الهيكل الوظيفي

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‫‪Elsawy General Contracting‬‬

‫الهيكل الوظيفي‬
‫الوظيفة‬ ‫االسم‬ ‫م‬
‫رئيس مجلس اإلدارة‬ ‫خالد علي صاوي محمد‬ ‫‪1‬‬
‫مدير التسويق‬ ‫كارم محمود علي‬ ‫‪2‬‬
‫المستشار القانوني‬ ‫احمد إسماعيل الحسين‬ ‫‪3‬‬
‫مهندس مكتب فني‬ ‫اسالم عبدالحميدعبدالسالم‬ ‫‪4‬‬
‫مهندس مكتب فني‬ ‫محمد حسين محمد‬ ‫‪5‬‬
‫مهندس موقع‬ ‫عبدالرحمن محمد عبدالرحمن‬ ‫‪6‬‬
‫مهندس موقع‬ ‫عبدالرحمن عبدالبديع صالح‬ ‫‪7‬‬
‫شؤون ادارية‬ ‫سعيد محمد عبدالحميد‬ ‫‪8‬‬
‫محاسب‬ ‫علي احمد يوسف‬ ‫‪9‬‬
‫محاسب‬ ‫احمد علي محمد‬ ‫‪10‬‬
Elsawy General Contracting

Company profile

COMPANY: Elsawy general contracting.
COMPANY REGISTRATION NO: 6718 – 545 – 0688 – 027
BUSINESS LOCATION: Fayoum – Ibshaway – Elramla St.
CONTACT NUMBERS: 01092014678 – 01115884888
E-MAIL : moatazelsawy4@gmail.com
Elsawy General Contracting

Our partners
OUR Team Skills
PMI – RMP Risk management professional Risk is our constraint
PMI – RMP project management professional management is our tool
Master of science construction management scientific is our way
NASP National association of safety professionals safety is our goal
Elsawy General Contracting


Chief Executive officer


Finance department Administration department Purchasing department

Repair &
strengthening division

Décor division Ele.&mech.


EGC Elsawy General Contracting better known as EGC was
establish in 2010 to support the growing construction industry in Egypt with a six
employee's team.
Elsawy General Contracting

Now EGC is engaged in broad range of construction activities including civil

construction, weatherproofing, and building material.
Within a short span of time it is significant transformation from a small company was
constructed projects 500.000 LE to construct a big project more than 100.000.000 LE.
Civil construction division has finish projects with total amount over than 300.000.000
A list of projects executed and in progress will grove our experience and prominent
position in building construction.

He reports to the project manger and his responsibilities are

Direct and control the activities of assigned Forman.
Prepare detailed labor requirement .
Plan work schedule for crews.
Checks assess and inform project manager about worker , material and machines .
Strict observance of safety codes and standards of the work force

Quantity and quality control inspector

The quantity and quality control inspector has final responsibilities for qualifying the work and monitoring
quality control activates

His duties are

Perusing the qualities , control plan and revise the side plan as and when necessary .
Work inspection records
To survey material storage and handling
Elsawy General Contracting

To establish and maintain continuous effective liaison with related members of the construction staff , sub –
contractors and client personnel to ensure the Q.C. inspector's work is properly coordinated with the project
manger .

Is it the policy of EGC that this program applies to quality related actives involved in all phases of construction on
project quality planning details allocation of responsibilities of personnel that shall execute the various works and
describes the procedure that shall be used to maintain the quality of works .

Organization objectives
The prime objective of EGC is that organization is to achieve optimum management control and visibility of
performance to obtain the desred quality . our organization has flexibility to relate to conditions at field site and
explicable to client requirements.

Chief operating executive represents the company with the client and all other organization involved with the project .
he has the task of overseeing all activates and information carrying the project and is responsible for any decision
affecting the project . he is assisted by operation manger , administration manger , finances manger and backed up by
other head office staff .

Work superintendent
The works superintendent plans all day construction works with the project manger , co- ordinates with all available
resources in ensuring the compliance of established schedule . he is responsible for progress of work and ensuring the
specification and details stipulated as per code of practice for different stages in which he is interacted and associated
with tradesmen .

Quality Control Management

Statement of purpose
To provide guidelines for on site evaluation of construction process . and this documents is not a specification it does
not supersede job specification , which are a prerogative of the designer ( specifier ) on or material manufacture it
provides general guidelines for following accepted construction procedures.

Elsawy General Contracting
* this document addresses site evolution guidelines during the construction process by EGC contracting & trading .

* it streams through continuous inspections during construction to recognize and correct variance as they detected . it
provides guidelines to appraise quality aspects of application . this document gives information about the contraction of
projects storage .

* material and shop drawing submittal and take approval before start work keep the contraction process in the right
direction .

* this project quality p;an is define as all those planned and systematic action necessary to provide positive verification
that a project has been constructed in accordance with the applicable plans and specifications . this includes the
management of records and documentation that's to provide objective evidence that quality control activity have
consistently identified and implemented .


Duties and responsibilities of EGC
1- Be familiar with the company safety policy , the occupational health and safety act and regulations , and all relevant
applicable legislation .
2- make regular job site inspections , both planned and unplanned to ensure that the company safety policy and all
relevant applicable legislation is being complied with and take disciplinary action when necessary to ensure
compliance .
3- EGC as the contractor on project shall ensure that regular job site and safety committee meetings are held at least
once every month , or as the need arises with owners and sub-contractors and that a health & safety representative
from each contractor participate on the committee .
4- investigate , review and injuries requiring professional treatment , acute or chronic illness regardless of the nature of
circumstance .
5- investigate , review and analyze all occurrences involving property damage near accidents with potential for serious
injury or lost time fire explosion .
6 Ensure that an injured workers progress is monitored and that modified duties are provided during rehabilitation
period obtain written information of the injured workers physical restrictions if prior to creating modified work .
7 support and promote any action taken by a health and safety representative committee or by anyone in the
workplace in the interest of health and safety .
8- Ensure adequate training for EGC employees is provided .
9- Ensure that information , instruction and supervision is provided for the protection of all EGC employees .
Elsawy General Contracting

10- Periodically review the company safety policy and procedures documents and implement measures if improvement
can be made to the current safety policy and program .

11- in co – operation with the EGC supervisor , ensure that all relevant necessary documents , drawings information
approvals are conspicuously posted or available for review on site .

12- Ensure that the equipment , materials tools and protective devices provided by EGC are maintained in good
condition and in co-operation with the company site supervisor ensure that they are used in the manner intended to
protect the workers from the particular hazard to which they may be exposed or subjected while using said equipment
materials etc .

13-Provide on a project a first – aid box with provisions as prescribed by workers compensation board
reg.950.15provide on a project general purpose fire extinguishing equipment and specifically rated equipment as the
need arises .
Elsawy General Contracting

This abbreviated to description our company comprehensive progress of work and history .
this shows the vivid progress status , staff , projects has already constructed by company and
the level us looking forward furthermore we could get the right map for the next action and
planning , we also can analyzed the errors and faults , any site accidents which shows the
safer way to move in future and immediate corrections for the same .
Finally we kindly thank you for time you will in reading our company profile and we hope to
obtain your admiration .
Elsawy General Contracting

Projects list
1- central building at dmiat .
2- al safowa tower , at sheben elkom – monofia .
3- al abrar mosque , at al slam city – cairo .
4- Othman binafan school at almatarya – cairo .
5- advance engineering headquarter building new cairo – cairo .
6- Tamer alm eleven's villa at al shrouq city – cairo .
7- al etkan group ( two towers ) at sheben elkom – monofia .
8- hessen ghareeb factory at 10th of Ramadan city .
9- Reda mahjoub villa at new cairo – cairo .
10- sub-contractor with some projects at various locations .
11- maintenance of al shohada hospital , menofia .
12- oriana villas compounds at new cairo , cairo . alfattem .
13- green plaza towers ( 5 towers ) at sheben elkom – monofia .
14- Electrical station at al Bahera .
15- China state main administration building at New Capital .
16- Veterinary research and training istitue – Youssef Elseddek – Alfayoum .
17- Hyde Park business park New cairo , Hassan Allam .
18- Hyde Park business park New cairo , Hassan Allam .
19- Saraj city , New Cairo , Gama .
20- Medco plast co , main factory Building 6th October City , New Building .
21- Al Ahly Bank – Al Sadat branch , Rehabilitation and renovation for Bank building .
22- Medco plast co , 6th October City , New Building . Rehabilitation and renovation of old building .
23- Veterinary Research and training institute – Al Sadat City .

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