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This council has commi ed to cul va ng and maintaining a healthy

This council has ar culated clear priori es and values related to

culture of respect, decorum, cri cal analysis, and healthy debate.
If appointed, will you commit to running for inves ng in core services, public safety, housing, equity,
First and Last Please share how you would help build and maintain a healthy
Why do you want to be appointed to Cincinna City Council? elec on in 2023? What is your past experience pedestrian safety, and sustainability. Please share (1) relevant
Name culture at city hall. What values and priori es would you contribute
with running for office or campaigning? personal or professional experiences advancing these priority
to the culture? Can you share an example of how you posi vely
areas and (2) how you will support advancing these priority areas
impacted the culture of an ins tu on or organiza on?

William As a resident of Cincinna (West Price Hill) and as a veteran, a former City Council I will commit. I was elected to City Council in Investment in core services and our people is what I do daily as the As the leader of a 2500+ member labor union, I have spirited debate
Froehle member in Ludlow, Kentucky for 9 years and as a resident who works downtown, I feel I Ludlow, Kentucky, I am also in charge of the CEO of 1 of the largest trades unions in the area. I will work with all on a daily basis with members on issues that affect their livelihood as
have a unique perspec ve on the direc on our city can and should be moving. Plumbers, Pipefi ers and HVAC Local union# members of the council to con nue the great work this current well as those around them. Discussions can some mes be hard
392 where I stand for elec on every 3 years. group of council members has started, however, respect for one another is always at the center of those
Caleb Price Cincinna is my home. I was born in the Queen City and have spent most of my life here. I will commit to running for elec on in 2023 if As someone who chooses either to walk, bike, or take public As a member of Council, I will keep my utmost respect for the office
I know this city like the back of my hand. The people here are some of the friendliest and appointed to this seat. I have never ran for transporta on places rather than a car, I see first hand every day and fellow members. It is impera ve to keep debates civil and
most welcoming in the country. As a member of the Cincinna City Council, I plan on public office before but I have experience in how improvements need to be made especially as it pertains to respec ul. I shall never strike down anyone or put anyone down. I plan
serving every community with their best interests in mind and not take any sort of bribe campaigning. I campaigned for both A ab pedestrian safety. In certain parts of the city, speeders drive on bringing a culture of communica on and transparency to City
or corrup on from anyone. From Price Hill to Avondale to Mt. Lookout to Northside, I Pureval in his 2018 Congressional campaign recklessly, for example on a stretch of Glenway Avenue in Price Hill, Council with having an open door policy for anyone inside and outside
plan on being a champion for basic human decency and to bring a young voice to City and for Vice Mayor Kearney in her re-elec on I have witnessed reckless drivers going 40+ mph in 25mph zones. of City Hall. I encourage other councilmembers to do the same. When I
Hall. I have spoken in front of a City Council mee ng before on an issue dealing with campaign last year. I will run to keep the seat I Cincinna Police need to crack down on this sort of reckless driving. was a ending Walnut Hills High School, I was o en seen as a leader,
renaming Reading Road a er President Obama. A er more than two years, nothing has was appointed to as being duly elected is a key In terms of pedestrian safety in the urban core, the city needs to being a member and captain for the men's varsity soccer team and
been done about this, so I want to come in and change the culture of City Council as point of democracy. make pedestrian only walkways in areas with high business foot dedicated member of the school's Student Congress, I made sure that
being a place where legisla on moves slowly. I want to be the young, energized traffic such as Main Street in Over-the-Rhine. Having an area where everyone respected one another and we all kept a similar goal in mind.
Councilmember that is willing to fight for every Cincinna an no ma er who they are. pedestrians feel safe to walk is impera ve to keeping businesses The team was a culture of acceptance and hard work as I encouraged
Cincinna City Council is in charge of improving our city and I have so many ideas that open and it creates a more inclusive environment. everyone to put the team above themselves.
ordinary people in our city, like myself want to see done. For example, a more efficient
public transit system and an investment in light rail in our city is something that this city
desperately needs. We also need more affordable housing, an ini a ve to fight climate
change, a reduc on of gun violence in our streets, and a solu on for the opioid crisis s ll
happening in our city. As someone who graduated from a Cincinna Public School during
a global pandemic, I am energized to take on a leadership role as a voice for young
ci zens and everyone in our city.
Antonio M. This might seem cliché, but I was born to serve this city. I've been involved in local I've already picked up a pe on package. When A personal experience of advancing those areas would be that I use I'll take my years of experience including being President of my High
Sanders Jr. poli cs since I was five years old. longer than almost all of the current members of the I say I am ready to serve this city, I mean it from them. I've lived in some of Cincinna 's roughest areas, to Schools Student Council, and growing up watching my Grandmother
current council, even working with some before they even thought about public service. the bo om of my heart. My whole heart and emphasize that Climate Change is real and that serious ac on needs help lead NAACP Execu ve Board mee ngs as Second Vice President.
You'll find no one more dedicated to this city, this is my passion. soul are 100% dedicated to Cincinna and my to be taken, I walk, bike, or bus, and I've experienced the closest of
whole life has been in an cipa on for my calls on our city's busiest streets. I know the grave and impera ve
People always say that future genera ons will take the lead one day. When? I believe moment, this moment right here when I could need to have council members dedicated to these issues and that's
the me is now. I believe there are so many issues that my genera on has to address and have my long-awaited desire of serving fulfilled. what you will get from me on Council.
fix due to the failures of genera ons that came before mine. I know in my heart that if
given the highest honor of serving this city I will never stop working, never stop serving, I have worked in every elec on, local, state,
and never stop doing what I believe is best to move this great city forward. and na onal, since 2008. Even pu ng my
name on the ballot in May for Precinct
Execu ve, which I was elected to with 87% of
the vote, which gave me the opportunity to
serve in my current capacity of Ward Chair for
Cincinna 3
Adam Me. Nobody loves this city more. As a conserva ve we may not agree on every issue in Yes. I just finished a run for Ohio State Rep in I started in personally inves ng in affordable housing over 20 years If the council values healthy debate then we need more poli cal
Koehler this ques onnaire but we can agree that we need to move Cincinna forward in a more District 24. h ps:// ago and have been commi ed to provided that to my tenants diversity. As a fiscal conserva ve and successful entrepreneur I am
compe ve way. I am a builder, entrepreneur and have a history of walking the walk. Our through HUD. I have lived in the city my en re life, u lizing public confident I can fill necessary gap on this council. I am currently on the
city is monopolized by one party and that can be an issue in any organiza on. You need transporta on for many years and personally relate to all of the funding board of the School for the Crea ve and Performing Arts. Here
more "diverse" perspec ves on council and that includes poli cally. above issues in this ques on. I was endorsed by the FOP as a is an example of how I personally helped the school, not just sit-in on
champion of public safety. I have been the vic m of minor and the board but helping them make money through technology:
violent crime many mes growing up in Price Hill and going to h ps://
school in OTR. I was raised by a single mother and grandmother in m-donates-crypto-mining-rig-to-uc-to-teach-students--raise-funds-for-
poverty with no help from my father. alma-mater

Despite all of this I cofounded a business that hired thousands and

sold for nine-figures, bringing venture money and a en on from
the coasts to Cincinna . I am an ac ve mentor and investor in the
Cincinna startup scene and have three more businesses I currently
operate. I a ribute much of my success to my faith, family and
strong work ethic I learned pulling myself out of the cycle of
poverty. I believe everyone can do it and I desperately want to help.
This council has commi ed to cul va ng and maintaining a healthy
This council has ar culated clear priori es and values related to
culture of respect, decorum, cri cal analysis, and healthy debate.
If appointed, will you commit to running for inves ng in core services, public safety, housing, equity,
First and Last Please share how you would help build and maintain a healthy
Why do you want to be appointed to Cincinna City Council? elec on in 2023? What is your past experience pedestrian safety, and sustainability. Please share (1) relevant
Name culture at city hall. What values and priori es would you contribute
with running for office or campaigning? personal or professional experiences advancing these priority
to the culture? Can you share an example of how you posi vely
areas and (2) how you will support advancing these priority areas
impacted the culture of an ins tu on or organiza on?

Ryan I want to be appointed to City Council because I want to be of service to those I share my I would commit to running in 2023. I have I have no professional experience in advancing these priority areas. I have nego ated contracts with and had working rela onships with
Mahoney community with. I want to be in a posi on where I can make a difference and create never ran for public office before. I have been However, in 2018 I was part of a program that facilitated procuring several mul -million dollar companies while working for the Air Force,
posi ve outcomes for everyone. I want to help further push Cincinna 's current strides in involved in several canvassing efforts for equipment to keep pilots and aircrew safe when performing their healthy debate and cri cal analysis was the core of my work. I believe
crea ng a welcoming community for everyone who lives here. democra c candidates. I have been around du es. My full a en on was given to the pilots needs and how they that for every minute that you speak, you should spend two minutes
poli cs most of my life, as my father had served intersected with the known complica ons of their missions. During listening. I understand that no two people will agree on everything,
as a campaign manager for my uncle who ran my me at AFMC/WNU I helped define requirements, write and and even if no compromise can be made, we s ll approach one
for city commission in my home town and nego ate the contracts for, and acquired several life saving assets another with respect and grace. I will bring a spirit of respect and
currently serves at the Clark County Board of (locator beacons, protec ve helmet mounts, flash-blindness grace to this council.
Elec ons. Although I have not personally been goggles, parachutes and updated survival kit) that aided our airmen
a close part of a campaign team, I am well in their mission. Throughout my life I have served as the captain for sports teams, an
aware of what it takes to run an organized local outspoken advocate for my fellow students in college, and been a
campaign. I will support advancing these priority areas by pushing to the leader in my workplace. Every level of life, and every organiza on and
greatest of my ability community measures that create an team I have been a part of I have brought a spirit of giving,
environment that these priority areas can thrive. I would push for understanding, and service. I support my piers to the best of my
greater investment (based on the availability of funds) to provide ability, and I will support this council and the people that we serve.
funding to programs that support our ci zens who have the
greatest need. I would support current low income households to
enter into a proposed community restora on program that would
help low income households restore their deteriora ng dwellings,
not to gentrify communi es but to restore them. I would support
harsher punishments for speeding and reckless driving within city
limits, as we have seen far too many incidents involving pedestrians
being struck by reckless driving. I will listen to the needs of the
public and push for any measures that we could provide to make
the live's of our fellow ci zens be er.
Dadrien I want install programs that will help stop the violence in Cincinna , By reaching out to Yes, If appointed I will commit to running for I have personal experiences public safety as when I was private Currently I'm a contractor at GE in evendale, When it comes to
Washington local community leaders, reaching out to the kids by mee ng them where they at. I want re-elec on in 2023. I have ran for City Council security guard, However I will support any priories that meant to debates or disagreements I try to understand where other person is
to see our children be so tech savvy that tech companies dra our kids for jobs like the in 2017 and I have ran for state which is now advance the safety of all Cincinna ans. coming from in I try no to destroy the passion but calm it down. Then
NFL does for players. I want to be able to go to these schools so kids that look like or the 24th district in 2020. focus the issue and see if we can come to a understanding or solu on.
don't look like but don't believe, see me, Hear me and can believe. My Values, keeping my mouth close when people talk and listen,
understanding, and my biggest one is my integrity! I would rather
solve problem and create solu ons, solu ons which other ci es has
use. Solu ons that can bring more income to the city that can be use
to for school repairs, sports uniforms and etc. I'm a outside the box
thinker. plus in my group I'm the only person that's democrat, and I
gain the respect of my fellow workers. I want people to be able to
know they can talk me however I will tell them I'm a more of a fixer of
problems the a listener of problems.
Quen n I been a Cincinna resident my whole life. I think i can be the voice of the people in my All though i don’t have no experience for with I had events that i provided the police for the safe of the people at Yes i will provide a health workplace and have health conversa ons to
Taylor community and other communi es connect with the people more. I want to learn more running for office. I have put event together to the event. I will con nue to do provide safety for the people in the the organiza on.
about the city and also think i can make a big impact. help past and present candidates. city.
Dean Kaplan I feel that the city deserves a fair and honest outlook to increase the quality of life for all Yes, I would commit to running for elec on in My personal and professional experience is being a business owner My past experiences have allowed me to promote, learn and maintain
of its ci zens. 2023. for over 35 years. As a business owner, I have created a safe parliamentary procedure, quality values and priori es for the
I was a founder of a community bank and I sat working environment and provided equal opportuni es for community in which I live, I would carry those fourth to the council
on the Bank board for 10 years and co-chaired employees to afford housing and sustainability. and the city.
a loan commi ee. I will support these areas by con nuing the same effec ve An example of how I have impacted ins tu on was when I approved
I do not have any history in campaigning. prac ces that have allowed me to create a successful business. millions of dollars in loans for community minori es churches while
serving on the bank board.
Sco Hand I stronly feel that Cincinna needs transforma ve leadership. Bold choices to improve If appointed to this posi on, I would run for I have been a licensed architect for 18 years. I have worked in Transparency and honesty are my key professional a ributes. I
the urban society and built environment would lead to las ng changes. I would like to be elec on in 2023 if requested by Congressman Chicago and Cincinna , and devoted my career to building con nuously apply these both to my business structure and my self
a part of building that bold and just vision. We do not need to reinvent the wheel, but we Landsman and my fellow council members. I sustainable buildings in urban areas. Urban planning, infrastructure, when working. Good communica on and manners keeps a group
need to have the courage to adjust the way things have been and pursue the goals that have never run for poli cal office before, but and crea ve problem solving are key parts of my every day tasks. I healthy, even through disagreements. At Urban Ar fact, I've wri en
we know will improve the city. have volunteered and worked with campaigns am wrapping up the first cer fied Passive House in Cincinna . I our en re employee handbook to coincide with our company mission
on events. While not my formal educa on, my loudly advocate for be er transit, pedestrian and bike infrasture, of being transparent, honest, and curious. Our team must be
current role is in marke ng and branding, and the "war on cars" through social media and advocacy emboldened to ask why - not just of themselves, but of management,
which I believe are ideal skills for campaigning campaigns. This year I joined the board of Mt Airy CURE, with the and the en re company. This engagement is integral to our passion,
and poli cal messaging. express goal of revitalizing the neighborhood business district and our niche, and our success. Building the structure for that company
working to improve safety along the Colerain Ave and North Bend character has taken years, and I am proud to work with the incredible
corridors. folks that help ensure that mission con nues.
Victor I’m a strong advocate and cheerleader for our city. I’ve aspired to be on council since I will rerun. I did run for council last elec on. I Public safety is one of my main priori es for our great city. I will Every Sunday I stand and talk to a congrega on. I have the skill set to
Phillips high school when I won the Youth Mayor of Cincinna . I’ve always been that fighter for ran for office twice, and along the campaign I support by having constant conversa on with our law enforcement. speak with a professional tone at all mes. My dynamic presenta ons
the underdog and that same figh ng spirit is present. gathered some experience. on Sunday has impacted so many and it’s shown by their willingness to
serve others.
This council has commi ed to cul va ng and maintaining a healthy
This council has ar culated clear priori es and values related to
culture of respect, decorum, cri cal analysis, and healthy debate.
If appointed, will you commit to running for inves ng in core services, public safety, housing, equity,
First and Last Please share how you would help build and maintain a healthy
Why do you want to be appointed to Cincinna City Council? elec on in 2023? What is your past experience pedestrian safety, and sustainability. Please share (1) relevant
Name culture at city hall. What values and priori es would you contribute
with running for office or campaigning? personal or professional experiences advancing these priority
to the culture? Can you share an example of how you posi vely
areas and (2) how you will support advancing these priority areas
impacted the culture of an ins tu on or organiza on?
Elizabeth I want to make the city the best it can be. Cincinna is a special city and needs Yes I will run in 2023. I have yet to run for an Educated with MSW worked At Summit Behavioral healthcare for 20 While interning at Hamilton county homeless center I help my co
David extraordinary people to run it. I am the eighth genera on in Cincinna . My family office but I will research it and campaign for the years. Homelessness and mental health are my ares of study. We workers and the homeless. My co worker went back to college and got
heritage is here and want to make a difference to our community. elec on. need more housing for our veterans and homeless. I interned at her MSW with my encouragement. All my homeless men got housed
Hamilton county last homeless center. I see the need s ll and and jobs. None of the men came back to the shelter, I was given. the
maybe more since we closed our county homeless center down. We men who came to the center 4 or more mes were the guys I worked
need to help people that are enslaved to the sex and drug dealers. with. This was a big accomplishment.
Fentanyl makers need to be held responsible.
William To make this town be er to live in!! Never ran for anything!! I must first see what I am working with!!! I have got to see the tools that I have to work with!!
Jenelle M. i, being not only book smart, but as well as street smart look forward to the opportunity YES. I have no past experience with prior Inves ng in above said priority areas must be pursued where need I will install my ability of allowing 'my li le light to shine'. Upon ini ally
Sampson to serve as a member of the City of Cincinna 's City Council's team; So that I may be a running/campaigning. However, I have spoken be. Doing so will not only enrich the lives of the residents within the becoming a resident of the City of Cincinna , it was as if I was a den st
reputable, just, and fair voice for the voiceless everyday man/woman. on doing just so whilst residing in the City of City, but will too boost the the City's economy as as it enables itself in a a empt to pull teeth, when gree ng someone with a 'Good
Cincinna . to a ract opportuni es for those considering conduc ng business Morning'. However, I did not allow the no response back to end my
with the City. joyful gree ng. As I carry about nowadays, I find I am quite o en
greeted before I myself am given the opportunity to do so! Change!
When I would ride the public transporta on, it would bewilder me as
to why noone would show the drivers anytype of respect. Thus, upon
exi ng, I would clearly state, 'Thank You!', and fellow riders would turn
and stare at me as if I was odd for doing so! However, this too has
caught on! Change! Upon my most recent ridership, I noted numerous
fellow riders thanking the driver and it literally gave me a good feeling
in my belly. It is the li le things that lead to the bigger and the greater.
This council has commi ed to cul va ng and maintaining a healthy
This council has ar culated clear priori es and values related to
culture of respect, decorum, cri cal analysis, and healthy debate.
If appointed, will you commit to running for inves ng in core services, public safety, housing, equity,
First and Last Please share how you would help build and maintain a healthy
Why do you want to be appointed to Cincinna City Council? elec on in 2023? What is your past experience pedestrian safety, and sustainability. Please share (1) relevant
Name culture at city hall. What values and priori es would you contribute
with running for office or campaigning? personal or professional experiences advancing these priority
to the culture? Can you share an example of how you posi vely
areas and (2) how you will support advancing these priority areas
impacted the culture of an ins tu on or organiza on?
Andrew For me, working for Cincinna families, ensuring our city hall stays corrup on-free, As long as I have breath in my body, I plan to be I was a acked on the corner of 7th and Plum while walking to my I worked at a large company called Total Quality Logis cs for more
Kennedy figh ng to make a more prosperous Cincinna , a more united Cincinna , a ac ve and running to make Cincinna be er. I car. I am always looking over my shoulder now. I had headaches for than 13 years. For 10 of those years, I had the privilege of working on
be er-educated Cincinna , a more fiscally responsible Cincinna , a business-friendly ran in 2021. I'm more than a month a er the a ack. I am par cularly concerned the marke ng team and a main part of my job was heling to build the
Cincinna , and a safer and more peaceful Cincinna will never be just a job to me. It is almost 40. I'm healthy. So, I think I've got about with the violence in our city and what we can do to stop it and great culture they now have there today. I was everywhere with the
my passion and my mission. 60 years le to give everything I have in this make our streets safe. I am extremely empathe c towards people camera making people smile.
way. I will be working, learning and growing to who have been a acked. I will ask police what they need to do their
-Pro Choice / Pro Women’s Rights achieving my dream of serving the community job... And then I will help them do those things. Simple stuff.
-Pro Law Enforcement. in this way because I WANT CHANGE! And I am Support them in keeping us safe.
-Pro Secular Government not backing down. :)
-Pro Science.
-Pro Frugality / Fiscal Conserva ve
-Pro Gay Marriage
-Against Streetcar Expansion.
-Supports Black Lives Ma er Movement.
-Supports CRT Discussion for and against in schools.
-Free Speech Ac vist.
-Backs Taxing Religions for Affordable Housing.
-An Corrup on Ac vist.
-An Drugs & Alcohol Ac vist.
-An Circumcision Ac vist.
-Human Rights Ac vist.
-An Violence & Peace Ac vist.
-Pro-Religious Freedom & Freedom from Religion Ac vist.
-Pro-Cincinna Water Works. (Gosh - I love our water!)
-Against School Vouchers / More money for public schools

*Proud Independent Candidate | Centrist Perspec ve | No Party Affilia on | Atheist*

Top Three Priori es:

1. Public Safety & Uni ng Communi es.
2. Ensuring a Pro-Business-Like Atmosphere.
3. Safe Roads & Clean Streets | Zero Trash Policy.

* Does not accept campaign dona ons | Pledges to donate salary back to Cincinna ’s
general fund if elected. *

You don't need to conform to the religious beliefs of those around you in order to be
loved, to love others, to be a great champion for your community, or to feel complete
and overwhelming peace and acceptance for yourself and others. It is all inside you.
Religion cannot give that to you. An imaginary god in your head cannot five that to you.
Buying lots of stuff cannot give that to you. Not even the person of your dreams can give
that to you. Only you can give that to yourself.

I have too much passion in me.

Jeffrey I am warm, kind, considerate, but yet fair. I have a lot to offer to this posi on. Not over I have minor experience, but am well versed Cincinna to me is one of the best ci es in the US to me. But there I recently spoke as a St. Vincent DePaul fundraiser, with the respect
Jenkins bearing, and not overly easly. and knowledgeable at this posi on. Spent more is s ll work to do. I an a great advocate for housing, heath care, and acknowledgement of all who a ended. Open to felling, aware of
me in the background helping others. May be equality, pedestrian safety. There are to many homeless, and fair how to keep people interested and a en ve to the state at hand. It
my me to shine. housing is a must. And more needs to be done to make sure our was healthy and interes ng, with posi ve comments from all who
people and children are safe going to work and school. And I will a ended. Respect is a must. Not some mes but at all mes. As is
work endlessly to resolve these issues and more. healty debates. Unhealthy debates or disrespec ul situa ons cause
damages to the whole infrastructure. All are affected, are damaged. I
strive for posi vity at all mes. Everyday is a good day and I share that
This council has commi ed to cul va ng and maintaining a healthy
This council has ar culated clear priori es and values related to
culture of respect, decorum, cri cal analysis, and healthy debate.
If appointed, will you commit to running for inves ng in core services, public safety, housing, equity,
First and Last Please share how you would help build and maintain a healthy
Why do you want to be appointed to Cincinna City Council? elec on in 2023? What is your past experience pedestrian safety, and sustainability. Please share (1) relevant
Name culture at city hall. What values and priori es would you contribute
with running for office or campaigning? personal or professional experiences advancing these priority
to the culture? Can you share an example of how you posi vely
areas and (2) how you will support advancing these priority areas
impacted the culture of an ins tu on or organiza on?
Gavi Begtrup Cincinna is where I’ve raised my kids, it’s where I’ve built my small businesses, and it’s Absolutely I commit to running for elec on in When we opened the Donald and Marian Spencer Center, a public I started my career in physics, heads down in a lab three stories
where I’ve worked in the community. It’s where I want to be proud to grow old. 2023. school in Walnut Hills, we didn’t have a crosswalk. I was serving as underground. Our contribu ons to science were meaningful, but I felt
the chair of the school’s LSDMC (effec vely its board), and our so disconnected from helping people. A year a er gradua on, I was in
It was during my me helping build the Donald and Marian Spencer Center public school I have run for office twice, first for Mayor in families and community were increasingly concerned as over a a completely different world as policy advisor to Congresswoman
that I started to realize how many challenges our city faces. We had kids who weren’t 2021 and then for State Representa ve in 2022. dozen CPS kids were struck by cars while walking to school. Gabrielle Giffords.
coming to school in the winter because they didn’t own winter coats and couldn’t wait I have spoken to voters of all poli cal Lobbying for that crosswalk was one of my first direct interac ons
outside in the cold for the bus. We had lockdowns due to ac ve shooters in the persuasions across the city. I have been to with Council, and it was the interven on of a Member of Council I learned so much from Gabby. I learned that well-constructed policy
neighborhood. We had buses failing to show up and kids showing up hungry. I realized every neighborhood, gone to community that led to breaking the gridlock in the administra on and making could improve the lives of millions and have an impact for decades. I
that one school couldn’t address all these issues and neither could all of CPS. To give our councils and fes vals, and I have personally our school safer. learned that the mission was bigger than the individual. And I learned
kids a fair chance in life, we had to work with the city, with Metro, with nonprofits and knocked on the doors of nearly 10,000 voters. that today’s adversary might be tomorrow’s ally. That insight was
the faith community, and with businesses. A er three years building the Spencer Center, My campaign and our dozens of volunteers It may seem small, but Council reaching down and fixing such a cri cal when we worked to overhaul the na on’s space program. It
I wanted to work on these issues at a broader level. knocked on the doors of 50,000 more. I have localized problem is what I love about city government. In my wasn’t just about telescopes or astronauts. It was about the livelihood
raised over $350k from thousands of systems view of our city, helping kids get safely to school connects of en re communi es that supported the space program. It was about
That’s why I ran for Mayor. I lost, but I was proud to push issues that ma ered: individuals, of which more than $70k is s ll to everything. If kids aren’t safe, they are less likely to show up, na onal pride. And I quickly found that Republicans who wouldn’t
affordable housing, police reform, inequality. A er losing I was proud to support a slate available for my next campaign. which makes them less likely to graduate and less likely to get a even talk to us about the economy or healthcare or climate change,
of Democra c candidates for council and mayor who shared my values. good job and thrive in our society. were eager to work with us to address the mess the space program
I have campaigned on behalf of every was in.
I’m asking to be appointed to Council because I want to serve the people of Cincinna . Democrat on Council, and I am ready to My campaign for Mayor was centered around addressing inequality
As a Democrat, I believe that government is a force for good. As a progressive, I believe campaign again. I look forward to the in our city, with focuses on affordable housing, police reform, and I’ve run for office. I’ve lost. But a er each race I’ve turned around and
that we can always do be er. opportunity to contribute heavily to a small businesses, par cularly minority-owned businesses. worked hard to elect the other Democra c candidates. A er the
coordinated campaign and campaign alongside mayoral race, I campaigned with and for every Democrat now on
As a scien st, I really love solving complex problems. It’s what led me to work in my colleagues-to-be on council. I championed funding the affordable housing trust fund and am council. A er my primary loss this summer, I co-hosted a fundraiser for
Congress. The big policy ques ons s ll exist because there are no perfect solu ons. Yet thrilled to see the first investments thereof. I pushed for zoning my former opponent and dedicated months to elec ng Greg
we can always strive for a be er solu on, and I love digging into the problem and reform and tax abatement reform, and I am excited to see CM Landsman to Congress and Democrats up and down the ballot. The
figuring out how to address the root causes. City Council touches our lives in so many Harris spearheading council’s efforts on this front and to hear mission of improving the world is bigger than any of us.
ways, and I would truly enjoy working with the council, the mayor, and the Mayor Pureval commit to these issues in his State of the City
administra on to help Cincinna reach its poten al. address. I look forward to working with the Council to make our city My priority on council would be to make Cincinna a more livable city
more affordable. and address systemic inequality. I am certain that I align in that
As someone who has worked hard to help children and families, as someone who takes mission with the Democra c Members of Council. That doesn’t mean
policy seriously, as someone who earnestly believes Cincinna ’s best days are ahead of Regarding public safety, I want Cincinna to con nue to be a model we will always agree, but our disagreements will be on how to best
us, I would be honored to help fill the void Council Member Landsman will be crea ng to the na on of police-community rela ons and problem-solving. I achieve those goals and never personal.
with his departure. recently par cipated in a small business roundtable with Iris Roley,
Mayor Pureval, and City Manager Long and I am excited about the As CEO, I built companies of people who didn’t think like me, because
Police Chief search. There is so much to do and we must be engaged I know that the best ideas come from engaging many perspec ves. I
throughout to keep Cincinna on the right side of history. kept an open door and sought input from everyone in the
organiza on. Many mes I was right. Some mes I was wrong. But I
I have worked on sustainability issues for over a decade. In never stayed wrong. I learned and grew.
Congress I helped author the Solar Technology Roadmap Act that
brought solar panel prices down far enough to make this city’s solar When we were building the strategic plan for the Spencer Center, we
farm possible. I also wrote the Department of Defense Energy worked relessly to get input from everyone in our community. We
Security Acts, which reformed the military’s consump on of energy held engagement sessions with parents, community members, staff,
and use of energy efficient technologies. In Cincinna , as teachers, and even students. We got input from 60% of our families. I
elsewhere, energy issues and climate change pose the greatest cost will take the same approach on council, proac vely solici ng input
and risk to our most vulnerable and poorest popula on. I look from stakeholders and the community.
forward to working with Councilwoman Owens and the rest of
council on developing and suppor ng city ini a ves to make our On council, I pledge to always put service over self and to work hard
city more sustainable and invest in energy efficiency and renewable and bring my deep analy cal skills to bear on every problem. We are a
programs that help li up our most needy residents. team working toward a be er Cincinna .

For the past decade I have been a small business owner and
entrepreneur and have been very involved in the entrepreneurial
community in this region and across the state. In Cincinna , like
elsewhere, minority-owned businesses have less access to capital,
limi ng opportuni es for growth and further fueling economic
disparity. In my mayoral campaign I made recommenda ons such as
a city One Stop for small businesses and crea ng a funding source
for minority-owned small businesses. I am excited for the city’s new
partnership with the African American Chamber to support MOB,
and as a Member of Council I would truly enjoy building upon those
efforts and working to bring more external and federal funding to
This council has commi ed to cul va ng and maintaining a healthy
This council has ar culated clear priori es and values related to
culture of respect, decorum, cri cal analysis, and healthy debate.
If appointed, will you commit to running for inves ng in core services, public safety, housing, equity,
First and Last Please share how you would help build and maintain a healthy
Why do you want to be appointed to Cincinna City Council? elec on in 2023? What is your past experience pedestrian safety, and sustainability. Please share (1) relevant
Name culture at city hall. What values and priori es would you contribute
with running for office or campaigning? personal or professional experiences advancing these priority
to the culture? Can you share an example of how you posi vely
areas and (2) how you will support advancing these priority areas
impacted the culture of an ins tu on or organiza on?
Galen G. I believe I have the a calm and more well-rounded experiences with all of Cincinna than Yes - I will commit to running in 2023 if Even before my campaign, I sat in and contributed to Vision Zero I am a hospitality professional. Respect and decorum are what I do
Gordon many candidates. My expereince in the hospitality industry gives me a unique view of appointed. I ran a good campaign for this past mee ngs for West End and OTR. I have also been a part of the every day, all day. I am a family man and the biggest cheerleader for
how our city func ons and how we are perceived to func on. My campaign centered elec on which was well received. housing communica on with CMHA Choice in the West End. My our city! I work hard every day to provide an excep onal service
around being Proac ve and Inten onal about decisions and legisla on we pass. For too biggest concern is finding a balance for our housing crisis and I culture in my professional life and at home.
long, council seemed to react to issues and resident concerns. I believe in a regional believe each of the issues raised in the ques on need to be
approach to local government with partnerships with our neighboring municipali es addressed in order for our city to con nue growing.
when appropriate.
Gerald Having led three departments, I have an "inside" knowledge of how the City deliver No. I have the inten on to run in 2023. A As a former director of Public Services, I understand the necessity of I was called upon twice to take over city departments in crisis. In my
Checco services. commitment is an "obliga on that restricts the city basic services and how they are delivered, including the opinion these crisis came from a lack of respect for the labor force
freedom of ac on". difficul es to do so. I have become since a leader in my (including bullying) and a lack of basic ethical behavior. With broad
neighborhood of Cli on and have witnessed first hand how our involvement of and a con nued dialog with everyone, these two
communi es depend on these services. departments went from lackluster to highly performant.
Jason Riveiro I believe my background and experience can provide the necessary insights to lead an Yes, I ran for council in 2011 with a Democra c 1) I have experience both through my volunteer posi ons as a One can not support equality for all and treat those with different
increasingly diverse Cincinna . I was not born in Cincinna but it is the place where I endorsement. board member of SORTA, the Seasongood founda on, the views with disrespect. While our city government leans Democra c, it
have grown professionally and personally and where my children are being raised. I want Cincinna Human Rela ons Commission and many more. is important to lead by example and work across the aisle. I am
them to inherit a Cincinna where all are welcomed. Professionally, I run the largest La no trade associa on in the focused on results and one must keep the end game in mind rather
country with over 40,000 members. than the need for recogni on. Locally, I have been recognized for
2) I am a coali on builder. My plan will be to work with council impac ng change in the community by standing up for immigrants and
members and the mayor to gather the best and brightest in each of working with corporate leaders to make systemic change. I was
these areas and build a strategy. recognized by CityBeat as Person of the Year and received the
Freedom Fighter Award by the NAACP.
This council has commi ed to cul va ng and maintaining a healthy
This council has ar culated clear priori es and values related to
culture of respect, decorum, cri cal analysis, and healthy debate.
If appointed, will you commit to running for inves ng in core services, public safety, housing, equity,
First and Last Please share how you would help build and maintain a healthy
Why do you want to be appointed to Cincinna City Council? elec on in 2023? What is your past experience pedestrian safety, and sustainability. Please share (1) relevant
Name culture at city hall. What values and priori es would you contribute
with running for office or campaigning? personal or professional experiences advancing these priority
to the culture? Can you share an example of how you posi vely
areas and (2) how you will support advancing these priority areas
impacted the culture of an ins tu on or organiza on?

Jaime Castle I want very badly to be able to work for the people of this city in this collabora ve way If appointed, I will empha cally commit to While I was working on this answer, our city lost a Legend: Dr. O'dell Whether it be leading the Mt. Washington School PTO, my church's
and to be a champion of the people. I am a person that runs to the fire, a natural helper running for elec on in 2023. In 2020, I was the Owens. Reading about his legacy and what he was trying to always Board of Trustees, or my classroom, I have always conducted myself
and giver. I uninten onally got involved in poli cs, but I have seen the need for good endorsed Democrat running for the United do for Cincinna , something he pointed to struck me as so with the utmost respect for others and believe in civility and
people to be involved and I have seen what good people working together can States House of Representa ves for Ohio's 2nd poignant: "The higher the educa on rate, the lower the homicide communica ng clearly, listening to, and understanding others with the
accomplish. I think I would bring a lot to the table, bringing with me my lived experiences District. That experience was a bap sm by fire rate." There is so much to this. Looking at the most recent census inten on to work together to solve issues and create success. I am a
as well as my boundless crea vity and curiosity - I would constantly strive for con nuous where I had to learn a lot in a short amount of informa on about our city, I no ced that the home ownership rate natural caretaker, always thinking ahead and considering the other. I
improvement and be erment. I am a teacher and have that mentality where I see me but created a founda on for (38.9%) was very close to the number of the popula on with a believe in the Pla num Rule over the Golden Rule, where you treat
possibility and through compassion and confidence, wish to bring about the best in understanding issues and created connec ons bachelor's or higher degree (38.7%). I believe educa on, access to others how THEY want to be treated which requires empathy,
people. and networks. I learned to fundraise and educa on, and a successful a ainment of educa on, can be compassion, and seeing things from their prospec ve and
brought in just under $300,000 in a ma er of transforma ve to people, families, and communi es. We need to circumstance. I will be ac ve, fully present, accessible, willing to listen,
months. I s ll have these supporters, networks, get the educa on level higher in our city, which I believe will affect seeking full understanding and seeking all per nent informa on and
and connec ons and I am con nuing to expand the home ownership rate in that it will rise, and poverty and crime feedback when cra ing or vo ng on legisla on and policy. An example
this universe. I learned about messaging, social rates will fall. I recognize that training in skilled trades also is of how I posi vely impacted the culture of an ins tu on occurred over
media presence, marke ng, interviewing, successful educa on. I support all of these priority areas and will this last summer. I have realized a sad common occurrence that
deba ng, canvassing, and working with a constantly strive to work toward solu ons by working with our city happens in schools. Certain students get labeled as "stupid" or "bad."
coordinated team. I have had many partners and suppor ng proven ways to help. As a teacher, the This past summer, I had the opportunity to teach summer school to
endorsements from unions and organiza ons, educa onal success of students has been my work. I recognize that sophomores and juniors. What I no ced was that so many of them
and I see that list as only growing. In 2021, I ran successful learning comes with students having wellness (physical had a low self-confidence in themselves due to how they felt that they
for Cincinna City Council despite not being and mental) to sustain them. I have known students with unstable had been labeled. On day one with these students, I set the tone that
quite "recovered" from the toll of my previous homelives and unstable mental wellness, my own middle and high they each were (are) good, smart, clever, unique, special and that for
campaign. I wanted to learn more about school students, and the students that I have served as a subs tute one reason or another, circumstance brought them to where they
specific city issues and create more for as young as preschool age. So many are off track to succeed, and were now, but we were going to support each other, have fun, and
connec ons throughout the city. I did not we need to support more ini a ves to support learning and make the most of things. I made the effort to get to know each child
aggressively fundraise, but took the keeping people on track to obtain the skills to support themselves and they got to know each other. I told them how crea ve their
opportunity to learn and to have fun doing the and create genera onal wealth. In regard to public safety, I believe wri ng was, we read together, they worked so hard. Posi ve
campaigning ac vi es that I was not able to do in the Cincinna Collabora ve Agreement as being so crucial to the reinforcement, inves ng in them as a whole person, and showing
in 2020 due to the pandemic shu ng down city best providing public safety and believe that all pedestrian them their strengths all combined and led to success. They all passed
parades, events, fes vals, county fairs, etc. This death and injury is preventable, and measures need to be done. For that class! If you have someone believing in you, it is easier to believe
experience taught me a lot more about the WVXU's voter guide, this is what I said about transporta on and in yourself. I believe that I had a posi ve impact on each one of them
geography of the city and the people in it. In pedestrian safety: "We really need to bring experts together to cra and they were set up to succeed in the coming school year.
2022, I served as the Campaign Manager for a long-term vision plan that puts into place infrastructure and goals
the general elec on for Rachel Baker who that will take Cincinna into the future where we cannot be so
successfully ran to be the next Ohio State dependent on individual vehicle transporta on. It will require
Representa ve for District 27. This was seen as be er public transporta on op ons and be er/safer pedestrian,
a toss-up district, but we won with about 56% mul -modal, and bike transporta on. A light rail system would take
of the vote. There were concerted efforts to the city to the next level. We could e that into the exis ng
reach more voters, not just those seen as the streetcar, but we need to connect neighborhoods to the urban core.
base and other candidates benefi ed through Protected bike and pedestrian lanes are needed and will take some
our deliberate ac on throughout District 27, investment. More immediate solu ons would be the crea on of
especially with turnout and results from pedestrian plazas, accessible and con nuous sidewalks, turning
Anderson Township. I was a part of a team that some one-way streets into two-way streets, add sidewalk
worked on messaging and direct voter contact extensions, reduce the corner radius on turns, and surface
through digital and mailing efforts, and I treatments. Safety zones must be created in high pedestrian traffic
created the field plan mobilizing and leading places like schools u lizing signage, painted crosswalks, sidewalk
about 200 volunteers through canvassing, bumps, and good ligh ng."
postcards, phone banking, text banking, and In regard to housing, there needs to be interagency coordina on to
le er wri ng. I handled the day-to-day increase the amount of housing units needed in the city. Affordable
management of the campaign keeping the housing needs to be created and protected throughout the
wellness of my candidate as a top priority as neighborhoods and we can do that through the crea on of
this race saw much to navigate coming from accessory housing units, increased density, parking minimum
the opponent's side. As a precinct execu ve requirement elimina on, more mul -family dwellings (changing
and Ward Chair, this elec on year I was very zoning), as well as looking at our current short-term rental process
ac ve in ge ng out the vote and working and policy and our vacant lot strategies. These ini a ves must be
posi vely with the county and state done mindfully and with community engagement and with equity
coordinated efforts. and inclusion in mind. We must also be inten onal about our
climate ac on plans, our resilience planning, and stormwater
management and environmental health when we are developing
and retaining housing.
Lastly, core services must be delivered with excellence and
meliness. We must provide our workers with what they need to
succeed in good pay and supports. We need to do be er with
keeping our communi es clean with ini a ves like neighborhood
trash and recycling centers.
This council has commi ed to cul va ng and maintaining a healthy
This council has ar culated clear priori es and values related to
culture of respect, decorum, cri cal analysis, and healthy debate.
If appointed, will you commit to running for inves ng in core services, public safety, housing, equity,
First and Last Please share how you would help build and maintain a healthy
Why do you want to be appointed to Cincinna City Council? elec on in 2023? What is your past experience pedestrian safety, and sustainability. Please share (1) relevant
Name culture at city hall. What values and priori es would you contribute
with running for office or campaigning? personal or professional experiences advancing these priority
to the culture? Can you share an example of how you posi vely
areas and (2) how you will support advancing these priority areas
impacted the culture of an ins tu on or organiza on?

John Thomas There's lots of special interests that have their hand in the ll. I'm about what's in the Yes I would. There's absolutely nothing on my I worked for the City of Cincinna in the Neighborhood Opera ons This is about having respect for one another. Treat others as you would
best interests of the Cincinna individual. resume when it comes to holding office. Division (NOD). I went to school through the CPS system and like to be. Have some dignity and class in how you carry yourself.
graduated top 10% from Western Hills. I'm a graduate and current
employee of Cincinna State Technical College. I'm a life-long
resident of Cincinna , currently owning a home in Carthage. I
worked in downtown Concinna for 10+ years and understand the
needs of the people living, working, and commu ng there. Our core
services need to be fought for. The police need our full support (I
know many). I believe housing affordability is our top priority. You
should live in your own property.
Dale Mallory My poli cal and public service experience would allow me to represent the ci zens of Yes, I would run for elec on in 2023. I have My experience includes Transporta on, Brownfields, Water Shed Communica ng with each other, no ma er what the differences of
the City of Cincinna to many years of experience running campaigns Districts, Historic Tax Credits, S mulus Funding and Agricultural opinions. To work together for the good of the people and not on a
make sure that their voices are heard, and their issues are addressed. for poli cal office. Ini a ves. I would look forward to introducing informa on to build personal basis.
I am familiar with the communi es' structure more partnerships to strengthen these areas throughout the City of I would bring tradi onal Cincinna community values to city hall.
and of the poli cal landscape. Cincinna . Ins lling the values of a 4H Ini a ve in the city to assist in rebuilding
families, and self-sufficiency along with educa ng the public about our
Jonathan I have worked for the united states post office for 7 years i have talked to many people Yes, i have no past experience but a willingness We have a huge problem in Cincinna with unmarked crosswalks First, is respect, respect for the person you are talking to by
Williams on the street. Council now has problems with trust and integrity and working for one of to serve this city with honor, integrity and and pedestrian safety. Right by roger bacon is a perfect example a acknowledgment and courtesy. You can disagree without being rude or
the most liked federal agencies in government today and myself having the ability to talk passion school nearby and a unmarked crosswalk. We need to find these dismissive or abusive. Where one idea may be wrong for Cincinna
to all races and understand there feelings and problems. I know the problems of this city problem spots and get public support for change and monetary maybe broken down there are parts that are right. Meaning even in
i hear it everyday because i do what no one else does i walk and talk to the ci zens of funds to make these changes and make Cincinna safer. our disagreements there is room for compromise and collabora on.
Cincinna and trust me we have a wonderful city with wonderful people who all want However, we just need to find it and that takes work and that i believe
the best but we need to listen to our people. is what we are there to do.
This council has commi ed to cul va ng and maintaining a healthy
This council has ar culated clear priori es and values related to
culture of respect, decorum, cri cal analysis, and healthy debate.
If appointed, will you commit to running for inves ng in core services, public safety, housing, equity,
First and Last Please share how you would help build and maintain a healthy
Why do you want to be appointed to Cincinna City Council? elec on in 2023? What is your past experience pedestrian safety, and sustainability. Please share (1) relevant
Name culture at city hall. What values and priori es would you contribute
with running for office or campaigning? personal or professional experiences advancing these priority
to the culture? Can you share an example of how you posi vely
areas and (2) how you will support advancing these priority areas
impacted the culture of an ins tu on or organiza on?

Michelle I came close to winning a seat on City Council in the last 3 elec ons; 12th place in 2013, Yes, I commit to running in 2023. Core Services: 1) When I worked for former Vice Mayor The values and priori es I will contribute to maintain a healthy culture
Dillingham 10th place in 2017 (losing by just 223 votes), and 10th place in 2021, running without my Councilmember Crowley as his Chief of Staff I served on behalf of at City Hall come from my years of working in community organizing
Party’s endorsement and s ll coming within 1,528 votes of winning top 9. This is the 4th My past experience with running for his office providing cons tuent case work and legisla ve policy and coali on-building, and include prac ces I’ve learned across my
appointment to be made in the last 2 years to Cincinna City Council, and each me I office/campaigning includes the following: development (i.e., budget mo ons, resolu ons, etc.) to support the long career in social work: always strive for humility, honor the truth in
have requested to be appointed to the vacated seat. core services of the city. 2) I will support advancing this priority area others and their lived experiences, seek deeper knowledge of the
● Elected 4 mes to serve as Precinct by working collabora vely to ensure a balanced budget that issue, never forget how my own social posi on informs my
I am seeking this appointment because I have done the work to present my candidacy to Execu ve for 14-B for the Cincinna supports the core services of the city. perspec ves and reac ons, con nue to push myself to learn more,
the people of Cincinna , and voters have casted their votes for me for years, placing me Democra c Commi ee from 2008 to 2019 and that if we disagree, do so without being disagreeable.
within an arm’s reach of placing in the 9th seat. I believe it is the fair and democra c ● LEAD Ohio Leadership Academy, 2021 Public safety: 2) I have spent years working in various groups and
thing to do to appoint me to the seat being vacated given I’ve run in the last 3 elec ons Graduate coali ons around community-police rela ons, youth gun violence, I have years of experience serving in elected and appointed roles,
and came close to winning. ● Placed 12th place for 9 seats in the 2013 and suppor ng mothers of murdered children. When I served as working with others across the aisle including as a Statewide
Cincinna City Council Elec on community council president in Kennedy Heights, neighborhood Commissioner for the “Opportuni es for Ohioans with Disabili es”
I con nue to receive support for my candidacy and have included with my cover le er ● Placed 10th place for 9 seats in the 2017 and public safety was a central concern and I had the opportunity to Bureau when I was one of the only Democra c appointees, yet was
the summary of an online pe on urging Council to appoint me signed by over 500 2021 Cincinna City Council Elec ons work through various challenges as a community leader (Ci zens on effec ve in ge ng the job done for the people of Ohio.
individuals in the last couple weeks. My supporters are an expansive, diverse base of ● Responsible for recruitment and supervision Patrol, addressing “hot spots”, etc.). 2) I will support advancing this
voters that reach across party, racial and economic lines. This is due to my long-standing of campaign manager, finance manager, priority area by suppor ng the on-going work and best prac ces I am proud of my professional career in that I’ve le a posi ve impact
es to the community that has afforded me the authen city to speak to the struggles treasurer, and volunteer staff that are proven to improve community-police rela ons and public at every organiza on I’ve been a part of. I’ve joined organiza ons that
that so many face. ● Responsible for all aspects of three safety. were undergoing transi on, and stepped in with a posi ve,
Local government absolutely can make a posi ve difference in people’s lives, and it is campaigns for a compe ve field race in a large forward-looking spirit, se ng the tone always with professional,
why I have ac vely campaigned for elec on to City Council since 2012. I am a social mid-west city including messaging, media and Housing: My early years as a social worker serving families with respec ul communica on. I’ve provided many groups with guidance
worker, labor organizer, college professor, a former non-profit CEO, and mom of a son communica ons, field strategy, campaign severe mental illness were spent largely trying to find safe, on effec ve organiza onal development. In my work I’ve earned the
with mul ple disabili es. I worked for former Vice Mayor Crowley for nearly four years, finance filing, and Vote-Builder analysis affordable housing. I later worked for Cincinna ’s Affordable respect of elected officials, concerned ci zens, educators, community
giving me direct experience to serve as a member of City Council. I have successfully run ● Managed field opera ons for statewide and Housing Advocates (AHA), and then as Director of Educa on for the leaders, parents, and labor. People who know and have worked with
programs and organiza ons, including as CEO of a fundraising organiza on. My local candidates and issue campaigns for Greater Cincinna Coali on for the Homeless helping to develop me, know I am commi ed and lead out of concern for the community
contribu ons to my field have resulted in the respect of my colleagues, and statewide several elec on cycles curriculum and outreach on homelessness preven on. 2) I will bring and bring everything I’ve got to advance our work.
accolades. Finally, my most recent posi on as a union organizer has deepened my skills I all my policy experience and industry best prac ces to bear on this
have developed over the years as a community organizer on some of the toughest issues priority area. I like to say I’ve learned from the best, and that includes my mentor
facing our City. former Vice Mayor Crowley who a er many conten ous council
Equity: 1) My work in the area of equity has largely been in the mee ngs, would o en invite his colleagues up to Crowley’s for a beer
I want to live in a city that will be responsive to and engaged with the needs of every area of public educa on as a founding member of the Cincinna and break bread. It is our responsibility to work well together, to work
community, not just the few. I have proven that I have the personal and professional Educa onal Jus ce Coali on, whose work is to advance educa onal produc vely. It is what the people of Cincinna deserve from their
experience to make that vision a reality. My personal convic ons con nue to drive my equity for Cincinna ’s public school students. 2) I will help advance public officials, and I am ready to do just that if appointed.
poli cal beliefs and embraces the concept of fulfilling the needs of others. The interests this general area by suppor ng efforts to build in equity to our
of the people are always at heart, and their welfare is at the forefront. I have always felt legisla ve work at every opportunity. There are several strong
strongly that social workers are uniquely posi oned to serve well as policy makers. policy recommenda ons brought forward by various groups in this
area Council can lean into including “All In Cincinna ”, and others.
I have always kept my heart with people who are of extreme low incomes, working
people, children and simply put, the average ci zen. Running non-profit organiza ons Pedestrian Safety: 1) My work in this area has mainly been
and programs who serve Cincinna families struggling with mental illness and connected to how this issue affects the 36,000+ children who
homelessness have well prepared me to serve in public office. I have a proven ability to a end our city’s public schools, many of whom have to navigate our
build coali ons – both in and out of City Hall, to benefit all the ci zens of the city. A city’s public rights of way. 2) I will help advance this priority area by
councilmember job-ready on Day 1. suppor ng legisla on to increase pedestrian safety wherever
Finally, I want to help maintain a Democra c majority on Council and pave the way for
con nued progressive governing in Cincinna , figh ng for the values we share for the Sustainability: 1) This topic covers a lot of areas, my experience in
greater good including workers’ right to union representa on, racial equality, economic this area mainly comes from my work on local environmental
opportunity, vo ng rights, reproduc ve rights, and environmental jus ce. issues. 2) Sustainability makes good policy and fiscal sense, and I
would be a solid supporter of sustainability efforts.
Logan I want to improve life in this city, and I want to help prepare it for the precarious mes As I'm sure you recall, I ran in 2021, in all, I These are all issues I care considerably about, and halve put a fair I'm not an acrimonious person, I'm pa ent and polite. I try to keep
Simmering that lay ahead for all of us. didn't especially enjoy the experience (some of amount of thought into how to achieve them, but I'm also just an debates rooted in what can be demonstrated empirically while
that though is bound up in the trauma of losing Ironworker, my relevant professional experience is prac cally nil, pushing towards a freer, more just and par cipatory society,
2 cats to disease over the course of the and the pressures of work and home-life mean my non-professional
campaign) le to my own devices I wouldn't organizing and service experience, through DSA, the communalist
run again, given the leg up of serving a half org I tried to launch (Civitas), Coop Cincy, and other le y groups in
term on council, yes, I would commit to that. the city while reasonably extensive is lackluster in its depth and
I ran on ar cula ng a vision for the future, rather than on the
weight of my experience and that's just as true in this applica on as
last years campaign trail
This council has commi ed to cul va ng and maintaining a healthy
This council has ar culated clear priori es and values related to
culture of respect, decorum, cri cal analysis, and healthy debate.
If appointed, will you commit to running for inves ng in core services, public safety, housing, equity,
First and Last Please share how you would help build and maintain a healthy
Why do you want to be appointed to Cincinna City Council? elec on in 2023? What is your past experience pedestrian safety, and sustainability. Please share (1) relevant
Name culture at city hall. What values and priori es would you contribute
with running for office or campaigning? personal or professional experiences advancing these priority
to the culture? Can you share an example of how you posi vely
areas and (2) how you will support advancing these priority areas
impacted the culture of an ins tu on or organiza on?

mark fritz cincy cop, rich manila, told me a er I contacted city hall...stuff rolls downhill. cops lie, are YES. I am involved with online pos ngs and But you don't value core services, your cops lie, don't enforce laws, I just tell truth that you don't want to hear. I call out liars, polite to
lazy and unprofessional, at least the ones I've encountered from district 3, add sara Enquirers' poli cal webpage, few from city you could care less of safety in any form as you think it funny addict those that tell truth
bolser of sheriff's office, another liar that tries to harm council want to face public, I will. You all punk pointed gun at me per rich manila and 2 cops that laughed
messed with my 90 year old mother, not much a er I told maltry: if they could afford to party with minors, guns,
else can be done to harm me explosives, firebombs...they could afford to get their fence and crap
off out property, you took away my housing (enduring nextdoor to
addicts that get high with minors, all weekend, every weekend) and
everyone knows your cops don't enforce traffic rules
Thomas For the past 33 plus years I have given to our communi es in Hamilton County as a police I 100% commit to running for elec on in 2023 I believe my experience as the Hamilton County Heroin Task Force A founda on of my impeccable work history as a police officer is
Fallon officer. I have been an innova ve leader on the opiate epidemic front for the past seven and have never run for office but have many and Hamilton County Quick Response Team with developing and respect. I firmly believe in cri cal analysis, collabora on and healthy
nearly eight years. I have developed rela onships on the local, state and na onal level friends that could guide and help me. implemen ng these innova ve programs shows my personal debate leads to coopera ve resolu on. I believe my values of honesty,
with collabora on and partnerships as the anchor of who I am. I want to bring my commitment to public safety in Cincinna as well as equity. integrity and willingness to collabora on would improve the culture at
experiences, talents, collabora ve nature and love for Cincinna to the table to make City Hall. I have posi vely impacted the African American Community
Cincinna a be er place to live, work and play. in Hamilton County through a QRT program I developed and secured
funding over $450,000 due to the increase in overdoses and overdose
deaths African American community. We have a dedicated QRT team
to conduct outreach, educa on, harm reduc on and programming in
African American Community to aid those in need to treatment
op ons that best fits them.
Alyson First, this Council is clearly collabora ve and dedicated to improving quality of life in Yes. I have managed two City Council Core services and public safety are founda onal elements of a I share the value that this Council places on its culture and respect,
Beridon Cincinna . I would take the same approach and aim to be a member of a team. Second, I campaigns and worked on several more so I am highly func oning city, and have been since I was first a Council decorum, cri cal analysis, and healthy debate. I believe all of these are
think I have something to offer; I have worked as a Council Aide for two Council familiar with the demands of campaigning. I Aide over twenty years ago. In that job I worked to advance those important to a healthy, func oning democracy. I implement these in
Members in the past and am familiar with the workings of the City's administra on. have also worked on several county-wide areas, including familiarity with their impact on the City's budget. my professional life as an a orney and would bring that same a tude
When I le the City, I con nued to work on issues related to City policies, such as the campaigns, including three county-wide judicial Housing is also a long-standing concern, and I support the City's to Council. My inten on would be to join Council as a member of a
City's living wage ordinance and procurement policies. Currently, I am a member of the campaigns for my husband. I am currently an affordable housing grants and changes to the tax abatement team.
SORTA board which has enhanced my understanding of how transit impacts elected precinct execu ve for the Hamilton process to include housing, par cularly inclusion of AMI, in
communi es. Third and most important, Cincinna has been good to me and my family County Democra c Party, and over the course abatement discussion. One of my top interests as a Council Member
and I view this as an opportunity to be of service in return. of about fi een years also served as Execu ve would be transit-oriented growth, which I believe would lead to
Commi ee Member, Treasurer, Secretary, and gains in both pedestrian safety and sustainability by encouraging
Vice-Chair. I have knocked on my share of doors more housing and development along public transit routes. I
and would look forward to doing it again to believe that such growth would also make Cincinna a rac ve to
hear directly from the public about issues employers and employees, leading to new and be er jobs for
important to them. Cincinna ans. I consider equity to be a governing principle that
should impact all of these. I have been impressed with Council's
recent updates to its non-discrimina on policy, and believe that it
should be con nually evaluated to make sure it serves and protect
all ci zens.
This council has commi ed to cul va ng and maintaining a healthy
This council has ar culated clear priori es and values related to
culture of respect, decorum, cri cal analysis, and healthy debate.
If appointed, will you commit to running for inves ng in core services, public safety, housing, equity,
First and Last Please share how you would help build and maintain a healthy
Why do you want to be appointed to Cincinna City Council? elec on in 2023? What is your past experience pedestrian safety, and sustainability. Please share (1) relevant
Name culture at city hall. What values and priori es would you contribute
with running for office or campaigning? personal or professional experiences advancing these priority
to the culture? Can you share an example of how you posi vely
areas and (2) how you will support advancing these priority areas
impacted the culture of an ins tu on or organiza on?
Seth Walsh I have spent my en re career working with the City of Cincinna in some capacity or In 2016, I ran for Hamilton County Treasurer I am aligned with the priori es and values set by the current City I was the first employee hired for the College Hill CURC. We now
another. I believe this is probably true for almost anyone who is working to make a be er and was not elected. I learned a lot of lessons Council. My experien al strength comes from housing development fluctuate between 14 - 20 employees depending on the season and
Cincinna . And in this experience, I have found that when you have a City Council that during this process, from the basics of running in my me in Sedamsville and College Hill. our needs. I have learned a lot about building and growing a healthy
knows and understands their role and their impact on the community, the whole City a campaign to the rookie mistakes of focusing culture of respect, decorum, cri cal analysis, and healthy debate
thrives. your energy in the wrong areas. The biggest In Sedamsville, I led the first housing rehabilita on in over 50 years, through this experience of growing my own culture.
lesson I learned was to not run for office unless according to their CDC. It took us over 3 years to complete and a
Our current City Council and Mayor have this trait to a degree I’ve never seen before. you are truly passionate about it and truly want tremendous amount of advocacy to get the support we needed I value respec ng everyone and encouraging everyone to share their
the job. from the City of Cincinna to make this a reality. It may have only ideas. I value a healthy debate and the willingness to push back with
This has created a moment in Cincinna ’s history–right now–to truly have a been 1 unit of housing, but it signified the first me in decades that respect when we don’t agree, but to push back with the goal of
transforma onal impact on our City, se ng the founda on and building the future for an Over the last 6 years, I have reflected on my the City had taken no ce of the neighborhood. understanding and collabora on, not victory.
even greater Cincinna . A future that is a growing City, a rac ng and retaining top er run for Hamilton County Treasurer and used it
talent, while protec ng all of its residents, especially the most vulnerable. A City that can to teach myself innumerable lessons that have And in the years that followed that advocacy, the City turned their I welcome and encourage diversity of thought. I am commi ed to
be a place we can all be proud to call home. propelled me forward in my personal and a en on to the neighborhood's biggest slumlord and filed a lawsuit having diverse voices at the table when we are making important
professional life. Some mes the best lessons that set the course for freeing the neighborhood to control its own decisions, from iden ty to lived experience. Under my leadership,
And I want to be a part of that. Cincinna is my home by choice, not by birth. I chose are learned in the agony of defeat. future. The City of Cincinna and the Port now control the CHCURC has gone from a predominantly white organiza on, to an
Cincinna because I fell in love with the City as it is today and the City I know we can slumlord's proper es and will be working with Sedamsville to bring organiza on that is meaningfully diverse in race, ethnicity, gender
become. I have been exploring a run for City Council the redevelopment to this o en overlooked neighborhood. iden ty, sex, and lived experience.
last several months with the possibility of an
I believe that I come with a unique skill set of leading the equitable redevelopment of appointment being an opportunity in mind to It would not have happened had the Sedamsville CDC, under my I have found that some of the best ideas are hidden just below the
College Hill that provides an important perspec ve to the already incredible team at City determine if this was a path I was ready to leadership, not fought so hard to get the first unit of housing surface or come when the o and comment is made. That’s why in
Hall. commit to and if the support was truly there completed. staff mee ngs, I am searching for those who have kept quiet to speak
for me to make this endeavor again. I know the up and encouraging them (and suppor ng them) to do so.
I know how development is done and more importantly, I know how it is done right for a hard work and commitment it takes to run for In College Hill, I have led the crea on of over 300 units of new
community. office, nonetheless to succeed in office once housing, with over 130 of those units being affordable housing I will come to City Hall with the mentality that we are all in this for the
elected. units. In this role, I have seen how difficult it is to close on the right reasons to build a stronger Cincinna . That means that even if we
I know the role the City should play in this and I know the role the City currently plays in various tax credits and subsidies to complete these deals, I have disagree on topics, we are doing so with the best of inten ons and
it and how to bridge those divides. And with that experience under my belt, I am seen the gaps that exist in our toolkit to close projects, and I have that it’s not personal. With this mentality, I will be a team player with
commi ed to running for Cincinna City seen how housing, specifically affordable housing, can be used as a everyone, from fellow members of Council, to their staff, to the
I come with the experience of leading over $85 million in development to College Hill, Council in 2023. I have already hired staff for toolkit to transform neighborhoods and create sustainable administra on.
while opening 20+ businesses and building over 300 units of housing, including over 130 my campaign, and opened my campaign organiza ons built to protect the neighborhood long term.
units of affordable housing. I know first hand the incredible poten al our City has for commi ee - we have begun building the ship as No idea is too big or too small to be heard.
doing this in all 52 neighborhoods. I also know how the City can hinder this. we sail. I know that this is an office where I can I have also seen the areas needing improvement with the City of
truly make a difference and an opportunity I Cincinna to achieve our housing goals and needs. I have I believe it is our role as leaders on City Council to encourage this
All of this would not have been possible, however, without my ability to listen to the will enjoy. experienced firsthand where our words do not match our ac ons. atmosphere. We should encourage staff to think outside the box and
community and respond with a path forward that is responding to their concerns and take risks, and when they do and it does not succeed, debrief for how
aspira ons. This isn’t easy and requires one to always be listening. Old problems I will support advancing all of these priori es, but especially in small changes might lead to a be er outcome, not rake them over the
some mes solve themselves before you do, and your ac ons some mes create new regards to housing, I believe my first hand experience will be cri cal coals.
problems you must solve. But when you are always listening and always engaging, you in advancing the policies necessary for our City to thrive. It’s one
can be responsive to keep the solu ons you are working on as in line with the thing to want to build more housing, but it’s another thing en rely We’re all a team with the same end goal, so it’s important that we
community vision and aspira ons as possible. This skillset will help not only me, but all of to build it. keep that in mind. We can’t be afraid to hold one another to that
City Council, in our ability to posi vely implement the vision of our ci zens. standard or to push others to align with that standard when they fall
In building the housing, there comes opportuni es, from short.
I believe with the skillset currently on City Council, my experience will complement and suppor ng small developers and contractors to add new housing
enhance the work being done. I am uniquely posi oned to hit the ground running to and crea ng support for local small businesses. All of these e in This culture of respect and civility is one of the areas I most respect in
ensure that in the year remaining on this Council term, the founda on is built for our together. My experience will help City Council become even our City Council and why I am interested in this appointment. I will do
future success as a City. stronger in advancing policies that support and enhance these anything and everything in my power to con nue to build it and
goals. engrain it as the new normal for Council’s to come.
Jackie I want to be appointed to Cincinna City Council because I want to give my perspec ve Yes, if appointed I will commit to running for I serve as Vice President of the Westwood Civic Associa on. I also I would help maintain a healthy culture by always working with a team
Frondorf as a mother, community volunteer, and a small business owner on City Council. I want to elec on in 2023. I ran for City Council in 2021 serve as Westwood Civics’ representa ve on Westwood Coali on. mindset. As a Council Member, I would work with other Council
focus on making sure our families stay and thrive in Cincinna . As a mother of five young and really enjoyed the experience of mee ng In my role as VP I voted to approve the use of TIF money to Members to improve the City.
children, a small business owner, and a community volunteer, I am constantly planning, people from all over Cincinna . I also ran for construct raised crosswalks and bumpouts in Westwood. These will An example would be, as the Vice President of Westwood Civic
solving, nego a ng, caring, helping, guiding, coopera ng, budge ng, and protec ng. I re-elec on as a Board Member of the greatly increase pedestrian safety in Westwood. I will con nue to Associa on, I am always working with other Board Members to help
want to do the same for the people of Cincinna . Our city government should work for Westwood Civic Associa on in the Spring of support pedestrian safety by working closely with the Improve Westwood. I understand that other board members have
all — not just some — and I am mo vated to make that happen. 2022. In the spring of 2022 I was on the ballot neighborhoods and encourage DOTE to follow the Vision Zero different passions than I do and I encourage them to run with a plan
Now is the right me for me to serve. I want to focus on core city services, pedestrian (unopposed) for Precinct Execu ve of strategy. that I know they can excel at. Respec ng and understanding each
safety, and ensuring that the children and families in Cincinna have every opportunity Cincinna ’s 26-O precinct. My husband Henry other’s strengths is how we operate on the Westwood Civic
to thrive. If you select me to replace Greg Landsman on Cincinna City Council I promise I Frondorf ran for City Council in 2017 and I was Associa on, and I plan on using the same strategy as a City Council
will work relessly to represent the people of Cincinna to the best of my ability. in the trenches helping his campaign as well. I Member.
have been heavily involved in the previous two
City Council elec ons. I understand the amount
of work and me required to run and I will use
my experience to run in 2023.
This council has commi ed to cul va ng and maintaining a healthy
This council has ar culated clear priori es and values related to
culture of respect, decorum, cri cal analysis, and healthy debate.
If appointed, will you commit to running for inves ng in core services, public safety, housing, equity,
First and Last Please share how you would help build and maintain a healthy
Why do you want to be appointed to Cincinna City Council? elec on in 2023? What is your past experience pedestrian safety, and sustainability. Please share (1) relevant
Name culture at city hall. What values and priori es would you contribute
with running for office or campaigning? personal or professional experiences advancing these priority
to the culture? Can you share an example of how you posi vely
areas and (2) how you will support advancing these priority areas
impacted the culture of an ins tu on or organiza on?

Mark I believe that Cincinna is poised to be a model for ci es around the country who are Yes. I will hit the road running by developing Assuring Cincinna ans have access to safe and affordable housing is I believe that expression is the first step out of oppression. I will help
Mussman grappling with social issues while simultaneously growing our produc vity and business my field, finance, and communica ons plans. I a priority for me. While building more housing is one aspect of this build and maintain a healthy culture at city hall by doing my
opportuni es. As a city council member, I will work to ensure that opportunity is coupled will commit to campaigning for other endorsed priority, livable wages and housing protec ons are also part of the homework and sharing informa on freely with other council members
with serious thought, communica on, and ac on. I will work with business leaders, and candidates, including holding fundraisers and equa on for crea ng a more stable and safe Cincinna . As and city administra on, as needed. I see my role as a suppor ve
with leaders at all levels of government, to ensure that we rise together while we door knocking. Over-the-Rhine Community Council's representa ve on the member of council who, with the help of the large coali on of
strengthen our public spaces, such as parks, streets, sidewalks, sewers, air, water, and I recently worked on a local issue campaign FHACT50 Community Advisory Board, I worked directly with DCED community stake-holders, will provide the most accurate informa on
schools. I will have a posi ve role in the communica on and understanding within that gave me the opportunity to collect and our community to inform the council membership of the to each other and the public. I believe that transparency is essen al
council, especially as it relates to complex topics that require both historical knowledge signatures, knock doors, create literature, and op ons, and at the same me, I worked directly with developers, for trust, and I pride myself on being open to cri cism because I value
and the ability to foresee a different future. I will serve the people by being in service to develop mul media products for the campaign. such as 3CDC and Model Group, to ensure they understood the learning and growing. One ins tu on that I helped change was Walnut
the city's administra on, the mayor, and fellow council members by suppor ng their I will commit to mee ng deadlines for my parameters of the once-in-a-life me program. With my Hills High School, when I created the first gay-straight alliance in 1996.
ini a ves. elec on plans and the Board of Elec ons involvement, Cincinna was able to secure funding for more than By se ng an inclusive goal, we grew in size to over 120 members,
repor ng. If we work together, we go further. 100 units of affordable housing through the project. I will con nue having to meet in the small theater. We focused on educa on and
to push for expanded use of LIHTC and NOFA funds in Cincinna , understanding stereotypes and the harm created by exclusion. We
and help build partnerships and trust in the Affordable Housing faced harsh cri cism, and even death threats, but the school itself
Leverage Fund. came together to ensure a place for LGBTQIA+ individuals and their
Michael Cincinna is a city with a rich history and many great things going for it. It’s also a city
If I am appointed to City Council, I will commit I fully support inves ng in core services, public safety, housing, If selected, I would bring my values of inclusion, respect, and posi vity
Binder with high rates of fatal drug overdoses, health inequi es, pedestrian crashes, and gun to running a robust campaign for elec on in equity, pedestrian safety, and sustainability. These are necessary to to contribute to a healthy culture at City Hall. It is not only the end
violence. These ma ers can be improved with con nued bold, large-scale 2023. I have been elected and selected for the health of all Cincinna ans. result but also the process that ma ers.
evidence-based interven ons. I have the background and experience to help Cincinna various leadership posi ons throughout my
move forward with ideas and plans for progress in these areas. career as a physician but have not yet run for Prior to star ng medical school, I organized and par cipated in a During my medical training as a resident physician in Cincinna from
public office. If appointed, I would commit my cross-country bicycle trip from New Hampshire to Washington State 2010-2013, I took care of many people suffering from addic on. At
In my work as a physician and public health professional, I developed new programing to all into a campaign. I would meet with ci zens for 30 other young people to raise money for affordable housing. I that me, there was not a consistent evidence-based framework
improve health outcomes for people with substance use disorders and established a new in all 52 neighborhoods and not take one vote celebrate the work of the City Council to improve access to within my residency program for how to best take care of these
partnership that has connected people in the criminal jus ce system to treatment for for granted. affordable housing. I look forward to the possibility of joining City pa ents. I used cri cal analysis to figure out a way to improve this
their addic on. Council to advocate for con nued progress in this area. situa on. Next, I will discuss the process I took to posi vely impact
pa ents, my organiza on, and change the culture.
The current city administra on, including Mayor Pureval and the City Council, have I support pedestrian safety. I’ve a ended community gatherings
cul vated a culture in City Hall that fosters collabora on and progress. They work about the subject, spoken to previous Cincinna City Council A er I completed my medical residency, I went back to graduate
together to get important things done and have moved the city forward in a substan al embers, and promoted safer streets by wri ng a le er to the editor school to learn a public health approach to addic on and other health
way. I would like the opportunity to use my skills and exper se in public health and in the Cincinna Enquirer. I have been touched by this issue issues. I completed a master’s degree in public health while
addic on treatment to con nue to further strengthen our city and help make us a personally, having lost a close friend who was hit and killed by a car simultaneously gaining exper se in addic on medicine.
na onal model for how to improve health outcomes. in 2005.
I took my knowledge about addic on medicine and created a program
Unsafe streets contribute to poor health outcomes. Over the years, to share it with the internal medicine residents at the University of
many of my pa ents have told me they do not feel safe leaving their Cincinna Medical Center. I collaborated with my co-workers and
homes and apartments to walk in their own neighborhoods. This began a boot camp for all internal medicine resident physicians to
administra on has improved public safety and pedestrian safety in improve health outcomes for people with substance use disorders.
a significant way. We have come a long way, and we s ll have
progress to go. During the boot camp, the resident physicians each learned about
how to best take care of pa ents experiencing addic on. I used a
If selected to City Council, I will priori ze public safety. When data-driven and evidence-based approach to help them learn about
people feel safe walking in their own neighborhoods, good things how to best take care of pa ents with substance use disorders. Based
happen. They are more connected to their neighbors and their on survey results, this interven on led to a 61% increase in resident
surroundings. Both they and their communi es become healthier. physician confidence in diagnosing and trea ng pa ents with opioid
use disorder.

Drug addic on is among the most s gma zed medical condi ons. To
help combat that s gma, I invited people with a lived experience of
drug use to share their stories with the resident physicians. This act
helped the resident physicians gain more empathy and understanding
for those struggling with addic on.

This ini a ve posi vely impacted the culture at my work. The

feedback has been overwhelmingly posi ve. It improved outcomes
and decreased s gma for people who use drugs among the resident
physicians with whom I work. Listening, empathy, and respect are
values that are central to who I am. I would bring these values to City
Council to contribute to the culture.
This council has commi ed to cul va ng and maintaining a healthy
This council has ar culated clear priori es and values related to
culture of respect, decorum, cri cal analysis, and healthy debate.
If appointed, will you commit to running for inves ng in core services, public safety, housing, equity,
First and Last Please share how you would help build and maintain a healthy
Why do you want to be appointed to Cincinna City Council? elec on in 2023? What is your past experience pedestrian safety, and sustainability. Please share (1) relevant
Name culture at city hall. What values and priori es would you contribute
with running for office or campaigning? personal or professional experiences advancing these priority
to the culture? Can you share an example of how you posi vely
areas and (2) how you will support advancing these priority areas
impacted the culture of an ins tu on or organiza on?

Te'Airea I want to be appointed to Cincinna City Council because I have a passion for the city in If appointed, I will commit to running for In East Westwood we have a community garden that is directly I can help build and maintain a healthy culture at City Hall by providing
Powell which I was born and raised. Me being appointed to city council would be a natural elec on in 2023. I have experience in running across the street from our rec center and basketball court in which meaningful work and having transparency and good communica on.
extension of me currently being involved and giving back to the community. I know that for office as I ran for Cincinna City Council in we would cross there o en with the kids and residents. One of the values that I use in my current professional role and
'speaking the language of the people' and my non tradi onal background can bring a the last elec on cycle (2021). In running for Unfortunately cars were constantly driving at high speeds and community role that I would contribute to the culture is prac cing
fresh perspec ve to council and in turn help upli a demographic of the city that is council last year, there were many things that I nearly striking some of us at mes. And while there were no injuries construc ve conflict management. O en when people are passionate
currently disengaged. learned in regards to running a campaign. I or fatali es, we as a council knew that it would only be a ma er of they can appear 'angry' to others but understanding when you feel like
believe that those learning experiences will me before that would actually happen so we began advoca ng for you are raising your voice or ge ng frustrated you need to check
help me run a stronger campaign in the future. a crosswalk. For years, we were cu ng through DOTEs red tape and yourself so that you can communicate your thoughts in a more
I was also a volunteer for our current Mayor ge ng denied for one reason or another. However we were construc ve manner. It's also ok to learn to agree to disagree in many
Pureval, then Clerk of Courts, campaign for persistent and with the change of leadership, we finally were able cases and then come back for a mutual understanding and find a
Congress. to get our crosswalk with the bump outs. It has slowed down the commonality in regards to a solu on.
speed of cars dras cally in this spot.
I have had a posi ve impact on the East Westwood Improvement
I will support advancing these priority areas by having Associa on as I have learned to build meaningful rela onships with
conversa ons with those that are already doing the work to see residents, the kids, local government officials, the police and others
how council would be able to help. Whether it's financially, through that have brought a en on, advocacy and money to our community.
advocacy or legisla on I will be willing to exhaust all resources if it
means a be er Cincinna .
Raffel Cincinna is my home, and I have a personal and vested interest in its success and I ran for Mayor in the primary elec on of 2021. As an Adjunct Professor, I teach a course at Xavier University As a re red senior military officer, I spent my adult life shaped by a set
Prophe sustainability. I want to provide my knowledge, skills, and abili es to advance the city In the a ermath of the primary and general centered around public safety and sustainability. I would like to use core values that I have come to live by. The values are: respect – I treat
that I love. elec ons of 2021, I was deeply disappointed in my knowledge, skills, and abili es to advance public safety and people as they should be treated; loyalty – devo on to the people and
the lack of voter par cipa on. As such, I am community health in the city. thing that I care about; duty – I fulfill my obliga ons; Selflessness – I
collabora vely working to create greater civic o en put the needs of other beyond my own for the greater good;
engagement. integrity – I adhere to moral principles, simply stated by doing what’s
right; personal courage – physical courage (I face adversity) and moral
courage (I try to do what’s right, even though it may be unpopular);
honor – I carry out and live by those values.

As member of council, I will honor a healthy culture of respect,

decorum, cri cal analysis, and healthy debate.

As stated above, I have spent my adult life honoring and living by a set
of core values. I hope that I have had a posi ve impact on every
organiza on that I have been a part. Confirma on should come from
those who I have impacted.
Briana I want to be appointed to council because I offer a unique and underrepresented I have a well seasoned incredible support team Serving with CABA over the last 3 years I've advocated for greater Entering a new work place or joining any established team requires a
perspec ve on a ributes of this city long overlooked. My greatest passion is facilita ng to tap into if I were to need it. equity and accessibility among our core services. Upon my elec on commitment to respec ul behaviors, mindfulness prac ces, and an
posi ve change, ushering in progress from micro to macro levels. In the experiences I to the Northside Community Council in January 2021, I iden fied eagerness to learn. The work I do in the social services arena has had a
have acquired, I believe there's great value in my historical knowledge, tenacity, and and implemented efforts to advance pedestrian safety, housing, and major impact on the way I interact with others. Whereas council may
applica on of effec ve bold leadership. equity. In facilita on of engagement and advocacy of these not need me to approach situa ons as delicately, applying a trauma
priori es we secured development of affordable housing in place of informed lens provides an excellent star ng point. Opera ng through
a previously proposed above market-rate development. Leveraging mindfulness has increased a comfortability level in NCC's board and
ARP funds I strategically planned free events in the disconnected general council mee ngs, as well as individual interac ons outside of
corners of our community with access and barrier reduc on in those mee ngs. Combining this prac ce with my comfortability being
mind. The events took place outside of our most walkable areas and asser ve has led my interac ons and efforts to achieve greater
business/entertainment district; striving to meet folx where they’re progress effec vely and efficiently.
at and to celebrate them. Lastly, in less than the two years since I
was elected, I've drawn greater awareness and progress to
increasing pedestrian safety than has been seen for the many years
prior to my leadership.
Tamie I ran for Council in 2017. The reasons why I ran then have not changed; however, I ran as Yes, definitely. I actually loved campaigning and 1) professional experience includes priori zing economic Absolutely, I already know most of the current Council members and
Sullivan an independent, because I was in the process of changing par es. I am a Democrat who look forward to being a party endorsed opportunity, housing and safety issues, among others. you can ask them about my personal style. I’m a consensus builder
is fiscally responsible, while socially progressive and concerned about the inequi es that candidate. In my first race for Council, I raised 2) everything listed - core services, public safety, housing, etc. - who is not afraid to provide a well-reasoned differing opinion. I am
hold us back as a community and a city. I’m a servant leader with experience addressing more than $60,000 (as an independent) and needs to be viewed through the lens of equity. respec ul of all and meet individuals where they are. I’m the founder
our community’s most challenging issues, while also holding respec ul rela onships with racked a variety of endorsements, including of Girls with Pearls, which is now a program of Most Valuable Kids. I
many neighborhood and community leaders. Hamilton County Coroner Dr. Lakshmi knew that my leadership style needed to be collabora ve to create a
Sammarco. I s ll have a variety of diverse leadership program for 4th-6th grade girls.
people tell me they wish I were on City Council.
This council has commi ed to cul va ng and maintaining a healthy
This council has ar culated clear priori es and values related to
culture of respect, decorum, cri cal analysis, and healthy debate.
If appointed, will you commit to running for inves ng in core services, public safety, housing, equity,
First and Last Please share how you would help build and maintain a healthy
Why do you want to be appointed to Cincinna City Council? elec on in 2023? What is your past experience pedestrian safety, and sustainability. Please share (1) relevant
Name culture at city hall. What values and priori es would you contribute
with running for office or campaigning? personal or professional experiences advancing these priority
to the culture? Can you share an example of how you posi vely
areas and (2) how you will support advancing these priority areas
impacted the culture of an ins tu on or organiza on?

Laura I would love a chance to live my values and act in service of marginalized communi es, Absolutely. My past experience running for I believe that each and every one of my answers has in some ways I believe that I have posi vely impacted all the ins tu ons in which I
LaPrade while also acknowledging and suppor ng the rights of the business community - big and office only encompasses union representa on addressed these priori es, but personally, a er my divorce from an have worked. I am a kind, honest, friendly, approachable, honest
Stark small. Life is a balancing act on a high wire. We all deserve a chance to perform as a public school teacher in Santa Clara upper middle class man, I was poor. My ex-husband asked me if I employee and co-worker. I ALWAYS live my values, even when that has
brilliantly, and a safety net when absolutely necessary. County, CA for two (2) years, I believe, but it was leaving him for another man, and I truthfully asserted that I cost me my job. I would describe myself as par cularly incorrup ble. I
was an eye opening experience, and I learned a was not. “I am leaving with our daughter and almost nothing else. wouldn’t have it any other way.
great deal. There is no one else. We will be poor, but be er off without you.” It
was all true, and I meant for it to s ng like it should have. My
reasons were extremely legi mate for leaving, but a erward, with
his poor credit weighing me down, I was rejected for par ally public
funded housing. I don’t want that to happen to other women and
children, or men and children, for that ma er.
Tonya Duma Leadership is about confidence and decision making. A great leader will inspire people Yes I will commit to running again. I did run for I believe that Public Safety is one of our most important issues, I I am an excellent listener, who is direct, clear and concise. I am
for genera ons to come, and I was given a charge by my parents, teachers, and many City Council in 2017 have given a Peace Bowl in Walnut Hills, I have provided book bags empathe c confident, and friendly. I am observant and I will commit
colleagues to con nue to work hard to help others whether teaching, facilita ng or for children with Safety informa on as our focus as it relates to Gun to being professional, respec ul, kind, compassionate, while listening
organizing for change to ensure diversity, equity, and inclusion in this city. To ensure that Violence. I have sat on a Commi ee for Fair Housing at the Walnut closely to my peers, ci zens and team and be observant of all of the
Youth Entrepreneurship, Food Deserts, Fair Housing, Small Business for minori es and all Hills Community Council. I am a graduate of Ci zens on Patrol for concerns , problems, and opinions of others with my whole heart. My
marginalized are some of the key issues that need good decisions voiced, raised and Evanston.. I am a graduate of the Jenny Laster Community mother taught me to be apprecia ve, polite, and sincere. I will use
fought for. I have lived in 11 neighborhoods in Cincinna , I know this city! I am a force Engagement Academy as well as the Grass Roots Leadership good judgement and gather the facts and consistently speak life into
that will be able to grow our individual community councils, educate children and adults Academy. I am the Founder and Owner of the Black Economic others and situa ons that require pa ence and poise. While a
as it relates to resources available and encourage them to emerge for the New Cincinna Empowerment Market where I facilitate opportuni es for Small Subs tute Teacher at CPS I have had the privilege of working with
is be er for all! I love love Cincinna it has the poten al to be a World Class City, it Business Vendors and provide financial and educa onal resources many students, parents , community leaders and stakeholders and I
deserves a Team Player who is on the right team our ci zens are our most valuable to support them growing their businesses. I also created a Youth have consistently been able to bring hope to a hopeless situa on, faith
resource and I have their best interest at heart! Entrepreneurship Program that I presented to Greg Landsman in where there was fear and joy where there was doom! While at CPS I
2018 this program is currently being used in the City now. created the "Diamonds in the Rough E que e and Manners Program
at Douglass, the Interna onal Leadership Club at Rockdale and the
Reflec on Room where students and Parents were able to learn how
to solve conflict in real me! My students learned Posi ve
affirma ons, Power Moves and Plenty to choose, I ignited a fire of
life me learning and loving in them!
Rick I've been very fortunate to have been able to create several successful business'. I've I would certainly like to run again in 2023. I I've invested in real estate over the past 10 years and know I'm confident that my 35 years of business experience would be a
Pescovitz lived in the city of Cincinna , for most of my life and my wife and I actually just relocated have no poli cal aspira ons beyond City firsthand of the shortages of housing within the city- specifically great asset to you and the rest of the folks on Council. I'm a good
back into the city limits this week. One of my major reasons for moving into the city is to Council I'm ready to give back to this great affordable housing. Gentrifica on in a neighborhood can be a listener and am confident that I can offer valuable points of view on a
become involved and use my experience to help the city prosper. place. wonderful thing, but we need to realize there are consequences wide array of topics. I'm brutally honest, but respec ul.
from displacing residents who have lived their for genera ons.
One accomplishment I'm proud of is when I purchased a closed indoor
tennis club in North College Hill. The facility is located in a very
depressed area with lots of crime. I remodeled the en re building into
a sports complex. It was important to me to become involved with the
community and to give back. We donated a significant amount of
workout equipment to the North College Hill High School, provided
free indoor prac ce space for local teams and also hired kids from the
neighborhood to work.
Angelica It would be an honor to be appointed to the Cincinna City Council. Serving the city in Yes, if appointed, I am prepared to run in 2023. I’m dedicated to improving health outcomes for the City of Passion and dedica on to the City of Cincinna brings everyone
Hardee this role ensures equitable access to services, facili es, and programs for the city. I’ve I campaigned for my current elec on as Cincinna . I currently serve as Vice President of Community Impact together at city hall. I believe that I can maintain the healthy and
had numerous community leadership experiences and have worked closely with Democrac c Precinct Execu ve. In addi on, I at the American Heart Associa on, where I have been working with invi ng culture of city hall. I’m a honest listener that is passionate
community stakeholders and policymakers to improve popula on health. I can bring my also have worked on numerous Democra c my team to pass a Complete Streets ordinance for the City of about improving outcomes for all residents and I believe that those
exper se and knowledge to make health equity-focused meaningful contribu ons to campaigns within the community. Cincinna . This policy specifies how a community will plan, design, a ributes alongside all of the other amazing community servants
strategy and decision-making. I plan to work collabora vely with other outstanding and maintain streets, so they are safe for all users of all ages and working at city hall. I am commi ed to serving the city and also
leaders to take ac ons for the be erment of Cincinna . My goal as a Counilwomen abili es. A strong policy transforms a community's prac ces, commi ed to listening to innova ve new ideas on how to maintain the
would be to represent and protect the interests, prosperity, and well-being of all ci zens. processes, and plans. This policy would impact every resident in the quali es while adding to the improvements within our city.
I am passionate, approachable, dedicated and proac ve leader, who can and will work city and improve pedestrian, bicyclist, transit rider, and automobile
with all council members to execute tangible change for the City of Cincinna . driver safety of all ages and abili es. As a council member, I would
support policies within the priority areas.
Cameron Serving this city would be an absolute honor. I have the passion, knowledge and Yes, I was gearing up to run for city council last Issue 7 touches all of the priori es council is focusing on. It was an Collabora on- Issue 7 taught me the value of coming together and
Hardy experience to lead this city forward. me but my mother got extremely sick. I am in honor to work the Councilman Landman, talking to him weekly pushing a great issue. The bipar sanship that was displayed during
a great place and posi on in my life to dedicate about ensuring that we had be er bus op ons for the residents of that me is something I have not seen in my poli cal life me.
the me to run and win. out county. I will con nue to focus on these issues and build on the
momentum that was created.
This council has commi ed to cul va ng and maintaining a healthy
This council has ar culated clear priori es and values related to
culture of respect, decorum, cri cal analysis, and healthy debate.
If appointed, will you commit to running for inves ng in core services, public safety, housing, equity,
First and Last Please share how you would help build and maintain a healthy
Why do you want to be appointed to Cincinna City Council? elec on in 2023? What is your past experience pedestrian safety, and sustainability. Please share (1) relevant
Name culture at city hall. What values and priori es would you contribute
with running for office or campaigning? personal or professional experiences advancing these priority
to the culture? Can you share an example of how you posi vely
areas and (2) how you will support advancing these priority areas
impacted the culture of an ins tu on or organiza on?

William With my work as a General Contractor I am able to see many parts of the city most might I would prefer to experience the remainder of Public safety has always been a priority of mine. Most recently I In my experience being respec ul of other cultures has paid dividends
Hammond not and meet a great number of people. I am able to gain great insight into what peoples this current term and then assess the feasibility have called my local police department to complain about delivery in cul va ng healthy debate in difficult circumstances.
needs are in their communi es. of running for the office. drivers speeding down our road. They responded with some
random patrols through the neighborhood and I have noted a In the past I learned some basic Persian Farsi to be er communicate
decline in speeding on our road. with my counterparts. This proved invaluable when interac ng with
Dari and Pashtun speaking officials. These seemingly insignificant
gestures paid dividends for our organiza ons ability to gain rapport
with Government officials and begin conversa ons.
LaKeisha I want to be appointed to Cincinna City Council, to ensure we are con nuously using I am commi ed to running for elec on in 2023. I am mo vated professional with more than 20 years of experience Through my career I have provided opportuni es to build an
Cook community-based assessments to provide services for all 52 neighbors while Cincinna I previously ran for Cincinna City Council last in genera ng and building rela onships, while managing projects atmosphere of respect, decorum, cri cal analysis, and healthy debate
grows. I believe we need updated blended policies to allow our neighbors to thrive. I me. The last me I started the race for the from concept to comple on. I'm skilled in training, educa on, when crea ng community based projects. When having a healthy
plan on crea ng opportuni es for economic development with environmental Cincinna City Council was in May 2021. I will management, research, employment development, mental health debate, it is important to stay focused on the issue, problem, data, not
sustainability in the forefront. I am focused on are affordable housing, public safety, start campaigning for office in December 2022 and FEMA grants. I want to ensure we are con nuously using the person. It is essen al to keep the discussion back on track when it
traffic safety, youth engagement in collec ve impact ini a ves and revitalizing for the 2023 elec on. This me I plan to work community-based assessments to provide services for all 52 wanders or moves off topic. Throughout the decision leaving room for
neighborhoods. with the community leaders to address key neighbors while Cincinna grows. I believe we need updated more ques oning and the ability to clarify by seeking more
issues that are facing Cincinna currently. blended policies to allow our neighbors to thrive. I plan on crea ng informa on. This will also bring more informa on and transparency to
Addi onally I will focus on affordable housing, opportuni es for economic development with environmental residents in Cincinna . While on council, I will seek reconciling
revitalizing neighborhoods, public safety, traffic sustainability in the forefront. I am focused on affordable housing, opposing points of view, linking similar ideas, and looking for common
safety, youth engagement in collec ve impact revitalizing neighborhoods, public safety, traffic safety, youth ground before vo ng. I will be crea ng opportuni es for personal and
ini a ves, and transporta on. I will plan engagement in collec ve impact ini a ves and transporta on. groups to team up and organiza ons on the role of different policies.
listening sessions to hear from the community
about issues they are facing and create policies I aim to stabilize and strengthen neighborhoods by crea ng While at Cincinna Public Allies I learned about social jus ce and
to support them. I will work with community affordable housing. Cincinna has the opportunity to transform worked for the Council of Chris an Communions as a Resource and
leaders to create community-based publicly owned vacant land and buildings into community assets. Volunteer Coordinator. While comple ng two years as Ally, create
assessments and provide services for all 52 Create a review board to determine funding alloca ons for opportuni es to address social impact, to create meaningful change in
neighbors. affordable housing that is inclusive of Cincinna residents. I am in our community. One of the projects was to support a member of
support of the 3by30 program which will look to create a net gain of Starfire Council of Greater Cincinna in engaging and learning about
3 million new Black homeowners by 2030 through a seven-point all 52 neighborhoods. During this process I co-lead my team to
plan in the USA. This will increase community engagement, mobilize the community in gaining an understanding of how they
leadership, and sustainability in the homeownership. We must viewed their city through screens. This project allowed me to work in a
create ini a ves that are personalized to each neighborhood in diverse community with the opportunity to build equity. I learned that
Cincinna . Addi onally, strategize a winter innova on plan, crea ng innova ve problem solving requires dedica on to mobilizing
opportuni es for residents to have cleaner streets and enjoy an community assets to develop solu ons for local change. From this
ini a ve launching re-imagining winter outdoors in all 52 project I learn to lead with a lens of understanding the mission, data,
neighborhoods in Cincinna . Make parking lots more accessible to community invest and to create an equitable opportunity in society.
businesses and promote the use of both front and rear entrances
when prac cal. Include pedestrian and bicycle-friendly op ons in
every plan, and retrofit exis ng streets and neighborhoods
whenever possible; Cooperate with developers to plan future needs
based on each community engagement plan and for public
gatherings such as pools, parks, and schools.
Catherine I come from a long line of community servants in my family. A least once a week I am If appointed, I will commit to running for During my tenure as Madisonville Community Council President, I I am bringing to this Council my sense of service before self. My goal at
"Kate" Botos asked by a neighborhood kid why I do what I do. And I share with them that service to elec on in 2023. My past experience with lead a successful Memorandum of Understanding ( MOU) process the end of the day has always been to make be er for those that come
others is the greatest gi that one can give. running for office is limited. I was the on the apartment complex, The Jameson. We worked together with a er. I come from an extremely blended family which has allowed me
Madisonville Community Council President the development team, the ci zen stakeholder group and mul ple to be er navigate difficult conversa ons and challenge my everyday
Service to my City has been and will con nue to be an honor and privilege. I bring with from 2018-2021. I currently serve as the City departments. We worked through a variety of issues around thinking. My work represen ng the community has been at mes
me a unique family dynamic that affords me the vision to see both the forest and the Democra c Precinct Execu ve for 2D. I spend zoning, pedestrian safety, the historic integrity of the exis ng conten ous resul ng in coming to loggerheads with community
trees in any given situa on. I understand what it means to set aside personal goals for most of my volunteer me speaking with structure, and housing affordability. The Memorandum of leaders. However, I have always approached each instance with
the good of the group and I work relessly to bring educa on and understanding to all cons tuents on the neighborhood level, Understanding was accepted by all par es and presented to respect and understanding that there must be common ground as
those around me. I have the ability to gain consensus with peers to see the power behind formula ng neighborhood policy to advocate Planning Commission resul ng in the requested Zone Change. The without that, there can be no community. I think I posi vely impacted
the policy even when they may not agree. I can advocate for those in so many different to City Council, and working to implement MOU was monitored throughout the project and all agreements the Madisonville Community Council by pushing the community to
walks of life because I too live the daily struggles of so many of our residents face and neighborhood programming based on available were upheld. advocate for themselves to make their voice heard through con nued
know that tomorrow is only as good as the policies we have in place today. This is why I funding. public engagement (The Jameson MOU, The Madamore CBA Process,
would like the opportunity to serve alongside the current City Leadership. Working to find more successful means of sound policy resolu ons The Business District Parking Study, The Bramble Park Master Plan).
around the current Council's priori es can be best advanced by There has been a cultural shi and a permanent change as the
maximizing staffing support. A rac ng and retaining talent to fill community now has an expecta on of having robust engagement.
the holes in the current City workforce will further foster the They now work to create a singular voice to advocate for policy change
common goals to boost an increase in pedestrian safety through with the City.
Vision Zero implementa on, City Planning Public Engagement
Sessions and long-term sustainability through future problem
solving. Having appropriately staffed Fire and Police departments
promotes public safety while also crea ng a culture of well-being
within their respec ve departments when staffing is op mized.
This council has commi ed to cul va ng and maintaining a healthy
This council has ar culated clear priori es and values related to
culture of respect, decorum, cri cal analysis, and healthy debate.
If appointed, will you commit to running for inves ng in core services, public safety, housing, equity,
First and Last Please share how you would help build and maintain a healthy
Why do you want to be appointed to Cincinna City Council? elec on in 2023? What is your past experience pedestrian safety, and sustainability. Please share (1) relevant
Name culture at city hall. What values and priori es would you contribute
with running for office or campaigning? personal or professional experiences advancing these priority
to the culture? Can you share an example of how you posi vely
areas and (2) how you will support advancing these priority areas
impacted the culture of an ins tu on or organiza on?

Evan Nolan A er more than a decade of prac cing law, I was inspired by the current class of elected Simply applying for this posi on has required a I grew up in a house on Herbert Ave., a street that is half in For several years now, our City has made progress in meaningful areas.
officials to join the City administra on. I gave up my partnership at a major law firm to tremendous leap of faith. Today, to ensure total Westwood and half in Cheviot. My parents sold that house, in However, much of that progress has been the result of in mida on
embrace an opportunity to help support the new agenda at City Hall. Unlike Councils and absolute compliance with our City Charter, excellent condi on, in 2016 for only $95,000. Now, my wife and I and under the cloud of corrup on. Today’s Council is different. This
past, this Council is laser-focused on key priori es and commi ed to achieving results inemployment policies, and Ohio ethics laws, and are raising our daughters in Oakley, where house prices have Council is making progress, but it’s doing so with a new set of priori es
a way that is transparent, ethical, and respec ul to both colleagues and the dedicated to avoid any poten al appearance of skyrocketed since we moved in eight years ago. Both and values, and most importantly, it is accomplishing this progress
public servants that show up every day to make our City the best it can be. impropriety, I resigned from my posi on with neighborhoods are about six miles from downtown, have a with a culture of transparency and respect that has been missing from
the City administra on to apply for the open walkable core, and have access to diverse, quality schools. In Council for some me. That certainly does not mean that groupthink
Racial equity, affordable housing, climate and environmental jus ce are all words that seat on City Council. Upon appointment, I am Westwood, too much housing has fallen into the hands of absentee has taken over. Quite the opposite – each Council member comes to
public officials for years have been afraid to even men on. To the extent that issues commi ed and prepared to launch a campaign investors and is being neglected, allowing homes to fall into the table with their own ideas and opinions. The diverse perspec ves,
arose, elected officials in the past could rarely agree on how to handle them and, for that focuses on our Democra c Party’s Council disrepair. In Oakley, housing development is rampant but has not communicated respec ully, lead to healthy debate and the best
years, failed to sufficiently address them. While public safety has been a long-standing Members’ common priori es. Based on my contributed to the supply of affordable housing. results. The current conduct of City Council is a model for municipal
priority, the current class has coalesced around a common approach that more prior campaign experience, I am confident that government everywhere.
appropriately focuses on the root problems. our team can build a campaign that raises Housing issues exist across the City, and the lack of affordable
significant funds and contributes to the overall housing development and maintenance is chief among them. I In both my me on the Oakley Community Council and the Board of
Today, the priori es are clear, and our Democra c elected officials have been united and success of the Party. recognize that city-wide housing reform is needed because I Elders at my church, I was part of a leadership team that brought order
consistent. That unified commitment has been broadcast to the public. Everyone has understand first-hand how housing issues impact all ends of the and decorum to our mee ngs. By elimina ng the shou ng and
been put on no ce, and Council has garnered widespread support. Inside the City My campaign experience began in the ‘90s by socio-economic spectrum. As a member of City Council, I'll strive to personal a acks, we were able to focus on the important issues,
administra on, under the leadership of City Manager Sheryl Long, departments across following my dad around on his campaigns approach every issue in a similar way – by engaging the community conduct business, and get everyone home on me. I understand how
the City have shi ed focus to align with our elected leaders. Thanks to the excitement (Clerk of Courts, Court of Common Pleas, and to fully appreciate how City policies impact people personally. I will important respect is to the process of achieving results.
and passion exuded by elected officials, City employees across the administra on have Tax Director of Cheviot). In high school, college, always remember that behind every policy change are real people
embraced the new direc on with enthusiasm and a more fulfilling sense of purpose, and law school, I volunteered with various whose lives and livelihoods may be impacted. I fully intend to bring my own unique perspec ve and to share it with
which leads to be er results. campaigns, including significant me with Steve respec ul convic on while maintaining an open mind and listening
Driehaus’ congressional campaign and both of As an a orney with the Law Department, I ac vely par cipated in carefully to what others have to say. That way, I know we can jointly
Through this past year, I worked closely with the City administra on. I served as legal President Barack Obama’s presiden al discussions and dra ing of legisla on to address housing, public make decisions that best move Cincinna forward. I believe my
counsel to Council members, commi ees, and mul ple City departments. I’ve seen the campaigns. From 2015 through 2021, I served safety, and pedestrian safety, among other important issues. I share interac ons on the campaign trail and with Council as a member of
excitement. With Congressman-elect Landsman’s seat becoming vacant, I see a new door as the Treasurer for Mayor A ab’s four Council’s priori es and values across the board, and I am commi ed the Law Department have posi vely demonstrated the type of
opening and feel a calling to step up my commitment to the City – a chance for me to put campaigns, helping him raise millions of dollars to using my experience to dig right in and keep moving our City to a professionalism and posi ve impact I could make as a member of City
my skills, experience, and rela onships into ac on and help drive policy. I am excited in campaign contribu ons, and hosted safer, more equitable, and more sustainable future. Council. I am willing to dig into the policy debates. I desire to hear and
about the opportunity to join the team on City Council – a team that is talented, fundraisers for various statewide and local value the opinion of colleagues. I am willing to make difficult decisions.
respec ul, and focused on results. candidates. And most importantly, I respect the Council decision-making process
without taking the decisions of others personally.
From 2014 to 2022, I was elected to the Oakley
Community Council, where I served most of
that me as Vice President and Chair of the
Zoning and Economic Development Commi ee.
During that me, Oakley has experienced a
renaissance that has been a major economic
driver for the City, and the Community Council
has been one of the most ac ve and effec ve
community councils in the City.
I look forward to the opportunity to build out a
campaign and take our Party’s message to the
public alongside my fellow elected Democrats.

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