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Crossing Points Lesson Plan

Name: Erin Giuliani & Grace McNally Crossing Points Client: Nathan

 Date: Aug 31st, 2022

 Lesson Content: Soccer

 Equipment Needed:  Soccer Balls & Cones

 Lesson Objectives:

 Students will observe sportsmanship rules (shake hands, treat others with kindness, cheer
one another on)

 Schedule of Activities: 20 / 25 minutes

Minutes Learning Activity Description of Activity

 5 mins  Warm up: Line Tag  Two Taggers

All participants will remain on

the painted lines within the court.
The painted lines (any color) are
the pathways that can be taken to
flee the tagger.

If tagged students can high five to

unfreeze student (number of high
fives to unfreeze can be changed)

Extensions: certain color, half

court, hop/ jump to different lines
 5 minutes  Partner Pass  Grab a partner or group of three
(one ball)

Pass the ball to one another as

stationary as possible

With each pass learn their name

and fun fact

When you hear “SWITCH” find a

new group or partner
 10 mins  Keep Away  In groups of three or four

Partner up in the groups and play

keep away. Using cones or just
line markers decide what the goal

Groups will try to score before

opposing team steals ball. Turn
over if ball is stolen or scored.

Score count does not matter- try

tactics like defense

Arm distance rule if needed

 5 mins  Relay race  Setting up cones’ students will
weave in and out and race other

Straight dribble


Weave and then dribble

 Remaining time Small sided game   Soccer game within court- either
two games or one depending on
student amount. Imply passing
rule of three passes before goal.

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