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Name : Alisya Tifany Budiono

Class : 4A D4 Marketing Management

No : 03 / 1942620093

Subject : Business Ethics

Please look for case studies of companies that do not have moral and ethical
responsibilities to society then analyse what the solution should be?


So basically Holywings is a PT Aneka Bintang Gading, operating under the name

Holywings, is an Indonesian company that operates a chain of restaurants, pubs and

Before Holywings was founded, entrepreneurs Ivan Tanjaya and Eka Setia Wijaya
established a fried rice restaurant called "Kedai Opa" in 2014, but the business only
lasted three months. After the failure of the business, Ivan and Eka re-established their
business with a restaurant format with live music. The name Holywings was used
because it was inspired by the name of a steak restaurant called "Holycow".
The Case Study

In June 2022 holywings came under fire for making a promotional post that read free
alcohol for everyone named Muhammad and Maria. suddenly made all Indonesians
emotional due to this post.

The management of Holywings Indonesia was reported to Polda Metro Jaya on

suspicion of blasphemy related to alcohol promotion activities carried out on social
media. This time, the cafe manager was reported by community organizations (ormas)
the Pancasila Youth Student and Student Unit (Sapma PP) and the DKI Jakarta National
Committee for Youth and Sports (KNPI). "We have reported a cafe person who has
caused public unrest by blasphemy against religion," said Secretary of DKI Jakarta
Sapma PP Muhammad Akbar Supratman at the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters, Friday

According to Akbar, the promotion carried out by Holywings Indonesia has hurt the
feelings of Muslims and Catholics. "He collected Muhammad's name with Maria's name
to distribute free alcohol drinks, which we both know, in every religion, that alcoholic
drinks are forbidden," said Akbar.
The Solution

The relevant party from Holywings has received a prison sentence in accordance with
the applicable article, and the Holywings company itself has also made an open
apology, but it seems that it is not able to solve the problem that their employees have
taken over to promote Holywings products in the wrong way. And reportedly some
holywings branches have been closed due to the impact of this case. In my opinion there
is no right solution other than apologizing and that hasn't worked until now, maybe by
changing the name of the identity of Holywings a little less the blasphemy given by the
community for the blasphemy they have committed.

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