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Lesson Idea - Mul media

Lesson Title Solving expressions with radicals

Content Area Algebra 2; grades 9-11

Content Standards MGSE9-12.A.REI.2 Solve simple rational and radical equations in one
variable, and give examples showing how extraneous solutions may
Technology Standards ITSE Standards:
1.2 Digital Citizen
- Students recognize the rights,
responsibilities, and opportunities of living, learning and
working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and
model in ways that are safe, legal, and ethical.
1.4.a Innovative Designer
- Students know and use a deliberate
design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating
innovative artifacts, or solving authentic problems

Integrated Technology Computer, mobile device

Reference or Nearpod, Screen Recording application
Supporting Resources

Bloom’s Taxonomy Bloom’s Levels:

Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, Creating
Integration Level LoTi Level 4: Integration

Importance of This multimedia tool allows for screen, video, and audio sharing which
gives students another means of representation. The presentation would
not be the same without using this type of technology since I am asking
for students to share their presentations. If I did not use the technology,
I could have showed the class in person how to create and share their
presentations to a collaborative document. Then, from this document
they would have been able to view their peers work.


Internet Safety and When students create their own video, they will not have to
Student Privacy
share their name or upload their video anywhere. To ensure they do the
assignment I will have them submit it to a designated drop box on our
school website. Also, I would provide a direct and private link of my
video. In doing this students and parents will not have to worry about
any of their information being stolen or viruses going to they device. I
would also be following Internet Safety policies closely and letting
parents/administrators know of the project and guidelines for students
Universal Design I feel that this lesson gives students a way to have multiple means of
representation present. This also adds a support for students who feel
like they need to brush up on the material. This can be accessed from
their home computer after school. This is a great way for student to
review material at their own pace.
Lesson Idea I plan for this to be an exploration day for my class. Information was
went over the day before so this will be a chance for students to create
with the information. To start the lesson I will have my students watch
my video explaining what I want my students to create for the class.
Students will be assessed in their creation of their presentation and will
be presented in front of the class. After the class, I will have the
students use a screen recording application to create their own video
explaining their Nearpod creation. This will be emailed to me or
submitted via dropbox on the school website.

Students will present their lessons to the class on the next academic
day. Students will add a collaboration slide at the end of their
presentation so that all students can give feedback on their lessons. This
is promoting higher order thinking by having students analyze their
lesson and create a presentation/ a form of multimedia. At the end of all
the presentations I will add them to a singular document and post it to
our website so that students can access them after school. This will
allow them to review. Students’ privacy and safety will be taken into
consideration for this project. To ensure that these videos are not
misused I will password protect them. Parents and admin will also be
notified of the project details as well.

Design Reflection After designing this lesson, I think that I have created a lesson that will
enhance students presentation skills and also promote internet safety.
Students will also have to read feedback about their projects and add or
subtract things from their projects to make them better. This is also a
great way to allow students to be creative. They are given a pretty
unrestrictive parameters they have to follow in order to complete this
task so I hope they will be very creative.

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