Are You Afraid of The Dark

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Are you afraid of the dark? Well after these last harrowing five hours, I surely am.

dark and gloomy night, I walk sadly through the forest recollecting the worst moments of my life. ‘I can
believe my parents are going to divorce,’ I moaned. As I walked a little further, I heard a ringing sound.
Curiosity got the better of me so I searched vigorously to find the source for the sound. After a while of
searching, I came across what seemed to be a blue worm hole. When I came closer to the portal, I
immediately got suck in. As I floated through the worm hole for a while, I suddenly fell unconscious.

Slowly as I regained my consciousness, I found myself in a dark cave. ‘Where am I,’

queried ‘Maybe that was a teleporter.’ Then I hear a roar of something huge. Fill with terror, I made a
mad dash till I stumble upon something touch shaped. Scrambling to see if it was a touch, I was able to
get it working. ‘Yes,’ I whispered trying not to attach whatever was following me. As I shone the light,
there a skeleton sat on the rock ground with a diary saying ‘Way out.’ Chills ran up my spine as I graded
the diary trying to find my way out what seemed to be a never ending cave. Then as I was about to leave
the cave ,a glowing twenty foot monster with wings wider than the cave, a head like a lizard with spikes
down its spine and blood red ,razor sharp teeth and claws was standing right before me. With no other
choice I knew the only to save myself from being trapped here forever is to get past it.

Suddenly the ground started to rumble like a category six earthquake. Then the monster
in front I turned around and there a monster twice the size as the other one came. An epic battle started
between the two. It didn’t took long for the smaller monster eaten by the other. Slowly the monster
walked away making earthquakes with every step. Soon I decided to settle down in the cave reading the
diary to find my way out. My face lit like a Christmas tree till I found one part of the diary stating ‘I have
found a way to get out, to the north of this cave is another cave guarded by a creature named Ikoran
who is the soul protector of the Crystal Of Sonaria where you can make a wish to get of this place called
Sonaria. With no time to waste, I ran as fast as a bullet to reach my destination.

Stealthily as I reached to the cave, I saw Ikoran sleeping as he lied in front of the
entrance. His entire body was glowing a bright purple its head was like a snake while its body was like a
dog. Silently I sneaked trying not to make a peep. While trying to squeeze between Ikoran and the
crunchy, dry wall there the crystal floated over a mountain of gold. After I finished squeezed I raced to
the top of the mountain of gold and obtained the crystal I made a fatal error I screamed at the top of the
lungs ‘Yes.’ Then Ikoran woke up infuriated with angry he burst through the wall like it was nothing.
Almost saying the wrong word I yelled ‘I wish to go back home’ suddenly a bright light flashed before my
eyes like fairies in a sunbeam dance. Gradually I opened my eyes to find myself next to my house. A
moment later my parents came rushing out the house and gave me a giant bear hug while telling “Son
we are not going to divorce because we still love each other,’

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