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Abdallah Salim

English 1301
Sep 28, 2022

Synthesis Document
After looking at the concept of writing and writers from an analytical perspective, writing

is not just the idea of composing pieces but is a network that connects humanity altogether.

Communication is one of the most important attributes we as a society need in order to keep a

secure and successful future. When going into the academic field, writing makes people become

more academically disciplined and creates a network of people working to attain certain answers

or ask questions (Roozen,2016). The idea of writing can be found in creating or influencing

identities and ideologies (Scott,2016), it helps writers present their beliefs, claims and opinions

which leads to captivate like-minded people to discuss and communicate (Roozen,2016). This

influence of writing is constantly helping in the progression of our civilization.

Every writer is unique in their way of writing, since each writer’s one of a kind life

experience influences the perspective and the way they write. Many writers who use their

identity and background for writing write from a historical or an individual perspective

(Yancey,2016). Readers get engaged with certain writings that match their identity or perspective

because when a writer composes a piece, their writing is linked to their identity which influences

those who have a similar background or view to be engaged. Overall the idea of writing keeps

evolving overtime due to the variety of people’s backgrounds hence why the writer tends to think

of how the reader will connect to the writings they compose and whether they will attain an

understanding of the purpose of their writing composition (Yancey,2016).

Abdallah Salim
English 1301
Sep 28, 2022

As writers compose various types of documents, a writer tends to visualize their

academic writing with a persona that they have created solely for the purpose of composing a

claim, statement or any other objective they have for the document or piece they create ( Estrem,

2016). In the academic aspect of writing, one of the most important aspects that professionals

and readers look for in writing is whether the writing is credible and neutral. Although a writer's

background can help engage readers, it can also be unfavorable because a writer’s past

experience could lead them to implement bad habits unconsciously into their own writings and

affect whether their writing can be credible or not (Lunsford, 2016). Subsequently when writers

compose academic writing, overtime they unawarely start to form a professional identity which

can potentially affect their writing to be biased and non credible, especially when composing

scientific or research based documents (Estrem,2016). For this reason writers need to be aware of

their identity and how it affects their writing in order to keep a neutral perspective

(Villanueva,2016). In the academic world one of the most important aspects that professionals

and readers look for in writing is whether the writing is credible and neutral since they are

looking to find factual information that can benefit humanity’s knowledge in a certain way.

In conclusion the concept of writing is an evolving skill that we keep learning and

improving in, and as writers we need to be aware of how we affect the pieces we compose as

well as the habits we tend to do because although it’s important to keep readers engaged, it is

also important to have credible and neutral writing especially when creating a scientific or

claim-based writing.
Abdallah Salim
English 1301
Sep 28, 2022


Scott, T. (2016). Writing Enacts and Creates Identities and Ideologies.

ADLER-KASSNER, L., & WARDLE, E. (Eds.). In Naming What We Know,

Classroom Edition: Threshold Concepts of Writing Studies (pp. 48–58).

University Press of Colorado.

Roozen, K. (2016). Writing is Linked to Identity. ADLER-KASSNER, L., & WARDLE,

E. (Eds.). In Naming What We Know, Classroom Edition: Threshold Concepts of

Writing Studies (pp. 48-58). University Press of Colorado.

Yancey, K.. (2016). Writers’ Histories, Processes, and Identities Vary.

ADLER-KASSNER, L., & WARDLE, E. (Eds.). In Naming What We Know,

Classroom Edition: Threshold Concepts of Writing Studies (pp. 48-58). University

Press of Colorado.

Lunsford, A. (2016). Writing is Informed by Prior Experience.

ADLER-KASSNER, L., & WARDLE, E. (Eds.). In Naming What We Know,

Classroom Edition: Threshold Concepts of Writing Studies (pp. 48-58). University

Press of Colorado.

Estrem, H. (2016). Disciplinary and Professional Identities are Constructed Through

Writing. ADLER-KASSNER, L., & WARDLE, E. (Eds.). In Naming What We

Know, Classroom Edition: Threshold Concepts of Writing Studies (pp. 48-58).

University Press of Colorado.

Abdallah Salim
English 1301
Sep 28, 2022

Villanueva, V. (2016). Writing Provides a Representation of Ideologies and Identities.

ADLER-KASSNER, L., & WARDLE, E. (Eds.). In Naming What We Know,

Classroom Edition: Threshold Concepts of Writing Studies (pp. 48-58). University

Press of Colorado.

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