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Lathbrdge University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Education PROFESSIONAL SEMESTER TWO Formative Assessment Student Teacher Rebecca Killoran ‘School: [Senator Joyce Fairbaim Middle School GradelSubjects Taught: |Foods 7 and Numeracy Intervention 6 Teacher Associate: | Sheanne Johnston University Consultant: [Howard Gambie Date: [Octoher 7th, 2022 Instructions: aa ‘Suggestions/Areas for Growth onthe fal page ofthe fom, concentrate onthe 36 most relevant and significant strengths and areas for gow, depencing onthe situation, + Tho pupose of this farm sto provie the student teacher wth specific feedback during the PSI Practicum (ED 3600) «+ The eacher associat shoud complete tis frm at regular intervals during the practicum (9. every Week or every cer wee). + The student teacher retains the completed fom fr hsher records itis not submited ote Felé Experience Ofice + To document he stunt teacher’ growth over the practicum, selecplae a checkmark, or week 1, week 2 ef. nthe appropriate level of performance for outcomes being assessed, Please aso provide some comments on Svengts/Professional Leaming Achieved and + Itismot necessary to seectlace a checkmark nex to each outcome every tne the forms completed ~ Teacher Associates may wish 4. PLANNING AND PREPARATION (10s #1, #2, #3, #4) Planning and Preparation * Dementates knowledge and sls nthe subject mar ofthe essonsincudhg hiner subject major.) 2. carportes a vary of appropiate resnues and insruconaessessren salgies io lesson plans (3) 5 Transliesleaming ovcomes rom the Abeta Program f Sudesh elevant and appropiate aring cBjecvas Tr tno lossons being tough. (3) ‘Takes into acount students prior leaning leering needs (aching suden PPS), heess and dent arabes sich 38 age, gander, soco-ecoromeslils and culling sti backvound (13 4) Organizes conlentno aporoprete components and sequences fr instucien. (3) Pans appropriate conan nd acti or he time alta (8) Prapaesleston pans fo allessons oh, using a wel- dened svusure whch Febdesarnng SECTS aN Induction and clsie, detailed procedures and instucsons, key questons. teaching steps, eaming aces, and assessment oflessonojecives. (3), Prepares unteians)n subject major hat ico etre, veren, leaming oucares,feadhngleaning aces 2d assess plan, (3), 8. Inlegrstesdigtl ecology and resouresirio hsructon nsubjec mar and ober subjects, where aporopaie (2.8) JO) 0 poo }oOoO 10, Obtains and organizes equipment nd mato fornstucton, (3) 2. INSTRUCTION (10s #1, #3. 44,45) OOO) 0 OOO) 000s. Oo OOO] 0 OO) OOR ss. SIRS) 2 SSS] seo O00) 0 00) oOo Kees. Communication. 1. Uses car, fue, nd granmatcaly corel spoken and writen nguage (8). 2 Uses vocabulary aporoprte osuders agp, baekground an ineess (2) ITI eseaa| 3. Modules hisher vice fo audit and expen. (3) 4 Deronatates cull sens a coneruneaton and instruction. 1,4, 8) Lesson Introduction 5. Establishes se reviews pror arig, enti Testoncbesivels)and expeditions, ves motalrg Merton get, [roves wvenven, areas te lesson to revs learing as appropri. (3), O} OOo ieee q Revised: Fetray 2020 2 Instruction Continued: (TOS #1, 5, #4 #5) ‘General Lesson Development. {6._hcoporale stteges for motvaing students uh relevant and eresing sect mater and ates. (3, 4) 4] 7._Prosnts content in appropriately orgerized sequenesforineuctian, (3) '8_Eipains and proceeds in smal stps a an appropriate pace allhe acy and student reponse.) OOO) 8. Demonstrates subject matter competence during stun.) 1D, Organizes ard recs larng for indvdvals, smal groups and whos cases, 4) 1, Provides cer drecon, instructions and explanations. (3) {2 Diets ofc vansiens between lessens ard rom one actly othe nt 3) 73 Uses avait ofinsruconal stalgis fo adress dosed aueomes, subject mali, varied Waring sles and invidval need neu student IP qralelebjecives).5.4) 14 Uses toad range of insructnal tates spec o subject major. (3.4) 15: Uses epproprile materials andvesoutes foreach.) 16. When appropriate, ses resources tal accurately rect and deans Sangh and dverly of Fat Nalone, Mls, and but (5) ‘T_Demonstratesfexbity and adaptbily (1,3) qoOOooRoo OO 8 OOo Os} SOOO ONeoOs ‘Questioning and Discussion 18, Asts deal prose, websequenced quesions aa vary of ogntve ves.) a) 18. Provides approprate ‘Waltim® ater posing questions. @) 20. Seeks arileaton and elaboration of eudont responses, where appropiate (3) 2, Leads and cect stent paripaton in dass dscusionefstvely and dtrbuts uedtonsappropatey. @) ooo) Focus on Student Learning 22. Cras in te classroom, inervering when neSessary, checking en inivdvaland group understanding of schviylontnt 23, Reconices and responds epoopiaely to hdvidval ferences and group Warring needs (1,8 4) 24, Rehoroes student earring, buldng on previous lanng, reviewing, and reseacting (9) Oo 8) eo) Closure 125. Achieves closure fer lessons cansoldaing Gans o cancels Trough Summaries, reviews, GaussOns aTd appiations. 3) Oo) aoo] ab05) Fo poo eeooo0o5) 26, Provides homework when appropiai and expan asSignmenis aly. (@) Blo} eqo] poop) Ale aiqa eqs Flo} aaa Oo} so] SG Gl fl 3. CLASSROOM LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT (ras #1, #2, #3, +4) Classroom Leadership, 1. Assure a leadership roln the dasstoan, lkng argo Of casroom acviies. chown conidance, pose, composue.and presence. (13.4) 7 Creates and manians an efectv waring envronmant, ang Fgh expeGatens and dandarde or der eaming, ating to student vaabs such as ae, gender, soco-eomomie sas and curling backreund. (12), Demonstrates ita, enfsiesm anda eemmitmentt he students and exact, models aprroprite behavcws (13) Eslabisiesposive relatonships anda classroom climate based on mutual ust and respet (1,2, 4) io}o}oO card ‘Management Clary defines and enoresdassoom procedures and routines. (4) ‘Clery conmuricates and reinforce expectations for appropri student behavior () onto tuent behavourandis amare of studenl bebaviow at lties. i) ‘espend onapeoprate Behav pron, iy, and consent, use appropriate lw ay and her ev responses folons school discipline polices and procedures, (4) O00) OOO) 0 ees) oAog OOO) 0) 0 ieeee.| ofa Apo |oieee ses] poss Uf: PSI Formative Assessment (Re Feb 2020) Student: Rebecca Killoran 4. ASSESSMENT (10s #3, #4) Assessment 1. Assesses stent eaming,formaivey and surrey, use a vary oT appropriate assesomenl ecg and insrumens (eg, cbsevaon,convereaton,quesioning, checking dl work, perfomance aged an writer _assoserents ques. 1a). 3) 2. Checks requnly or understanding.) Proves timely and fect feedback enlearring to stunt. @) “4 Nodes ond adopts teaching based on assessment data and student PPS (eg, enloysebmalve leaching SPaeges to reteach where rogues). (3.4) ‘5. Analyzes and evaluates measureent daa to asses8 siden ering. 3) 6._Bipainsto students how learning wilbe measured (3) 7. Develops and mailansacurate records of dent acievem@ni [eg rade shel, databases and conmunicalos resulsio students, parents and the school fective (3) OOOO) 0 jess nag o Og) o CCI) SI festa alsoloato OA OOO} & jeee..| 5. PROFESSIONAL ATTRIBUTES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (10s #1, 2.44.49) Professionalism Presents a profssana appearance and ranrr.(t 6) us proessinalobigatons(,purtualiy, reline administrative due). (6) Dernanstaes matt and proessonaljdgent (1,6) Ts knowledgeable about pcfessoralissues ad demwrsaes a dominant othe teaching professon 6,6) Esiabishes professional resionshipe with the educational community ad wider coneruny (where aperopra). (7) OOOO Professional Growth ingrovenent. 2), ‘6. Accurately assesses and documens te efecvanessoTieSens, Weniios sens and weaknesses and makes appropiate sugpetone Tor 7._Uses te resus of student assessment and feaback o mprove aching prattces and gid professional growth (3) 8._Respons appropriately o feedback fom others by istnig, ilerpreing, and mplentng suggestions. (2) 8. Develeps and communica persoral von of aching.) Professional Lesmng Too. (2) 1 Roles upon achivement of he various competences inte Teaching Quail Sand and rainy aeed goals trough the Congleton of he SSIS S| SSR 11, Develops and presen a professional porto to coleagues,ncuing tha Teacher Assoc and Univesty Constant) TE Garr oat he rees and responses of eacher according ote Abra Schoal At, chco ad dsc pos and ober evant OOOO oogo Jegislation. (6) g 18. plese acing compel rein cevcaion eporaey) ic Ethical Conduct background (5,6) "4 Respects fhe dgnty and righ of lpersns wihou prejudice as trae, rigs Deel, cobur, gence, senvalorenalon,gende Gow, Physical characlerstis, seit, martal stats, ae, ancesty, place of eign, place of esideos, soceconomcbackground or ingulst: 15. Teal tdens wih dignity an respec ands considerate oftheir oroumstanes, (456) do so{s nthe bestest of th sider. 6) 16. Does nace information received im confience orn the couse o profesional is about went except a roquredby on or where 1. Does not undermine ho coiidence of tenis hn leachers or ehersdent eachers (1) ammunated in corfdence o proper ail af fret forming the idl concerned othe cs. 6) 1. Does rot ete te professional competence or prctessional epuaion of eachere or oer student eacers uibss We cHicn = 19, Acts ina manner that maintains the honer and dant of he orfession. (1 6) 20_Does not speak on bea the Facil of Edvation, the Univrty of Leiridge, the choo or the profession unless athrzed odo so. @) Oooo g o it; Rebecca Killoran ot: PS WFormative Ase stu Page sof FEEDBACK ON PROFESSIONAL GROWTH Strengths / Professional Learning Achieved: {Becky has numerous strengths that have made her a great addition to the foods lab. She Is eager to improve her practice so she asks questions and looks for solutions. She is prepared for every lesson, even taking the time to try ut the recipes she is teaching. While she has used my materials for some of her assignments, Becky has also {created new and unique projects for her students. So far, these projects have been well-received. Despite a bit of a tech learning curve, Becky posts her itinerarylassignments for her classes on TEAMS, uses FORMS for quizzes, and has created learing games Using Blooket. She has been adaptable to our ever-fluctuating schedule and has made Inecessary adjusts without complaint, even working in the Nest at lunch hour! [She is thoughtful an¢ reflective, especially when dealing with situations revolving around student behaviour. She |worries about her relationships with kids and wants to make strong connections. Despite her quiet and nuturing \demenour, Becky will deal with inappropriate and challenging behaviour calmly and effectively. She makes the time to address students personally 'Becky has kepl her assessment practices up to date and has provided personal feedback to each student on major projects. She has appropriately addressed students whose work has not been meeting the standard she set. She loffers opportunities for growth to those students who have not met the criteria set out in her assignments. [Perhaps her greatest strength is that Becky likes to connect with kids in a real way. She intiatively finds the kids who ined a bit more of a connection. She has made connections with some of the quieter kids in our building, especially iin grade six and seven. Her quiet leadership is appreciated! jestions / Areas for Growth: jecky sets high expectations for herself so I have no doubt that she knows what areas she needs to grow in. She is till developing her ‘teacher presence’ in a classroom but she has made considerable growth in this area. She is finding her voice as well as her boundaries of what she sees as acceptable behaviour in a class. ‘onfidence in her abilities to create lessons and assignments of her own creation will come with time, One area hich she will have to develop as she progresses through PS3 will bo thinking through adaptations for students on \dapted programs. Learning how to manage the learning of all the needs in a classroom is tricky but essential Another area for Becky to work on is how to manage the pacing of the class when some students finish early and. me students fall behind. Learning to create materials/routines for early finishers will help alleviate the stress of what Jo do when kids are done work. And all teachers, including Becky, need to know how to deal with situations when things go wrong. When lessons fall lat, when students misbehave, when the pressure mounts, what strategies can be used to move forward in a healthy ind positive way, ile | know it is not always in her comfort zone, | want Becky to put herself out there a bit more, even if itis, Lncomfortable. Join as much as you can and get actively involved in the school community. Becky has so much to bffer! UoTL: PS IlFormative Assessment (Rev: Feb 2120) Student: Rebecca Killoran Page 4 of 4

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