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Success is something that you have to define for yourself, and no one can do it for you.
Success could mean a sense of giving back to the world and making a difference. It could mean
a sense of accomplishment and career progression. What successful person do you admire
I admire the most Marie Curi, a Polish and naturalized-French physicist and chemist who
conducted pioneering research on radioactivity. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize,
the first person and the only woman to win the Nobel Prize twice, and the only person to win the
Nobel Prize in two scientific fields. I think that the key to her success highlights her famous
quote :  “All the time I stubbornly and patiently strived for one goal. I acted without the slightest
confidence that I was doing the right thing, knowing that life is a fleeting and fragile gift, that
nothing remains after it, and that others understand its meaning differently. I acted so
undoubtedly because something compelled me to do so, just as instinct compelled a caterpillar
to weave its cocoon. The poor thing has to start her cocoon, even if she can't finish it, and yet
she works with unfailing perseverance. And if she fails to finish her work, she will die without
turning into a butterfly - without remuneration. Let each of us spin his own cocoon, without
asking why and why”. I think that to become successful you should develop your talents don't
rely on luck. But if you work hard and persistent you will achieve success exactly. 


Climate change is a global crisis that threatens our planet, our societies and our
economies, and it also requires much-needed effective measures. And Ukraine is
quite vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. It is the air quality, but also the
broader effects of droughts, high temperatures, heat waves and floods. These sorts
of extreme climate events are now more likely and severe in Ukraine than ever
before.I try to buy organic food and above 60% percent of food that I buy is
organic because I take care about ecology and my health. My home is heated by
centralized heating. Yes, I use an energy-saving light-bulb because by doing this I
save the resources of my planet.  Yes, my house is insulated and double glazed to
preserve my flat  warm longer. Yes, of course, I sort my garbage. I have three bins
for plastic, paper and organic wastes. Every month I give away my clothes that I
don’t use for refugees.

Since I now live in a dormitory, I want to talk about how to be a good neighbor in these
conditions.  I think it is very important that everyone has their own personal space, which no one
should violate.  Secondly, in order for the room not to be a mess, it is necessary to make a
cleaning schedule and for everyone to stick to it.  If you want to watch a movie or listen to music
you should wear a headset, because other neighbors want to do their own business and extra
sounds can interfere with them.  Remove spoiled products in time from the fridge.  If you come
to the room late, do it as quietly as possible so as not to wake the neighbors.  do not bring your
friends into the room without the permission of neighbors. I don't live in the house, but I saw that
in my city almost all private houses have high fences. No, I have not. I’m lucky to have reliable
and helpful neighbors. Sometimes my roommates don't put on their headphones when they're
watching or listening to something or just talking very loudly on the phone. It's annoying, but I
try to be patient and just ask to be less loud. Yes, I trust my neighbors. They get a parcel
from the courier when I'm not home and even share dinner when I'm tired of

1.     Did you like studying history at school? What period of history interests you most?

History of Ukraine is a very important school subject, but I really understand the importance of it
recently. I didn’t like studying history at school, because my teachers taught us very boring and
not interesting. I think we had boring books too.     What do you think of the recent history of
your country – the past fifty years? 

The thirty years ago Ukraine became an independent country. The past fifty years we built our

What do you know about the early history of your country?

I know exactly that our country was strong and unbreakable throughout history. Our people always
wanted to live in an independent country and carry their culture, language, customs and
traditions to future generations and not to obey anyone.

3.     Do you think history repeats itself?

Yes, I think history repeats itself. We see it now. Unfortunately, the words “Never again” which we
repeat every year on 9th of May have lost their meaning for the president of the Russian
Federation and the Russian people too. On the 24th of February Russian soldiers invaded
Ukraine. Everyone this morning woke up not from an alarm clock, but from explosions and air
alarm sirens. 

4.     What period of history would you like to go back and live in?
I think now our nation creates a new history and I am proud to be Ukrainian in this period of
time, this period of struggle for independence and integrity of our country.

5.     Is history important to you?

Finally, I want to say that every Ukrainians should know the history of our country and respect

This course deals with concepts in organic chemistry, the branch of chemistry that deals with
compounds of carbon. The course covers the chemistry of functional groups, their chemical
reactions, and their spectroscopic identification and characterization. The laboratory introduces
the students to practice skills on the synthesis, separation, purification, and identification of
organic compounds employing exemplar reactions, methods, and techniques. A good
understanding of organic chemistry is important for students intending to become chemists and
those involved in other disciplines.
The spectroscopic (infrared, nuclear magnetic resonance) and mass spectrometric techniques
for the characterization of organic compounds are taught in the first 3 weeks of the semester.

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