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FACULTY: Health and Wellness Sciences

DEPARTMENT: Medical Imaging and Therapeutic Sciences (MITS)

QUALIFICATION: BSc Radiography (Therapy)

SUBJECT: Physical Sciences (RT)




TIME ALLOWED: 90 Minutes

EXAMINER: P Du Plessis

SIGNATURE: ………………………………………………………….


SIGNATURE: …………………………………………………………..

STUDENT: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

STUDENT NUMBER: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Question 1
Write brief notes on the following (or its definition):
a) Electricity
b) Magnetism
c) Electromagnetic Induction
d) Gamma Rays
e) Half Value Layer
f) Accurate Tumour Localisation (12)

Question 2
What is the therapeutic range of a:
a) Superficial Unit (50 – 150 kV)
b) Orthovoltage unit (200 – 300 kV) (4)

Question 3
a) Provide the labels to the linear accelerator (Photon treatment unit) below:

b) What (material) is ‘label 3’ made out of? (1)
Question 4
Why is ‘answer to Question 3 (b)’ used for Linear accelerators? (6)

Question 5
Explain the difference between the productions of therapeutic X-rays vs therapeutic electrons for linear
accelerators? (4)

Question 6
Explain the difference between quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) in a radiotherapy
department setting? (4)

Question 7
Name at least 2 Daily QC checks on a linear accelerator and the reason for this check. (4)

Question 8
Name at least 2 Monthly QC checks on a linear accelerator and the reason for this check. (4)

Question 9
Name at least 5 aspects of a Computed Tomography (CT) scanner that requires QC checks. (5)

Question 10
Name at least 4 roles Imaging plays in radiation therapy? (4)

Question 11
Name two (2) advantages and two (2) disadvantages of Single-photon emission computed tomography
(SPECT) imaging. (4)

Question 12
Explain briefly how a Positron-emission tomography (PET) imaging works. (4)

Question 13
Explain briefly the difference between Systematic and Random errors and provide examples to each
error. (4)

Question 14
List at least 4 Principle hardware components of a Treatment Planning System (TPS) and why it is
Question 15
What does the following ‘abbreviations/acronyms’ in radiotherapy stand for:
a) PDD
b) TAR
c) TPR
d) TMR
e) DICOM (5)

Question 16
To calculate the dose on a planning system we approach the separation of dose into its two components
and then to describe them differently. Name these two (2) components and briefly describe each
component. (5)

Question 17
List at least 4 photon treatment beam modifiers. (4)

Question 18
List at least 2 electron treatment beam modifiers. (2)

Question 19
Explain what Penumbra means and use a diagram to illustrate your explanation. (5)

Question 20
Describe briefly how Dynamic wedges works for radiation therapy? (2)

Question 21
Illustrate by using a diagram (and explain) the difference between bolus and compensators in radiation
therapy. (4)

Question 22
Explain briefly your understanding of a Record and Verify (RV) system used in radiation therapy.
Question 23
Explain briefly using a diagram how a cyclotron works. (5)

Total marks available: 113

Total marks: 110

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