve healthcare, and raise a family,
of the workplace safety beli lement.Council cannot change state law, but we can make family. and I look forward to figh ng for its employers must pay their
that workers take for the city of Cincinna a welcoming place for all. passage.Through social media, I helped workers a living wage.We
granted. I come from a bring worldwide a en on to what was must lead by example. I
long line of union happening post-Roe in Ohio. My tweet have run mul ple small
members and have seen about a 10-year-old girl who had to flee businesses as well as two
the power of unions to the state to obtain an abor on reached poli cal campaigns, and I
protect workers. I have nearly 30 million people (and was have always paid a living
grandparents and aunts re-posted on Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, wage to all of my
and uncles on both sides etc.) by celebri es, U.S. Senators, etc. We employees.
who were public school need to con nue to raise the alarm for
teachers. My sister is a what is happening here in Ohio to women
member of SAG-AFTRA. and girls, and our city should do what it
And my mother spent her can to lessen the burden created by the
post-military career as a state.
civil servant working on
base with Army kids.
Throughout my life I have
heard stories of the mes
unions went to bat for my
family when employers
broke the rules.I have
been an employer and I
have been an employee,
and I will always stand for
the dignity of work.
Galen G. Yes; Private industry s ll Yes; We are a na on of laws and those laws should have no Yes; Babies raising babies is a cycle of Yes; I support a man's right to Yes; I want to see every resident who wishes to be No; I support unions. I am Yes; In my es ma on the
Gordon has not proven to be bearing to gender, race, age, ethnic origin, disability, sexual poverty. Our young parents and those reproduc ve choice, so it should be equal. housed and fed in our city achieve that fundamental not against an employees minimum wage should be a
consistent with fair wages orienta on or gender iden ty. It's not my job to judge someone who find themselves in financial I am not the judge. We need healthy right. Our city should lead the charge for a greater right to choose whether living wage. There are other
across the board. It's for how they look or feel. It is all our jobs to protect their right to difficulty need our help to get op ons for women who some mes have variety of housing op ons and pricing affordability they want to pay for factors like the cost of
important for our workers look, feel and be. appropriate resources for care. If we troubling decisions to make. We need to within our city limits. We need more fresh food representa on, but it housing and healthcare that
to have representa on can get the a en on of our youngest give them all the tools to make the op ons and support for local grocers in any appears more needs to be directly impact whether my
and protec on when it is ci zens and expose them to more decision that is best for their situa on. neighborhoods without efficient access to such. done with legisla on like current wage is a living
appropriate. appropriate care/resources, they will Healthcare is a human right. I personally support a this in it's current form. wage. I believe we have to
be be er prepared to make more local healthcare agency inten onally because they work on this from mul ple
posi ve decisions that impact their accept all medical insurances. I could choose a nicer, angles.
daily lives. cleaner agency, but I support those who are doing
great work for the people.
Do you support the right
Do you support legisla on to protect and provide equal rights Do you support expanded access to
First and to collec ve bargaining Do you support a woman's right to Do you support measures designed to ensure food, Do you support Do you support paying
for all individuals regardless of gender, race, age, religion, childcare, dependent care programs,
Last Name for public + private reproduc ve choice? healthcare, and housing security for everyone? Right-to-Work legisla on? everyone a living wage?
ethnic origin, disability, sexual orienta on, or gender iden ty? and early childhood educa on?
Gerald Yes; Collec ve bargaining, Yes; Equal rights are under assault. Countries around the world Yes; As a French na ve, I have Yes; Reproduc ve choice should be a Yes; All these measures are part of the basic human No; Unfortunately this is a Yes; What is the point to
Checco in which employees are that threaten these rights are the authoritarian countries that benefited, as a young father, from the personal decision for women. It is rights in most of Europe. Having been raised in a code word for "Union work full me and not be
represented by a Union to limit individual freedom. Our City has become a great example extensive programs that help parents in deplorable that our State has chosen to be country that provides free Health Care and na onal Bus ng". Collec ve able support yourself and/or
nego ate work condi ons, that we value and respect individuals regardless of who they are. that country. Having children will so regressive concerning woman's right to aid for Housing, I know it is possible to provide these bargaining is the real your family?
is essen al for a vibrant I am proud to have witnessed the turn around of Cincinna , benefit all of us and help raising them reproduc ve choice. Because these rights measures in a vibrant economy. It is all about basic Right-to-Work-with-Decen
middle class. It gives from a backward city to a city I want to live in. As a white man, I benefits our community, strengthen are legislated at the State level, our City decency. cy.
worker the ability to have am freer in Cincinna now because of these rights. families and help economic vitality. (County) needs to find crea ve ways to
a fair representa on. It support women faced with difficult
also create be er services decisions.
delivery because it
promotes dialog between
management and labor
force. In my 30-years of
City service, I have valued
and benefited from strong
collec ve bargaining and
strong union
representa on.
Jason Yes; In my previous run for Yes; Absolutely. Nothing is more fundamental to our country and Yes; This is an important safety net to Yes; I believe this is a civil rights issue. The Yes; Cincinna has enough resources to ensure basic No; Framed as a benefit to Yes; Ensuring a living wage
Riveiro council, I was very protec ng rights for all. I have previously been endorsed by make sure our children are on equal choice should be le between a woman human needs for its most vulnerable ci zens. This can individual workers, these boosts the overall economy
suppor ve of organized Equality Ohio and have lead DE&I efforts in corporate America. foo ng and set up to succeed. and her doctor. Government interference be accomplished through a concerted effort across a empts to erode unions and allows individuals to
labor. The deteriora ng Providing this assistance improves the is an a ack on our basic human rights. city officials, our corporate leaders and extensive is actually a determinant transi on out of safety net
environment for organized economic stability of the en re nonprofit networks. Only the city is capable of to all employees. This type programs. These types are
labor and collec ve community and allows the coordina ng these efforts. of legisla on tries to even more important in this
bargaining has been seen beneficiaries of these services to be distract from the real current infla onary
across the na on. We more produc ve. adversary which are large environment. Corpora ons
have the ability to protect employers using cheap are seeing record profits but
these rights within labor. wages for lower income
Cincinna and ensure workers has minimally
workers are paid a fair and increased.
compe ve wage for their
Jaime Yes; As a member of my Yes; This is a personal issue to me not only because of myself, my Yes; As a teacher, as a mom, suppor ng Yes; As a woman who is s ll in my Yes; When I ran for Congress in 2020, I was very much No; "Right to Work for Yes; I believe that any
Castle teachers' union, CFT, I close friends, family, or students that I worry about being children and parents is the top priority reproduc ve years, I am terrified by the an advocate for Universal Healthcare and see that as Less" is what this has been person who works full me
have seen firsthand the persecuted but because of legisla on (proposed or existent) and for me. I have seen differences in how idea that I would be seen as having less being transforma onal for our country and people. As called as it dilutes wages should be able to earn a
power in numbers in policy that is ac vely a acking certain groups of people. There children succeed dependent on how rights over the autonomy of my body than far as what a city can do, we are limited but can and worker protec ons. living wage. Once again, we
protec ng and advoca ng are hate crimes targe ng groups of people and the city can set much their home life affects them and a corpse. So many things can go wrong in con nue to reach as many people as possible through Be er access to being in a are talking about a
for be er working policy to protect the people of Cincinna , protec ng their whether they have stability, securi es, pregnancy and doctor's and pregnant our amazing partners. I have seen the Power Pack union and more quality-of-life issue where
condi ons, protec ons, Human Rights and the very right to exist. We can priori ze and supports. If we can support persons need the ability to make life program and access to medical, dental, and eye-care mentorship and inclusion too many people are
and benefits. This is a protec ng people, their rights, access and inclusion, in a mindful families, parents and guardians by saving choices. Reproduc ve choice is a for our children and families through our Cincinna is a be er way to reach struggling to survive despite
quality-of-life issue and as way, working with all of our city partners and se ng standards expanding access to these ini a ves, quality-of-life issue not only giving humans Public Schools. In addi on to suppor ng measures more people and set the amount of me spent
city officials, it is the duty and nondiscrimina on policy. the ROI is less childhood poverty, less a say in their future, but is a necessity to and partners with measures designed to ensure food, people up to succeed. on working. The working
to support what would housing and food insecurity, a be er be equal as a human. Preven on of healthcare, and housing, I want to work toward more Federal law already makes poor cannot escape poverty
allow for people to have skilled workforce, healthier ci zens unwanted pregnancies is not spoken supports helping people learn skills and support it illegal to force someone and the toll that takes on
dignity of work and create with less trauma and less crime. enough about nor are enough things measures to help people access be er employment. to join a union. RTW laws individuals and families is
genera onal wealth and Genera onal wealth can begin to be happening to help (like OTC birth control see lower earnings for crea ng so many of the
prosperity. created for many families when we pill access and sex educa on standards), workers and greater problems in our society.
priori ze people! but the ques on here is choice and corporate/execu ve Having a living wage where
current extremist policies (proposed or wealth at the expense of people and families are
existent) are dangerous. I believe people the workers. secure and thrive, helps the
will leave Ohio to other states if community at large and the
reproduc ve choice is not protected here. individuals and families.
John Yes; I strongly support Yes; That's a core value. Yes; Suppor ng and educa ng our Yes; Her body, her choice. Yes; We're a wealthy country and all of our ci zens No; This supports the Yes; This comes down to a
Thomas unions. youth about our future. need to have basic human needs and support met. employer, not the basic living wage.
Dale Yes; It is important for Yes; I strongly support equal rights for all ci zens. Yes; Childcare, dependent programs Yes; We should not legislate what a Yes; As a State Representa ve, I supported legisla on No; I do not support Yes; Everyone deserves to
Mallory workers to be able to and educa on are important services. woman does with her body. and worked with organiza ons that have consistently an -union Right to Work earn a living wage to
make a living wage to There are many ci zens that rely on worked on each of those issues. legisla on. support themselves and
support themselves and them on a daily basis. their families.
their families.
Do you support the right
Do you support legisla on to protect and provide equal rights Do you support expanded access to
First and to collec ve bargaining Do you support a woman's right to Do you support measures designed to ensure food, Do you support Do you support paying
for all individuals regardless of gender, race, age, religion, childcare, dependent care programs,
Last Name for public + private reproduc ve choice? healthcare, and housing security for everyone? Right-to-Work legisla on? everyone a living wage?
ethnic origin, disability, sexual orienta on, or gender iden ty? and early childhood educa on?
Jonathan Yes; It important to have a Yes; I believe everyone should have a chance to be the best they Yes expanded child support and Yes As a man i have no idea what it is like Yes; Everyone has the right to food, healthcare, and No; I dont think you should Yes; It is common
Williams adovacate on the side of can be without discrimina on or oppression dependent programs assist with to carry a child let alone the impact on a housing we need to more to make that available but be forced to join a union knowledge that the lowest
the worker, the common allowing woman and care takers to be womans life. The choices a woman has to also ensure we are giving them the opportunity to but i think unions are very wage earners in America
man doing the labor in the work force, further allowing make is in no way easy. We should protect move beyond government housing by educa ng and important have not a pay increase in
everyday,the hardwork. It them to support their family's and their right to choose. finding jobs. years only for fear of what it
is impera ve to be able to depend less on other government will take away from others
give a worker the right to programs. and that is not right. I
a fair days pay for a fair believe yes it is me to even
days work. the playing field.
Michelle Yes; I am a strong Yes; I support all forms of non-discrimina on legisla on and Yes; As a working, single mother of a Yes; I support access to reproduc ve Yes; I have always supported measures designed to No; I have extensive Yes; For years I worked in
Dillingham supporter of the right to their enforcement to protect equal rights. Cincinna has made special needs adult son there is no healthcare and choice, including for the ensure food, healthcare and housing security, always training and advocacy minimum wage jobs, so I
collec ve bargaining for gains in some areas, but un l we pass comprehensive ques on I understand at a very preven on of pregnancy. As a woman, it is working to educate myself and the community on the experience on this issue in know first-hand how
public and private an -discrimina on legisla on, we are not the best City we can personal level the integral part that of par cular concern to me that our rights issues, and organizing efforts for policy change to my work while on staff impossible it is to make ends
workers. The terms of the be. As a social worker and mother of a son with significant affordable, safe dependent care means are protected so we can make the best improve quality of life for Cincinna families in these with the Cincinna meet on a minimum wage
bargaining agreement set disabili es I have experienced firsthand the absolute need for to a family’s ability to survive and decision for our health. I oppose any areas. I’ve stood with the community on the front AFL-CIO Labor Council, the income. Now as a social
the condi ons of the legisla on to protect equal rights. thrive. As a legisla ve advocate for legisla on that interferes with the lines on these issues for years; organizing local efforts Laborers Local 265, and worker at the top of my
workplace, and those public educa on, and an educator doctor-pa ent rela onship. for disability advocacy, affordable housing, and CFT Local 1520. I managed field, I’ve worked for years
condi ons are what myself, it is important to me that we helping ini ate efforts such a local educa on advocacy workforce development with local community-labor
makes our city great con nue to strive for expanded access coali on for the purpose of securing funding for public programs funded by the coali ons on bringing
(health, safety, wage and to quality care for our families. schools, a food policy council to address the City’s S mulus Act following the awareness and ac on to the
benefits, training and food deserts, and an an -gun violence public health Great Recession, and my livable wage issue. In 2015 I
professional ini a ve. job included going to was a co-sponsor on a
development). While factories that were closing pe on to get on the ballot
working in labor, down in Greater Cincinna an ini a ve to Raise the
labor-community, and so they could move south Wage for workers in
labor-management to “Right-To-Work” Cincinna Ohio.
partnership organiza ons, southern states. I helped Unfortunately, the
I’ve been a part of local, prepare laid-off super-Republican majority in
state and na onal manufacturing workers to the state legislature passed
movement-building for train up for new “advanced legisla on pre-emp ng
organized labor, and have manufacturing” jobs that municipali es from raising
seen first-hand how many mes did not exist. I their own minimum wage.
collec ve bargaining spent the closing weeks at This remains a major barrier
strengthens the Avon and Jim Beam to raising the wage for
labor-management factories with dozens of Cincinna .
rela ons. men and women, some of
whom had been there 15
and 20 years and saw
first-hand the devasta ng
effects of these policies.
These losses only
deepened my resolve to
oppose Right-To-Work
Logan Yes; worker power is Yes; we cannot simply allow unjust hierarchies to flourish, they Yes; Everyone should be en tled to Yes; yes, it is no ones business but the Yes; "From each according to their ability, to each No; No, absent sectoral Yes; Labor is en tled to all
Simmering founda onal to a free have to be combated. It isn't enough for the government to not access to high quality care services, so woman (or transman) when or whether according to their needs", any steps that can be taken bargaining (and as declines that it produces, a living
society discriminate itself, there have to be mechanisms to ensure that that children might flourish, parents they will go through the life changing towards obtaining that ideal should be taken. in unioniza on in europe wage, that is an income that
other centers of power, such as landlords and employers are can work and even have personal me stress and risk of birthing a child. show, even then) a forced allows a dignified,
unable to discriminate. with less stress, society is less open shop is too great a comfortable life where one
burdened by crime, etc. In another hindrance to organizing can afford the necessi es of
world, those might arise organically and maintaining cohesive life easily and its simple
through informal networks, but labor unions. luxuries with modest care, is
capitalist aliena on has severed many the least that an ethical
of those bonds leaving people without society should provide.
consistent support. its up to
government to fill the gap with
professional services and to facilitate
the rebuilding of community bonds.
mark fritz Yes; func on is to serve Yes; not just yes, but hell yes Yes; beats the white, supremist punks Yes; keep republicans' hands off women's Yes; closes monitor WIC as I used to work there Yes; working is basic need, Yes; any pay is start
public partying at 3279 montana ave with 2 bodies and out of my doctors office as housing
50 year olds giving them alcohol and
bongs and poin ng guns at neighbors
Do you support the right
Do you support legisla on to protect and provide equal rights Do you support expanded access to
First and to collec ve bargaining Do you support a woman's right to Do you support measures designed to ensure food, Do you support Do you support paying
for all individuals regardless of gender, race, age, religion, childcare, dependent care programs,
Last Name for public + private reproduc ve choice? healthcare, and housing security for everyone? Right-to-Work legisla on? everyone a living wage?
ethnic origin, disability, sexual orienta on, or gender iden ty? and early childhood educa on?
Thomas Yes; I was in a leadership Yes; I have been an innova ve leader on the opioid epidemic Yes; My wife and I are parents of a 2nd Yes; I believe that women should have the Yes; My history with the Hamilton County QRT No; With my experience Yes; I firmly believe that
Fallon role of the Norwood since 2015. We developed programming that the data will show grader in Cincinna Public schools and right to reproduc ve choice as it is supports that I have personally helped guide people with the Norwood Police people should be afforded
Police union for many assists those struggling with addic on with the treatment are proud of the services offered to our important to their socioeconomic status and our staff have made food, healthcare, and housing union I believe workers the income level that allows
years including several op ons most appropriate to their needs for all genders, races, children in Cincinna . I supposupport and their overall health. security for everyone a part of their daily rou ne. should be permi ed to people and families to afford
years as President. ages, religions, ethnic origins, disabili es, sexual orienta ons, or expanded access to childcare, organize to ensure fairness adequate shelter, food, and
Collec ve Bargaining gender iden es. dependent care programs, and early in the workplace. We must other necessi es.
ensures fair treatment of childhood educa on. make sure there is no
both workers and imbalance between
management. Collec ve management and workers.
Bargaining laws guides
both management and
employees and creates a
path to resolve issues
which will happen.
Alyson Yes; Before law school I Yes; I had the privilege of being a part of Cincinna 's evolu on Yes; Posi ve outcomes associated with Yes; Women have the right to bodily Yes; Food insecurity and housing instability put people No; Federal law already Yes; A city where people can
Beridon worked for the Cincinna from a city that enshrined an -LGTBQIA bias in its charter in early childhood educa on not only autonomy. at risk for nega ve health outcomes (also implica ng makes it illegal to force a afford housing and food for
AFL-CIO Labor Council. I Ar cle 12 to one that scores 100 out of 100 on HRC's Municipal include closing educa onal gaps, but lack of access to healthcare). In addi on, they may person to become a their families is a healthy,
believe that all workers Equality Index. As an a orney I have worked to challenge and also improved impacts on physical and also cause children to have trouble in school, leading member of a union. Right thriving city. The best way to
should have the right to eradicate all forms of discrimina on in the workplace, and mental health in childhood and to a host of cascading nega ve outcomes including to work laws are designed do that is through a living
form unions and an -discrimina on laws are cri cal to those efforts. I support the con nuing throughout life. We are those noted in my answer to #8. Research indicates to force unions to provide wage.
collec vely bargain. City's efforts to con nually expand its non-discrimina on fortunate to have programs like that there is a bilateral rela onship between food their services for free and
ordinance to ensure that it protects all of Cincinna 's ci zens. Preschool Promise in Cincinna and insecurity and housing instability, sugges ng that drain their resources. In
can always do more. Expanded access when we integrate policies to address them we can addi on, wages in Right to
to childcare and dependent care see drama c improvement in both areas, as well as Work states are lower than
programs will drama cally enhance the related health care needs in non-Right to Work
ability of primary caretakers to states, an outcome I find
par cipate in the workforce, reducing unacceptable for
poverty levels and increasing economic Cincinna ans.
Seth Yes; All employees Yes; It is our responsibility to constantly be in the pursuit of Yes; Making investments in early Yes; A woman’s healthcare decisions Yes; Every person in Cincinna deserves a safe, healthy No; Right-to-Work Yes; We cannot operate as a
Walsh deserve the right to equity. True equity ensures that there is no bias on the basis of childhood educa on, childcare, and should be between them and their doctor, home. They deserve access to healthcare, and deserve legisla on prevents union society when the possibility
collec vely bargain to one’s iden ty, and everyone is treated with respect and fairness. dependent care programs creates a and as members of City Council, we have access to healthy food. It is our responsibility to agreements from being exists that you work 40+
ensure the most equitable As a member of Council, equity will be at the forefront of all of healthier ecosystem for Cincinna an’s no jurisdic on to prevent anyone from protect the most vulnerable in our community, and made between employers hours and do not make
and safest working my decision making. Cincinna deserves an equitable future. children to thrive. To create a healthy accessing the healthcare they need. I am provide resources to support their ability to thrive. It and labor unions. I oppose enough money to pay for
condi ons possible. As a When we encourage people to show up as their true selves, we community, we have to invest in our pro-choice, and believe we must protect is our responsibility as city leaders to guarantee the legisla on because it is the essen als (food, shelter,
member of City Council, I are all be er for it. young people. I also support expanding the right to choose. I applaud our City everyone their basic right to a safe and healthy home. impera ve that we protect and health). Living wage is a
will empower union our programming for teens, and leadership in their proac ve steps to The fact that there are areas in Cincinna where our unions, and upli our cri cal component to
leaders, and protect their crea ng a stable pipeline for young protect this right with our employees in access to healthy food and hazard free housing are workers. ensuring that all members
ability to nego ate, while adults a er high school. Expanding the immediate wake of Dobbs v. Jackson limited shows that there is much work for us s ll to of society are paid fairly for
promo ng higher wages. early childhood educa on helps the and will stand by them in their con nued do. their services. In Cincinna ,
most vulnerable in our community, pursuit of providing such protec on in the we should hold firm on the
especially low income families and years ahead. living wage being the
young mothers, by allowing them to minimum we require for our
work and build a career. ci zens.
Jackie Yes; Yes, I support the Yes; Yes, I support legisla on to protect and provide equal rights Yes; Yes, I support expanding access for Yes; Yes, I support a woman’s right to Yes, I support measures designed to ensure food, No; No, I do not support Yes; Yes, I support everyone
Frondorf right of public and private for all. Without equal rights, we cannot expect all of us in be er opportuni es for children and reproduc ve choice. Women must have healthcare, and housing security for everyone. In Right-to-Work legisla on making a living wage.
workers to organize in Cincinna to thrive. Equality is the first step to making Cincinna families. Day care is unaffordable to control over our bodies. Their order for all of us, including children and families, to as it is geared at making it Children depend on their
order to bargain a welcoming home for all. many families and that is why programs reproduc ve decisions are theirs to make succeed in Cincinna , we must have a solid founda on harder for workers to parents or guardians to
collec vely. Workers like Pre-School Promise are so without the government interfering with to grow upon. Having a place to call home is a must. unionize. support their growth.
should always have the important. Children absorb so much that decision. Ea ng three meals a day and having good healthcare Without earning a living
right to unionize in order informa on during their early years is pivotal for all of us to thrive. wage, we cannot expect
to improve their and we need to do everything we can children and families to
workplace environment. as a city to ensure those early years are thrive.
full of posi ve, healthy, and
educa onal experiences.
Do you support the right
Do you support legisla on to protect and provide equal rights Do you support expanded access to
First and to collec ve bargaining Do you support a woman's right to Do you support measures designed to ensure food, Do you support Do you support paying
for all individuals regardless of gender, race, age, religion, childcare, dependent care programs,
Last Name for public + private reproduc ve choice? healthcare, and housing security for everyone? Right-to-Work legisla on? everyone a living wage?
ethnic origin, disability, sexual orienta on, or gender iden ty? and early childhood educa on?
Mark Yes; Collec ve bargaining Yes; Equity and jus ce are not just buzz words but rather the Yes; Educa on is key to increasing the Yes; Women should be in charge of their Yes; A person's home determines so many outcomes No; Right-to-Work creates Yes; I believe that worker
Mussman is very important to guiding light for our country and city. We must defend the rights desirability and produc vity of our city. healthcare. Not only should all op ons be in their life. What schools they a end, what churches and unequal system where exploita on, such as wages
ensure that the City of all, and we must ensure that disparate treatment is addressed Many studies show that early considered, but they should be supported to worship in, the type and availability of food, and people are able to get that don't allow people to
Administra on is able to when people experience discrimina on or barriers based upon interven ons increase posi ve as well by public policy and legisla on, as access to clean air and jobs. We as a city can support union representa on have health insurance,
func on, ensure posi ve their gender, race, age, religion, ethnic origin, disability, sexual educa onal, social, and economic the city has recently done. We must many of these ini a ves to ensure that we have a without contribu ng. I re rement, and other basic
work outcomes, and orienta on, or gender iden ty, not just because it's the right outcomes. All children should have ensure people have access to the best healthier, more stable, city in the future. believe that everyone needs, should be addressed
a ract the most talented thing to do, but also because it's the law in Cincinna . We want access to healthy and challenging reproduc ve health op ons. It's an should contribute their fair both by the city and by
workers into city to support our ci zens to be successful. learning environments to help protect individual right. share and I would not corpora ons and
government. Collec ve their future and the investments we support legisla on that ins tu ons that have the
bargaining ensures make towards community educa on. curtain union rights. ability to raise their wages.
workers have an equitable As an educator, I have seen how A worker should be able to
pay, safety regula ons, passionate educa onal service support themselves and
and proper training. The providers are in their work, and we their family with their
city gets be er outcomes, should enable them by suppor ng wages. Wage the and wage
including higher employee efforts to increase training, wages, and disparity dispropor onally
reten on, with collec ve public support of early childhood harm minority groups.
bargaining. educa on, childcare, and dependent
care programs. These programs also
help parents and guardians to be more
produc ve, by allowing for me to
work, which increases our overall
economy and success. It also decreases
the need for governmental assistance.
Michael Yes; I support the right to Yes; I wholeheartedly support legisla on to protect and provide Yes; Yes, absolutely. The early Yes; I unequivocally support a woman’s Yes; I support measures designed to ensure food, No, I do not support Yes, I support paying
Binder collec ve bargaining. I equal rights for all individuals, regardless of gender, race, age, childhood educa on years are vital for right to reproduc ve choice. Abor on is an healthcare, and housing security for everyone. My Right-to-Work legisla on. everyone a living wage. This
support this right to help religion, ethnic origin, disability, sexual orienta on, or gender op mal emo onal and brain essen al part of health care, and it is a work throughout my career has focused on these Right-to-Work legisla on is a ma er of fairness and
provide protec ons for all iden ty. I applaud the work that the current Cincinna City development and should be universally medical procedure that should be decided interconnected issues, and I plan to con nue to do so. weakens workers’ rights dignity.
workers, and to help Council and Mayor Pureval have done to advance these rights, available to all children. Universal between a pa ent and their physician. My current work as a physician involves providing and further rigs the system
workers improve their and vow to con nue this work if I am selected to be on the preschool programs have been shown comprehensive medical and mental healthcare for against workers.
wages and benefits. Council. to improve kindergarten performance, pa ents in a safety-net clinic. I see the nega ve impact
as well as long-term success. However, that housing and food insecurity have on the health of
this is only true for high-quality my pa ents, and these issues are some of the main
programs, so it is important to ensure mo va ng factors for me to apply for this posi on on
excellent programs are available for our City Council.
Te'Airea Yes; I support the right to Yes; We are all human and should be treated as such. Yes; These programs are vital to Yes; Absolutely. Women should have the Yes; Yes. Food, healthcare and housing security are I don't support Yes; Paying everyone a living
Powell collec ve bargaining for Unfortunately that has not and s ll is not always the case so children ge ng a jump start on their right to do as they please with their bodies major factors for ones quality of life. With any of these Right-to-Work legisla on wage helps improve ones
both public and private suppor ng legisla on to provide equals rights helps guide us to educa on while providing families with when it comes to reproduc on. Women missing or hard to access, it can have dras c because it can drive down quality of life. It allows them
workers because the the right path of everyone being equal. a safe place to keep their children while have different circumstances, situa ons, consequences for ones quality of life. wages and benefits. It can to be self sufficient. Having a
nego a on of higher they are in school or working. health reasons etc that is too unique for also block the process of livable wage can reduce
wages, benefits and Expanding access to these programs is anyone to dictate what 'all' women should collec ve bargaining. stress and improve health.
overall a be er working vital because it is one of the inequi es do.
environment keeps that we see in the city depending on
reten on high and turn your zip code.
overs low. It helps to be
sure that employees have
a good quality of life and
creates (and keeps)
Raffel Yes; As a long me Yes; My mother, who was a waitress at Big Louie’s restaurant in Yes; The pandemic showed us that Yes; Reproduc ve choice is a cri cal part Yes; These dispari es are the greatest risk to our city’s No; I reject Right-to-Work Yes; A Living Wage is, most
Prophe member of Local 48, the the West End, ins lled in me that everyone should be treated essen al workers are the backbone of of comprehensive health care for women. sustainability. However, government along cannot legisla on as it lessens the importantly, ed to the
collec ve bargaining agent fairly, with dignity, and respect. our economy and must have affordable address these issues, but must be a collabora ve ability of working people amount a family spends on
for the fire department, I dependent care programs. Families are effort by all stakeholders. to unionize, which is an housing. In our city about
am a living example of the caring for elderly parents and others – essen al part to achieve 50% of our ci zens do not
union’s power of to move affordable dependent care programs middle class status. earn a living wage, as they
families to the middle should become the standard. Early spend more than 30% of
class. childhood educa on has proven to be a their income on housing. If
direct path to future success. we cannot produce enough
affordable housing than
working class ci zens will
not earn a living wage.
Do you support the right
Do you support legisla on to protect and provide equal rights Do you support expanded access to
First and to collec ve bargaining Do you support a woman's right to Do you support measures designed to ensure food, Do you support Do you support paying
for all individuals regardless of gender, race, age, religion, childcare, dependent care programs,
Last Name for public + private reproduc ve choice? healthcare, and housing security for everyone? Right-to-Work legisla on? everyone a living wage?
ethnic origin, disability, sexual orienta on, or gender iden ty? and early childhood educa on?
Briana Yes; I support the right to Yes; Disheartening that this is even a relevant ques on, or that Yes; Few things are more crucial for Yes; Denying this right is not only beli ling Yes; We cannot serve our cons tuents if we're not No; Right-to-work Yes; A living wage is the bare
collec ve bargaining as it we're s ll working towards truly achieving goals of equal rights. forging ahead and preparing a and in-dignifying of a body with a uterus, suppor ng access to these basic human rights. legisla ons is inherently minimum an employee
facilitates upli ing and My support extends beyond protec ng equal rights without sustainable environment and it's fall out consequences could have misleading and should expect to be offered,
empowering the excep ons but strives to provide equitable rights for those who's subsequent genera on of leadership. devasta ng impacts on a vast range of manipula ve; typically and considering our current
protec on and asser on rights have been compromised. scien fically supported medical treatment. these laws create a power housing climate, it would be
of other's individual imbalance that is irresponsible to not support
rights. unsuppor ve of the it.
greater good for
Tamie Yes; Unions have Yes; I have personally been on the ground working to support Yes; Of course, especially if we can find Yes; It’s the only answer. Yes; My en re career has been spent working on these No; “Right to work” is the Yes; As board chair of
Sullivan historically played an and protect equity for all for decades. savings in other parts of the city budget issues. name for a policy designed Lighthouse Youth & Family
important role for and/or access new funding sources to take away rights from Services, I helped champion
American workers and through collabora on and collec ve working people. Backers of the organiza on’s path to
con nue to provide the impact. right to work laws claim spend $1 million through
best path for fair wages, that these laws protect compression and raises, so
benefits and working workers against being every employee now makes
condi ons. Those who forced to join a union. The a minimum of $15/hour. I
work jobs that became reality is that federal law know of other nonprofits
termed “essen al” during already makes it illegal to that have not taken this
the pandemic, deserve fair force someone to join a step, which is shameful.
treatment. union. While $15/hour is a step in
the right direc on, it’s
barely enough in this
Laura Yes; I have worked in the Yes; This great country is a Democra c Republic, o en described Yes; Children, as Stevie Wonder Yes; A woman’s right to choose is a deeply Yes; We cannot claim to be a faithful, loving country, No; I support at-will Yes; A living wage, in my
LaPrade hospitality industry and as a “mel ng pot.” That is the way the United States was famously sang, “are our future.” They personal and private decision that is state, city, or municipality if we do not care for ALL of employment with the opinion, is the wage that
Stark unions are essen al to designed by express inten on. We are a stronger na on when are the reason that we work so hard at covered by the “penumbra” of the Ninth our people, especially the poor, sick, infirm, and the caveat that all decisions Adam Smith would say the
approaching anything EVERY voice has a chance to be heard, and feels that they, and jobs that we o en dislike for pay that is Amendment of the United States brave Veterans who gave life and/or limb/general involving hiring and “invisible hand” set when
close to equity for those similarly situated, have an equitable stake in our country’s o en unfair. We all should want EVERY Cons tu on, no ma er what the current health to defend our great country. We cannot, and termina on be in supply and demand meet in
workers’ compensa on future. child to succeed, and we need to SCOTUS has proclaimed. Without this should not, let this vital task of ensuring that every accordance with federal, the marketplace without
and benefits. The playing ensure that success by front loading na onwide right, women become second ci zen has their basic needs met to private en es. state, and local laws undue influence or corrupt
field, even with union our commitment to that end with an class ci zens, UNEQUAL under the law. How will they administer these important du es? How regarding discrimina on forces. I KNOW that I was
representa on, is investment in universal pre-k. As a This is absolutely unacceptable and would we ensure non-discriminatory treatment of all and other basic human grossly underpaid as a Legal
prac cally perpendicular. former teacher of grades Pre-K through abhorrent in 2022, or any other year of people? This is obviously a governmental rights. ‘Right-to-work’ is a Administra ve Assistant
Workers need and deserve Grade 3, I can tes fy to the difference our Lord, Jesus Christ in the United States responsibility, and we can nego ate how to bridge Socialist concept that is with a JD at Caesars
a leg up. prepara on makes to a successful of America. We were designed to be the poli cal divides to help marginalized ci zens. unfair to employers, Entertainment,
school career and a student’s overall country that afforded more freedom than taxpayers, and the US Inc/Tropicana Atlan c City.
social-emo onal well being. It’s a solid any other na on on Earth. Let us conform Treasury, because it My pay was $26/hour and I
investment that will pay off in spades our laws to the original vision of our encourages many did the work of an a orney
for Cincinna . You can take that to forefathers without losing sight of the employees to ’go along to who le to become a Senior
Marge Scho ’s bank. changes that modern day life requires. get along,’ or say ‘good VP at a compe ng casino. I
enough for government can guarantee that his
work.’ We are tradi onally paycheck was about ten
a na on of hard working, mes what mine was, and if
entrepreneurial that invisible hand could do
immigrants, and things other than set values
industrious individuals of in the marketplace, I might
all stripes. In order to say have at it, for me and
maximize our na on’s others who are similarly
prosperity we MUST keep oppressed by big
it that way. corpora ons run amuck. If
we resist these
heavy-handed nega ve
influences, I believe that our
na on’s workers will truly

For certain menial workers

we will need to raise the
minimum wage and/or
provide commensurate
benefits, so that everyone
can afford to live without
the constant pain of
ill-health, or fear of living in
dangerous and deplorable
condi ons.
Do you support the right
Do you support legisla on to protect and provide equal rights Do you support expanded access to
First and to collec ve bargaining Do you support a woman's right to Do you support measures designed to ensure food, Do you support Do you support paying
for all individuals regardless of gender, race, age, religion, childcare, dependent care programs,
Last Name for public + private reproduc ve choice? healthcare, and housing security for everyone? Right-to-Work legisla on? everyone a living wage?
ethnic origin, disability, sexual orienta on, or gender iden ty? and early childhood educa on?
Tonya Yes; Working people in Yes; I believe that all Gods children deserve the best tat this life Yes; It is impera ve to the growth of Yes; I too have had to make tough Yes; Yes I educate ci zens on healthy food choices and Yes; Right to work states Yes; Infla on is aggressively
Duma unions like Cincinna has to offer, and my family consist of all of the above. our city tp make sure that we provide decisions that would have an effect on my op ons as well as how to grow produce. I have signed have lower rates of union effec ng food, housing and
Public Schools employees We have people who are different genders, race, religion, ethnic services, facilitate programs and mind, body and soul. It is a human right to pe ons to ensure that we have grocery stores in membership. I believe gas we cannot con nue to
are afforded the origins, disabled, different sexual orienta ons, and who iden fy support organiza ons that work hard choose what is best for your health, Food Deserts as well as tried to organize people to people have the right to pay a low living wage and
opportunity to receive the as different genders, as well pf many of my students, coworkers to see that our children have access to whether physically, mentally pr spiritually. fight for grocery stores and Community Gardens decide if they want to join expect our ci zens to be
best benefits, higher and close friends. the best development support needed. We must provide safe, suppor ve services where they were needed working with children and the union or not. I do able to live comfortably and
wages and a safer Early Childhood Educa on is the for women who need counseling, medical adults. I o en share with others resources that the believe that employees happy.
workplace. Unions help cornerstone and building block of assistance and contracep ves. City of Cincinna has to support First Time Home should have the right to
reduce wage gaps for strong, healthy, confident children. It Buyers as well as resources that will help with rent walk away if they do not
people of color and allows mothers to educate, work and and how they can create mul ple streams of income want to par cipate in the
women. Employees be there for there children. to be able to afford these dras cally increasing rent union. Ohio is an at will
should not have to fear markets. I have fought for low income and affordable state.
retalia on when figh ng housing. I have lived in low- income and affordable
for the best condi ons for housing.
produc vity and work and
home life balance.
Republicans have been
opposed to labor unions
and I am a Democrat.
Rick Yes; I support collec ve Yes; This is one of the major reasons I'm interested in this council Yes; It's very important that all children Yes; I feel very strongly about women's Yes; Our community will only thrive if we are all have Yes; I think employees Yes; People working full me
Pescovitz bargaining for American seat. I was born and raised in North Avondale in mid have the access to childcare. Many of rights to choose. My mom was a very opportuni es to do so. Food, healthcare and housing should be able to make deserve to earn enough to
workers. America is at it's 1960's-70's.. I was one of 7 kids that our parents raised in this our households are either single parent integral part of my growing up and respect are rights that everybody deserves. Without one of their own decisions. support the basic cost of
strongest when our work amazing part of Cincinna , and we were all products of or in a situa on where both parents that "it's a women's body, it's her choice." them, it makes it much more difficult for people to living. Everyone deserves
force is thriving. Unions Cincinna Public schools. Our parents taught us that we are all are working. We need to make sure our succeed. the opportunity to thrive
provide support and the same, regardless of skin color, religious beliefs, economic children have a safe place to go when and low wages are a
exper se to help our situa on, sexual orienta on, etc. As you know, racial tensions in their parents aren't available. We need hinderance.
workers receive fair the late 60's were prevalent in Cincinna just as it was to make certain they are also provided
wages, affordable health throughout the country. I'm pleased with the values my parents healthy meals and even support for
care, and job security ins lled in us and my wife and I have done our best to raise our their school work. These children are
regardless of race, gender 3 children with these same values. the future of Cincinna .
or sexual orienta on. It
can be difficult for an
average ci zen to
nego ate fair
compensa on.
Angelica Yes; Collec ve bargaining Yes; All people deserve equal rights. My career has been Yes; Expanding access to childcare, Yes; Reproduc ve rights are women's Yes; Yes, addressing social determinants of health, No; I do not support Yes; I support everyone’s
Hardee for public and private dedicated to equal access, centering equity, and providing equal dependent care programs, and early rights and human rights. I believe that all including food security, access to healthcare, and Right-to-Work legisla on access to a livable wage, and
workers allows employees rights for all individuals regardless of gender, race, age, religion, childhood educa on is essen al. women have the right to reproduc ve housing security, is essen al for improving health and because I believe it it ensures sufficient pay to
to nego ate fair wages ethnic origin, disability, sexual orienta on, or gender iden ty Increasing families’ access to childcare, choice. Those who experience pregnancy reducing longstanding health dispari es within our weakens the right to cover household essen als
and proper and safe work within our community. dependent care, and early childhood have the right to control their community. Ini a ves designed to ensure food collec ve bargaining. and emergencies or
condi ons. I support educa on can have immediate reproduc ve health. Women and those security, access to healthcare, and housing security Right-to-Work legisla on unexpected expenses. All
employees and par es to implica ons and long-term benefits for who experience pregnancy can freely and seek to shape policies and prac ces in non-health can lead to lower wages individuals play pivotal roles
solve problems specific to individuals, families, businesses, and responsibly decide to have access to sectors that promote health and health equity. and poorer health in our society and must be
their industry or the economy. informa on, educa on, resources, and outcomes for employees able to provide for
workplace. healthcare services. and their families. themselves and their
Cameron Yes; I support our unions. Yes; In order for our city to truly thrive we must open and Yes; My mom raised me as a single Yes; These choices should be up to a Yes; Access to affordable foods is important. I grew up No; I am absolutely against Yes; Everyone should be on
Hardy Those workers are the accep ng of everyone. Everyone deserves equal protec on and mother growing up. Alot of mes there woman and her doctor. I have no business in a food desert and the life expectancy rate is much right to work. a equal playing field when it
backbone of our city. I equal opportunity to reach there poten al. No ma er what was no access to affordable childcare deciding those factors for any women. lower. We have to also work with the black farmers comes to providing for there
have vast experience in posi on I am in I will be on the frontlines making sure we are for youngsters like me at that me. Part across our state. family. We can not grow as a
working with our local protec ng our residents from hatred. Hatred can not and will of having access to jobs means having city if we do not pay people
ATU union while in the not be tolerated by me. access to affordable care programs. We a living wage.
ac vist role. Our public have to ensure that we also are
servants deserve our providing good public transporta on as
unwavering support. well.
William Yes; Public and Private Yes; Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are engraved in Yes; Children are the bedrock of our Yes; Please see answer 6. As it applies the Yes; Resources are available through certain groups Yes; Right to work issues Yes; Right to work issues fall
Hammond sector employees should our State and US cons tu ons for all individuals. These laws communi es. I believe we should put same. throughout the city and city run programs. I would fall closely in line with the closely in line with the
be able to voice their should be codified wherever applicable. much effort into easing the burden of support measures that ensure security in housing, collec ve bargaining and collec ve bargaining and
opinions and influence the child rearing wherever is feasible. healthcare, and food, is available for all ci zens. living wage issues. living wage issues.
type of environment they
work in. On all topics. I believe On all topics. I believe
people have a right to life people have a right to life
liberty and the pursuit of liberty and the pursuit of
happiness. And so I happiness. And so I
encourage debate in all of encourage debate in all of
these “core policy value” these “core policy value”
ques ons. ques ons.
Do you support the right
Do you support legisla on to protect and provide equal rights Do you support expanded access to
First and to collec ve bargaining Do you support a woman's right to Do you support measures designed to ensure food, Do you support Do you support paying
for all individuals regardless of gender, race, age, religion, childcare, dependent care programs,
Last Name for public + private reproduc ve choice? healthcare, and housing security for everyone? Right-to-Work legisla on? everyone a living wage?
ethnic origin, disability, sexual orienta on, or gender iden ty? and early childhood educa on?
LaKeisha Yes; It is essen al to Yes; Everyone under my leadership will be given equal rights and Yes; I started my career working in Yes; I support women's right to Yes; Data shows that decreased access to food, No; I support union Yes; Crea ng a living wage
Cook collec vely bargain for equal opportuni es. Human rights are an important principle of direct services in childcare. There is a reproduc ve rights. This includes healthcare, and housing contributes to preventable security agreements would allow individuals
public workers in the fight any democra c society. It will be a priority to develop and great need for expanding access to providing policies to protect a mother's health issues, crime, and educa onal issues. My aim between employers and access to pay for essen als
for be er working implement a comprehensive diversity strategy to increase the childcare, dependent care programs, right to choose abor on or keep the child. would be to stabilize and strengthen neighborhoods labor unions. Recently like housing, food, and
condi ons and public representa on of individuals that live in Cincinna . It is and early childhood. Youths' overall Addi onally, we need to address the black by crea ng affordable housing, healthcare, and several companies had necessi es. A living wage
services for local important to foster engagement and posi on individuals to lead health and life expectancy are affected infant mortality rate in Cincinna . I want community-based grocery stores. Cincinna has the employees banded will assist in breaking the
communi es across the the community in developing policies that support equal rights. by their educa on levels. I want to to support more collabora ve efforts with opportunity to transform publicly owned vacant land together to create labor cycles of poverty, by
country. Allowing, This would allow for more individuals to have the opportuni es con nuously make efforts to increase programs designed to help parents assess or buildings into community assets. I will bring agreements. Labor ensuring that payment is
collec ve individuals to gain equal rights and invest in their community. access to educa onal programs for birthing centers, community-based together neighborhood residents, businesses, and agreements give an sufficient to cover
bargaining provides an youth. During the pandemic, social support networks, and ini a ves aimed at advocates to design equitable and inclusive local opportunity for employees household essen als and
opportunity for workers to rela onships decreased and led to a suppor ng black fathers. development to revitalize each community. I plan on to address their corners occasional unexpected
par cipate directly in nega ve impact on socializa on establishing and modernizing local zoning and land and business owners to expenses. Addi onal
deciding the requirements throughout our communi es. I want to use regula ons so builders can produce more housing make nego a ons that are individuals would have
of their labor. Therefore, it work with community leaders to bridge at a lower cost. We could support the design of fair. financial access and more
will provide transparency the gap for youth and dependents by low-cost innova ve homes through an eco-friendly buying power in their
between employers and crea ng more access in each design, poten ally container homes, accessory community instead of
employees. neighborhood. Addi onally, tackling dwellings, ny homes, etc. Address slumlords in relying on handouts from
transporta on access to these facili es. Cincinna and prevent them from buying more their community. This will
I want to create more opportuni es for property. create more opportuni es
caregivers to have fast and reliable for businesses to develop
public transporta on when ge ng and maintain in every
their loved ones and themselves community throughout the
around the city to childcare, work, and city. Cincinna has had an
everything in between. increased rate of crime, and
one of the effects is based
on poverty, thus crea ng
more individuals access to a
living wage would decrease
the number of crimes.
Caregivers would have more
opportuni es to spend with
their families if they were
paid a living wage.
Do you support the right
Do you support legisla on to protect and provide equal rights Do you support expanded access to
First and to collec ve bargaining Do you support a woman's right to Do you support measures designed to ensure food, Do you support Do you support paying
for all individuals regardless of gender, race, age, religion, childcare, dependent care programs,
Last Name for public + private reproduc ve choice? healthcare, and housing security for everyone? Right-to-Work legisla on? everyone a living wage?
ethnic origin, disability, sexual orienta on, or gender iden ty? and early childhood educa on?
Catherine Yes; I support the right to Yes; As a woman of color, I have only ever wanted to be judged Yes; When I look at our children with Yes; My body is my business. How I chose Yes; Studies show that workplace culture and No; I do not support Right Yes; I cannot stress this
"Kate" collec ve bargaining for by my abili es and by the content of my character. Every ci zen that thought in mind, I am constantly to address ANY medical concerns should engagement sa sfac on increases exponen ally when to Work legisla on that enough, if the lowest paid
Botos public and private workers everywhere should be afforded the same protec ons regardless reminded that we have a responsibility be between me, my family and medical employees have a sense of financial security. But it is has been presented in the City employee cannot afford
because it is a reten on of how they walk through this life. We do not choose who we to raise up our kids to be be er than team. I fully support a woman's right to the conversa ons behind that data that highlight the past for vote nor the the market rate rent in the
tool to ensure that all are, but we can choose to support legisla on that provides we were. We can only do so when we make her own medical decisions. I support reasoning behind that so o en sought-a er employee legislature that is currently City of Cincinna for a
workers receive fair pay equity for all. take the whole child approach and the City of Cincinna in their pursuit of need. Nowadays, that annual raise is just helping to being championed in its 1-bedroom apartment, in
and the benefits needed ensure that resources are available to medical choice for her employees. We fail reduce last year's debt and maybe to cover this year's current form. Recent the newest City Subsidized
to sustain a living wage It is our responsibility to model prac ces that protect all support our babies from birth. Which when we tell an employee that they can added expenses. studies cannot show a apartment project, then we
when so many without individuals as they navigate our fair City. As an employer, we means as a City we look at ways to make a fiscal decision that can impact a posi ve correla on to job have failed our employees
this tool struggle to make need to ensure that our hiring prac ces are fair and balanced, support legisla on, work with our City for genera ons, but then turn around The average grocery bill has increased by 30% in the growth and in fact points and our ci zenry. When
ends meet. It provides City that our benefit packages are equitable and that our goal partners to champion robust and dictate body autonomy. As an last year. A $4.79 dozen and 1/2 of eggs started a to serious challenges in recrui ng employers, we
Leadership with a tool to remains clear - we hire the best candidate for the role and we programming that supports both employer, and as a provider of public whole conversa on on supply chain breakdowns with current states where RTW need to make a concerted
address the needs of her support a workforce that is reflec ve of our City's rich heritage children and families. Currently, we health ini a ves and services, we have a my 8-year-old at the store last month. Year over year, in in effect. Research effort to recruit those
employees. In u lizing and culture. struggle to a ract and retain workforce responsibility to provide medical access to employee healthcare covers less with higher shows that in the past 20 employers with reputa ons
collec ve bargaining, the talent. To en ce new talent and all our ci zens in an equitable manner. premiums and prescrip on copays. For homeowners years, states where RTW for equitable hiring prac ces
City encourages a healthy long-term employers, we can show that in Hamilton County, if your home is not a new build, laws are present have both and who offer salaries that
way to resolve workplace we are invested in strategies that chances are your property taxes rose 10-15% and if lower and reflect living wage and
issues and concerns for cul vate a healthy workforce. you are a renter, your rent rose $100-200. Our City dispropor onate wages performance metrics that
en re groups of boast a median income of $65K, but let’s pause. based on key are commensurate with
employees. As both an employer and a Top 100 US Medians are made up of highs and lows. discrimina on cost-of-living increase. If an
City, Cincinna should serve as a model demographics. employer is receiving direct
to other regions as we exhibit our As a City, we are only as strong as our weakest ci zen. As a City, we need to be funds from the City, we have
understanding of the profound impact We need our City to grow, but we also need our City very careful in suppor ng a responsibility to hold
that robust dependent care programs to have a place for ci zens at every stage of their any legisla on that those employers
and access to both top er childcare financial life. We can best model this by working with unwi ngly supports wage accountable.
and early childhood educa on can have our development partners to create affordable dispari es based on
to increase employee reten on and housing packages based on subsidies received due to gender and ethnicity.
workforce health. We are a major low-income census tracts. We need to support and
metropolitan area where we care just sustain programs that focus on assis ng those that fall
as much about what elementary and just outside the poverty guidelines, because there is a
high school you went to as we do what whole demographic in our City that make just enough
Fortune 500 you work for. Our City has to get by but too much to qualify. Food, healthcare,
a storied history of building new and housing programs that support this grey area will
leaders and long-term residents from give a whole genera on of Cincinna ans that much
the cradle, and we will con nue this needed support to start to build the genera onal
legacy when we give our children the wealth is so o en unachievable when faced with
resources needed to thrive. increasing debt. I support con nued research and
policy discussions to help tackle the needs of the this
so o en forgo en demographic of of low to moderate
income families.
Evan Yes; For too long, the Yes; One of the essen al func ons of our government must be Yes; As we have come to learn more Yes; Every woman needs and deserves the Yes; To improve the overall well-being of our society, it No; Right-to-work Yes; Our society works best
Nolan wealth gap has con nued to protect equal rights of everyone, par cularly of those who about early childhood educa on and right to make her own decisions about her is cri cal to ensure that all people have meaningful legisla on fails to provide when everyone has an
to grow. The right to have been and remain subjected to discrimina on. This is overall care, the more we understand body and her personal health care. access to these basic needs. the labor force with the opportunity to work and
collec ve bargaining is especially true at a me when certain public officials have used the long-term benefits to the health benefits it promises and in earn an income that
paramount to the success their pla orm to divide and sow hatred. and well-being of those individuals in most cases actually results provides meaningful quality
and well-being of the whom we invest and our community as in lower pay and less of life.
middle class. As a whole. Access to affordable, quality protec ons. Organized
corpora ons have grown childcare has been and con nues to be labor should be supported
in power and influence, an impediment to career advancement and strengthened, and not
organized labor is a for too many. weakened by misguided
necessary voice for those legisla on.
who need it most.

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