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MaXHUD v 2.2.

6 (2022/02/06)

MaXHUD has been inspired by the great AdvancedHUD by random: I credit random for his
great work and his willingness to share his code. Thanks man !

Currently working with:

GP Bikes beta20 World Racing Series beta14

Kart Racing Pro MX Bikes beta17


Unzipping the archive you will find:

● MaxHUD.pdf : this file

● MaxHUD_data : data directory for the plugin
● MaxHUD_GPB64.dlo : plugin for GP Bikes
● MaxHUD_MXB64.dlo : plugin for MX Bikes
● MaxHUD_WRS64.dlo : plugin for World Racing Series
● MaxHUD_KRP64.dlo : plugin for Kart Racing Pro

Copy the MaxHUD_data folder and the relevant .dlo file (e.g. MaxHUD_GPB64.dlo for GPB) to
the game’s plugins folder, which is (depending on the game):
● C:\Program Files\GP Bikes\gpbikes\plugins
● C:\Program Files\World Racing Series\wrs\plugins
● C:\Program Files\Kart Racing Pro\plugins
● C:\Program Files\MX Bikes\plugins

The plugin creates a MaxHUD.ini file in the data directory corresponding to the game:
● C:\Users\<Your Windows Username>\Documents\PiBoSo\GP Bikes\
● C:\Users\<Your Windows Username>\Documents\PiBoSo\World Racing Series\
● C:\Users\<Your Windows Username>\Documents\PiBoSo\Kart Racing Pro\
● C:\Users\<Your Windows Username>\Documents\PiBoSo\MX Bikes\
or simply in the game directory if you’re using “compatibility mode”.

If you are installing over a previous version of MaxHUD:

● your existing MaxHUD.ini file MAY be replaced by a new one with default values. All the
widget properties (i.e. position and on/off status) may hence be reset. Your old .ini file will
be kept, renamed to MaxHUD.ini.20130413_223000 (current date and time).
● it is better to remove the existing MaxHUD_data folder prior to copying the new one.

NOTE: in case of issues like missing dlls or things not showing up, please install Microsoft
Visual C++ 2015,2017,2019 Redistributable Package x64 available here (root page is here):

The plugin has a bunch of independent "widgets", described here below.

● General ● Radar
● Helmet ● Inputs
● Timing ● Joypad
● LiveGapBar ● Speed and gear
● Standings ● Suspensions (not for KRP)
● Fuel ● Lean (GPB and MXB only)
● Map ● Rumble (not visible)

Widgets common features:

When on the track, pressing CAPS-LOCK will show a menu that will allow to:

● Select the current profile: three profiles are available (P1, P2, P3), click on the
helmet button (top right corner of the menu) to switch profile.
● Activate/deactivate each widget: clicking on the on/off button of each widget.
● Set widget position: you can move most of the widgets right clicking on an
active widget (or using left shift + click, for Apple people ...) and dragging it to the
desired position on the screen. By default, the widget position is the same across all
the profiles. If you need different positions per profile, click on the “pin” button of the
● Access widget options: clicking on the “parameters” button of each widget. You
will then see some options on the right part of the menu, clicking on them will cycle
through the available settings for each option. Widget options accessible via the
menu correspond to .INI file options written in red later on in this document.

Each widget status (enabled/disabled), position and options is saved in the MaXHUD.ini file
independently for each profile. So you can have (for example) one profile with all widgets
off and another with some on and some off. The menu itself can be moved around (same
position no matter the profile).

If you delete the MaXHUD.ini file, it will be recreated (with default values). It will also be
re-created if there’s a major version change (you’ll be notified on screen when this
happens): your old MaxHUD.ini file will be renamed to MaxHUD.ini.YYYYMMDD-hhmmss.

Whenever a widget has a color configurable in the .INI file, the color will be in the form
[alpha, blue, green, red] where each value is an integer in the range 0-255 (alpha is the
transparency, 255 is fully opaque).

Some widgets are also available when spectating and/or in replay mode: showing the menu
will show which ones are available in the current mode.
This is not really a widget, but allows you to set some global options, like:
● font_fixed: an integer referencing the fixed size (i.e. monospaced) font.
● font_variable: an integer referencing the variable size font.

The plugin detects automatically any .fnt file (PiBoSo’s format) with the naming convention:
○ FontFix*.fnt: for fixed size fonts
○ FontVar*.fnt: for variable size fonts

Some widgets have a menu option for a background: it can be set to no background, a
background color (specified for each widget in the .ini) or to a background .tga file. Each of
these widgets expect a specific file name, indicated in the menu option (e.g.
“back_Standings.tga” for HUDStandings).

When times (e.g. laps, splits, gaps) are shown, the separators are:
● “h” between hours and minutes
● “:” between minutes and seconds
● “.” between seconds and fractions of a second (milliseconds or hundredths)

Overlays the helmet interior (as seen from inside). It only
makes sense in rider view, of course. MXB has a dedicated
helmet (thanks to TheFatController) GPB, KRP and WRS
use the same helmet (thanks to Juju).

.INI file parameters ([HUDHelmet] section):

● show_helmet: 0/1 to hide/show the helmet overlay.
● top_offset: [0..9], vertical position of the top part of the helmet.
● bottom_offset: [0..9], vertical position of the bottom part of the helmet.
● visor_color: [0..5], color of the visor.
● visor_shade: [0..4], opacity of the visor.
● vibrate: 0/1, helmet vibration off/on.
● helmet_rotation_factor: [0..10] for [0%, 10%, 20%, ... 100%]. For example, the
value 100% (resp. 60%) means that if the bike leans Xdeg, the helmet will lean
1.0*Xdeg (resp 0.6*Xdeg). 0% means no helmet rotation.
● helmet_rotation_inverse: 0/1 to have the helmet rotate as the horizon or in the
opposite direction.

NOTE: the result you obtain depends on the “tilt” setting of the first person view. If “tilt” is
100% and the helmet rotation factor is 100% and the helmet rotation is not inverted, then
the helmet will be aligned to the horizon.

This widget has 3 modes: full, compact and tiny. In full mode (image on the right), you
have 4 lines for your best, last and current lap (over one session) and LiveGap. In lines 1, 2
and 3, column 1 is for the lap number (00 -> no lap), columns 2, 3, 4 and 5 are the 4 splits
(only 3 for MXB, KRP and WRS) the last column is the overall lap time. If a best lap is
present, line 2 and 3 will show time differences with respect to the best time (red if slower,
green if faster). Else they will show absolute times. When you cross a split line or the finish
line, timing information at the point is maintained for 3 seconds before the entire display is
updated (your current lap could become your best or last lap).
LiveGap is the time difference (at the same spot on the track) between your current lap and
your best lap. This is computed using Windows accurate timer because surprisingly the
game timing info (_fTime) drifts seriously after a few laps.

In compact mode, you still have the 4 lines (best, last, current lap + LiveGap), but only two
columns: the first shows the lap times (like last column of full mode), the second shows the
partials (i.e. cumulative times up to the last crossed split line). If a best lap is present, line
2 and 3 will show time differences with respect to the best time (red if slower, green if
faster). Else they will show absolute times.

In tiny mode, you have the same as compact mode, but with only 2 lines: one for the
current lap, another for LiveGap.

.INI file parameters ([HUDTiming] section):

● size: 0/1/2, for small/medium/large.
● show_background: 0/1/2 to hide/show the background/use a .tga for background.
● mode: 0/1/2, for full/compact/tiny mode.
● split_hold: [0..4] corresponding to 0, 1, 3, 5 and 10 seconds, delay during which the
LiveGap is held when crossing a split/finish line.

● _color_back: background color.
● _color_light: normal timing color.
● _color_dark: dark color (for separators).
● _color_fast: color for gaps when faster.
● _color_slow: color for gaps when slower.

LiveGap shown as an horizontal coloured bar. The time gap is held for a configurable amount

of time when you cross the finish line or a split point.

.INI file parameters ([HUDLiveGapBar] section):

● size: [0..4], for five possible sizes.
● show_background: 0/1/2 to hide/show the background/use a .tga for background.
● bar_scale: [0..8] corresponding to 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 60, 600, 3600 seconds, scale of
the bar.
● split_hold: [0..4] corresponding to 0, 1, 3, 5 and 10 seconds, delay during which the
time gap is held when crossing the finish line or a split point.
● downsample: [0..6] corresponding to 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100. If you find the
LiveGap numbers are flickering (changing too quickly), you can downsample: 1
means no downsample, N means keep one sample every N (e.g. if the plugin runs at
50 samples per second, N=50 will lead to one LiveGap update only every second).
● _color_back: background color (unless the .tga is used).
● _color_bar_slow: bar color when slower (interpolated).
● _color_bar_neutral: bar color when same time (interpolated).
● _color_bar_fast: bar color when faster(interpolated).
● _color_text_slow: text color when slower.
● _color_text_neutral: text color.
● _color_text_fast: text color when faster.

Shows the current standings. Notice that the standings
are only updated when a rider crosses the finish line: if
you pass a rider during a lap, this will not be reflected in
the standings until you cross the finish line.

.INI file parameters ([HUDStandings] section):

● size: 0/1/2, for small/medium/large.
● show_background: 0/1/2 to hide/show the
background/use a .tga for background.
● gaps: 0/1/2 to show gaps from (respectively) the
leader, your vehicle or alternating between the
two (every 3 seconds).
● _color_back: background color (unless the .tga is used).
● _color_header: text color of header line.
● _color_pos: text color of position numbers (1st column).
● _color_racenum: text color of race numbers (2nd column).
● _color_namecurr: text color of position numbers (1st column).
● _color_nameoths: text color of name of current rider/driver (3rd column).
● _color_gap: text color of name of non-current rider/driver (3rd column).
● _color_fininshline: color of finish line marker.

Shows remaining fuel (litres) and projected laps. The
1st line has fuel left and projected number of laps left,
with mileage computed as average on all the laps of
this run. The 2nd line has fuel used in the last lap and projected number of laps left, with
mileage computed as per last lap.

.INI file parameters ([HUDFuel] section):

● size: 0/1/2, for small/medium/large.
● show_background: 0/1/2 to hide/show the background/use a .tga for background.
● _color_back: background color (unless the .tga is used).
● _color_light: text color.
● _color_dark: text color.

Track map with a red dot indicating your current position and
orange dots for other riders (up to 20). Also, a purple arrow
indicates the track direction and there are lines for finish line,
split lines and speed trap (respectively white, green and
yellow). Race numbers can also be shown next to the dots.

.INI file parameters ([HUDMap] section):

● size: [0..4] for five possible sizes.
● show_background: 0/1/2 to hide/show the
background/use a .tga for background.
● rotate: 0/1. If 0 (zero), the track orientation is fixed. If
1 the track will rotate with the bike/car (yaw) in order
to always have the bike/car pointing “north” (i.e.
towards the top of your screen).
● range: [0..10] corresponding to [0, 10, 50, 100, 200,
400, 800, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000] meters. If 0 (zero) the whole track will be
shown, else only a square “window” (side is 2 x range) will be shown and the track
will translate. Notice that if the range is such that the entire track fits in, the track
will not translate.
● show_racenums: 0/1 to hide/show race numbers on the track map.
● show_range: 0/1 to hide/show the current range. Notice that if the range is such
that the entire track fits in, no caption will be shown.
● track_width: [0..11] corresponding to 0, 20, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 2000, 5000,
10000, 20000 meters of track width. 0 (zero) means a fixed width with respect to
the screen (no matter the range being shown).
● trackborder_width: [0..5] corresponding to 0, 0.25, 0.50, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 meters of
track border width. 0 (zero) means a fixed width with respect to the screen (no
matter the range being shown).
● _color_back: background color (unless the .tga is used).
● _color_track: color of the track.
● _color_trackborder: color of the track border.
● _color_me: color of current rider/driver marker.
● _color_others: color of non-current rider/driver marker.

For rotate and range, only 2 of the 4 possible combos should be of interest:
● rotate = false, range = 0: this is the default mode, track not rotating and shown
● rotate = true, range = 200 (or whatever you like): here the track rotates (i.e. the
bike/car will always be heading “north” on the map) and translates (i.e. the bike/car
will always be in the center of the widget and only +/-200m in each direction will be
A proximity radar: nearby vehicles are shown (when close to you) as:
● markers on the radar, and/or as
● “flying markers” on the screen

Flying markers are indicators that “turn around the screen” signalling
where the other vehicle is with respect to you.

.INI file parameters ([HUDRadar] section):

● size: 0/1/2, for small/medium/large.
● show_background: 0/1/2 to hide/show the background/use a .tga for background.
● mode: 0/1/2 for radar only / flying markers only / both.
● range: [0..4] for 5/10/20/50/100m, detection range for radar and flying markers.
● markers_size: 0/1/2 for small / medium / large (flying markers size).
● markers_fadefov: [0..3] for no fade / small fov / medium fov / large fov (to fade the
flying markers when the other vehicle is “in front”).
● _color_back: background color (unless the .tga is used).
● _color_marker_far: color for the markers when far.
● _color_marker_near: color for the markers when near.

Shows speed and gear. It changes color when the RPMs are above
the "suggested" RPM for shifting gear or are at the max. Throttle and
brake bars can also be shown below the speed.

.INI file parameters ([HUDSpeed] section):

● size: 0/1/2, for small/medium/large.
● show_background: 0/1/2 to hide/show the background/use a .tga for background.
● use_miles: 0/1 for Kmh / Mph.
● hide_speed: 0/1 to to show/hide speed indicator.
● show_thrbrk: 0/1/2 to hide/show only in replays/show the throttle and brake bars.
● _color_back: background color (unless the .tga is used).
● _color_lowrpm: color for low RPMs.
● _color_highrpm1: color for high RPMs.
● _color_highrpm2: color for high RPMs.

Bars for inputs: Steering, Throttle, Front/Rear brake (Brake/
Handbrake for WRS, Front Brakes/Brake for KRP) and Clutch.
GPB and MXB have an additional input showing the target lean
(which in fact is the target steering angle/steering torque when
using Direct Steer Angle/Torque).

.INI file parameters ([HUDInputs] section):

● size: 0/1/2, for small/medium/large.
● show_background: 0/1/2 to hide/show the background/use a .tga for background.
● input_device: cycles through the possible input devices. You have to select the
one you use for steering.
● steering_axis: cycles through the axes of the selected input device. Each axis has a
number and a sign. The sign inverts the axis output. You have to select the axis
you use for steering.
● Use_engine_throttle: 0/1, “throttle” is what comes out of your input device, “engine
throttle” is what goes into the engine (i.e. corrected buy the ECU with idle control,
traction control, anti wheeling and rev limiter). For GPB only.
● steering_angle_scale: [0..8] corresponding to [5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 90, 180, 360, 450]
degrees, for the max value of the steering angle bar (in degrees). Only for GPB and
● _color_back: background color (unless the .tga is used).

A representation of the joypad output values. In fact it can be
used to show the output of any input device (i.e. even if not a
joypad). You’ll have to select one input device (typically the
joypad you use) and then manually associate an axis of the
device to where you want to be displayed. Axis -1 means axis 1,
but inverted.

.INI file parameters ([HUDJoypad] section):

● size: 0/1/2, for small/medium/large.
● show_background: 0/1/2 to hide/show the background/use a .tga for background.
● input_device: cycles through the possible input devices. You have to select the
one you use: typically, the joypad you use in its XInput variant.
● stick1_hor, stick1_ver: left stick, horizontal/vertical axis.
● stick2_hor, stick2_ver: right stick, horizontal/vertical axis.
● trigger_1, trigger_2: left/right trigger.
● show_values: 0/1, show strings with raw values.
● _color_back: background color (unless the .tga is used).
● _color_front: foreground color.
● _color_dots: stick dot color.

Suspensions [not for KRP]:

An ugly representation of the vehicle suspensions status. A
warning icon is shown next to each suspension when the
suspension is “bottoming out” (according to the configurable
.INI file parameters ([HUDSuspensions] section):
● size: 0/1/2, for small/medium/large.
● show_background: 0/1/2 to hide/show the background/use a .tga for background.
● bottomout_threshold: [0..5] for different bottom-out thresholds.
● show_infos: 0/1 to show hide raw values (suspension extension and height of the
reference point of the vehicle).
● _color_back: background color (unless the .tga is used).

Lean [GPB and MXB only]:

Shows the bike lean angle (blue line). Optionally, it
is possible to also show a steering line (red) and a
slip line (orange) tied to the angle between the bike
yaw (the bike "direction") and the center of gravity
velocity vector direction. It is supposed to show
when the bike is moving sideways/drifting. The
min/max values for lean and steering are reset after
a crash.

.INI file parameters ([HUDLean] section):

● size: 0/1/2, for small/medium/large.
● show_background: 0/1/2 to hide/show the background/use a .tga for background.
● show_steer: 0/1 to hide/show the steering angle line (and its max values over a lap).
● show_slip: 0/1 to hide/show the “slip angle” line.
● _color_back: background color (unless the .tga is used).
● _steer_scale: scales the steer angle by this factor. Default value is 1.0, if set at 2.0,
a 5deg steering will appear as 10deg on the widget line.
● _slip_scale: same as previous, but for the “slip angle”.

Enables rumble on rumble-capable XInput devices. Rumble can be driven by different
● Magnitude of the acceleration of the vehicle CoG (filtered with a high-pass filtered)
● For GPB and MXB only: front/rear wheel overrun or underrun. Overrun is how
much (in %) the wheelspeed is bigger than the vehicle speed (CoG speed norm).
Underrun is how much (in %) the wheelspeed is smaller than the vehicle speed (CoG
speed norm).

No matter the source, the rumble is obtained as linear interpolation between point [min
driving value, min rumble strength] and point [max driving value, max rumble strength],
where rumble strengths are in interval [0.0 ... 1.0].

Each source can be “Off’ (not used) or sent to one of the two rumble motors (light or

.INI file parameters ([HUDRumble] section):

● show_widget: shows a widget with values of the sources and the rumble values sent
to the motors. This is only shown in testing sessions. It is meant to help fine-tune
the rumble parameters.
● xinput_device: cycles through the possible XInput devices. You have to select the
one you want to rumble.
● rumble_crashed: 0/1 to avoid/allow rumble when vehicle is crashed.
● rumble_cog_dest: 0/1/2 for off/heavy/light motor as destination.
● rumble_cog_mapidx: 0/1/2 to use map 0/1/2 for CoG-based rumble.
● rumble_f_underrun_dest: 0/1/2 for off/heavy/light motor as destination.
● rumble_f_underrun_mapidx: 0/1/2 to use map 0/1/2 for front-underrun-based
● rumble_r_underrun_dest: 0/1/2 for off/heavy/light motor as destination.
● rumble_r_underrun_mapidx: 0/1/2 to use map 0/1/2 for rear-underrun-based
● rumble_r_overrun_dest: 0/1/2 for off/heavy/light motor as destination.
● rumble_r_overrun_mapidx: 0/1/2 to use map 0/1/2 for rear-overrun-based rumble.
● _cogacc_rumble_map0/1/2, _tireslip_rumble_map0/1/2: each map is composed of 4
floats representing the two interpolation points translating the source value into a
rumble value: [min driving value, max driving value, min rumble strength, max
rumble strength]. E.g. for tire slip “{0.04,0.10,0.20,1.00}” means that at 4% slip
rumble will be at 20% and at 10% slip rumble will be at 100%. You can modify the
maps in the .ini file manually.

ECU [GPB only]:

3 indicators showing the current setting of Engine map, Traction Control (TC), Engine Brake
(EB) and Anti-Wheeling (AW). It also shows when TC, EB and AW are actually working by
highlighting the background and front/rear tyre temperatures (left/middle/right zones, in
Celsius), if the bike has temperature sensors.

.INI file parameters ([HUDSpeed] section):

● size: 0/1/2, for small/medium/large.
● show_background: 0/1/2 to hide/show the
background/use a .tga for background.
● _color_back: background color (unless the .tga is used).
v1.0.0 (2013/04/06):
● Initial version.

v1.0.1 (2013/04/07):
● Fixed a bug in Input widget (reported by PeterV/Warlock).
● Found a workaround for widgets default position in case of screens with different format (i.e. 4:3 vs 16:9 vs 16:10).
● Added a .pdf in the archive with the description of the widgets.

v1.0.2 (2013/04/08):
● Fixed a bug in LiveGap (mostly visible when playing online).
● Show plugin version in the menu.

v1.0.3 (2013/04/10):
● Fixed a bug in LiveGap, again !
● Max lean/steering angle over last lap.

v1.0.4 (2013/04/11):
● Improved LiveGap, should be more precise now.
● Possible to configure color and size of the speed widget (in .INI file).
● Minor layout change in speed widget.

v1.0.5 (2013/04/13):
● Fix bug in speed widget (ON even if previously disabled, reported by PeterV).
● Speed widget changes color in High RPMs.
● New widget with tiny timing infos.
● Better timing widgets (now current lap has running time).
● Some minor stuff.

v1.0.6 (2013/04/13):
● Fixed widget size problem on non 16:9 screens.
● Version number for .ini file (file will be backuped and rewritten if necessary).

v1.0.7 (2013/04/25):
● Independent LiveGap indicator.
● Colors can be customized (.INI file) for all the timing widgets, LiveGap and Fuel widget.
● Improved LiveGap computation: smoother (even using less points), also provides the ongoing lap time, solved some
issues with fake laps (invalid lap, crashing when crossing the line, etc).
● Added slip indicator in Lean widget (tentative, can be turned off).

v1.0.8 (2013/05/03):
● Speed widget:
○ Units Kmh or Mph (HUDSpeed__use_miles in .INI file).
○ 3 colors (depending on RPM): before shift point, above shift point and at limiter (or max RPM), configurable in
the .INI file.
● Added track map widget.
● Removed milliseconds from all the timing widgets.
● Minor changes to fuel widget (colors).
● Some improvements on LiveGap (handling tricky situations).
v1.0.8b (2013/05/06):
● Fix problem when not running as admin.

v1.0.9 (2013/05/23):
● Better HUDMap (using track centerline and showing finish line, split lines and speed traps).
● Improved LiveGap (less flickering).

v1.1.0 (2013/05/28):
● Added option to downsample HUDLiveGap updates.
● Added optional loggig (to investigate freeze/lag reports).

v1.1.0b (2013/06/02):
● Fix silly bug causing lag/freezes (hopefully).

v1.2.0 (2013/12/15):
● Updates for beta4, no functional changes.

v1.3.0 (2014/01/02):
● Centerline passed to plugin from beta4: no need to have .tcl files at hand.
● Left Shift is also allowed (instead of right mouse button) to drag widgets around: it seems dragging with right mouse
button clicked is not possible on Apple trackpads ...

v1.3.1 (2014/01/05):
● Fix for a strange behavior of WritePrivateProfileString (when “compatibility=0” in core.ini, _szSavePath is empty).

v1.4.0 (2014/01/12):
● Improvements in Map widget. Roadbook mode could be useful for long tracks.

v1.5.0 (2014/01/14):
● Make it work for both GPB and WRS. Install procedure changed.

v1.5.1 (2014/01/14):
● Fix WRS issues in Timing and Map widget (WRS has only 3 time sectors, GPB 4).

v1.6.0 (2014/01/18):
● Fix Inputs widget bad labels (handbrake for GPB).
● Settings are no longer bike/car specific.
● Some settings are accessible via the menu.
● Helmet widget (replaces MaxHelmet plugin).
● Made most widgets scalable.
● Single Timing widget (with 3 modes).
● Changed layout of Timing widget.

v1.6.1 (2014/01/29):
● Fix bug in HUDMap (not showing the map in the right position sometimes).

v1.6.2 (2014/02/18):
● Fix bug in HUDMap introduced with v1.6.1.

v1.6.3 (2014/03/03):
● Fix bug in HUDTiming (uninitialized string showing garbage sometimes, reported by PeterV/Warlock).
v1.6.4 (2014/05/26):
● Allow to hide speed indicator (keeping gear only, HUDSpeed__hide_speed in .ini).
● Allow to show Lap/Split events (notify_events in .ini). Intended for debug only, off by default.
● Better lap numbering (trying to match GPB/WRS numbering).
● Improvement in handling of messy cases (out of pits lap, crashed crossings), in HUDTiming/LiveGap.
● Better finish line marker on HUDMap.

v1.7.0 (2014/05/29):
● Now working for Kart Racing Pro too.

v1.8.0 (2014/06/21):
● Updated for GP Bikes beta5.

v1.8.1 (2014/09/08):
● Updated for World Racing Series beta5.

v1.9.0 (2014/09/29):
● LiveGapBar replaces LiveGap (Klax75 suggestion, similar to iRacing indicator).
● Plugin rate bumped at 50Hz (from 20Hz): shouldn’t be a problem and make everything smoother.
● Widgets cannot be moved out of the screen.
● Widgets cannot be moved if they are not enabled.
● Interpolated colors in HUDInputs (just eye candy).
● Some default sizes are slightly changed.
● .ini file structure modified (one section per widget + global section).
● .ini file version bumped to 7: you will lose your plugin settings as they will be reset to defaults.

v1.9.1 (2014/10/01):
● Fix a bunch of bugs in LiveGapBar (I must have been very drunk).

v1.9.2 (2014/10/01):
● Now working for MX Bikes too (no changes for other versions).

v1.9.3 (2014/10/01):
● Bug fixed: MXB has only 2 sector times, not 3. Doh !

v1.9.4 (2014/10/29):
● Update for GPB beta6/6b (no changes for MXB, KRP and WRS).

v1.9.5 (2015/01/03):
● Update for KRP beta12 (no changes for MXB, KRP and WRS).

v1.9.6 (2015/05/24):
● New helmet for MXB, thanks to TheFatController.
● When pit limiter is used (GPB and WRS only), the gear indicator now turns into a ‘L’ and the input bar for throttle changes
● Fixed the documentation.

v1.9.7 (2015/05/26):
● Changes for WRS beta6 (no changes for GPB, KRP and MXB).

v1.9.8 (2015/07/04):
● Added steering bar in Inputs widget. Added Joypad widget. A bunch of other minor changes. Will reset the .ini file to its
v1.9.9 (2015/07/18):
● Added HUDRumble to enable rumble on XInput devices.
● For GPB/MXB, HUDInputs now show the “lean input” and the steering angle.

v1.9.9b (2015/07/28):
● Improved HUDRumble: acceleration-based rumble, no need for “fake” gear shift rumble.
● Improved handling of settings file (MaxHUD.ini): sorry, but it will overwrite your current one (will have to re-configure
everything). In the future, it will happen less often thanks to the improvements in this release.
● Logging to MaxHUD.log is always now on (tiny file, no impact).

v1.9.9c (2015/07/29):
● Updated for KRP beta14.
● Fix bug: MaxHUD.log was never erased (hence growing over time). Now it’s erased at startup.
● Fix bug: starting the game and exiting right after (i.e. without going to track) was messing up the MaxHUD.ini file (possible
loss of parameters).

v1.9.9d (2015/0/8/02):
● Sort out some issues with saving options in .ini file (hopefully).

v1.9.9e (2015/10/20):
● Updated for WRS beta7.
● HUDSpeed has option to show background (color in .ini file).

v1.9.9f (2015/10/29):
● Updated for GPB beta7.

v1.9.9g (2015/10/31):
● Fix bug leading to crash (when going to replay immediately after connecting).

v2.0.0 (2016/03/04):
● Updates for WRS beta8 and GPB beta8 (no changes essentially).
● Updates for MXB beta4
● HUDMap now shows also the other vehicles on track (and the race numbers).
● New widget HUDRadar.
● HUDHelmet: option to have the helmet rotating with the bike lean.

v2.0.1 (2016/07/13):
● HUDStandings: show current standings and gaps.
● HUDHelment: option to inverse rotation.
● HUDRadar:
○ Markers are shown only if distance is within range and track-distance (distance along track) is in range too.
○ Option to fade flying markers when in FOV (configurable FOV).
○ Maximum 4 simultaneous markers shown (the 4 closest ones).
● HUDSupsensions: option to show raw values (and reference point height).
● HUDLean: simplified, removed steering angle indicators.
● Minor changes to default colors, sizes and positions.

V2.0.2 (2016/08/22)
● HUDLean: steering line added back again.
● Added option to hide/show background to widgets that were missing it.
● Fixed nasty bug in HUDMap.
● HUDSpeed now also works in replay and spectating mode.
● HUDSpeed now also shows throttle and brake (brake won’t show in live/saved replays as not passed by the sim).
● Random fixes here and there.
V2.0.3 (2016/09/06)
● Does not work with MXB beta4,
● Update to KRP beta15, WRS beta9, GPB beta9.
● HUDMap: better centerline approximation (more segments when needed).
● HUDMap now available also in replay and spectating mode.
● HUDStandings now available also in spectating mode.
● HUDStandings option to show player race number, name or alternate between the two.
● HUDInputs: minor changes.
● HUDSpeed showing throttle, brake and gear also in replays: now works in GPB (but gear not yet passed by KRP/ MXB).
● Various improvements to HUDStandings (session type/time, etc).

V2.0.4 (2016/10/08)
● Does not work with MXB beta4,
● Fix HUDRadar bug (likely introduced with v2.0.3).
● Workaround for GPB/WRS bug (SessionState not going to in-progress after semaphore).

V2.0.5 (2016/12/29)
● Updated for MXB beta5.
● Allow to change the fonts.
● Use fixed font (monospaced) where it makes sense (e.g. HUDTiming).
● Better looking HUDMenu.

V2.0.5b (2016/12/30)
● Fix bug (HUDLean not showing in menu).

V2.0.6 (2017/02/16)
● Notify when .ini is recreated (due to new version of .ini format).
● v2.0.6 will recreate your .ini, you’ll have to redo all the HUD settings. Sorry :)
● Introduce profiles: you can set widget on/off status, position and options for each profile independently. Click on the small
helmet button (top right of the menu) to change the current profile. For example, you could set:
○ profile 1: all widgets off
○ profile 2: HUDMap an HUDHelmet on, HUDMap rotation off
○ profile 3: HUDMap an HUDHelmet on, HUDMap rotation on
● By default, the position of each widget is the same across the profiles. If you need a per profile position, click on the “pin”
icon of the widget.
● Improved LiveGap: should give more precise timing.
● Changes in HUDRumble: on top of the ruble strength and threshold, now you can specify a rumble range.
○ When the magnitude of the (high-pass filtered) CoG acceleration vector is below or equal to the threshold, the
rumble speed is zero (i.e. no rumble).
○ When it’s equal to (threshold + range) then the rumble speed is maximal.
○ In between the two points, it’s linear interpolation.
Said otherwise:
○ A lower threshold will make the rumble happen earlier (more often).
○ A lover range will make the rumble become stronger earlier.
○ The max strength is still controlled by the strength option.

V2.0.6a (2017/02/17)
● Changes for GPB beta11 and WRS beta11.
● No changes for KRP and MXB.

V2.0.6b (2017/02/19)
● Fix a bug (some widget’s positions were not saved). Reported by PeterV.
V2.0.7 (2017/03/16)
● Updated for KRP beta16 and MXB beta6.
● Show “Rumble if crashed” option in HUDRumbe only for GPB and MXB.

V2.0.7b (2017/03/17)
● Fix for invalid laps (MXB and KRP only).

V2.0.8 (2017/06/19)
● HUDSuspensions: warning sign when suspension is bottoming out + configurable threshold (not for KRP of course).
● HUDMap: cosmetic changes (lines for finish/trap/split points, plus arrow for track direction).
● HUDJoypad: cosmetic changes.
● HUDRadar: cosmetic changes (flying markers are now triangular).
● HUDHelmet: rotation factor has now finer settings (10deg steps). You’ll need to redo all the settings of this widget.

V2.0.9 (2018/01/23)
● Updated for GPB beta 13.
● New HUDECU: shows when TC, EB and AW kicks in (GPB only).

V2.1.0 (2018/06/16)
● Updated for MXB beta 8: first x64 release of PiBoSo sims !!
● Files renamed to:
○ MaxHUD_GPB32.dlo
○ MaxHUD_MXB64.dlo
○ MaxHUD_WRS32.dlo
○ MaxHUD_KRP32.dlo

V2.1.1 (2018/07/16)
● Updated for GPB beta14 and WRS beta13 (both are now x64).!
● Files renamed to:
○ MaxHUD_GPB64.dlo
○ MaxHUD_MXB64.dlo
○ MaxHUD_WRS64.dlo
○ MaxHUD_KRP32.dlo

V2.1.2 (2018/08/29)
● Updated for MXB beta 9.

V2.1.3 (2019/04/11)
● Update for KRP release 8: it’s now an x64 app !
● Try to prevent rumble staying on in some conditions (thanks to TFC for reporting).
● Fix names of Session & SessionState (was very broken in MXB).

V2.1.4 (2019/05/08)
● Improved HUDECU (GPB only).

V2.1.5 (2019/08/18)
● Changes for MXB beta11 (reference UI is now 16:9).
● Avoid widgets outside the screen (when loading .ini)
● Change default background color for HUDSpeed.

V2.1.6 (2019/09/11)
● Changes for GPB beta16.
V2.1.7 (2020/01/03)
● Changes for KRP beta10 (reference UI is now 16:9).
● GPB only: option in HUDInputs to show either “throttle” or “engine throttle”: “throttle” is what comes out of your input
device, “engine throttle” is what goes into the engine (i.e. corrected buy the ECU with idle control, traction control, anti
wheeling and rev limiter).

V2.1.8 (2020/01/23)
● HUDTiming: LiveGap now shows only one livegap (the one from Windows timer, as the game’s own timing passed to the
output plugins drifts away over laps).
● Change LiveTiming due to a bug discovered in MXB (see Should
have no impact (aside mitigating the MXB bug).

V2.2.0 (2020/05/06)
● All the widgets that had the option to show or not a background can now also use a .tga file as background. Click on the
menu option to know the file name each widget is expecting (in MaxHUD_data folder).
● HUDMap: Improved track drawing. Now plots a border along the track. Width and color of track and border can be
configured. Track width and track border width have a “fixed screen size” option. Warning: widget configuration will be
● HUDStandings: some cosmetic rework. Warning: widget configuration will be reset.
● Fixed some scaling/aspect ratio bugs.
● Some cosmetic changes all around.

V2.2.1 (2020/08/11)
● Reduced by 50% the number of quads used by HUDMap: fps impact of MaxHUD should be lowered (especially on long
tracks / low-spec systems).
● All timings can now display longer times / gaps.
● HUDLiveGapBar has now more options for its scale (can be longer, for veeery long tracks).

V2.2.2 (2020/12/26)
● Changes for GPB beta19.
● Widgets in menu are now sorted alphabetically.
● Changed default track & border width in HUDMap to “fixed screen size”.

V2.2.3 (2020/12/30)
● Removed fixed font AsapBold as not truly fixed.
● GPB only: ECU widget now also shows tyres temperatures (when bike allows it).

V2.2.3 (2021/09/27)
● .ini file version change: will lose all settings.
● Minor cosmetic changes: widgets options with fixed font and better aligned.
● HUDRumble rework:
○ 2 possible sources: CoG acceleration (norm filtered by highpass) or rear tyre overrun (how much faster is the
rear tyre spinning compared to CoG velocity norm).
○ Each source has 2 extreme points between which the values are interpolated.
○ Each source can be associated with each rumble motor.

V2.2.5 (2021/12/19)
● Updates for GPB beta20 (only, no changes for MXB, WRS and KRP).

V2.2.6 (2022/02/06)
● Updates for MXB beta17.
● New HUDRumble: this will overwrite your previous rumble settings. You need to reconfigure the settings (at least
associate the right XInput device).

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