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We The Content Review: A Guide to Great Journalism corer nenew xiv About This Report Great Journalism Comecis With Audiences. carer cup The Wal Sveet Jour loked at cur Whats News nevalete offered tonew sueroes ns see ane aie to rana.bscrber, ends replay promt to new readers who tard on ost at 266000 subscribers. Why? ‘We poste thet someting fresher mote personable and riven wore by general audence interests of he enor awe than print fert-page web ste paoemert-right resonate Some estore word we woud aenate he en reader, Wedd someuser research. And whet we eamedisctkng: Moe than one of the neweleters recipients are asec “ys subooibers and 43% ofthe people who repos to our survey are over the age of 7. ‘Weheldbeck on tarng up Whats News, ine nutshes, rat exchange, cpties thei We inow the potest naence for what we de dh greater than ou existing audience. To grow, wenn to fay GO Teo toch ou audarceeecpasaly respects end readers who ae cer less engaged wits, Pyig atertion to ‘ur audiences, expecially feuce auclences,'s essential fr cur digital eoess ane growth: About This Report The Wall Street Journal must become an. audience-focused newsroom. And we must prioritize our future audiences, rather than catering so much to our most traditional groups. cceopng back thew dst hs en four is loein ne ws ecg wet ere ated ow Yi ay, end hen proving at Mosc readers ew other Teper goes a har ingerioe They ead ne newspapet anc en ten We. Doge depen someting required tip owe ay utover pet 20 ear the wert has move ema eat ston tty ts anes flomadion acted Tratha ndereraly craned ey peo Chum nave artform thas eo ondamevaly Sarge the way mary Hrerreaomnes opie Cucky.khas opened he dons to tectlogy compares Soaring maa chanel erpeoser2getthe nas ‘ese godstentons an ety py ode ane progressin reer yea, The Wa ret alas nou dare enough toast rang aurea. The Jura surah pieorerai-f ome secon cre aed worn rea pS, covert 08 espe the ong term trajectory for prot shot be cgt-firt where the growe audience's, 3 your aucerces, There i 0 ea cig greduct company Tet syooeess howe Bsteing tote autences. ‘the Joumal wen ender tates ave Been token ino aooont ts Been primary termes ‘hose who vit us mare than 70 cays permorth-are wim ou tactiora! asenees About This Report ermaribiy. tis st il aly bent heavy onde, 2 we. tums or heavy reaces ‘is read the pieoes thet ight users an nonsubservers do~ors th ey reacers ‘spendjust es much tre, often more, wth those pieces, ‘Your see once you have digested alof this ie that this report lays out an aikauctence sratgy And ta strategy tat con helps OK, ye tow ee eatly in the enor for ine char ete one othe rght is essed Ke ene ‘fou fevers. shows the peeves we et rom ox readers ar ee the tp gee Tne foc our "nessy’ rears. The ean” readers dominate ou pageviews even tough there arent al thet nay of hem Heavy Users Account far the Majority of WS. Traffic tay = UAE me Caine Papeete Come spelp ue in out xen, As Clarence W: Baron an ery cwner of or company sai “Eruryting con belmproved Barron gen The Wel Suet douratssuclence fom 700 rest 000 ecberrbes, We ret starting tem soaten—ne re already rade movesin‘his direction, ‘commited resgures tonerde tend theres widespread excitement to Grom. We wil DIS ‘on atthisand evive rogers, About This Report The Bottom Line: 1L. our peenary foes is on serving cighal ausences. 2. pigtal growth and divery shoul beat the fort ot cews decisions. Pint ‘onaderatons should be lefto the pent desk whic s éowrsvearn and at he end of sheworkon 3. ausence data mustbe cena to our decision making And we should et our ‘deporeene structures fragment our coverage in ways thas dn serve ou reages. andot our dasortent structure 4 We shoud clevate the needs ofght-easing users as wel as those of prospects, “That nclaces wider vay of toni and storyteng formats incudeng more evergreen senice-orersed corte and news exleiness. 5. An important finding in our data analysis is tnat readers of ab types ‘onsaasorber,ightveadng subscribers and heavyreading subscribers are {reerested in cur corporate coverage. This finding econfrins our ini Aboat This Report In this report, we will make specific recommendations in four main areas that all drive at broadening our audience reach and engagement: Le How We Listen to Audiences 2. what We Cover 3. How We Cover Things 4, How We Work before we gettotoverecommendaions we wil esabisn somebaselne knowieese Arde dl nan net Steps. conor nc su Contents Insect: cut Tis Report Nevtaroom Contribs Section 1: alie Knowiedge 1 Remind us of our ogreedupen mission Srey vision arc gels 22 Esabioh a comcnon lercon about whet makes gest journalism 2029, 13. Eeubishe commen understanding cf what gotusto ths pot and of ci err wastony 4. Focus on wnat cur autienoes de on ou patferms 5 Deserbe cer autienee ‘section 2: Recommendations 4. How We sen to Autiencee~Communty Sensteters, Soca Media, S20 anc Osta wnat We Cover-insdes tao eis: A Fons in on Overy and How Prin fers our Contant Section’: Next Steps +10. Organizing Oe Content We should never show our og suture to ou readers 1, Diseuss coverage goals. next step and reeammendatons aBRsa gear 8 About This Report ‘The content review is meant to begin an ongoing dialogue—and not merely be a one-off analysis. But the information shows the urgency of becoming an audience-focused news company. ‘Wetove cemteda framework anol for sting and erating covecoe satay tex Weare cartier esos Sees canune to heme wtheqorers ang ests curd ta neweroon ive toward ctl rom andiaroved serra Wes ove rarcenercand ela we can a ve tonerd foster ital ronan reer eer swe nove fora wenees the supeortardthewiltobe bos He net reste sn enact wie pope fa vhuarenoug and seoue ero o cunston an chenge vate do, Weneed Thavebenes erga se ‘esesemert of whats working 2nd whats no We can reach quality at scalzby working together ans String 0 OF audiences. area rw nar) About This Report This report was created by WSJ staffers who care about the Journal and its public mission, and are helping to steward it into the future. ‘Weare marbers ote WSJ Digha! Exper onc Svategy uit The tam nan ab OXS, 62 cross functional FouD ‘Het spans al areas ofthe WSJ anc folows. dative, sudlenee“on.sed apcrooch, cxnresrreve 2 About This Report This report was prepared by: WSs Suetey Stars About This Report ‘so crea to terepor, these members of ‘be WSL's Newsnight tear About This Report ‘wit chanks to other 94S clleaguesforeeie _A special harks to ft in our Design tear readetrougrs and extra insights: fer laying oxrthe enor sat ensany Sicresaate heats SSsgeeecs, «Tee Roe Temes desert deamon nef Eggmoettcten Posertonee Srorheceateker seme soon Membership forthe data sedresexch. ‘OnSite dalvered the content view About This Report Newsroom Contributors “Te folowing peose proves het inforatin forts ena va ares, sues ooh methoos TRY Wee cihcal our ert ond we docpyeppreate thelr rankinsght (Note There were ddticnal newsroom cortsbuos whe quested anorynia) ‘sce sete, Normncme Put Mevemtne ne (writs Mee Paste mann cute Sector tomar ony Mecbate Reno teens Ba Score om oon tormon toroeon Sean arses Senire pers Camenkcesy senor Somtemeat, Coteau Pay Spon Entre Searing erate ‘orca Cantino Seoeemr | Sarena teeter Sonam sepsis Seovnnan Beye! See ates Reco ce soe Somree — Omhiy Sion earths Sete seosae Soto tenes ce Soren Secyrag = nm Semon asian ‘sera Sehopiytone —SeGnwirtan Yn rewyenomy aes Rowertapk Reis Stems Paso Choe Sonouoan Siloti, Berens Bewmene See Woes McneomeVe ome, som aor pounare Soda rete See cone tay WI @ Section 1: Baseline Knowledge cenrerasa ava Chapter 1: Mission, Vision, Strategy and Goals Chapter x: Mission, Vision, Strategy and Goals DJ Mission WSJ Mission Toberhe te dete sure vedelove tated foc tna and igh or ceiire | ouratsm store forthe was srs arin werd re goo tor bose conrea seven -Trework weve cere outin tis reper the esse ef cur strategy We have xan ‘pelandscape, our sudence deta and discussed tn coeagues what issngushes our jours. ‘as Eto in Chief Matt Muro desorves ou aporach tones: and eustodion Across coverage, we secka genuinely verse st of voices td experiences with vey sry sting to speak to 9 wide an audience aspossie, ‘As jours, weave humble curious, empathetia informed and ope minded. Our wocks plan direct, concise and access, but! sili= if venifible facts and abroad 2et of vooes tht refest our Wore even tines of stess and dvision-indeed, especialy in such tes, Providing ‘ene fees forms debate and centibutes othe gest good” ere you wib seth parnech paked wth evden of what resonate with cor ‘edionoes, Wl foeustreaugrot on beth cure ana tare members and wel igh where tere are races; andthe mission os stated here fore erty of The Wal Sve Jou. the come sion for our colleagues in Merbersbip. The mission ives us alla ‘omman touchporton what we cork wanttolose sight of, even. werner ‘Fad oo we purse goaks—ine WSs goals center en reach and engagement We veep au rision in ving. Chapter 2: Great Journalism Connects with Audiences Establish a common lexicon about what makes great, impactful journalism in 2020. canmearisera aye Chapter 2: Great Journalism Connects with Audiences in tre cartes: day ofthe Jour, there was 9 love connection tts uence an tout on sty. ial, te company hend-dlvered se news bits throughout he tty to radars onthe feo ofthe New Yark Stock Sheng. From those bits, the Jou Depenin 198329 fourgage atecoon caper wes. in at Murays woras “neres 10 fe growing need for objective bness and frandal oes ian emerging mare where “nda wes growing but wes Ramoeredby opagee and unreiabie nfrmation” ‘cox anew sane interior Readers vlureer@ need rei, nd publsners cen leverage tt fre ery cata tal experiences, resnmmend morereeran cortet tc) Makeall the right money moves sn mot noon phon areas See a ee eens ext ee our bet money St Chapter 2: Great Journalism Connects with Andiences ve an fe to afcienty understand wheter we ae naung impart By connects St tessnatng wi broader axcences news scacp ages thing a 2 bentfuly swe sendthe word about wo we oe ns we coring ourjobos steward ofthis great news cgaiasion we mus sarsiate ‘Tre iuma forte new wor nore 10 otha ts esses that ur newsroom cecosriaes thet, Great joumalis connects wth audiences ya does hs mean? Finding out new information and effectively corsnunicting cones Chapter 2: Great Journalism Connects with Andiences What is Great Journalism? Finding out new information and effectively communicating. nat eorot information? + breaks news. exleine 2 complex word endhoiss powerto asso What does it meant offectivly communiate H? Chapter 3: Our Growth Establish a common understanding of our growth trajectory. coment snow ser ‘Chapter 3: Our Growth “Tooter wes thinket a WE ceader a decadesiongsubenBer deeply mined with a Zaions 208 e285 ‘prose ic nee ac nly S0rmany of hese hace WS renders, Ae re fe Oty sOmary MET AA) ear te puns where peopl tsar gta racers ee are fice, They corre and 90 AS bes Se regiouly read eveysing we do-fer from. tte ence and erbersip eos have fee to ren ac goals tare ven byte eke eto Joram tonmvetrpoc anc warnce 2s was fren eles, key goalisto ress Te ice O : reacts inporiant both ouraliialyin ers ofthe impact aaa tend conmerdaly nterme cfivoauing wha: we oo penal new subcribers, Weibe Bg about ‘hose coals around ne eweroor, Meng hem eques work om oats fhe coms Iewiltehard bur necessary work, sere ore some numbers and concepts we shoulda keep mind: conmmyran Chapter 3: Our Growth 1. The 50 Million Ceiling ‘Wenave neve: sssaived rac of more then $9 mon monty urge visors for more than afew marthe, a fact we novered jus urder 89 lin fortes year beforeshe Cevid9 ender at does this mean? 0. bggex ati gane have been edo are news stares ae ‘ener asfyto create lasing lnyehy with sens report of mirest he broader ube We ctta akteut pageviews on cur stores but we wi be ting wo foesing on uiaue ‘store because, timate, ct sooses and grins depends on having rove pose eno ‘uroureizm Pom a membership parspecive more terete our ote mec thane have te oppertiy tories and welcome more penpieae oor, ‘Ss Moreh Unique Visors Sine Jy 2015 2. It’s Not Easy Converting People cue erage conversion ete ranges bencen Mend lense moved much sane ary 2017, \iasedoes ths mean? Gren when vsverad huge spikes netic 0s we dt during coronas wehinest tery irpreved out asin ongoing ably ta conver ists ‘ecome members To move the needle Sint our ttt gal sbsosber bases ‘ewe il noe stan afer igherruribr Of nique ister. A snoe our conveson tot egal at we cam beck anne spies 2 growend ausaincersubsarber base. We eve to creat contertand product exerces Tat cen rectond rei ger aero. ‘conversion Rate by Month \ | M Ny AV bie 7 Chapter 3: Our Growth 3. The Constant ‘Trial ory com end query raw absorber growth ere wo otenten ose SN se are hope armproved crn ain acl yar 2020 comin T EDa ae racean ado or part in tat by foeuing on joan ta wore Wi Ur ees, sum, we cnt oink we've got a comfy base of cigs siboebars who wil beasties refs keep dalng what vee lng ead wo must ete hat wear on © ‘Quarterty Churn Rate and New Subscriptions Rate boo’ Oe ree BSP eee GSTS TST SSE Chapter 3: Growth 4. Many Subscribers Have LowActive Days 5. Notin the Conversation cernaltocurchaenge's that rrany of er subeibes dost come wus very ofan, arearue.cur om audenc eacrard Rs rte fou -og bhi our wens wpe who redejumpein wie out fo yersagethat we Ho, What does thie mean? Not suring our leas ace suberors are more sly to oa aire vcr foaaing roo mun onkeepng ou supe uses hee eT ‘eoetinyiocha. _Asyos beavis repr, er clearest copay is tofeeus mere these ease Sa eer we trgrove carve EES ‘nd ign eager keep them around. ‘gs Tathe as own Slower an Corosred with Compaties, wall Street Joumal Subeonbes, by Active Days Chapter 3: Growth From all these points, here’s the bottom line: If we want to grow to 5.5 million digital subscribers, and jfwe continue with churn, traffic and digital growth about where they are today—it will take us on the order of 22 years. canes READE RAYE WS Chapter 4: Focus on what our audiences do on our platforms. chapter 4: Focus on what our audiences do on our platforms ‘pony waye wits ary dfere2oces pons. And tere ae sks Where Oe vlators neve ef comments. and places they ight even mes for coersston if me were buting ou ial lars fom ancanen, wr tie Dees ernie S pay srucuce bem meri Wikipedia copnsing ou expertise ard irowiege sreayeevhing pages tatensonaly rio each oe Mere on tisin Chaar so we are focusig on growth hugo alt ts enor les io the os sary nonsbers. Tey come us ay on rable wb 2 Cscop eb fx aril pages, not oxrtome nage smrhe gchicbeow, we show tare nansuscrber vic comes ram 2nd how STS sa eas re dake the sade ot ren thetblggerthe abet We wl eis inosesions aa tp valethe newsroom troogh isin grester cet = coy EMH Chapter 4: Focus on what our audiences do on our platforms ‘The Audience Growth Goal Grid | web, since tat ie wnere 95% oF cur norsubsorbe nicue ‘ister ome each month We wt tum 10 the Goal Ged a the endof this report 25 we areas. absselne, ‘conc sir a Chapter 4: Focus on what our audiences do on our platforms Jn other words, much of our audience is coming ina side door, while we tend to the garden out front. WI® Chapter 5: Who Are Our Audiences? cena 28 ‘Chapter 5: Who Are Our Audiences? ‘We used to talk about “our audience.” Now we increasingly talk about “our audiences.” dor tte onehonogenss jl rove tated ad tev we eco rer renicf Stee esderces To Berit ote EORTC rere pee eae’ tt wera any ase SecA trded amon or edvecrber, mre than €or ate maleate verage a90 “Bown fom Se fut ou years ape) We eorave iferation xk ty of Oo cavemen xy ae cero by he ees importa sone pou ene cons revimporontio ote tat acl pertonf he atone witness nerest ee cn ecle wo aenererein opening Sei or coverage Tae 12 toe slr are poste elo ours pep ae OE. veer peote now who ate flor very ito sabre Tote WSL. iat eee “Tobe prede, within the two mnermost ccls, where people re rman sanaU8y rating sues toe HE ereshown abo Chapter 3: Who Are Our Audiences? snimerviews, many neworocm eater confired he belive growing warnew sufences's essen 2 Ox RAE tothe single most important element of our fired Mite coro ur kwesigatons eos “Tabet anractmore cere readers, younger readers readers ao to poticl spectrum ie ateotsaly essential. Weve mede sos but that the ene franchise question for us ‘ve wal rezumincuresorrerdations to how we can pe: iwi ed ambrce these anes. ror non in ou beeine nouledge, we wentto outine anther eyo ok ator auseneee~y te suscion 790 ve pecker hw on tay use ou roduc Ths Hequeiy used you caleagues n Member st aaa tae voy ook a asbances and preci whether ona hey wil eran members RAAT OL ha ae betevleren ur leone ie hugely oredictve of whether they sey with es Chapter 5: Who Are Onr Audiences? Our recommendations will be framed around these cohorts. heya: 1. cer tonnbocttecrTee renonsbsrbers who aecoring 9 ws ercsony erin many ce ees, «Nonsense space Tespare sonst who srecoming fue a 4. colage-Then oe svar ko einer post. Asta thee ay ort SSE 9 eS saan ont ratare pele nro have ate a accor pal fry SFIS: «kpc Tose ae scorers whois sel fotines perma Taya anete Tate des se vemypTheeare tetera sai Theyhaereretran 0 ive dare ting POTS wo «6 caromrThese are en sears whore ring the peokcf te cxonanscovege NOTE ME SerrevrapagedersurtiMarehintre sag wey werent members fees Win his Oars ct ‘lieaders there are both Toh and "hea renders Chapter 5: Who Are Our Audiences? Heavy Users Account for the Majority of WSJ Traffic tory = Uath = Clage = Popes mC as notedin te trekesion ta this reper heay subscribers makeup the vast joy of ou pegevens, exxros raven avd Low ayer Te do You Spend Consuig WS! Journ Ech a ndsog a sienots, we need to keep insrind dat WS, joureists tend 9 bees entire The above demonsttes vat mamibere ofthe newsroom seid ou SUNY boxt ticte sper per mom Keepin mind When you tri of your onn ates and prestections yeu are most LC® nea” reader Chapter 5: Who Are Our Audiences? Given that heavy readers make up the vast majority of our pageviews, you might ask: Why do the other readers matter? vereare sone essens “exe okt the breakdown of how any readers ae eehof ese cobs 1. Thee rerio many nem teederresirgun eon four seria -Fromn a financial: standpoint, their sucrigtions alone do nck sunport a of ox business, Wall Street Journal Readers, by Cohort (fecal fom apr tt te ture secre nigh focus) have acesropportty to mprove our retention by ating Ou contert and 2 ‘eporence tong engage rong eight rae 1 2, ureectiget base ten rete tense be oer We nee dio tink sb emw and Stem auterosstopenterte tere i “eta efhaaey caer can Serge forte ases I reade ae we fs i 4 aieeonentuaacenea stpendes ony er Sei hate 5. Tohave gretr impact wit our work needs tobe partothebrosde sciea ‘coneranon in teteeet en et ears ou joualsm nee to generate _eerton from eve tran our heat readers onemeamt ‘Chapter 5: Who Are Our Audiences? Te reach a large audience, we need to look beyond. heavy users. coxa iano r a WI@ Section 2: Recommendations cane ne Chapter 6: How We Listen to Audiences conmerneven si 32 Chapter 6: How We Listen te Audiences ‘x5 to aay for newsoors end eny oer business, to assure ret auferces wit eat whatever we work 1 sane them. rnfoc hermost conersatinseround dia jour ten to certar cn now to er“our rea ounalism to more peel” 2 rmerrber ant ects “peat journals ft does esonete widely wih uence In designing our menu, we shouldn't serve whatever we want to make—we need to know what audiences are hungry for and how they want it served. nis chaps we wil ses some ores-hat we hee radtonaly thought ofa promotonal adden, tht fctcanbe Somer wae of epreng oo eorytig a rang eer aueces. ‘tis idee—the pecans of sterng to euences eau onging content creations cer tte coversnestatenY earework we wl be prezertrg nthe ne chapte sary by paying attention to what irfonnason people seekon the Irremet not uet what ty tead on WSL com—that we can resgnete with large aucienees and gfow our each 2 rpc caves rave sy Chapter 6: How We Listen to Audiences vieneed:o we our mest poner engaperrert tis, search newsletrs and soi) pad wobeng new audiences cose ous ado leam rom thermo makecur caret ‘beytel then we help ther find wnat they war: and ie enn ouch wit ther. Others, teu odivaagareionahip, sus tac easy or necpleto cick he nesting end reteare back -rrenensrcom has aveadyeomesty started blog the foundation fortis new, ik ‘Frovendsr. Ox work must be sure'sterty driven by sr reearch end data~essert Trae of fetening wo ou stance end we need work rogeterocrente meshaiars for alof us tolzenbet xaos sone, on thoy keep generating vaicin several cases. For omnnce ash Sale ‘Patel Again? Vie Casein Queens Assad stl. moras efter pubes, ig tensa of dy sare fern pastor rove 173000 reas ‘ia ceare lone oral hi travel pecehes generated 6.000 search refers a1 sniton sal pepeiews, 8 coming rom noneubsorbers Othe exams ke Rh Sirona : " io whee cof the story came nv our Retr Feedback form, a pects -Toleam more about using the Reader Feedback for, reach ou fo Ebony Reed who eed, she nertenee Vote and Comunity team trathas been helping improve ouroxseach tO adlencesin the comments section and beyond Chapter 6: How We Listen to Audiences Community eghieen months ogo, hore wos a Rested hud nthe newsroom twos us before the 2098 mice eeton end reader corenents ed goten co toxic that ome people the newsroom wate to simply tun a comments of insted, we dug ro ver eseerh svt whato dota engage th ox autlence ha more BRE We ound waerh;ixpeopiein the newsroom who ft aensed by some ofthe postings inte comments, Merters (our eudiance di a, andi was ted an areascn peop Gidntwart to become WS) memes, “Ye crete a teom to focus on elevating the conversion comments, reserves comeing prvleges for memos tend mace otter technology tweak, such 2s chorgng the te. Whet weve seen since s beter engagement ‘omments and evea seme earversons of people who ike te exetience answartts partite, iteiengoranc tt we corn Sd wae toisten 1 our aucenoesandicude ther logue around pobic sues tne dy ven en chsenging store the AudenoeVcies and Cornmamiy team wich upotis the community senders onmorts has heed us raicain opeoness. For example recent rants, WSU sucienoes have weighed 7 09 saint mushoe poke bai ad sacra racsm as hase pcs havebecome amar parcof the pct dscourwe ‘tera poice ofcer ied George Mays eto sae there ar ther ways NBA members welcomed dialog and interaction with WSJ. But unfortunately, we did not turn any of these Black professionals’ questions into stories. cane eerrg to ox autlence ong comment and prating wow aural means er wi nave 3e oF eects fentana atucnranges fom acsgng 2 art asengarepanertoincude spect ausenee esters ia Mr mporteg itienot net righto i the auimnoes questions interesting Wemmustnoorperate tem nt Cu pore, corm ay a Chapter 6: How We Listen to Andiences ere ore ereerchots rn the Navona Ba Association website, which coins ‘souraging members to connect wih Bboy forthe vo-way joumaism Pier srs is fee promotion ef'he WS brand wth welbedueates professionel readers whe WS leadership eaye they wou eto rect (goups have ampsied ure eves trembers ond folowers, 25 seenere Chapter 6: How We Listen to Andiences ‘community Conversations i helping WS! gather rea-tie nights nto questions oF en audiences minds, The firs cererunty conversation Nad 200 people easter ets nd ore than 23,000 wah the sifsresn oh conroer naan sa a0— Chapter 6: How We Listen to Andiences ‘our Live Jeuratiom tear rane sores of wituel events (ae wll one day run E>peson ‘events. Somesines those pans yed oneoff stories © vgeasbesed co what speskers ‘Ethove events sa. Bx tees more to tap thee, especly around te avestons ‘bc autences submit We ned formal worktows 2nd = common expenionin cut srcadly specking acne ive OBA toa! wich ic used by 2 number of teams, can he “tts feedbeck op but therés loo 2 gap we neato cose inter of reports 20d crore emectog tear rom our ausieneasintnese ways anus showing the aenee ‘het we akethetime rolsten ard adjust cu joumakr baned onthe Imes Header, sn audlenceengepement compar tht trans jounatsts and provides (orouing verwoea, reserbes an gulance approach to engagement fat empowers people ocontrbut to ouralss worcby exoiining what is most ingertar to er. The ‘emework for ths approach ie whet Hearen cals The Gtae’s Agenda’ Tis Hearken tude shows how we can sotieve cegpe engagement asking questions and cbaiing feforneten Sec from our aucince ie aco a svategy tt revedls opportune fer erium fares het suppor WSs reverse goa cones sa Chapter 6: How We Listen to Audiences Heaters approach essay eels the paying fd berween he newsroom and its usbence, cestng the corsa 28, crestor fa Senn are cece eae eine aaa! reves cf the enpagernane funn nth process. we wl come rare wstooming tone axsences. We shoud corsae (Chapter 6: How We Listen to Audiences ‘WSJ Community and Our Young Audiences: WSJ Noted ‘ne very large new aucience thet The Wall Set Jourcl vests inheavilyis lege students, Our Mernbeshisteamn tthe problem we've hed hat these students aver very active users of he Wand dontohenranshicn osofte colege packirio ow exe pack We nee to focus on reader in college and beyond into tei wens and hrs as they ‘sor outin tel ives ae ar bling thei brand alelances. People under a5 have tehighest chum ate of WS) subscoars~on the ace of 70%. ‘one way wee tome engagement ang reterion of his key succes ering content, bulkéng eommnies ‘ndlisering to this eusienceclosey trough both community ocveach ara da, “WSU Noted whichiust eunched ie not a ete product Ratha san stemve pln of enryinto te ore WSS product ea community eed tsa stning mechanic. ‘We ircow that wien people who fd ox content on social eds pltforms ee Snap ave at WLs0m. they often donot ae thinge tat reerble he loo ae fe f cur off platform conten: WSJ Noteds arcing page hes look ons fe! that more irre wit youtrenentes scral media. n seme ways, weafe bortowng page fom sveaming gant he Netix ‘wisn leverage curomaed usr interfaces. Chapter 6: How We Listen to Audiences For the festtime, we ae testing akzmatve curston with WEY Noted. Traction ou eaters, rove ound that our cures Life & Arts stares are acuay favored ty ou heat racers. ‘We recd to move beyond perceptions and-enbrace actual data ebout younger audiences, nd ‘hats what WSJ Notes wil be proving overthe rac few mont. The Noted team wil do ce vai jl deoeane arin a minimor-negei ‘ys Notes isthe oni ante tear har ls purely gta atthe WEL. Thats = une ac important apace or expermertation or reporters onan ofthe team. sits. an eporert opparunky tet cgtafedock if mare of whet we do, WS Notes certo al te tpi atthe hear of the Jour ts festisoue Featured frst nome buyers a seres on how peoples budgets arechanging and 30 on, estar cerainy not least its importantto nore hat weve beer able thie great verse etter The Wat Sveet local inthe WSJ Noted reparers who were streets tothe jour because ofthe ition of Noted ‘Chapter 6: How We Listen to Audiences Newsletters cur newsletter porto recems a ere of oppor for drawing in roasubsorbeprespeets reining subscribers ‘and evng unique vistors or ake. A May 2020 curvey of 10-Poim subscribers found 59% ofessandents dicated access othe neusleter was an sport factor in ir beets. Our Bogshipnewsiaters have continued song growth which mey suppest paths to fur 2 2 Aetop ofthe fernet, Nowa we focus mare on reach we reed to vet ourreeiete ststegy To foeus more on Giving Vac backto Ste ae to signing up mere aons.osrbers o our neweleters. is wil help uss curpushto grow ou aueences, Here se ive recommendations we eugget fo further enhance the newsieter erperence ond ive toward or ‘ovearching dig grow sttesy: 1. Increase on-site traffic from newsletters. “Though targeted cate to aetionwitrin our nenseters such 3s fo partizatein ve GAA ort jin a conversation “capertcuararcies should help newsiezere boos ott goss of higher monty uniques and mere requart se vets. commerce a0 Chapter 6: How We Listen to Andiences 2. Add a newsletter publishing desk. _Adedictns aerate eat has aexdymece remendous erie, nung y Add the 10-Point and What’s News as optional default home screens for our cae Movinouraps: JaonutennundGepery sandy 4. Don’t publish newsletters as standalone content on the web. oarent edd does ssororinernsing meb-pbsting of newsletter ester ‘without a sigifeant afta romoton Day Stat Real Tene Ezonomics ar fengagement ond ottar search, socal andinteraltreffc We waud wane oincule stbout Impact onnewseres customers) 5. Become more focused. aff resources shod be desested to fewer higher ualy curated nensieers Chapter 6: How We Listen to Andiences Here are some of our newsletters (full list here): + Theron + WS. Magesine = Whete New + Grapevine + Mates Realeste + Heath Mateng Wore + Rmseof errting + Shergy Jou + Todays Paper spor + Theda Shot + Heardonthe Suet + Cepia Jour + men Seesonteulnass + Technelegy + Tremidae seat + RealTime Esonomics + Womenta | Books (Chapter 6: How We Listen to Audiences Social Media ‘We hove cotected te of cat shun social medi snd thrkige helpful sons tohavelt ‘none plane. Fel ee to flow up with u te dacuss wnatshappering on each platform Hereare some basic fas: + Trae fom soa mesa secourts for 10 1 hat os seal matic = We post coughy 100:imes a day on Facebook 25 tines a day on Linked, 400 time 13Gay 00 Teter and twice a day on istagrm. We ls publish inimamno eight Sheps per cay (on sry given dy, we ohare 40% of aurtata stores on Tur and 20% on Facebook (excluding reshares and updstes to eitng stores) + ay 2020 wasou best month ever on soc + Paceveok tives farmore raffictnan Twiter ‘soronr noe 8 ‘our doe eroune cil media pnt new Very dseirsns we noes bg he aralss ‘of kino oe conraizad Haws insights team (nd thay reed the bandit 2 Ihwortjos Meni ta hie toring inthe data. Were looking st on on cnigoeg Dae, ‘we ere miasng apport to connect wih mere readers srstesicny off platform oom ‘fom hem and bing them case to us on ou platforms. One finding wel exianaterin ‘te reporvie that aut kof coment ~ malty feesing nes strles —urderservs WSL com vies a wat a8 sociaimetia aodenses. On hese plafarrs, weve seen more _swooese connecting wit eaders using content at hepe them understand tings ane (ur eusiences on sci platforms are far more ceroe than ou equa visors to ou sit. ‘Chapter 6: How We Listen to Audiences ‘op Line Data + WS Foodbook age: 6.57M flowers + bef foloners between 254 years ol 21% between 38-4 17H better 1624 + WU nstagram soooun 2.964 ftomers + armcTfolomers betwen 254 year ad: 21% between between 26-4; 20% between 1828 + sthemenve 4% women + WSU Srapch Discover 7-1EM euboedbers Ast olowera between 1-24 yeare cd: 27% between 26:4; 8% are 5+ and 7s between 12-17 + Momeleve. 29% tere ‘Apple News + 52:18% of WSJ Anse New readers are female + 269% of WSL Appia News readers oe 4 younger covmeyr anes ste0 ‘Chapter 6: How We Listen to Audiences ‘Write we do fit wel geting vistrefom our soil mea followers, wehaverefecivay or consistent used the cores and rezorting eas We nen be mote active seeking ways 0 use these plaoms~and he ‘communities that ton theme ou advantage as ney 0 Go mareln the comity spans for producxergagement, ‘rea andthe creation of rust even. tow ideas Social reporting We stevia smal socal news gharing tam token the nevorcom aware of emerging Tends oes at Important value tage scl newe gatherers can od 1 the newsrooms being part of args Vial Ivenigationprejen, ‘uhich oer incl 2 gooe deal gal frenses work We cure lean cn tru for some hs ware butter ore hanging thet mocel erd not providing ae meh, We shuld eter ema some people from Strfut red ico the Vode Tes has “at we coud obi in soil mia win an ongoing focus on socal media enor. Chapter 6; How We Listen to Audiences Community managers and social ambassadors binge mare people back ou aatferms. Improve our insights on social media engagement We chou be deverng insigt reports cn au sata mes and pie News aetty on 2 eg bass Sot neweroM nderstange new wel ter asses re performing end wha actcnabe insigts we can ace bed onthe ends ve aocing are The wit feria wth ‘and whet works wel, and give us good feadback oop Listening makes us bere cearer ni ‘Chapter 6: How We Listen to Audiences SEO (on ire 18, The Wet Skeet Jouma plished an excerpt fern former ational scary _ckisrJotn oars meme. As the ale hat Belin slated to pubic hs pie, WSL ‘was pestioned o win incucing on Google Search Set aid a6 well as we cov, Wht. got the way? ef of tatters aead into alonger sero about te sucess We have ted in improving in SEO and where wo need go next to kaso imposing ‘atthe cries would perform bere under a Polis a5 rather tran Lite Bars (sph ‘what section was proskcing the sone). Problem 2: Serlor etors supgestes that the WS pubish core series related oe book ‘deve em an evsienoe growth perspaczveto look at tese Tari, Chapter 6: How We Listen to Audiences “The WSU has mages temencousarrcunt of progress in SEO nthe ester ion wel recep below Sear eferal gested 26% of our stavists and crove SOK oF ‘membership ses In May. Fr eference, socal media generated 25% of eux vis and rove 10% of or sales) That vemarabie when you tik aboutthe fact that we have only ‘sre poole deicatas tones SEO was one parson una month ago-whereas Ost compete fac xge and strong teams. Neneteless, rere changele needed to ncrease our fous on $20. fea 08 “someting tet canbe dane solely by the"SEO corso our ole newsroom, ‘because SEO, ce the oer areas inthis chogtr is for isteing znd ierringeven a8 We sreeou sts. First, the progress we have made on SEO cor nach ranean gules sree decent Inprove mings fe ou AMP inegresone. page speed reareets/auotes experiences anc ‘other technica imprenerents 5 well as work onthe Ive coverage AP wich alowed? our ave coverage rages tobe crewed Goosle much more efcietly. To give conto on ‘the cose of doing wel on things Gee AMP: 37% of WS.emebie web ace tics now elvered through Acoserated Mabie Pages. huge portion of ournew auciences come 1 unttisway We aso created workfawsand channels for ctr to chek nedines with E¢ Mya, ou! ‘serio SEO eco, and regu communications inthe newsroom about what people are ‘searing fer. One example: Erexrse Ete Matthew Rose recety began eluting ES inte incviduel Stak shorn se up foreach enter stony lowing fr headline and ‘isusls sretegy o happen eae nthe process. Thishas leo SEO wins neu as. Esa. You Catch a 1 wena nae seen rion gegevens 70 date Ve oes. she Energie dek to knep up te SEO focus and doit consisterty. _Alof this work pd off immensely rng tbe coronavius story and beyonssearch has _onter itll ke ff by Ein corwersaton with US. News edkor Emily eon. Recognizing how esoenss! search refers are to ou autience growin goals. cur Coversge _Svategy Manper~iuoduces in tha next chaptetakes the peroent of eeralvaficeach ‘coverage ate gets fem search 9 ane ote four main mics we shou be esang en6 limproving ard makes par the pany Ser we use look atcoeten perermance, Chapter 6: How We Listen to Andiences Indeed, to go futher we need tel undercard: ‘Toachieve our gots of reaching for mare unique users on ou platforms we muscop improving wussantily in cearch, “Tony wayto reach ox ate goals fs use search as ane of our intel fe008 more nonesbscrbes Given that we have spprcachad his report with ou goals nn, many ef the recommendations we nave mace mroughost ths report are acts that wil hp usinseach, “Te coming months ae cites fr SEQ in eurnewsroam, anc here reaction ‘reccmmendations: + We ness etre to mere acy ake nro aocnunt Googe Trends and Google Suggestions in stry asigring end encourage people to dos tin the bests and ‘slums Hearing bockto where we began this chapter—along the nes of iow Toeking at nformeton the search data foto find aulencefocesed stoves we weet Going and then doth, coronene avec Wie need to create workdiow where we deviate formation about what people re searching for ca WSU.c0m to inform coverage Ete and Besnore Pars daly SEO emails ‘se pst begning. “mat dessin berereeaheen sissies pao «The projocs weave recommended tat we do around evergreen contenu stores an _sencceorientedjoariion must be dove twough an SEDs lens + We need to keep excanding werktows avons newsteom checks wih ou°SEO tern, owe vod mecing over big momen a wedi inthe case ofthe Baton beck, + Al coverage ares must be using Newesid and every pice of content shovié be ogged ‘cher, without exception Tht wil ep ou Programming Sveeny Team hee SEO tts can best pare wih hern and ooverthe SED anges es wel es aloes anges of developing greatjouraisn. + dors in coverage areas must keep teirtrategy edtoreapoisadaheac af ime = sores, ita special enphass oa lage stores that have the pote to eppea't nae sediences. «= As ournenaroom is sifting toward eaves n crtrto reac larger sucienoes, were ‘o assign SEO-sewy pub eters In London and Hong Kong top implement the new _sratagy end 2pprcech all our coverage trcugh the search es, Thee sors wil work ery closely wan Ee eam tring thecrerighc US. tous Chapter 6: How We Listen to Audiences Audience Data Audience data is an essential way that we listen to our readers. ‘Weare ornate to have a werkctass data scence teem working with us rane aed sroduct wack and Membership siso hes an anesorne tearm that has ld industry thinking Sr aemerthia work end crowth, Weal parce wel Va these teams with Cie Cons’ ‘eam ate Dow Jones Customer Dat Platform and see the reat vale we can contino® so buon from thet shared platform, Inthe newton coming soon ae two ett things: ‘L._ Erpansion ofthe segular emied repos about what our auciences are dog vn our coverage and nour product, mevingints coverage are by coverage Qu Thetntvoduction of Archimedes, new dashboards that wit help news eters and programmecs sa2 whats geri on wih our stories i eal tne, using geod setts, to make smart deassons to maximize each end engogerment ‘coming out of tris report the satay edtor wil beable work with he ew SovEege strategy framework yeu be reading abextin te next chopie: The freeware asi cut daa no usable insights that ceed to eo goals around gat oumalsm end growth lenooranty the femewerk uses ust focus on storie tht breedin cur audiences ‘rom places ke sci! and search, One the parameters we have et 28 an esses} mweasurementof suoess 6 Soegie search sac. why? sit because wee siroy Tying tpeve afc? No, Is tbecauee ware wyng fo game Google’ igrth? No, Wabbecouae leering hon todo wel on soil media anon Search gets lose to what the baeder pubis revested in Thay help vs ister. Weare coming auf an erin joumaton where ctor decided evening tak was che eva Tre anoes ro ony vans hve moe relevant corer ry aio wan"0 se2 os puting effort ino cioing em. Jt will be at our own peril if we don’t pay more attention to the signals we can pick up from audiences on our platforms and off. Chapter 7: What We Cover corer seven cava Chapter 7: What We Cover Competitors’ Content Pivots erty of competors hve adjusted the'-contet focus ane adarced thar itl product experiences to m= aetercx neds ond expand the each of ‘het stoves Webhrown wee The New Yor Times langvrion and 2020 repos, which edo sits nthe wey tha newstoer uses Gat in eas an produce seztegy 2s wel es the inzecucton of Smarter Livog onging everreen service joumai) and the cretion ofthe Express Desk (a cent tar of reporer writing auience data criven quick states. chen tiesto search and sos gol Pease oe the Append atthe end of tis reper fr an incusey survey of other comoetars content phot. These provice lot conten eu Joury and pth heed. ‘oxen Ae aa Chapter 7: What We Cover So, What Should We Do? Part1 Tossrower that fret we tonkinvertary of wher we produce, Date: Wat We Bid Derg he fest phase ofthis content review the svategy tom peresec withthe understand our aw cata. This alowed the tea o identity itaensin ou abit to ‘segment and label he corer we produce, uring te second phase, we estabished « cane for data naive and todken two" ‘pronged approach: nn evnour: Us. Nata Ouprem Pearce an Ule ups en, Investigations ané Views. We d'soovered we couditrely on ow somtent wes tagged *Grinion content omer than are ans book rene, which were inauded because ‘haya. au laters tery ited n wth coverage rom ile & As) + ve Coverage fete we erehappy to share ou approach and ings with ny of he peop in these areas in cave ey want to purse someting sims Chapter 7: What We Gover [Approssh 2: Anootatiog @ Sample ‘We a0 desiced ta marualy classy a random sample af 7000 aries, whic the equivalent of to months of omer, bsoed on ast of new tgs we crested, + Evereen vs Rung nae + Peal pecs + indsry + Geogreehy “This approach allowed te tagy team to Segment ox conten sn vel iene ‘focused way As eteam and basedon previous industry, Dow Jones Customar Incetigence and WSU user eaeerer craton) etre created sik“auciense cen 129865 eras below. “= Update Me: Keeps me uptodate withthe nest rews nd tends 1 GlveMe an Edge: Helps eto stay one step chad of others 1 ennoet he: Comects re with people around i6eas or experiences 1 Entertain Mess ertrtaning and fr, brightening the wold acu me Help Me Understand: Haips ne undesstand Improve on Mar> Inspire Mez Provides dees for new things rotryor do ‘our mance t2qging excise so alone uso quantyhow much evergreen verss fleeting news content we wer progusing. Newere aso beter bie wo undereand whether and how we were represerting the Tel people alec by the issues we covers We ‘nly que experts od we ela talk to peope who were der ace byte sues ‘we wrote soca) Final, we appled mgs To measve which rdusties we were coveting ‘nd veh cures and sates we wsie:7Os: MS eset abou While his process wos manual and ime-corsurting had the aavartage of making he stegy edtrsintinatly aware of re dept and breach of ox caren ‘Chapter 7: What We Cover So, What Should We Do? Part 2 Sosore, we tok lock how our members vary by what topics dy read and how that ‘fers bemeen heavy and igh reading members. ‘Foster heels on overview ofhow our heavyreacing members distribute trl readng ‘tat reads more than half of te coverage in Opin. “This being Nenaroom Content Revie, the main pint we warttomake s there really ‘ste sizable group ceaeg more an ha the cortrtin any oer area, nother ‘words heavy readers tead arrose our product “Tre folowing ete sere chat for members who aelight readers. A main point ‘to sechore is thet they read serose all arees a5 wel butalso that there fs an area sere readers aroea the bear tendo eperd more oftheir reading ime—Corporate. ‘meny of eur readers as absiness publication, someting tat needy comes through ‘wits mary of ou Figs readers 25 wel? Chapter 7: What We Cover So, What Should We Do? Part 3 “Tc.intander with cu inventory. we tated with WS. leaders about haw think about wher we shoud be procucing and who we swould cae about ashing We picked upon ‘a furcamental vide that's worm noting 1. Same otra thik wring for ele landers ie enough and they det tink size ‘We see both points of view however we side more withthe second We have new tings we nesta do. ncladng cover new ere in new ways We we not onefonm 3s ‘an.cgarzatonf we donc free up sore bandth and refocus on meeting broader audieroes needs, We need roma strategic radeaff, ver the years, leaders have ccoched the newercemnto understand what members ae reading and do more ofthat However the dot wed for such anaes cant catingish ‘bemneen heavy reading members and ight readna members Remember bod heawp reading members and ightresing membersare pays sbscrbers. But when welosktsubsecber pagevews they favor theheavy reads embas \ieneed lock at usionces, oven thse who are les engages wis, ts there nein xr eoocrmeniason to foase on new ans rae cass auieneee? Ves, ‘trea skin very craton, but the chee low, Consider those points: 1 Most hea waders consume contentin mary difeer reas across er routs ‘Solf we reduse or eliminate a feature they read, stands tobe perhaps one of only 20, ‘ings hey ero read. Inconras f we reduosd or elimina something ight readers eng tight be one only we tings they reed. 2 beay racers are leing WS athe sre at 28g readers and oven as ‘Wet to cancel ter membership theres apo uckin sore aress~because Fy teat ‘sorry dffererethngs. Tis svategy does rot meanthat we wilendeventhingheawy ‘Chapter 7: What We Cover readers consume, just hat welt seme undeperormes tet ae sting ost with ther _scsfences. Much of what wil reat andi be aed vlalso dowel ith beewyresders. urdeta hes show, 3 Meow readers’ preferences have inthe past baen measured by her pageviews printine reading tha hs strong engaged ime or both heaw and¥ght readers, 4. We simply cat grow Wf we keep cer inceing on stores of interest oly toheary rear. Ankin grera, we ind tat stores hat do wall wih wider audiences are the ‘very ores tha haw readers spend more tne on. Torepeat all audiences stn bereft rom «carol conetans look 2 what wider aucionces read2s wel what they spend tine on. ‘one practi vel we know the sretey eters andrews iedership wl spend de next ‘curjouralsts wll aparece a rameworcand guidance in using. As one person wrote Inasenewsioom saver -Wenaves ite dao, Whar we Set have as much is analyte an guidance, nox elyon ‘whet went ght bt jst as important what id go as well asit could have and wht we could dodiferertyinthetuaze™ ard so, wehave developed ‘Tae Couerage Sustegy Mapper Chapter 7: What We Cover Important Note: ‘One nove before we jump ito the coverage areas This oo sory a8 song se data t _analyns.Fertto be mast effecdvein helping us evaluate coverage we need be more beter! tmeto be ou tagging Iran, covery rm (Chapter 7: What We Cover The Coverage Strategy Mapper Overview “The overage Sxtogy Mappers oot ent which grows of tees are meting our growin oass~and which need ourintenvertion, We we relied we needed 2 way to quick ealus custers cf coverage. ‘ch section, subeeation and ance ypes broken doom by coverage are, ae most key tobe read almost excusivey by ou Dea readers? Arc when youl down, which riven tang ain hone esters? “Thesigerous dete workby our News lights tea forte content evew alowed vs _ocomecte eleble daaset to an iteaatve ontardin Googles Data Sao, a web aedy bt deeply erate ook at everying wecheose to eet “Tothe sonia what ticoks kein practoe corre 8 Chapter 7: What We Cover Below is diagram ofthe good an bod zones For exam Mf teres fal ine Success ene, woare hang. they fal a improve Tris, we wort Imorovec and the coverage areas thet fain Diseuss This shout te ended or ot on a focused improvement en ‘vathas nerd dae when we woud do erate assessment ‘Yo genta mere dete, ets looks closaly hee athe table tothe le, carers 0429 tromteny ues andthe presage of gees fam seseh wh hes sg -erreion wit naneosesbes eeret, “Toe mes onthe char av sotas taosines Ow average story has 42% ofits pageiewe ‘rom heavy renders, soe baseline or heowy reader ig sorter, And our avenge sry hac 2.7% of pageviews fom search so thetis the basin here ‘The charton the aight allows us to consider the contet fr those peoertages showing Ls the median number of pageviens for those groups of stories along one ws end how long readers sce with er along te cher. (Our data slence team provided us with an adjusted ick at actor engaged te that hes ine ancount arte engh, mains for ‘meaningful comparisons ecto coverage types, ie, ret penalizing shore Sexes) ‘Sothe chart onthe right isthe seonnd tp, allowing us to go deperon what cur eacers ‘enjoyed, wich helps us pottize which content from the ist chars imaroverest _Sequssion zones we shuld workto seve ond which o simply ena ‘Chapter 7: What We Cover ‘So, onthe overs Mapper, which hos bow: graphs eres how he sttegy eters are ‘erring wher coverage bubties fallen the mop: Tet cr nen a See areas, we want to work olimprxe ite wart those madians to move ers now tat shales cut win (Success + Suecess = Success) + Coverage thetrecetes mast of views from heavy users. doesn bing in ‘ussde euionce vie search, gets median pageviews below ou bese ewceny ‘ety engages pecleis nour ve 2one We want to Ssoaurage werk ke this. ‘ean investment wth poor run Thisis whethelés usbisk (Discuss Ths + Dizeuse The = Discourage This) corerrnaw tra + anycombination of qsiies that lends to andng nan “ingrove Thi’ queen {pro Tie + Amthing = npeove Ts and aging improve T= = prove This) “Then there's the sgh mere complicated wore of coverage that ands in ferent piones on each sie of re ap. + otypecf eoverage reoenes 2 tow percentage ts pageviews fom heavy ses an sigh percentage cis pageviews fem search but get very ow pogeviews and engaged'éme, we wold dscourege dong more leit. Suesess + Discuss Tie «Dlscuee This) «+ fitgets th percentage ef views rom heavy users anda fev peroertage ot ts pageviews from ceach but ecehes ign pageviews and engaged tire we stood ‘rota impreve how itdoes with ough wsers and nenavbserber. Olas Thic + Suceoee« improve This) cot 2 itis confusing ata eome sone of or rformation sessions abo.n ond sake your questions. Chapter 7: What We Cover How this framework can drive change and help us with all audiences, including our heavy readers: potsolongapoincirewaron ond rojpe een sin sore pocket noe oe Miignounagect poses rr cur atbarbers was sna neil WE opie Thatmears ox sore auence ou mest coveted fr, srartet ead, Species covenge is nor todo er er ‘tie mevischen doer mean bat wetisk does ‘na ey means isnot so much hanes readers apres thet on Mea readee appraiate Ard shfeng cur focus 0 cher audiences doesrt mean weleave eavy readers uneatefe. oculd even help wih ther. ton coverage tat ans inthe ugh pageviews rom hey renders’ queant Before reomans ued the word upede down te some was wus or everege POQEVENS, comerngne war “Toe pote also ls forengagedtine for aux coverage soe ary March (hough oteatier ou saree). Heary readers’ ative egegec ime was sight higher foc coverage in ur "Success quart ths eaced a broader susie. Thr means, itontatngl hey readers time sper was wer fr te coverage for which they made batigher percentage of the aucieoe.ncter words, heavy Users spent good emoLs of tine on stories hat i wel wen broace auc ‘secwe con no longer produce work that connects with our heavy users andre ere ese, ve cen improve aur each athe seme ime we improve qunty and engagement witha sucieness, ‘Chapter 7: What We Cover Here are some broader insights: 1. Create Better Playlists for Running Stories bly w fotow he orger ars of stxies trough Foto feature spesticto thet sony 316 We cure offer weys 0 fofox some topic ores and reports t= no way to ‘low te acefe sonfine. US. News fas the ighest personage of nonsubserber cospects sere al our coverage areas. We nes to find ways 0 ove them further along te funnel, US. News fas the highest averoge pogevens across ell coverage arena, bu produces the fewesr surber of ates We can create layaly to or news product by ockng then rebour ead about in The Wet Set Journ @ Survey done for Noted. Ad as you" see ‘below, “Cima changes of rarest to Black and Latino rears, “The tops that Few Research has found overndoxin eree fe Bink and Latino renders are + We recommen an evlution ight aay on creating ar expacing beats around cof these tonic: the envroomenecarex consumer products, drug aaseton ac, affordably of neath care ineame necuty snd vient cme. ‘These new bests wil help us better urdesson Rare succes. New research published ‘fom Pew Cases in Jan say 6% of eran feel he news med doesnot undead 25 the comer review esd sys. This esearch might bokepiu te sper te ‘We nore that shoe part ofthe soln in creating o expanding hese areas would be to ‘p00 to new audiences good thought and accountaty shoulé goiema how pursue ‘hese bests the stoyeling and te communty bung areund them, start of reporting notthe end, Etre at aleve must werk wi eporers pursue ‘His change Exhibit: A Focus on Diversity “We could cover race and gender more, if we could get reporters more comfortable, and make reporters feel they have our support,” said Emily Nelson, our U.S. news editor, in May, before George Floyd’s death and subsequent unrest. “Reporters self-censor and don’t suggest those stories enough. They're worried about the scrutiny of how it will be written.” Exhibit 2: How Print Affects Our Content corre ae sas Exhibit 2: How Print Affects Our Content ‘We toa lookat every recuring feature in prim inthe Aand section’ We wamtad to You notoe tae ‘eon they perform cial, Hee ts whet we fone, * Neary a of the esuing features arein he ower ghthand problem ar of our Coverage Srateny Mapper “Every recunig festuren print except"The Numbers overndoxes wh or hen readers an aga Sven recuring eatin sin excep: "Smal Business" does below ow okalne on earch, * Note single recuring pint festreicin she ver left comer which she dasrable goxdantfor ow coverage, ‘Exhibit 2: How Print Affects Our Content \Wetlleck nec at our Coverage Srotegy Mapper graph that focsses on audience Youn novee tha consumption. *_Somect the piediven series co and in the dered quadrant hereto uppersght ‘uacrart. This means thet + Therels contertia ne boom eft quadrars Tisiniotes tats smet nuirber of aociecead thie anne ng hey er pen ve ong oni. ‘sonreer an) Exhibit 2: How Print Affects Our Content Given that all this content also flunked on the prior quadrant, we need to ask, why do we do it at all? Yes, in this case, we know the answer likely is: for print. But therein lies the problem. ‘Baa 3 product witha dying eudleice. Print has. 8 ythm and pocket fmitavons tht con translate ito grt cigtal resertatone. foumay tink Ws hres that we have ecsing feansrosin prin bt he wey the WSJ works fs not Taxes 3 Fromensefocuscn orc ane that 2} bes peop thirkng on how fo aproach staie en) tates up rescues rat sect foousing on cgta, ‘As Charles For, our Fiance coverage oie salt “Print char deshes overwhelming. Prt stl dives a ot of eraphic decison, tes op 2 ote Sma. if ‘storys moved fem 81 to comeane as rebuild the chart because offre pie pec” 0c 8 0 fe 8 Acs ede emiined “Bveyting ie veryprinesed We have very Bie opportunity tty new cpl formats. Dig ‘consideration are not apart of te canversstin tthe wary end on every sary” Exhibit 2: How Print Affeets Our Content When we ern sections cnn erent tet does bei ctl me shut rethink now newsoom sine ney 2 rmbercfaurcoteaguesvoentecte tthe at ‘ater oyttre 3 Whol href uorows pare ant pope mee Connecting a sory to peop reabtfe experiences is one nay of providing conte. + Conecting sor te bigger ptr ipact is anthes way of proving conte + implcatons/nert stars: what withappen esa resut appeai to a senee of cerainy + Behind the soenes/twr dota: how you reported the story and your concisions appeals toa sense oferty Chapter 8: How We Cover'Things Conca research shosha Arercons aged 2-48 at reas + Lacing ivr setting personal growth goals and seeking ealsio guidance + Seérching for relevant rustwordy and fulfling content that makes them sir Our data findings to be outlined on the next pages provide back-up that we need to change How We Cover Things. Chapter 8: How We Cover Things Quoting Real People ‘ur research inicanes that quoting real people can behelpft te connecting stores to Are we quoting rea people smies? People ves, so we tagged stories hat quoted ea people to examine how much we do Notoften Less kan a quaner ofthese, Rand whether cours to helps stay perform. We ale sit our sarpleto detenine ‘whether eenes cranged wih cur cts randoms coverage whch we defined as on or How oo the sti at quote real people succeed with roeders? Wes india iad esas be Reader's spend more time with hese scies, wt increased engaged times across mast ‘coverage 208. ese trie so dive more orders. dee ht ten Peg a Wot Are We Publishing? ‘Ae Aces That Quote Res! People Aetices that People Higher ae = Sauget a i BE | neste arnt watcontn es = amc ion ee) sects i he Chapter 8: How We Cover Things We corres for homepage slay an found that artles tet quoted ea peoples) efomed better than these tt not. ‘Which sections quate rest people the moat? coverage cessor bent ergapd tne when yas el oecple, eoest US News ns Worse ehh parceing of nes wih quate Fame tea are an eon wna were nee people DC and Markers have lowes. Do Alt Coverage Areas Benefit from Quoting What Proportion of Articles in each Coverage Real People? Area Quote Real People? aR cocesanecrle BEG} et cma Pope eet WBLomenePiose GE Dont Gaeta Pere a8 eee § ‘eto enn oe US Nee newer — ees Vans ‘tea Ae Ween Be. sews Chapter 8: How We Cover Things As Nicole 26-year reader quotes the user research athe start ofthis chapter sit “You have to have empathy in your stories. If you don’t know how people are impacted, you don’t actually have the full story.” cnapraewne aay ‘Chapter 8: How We Cover Things Audience Needs ‘yinat crows people The Wel Sveet Jou reparng? what naecs sre we meeting? Yoo much of How We Cover Tings sesumes that peorloneed tokrow whet we tink hey ees to kaon: That maybe te for score group of ieardfors who vis eur home page cute rg "What Go you have for ne toy” rake bers decsions about er 4) We developed a ist of autience needs based on WSs wel es broader industy research. “Ther we ragged ax sais to see How mary cf thera caverta those user needs. Heres whet wwe found Wot wer needa sre we meeting with our storia? ‘eer pubsting moe Update Me stores than al athe stories combine ee not suprising to soe the ange number of Update Me tris given that we area ‘vactional news pusher ts ao in ine wih te evergreen Frings nthe next section “ere we wil ane that Fleeting News stories acount for the maorty of urresorting “Theprotem's. pate Mets no: the only type of story that renders value and these aries eve short sel fe reining ite vee and offering ees wit after they haven anc ‘imehos passed Generally speaking, Update Me news soe 72200 for about 1.S days What Are We Publishing? Chapter 8: How We Cover Things ‘So which uence needa ive the most Interstin ur stories? Contoling or home-pageplacemer, Connect Me ranked hihestin medisn pageviews inthe peecorana period hie Sive Me an Edge took he top set since the coronavirus ic Hep Me Understons performed well cross both Wich audience needs old resders’ attention the longest? inp Me Uncerstanc an Entertain Me stoces recorded the highest athe engagedie. ‘Median Pageviews for Articles Appearing on ‘Which Stories are the Most Engaging? Homepage Soe eee “Which ypes of stores drive the most arders? ‘Give Me on Edge and inspire Me series conve she most readers before coronavins, ‘Once coronas hit, ngpve Me staves broug nthe mast orders, flowed by Emer Me, Het Me Understand ord Give Me an Ege. Which Stories Have the Highest Conversion Rate? ‘Chapter 8: How We Cover Things Evergreen Content ow rach tig nee vers evergicn content dome prodio?? What Are We Publishing? or nue tng ears alo turd ta rughiy 7S esis we produce te “Tetng news mein ey age qk 2 aren rBevet for ing eer pubitce wEFaeme — caldbecwrpen BRE Seve Chapter 8: How We Cover Things ‘The other 25% of taxi we wre ae evergreen, Weve bokeneerreen sores Which Evergreen Content Has the ‘oro two categories: stores that realy arernexping 9s writen Ceverreet above) anc Highest Median Pageviews per Article? “fase the cou become evergreen with sma changes, ‘Hew docu antiancesrospond to evergreen stores? Ea Feeinjoaes —° cxtdbeevenreen EE Beagle nd could ‘Which types of stores dive the most orders? ‘Ait npice Me end ive Moon Edge sores, Evergreen and Cou be Brergresn ‘Stories oo consistent do beter then Peeing News (on average) at cornering vistors 10 paying members ‘Which Stories Have High Conversion Rates? (i Regeont - Caldtewnrpten HEB Foe Chapter 8: How We Cover Things How do audience segments Inox on Everpren sates? ‘topes and waye we are ttn evergreen teres doesnot resonate as muchas posse wit younger more caval ausinees. This cou be crven by how coveragearees appronoh hs reporting. Winich Audience Segments Prefer Evergreen Content? Ean Wich coverage areas publish mero Evergreen content? “he sertane wan hele zoprton of ming core: thet Cou be Eee 1s Teuatraoteeerewceront” Chapter 8: How We Cover Things ‘Which audioncenoods do Evergren stores meet? Unsung. Hep Me indestand and inrie Me earies makeup themsjity of Evergeen anc Could be Evergreen stores, Wate tbe Seadoo dence Needs by Sty Ne? nen we ook the fespan of our Evergreen stores, we sees misses apoertunty, ‘vergreen art being uted to ts Siler porntal—nere not aking advantage of ts ured safe. Our Evergreen coment atvacte readers much longer than the sverage commer Reve a8 1.5 eys for Fieting News stoves, burst fal of faerthanit shoul, Looks oor char of ongelngreacerstipof Evergreen stares, ‘October 2018 Evasgresn Storie Over Time Le ‘TSTSS TOOT TE HO PA SHIDO SRP OT Chapter 8: How We Cover Things ‘Recommendation Weneed to settink coer that has the potential tobe verreen and Jonger increasing ou ong of corte far ncreasng the ods that we recomreré sorting there) And if weave more Evergect that hasbeen one wih aro edie sovalin mind we can welcome exteraltratfeon those sis efor longer hanweourety ¢o, ‘Ther are wo types of evergreen coment we noed to puseve: "1. Conex on Major News Storce: Genta news readers dei reed as incremental as and more he needle on engogemart. Wave aveady recommended that we wrte more of ‘ese saris but wee now specticaly seying rat we need to domore of them tad ‘Major news stvies. More broadly these best aacices chavent be viewed as oneoffe tobe done bya sunset ofthe newsroom. These need to be atthe heart of our eevee. Forever Seeing ans story we teto update peonie we shoue bese weve a0 ‘rodued a complementary story or wo ha il fu ner usr needs onde 509 ‘an eeigron ney hich meansircemionsliy wrneg fo alooersbity end teachiowe anger hatte We sucessfully noe a. oe nto is wth ow eoeravie coverage. Rather then ‘Simolyweting feetng news stores ona parkeue state opening or dosing. ween 2 ‘state state guide that we pomatad ove tie And rather than Siiy wring a one? stor/about the eyrmptoms ofthe vie. we reed ving wed story fe yen \Wehave expanded nis spprcach 0 other coverage a ‘be ove caucus. Tis type of conten hes patent! nett for agar search but so fer pai social marketing Another example: We pubs his piece on Mons Karas ‘Sesaulvzw on me cay nei broke and erove 0.00 pageviews within wo days Then we updates wih more information ard the piece doubled in pageviews. We te nowt 1120900 pogevies a pan update he piece again when theta tes eect This ‘approach feciteted by the World sxategy ear andthe SEC exons realy got tars voted about he fort We heve been werking on several evra QEAS noe then Going forwant we shouldbe tachng smal ce OF at tops” on WSe0m, wenger [okng to evergreen nondUpdare Me tones that add corte to major news stores, end {oso trough ne ens of search rend For hese contertval soe, our user research ‘suggests we should consider historical context how hie aces paole Ike me, next. ‘ops rom her, xg eats or ways to go deeper ard bacepound infoon how the WSJ covering ths sn (Chapter $: How We Cover Things 2. Service Joust: Beyond consol cortont tet lage news toes hers 2 large opportunty for us in servcejcurnaiem To puree his we muse remember 2s noted inthe ittadution to this report that ou etal prosus areless tke oUt Cay pri Forbotn ou comom.a! and service-oriented panes, we noes the fullnewaream adopting best practioes of tagging evergreen comer in Methete ond Gxteberg using te tgs Given that ne buicof eu evrpren contetis current proguoed by ie 2. and he "Neck seutons, at is probaby the bent placeto star But welso shoul lok > revctrp ou persorelFranoe and sere stens wth shiner foo ono our stories can read more ve theyre on ou platforms rnceion We ms vero ll this content rr pit demands. This ea of contr ‘steal our growth goals and mustbecven by peooe wthstong Krowedge of cdgial aretegy who closely extsborete vith product devlogment (Chapter 8: How We Cover Things Presentation and Visuals “The default mode of coverage is a bunch of words— people in charge of coverage manage people who deal in words. Collaborating with people who have other skills is always a second-order thing.” — charles Forel, Finance chief (Contes nent tt hs it th way ah “Theres wide arenes of and frusratin about the way we ue visual. ne ewscaom survey her washed abeut workrg with visas ard elated Teams, esis what peep sac: ‘Are You Abie to Find Partners in the Newaroom to Pursue Your ‘Storyteling Ambitions Across Various Mediums and Formats? ‘Chapter 8: How We Cover Things "started in Decarbor 20 whe tks ar happy te help once fad them thas bean ‘seats process to find thom. Having Kista onboard as a dedieatedstatgy ‘editorhas made this process much much easlr” “Ono.of the things thet has heped is having Kevin [Dubeus jon Wort asa strategy comer raver 3 Went comes to malta anc news presentation, tslmposiblet sparate"How ‘ie Doves Things ro the "Ways We Woe sochefolewing secions—vide, Audio and \Grophice-area combinten ofboth open. News & analysis Explainers Originals Nonfiction films Quickvideos tet get doreinreal meand Videos thet bg sont cary © Entepase videos that erent peggedio the On-andotfaiatform docsmertaries Chapter 8: How We Cover Things ‘As part parnersip wit Twine, we ago produce quick, information cached videos designed for cil auences. Cao video femes eary morsing news digess, look ahead erthe bg sexes of the day market moving moments, personal nance egies and ent ofeey insights mach maton nephew e pres wo un soe ie rity engin and ote Sasa ee reed Jsnra seen + Thee Smt snes fof eave ne yer const Soot Moca us wins seaoh andreach new sucences inter werd, opty snot 0 get camo aaron su people already onthe pltorm ro watch mare wos, bret to help useing ‘ecornmend doing te same for ox video data suet. ang reming convention, Chapter 8: How We Cover Things Docet the sutnarty ene ang of our video carer nome page wich ould ature video Se striae endo bresk sy fom our adisonal minsset at everyhing has to beawrten toy. Recommendation 4 Search ote throagh search-engine optimization work round video wi help ts beter cure cur content on YouTube and Goorle Search This includes: ‘Joneunis absenae The video hs shee generated 8 eniten ews, tu vides corer reac toon efcvl vdeo Ths menses nt bo Chapter 8: How We Cover Things Audio “Bigger audiences, better measurement and easier access have combined to change the economies of news podcasting. In turn ‘this is encouraging publishers to invest in creating more quality content, and platforms to invest in better distribution and monetisation, in a virtuous circle of growth.” Nic Newman, lead author of the Reuters institute's comprehensive report News Podcasts and the Opportunities for Publishers, released December 2019 Chapter 8: How We Cover Things \win a stong state of general nans, evergreen ans option podcasts the WSUhas early established self within the aie ecooystem, General News ‘Topic-Specific News Evergreen Opinion MinwaBdsfing “Specd:houghtopnewsin TechNews refing “Get te etestin Scetecf Malthe Women “S.ccessfui plain: Potoman. Wath “Se cea! flesh Appronmaely cneminute episodes technolngy news for yar wetey commute” women extvtves, workplace plorcer + prapecve andthe analyelsyouneed on released ce tres every weekly Upto 1Sminceepisoces elezed very madeertepreneus induseyendowters _devsopmerts fromthe navoris capa Upto eek. and money-sewy exoers reveal ineghis SD minute episodes releases ever Tuesday, Gnowegethad eahvargas, — Weiaxtyan Here beateroon Memptiace arene sepoer tanita Ries orm te sid macho i Waiiecsora aoe tie ess waasmccsrasseanccaatesl Chanda tsccrdwounesee wescay Teta ve Joma Uc ore exsodes reeased every weekcay. “he uma “The mostimporart tries, “ThefitmeofSventhing“Disnover what ‘epilaned tough the lers of osiness" Up . is to 20-minute episodes rat go deep none _xienoe and techncogy ate evelixoniiog eating news story released every week. eomernpane as Chapter 8: How We Cover Things Leading our current tering, Te Jounal curry seas ore than 5000 dowmiceds per epicade The Futur of Everything sees mare thon 125000 downloads, according 0a 219 audioteam port. ‘This spaneis howeve, geting more and more competitive ant tr podcast ‘sores mary news organizations have beer exploring inthe past 12 to 18 months. cororsenar vee ‘Chapter 8: How We Cover Things ‘Recormmandstion 4 Improve Discoversilty ‘Recent researen bythe Ow Jones Customer Inigence team found tht Soooverbity {sa"tmajor beri tomate people leering abour ane Eteing to our podcasts. Wie ES accorcing cur Customer eligenee ean reer reves at by wardoh ‘mouthand soo mea, rere seve aan ‘Recommendation 5: improve Newarsom Cotiaboration We souls srengly encourage.and erect au repetng staff to ptch audi stores snd \wook wh the podcast eam. The podcast ecosystem is separa neo besos sty Now ney ‘ert ticles they fie or graphics pices wey devtlon but by how many sae they onuieted to agneste of format We Chapter 9: How We Work cones Fee ay atad Chapter 9: How We Work ‘Now that weve cutna a sores ef reccmmendatone on how tobetter connect ox Joomaisn with 2 rowing eusiones, yu'l pprecite tat we loo need to change he way ‘we opecte ae a nenaroom Wemmust + lmprove SEO. Tat means stcating people and sie to generate stores nase on ns respecting thejudgerhert.ofthe SEO team as they ide Search his te ast mont quarteryeay, a beter use of our Newegtd pling tot sreai tings tratean tein + Optimize meetings + Forthe daly news meeting Enphsstue tht Newsord& Sack arehon we cormunicare workow about uporing sis. stead meetings shold fos ‘ontopies Nowe chefs shou cutie and soi Key theres forte day then ad _ oomersution cathe mastile woys well pursue and te thet tory for multpie ‘dlencss. That means a shit away from presentations by exverage area, anda + Commnicate oroes teams, The exsist way ‘move toward factate ides meeings that curinae in uly fedged crossteam coverage pans faiso means geste imohvernent fom vital, video, aud, sock enterprise a investigations in very oonersaion ~ Encthedla Stoes masing: Sip comersavon‘o a single deeper tere, as

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