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Classroom Management Key Components

Area #1: Procedures/Structures/Routines

● Beginning Routine/Start of Class
● Quiet/Attention Signals
● Physical Transitions (groups, pairs, labs, activities, carpet)
● Dismissal or Lining Up
● Non-Verbal Cues (visuals, hand gestures, music)
● Giving Directions
● Checking for Understanding
● Holding Ground/No Arguing
● Raising Hands to Speak
○ When we look at things, they are all things that help the classroom
move smoothly. These are all things that are done in each and every
room but these will be used to make the learning possible in the
classroom. These are all different tools that could be seen done at any
time in the classroom.

Area #2: Engagement & Participation

● Variety (three or more activities per hour)
● Collaboration (Students Talking/Peer Discussions)
● Movement (two or more times per hour)
● Total Participation (all students think, write, share, or answer simultaneously)
● Rigor (higher order thinking and tasks required)
● Instruction (explain, model, guided practice, independent practice)
● Questioning/Probing
● Group Work (roles and productivity)
○ Keeping students engaged in the activities happening in the classroom
will inevitably keep students learning. Students' ability to learn can be
done through using these different tools listed in the bullet points and
more. Students all learn in different ways so helping students stay
engaged through different ways of participation will keep all students
learning and growing.

Area #3: Rapport/Connection

● Teacher Warmth/Friendliness/Approachability
● Teacher Enthusiasm/Energy/Excitement/Joy
● Teacher Humor/Laughter
● Teacher Knowledge of individual students’ interests
● Teacher Respect and Appreciation for students
● Teacher Encouragement of students
● Teacher sensitivity to student cultures and backgrounds
○ As a teacher, we need to continue to work to help make students
feel invited and welcomed into the classroom. Students deserve
to feel loved and welcomed in a classroom. As a teacher, building
up a rapport with students will help them have that connection to
the classroom and to make connections to one another.

Area #4: Behavior Intervention/Consequences

● Regular use of gentle redirects (proximity, warnings, the look)
● Consequences are reasonable and equitable
● Consequences are given as choices (you have a choice right now...)
● Teacher uses soft eyes, soft voice during conflicts
● Teacher is firm, but also calm and compassionate (doesn’t yell or intimidate)
● Consistent follow through with consequences once they are earned (doesn’t make
the same request over and over)
● Arguments/debates are delayed, done in private
● Progression up hierarchy is swift but fair
○ While taking my college courses, we worked on making a Tiered
Hierarchy of Consequences. This chart gives the lay out of what type of
punishment would need to be given depending on what is going on in
the room. Students know their expectations and are asked to meet them
at all times. Students will be working towards meeting the classroom
rules and using the different behavioral interventions to help with

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