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1 Put the correct verb TO BE
Mary and James_________intelligent. are/is
Marcos_________different. Is/are
She_____sad. Are/is
Are____in the school? You/he/she/I
I_______very clever. Are/am
It____Sunday today. Are/is

2 Choose the correct sentence.

She not is lazy. / She is not lazy. /She no lazy.
He are not intelligent. /He no intelligent./ He is not intelligent.
I are not from Spain./ I am not from Spain.
Are you happy?/ Is you happy? /Are you hapy? /You not happy?

3 Complete the sentences with the verbs be or have got:

1. It ………….very cold today.
2. She ………… two houses in London.
3. Andrew……………. 25 years old.
4. It …………… freezing today.
5. They ……………. a nice car.
6. Sarah ………………a teacher.
7. John and Paul ……….. a brother.
8. They ………. really intelligent.
9. Tom ……… two new smartphones.
10. It ……….difficult to speak Chinese.

4 Replace the words to create meaningful sentences:

1. is / She / an /person / intelligent
2. is / round / This / table.
3. There / men / two / are / here.
4. you / ready / Are ?
5. you / are / Where / from ?

5 Choose the correct form of verb to be in negative

a She ____ my best friend. am not isn't aren't

b I ____ happy. am not is not are not

c My grandmother ____ 80 years old. am not is not are not

d My uncle ____ in Japan. am not isn't aren't

e Our new car ____ red. am not isn't aren't

f Peter and Tom ____ bus drivers. am not is not are not

g It ____ a small house. am not isn't aren't

h Peter and I ____ tired. am not is not are not

i I ____ at home. am not isn't aren't

j His father ____ sad. am not is not are not

6 Complete with the correct form of there is or there are:

1 any chocolate left?
2 No, any train to Miami. You must take a bus.
3 a bank over here?
4 lots of pubs on this street.
5 How many supermarkets in this town?
6 five apples.
7 a church nearby?
8 No, any tickets left.
9 two museums in his town.
10 an Italian restaurant near my house but the food isn't very

7 Complete the conversation with the verbs. Put them in the present simple.
Sarah: (1) __________________ (you / like) your school?
Dan: Yes, it’s OK. We (2) __________________ (do) a lot of sport.
Sarah: (3) What __________________ (you / play)?
Dan: Football, and sometimes basketball. I usually (4) __________________ (play)
football at
lunchtime with Tom and Jason.
Sarah: Are they in your class?
Dan: Yes, but we (5) __________________ (not / work) in the same groups for
science and
maths. Tom is in a different science group and Jason (6) __________________ (not /
study) maths with Tom and me. He’s in a special group because he’s very good at
Sarah: Is Tom very good at science?
Dan: No, he isn’t! He (7) __________________ (not / like) science. He (8)
__________________ (like) literature. Jason and I (9) __________________ (help)
him with his science homework sometimes.
Sarah: (10) __________________ (Tom / help) you with your homework?
Dan: Yes, sometimes. I’m not good at literature or languages.

8 Complete the conversations with the verbs in the box. Use the present simple.
ask speak have not understand like
Dad: How’s school?
Bea: Ok. We (1) __________________ a new English teacher now. He’s called Mr
Dad: (2) __________________ you __________________ him?
Bea: Yes, he’s nice.
Dad: Oh good.
Bea: He (3) __________________ us lots of questions. Andrea isn’t very happy.
Dad: Why not?
Bea: Because Mr Turner (4) __________________ quickly and she (5)
__________________ him.
Dad: Oh dear, poor Andrea.

9 Complete the email from Sara with the verbs. Put them in the present
Hi Nicki,
What (1) __________________ (you / do)? (2) _________________ (you /
have) fun? I (3)__________________ (work) hard at the moment. This week we
(4)__________________ (rehearse) a new play. It’s not a musical, so we
(5)__________________ (not learn) any songs, but there’s a lot of work to do. I
(6)________________ (not go) out this week at all. Every evening I’m at school!
Hannah says hi! She (7) __________________ (use) another computer. The IT
teacher isn’t here. She (8) __________________ (help) the Year 11 students. Next
week there is a special performance by Year 11, so this week they (9)
__________________ (not do) any school work. Lucky things! How are Dan and
Jack? (10)__________________ (they / practise) for their big football match on
Saturday? Have a good day tomorrow,
Sara x

10 Choose the correct answer.

1 __________________to the theatre every week.
a They’re going b They go
2 James isn’t here. __________________ basketball.
a He’s playing b He plays
3 __________________ for your tour at the moment?
a Are you rehearsing b Do you rehearse
4 __________________ to my friends on the internet after school.
a I’m talking b I talk
5 We __________________ our play this week.
a aren’t performing b don’t perform

11 HAVE GOT. Complete the questions and short answers with the correct form of
have got.
1. ________ Tom ________ a TV?
Yes, ________________.
2. ________ Tom and Sue ________ a bicycle?
Yes, ________________.
3. ________ Sue and James ________ a cat?
No, ________________.
4. ________ Tom ________ a cat?
No, ________________.

12 PRESENT SIMPLE. Choose the correct form.

1. I never wear / wears socks in the summer.
2. Jenny go / goes to the gym every day.
3. Dan and Jane don’t / doesn’t like my new books.
4. My friend study / studies drama at university.
5. He don’t / doesn’t watch a lot of TV.
6. We live / lives in New York.
7. You never send / sends me emails!


My brother and I usually (go) __________ to a disco on Saturdays, but this
weekend we (stay) __________ at home. Our cousin (visit) ______________ us from
Canada at the moment and he (not like) ______________ dance music. It’s OK
because I (play) ________________ football on Sunday morning and I (not want)
________________ to be tired.
14 Complete the sentences with the PAST SIMPLE.
1. We (not go) __________ shopping yesterday afternoon.
2. She (put) __________ the letter in the envelope.
3. He (be) __________ late, so he (take) __________ a taxi to the station.
4. Ana (not believe) _____________ my story.
5. Jack (tell) __________ me a funny joke yesterday.
6. _____ they ________ (win) the football match last Saturday?
7. (be) _______ the weather bad yesterday?
8. We (stay) __________ at home and (watch) __________ some videos.
9. I (not clean) __________ my bedroom, so my mother (not be) __________ very
10. (visit) ______ you _______ your best friend?

15 Complete the sentences about London and Madrid with the COMPARATIVE
FORM of the adjectives.
1. London is (large) _____________ Madrid.
2. Madrid is (hot) _____________ London.
3. Heathrow Airport in London is (busy)
_____________ Madrid Airport.
4. London is (expensive) _____________Madrid.
5. Madrid is (high) _____________ London.
6. Madrid is (dry) _____________ London.

16 Complete these facts with the SUPERLATIVE FORM of these adjectives:

1. The Pacific is _____________ ocean in the world.
2. Everest is _____________ mountain in the world.
3. Bill Gates is _____________ man in the world.
4. Diamonds are _____________ substance in the world.
5. Pluto is _____________ planet in the Solar System.
6. The Nile is _____________ river in the world.
7. France is _____________ country in the world for tourists.

17 Complete the dialogue with WILL or GOING TO.

Paul: Hi, Kim. What are your plans for the weekend?
(you/do) Are you going to do anything nice?
Kim: Yes, I (visit) ________________ my uncle and
aunt. They’ve got a house by the sea in Wales.
Paul: (you/go) ________________ surfing?
Kim: Yes, and sailing!
Paul: Fantastic. How (you/get) ________________
Kim: I (drive) ________________.
Paul: What time (you/leave) ________________?
Kim: About nine o’clock.
Paul: It (take) ________________ ages to drive there.
Do you really want to spend all of Saturday in a car?
Kim: No, I don’t. You’re right. I (not drive)
________________. I (go) ________________ by train.

18 Complete Ruth’s sentences about the arrangements for a party tomorrow. Use
the PRESENT CONTINUOUS for future plans.
Pete and I (finish) ________________ school at 4 o’clock.
Pete (go) ________________to the supermarket at half past four.
I (tidy) ________________ the house at five o’clock.
We (not make) ________________ sandwiches, we (buy) ________________ some
I (have) ________________ a shower at half past six.
Our friends (not come) ________________ by car.
They (catch) ________________ the bus. So they (arrive) ________________ at
seven o’clock. They (go) ________________ back home by bus,too.
19 Write the third person singular (he/she/it) form of the verbs.
like likes
1 know ____________
2 study ____________
3 speak ____________
4 live ____________
5 teach ____________
6 go ___________

20 Complete the sentences with don’t or doesn’t.

He doesn’t play cricket.
1 You ________________ speak good English.
2 Sara ________________ study art at school.
3 We ________________ teach music.
4 Tom ________________ live in Madrid.
5 I ________________ know that girl.
6 The dog ________________ like cats!

21 Complete the questions with the correct word.

Do we walk to school? (he / we)
1 Does ________________ study art? (she / they)
2 Do ________________ live in this city? (he / you)
3 Does ________________ like reggae? (you / he)
4 Does ________________ play football? (your brother / your brothers)
5 Do ________________ speak in class? (the student / the students)

22 Write questions. Order the words and use the present simple form of the verbs.
1 go / you / after school? / Where
_____________________________________ ?
2 watch? / TV programmes / Which / she
_____________________________________ ?
3 eat / your parents / What / for breakfast?
_____________________________________ ?
4 play / Where / the team / football?
_____________________________________ ?
5 revise / they / How / for exams?
_____________________________________ ?
6 meet / Who / your brother / in town?
_____________________________________ ?
7 go / he / to school? / What time
_____________________________________ ?

23 Choose the correct words.

A Where was / were you yesterday afternoon?
B Oh, I (1) was / were at the library.
A No, you (2) wasn’t / weren’t. The library (3) wasn’t / weren’t open. (4) Was / Were
you at the shopping centre?
B No! I (5) wasn’t / weren’t at the shopping centre. OK, I (6) was / were with Xiana
and we (7) was /
were at the café. Why? (8) Was / Were there a party or something?
A No, it (9) was / were the football match. We (10) wasn’t / weren’t very good.
Thanks to you, there (11) was / were only ten players in our team!

24 Look at the sentences. Then write the past simple negative form of the verbs.
He walked home. He didn’t walk home.
1 I played football. I ___________________ football.
2 We prayed. We ___________________.
3 She washed. She ___________________.
4 The spider jumped. The spider ___________________.
5 You travelled by train. You ___________________ by train.

25 Complete the sentences. Write was or were (+) or wasn’t or weren’t (-).
There was a football match yesterday. (+)
1 There _____________ any sandwiches at the café. (-)
2 There _____________ a science class yesterday.(+)
3 There _____________ snacks in the kitchen. (-)
4 There _____________ much juice. (+)
5 There _____________ lots of people in town on Saturday. (-)

26 Write affirmative and negative sentences. Use the correct form of was or were.
They(students / not teachers) They were students. They weren’t teachers.
1 This book (interesting / it not boring) ______________________________________
2 They (Japanese / not American) ______________________________________
3 We (in the café / not at school) ______________________________________
4 Tweetie (a bird / he not a parrot) ______________________________________

27 Write the past simple form of the verbs.

travel travelled
1 invent _____________
2 visit _____________
3 name _____________
4 discover _____________
5 invade _____________
6 use _____________
7 live _____________
8 change _____________
9 like _____________

28 Write questions with was or were.

where / you / yesterday / ? Where were you yesterday?
1 they / at the cinema / ? ______________________________________
2 who / your / favourite actor / ? ______________________________________
3 she / a maths teacher / ? ______________________________________
4 when / they / born / ? ______________________________________

29 Rewrite the sentences in the past simple.

They live in this house. They lived in this house.
1 We listen to music. ______________________________________
2 I don’t like animals. ______________________________________
3 The chameleon changes colour. ______________________________________
4 You travel by car. ______________________________________
5 Fabio doesn’t stay here. ______________________________________
6 They don’t watch TV. ______________________________________

30 Choose the correct past simple form.

have had / haved
1 meet meet / met
2 win wan / won
3 lose lost / losen
4 buy buyed / bought
5 eat ete / ate
6 see saw / sew
31 Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs.
They named (name) the dog Bikolo.
1 I ________________ (find) the bag under the desk.
2 He ________________ (go) there on holiday.
3 We ________________ (visit) the museum.
4 She ________________ (have) pizza for dinner.

32 Haz frases con be going to + infinitivo y las palabras entre paréntesis. Utiliza
las contracciones de be si es posible.
0 (I/see/a film tonight) I’m going to see a film tonight.
1 (She/buy/a new car tomorrow)
2 (They/not/catch/that train)
3 (you/have/a holiday next summer?)
4 (They/work/hard/the Maths test next month)
5 (they/win/the football match?)
6 (you/take/the exam in June?)
7 (she/not/buy/a new house)
8 (we/sell/our car tomorrow)

33 Pon las palabras en el orden correcto.

0 (they/to/win/are/going?) Are they going to win?
1 (that/she/computer/going/to/isn’t/buy)
2 (he/his/visit/aunt/going/is/to)
3 (tonight/dance/we/to/are/going)
4 (finish/they/are/soon/to/going?)
5 (next/Chile/to/going/to/he/week/travel/is)
6 (eat/they/out/going/are/Saturday/on/to?)
34 Elige la respuesta correcta.
 We need some _____ to sit on.
 How much _____ do you have in your wallet?
 I‘m going to buy _____ for the party
 Can I have some more _____, please?
 There are too many _____ in this soup.

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