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THE CAFE EXPERT Profit Guide Ex pe rt What's included t |] rof it 1.Why use Instagram? 2. How to navigate a business account. 3. The Low down CJ G u fe | BE 2 oct nancy posts/content. to 5.Growth, Engagement & Visibility Strategy. 6. Want more? Instagram BU eae NC Why You Need It One word... Connection. Your cafe or coffee shop should have an Instagram page to create personal and loyal connections with potential and existing customers through photos and videos. This visual platform allows your customers to get to know the people who make up your business. If covid-19 has taught us anything, it would be how heavily the community relies on hospitality, more importantly on Coffee Shops and Cafes like you: and equally how hospitality relies on people Itis not just a cup of coffee you are providing your customers, it is personal connections stories, entertainment, a sense of familiarity. This is exactly what Instagram can be - an extension of the connection you already have with your customers. Used properly, Instagram allows you to interact and build these personal connections with current and new customers, just like you would from behind the coffee machine or counter. Used incorrectly... the connection doesn't deepen and your posts won't be seen. Lae aa THE CAFE expert Whether you're already using Instagram for your Coffee shop, or you're unsure about it, here are some facts to bear in mind: @ As ofnow there are 1.074 Billion people using Instagram worldwide. That's a lot of people you could be reaching, connecting with, and marketing to for FREE. @ More than 25 million companies worldwide are already using Instagram for business. @ More than 200 million users visit at least one business profile every day. @ 71% of businesses use Instagram, including 90% of the top 100 businesses. The Benefits Think of Instagram as an extension of your business. Unlike other social media platforms, it is a great way to expand your business’ reach and engagement organically, without having to pay for ads. There are 2 Billion users on Instagram, of which 500 million use the app every day. More importantly though, 72% of Instagram users have reported purchasing products through Instagram at least once. With its purchasing power, business insights, and organic functions, if your coffee shop isn't already on Instagram, you're missing out on a lot of potential customers and a deeper understanding of how they behave, what they care about and what they would like you to do more of. Engagement with brands on Instagram is 10 times higher than Facebook, 54 times higher than Pinterest, and 84 times higher than Twitter. Not sure you have time for Instagram? First of all, only until you give Instagram a go will you realise the opportunities it has to offer for your business. It takes 30 seconds to set up an Instagram account, all you need is your phone and an email address, it's as simple as that. Lae aa THE CAFE expert There are many facts and figures and different theories about 2 when and how TO DO: frequently you ‘should’ be posting on Instagram, However, what your focus should be is the engagement - not simply “getting a post INSTAGRAM up". Creating strong ean ate Snes ener connections between ! NSTAG RAM you and your followers can be easily done, and here's the secret. == Be consistent As long as you're consistent and you show up tot is easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of Instagram on a regular basis - this could even social media, however, as long as you set aside be for as little as 5 minutes every day, during a short amount of time during your week, with a your lunch break - you can create and maintain —_ properly structured plan of what you will be strong connections and build loyal followers posting, all will be fine - especially if you follow and customers by engaging & interacting with _the rest of the advice here. them. One more thing. Don't let Instagram stress you out. As long as you show up with the right intentions of connecting with followers, you can master Instagram. Lae aa Know your audience The ancient Greek philosophers asked that we "know thyself" but in our game - the game of hospitality the real secret lies in deeply understanding who your customer is. Who your brand appeals to and what they care about. If you, and your team, can actively spend time “in their shoes" all your marketing and product development will be much, much easier. Whether your customer base is of the younger generation, mothers in between school runs, the elderly ora mixture, itis vital that you know who your current customers are - so you can communicate in a voice that they understand and “buy into”, If you don’t know who you are communicating with, you can't build these proper connections nor can you improve their experience when they physically visit you.. oO THE CAFE EXPERT “But my customers are too old for Instagram” “My customers don't use instagram, so what is the point?” “We've tried it but it didn't work” If one of these statements is your reason for not being on instagram, then you're not aware of the opportunities that Instagram can bring your coffee shop business or you're simply not using it properly. As important as understanding and catering towards your current customer base is, itis equally as important to be open to attracting and bringing in new customers. Think of Instagram as your free marketing experiment. Instagram can help you open your reach beyond your current (inevitably limited) customer base. It can help you form tangible and wider bonds within your community. Yes, Instagram is used more by younger generations, however 2020 saw a huge surge of people downloading Instagram. Over 1 billion people use Instagram, do you want to allow your coffee shop to be left behind? Do you want to miss out on all the potential. customers who live in your area but don’t know about you yet/haven't discovered you yet? Lae aa Procolate jack coffee » Soft drink 19 Soy*? Your Instagram Business = It takes less than a minute to create an Insights lets you see how Instagram account, It takes equally as long to many people: turn it into a business account - we would recommend you do this, © Visit your website With a business account (also free) you can truly see the impact of your activity and posts have on your followers/potential @ Like, save, share, comment on your posts. customers. @ Visit your profile - to look at your posts, menus, shoppable items etc Lae aa THE CAFE expert Time period of data comparison The amount of Instagram users/potential customers your posts have reached How many comments,shares, DMs your posts have received An overview of your posts. You can click each post for more detail The Low Down Photos Any images of your choosing. However, taking a good quality photo can make the biggest difference Post idea from images of your display window, to new additions to your menu, you can add photos of anything that would be interesting to your followers Lae aa rg THE CAFE expert Videos you can post videos of up to 1 minute on your grid (on your account page, where you can see all your posts) Post idea this could be a walk through of your coffee shop, ora short video on how you make your signature food item..? Carousels ‘carousels’ let you publish up to 10 photos and videos in one post, allowing your followers to ‘swipe through’ the post. * carousels can be all photos, all videos, or a mixture. Post idea A carousel could be a set of photos and/or videos of how you set up for an event. IGTV If you're wanting to post a video longer than 1 minute, then it becomes an IGTV. You can choose for it to appear on your grid, or in the separate IGTV tab. Post idea - a walk through of a recipe of your signature food or drink item. Reels Instagram’s newest addition, similar to “TikToks” - a very popular (particularly among the younger generations), new competitor of Instagram. These are short-form videos lasting from 15-30 seconds. These tend to be upbeat, fast-paced and fun videos. Post idea - an announcement of a competition or event you are running. Lae aa —————S— Short term content These are photos or videos (live or pre-recorded) that last for only 24 hours. You can keep past Stories available in your highlights, located on your account page. Stories are great for in-the-moment & relatable posts you want your followers to see, You can customise your Stories with text, drawings, Gifs and Stickers, filters as well as interactive features: polls essentially a "yes or no” “this or that" sticker which your followers can click and vote. Post idea - this is great to see whether your customers prefer one food item to another. Or know how they feel about anything you ask them giving you great insights. And don't feel this has to always be about your business or what you're selling - remember engagement is as important as promotion. Questions Here you can ask more in-depth questions of which your followers can respond in further depth. Also great for customer insight. Post idea - Ask your customers what they would like to be added to your summer menu. THE CAFE expert Slider poll This allows followers to slide from left to right how they feel about a question you ask Post idea - A sneak peak of a new feature to your shop, followers slide the bar to indicate how much they are intrigued/interested. Quiz Ask any question you like and provide 4 possible answers, let your followers guess the correct answer. Post idea - “how many bags of coffee do you think we go through a week?" Sl OVC CE Rie een CU om Rg cana On att Cre ee eeu Rene a eet SM Re eae ao cara SRE a Cle Pca gee 5 Lae aa THE CAFE expert The Instagram Hierarchy and what you need to look out for This may seem daunting but in simple terms, you just need a plan You can't post a picture of latte art every day, your followers will get bored and so will you. Think about your customers and followers, what would they find interesting, what do you want to share with them? Have some ideas of what content you want to post. Post ideas - new additions to your menu, announcements, new drinks specials, new furniture in your shop. Lae aa Itis easy to judge how well your instagram posts are doing by solely looking at Likes. However, you should be almost ignoring the Likes and focus on other metrics Instagram has been known to constantly change their algorithms. This may mean nothing to you. It just means that Instagram tries to make it harder for your posts to be successful. However, this is the no.1 thing to remember in terms of how to measure your Instagram success These two rely on Hashtags and engagement. By engaging with your followers through comments, Direct Messaging, likes etc. it tells Instagram’s robots that you're an active & engaging user, so it will show your posts to more of your followers - this is a good thing, Hashtags act as keywords and help new followers find you by searching these keywords. Have a go at adding a few hashtags relevant to your posts. Top tip - use hashtags that are relevant, Use hashtags that have under 1 million posts, otherwise there is no point! oO THE CAFE EXPERT Thank you for downloading The Cafe Expert Profit Guide to Instagram Follow The Cafe Expert on Facebook & Instagram for more ways to boost your Coffee Shop profits, Lia aa see IDE TO INSTAGRAM ah]

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