Week 10 Lab Directions

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Before you get started, make sure you download the pdf for the lab handout for

Week 10.

Please use the following link to access the interactive for this week’s lab.

You will move through the interactive and answer ALL the questions in the interactive as well as
the module review sections. As you move through the interactive, you should also answer the
questions on the handout. Once you have finished the interactive, you should answer the final
questions on the lab handout.

When you get to the link for the interactive, you may see this image

If you are not continuing your previous work, then press cancel so the interactive will start from
the beginning.

The opening window will look like this.

Follow the directions as you move through the interactive. You will also be answering questions
on your worksheet in addition to the questions embedded in the interactive. You must answer
all of the questions in the interactive, including the review sets of questions.

At the end of the interactive there is a tab at the top titled “progress”. You should print that
page. From your print screen, save as a pdf. You will turn that in on Canvas. There is another
assignment listed in the Week 10 folder for the handout. You will turn in your handout for that
assignment. You don’t need to physically print out anything if you choose not do to so. If you
have an app that allows you to write directly on the handout for lab then you can do all of this
digitally. If you choose to print out the handout posted in the Week 10 folder, then you can
take photos of the handout and submit those.
There is also a save/resume tab. From this tab you can send your work to your google drive and
save it there and then submit to the assignment on Canvas. Please do not put links to your drive
for your submissions.

A few hints. When you are looking at the photos in Module 1, pay attention to the time on the
photo, the organism, and whether they are standing in grass or standing near trees/bushes.
Grazer is a designation given to things that eat grass, browser is the designation for things that
eat leaves from shrubs or trees.

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