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Jaime Arbuckle

TPACK Creating Assignment Template

Content Subject Science


Grade Level First

Learning Objective Earth Patterns, Cycles, and Change

The objective of the lesson is
1.7 The student will investigate and understand the relationship of seasonal change and
what students will be able to do
as they finish the activity. For this weather to the activities and life processes of plants and animals. Key concepts include
objective, use the Standards of
Learning (SOL) to say what you
how temperature, light, and precipitation bring about changes in
want to focus on.
c) people (dress, recreation, and work).
You can find the SOLs at
ting/ look on the right of the
screen for the subjects and go
from there.

Pedagogy In this activity, my students are going to use Pixton App to create a comic book character discussing the
Planning changes in seasons and how these affect people.
Jaime Arbuckle

Pedagogy Activity Describe what the

learning activity will be. What
will the students and the teacher
be doing? (This includes what
1. The teacher will bring students to
they are doing with the 2. The teacher will help the students get logged into the app by creating
technology). Many people tend
to find this part easier if they an account for them.
number the action in order and
think of this from the view of a
3. The teacher can make an example character and comic with the class
substitute teacher. This lesson to show them how to navigate Pixtoon.
was left on the desk, can you
follow it and teach the class
today? Add numbers as you need 4. Students will click on "Create a Comic" in the upper right hand
to describe your class/activity for corner of the screen.
the day.
5. Students will be prompted to create a comic book character or choose
from a pre-created character under the Character tab (this can be a
likeness to them or their own idea, creativity is encouraged).
6. Students will create a background (any background can be used for
the introduction slide).
7. Students will add the character of their choosing using the
“Characters” tab. Click “Add Character”.
8. There are pre-made characters available including “Man, woman,
child, teacher, etc.)
9. The teacher should monitor to make sure students do not spend too
much time on choosing a character or customization. This is not a
critical part of the assignment.
10. Students will click on "Words" and add an introduction to the class
including their name.
11. Once the introduction slide is complete, students can begin adding
different seasons.

12. For each panel students should choose a seasonal background.

13. Students should dress their character first.
14. They can then edit the effects including weather, movement, facial
expressions, etc.
15. The teacher should be available to help students should they run into
any issues using the app or website. More detailed instructions are
listed in steps 14-21 on how to edit the background and
16. Text for each panel should discuss what the season is like for people
(students may need assistance with typing out text panels, but the
teacher should use the students words).

17. Students should discuss things they like to do during the season they
are describing.
Jaime Arbuckle

18. Weather can be added on the right side of the screen using the rain
cloud button.
19. Students can change their character's movement using the "Actions"

20. Students can change their character's expression under the "Faces"

21. Students can zoom in or out on the character/background under the

"Focus tab".

22. There should be a minimum of 4 panels reflecting the 4 seasons

(additional panels are on the left side of the screen under the first
panel there is an option to "Add Panel".

23. Once all seasons have been completed, the student should select
"Done" the big red button in the top right section of the screen.
24. Students can name their comic.

25. The teacher should be available to help students with navigating

Pixtoon whether on the computer or the app.
Jaime Arbuckle

Technology Web 2.0 Technology

Name of the device and/or
programs being used. (The
description of what the students
will be doing with the technology
will be included in the
pedagogy/activity section).
Jaime Arbuckle

Link to the example

product you made
pretending to be a

Mobile App Option

Pixton is supposed to have a mobile app, however I couldn’t get it to pull
up on my phone so I searched for an appropriate alternative app. Comics
Head is an app available on iphones and ipads in the iTunes App Store
that is free to download and use.
Jaime Arbuckle

Before you submit, delete the explanatory text (the text in small italics).

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