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o SOURCES- I plan to include this point because in this class I learned to look up sources the right
way. Not only that but the work in this class included sources I felt like with the sources in hand
it allowed me to be more informed with my question in mind. From the help of sources I was
allowed to talk more about my subject making the assignment more easy to accomplish. Sources
are the main support of a writing.
o REVISING/REFLECTING- In this class we did a lot of revising and reflecting I think the both come
together because we take time to look at our work and fix/improve our mistakes. I want to in
include this because I learned how important it is to do so and I will most likely be using this
method from now on not just in this class but my others.
point right here I will 100% include in my final reflection. When I first started to do this part in
class I never thought it would have such a big of effect as it did on me. It helped me a lot to see
my work and allowed me to think outside of the box(for example thinking of others and how
they gain knowledge). I learned how effective turning a writing into something creative can be
to me and others.
o FEEDBACK- this class taught me to take into consideration other peoples comments/opinions on
my work. I usually avoid this till I learned that those comments can actually help improve your
work and see what you created in a different pov. Sometimes you catch stuff that others don’t
o (AN IDEA) EXAMPLES OF PERSONAL WORK- this is just something I personally will be planning to
include. For example my work I did in class or like personal literacy history and what I have
learned about myself so far.
o WRITING/QUESTION-it surprises me how much some one can write about with just one simple
question. I for one never expected myself to gain knowledge about a simple question not only
that but to have written so much about that just one topic impresses me. I wanted to include
this point because I find it important its what supports every other point.
2. YOUR FORM-My over all experience with this class will support most of all my points for
the final reflection I also believe my past history with literacy will support it as well
giving my writing purpose is to reflect look back at everything. The most effective
method/form for this reflection I believe would be a writing paper I have a lot to say and
many point I would love to elaborate on so writing paper would work best.

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